I'm honored to have been elected for another term as Dept of California state chaplain.   I can be reached at
Chaplain Frank Correa
Convention Chaplains class The PowerPoints and link to 'dashboard reporting for chaplains" has been emailed to those that signed up for them at the class. If you didn't receive them or would like to get the materials please email me
Dashboard Reporting for Chaplains training video
There is a new option for veterans who prefer burial in private cemetery or personal urn retention by family by the VA starting June 1st.
Archives of Chaplains training
Link Select blue "Training" tab and then select the link for the video or PowerPoint you want to see.
Comrade Chaplains,
Here's the link to the YouTube video for the Ethics and VFW Ritual training:
It's also on our web page:
Here's the link for the updated Chaplain's Handbook:   Dated March 2024

*** Monthly Chaplains training class on the 3rd Thursday of most months. [off during Jun-Aug and Dec   To be placed on the notification list to get a reminder and Zoom link please email past National Chaplain Peter Hook at   Peter also sends periodic resources for chaplains that are very valuable. 

 Date and Time:   Training sessions will be held every month on the Thursday, 17:30 Pacific time

The content varies each month and is well worth your time. It’s a fantastic resource for training and equipping all our chaplains.


VFW Chaplain's Training:   "Suicide Awareness" by Guest Speaker; Certified Trauma Training Specialist (CTTS) and a Loss & Grief Specialist, Chaplain Ron RIngo

The Suicide Prevention Training Zoom session is now live on YouTube:  It's also under the Training tab on the VFW National Chaplain web page:

CA POST CHAPLAINS Basic  Training  (Link to PowerPoint) Covers the most importantly basics such  as where to find resources and all the training opportunities available. Plus how and why to enter chaplain reports into the Dept website dashboard. Ill teach you how to enter reports.   

Chaplains Basic Training Video link

CA District Chaplains Training Meeting PowerPoint  from Aug 30th Please share with all your chaplains. There are a lot of great resources for chaplains here.  A special thank you to newly elected National Chaplain Dave Frei for joining and supporting us.

Please check our or CA chaplain page on Facebook   VFW Dept of CA State Chaplain 
Please check out our National Chaplain's Page (its hosted on the Cootie Site)

National Online Reporting System

District and Department Chaplain of the year awards   Due Feb 1 to Dept Chaplain.
Chaplain of the Year nomination instructions -  Due March 1st to National Chaplain

 Chaplain's Handbook       March 2024 Revision*
Chaplain's Resource Manual
Resources for Chaplains   ** Excellent list of Chaplain resources
Various Prayers for 9-11 Remembrance
We shall Never Forget
 Remembrance Ceremony
Graveside Service basic template
Additional sites with useful reference materials   includes duties of chaplains