VA Volunteer Service


PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Visiting the sick, whether they are in community hospitals, veterans’ hospitals, convalescent hospitals, rest homes or individuals recuperating at his or her own residence should be a prime objective of all members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.


Since the VA's Voluntary Service (VAVS) program's inception in 1946, our members and supporters have been volunteering their time at VA medical facilities nationwide, donating hundreds of thousands of service hours annually and providing much needed support and companionship to our nation’s heroes and their families.

Making the decision to volunteer and donate your personal time to our nation's heroes while they are receiving care at a VA facility is an amazing way to give back and thank those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom.  Everyone can help make a difference to a veteran and volunteering through our service program makes it easy!

The VFW VA Voluntary Service program offers a unique level of support and experience that only an organization with a strong service history like ours can provide. From experienced VFW mentors with a clear understanding of VA infrastructure and providing the support you need, to national recognition for volunteer accomplishments and dedication, we're here to ensure sure you get the most out of your volunteer service experience.

With over 6,000 regular volunteers at over 150 health care facilities, our volunteer representatives perform a vital role at VA health care facilities nationwide. We can help identify volunteer opportunities that align with your interests, such as sports and recreation, social work, arts and music, personal assistance, writing, chapel services, companionship, transportation, and escort services and so much more.


EVENTS:  The Department of California will work on coordinating regional events for our sick, infirmed, and convalescing comrades.  These events may be in cooperation with current long-standing, annual events.  For example, the VFW Yountville Veterans Home picnic. 


DEADLINES: There are no deadlines for this program.




ALL-STATE REQUIREMENTS:  Districts and Posts must make the mandatory program donation.  Post reports for this program count towards the Community Service requirement.



 Kenny Lindberg




