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 POST 0  2/22/2025   Community Service    Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Organized and participated in District Membership Telethon.  
 Post 0 Total 2 30 2 $0.00 $102.96 $102.96
 POST 1512  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   30   1   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Post Surgeon and Auxiliary member participated in the Coronado 4th of July Parade  
 POST 1512  7/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   32   1   $0.00   $152.62   $152.62   A Comrade collected, sorted and delivered lightly used women's clothing to San Diego's Rachels Women Shelter.  
 POST 1512  7/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   32   1   $0.00   $152.62   $152.62   A Comrade collected, sorted and delivered lightly used women's clothing to San Diego's Rachels Women Shelter.  
 POST 1512  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   12   2   $0.00   $199.20   $199.20   2 Comrades represented VFW Post 1512 distributing food at the Lemon Grove Food Bank for those residents that are economically challenged.  
 POST 1512  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Commander, QM, Surgeon, and Judge Advocate attended the celebration of Life for W.J. Brunner (RMCM) at Post 2082. Brunner was a veteran when it came to anything for a veteran.  
 POST 1512  7/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits    1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted the daughter of an Air Force Veteran with the information necessary to obtain "Military Honors for her father's funeral after the funeral home handling the services told her she needed to pay $1,800.00 by July 31, 2024, for Military Honors. I will do a follow-up.  
 POST 1512  8/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   24   327   1   $0.00   $638.34   $638.34   Commander went to Phoenix to check on a 1512 Auxiliary member, Past Dept President who recently moved to that area and was recovering from a recent life altering surgery.  
 POST 1512  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 1512  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Commander assisted 2 recently separated E4 and E5 that are trying to navigate the VA medical system and VA claims process. Explained their benefits to them and referred them to the county veterans service officer.  
 POST 1512  8/10/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   6   16   1   $0.00   $150.38   $150.38   The Post Surgeon participated in VVSD Stand Down, procuring, preparing, and serving food to the homeless adults and children of San Diego and surrounding cities. The district / Post. The past auxiliary president assisted.  
 POST 1512  8/10/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   6   16   1   $0.00   $150.38   $150.38   Procured, delivered, and helped prepare and serve food to 170 participants at the VVSD Stand Down. The Past District and Post Auxiliary President assisted.  
 POST 1512  8/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   VFW Post 1512 let the CPO mess from the USS Santa Barbara use the parking lot, electricity and water to hold a car wash fundraiser for the Chiefs mess..  
 POST 1512  8/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Volunteered for VFW Post 1512 at the Lemon Grove Food Bank distributing food to those residents that are economically challenged.  
 POST 1512  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted a veteran with information on how to upgrade his disability ruling and informed him of the VSO that could help.  
 POST 1512  10/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $200.00   $24.69   $224.69   Placed an order with the VFW Store for 150 Backpacks to be stuffed and handed out to Hospitalized Veterans at the VAMC in La Joll and VA Aspire Center in Old Town.  
 POST 1512  10/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   7   2   $0.00   $247.88   $247.88   2 Comrades worked at the Lemon Grove Food Bank distributing food to community members that are financially challenged.  
 POST 1512  10/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   27   1   $0.00   $77.85   $77.85   The Commander met with SDPD and Wounded Warriors about presenting a Veterans Benefits seminar to the veterans of the SDPD. A partnership was formed and the seminar scheduled for Nov 19th.  
 POST 1512  10/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   The Commander contacted the San Diego County Veteran Services Office and made arrangements with them to supply one of their VSOs to help support the 11/19 SDPD veterans benefit seminar  
 POST 1512  10/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   The Commander had a TEAMS meeting with the SDPD about providing support for their Thanksgiving Turkey give away and the Christmas in the Park which will provide local community members in financial distress with the ability to provide for their families on both holidays.  
 POST 1512  10/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   The Post surgeon ordered, picked up, and delivered the wreath and participated in the 23rd Annual VFW Cole wreath Lay Ceremony at Mt. Hope Cemetery in remembrance of SN Lakiba Palmes and sixteen other crewmembers killed in a terrorist bombing of their ship in the Port of Aden. on 10/12/2000.  
 POST 1512  10/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   11   0   1   $0.00   $271.59   $271.59   A Comrade was present to assist the S.D. County Registrar of Voters to set up a Voting polling station at VFW Post 1512.  
 POST 1512  10/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   0   1   $8,100.00   $24.69   $8,124.69   An auxiliary member that required bypass heart surgery to live. Post 1512 voted to present a check from Relief funds for $8,100 to cover members Co-Pay so that she could have her surgery. Member is still in the hospital however; surgery was a success.  
 POST 1512  10/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   11   0   1   $0.00   $271.59   $271.59   A Comrade was present to assist the S.D. County Registrar of Voters while operating their Polling station at the Post in case of any needs, provide access to the rest room and resolve any facility issues.  
 POST 1512  10/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   11   0   1   $0.00   $271.59   $271.59   A Comrade was present to assist the S.D. County Registrar of Voters while operating their Polling station at the Post in case of any needs, provide access to the rest room and resolve any facility issues.  
 POST 1512  10/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   11   0   1   $0.00   $271.59   $271.59   A Comrade was present to assist the S.D. County Registrar of Voters while operating their Polling station at the Post in case of any needs, provide access to the rest room and resolve any facility issues.  
 POST 1512  10/29/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   The Commander reviewed the LE package submitted to the Post, signed the endorsement and submitted to the district's chairman. Contacted the Precinct that the winner works in to schedule the award presentation in December. 
 POST 1512  10/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   11   0   1   $0.00   $271.59   $271.59   A Comrade was present to assist the S.D. County Registrar of Voters while operating their Polling station at the Post in case of any needs, provide access to the rest room and resolve any facility issues.  
 POST 1512  10/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   11   0   1   $0.00   $271.59   $271.59   A Comrade was present to assist the S.D. County Registrar of Voters while operating their Polling station at the Post in case of any needs, provide access to the rest room and resolve any facility issues.  
 POST 1512  10/31/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   1   $225.00   $24.69   $249.69   Commander reviewed and selected the Post's Voice of Democracy winner from 2 candidates. Winner submitted to District Chairman 
 POST 1512  11/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   11   0   1   $0.00   $271.59   $271.59   A Comrade was present to assist the S.D. County Registrar of Voters while operating their Polling station at the Post in case of any needs, provide access to the rest room and resolve any facility issues.  
 POST 1512  11/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   11   0   1   $0.00   $271.59   $271.59   A Comrade was present to assist the S.D. County Registrar of Voters while operating their Polling station at the Post in case of any needs, provide access to the rest room and resolve any facility issues.  
 POST 1512  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 1512  11/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   A Comrade was present to assist the S.D. County Registrar of Voters while operating their Polling station at the Post in case of any needs, provide access to the rest room and resolve any facility issues.  
 POST 1512  11/4/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Patriots Pen package reviewed and prepped for submission to the District Competition.  
 POST 1512  11/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Commander attended a partnership meeting with SDPD, Wounded Warrior Project and SD County VSO member to go over the presentation material that will be presented to the veterans in the SDPD on 11/19.  
 POST 1512  11/11/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   2   0   2   $300.00   $98.76   $398.76   Post provided funds for bus transportation for the Mt Miguel H.S. Army JROTC to participate in the 2024 San Diego Veterans Day Parade 
 POST 1512  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Commander attended the City of Santee's Veterans Memorial Monument Veteran's Day Ceremony and with banner walk through. 
 POST 1512  11/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   17   1   $0.00   $76.45   $76.45   The Commander in partnership with the County of San Diego's SVO and the Wounded Warrior Project presented the veterans on the SDPD with a Veteran's Benefits Brief. It was so successful that SDPD wants to do another one in March/April time frame. 
 POST 1512  11/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   38   2   $600.00   $54.70   $654.70   Commander and Quartermaster purchased 23 turkeys and sides for the Thanksgiving Dinner giveaway in partnership with the SDPD 
 POST 1512  11/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   The Commander assemble the 23 Turkey and sides for the SDPD Turkey Dinner giveaway. 
 POST 1512  11/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   17   3   $0.00   $298.66   $298.66   The Commander and 2 comrades participated in the SDPD Turkey Giveaway. Helped unload delivery vehicles, set up tables, distribute the food to Active duty members and community members. A total of 180 meals were donated. 
 POST 1512  12/4/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   2   6   1   $200.00   $50.22   $250.22   The Post Surgeon (JROTC) Chairman presented Mount Miguel H.S. Army JROTC with four fifty-dollar gift cards for the cadets. 
 POST 1512  12/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   55   1   $250.00   $81.77   $331.77   Post Surgeon/Dep VAVS assisted with filling the 150 backpacks provided to the VAMC La Jolla by VFW District One for the hospitalized Veterans who will not be able to go home at Christmas.  
 POST 1512  12/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   15   1   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Post Surgeon/Deputy VAVS Rep delivered one hundred one-day bus passes to VA Aspire Center in Old Town for the patient's use. The value of the passes was seven hundred dollars.  
 POST 1512  2/1/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Post Surgeon and District Adj/QM arranged for the Department Commander to assist in preparing a meal for San Diego's homeless at Father Joe's.  
 Post 1512 Total 208 657 55 $9,900.00 $5,968.20 $15,868.20
 POST 1513  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   3   5   $0.00   $494.22   $494.22   Posted to colors and gave a speech about the VFW at the local Independence day celebration.  
 POST 1513  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 1513  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   Attended a homes for our troops ceremony for a Navy veteran receiving a special adaptive home. 
 POST 1513  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   6   26   8   $1,000.00   $1,188.76   $2,188.76   Cooked for the Marines, Sailors and families of Combat Logistics Battalion - 15 for their deployment homecoming 
 POST 1513  8/10/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   4   39   2   $0.00   $202.98   $202.98   Helped served meals on behalf of District 1 for the Veterans Village San Diego Stand Down 
 POST 1513  8/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   7   20   4   $1,800.00   $694.12   $2,494.12   Donated and participated in a charity golf tournament to benefit wounded warriors 
 POST 1513  10/14/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   12   3   $0.00   $594.24   $594.24   Participated in North County Veterans Stand Down set up. 
 POST 1513  10/15/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   12   3   $0.00   $594.24   $594.24   Participated in North County Veterans Stand Down set up. 
 POST 1513  10/16/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   12   4   $0.00   $791.76   $791.76   Participated in North County Veterans Stand Down set up. 
 POST 1513  10/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   5   26   5   $1,000.00   $620.89   $1,620.89   Cooked for the Marines, Sailors and families of Combat Logistics Battalion - 15 for their deployment homecoming  
 POST 1513  10/17/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   14   12   11   $1,000.00   $3,803.94   $4,803.94   Participated in North County Veterans Stand Down 
 POST 1513  10/18/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   14   12   11   $0.00   $3,803.94   $3,803.94   Participated in North County Veterans Stand Down  
 POST 1513  10/19/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   14   12   11   $0.00   $3,803.94   $3,803.94   Participated in North County Veterans Stand Down  
 POST 1513  10/20/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   7   12   11   $0.00   $1,902.81   $1,902.81   Participated in North County Veterans Stand Down  
 POST 1513  10/26/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   3   4   $300.00   $296.70   $596.70   Participated in the Escondido Trunk or Treat and had a table to discuss membership with the local veterans 
 POST 1513  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 1513  11/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   3   3   $0.00   $148.56   $148.56   Visited a 99 year old Marine Veteran at an assisted living center and held a Marine Corps birthday celebration. 
 POST 1513  11/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   6   26   4   $1,000.00   $596.20   $1,596.20   Cooked for the Marines, Sailors and families of Combat Logistics Battalion - 15 for their deployment homecoming 
 Post 1513 Total 115 240 94 $6,125.00 $19,810.29 $25,935.29
 POST 1774  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 1774  8/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   5   4   $250.00   $296.98   $546.98   Supporting feeding the flock non profit organization. Helping serve food at their fundraiser.  
 POST 1774  9/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   7   1   $0.00   $25.67   $25.67   Attended La Mesa Spring Valley Educational Foundation meeting to promote Voice of Democracy.  
 POST 1774  9/6/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Promoted Voice of Democracy to Helix High School  
 POST 1774  9/10/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Attended Monte Vista PTSA Meeting to promote Voice of Democracy. And acquire POC for applications  
 POST 1774  9/11/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Delivered Voice of Democracy applications to Monte Vista HS. Spoke with Mr Hernandez.  
 POST 1774  10/17/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   8   1   $0.00   $50.50   $50.50   Attended Helix High School PTSA meeting. Promoted Voice of Democracy Scholarship.  
 POST 1774  11/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   0   12   $1,000.00   $888.84   $1,888.84   Free Burger Burn 2 hours dedicated all donations to Honor Flight. $1000.00 donated  
 POST 1774  11/11/2024   Legislative Advocacy   National   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Hosted US Representative Sarah Jacob at VFW 1774 Burger Burn on Veterans Day. Advocated for Veteran's programs.  
 POST 1774  11/25/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   6   $100.00   $148.14   $248.14   Convened to decide Voice of Democracy participant benefit. Forwarded selectee to District.  
 POST 1774  12/14/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   5   1   3   $55.00   $370.49   $425.49   Staffed VFW Booth at La Mesa Holiday in the Village event. Promoted Scouting Troop 51 with Scouts from Troop 51. Games and freebees for kids.  
 POST 1774  12/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   1   3   $75.00   $222.35   $297.35   Membership drive at La Mesa Holiday in the Village Event. 5:30pm-8;30pm.  
 POST 1774  12/14/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   1   3   $0.00   $74.21   $74.21   Buddy poppy Drive during La Mesa Holiday in the Village event. 4:30-5:30 PM.  
 POST 1774  12/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   1   3   $250.00   $222.35   $472.35   Sponsored VFW booth during the La Mesa Holiday in the Village event. Setup 10am-12 pm. Cleanup 8:30pm to 9:30pm.  
 POST 1774  1/7/2025   Youth Development    JROTC   1   0   3   $244.00   $74.07   $318.07   Met to coordinated thank you recognition dinner and challenge coin awards for JROTC volunteers  
 POST 1774  1/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Initial coordination with City of La Mesa requesting permission for flags to be placed along University avenue during Military days of remembrance. 
 POST 1774  1/14/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Collected Scout of the Year Application. Met with Scout and Parent.  
 POST 1774  1/20/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   2   0   5   $110.00   $246.90   $356.90   Hosted JROTC thank you dinner for Veterans Day volunteers. 
 POST 1774  1/20/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   1   0   3   $110.00   $74.07   $184.07   Hosted Eagle Scout Honoree. 
 POST 1774  2/2/2025   Youth Development   Other   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Picked up and attended training for Boys State on behalf of the Legion.  
 Post 1774 Total 36 44 57 $2,204.00 $2,993.65 $5,197.65
 POST 1924  7/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   11   7   4   $70.00   $1,087.27   $1,157.27   Put and took down American Flags along Main Ave Downtown Fallbrook, CA in honor of The 4th of July holiday  
 POST 1924  7/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted  comrade with his Pac Act and VA resubmission. SNV is currently 10% VA Rated however is in need of reassessment due to Pac Act. He is a Gulf War Veteran.  
 POST 1924  7/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   2   18   2   $2,000.00   $101.28   $2,101.28   Attended adopted unit 7th ESB Change of Command. Presented Command with $2000.00 MAP Grant for upcoming unit function  
 POST 1924  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims and Benefits    1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided David Verdoorn, former Marine Combat Engineer, Current Active California Army National Guard member counseling for service-related conditions tied to service in Iraq. Sent him the PACT ACT information along with the Burn Pit Registry. Recommended he start gathering all supporting documents and ensuring his medical record is accurate prior to submitting his intent to file.  
 POST 1924  7/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   16   2   $0.00   $249.14   $249.14   Members participated in landscaping event for Homes for Our Troops in Fallbrook, CA.  
 POST 1924  7/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Member participated in landscaping event for Homes for Our Troops in Fallbrook, CA.  
 POST 1924  8/2/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   18   1   $0.00   $27.21   $27.21   One-member manned a Buddy Poppy station during the annual 7th Engineer Support Battalion Beach Bash event. Time includes preparation, set up, and tear down.  
 POST 1924  8/2/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   20   2   $0.00   $348.46   $348.46   Conducted a membership drive during the 7th Engineer Support Battalion annual Beach Bash event. One Live Membership application on site. Additional Marines showed interest in visiting Post. Some current members reengaged who have not been active participants.  
 POST 1924  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 1924  8/12/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   The Post maintains three flag disposal boxes in the town of Fallbrook. The boxes were full and could not receive any additional flags. One of the members emptied all three boxes, transported the flags to the Post, and stored the flags in our flag shed until we schedule our next retirement event.  
 POST 1924  8/13/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   1   0   2   $550.00   $49.38   $599.38   Sponsored BSA Troop 731 requested support to replace camping equipment in unrepairable condition, Post donated the needed $550.00 .  
 POST 1924  8/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   5   2   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   The Post 1924 Commander and Senior Vice Commander participated in a Veterans Days Parade and Ceremony planning meeting with the Fallbrook Cahmber of Commerce and other community members.  
 POST 1924  8/17/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   5   22   1   $0.00   $126.53   $126.53   One member and one community volunteer conducted a flag retirement event. Flags had been collected from the community and placed into storage at the Post. Today's effort successfully retired the majority of the flags that had been collected. The local fire department and community were notified of this event as a courtesy regarding smoke in the area.  
 POST 1924  8/24/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   5   22   1   $0.00   $126.53   $126.53   One member and one community volunteer conducted a flag retirement event. Flags had been collected from the community and placed into storage at the Post. Today's effort successfully retired the remainder of the flags that had been collected. The local fire department and community were notified of this event as a courtesy regarding smoke in the area.  
 POST 1924  8/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   The Post Chaplain conducted a member wellness check at an assisted living facility.  
 POST 1924  9/7/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   5   22   1   $0.00   $126.53   $126.53   One member and one community volunteer conducted a flag retirement event. Flags had previously been collected from the local community and placed into storage at the Post. The local fire department and community were notified of this event as a courtesy regarding smoke in the area.  
 POST 1924  9/12/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   22   3   $0.00   $77.15   $77.15   Three members removed the American flags along Main Ave and returned these to storage. The flags had been placed by the Post in recognition of Veterans Day and for remembrance of 9/11.  
 POST 1924  9/21/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   22   1   $0.00   $27.77   $27.77   The Post maintains three flag disposal boxes in the town of Fallbrook. One of our members emptied all three boxes, transported the flags to the Post, and stored the flags in our flag shed until we schedule our next retirement event.  
 POST 1924  9/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted Jeff Walker with mentorship on starting his VA Claim. Jeff is a Marine Veteran. We discussed Records request, Nexus Letters, and the VA Forms needed to start his claim. He is in the document gathering phase and once ready we will meet and go over his paperwork.  
 POST 1924  10/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   65   1   $0.00   $107.86   $107.86   Spoke to Senior Enlisted Marines of 1st Combat Engineer Battalion Camp Pendelton about when and how to file their VA Claim prior to separation/ retirement. Explained the Disability at Discharge, how to find a PSO/VSO and expectation management.  
 POST 1924  10/13/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   22   1   $0.00   $27.77   $27.77   The Post maintains three flag disposal boxes in the town of Fallbrook. One of our members emptied all three boxes, transported the flags to the Post, and stored the flags in our flag shed until we schedule our next retirement event. 
 POST 1924  10/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $1,522.14   $24.69   $1,546.83   The Post paid for portable toilet rentals for the local Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony. Five standard size units, three ADA compliant units, and four washing stations will be provided to support the community during the events. 
 POST 1924  10/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   5   2   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   The Post 1924 Commander and Senior Vice Commander participated in a Veterans Days Parade and Ceremony planning meeting with the Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce and other community leaders.  
 POST 1924  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 1924  11/9/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   22   1   $0.00   $52.46   $52.46   The Post maintains three flag disposal boxes in the town of Fallbrook. One of our members emptied all three boxes, transported the flags to the Post, and stored the flags in our flag shed until we schedule our next retirement event. 
 POST 1924  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   10   2   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   Two members conducted a Buddy Poppy drive outside the local Major Market grocery store. Both members spent four hours each and collected $614.82 in donations. The members also passed out information about the VFW and the local Post 1924 activities. 
 POST 1924  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   22   2   $0.00   $77.15   $77.15   Two members placed American flags along Main Ave in downtown Fallbrook. The flags are being displayed by the Post in recognition of Veterans Day. 
 POST 1924  11/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   One member conducted a recruiting event during a Buddy Poppy drive outside the local Major Market grocery store. Several membership applications were distributed along with flyers regarding qualification requirements, benefits, VFW national activities, and the local Post 1924 activities. This member acted separately from the Buddy Poppy Drive.  
 POST 1924  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   22   3   $0.00   $151.22   $151.22   Three members conducted a Buddy Poppy drive outside the local Major Market grocery store. The members spent two hours each and collected $648.70 in donations. 
 POST 1924  11/10/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   5   1   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   One member conducted a recruiting event during a Buddy Poppy drive outside the local Major Market grocery store. Several membership applications were distributed along with flyers regarding qualification requirements, benefits, VFW national activities, and the local Post 1924 activities. This member acted separately from the Buddy Poppy Drive. 
 POST 1924  11/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   5   $55.99   $618.65   $674.64   Post 1924 conducted our annual USMC Birthday ceremony. The ceremony was open to the public. One VFW member and two Auxiliary members prepared the Hall and kitchen areas. Four members conducted the ceremony to include the video birthday message from the Commandant. One local community business owner donated the evening meal. The Post purchased the birthday cake. Estimated attendance of 90 participants. 
 POST 1924  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   16   6   $0.00   $594.80   $594.80   Six members transported and set up equipment, hosted, and participated in the annual Veterans Day Ceremony. This was a Post 1924 hosted event for the town of Fallbrook. This ceremony is conducted at the conclusion of the Veterans Day Parade and is open to the community. Estimated attendance this year was 120 with participation from the MCJROTC Color Guard, The Fallbrook Chorale, Boys Scout Troop 731, and more community volunteers.  
 POST 1924  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   One member conducted a recruiting event at the conclusion of the Fallbrook Veterans Day Ceremony. Several membership applications were distributed along with flyers regarding qualification requirements, benefits, VFW national activities, and the local Post 1924 activities. 
 POST 1924  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Two members conducted a Buddy Poppy drive at the conclusion of the Fallbrook Veterans Day Ceremony. Both members spent one hour each and collected $119.00 in donations. 
 POST 1924  11/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   22   2   $0.00   $101.84   $101.84   Two members removed the American flags along Main Ave and returned these to storage. The flags had been placed by the Post in recognition of Veterans Day.  
 POST 1924  11/15/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   1   $675.00   $24.69   $699.69   6 applicants for VOD, 3 award for $675.00 including certificates  
 POST 1924  11/15/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   0   1   $125.00   $24.69   $149.69   1 applicant awarded $125.00 including certificate  
 POST 1924  11/15/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   1 Applicant, presented award to CWO3 Thomas Smith, Retired. Teacher Fallbrook Union High School.  
 POST 1924  11/15/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Presented certificate to Fire Fighter Captain John Choi  
 POST 1924  11/16/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   5   22   1   $0.00   $126.53   $126.53   One member and one community volunteer conducted a flag retirement event. Flags had been collected from the community and placed into storage at the Post. The local fire department and community were notified of this event as a courtesy regarding smoke in the area. 
 POST 1924  11/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   11   5   1   $700.00   $272.29   $972.29   Assisted a disabled Member (Issac Blunt) with a Landscaping project for his Home for out Troops.  
 POST 1924  11/23/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   The Post maintains three flag retirement boxes in the town of Fallbrook. One of our members emptied all three boxes, transported the flags to the Post, and stored the flags in our dedicated flag shed until we schedule our next retirement event.  
 POST 1924  11/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   7   $750.00   $172.83   $922.83   A military dependent required auto repairs totaling $750. The dependent is a mother and needed financial assistance. Without the repairs, the mother was unable to work. Relief funds were authorized to support this need. 
 POST 1924  12/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $1,000.00   $49.38   $1,049.38   A VFW Post 1924 member is struggling financially and was unable to pay rent this month. The membership, at a regular meeting, authorized $1,000 from the Relief Fund to assist this veteran.  
 POST 1924  12/15/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   The Post maintains three flag retirement boxes in the town of Fallbrook. One of our members emptied all three boxes, transported the flags to the Post, and stored the flags in our dedicated flag shed until we schedule our next retirement event.  
 POST 1924  1/5/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   22   1   $0.00   $27.77   $27.77   The Post maintains three flag retirement boxes in the town of Fallbrook. One of our members emptied all three boxes, transported the flags to the Post, and stored the flags in our dedicated flag shed until we schedule our next retirement event. 
 POST 1924  1/18/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Two members and a community service volunteer placed American flags along Main Ave in downtown Fallbrook, CA. The flags are being displayed by the Post in recognition of the Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 POST 1924  1/21/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   2   $0.00   $198.22   $198.22   Two members and a community service volunteer removed the American flags along Main Ave in downtown Fallbrook, CA. The flags had been placed by the Post in recognition of the Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 POST 1924  1/22/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   22   1   $0.00   $77.15   $77.15   The Post maintains three flag retirement boxes in the town of Fallbrook. One of our members emptied all three boxes, transported the flags to the Post, and stored the flags in our dedicated flag shed until we schedule our next retirement event. 
 POST 1924  1/25/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   The Post Chaplain visited with a comrade who is recovering in an assisted living facility. 
 POST 1924  1/28/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   The Post Quartermaster visited with a comrade who is recovering in an assisted living facility.  
 POST 1924  2/9/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   22   1   $0.00   $52.46   $52.46   The Post maintains three flag retirement boxes in the town of Fallbrook. One of our members emptied all three boxes, transported the flags to the Post, and stored the flags in our dedicated flag shed until we schedule our next retirement event. 
 POST 1924  2/15/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   3   $0.00   $296.98   $296.98   Three members placed American flags along Main Ave in downtown Fallbrook, CA. The flags are being displayed by the Post in recognition of Washington's Birthday. Participating in observances and activities of the community on national holidays promote true patriotism and allegiance to the government of the United States of America. 
 POST 1924  2/16/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   22   1   $0.00   $27.77   $27.77   The Post maintains flag retirement boxes in the town of Fallbrook. One of our members emptied a flag retirement box, transported the flags to the Post, and stored the flags in our dedicated flag shed until we schedule our next retirement event. 
 Post 1924 Total 138 660 91 $7,473.13 $6,585.80 $14,058.93
 POST 2080  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Buddy poppy drive on July 4th in conjunction with our community event  
 POST 2080  7/4/2024   Veterans Assistance    Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   0   5   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Free pancake breakfast for veterans, first responders, and active duty.  
 POST 2080  7/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Buddy poppy drive in combination with Taco Tuesday.  
 POST 2080  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   1   2   $0.00   $148.28   $148.28   Manned a booth at the Campo Farmers Market, speaking to veterans and community members.  
 POST 2080  7/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   26   5   $0.00   $497.44   $497.44   Entered a float and attended the Pine Valley Day Parade giving out brochures and applications.  
 POST 2080  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 Post 2080 Total 16 27 19 $15.00 $1,460.49 $1,475.49
 POST 2082  7/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   VFW Post 2082 provided the facility for ABH Second Class Kimbo Snacks' reenlistment. He is a crew member of the USS Tripoli (LHA-7).  
 POST 2082  7/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38    provided a hospitalized disabled veteran and his family with the information to process a PACT ACT claim.  
 POST 2082  7/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs    2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post 2082 member visited a hospitilized disabled veteran.  
 POST 2082  7/15/2024   Veterans Assistance    Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)R$   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post 2082 member visited a hospitilized disabled veteran.  
 POST 2082  7/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   15   1   $0.00   $76.17   $76.17   Member visited a hospitalized disabled veteran  
 POST 2082  7/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Visited hospitalized disabled veteran.  
 POST 2082  7/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Post Commander visited Life Member at home.  
 POST 2082  7/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   78   2   $0.00   $109.68   $109.68   Today, the VFW Riders Group Post 2082 had the honor of supporting the Lakeside VFW Riders Post 5867 on their first monthly ride! Alongside our comrades from the newly forming Veterans of Foreign Wars - Kearny Mesa Post 3788 Riders Group, Marine Riders, and a few enthusiastic guests, we roared out of the Lakeside VFW Carter Smith Post 5867 to Pine Valley, where we had the privilege of leading the Pine Valley Days Parade with the Patriot Guard.  
 POST 2082  7/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   0   5   $0.00   $1,234.50   $1,234.50   Post 2082 held a backpack and school supply drive from June thru August 2024. Post 2082 distributed backpacks and school supplies to the following: 10 Backpacks with school supplies were donated to Lemon Grove Academy Elementary School, 10 Backpacks with school supplies were donated to Vista La Mesa Elementary School, 10 Backpacks with school supplies were donated to San Miguel Elementary School, 10 Backpacks with school supplies were donated to Mount Vernon Elementary School, 12 Backpacks with school supplies were donated to Monterey Heights Elementary School, 10 Backpacks with school supplies were donated to Rowan Elementary School, School Supplies were donated to 4 Pre K Teachers, 4 Kindergarten Readiness Teachers and 2 Special Education Teachers. split PJ 
 POST 2082  8/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   We helped a Veterans family identify healthcare resources locally and through the VA.  
 POST 2082  8/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Assisted disabled Vietnam Veteran's family with information on benefits to claim  
 POST 2082  8/3/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Conducted a membership drive at the community parking lot sale. Applications were given to 2 veterans.  
 POST 2082  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 2082  8/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   We helped a Veteran apply for a property tax exemption and DV plates.  
 POST 2082  8/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Partner with Blessing From Above Ministries and used our facilities to hand out back backpacks to the community  
 POST 2082  8/10/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Prepped and served dinner for homeless personnel, during the San Diego Veteran Village Stand Down serving over 150 homeless people.  
 POST 2082  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Assisted the widow of a veteran in establishing power of attorney so that her family can assist in handling her affairs.  
 POST 2082  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Assisted the widow of a veteran in establishing power of attorney so that her family can assist in handling her affairs.  
 POST 2082  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   14   1   $0.00   $76.03   $76.03   Member delivered claim information to the DAV in Mission Valley for a disabled Vietnam Veteran who is also a stroke victim. Additionally visited the VA in Mission Valley and gathered Agent Orange Registry Forms for this veteran. This will allow his wife to document the Agent Orange Registry forms and mail them to the VA.  
 POST 2082  8/17/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Held an annual picnic which included auxiliary and post members and about 75 guests. We also held a buddy poppy drive during the picnic and raised money for our relief fund.  
 POST 2082  8/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   175   6   $0.00   $1,209.62   $1,209.62   1st Annual Medal of Honor Poker Run: A Strong Community Supporting Veterans On August 17th, VFW Riders 2082 hosted our 1st Annual Medal of Honor Poker Run, bringing together over 60 riders from across the San Diego community. The event was a tremendous success, highlighting the power of community involvement in supporting veterans. Starting at Motorcycle Monkey and making stops at Ramona, Lakeside, and Alpine VFW posts, participants not only enjoyed a scenic ride but also learned about VFW membership and the critical role our posts play in the local community. The event concluded with a gathering at Lemon Grove VFW Post 2082, where we raffled off over $2,000 worth of donated items, thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. This event exemplified how community engagement can directly support our veterans and local VFW programs. The funds raised will benefit VFW Riders 2082, VFW Post 2082, and Combat Hero Bike Build, an organization dedicated to providing custom motorcycles for severely wounded veterans.  
 POST 2082  8/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   0   3   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   VFW Post 2082 provided the facility for USS Michael A. Monsoor (DDG 1001) to prepare, cook and host the meet and greet for the newly selected Chief Petty officers. Held a membership drive in conjunction with the meet and greet.  
 POST 2082  8/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Post Commander visited veteran and assisted him with recharging the batteries in his vehicles  
 POST 2082  8/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   0   5   $0.00   $1,234.50   $1,234.50   Post 2082 held a backpack and school supply drive from June thru August 2024. Post 2082 distributed backpacks and school supplies to the following: 10 Backpacks with school supplies were donated to Lemon Grove Academy Elementary School, 10 Backpacks with school supplies were donated to Vista La Mesa Elementary School, 10 Backpacks with school supplies were donated to San Miguel Elementary School, 10 Backpacks with school supplies were donated to Mount Vernon Elementary School, 12 Backpacks with school supplies were donated to Monterey Heights Elementary School, 10 Backpacks with school supplies were donated to Rowan Elementary School, School Supplies were donated to 4 Pre K Teachers, 4 Kindergarten Readiness Teachers and 2 Special Education Teachers. Split PJ 
 POST 2082  9/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Provided facility for Southwest Regional Maintenance Chief Petty Officer Mess to use for their CPO Anchor auction for the newly selected Chiefs.  
 POST 2082  9/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   15   5   $0.00   $1,236.60   $1,236.60   split PJ 
 POST 2082  9/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Provide facilities for USS Jack Lucas to hold a car wash to raise money for newly selected Chief Petty Officer.  
 POST 2082  9/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Conducted membership drive during our local community parking lot sale,  
 POST 2082  9/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   VFW Post 2082 provided the FCPO Association from the MSRON 3 to use the parking lot, electricity and water to hold a car wash fundraiser.  
 POST 2082  9/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   A Veteran called the Post asking for assistance with a decision letter from the VA. We researched his questions, provided resources and points of contact. We will follow up in a few days to ensure he has the information he needs to take action.  
 POST 2082  9/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   20   6   $216.00   $447.22   $663.22   Post Commander and five Post 2082 members presented a wreath at Michael Monsoor's gravesite in Fort Rosecrans Cemetery on September 29, 2024, in honor of the anniversary of his death. Michael Monsoor was a Navy Seal killed on active duty and awarded the Congressional Medal Of Honor and he is Post 2082's namesake.  
 POST 2082  9/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Provided the CPO Mess from USS Jack Lucas to use the parking lot, electricity and water to hold a car wash fundraiser.  
 POST 2082  10/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $200.00   $26.09   $226.09   Post 2082 donated $200 to USO San Diego .  
 POST 2082  10/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Conducted membership drive during our local community parking lot sale,  
 POST 2082  10/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   1   2   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Senior Vice Commander and one member successfully rescued and relocated a beehive from Lemon Grove Little league baseball field.  
 POST 2082  10/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   3   3   $0.00   $74.49   $74.49   Post Commander, Senior Vice and Junior Vice participated in the 23rd Annual VFW Cole wreath Lay Ceremony at Mt. Hope Cemetery in remembrance of SN Lakiba Palmer.  
 POST 2082  10/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   5   3   $0.00   $222.91   $222.91   Senior Vice Commander and two members successfully rescued and relocated a large beehive from a shed for a local citizen in the community.  
 POST 2082  10/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   1   11   $1,200.00   $1,901.27   $3,101.27   With a collaboration with our Auxiliary our Trunk-or-Treat event was not only a Halloween celebration but also a wonderful opportunity to give back to the community! Over 250 community members joined us for a festive evening of fun, food, and family-friendly activities. Each vehicle had its own Halloween-themed setup, from spooky haunted forests to fairy-tale scenes. The creativity and attention to detail from all participants truly made this an unforgettable experience for the kids. We served up over 250 guests with Hot Dogs, popcorn, chips, nachos topped with chili and cheese, refreshing freeze pops, and even had toys for the kids and their parents to take home.  
 POST 2082  11/1/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   3   0   2   $100.00   $148.14   $248.14   Post 2082 nominated Jenevieve Simpson for the Patriot's Pen Award. 
 POST 2082  11/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   2   7   $0.00   $691.60   $691.60   Post and Auxiliary members volunteered at Monterey Height Elementary School Annual Harvest Festival assisting teachers in the manning different food and game booths giving back to the local community.  
 POST 2082  11/1/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   3   0   2   $100.00   $148.14   $248.14   Nominated Shelley Finn for the Teacher of the Year aeard from Post 2082. 
 POST 2082  11/1/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   6   0   2   $100.00   $296.28   $396.28   Nominated Darrell Barkley for the Law Enforcement Officer of the Year from Post 2082. 
 POST 2082  11/1/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   3   0   2   $150.00   $148.14   $298.14   Post 2082 nominated Madison Finn for the Voice of Democracy Award. 
 POST 2082  11/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   6   11   $0.00   $544.02   $544.02   We had 21 post and auxiliary members who participated in this year’s Breast Cancer Awareness Walk. Our post has a commitment to supporting breast cancer awareness and research demonstrates the compassion and dedication of our team.  
 POST 2082  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 2082  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   5   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   Held a Veteran's Day BBQ which was free to Post and Auxiliary veterans of Post 2082. We served approximately 50 Veterans. Additionally, we provided free meals for six Lemon Grove Firefighters.  
 POST 2082  11/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $204.00   $24.69   $228.69   Post donated 12 Wreaths for a total of $204.00 to Greenwood cemetery for Wreaths Across America.  
 POST 2082  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief    10   250   10   $3,781.00   $2,504.00   $6,285.00   On November 17th, VFW Riders Post 2082 hosted a Poker Run for a Purpose to raise funds for Billy Young, an active-duty sailor battling cancer. The event included multiple stops at partner VFW posts, breakfast and lunch prepared by Billy's command, and activities like raffles and competitions. With support from the Riders, Post 2082, MSRON 3, community members, and generous sponsors, we raised $3,781, which was donated directly to Billy’s family. This event exemplified camaraderie, purpose, and the spirit of service.  
 POST 2082  11/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   2   $400.00   $148.14   $548.14   Held a Pink T-Shirt fundraiser and all profits going to the Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer Society. Post 2082 raised $400. This money was donated to the Susan B. Komen Cancer Society.  
 POST 2082  11/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   4   8   $0.00   $1,580.72   $1,580.72   Provided Thanksgiving dinner for post members, auxiliary members and members of the community free of charge.  
 POST 2082  12/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/ Relief   2   14   1   $0.00   $51.34   $51.34   Post Commander pick up medicine for veteran who cannot drive due to surgery.  
 POST 2082  1/7/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Provided location free of charge for the Double Dutch Therapy to hold their weekly sessions. 
 POST 2082  1/8/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Assisted in folding ceremonial 50 foot flag. It will be flown to DC and dedicated to a fallen Firefighter Chief.  
 POST 2082  1/10/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   4   1   $0.00   $49.94   $49.94   Post Commander pick up veteran to conduct some personnel business.  
 POST 2082  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Provided a meal to a local homeless guy in the local community.  
 POST 2082  1/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted a fellow Veteran with information on clams and disability as well as providing VSO contact information to start his case 
 POST 2082  1/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   6   1   $0.00   $50.22   $50.22   Post Commander visited Life Member at home.  
 POST 2082  1/26/2025   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Presented certificate to Teacher of the year to Shelly Finn. 
 POST 2082  2/6/2025   Youth Development   Other   1   0   1   $1,000.00   $24.69   $1,024.69   Donated One Thousand dollars to sponsor Lemon Grove Little League for the 2025 spring season.  
 POST 2082  2/11/2025   Youth Development    Voice of Democracy   1   0   10   $150.00   $246.90   $396.90   Presented certificate to Voice of Democracy winner. 
 POST 2082  2/11/2025   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   0   2   $150.00   $49.38   $199.38   Presented certificate to Law Enforcement Deputy 
 POST 2082  2/11/2025   Youth Development    Patriot`s Pen   1   0   2   $100.00   $49.38   $149.38   Presented certificate to Patriot Pen winner Jenevieve Simpson.  
 POST 2082  2/15/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   97   3   $0.00   $383.93   $383.93   On Saturday, February 15, 2025, VFW Riders Post 2082 proudly supported the 9th Annual Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) Chapter 472 Appreciation Ride, held in honor of Tom Slaughter. The ride was a community-driven event designed to show gratitude to veterans and raise awareness for veteran support programs. • Start Location: Coffee Corner, 9608 Carlton Hills Blvd, Santee, CA • Ride Destination: Scenic ride to Dudley’s and back • End Location: Motorcycle Monkey, 10366 Mission Gorge Rd, Santee, CA 
 POST 2082  2/17/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   2   1   $0.00   $24.97   $24.97   Visited disable veteran to help troubleshoot a tripped electrical breaker. 
 POST 2082  2/18/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14    Provided location free of charge for the Double Dutch Therapy to hold their weekly sessions. 
 Post 2082 Total 229 736 180 $7,876.00 $20,422.91 $28,298.91
 POST 2111  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 2111  8/9/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Donated ice (estimated value $100) to BSA Troop 1194 for a court of honor event help the following weekend.  
 POST 2111  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $201.00   $24.69   $225.69   Donation for $201.00 to VFW National Home For Children.  
 POST 2111  8/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   2   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   VFW Post 2111 provided our meeting hall free of charge (estimated at $400) and donated time to the non-profit organization L.I.F.E - Living Independently Forever, Inc. LIFE is dedicated to serving the life-long needs of adults with significant learning disabilities. This was a celebration event attended by approximately 75 people.  
 POST 2111  8/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided community service by hosting non-profit organization HAPS (Hispanic Association of Professional Services) to use our hall for no fee. They hold meetings on Fridays from 8am - 10 am (valued at $100). One member of our post attends as a representative of VFW 2111. .  
 POST 2111  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   20   $0.00   $495.20   $495.20   Post 2111 held a Patriot Day (9-11) candlelight vigil at our Post. This event was open to the public, and in addition to Post members, was attended by city officials and boy scouts.  
 POST 2111  9/13/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Post 2111 provided ice for Boy Scout Troop 1194 (valued at $25) and provided a talk about leadership.  
 POST 2111  9/15/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Provided Color Guard for the City of Chula Vista "El Grito" event. Color Guard included 2 post and 2 aux members.  
 POST 2111  9/22/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   10   10   $0.00   $495.20   $495.20   Post 2111 held a POW/MIA ceremony at our Post Home. This event was open to the public.  
 POST 2111  10/24/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   25   3   $0.00   $151.64   $151.64   Post 2111 provided no-charge hall rental for the BSA Sweetwater District Awards Banquet (estimated $300). Post members also participated in the event (set-up, guest speaker, and clean-up). This event was attend by 52 people.  
 POST 2111  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 Post 2111 Total 17 85 43 $226.00 $1,592.06 $1,818.06
 POST 2275  7/26/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   6   78   2   $0.00   $307.20   $307.20   Supported our Homeless Veterans Stand Down  
 POST 2275  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 2275  8/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   24   2   $150.00   $52.74   $202.74   National Home  
 POST 2275  8/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   10   100   4   $0.00   $1,001.60   $1,001.60   Tanya Althof and 3 other members of the Post have knitted Afghans and baby blankets and other products and delivered it the Balboa Hospital for the newborns children, and they call these items the babies there first seabag.  
 POST 2275  8/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   210   4   $0.00   $424.44   $424.44   Fund Raise for Honor Flight  
 POST 2275  8/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   36   6   $0.00   $597.60   $597.60   Served a Picnic Lunch for the assisting living apartment complex across from the Post, we served 178 lunches.  
 POST 2275  9/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   42   2   $3,000.00   $104.64   $3,104.64   Donated $3000.00 to Honor Flight  
 POST 2275  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   37   9   $0.00   $449.60   $449.60   
***not reportable, credit is given under MRP column on dashboard***
Submitting the Membership Recruiting Plan
 POST 2275  10/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   145   6   $900.00   $909.14   $1,809.14   125th VFW Anniversary Celebration, invited our community to our Post to honor this special occasion.  
 POST 2275  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 2275  11/26/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   3   32   4   $300.00   $300.76   $600.76   Post Canidate for the VOD  
 POST 2275  11/26/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   2   32   4   $200.00   $202.00   $402.00   Patriot's Pen Post Canidate  
 POST 2275  11/29/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   5   48   2   $200.00   $253.62   $453.62   We support our JROTC Team 
 Post 2275 Total 47 784 47 $4,775.00 $4,652.72 $9,427.72
 POST 2422  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   4   2   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Membership drive during 4 of July parade.  
 POST 2422  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   4   2   $0.00   $198.08   $198.08   Participation in community activity - Coronado 4 of July parade.  
 POST 2422  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   4   10   $0.00   $1,975.76   $1,975.76   4th of July - Coronado Pareade and Celebration - Cmmnity Awareness - Members participated in J4 Flag set up, parade grounds organization, commnity Americanism promotion and awareness at Post property, and community clean up.  
 POST 2422  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   100   10   $0.00   $1,989.20   $1,989.20   4th of July - Coronado Pareade and Celebration - Cmmnity Awareness - Members participated in J4 Flag set up, parade grounds organization, commnity Americanism promotion and awareness at Post property, and community clean up.  
 POST 2422  7/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Lead Coronado Avenue of Heros committee. Review nominations, draft notices, order banners, participate in flag raising event.,  
 POST 2422  7/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Lead Coronado Avenue of Heros committee. Review nominations, draft notices, order banners, participate in flag raising event.,  
 POST 2422  8/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   2   1   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Lead Coronado Avenue of Heros committee. Review nominations, draft notices, order banners, participate in flag raising event.,  
 POST 2422  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 2422  8/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   2   2   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Service Officer (Nolan) and CDR (Zbinden) visited Life members Richard Mudgett and Gerry Buckner. Each are WWII vets and received a letter from VA. Buckners LTR stated reduction in disability rating due to a VA review and rating officials Unequivocally Clear Error, reducing melanoma and the like from 30% to 10 Percent and asking member to voluntarily ask for a reduction in payment to prevent future collection. He has a call back pending from DAV. Mudgett LTR stated a reduction in disability rating has caused overpayment and now a 14k amount due, with collections planned to start soon. He has sent a letter to DAV and VA and is waiting on repossess. Each want assistance from VFW in their respective cases to A) help enforce the general rule of veterans over 55YO will not be reduced in rating due to administrative review, and B) the Pacts Act stipulating veterans' benefits and streamlined assessment and receipt of benefits. //ss// BZ  
 POST 2422  8/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   2   2   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Member John Nolan and I helped "Doc" Friesen (Life member deceased) spouse Luckey with her car repair and replace mud flap, Also provided minor maintenance to a Gate that would not swing freely.  
 POST 2422  9/5/2024   Community Service   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   2   1   $0.00   $24.97   $24.97   Visit and provide assistance to "Doc" Friesen (Life member deceased) spouse Luckey with USAA and car insurance modifications.  
 POST 2422  9/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Assisted Veteran ("Doc" Friesen) & Spouse Luckey Friesen with replacing mud flap on car.  
 POST 2422  9/20/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   10   5   10   $2,700.00   $2,469.70   $5,169.70   Coronado planned, prepared for and hosted POW MIA recognition dinner. Special ceremony and remarks were provided by Post commander for honorees, and recital of the Missing Man Table setting was provided by POW survivors. 75 community members were present. Honorees were Paul Granger and Albert Molinare, both POW survivors of the North Vietnam War.. Also honored was League of Wives member Mrs. Pat Mearns, survivor of Vietnam War deceased MIA / KIA Arthur Mearns. Dinner costs plus donations to the foundation are approximately $2700. All proceeds above costs donated to the League of Families of POW, as founded by Sybil Stock Dale in 1970.  
 POST 2422  9/27/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Prepared flyer and briefing for VOD. Assigned VOD Judges. Met with Post Judges to discuss the package and process.  
 POST 2422  9/28/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Prepared flyer and briefing for Patriots Pen. Printed packages. Prepared Facebook posts.  
 POST 2422  9/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Service Officer Assisted spouse of recently deceased 100% VA Disabled veteran, Assistance included Survivor Benefit Plan, and VA Disability spouse compensation. Worked with deceased veterans Grown children, and veterans spouse.  
 POST 2422  9/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   2   1   $0.00   $74.35   $74.35   Service Officer Assisted spouse of recently deceased 100% VA Disabled veteran, Assisted and prepared the DFAS checklist of documents. Responded to VA letter depicting the VA Surviving Spouse Disability future payments, made copies, transported Veteran spouse to bank for witnessing signatures, made copies, and prepared and mailed to DFAS / VA,  
 POST 2422  9/30/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Prepared flyers and briefing materials for Teachers a Award competition. Met with local schools (Graham Memorial, Christs Church, Coronado HS)  
 POST 2422  10/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Post donated use of the main hall (normally 400$ rental) to the Military Wives Accross the Nation and their leadership team.  
 POST 2422  10/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Donated use of main hall to the USMC League as they discussed USMC programs and assistance.  
 POST 2422  11/7/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   8   2   5   $0.00   $987.88   $987.88   Chair and judges Met to discuss Scholarsapp tool - Graded Patriot Pen input papers. Time includes 3 previous days of - research - flyer creation, printing, emailing and - hand delivering to 4 schools (CHS, Sacred Heart, Christ Church, Graham Memorial school). Posting on VFW Webpage, and VFW Facebook page and others, - and conducting 1 follow up visit to each school.  
 POST 2422  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   2   8   $1,000.00   $1,185.40   $2,185.40   09-1500 Veterans day luncheon, veteran recognition, and promotion of patriotism. 200 hotdogs, potato salad, chili, chips, cornbread and cookies served..  
 POST 2422  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   2   2   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Membership drive. VFW post 2422 veterans day lunch event. 11-1300  
 POST 2422  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    10   20   5   $500.00   $1,237.30   $1,737.30   Veterans day event. Post 2422 prepared and served 150 free meals.  
 POST 2422  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   2   2   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Membership recruiting at Post Veterans Day Lunch event. 11-1300.  
 POST 2422  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   2   8   $1,000.00   $1,185.40   $2,185.40   09-1500 Veterans day luncheon, veteran recognition, and promotion of patriotism. 200 hotdogs, potato salad, chili, chips, cornbread and cookies served..  
 POST 2422  11/15/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   1   1   $1,300.00   $24.83   $1,324.83   Post 2422 participated in the Patriots Pen . Four post members volunteered as judges. Our flyer and personal contact seeking applications were personally delivered by Post CDR to Coronado High School, Christ Church Day School, Graham Memorial pre-school, Sacred Heart elementary and middle schools, We received four Patriot Pen applications. Post members had authorized $ 4,800 in award, 4 awards were made on Friday totaling $ 1,300 (500, 400, 200 and 200) by post commander.  
 POST 2422  11/15/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   4   6   2   $1,500.00   $198.36   $1,698.36   Post 2422 participated in the Teachers award. Four post members volunteered as judges. Our flyer was prepared and Post CDR made personal contact seeking applications and delivered flyer to Coronado High School, Christ Church Day School, Graham Memorial pre-school, Sacred Heart elementary and middle schools, We received a single teachers award resume which included video of class performing the Pledge of Allegiance. Post members had authorized $ 2,000 in direct award, A single award was made on Friday for $1500 by post commander.  
 POST 2422  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   1   1   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   Post 2422 donated use of main hall to the Womans League of Coronado. The Womans League is supportive of military and veteran events and campaigns and an integral part of Community service in Corondo.  
 Post 2422 Total 102 170 89 $8,010.00 $12,813.22 $20,823.22
 POST 3783  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   81   2   $35.00   $208.86   $243.86   Post Service Officer provided transportation for a veteran to their VA medical appointment at the Oceanside VA Clinic, located in Oceanside, CA.  
 POST 3783  7/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   58   2   $30.00   $156.26   $186.26   Post Service Officer provided transportation for a veteran to their VA medical appointment at the Kearny Mesa Veterans Clinic, located in Kearny Mesa, CA.  
 POST 3783  7/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   0   3   $200.00   $444.42   $644.42   VFW Post Commander presented a framed flag and certificate of appreciation from the VFW for a local Veteran's Centennial birthday (100yrs) on the 4th of July. He served honorably in the Army Air Corps during WWII and in the Air Force during the Korean Conflict. Past District Commander created and donated a birthday cake and our American Legion Post Commander awarded an honorary Life Membership. Family celebrated inside our VFW Post.  
 POST 3783  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   15   0   8   $0.00   $2,962.80   $2,962.80   Fourth of July Open Community Event. Pledge of Allegiance, Americana live music, bbq food and drinks provided free to members, their families and community members. Hours accounted for preparation, execution and cleanup.  
 POST 3783  7/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Post Service Officer assisted one (1) Veterans with applying for additional PACT ACT benefits.  
 POST 3783  7/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   6   4   $45.00   $297.12   $342.12   Post Commander and Post Service Officer attended a Veteran's celebration of life at Calvary Baptist Church. Two members folded a 3x5 American Flag in which Commander presented the folded flag to the family and Post Service officer played taps on the bugle.  
 POST 3783  7/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   5   2   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Post Service Officer and Post Adjutant assisted American Legion Post 332 Commander in finding urgent assistance for a homeless and unemployed Veteran. Referred and provided contact information for the Veterans Village of San Diego  
 POST 3783  7/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   8   1   $0.00   $50.50   $50.50   Post Service Officer assisted a Veteran with obtaining a DD-214 for his Veteran father.  
 POST 3783  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   82   1   $0.00   $159.62   $159.62   PDC attended and marched in Hillcrest Pride Parade on behalf of the VFW with VFW Post 7420.  
 POST 3783  7/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $100.00   $49.38   $149.38   Made monthly donation to District One for purchase of Bus Passes for VA Aspire Center.  
 POST 3783  7/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   60   4   $0.00   $304.68   $304.68   Post Commander, Jr. Vice, Service Officer and Post Member attended a burial service for a Vietnam War Veteran and his family at Miramar National Ceremony along with other Post and VFW 1st District members.  
 POST 3783  7/31/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   2   0   1   $1,000.00   $49.38   $1,049.38   Post Quartermaster contacted Cal State University San Marcos (CSUSM) Financial Services office and submitted a Scholarship check (#2347) on behalf of 2024 VFW Post 3783 Scholarship recipient Scott Case  
 POST 3783  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 3783  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   65   1   $35.00   $83.17   $118.17   Post Service Officer drove a Veteran to a VA clinic in San Diego for an appointment.  
 POST 3783  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   40   1   $20.00   $54.98   $74.98   Post Service Officer drove a Veteran to the VA clinic in Escondido for an appointment.  
 POST 3783  8/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   8   100   8   $1,300.00   $1,594.16   $2,894.16   Members (8) and auxiliary (1) prepped and smoked 280lbs of Beef Chuck Roll in support of San Diego Stand Down to feed 500 homeless or disadvantaged Veterans. Mileage was to and from the post to pick up beef and supplies from Restaurant Depot. A separate report will be submitted for the cutting, packaging and delivery of said beef the following day down to Stand Down.  
 POST 3783  8/10/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   6   100   5   $45.00   $754.70   $799.70   VFW Post 3783 members (5) including Post Commander and one (1) Auxiliary member sliced, packaged and drove down to San Diego Stand Down to deliver 280lbs of smoked beef for the Saturday evening meal feeding 500 homeless or disadvantaged Veterans. Mileage was to/from the Post to Stand Down and Dollars spent is the gas to get down there.  
 POST 3783  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Post Service officer assisted one Veteran obtain a DD-214 for his deceased father  
 POST 3783  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Post Service Officer helped a Post member on obtaining eligibility information for the PACT Act and increase VA claim benefit  
 POST 3783  8/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post Service Officer assisted one Veteran obtain information about VA burial benefits  
 POST 3783  8/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   5   3   $0.00   $74.77   $74.77   Initial Christmas in October Planning Meeting. Three post members and 13 VFW 3783 Auxiliary members planned our annual Christmas event supporting Active Duty military families. 
 POST 3783  8/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Post Service Officer assisted one Veteran get vetted with the Veterans Administration (VA) for disability claims and medical care.  
 POST 3783  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $100.00   $49.38   $149.38   Made monthly donation to District One for purchase of Bus Passes for VA Aspire Center.  
 POST 3783  8/24/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   20   7   $0.00   $1,212.61   $1,212.61   Post Commander, six (6) additional Post members along with four (4) VFW 3783 Auxiliary members and Ramona's American Legion Post 332 Commander worked a membership drive booth at the Ramona Rodeo Saturday evening. Three (3) new members recruited.  
 POST 3783  8/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   5   2   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   2nd Christmas in October Planning meeting to support Active Duty Military families for Christmas. Two post members and 14 Auxiliary members present to finalize planning for this annual event. 
 POST 3783  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   5   2   $1,970.45   $50.08   $2,020.53   Emergency Relief Fund Vote held with all Post Officers and additional members (15 total) to assist a Veteran family in need to help pay utility bills in arrears before utilities were shut off. Motion passed.  
 POST 3783  8/30/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Post Commander and Post Service Officer presented VFW Department of California Junior High School Teacher of the Year award, Dept Check and National VFW Commander-in-Chief Certificate to Nicole Brown at Olive Pierce Middle School (OPMS), Ramona, CA in front of entire student and faculty body. Principal of OPMS also received a certificate on behalf of the school by the VFW Commander-in-Chief as the second year in a row the Department has chosen OPMS teachers of the year.  
 POST 3783  9/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post Service Officer assisted a Veteran apply for VA Benefits  
 POST 3783  9/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post Service Officer assisted a Veteran apply for VA Benefits  
 POST 3783  9/6/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   2   15   1   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Post Service Officer met with Ramona Area Fire Captains regarding Fire Fighter / Emergency Medical Technician (FF/EMT) of the Year to discuss candidates and write-up process.  
 POST 3783  9/6/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Post Service Officer had a meeting with Ms. Sawanda, Principal of Ramona Community Campus / Mountain Valley Academy (MVA) regarding Patriot's Pen and Voice of Democracy Youth Education Scholarship programs as well as Ramona VFW Teacher of the Year candidates. Only submitting one report to VOD instead of separate reports for PP and TOY.  
 POST 3783  9/12/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   3   15   1   $0.00   $76.17   $76.17   Post Service Officer met with and interviewed Fire Fighter and Emergency Medical Technician (FF/EMT) of the Year candidates.  
 POST 3783  9/12/2024   Youth Development   Other   1   10   12   $100.00   $297.68   $397.68   Post 3783 voted to support Ramona High School Physical Trainer program to replace hypoallergenic floor matting. Post Service officer delivered check to RHS on 9/12.  
 POST 3783  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   5   2   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Post Service Officer contacted by Post Commander to help a Veteran claiming to be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - after PSO followed up, determined the claim to be false.  
 POST 3783  9/14/2024   Community Service   Other   12   160   2   $130.00   $614.96   $744.96   **not reportable, normal VFW business** DJ & Alexis Henshaw facilitated two (2) in-person and one (1) zoom VFW District 1 School of Instruction training events. First in person 17Aug provided donuts, second in person & zoom provided pizza and third via zoom. Each training event ranged approximately three and a half (3.5) hours each. All muster sheets for individual training events plus a consolidated muster sheet for all three (3) events provided to Dept via email. Over 100 District 1 and Post members were verified present.  
 POST 3783  9/16/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Post Service Officer interviewed High School and Elementary School Teacher of the Year candidates  
 POST 3783  9/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $100.00   $49.38   $149.38   Made monthly donation to District One for purchase of Bus Passes for VA Aspire Center.  
 POST 3783  9/19/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post Service Officer interviewed Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) of the Year Candidate 
 POST 3783  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   3   85   3   $0.00   $234.11   $234.11   Past District Commander and two additional Post members helped set up and attend/participate in VFW District 1's Prisoner of War/Missing in Action (POW/MIA) ceremony held at Mt. Soledad Veterans Monument in San Diego, CA.  
 POST 3783  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   3   80   3   $0.00   $233.41   $233.41   Post Adjutant, Post Chaplain and Past District Commander assisted District 1 POW/MIA ceremony at Mount Soledad 
 POST 3783  9/23/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Post Service Officer interviewed Middle School Teacher of the Year Candidate 
 POST 3783  9/24/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post Service Officer interviewed Elementary School Teacher of the Year Candidate 
 POST 3783  9/25/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post Service Officer interviewed High School Teacher of the Year Candidate 
 POST 3783  9/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   60   4   $0.00   $304.68   $304.68   Post Commander plus three additional post members and two (2) VFW Auxiliary attended/supported the District 125th Birthday Barbecue at SABLE post. 
 POST 3783  10/4/2024   Youth Development   Other   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post Service Officer spoke to Ramona High School Civics students about the Veterans of Foreign Wars and our role within the Ramona community. 
 POST 3783  10/7/2024   Youth Development   Other   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post Service Officer spoke to Ramona Elementary students about the Veterans of Foreign Wars 
 POST 3783  10/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   67   1   $25.00   $58.76   $83.76   Post Service Officer took a Veteran to the La Jolla Veterans Affairs Medical Center and back for appointment. 
 POST 3783  10/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Post Service Officer met with a local Veteran to assist in applying for VA benefits under the PACT Act. 
 POST 3783  10/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   5   10   $500.00   $1,975.90   $2,475.90   10 VFW 3783 Post members, 14 Auxiliiary members and three community members spit-roasted and smoked turkeys and hams, prepped and served over 100 meals for the Annual Christmas In October Meal where all proceeds go to support active duty military families living in the Ramona community. 
 POST 3783  10/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   70   1   $30.00   $59.18   $89.18   Post Service Officer took a Veteran to the Oceanside VA Medical Center and back for appointment. 
 POST 3783  10/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   5   2   $100.00   $50.08   $150.08   Made monthly donation to District One for purchase of Bus Passes for VA Aspire Center.  
 POST 3783  10/22/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   12   240   6   $1,600.00   $1,811.28   $3,411.28   VFW Post 3783 (six (6) members) and it's Auxiliary (five (5) members) participated in the 8th Annual North County Veterans Stand Down at Green Oak Ranch in Vista, California. VFW Post 3783 donated 200 pounds of beef and supplies to cook and feed the 400 registered participants. (Only Post members are included in Members" count block) (The 240 mile entry in "Miles" block is based on four (4) vehicles traveling 60 miles 
 POST 3783  10/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   80   1   $25.00   $85.27   $110.27   Post Service Officer took a Veteran to the Oceanside VA Hospital.  
 POST 3783  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 3783  11/4/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   1   18   1   $0.00   $27.21   $27.21   VFW Post Commander spoke to Ramona High School NJROTC Cadets regarding the symbol of the Buddy Poppy, significance of Veterans Day and process of conducting Buddy Poppy Drive shifts (expectations and appreciation for their volunteer support). 
 POST 3783  11/4/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   15   2   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Two Post members and two Auxiliary members held a VOD/PP board to screen and select three Voice Of Democracy candidates to VFW District 1 (1st, 2nd and 3rd place). Post will award $250 for 1st place and $150 and $100 for each subsequent candidate respectively on December 7th awards banquet. VFW 3783 Auxiliary will match award amount. 
 POST 3783  11/4/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   15   2   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Two Post members and two Auxiliary members held a VOD/PP board to screen and select three Voice Of Democracy candidates to VFW District 1 (1st, 2nd and 3rd place). Post will award $250 for 1st place and $150 and $100 for each subsequent candidate respectively on December 7th awards banquet. VFW 3783 Auxiliary will match award amount. The board took two hours so alloted one each for VOD and PP separately. 
 POST 3783  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   9   5   6   $0.00   $1,333.96   $1,333.96   VFW Post 3783 Veterans Day Weekend Poppy Drive. This rep.ort is for 08Nov24. Six shifts between Albertsons, Stater Brothers, Tractor Supply and Country Wine and Spirits. Each shift 3 hours each. We were supported by VFW Post 3783 Auxiliary, BSA Scout troop 768, Cub Scout Pack 768 and Ramona High School NJROTC. This report only accounts for Post members. Total raised ~ $12,000 for Veteran Relief. 
 POST 3783  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   VFW Post Commander met with community members at the Ramona Senior Center to talk about Veterans Day, the importance of caring for Veterans, the symbolism of the Buddy Poppy and the events our VFW Post was hosting over Veterans Day weekend. 
 POST 3783  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   9   5   6   $0.00   $1,333.96   $1,333.96   VFW Post 3783 Veterans Day Weekend Poppy Drive. This report is for 09Nov24. Six shifts between Albertsons, Stater Brothers, Tractor Supply and Country Wine and Spirits. Each shift 3 hours each. We were supported by VFW Post 3783 Auxiliary, BSA Scout troop 768, Cub Scout Pack 768 and Ramona High School NJROTC. This report only accounts for Post members. Total raised ~ $12,000 for Veteran Relief. 
 POST 3783  11/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   12   $50.00   $593.26   $643.26   Celebrated the Marine Corps 249th Birthday by providing a cake and conducting a MC birthday ceremony for 20 active duty and veteran Marines. Community and VFW Auxiliary members were also present and supporting, not counted for this report. 
 POST 3783  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   9   5   7   $0.00   $1,556.17   $1,556.17   VFW Post 3783 Veterans Day Weekend Poppy Drive. This rep.ort is for 10Nov24. Six shifts between Albertsons, Stater Brothers, Tractor Supply and Country Wine and Spirits. Each shift 3 hours each. We were supported by VFW Post 3783 Auxiliary, BSA Scout troop 768, Cub Scout Pack 768 and Ramona High School NJROTC. This report only accounts for Post members. Total raised ~ $12,000 for Veteran Relief. 
 POST 3783  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    6   5   1   $500.00   $148.84   $648.84   Provided free Veterans Day Pot Roast dinner to active duty and veterans. Post Commander prepped and cooked the meal, three VFW Auxiliary helped serve and two NJROTC cadets helped serve and wash dishes. 103 meals served.  
 POST 3783  11/11/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   5   4   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   VFW Post 3783 held their annual POW/MIA remembrance ceremony on Veteran's Day following the Veterans Day Dinner. Four Post members including the Post Commander as well as four (4) VFW Auxiliary members participated. Had support from two (2) NJROTC Cadets in passing out/lighting candles. Total attendance was approximately 40 Post and auxiliary members as well as people from our Ramona community 
 POST 3783  11/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   65   1   $50.00   $83.17   $133.17   Post Service Officer took a Veteran to Escondido VA for a medical appointment.  
 POST 3783  11/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   5   2   $100.00   $50.08   $150.08   Made monthly donation to District One for purchase of Bus Passes for VA Aspire Center.  
 POST 3783  11/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Post Service Officer helped a Veteran prepare a claim with the VA 
 POST 3783  11/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   50   1   $20.00   $56.38   $76.38   Post Service Officer took a Veteran to the Escondido VA Clinic 
 POST 3783  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   84   1   $25.00   $61.14   $86.14   Post Service Officer took a Veteran to the Escondido VA Clinic  
 POST 3783  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   3   45   1   $25.00   $80.37   $105.37   Post Service Officer took a Veteran to the Escondido VA Clinic 
 POST 3783  12/6/2024   Youth Development   Other   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Post Service Officer met with students at Olive Pierce Middle School about what the VFW stands for, how we assist Veterans and families in need as well as support organizations and events throughout our Ramona Community  
 POST 3783  12/7/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   3   10   7   $742.00   $433.48   $1,175.48   Held annual Patriot's Pen, Voice of Democracy and Teacher of the Year Awards Banquet. Seven post members and three auxiliary helped prepare and serve free meals for awardees and their families. Total time was 7.5 hours and total spent for the event was $2225 but making three separate reports so split evenly for each report. Student Awardees for each program received $200, $125 & $100 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place from the Post (matched by the Aux) and each Teacher of the Year received $200. Additionally held a Pearl Harbor Day Remembrance ceremony during the event. 
 POST 3783  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   10   15   $200.00   $2,593.85   $2,793.85   Post Commander, officers and other post members along with VFW Auxiliary, NJROTC and Scout Troop 768 assisted American Legion Post 332 with their annual Operation Flapjack. 170+ meals were provided free to Active Duty, Veterans and their families. Funds raised go to support American Legion Boys and Girls State candidates as well as support Ramona's Scout Troops and NJROTC Unit. During the event, we also held a POW/MIA Ceremony, observed the National Anthem. The $200 was for foodstuff donated for the event.  
 POST 3783  12/7/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   3   10   7   $742.00   $519.89   $1,261.89   Held annual Patriot's Pen, Voice of Democracy and Teacher of the Year Awards Banquet. Seven post members and three auxiliary helped prepare and serve free meals for awardees and their families. Total time was 7.5 hours and total spent for the event was $2225 but making three separate reports so split evenly for each report. Student Awardees for each program received $200, $125 & $100 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place from the Post (matched by the Aux) and each Teacher of the Year received $200. Additionally held a Pearl Harbor Day Remembrance ceremony during the event.  
 POST 3783  12/7/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   3   10   7   $742.00   $519.89   $1,261.89   Held annual Patriot's Pen, Voice of Democracy and Teacher of the Year Awards Banquet. Seven post members and three auxiliary helped prepare and serve free meals for awardees and their families. Total time was 7.5 hours and total spent for the event was $2225 but making three separate reports so split evenly for each report. Student Awardees for each program received $200, $125 & $100 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place from the Post (matched by the Aux) and each Teacher of the Year received $200. Additionally held a Pearl Harbor Day Remembrance ceremony during the event.  
 POST 3783  12/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   10   8   $0.00   $791.48   $791.48   Post members and our Auxiliary supported 25 active-duty military families living in Ramona Vista housing community. Post and Auxiliary provided gift cards and food items for these families to help offset the cost of Christmas gifts for their children and families. During this community service event, the Post performed a membership drive and we were able to recruit two (2) new members.  
 POST 3783  12/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   84   1   $25.00   $61.14   $86.14   Post Service Officer took a Veteran to the VA Hospital in La Jolla  
 POST 3783  12/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   66   2   $27.00   $157.38   $184.38   Post Commander and Post Service Officer went to Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery to place a wreath from Wreaths Across America on our Post's namesake, PFC Archie G. McArthur's gravesite. $17 for the wreath and $10 for transportation 
 POST 3783  12/15/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post Adjutant spent four hours listening/reading and grading 17 Voice of Democracy entries on behalf of VFW District 1. Many were excellent, but one was a clear winner! Good luck to all the applicants! 
 POST 3783  12/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Post Service Officer helped a Veteran apply for VA Benefits  
 POST 3783  12/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Post Service Officer met with a Veteran to explain the PACT Act and helped her start applying for VA benefits  
 POST 3783  1/15/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   1   5   10   $250.00   $247.60   $497.60   At January Post Meeting, publicly recognized and awarded a $250 grant to Christian Burton for completing his Eagle Scout Project and earning his Eagle Scout Rank 
 POST 3783  1/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   5   2   $1,121.95   $50.08   $1,172.03   Over the course of a year, at every Post Meeting collected donations from members for the VFW National Home. At the end of the year, made a single donation to the VFW National Home in the amount of $1121.95.  
 POST 3783  1/18/2025   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   5   8   $40.00   $198.22   $238.22   Post Commander, seven (7) Post Members as well as Auxiliary President and fellow officers/members hosted VFW District 1 Voice of Democracy/Patriot's Pen/Teacher of the Year (VOD/PP/TOY) Awards Banquet at VFW Post 3783 and provided meals to awardees and their families. Prep and awards banquet was approx 2.5 hours of prep/cleanup and two hours for ceremony & meal. Total expense was $120 and 4.5 hours which I am dividing equally among VOD, PP and TOY reports.  
 POST 3783  1/18/2025   Youth Development    Voice of Democracy   4   5   8   $40.00   $790.78   $830.78   Post Commander, seven (7) Post Members as well as Auxiliary President and fellow officers/members hosted VFW District 1 Voice of Democracy/Patriot's Pen/Teacher of the Year (VOD/PP/TOY) Awards Banquet at VFW Post 3783 and provided meals to awardees and their families. Prep and awards banquet was approx 2.5 hours of prep/cleanup and two hours for ceremony & meal. Total expense was $120 and 4.5 hours which I am dividing equally among VOD, PP and TOY reports.  
 POST 3783  1/28/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Post Service Officer assisted one Veteran with helping prepare documents for VA Benefits 
 POST 3783  1/29/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   10   2   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   Post Commander, one member and a VFW Auxiliary member ran a membership booth the Ramona Senior Center's Information Fair. Additionally, the Post Commander provided information regarding how to file for VA Benefits, what our local VFW supports and is involved in within the Ramona Community, upcoming events and what programs we have for youth development (PP/VOD). 
 POST 3783  2/11/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   3   5   1   $0.00   $74.77   $74.77   Post Service Officer provided information to Veterans regarding available legal service advice/help that District 1 put out at the District meeting both on February 11th and February 18th. Accounting for both in this report 
 POST 3783  2/17/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   3   65   1   $25.00   $83.17   $108.17   Post Service officer took one Veteran to the VA Clinic in Escondido for an appointment. 
 POST 3783  2/19/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   5   10   $500.00   $494.50   $994.50   At February Post Meetings publicly recognized and awarded two (2) $250 grants to Landon Krall and Scott Case for completing their Eagle Scout Projects and earning their Eagle Scout rank. 
 Post 3783 Total 267 2,314 276 $12,740.40 $28,433.53 $41,173.93
 POST 3787  7/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   6   180   1   $950.00   $173.34   $1,123.34   Donated and Toured the VFW national home in Eaton Rapids, Mi.  
 POST 3787  7/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   20   1   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   Visited Life Member in Assited living facility.  
 POST 3787  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   40   1   $0.00   $153.74   $153.74   Post Jr Vice participated in Coronado, Ca 4th of July Parade.  
 POST 3787  7/11/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   16   1   $0.00   $199.76   $199.76   Donated miscellaneous clothing to veterans village of San Diego for veteran stand down. Approximate value of clothing is $ 500.00  
 POST 3787  7/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Assisted life member  with his VA claim. He is a Vietnam Vet. Post Judge Advocate will process his paperwork and follow up as needed.  
 POST 3787  7/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Provided forms and assistance with VA Claim for Gulf War Veteran.  
 POST 3787  7/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Provided forms and assistance with VA Claim for Gulf War Veteran.  
 POST 3787  7/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   6   1   $100.00   $50.22   $150.22   Donated 100.00 from the Post to YMCA Armed Forces Murphy Canyon school s Junior Enlisted Fundraiser for School supplies. POC Meagan McKissick.  
 POST 3787  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 3787  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   15   1   $0.00   $26.79   $26.79   Assisted with Va Claim for operation enduring freedom veteran.  
 POST 3787  8/14/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   20   2   $600.00   $397.84   $997.84   Donated men's and women’s clothing to Veterans Village of San Diego. Approximately 10 bags and donation valve of $600.00.  
 POST 3787  8/15/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Sponsored Boy Scout Troop 975.  
 POST 3787  8/15/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   2   2   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Displayed 5 American flags on Twain Ave in San Diego, ca.  
 POST 3787  9/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   15   1   $0.00   $76.17   $76.17   Visited Life member in assisted living facility.  
 POST 3787  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   1   5   $0.00   $247.04   $247.04   Conducted 9/11 memorial ceremony at post 3787.  
 POST 3787  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   2   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   Displayed 5 American flags on Twain Av e San Diego Ca.  
 POST 3787  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   5   $0.00   $123.59   $123.59   Conducted 9/11 memorial ceremony at post.  
 POST 3787  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   3   2   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Provide forms and assistance for Vietnam veteran claim.  
 POST 3787  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   2   2   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Provided assistance for VA claim to Vietnam veteran.  
 POST 3787  9/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   16   1   $0.00   $51.62   $51.62   Visited member at assisted living facility in El Cajon ca.  
 POST 3787  9/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   12   10   $0.00   $248.58   $248.58   Conducted FY-25 CPO Pinning ceremony for 2 Chief Petty Officers. 10 members and 33 guests attended.  
 POST 3787  10/12/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   1   2   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   Displayed 5 American Flags on Twain Ave San Diego Ca.  
 POST 3787  10/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   15   2   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Provided VA claim assistance to Global War on Terrorism Veteran.  
 POST 3787  10/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   18   1   $0.00   $51.90   $51.90   Visited Life Member from Post at Assisted living in El Cajon Ca.  
 POST 3787  10/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   13   2   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Assisted Afghanistan Veteran with VA Claim.  
 POST 3787  10/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   22   1   $0.00   $52.46   $52.46   Visit Life Member at El Cajon Ca Rehab facility.  
 POST 3787  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 3787  11/11/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   5   2   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Displayed 5 American flags on Twain Ave, San Diego, Ca. 
 POST 3787  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   22   1   $0.00   $101.84   $101.84   Post Member participated in San Diego Veterans Day parade. 
 POST 3787  11/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   20   19   $0.00   $1,410.13   $1,410.13   Judge Advocate conducted a 3-hour seminar on VA disability compensation system. Attended by 19 Post members.  
 POST 3787  11/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Visited life member at facility in El Cajon, Ca  
 POST 3787  11/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   18   4   $0.00   $397.56   $397.56   Provided 237 pounds of canned goods to Feeding San Diego food drive.  
 POST 3787  11/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    10   15   8   $0.00   $1,977.30   $1,977.30   Served Free Thanksgiving Dinner to over 110 Veterans and their Families.  
 POST 3787  12/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Visited Life Member at El Cajon Ca assisted living facility. 
 POST 3787  12/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   16   2   $0.00   $101.00   $101.00   Donated Men’s and Women’s clothing to Homeless Shelter in Tijuana Mexico. Approximate valve $ 400.00.  
 POST 3787  12/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   2   $0.00   $198.22   $198.22   Donated Toys to over 75 families for home start.  
 POST 3787  12/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   22   2   $0.00   $151.22   $151.22   Judge Advocate conducted VA benefits seminar on Disability compensation. Attended by 12 Post members.  
 POST 3787  12/21/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   2   1   $0.00   $24.97   $24.97   Displayed  American Flags on Twain Ave San Diego, CA.  
 POST 3787  12/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   15   1   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Visited Life Member at El Cajon assisted living facility. 
 POST 3787  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   12   2   $0.00   $149.82   $149.82   Assisted with disabled veterans access to and from Kearny Mesa VA clinic.  
 POST 3787  1/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   15   2   $0.00   $150.24   $150.24   Visited life member in El Cajon, Ca assisted living facility.  
 POST 3787  1/20/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   5   2   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Displayed 5 American Flags on Twain Ave San Diego, Ca 92120 
 POST 3787  1/25/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   21   1   $0.00   $77.01   $77.01   Assited Veterans and their spouses with VA claims and benefits.  
 POST 3787  2/4/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   3   2   $0.00   $99.18   $99.18   Displayed 4 American Flags on 4370 Twain Ave, San Diego, Ca 92120. 
 POST 3787  2/5/2025   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   6   12   2   $0.00   $297.96   $297.96   Presented Teacher of year nomination plaque for 24 - 25 from post to Mr William Merdloc at Alice Birney elementary school. 
 POST 3787  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   15   1   $0.00   $76.17   $76.17   Post JAG provided veteran claim assistance to 12 veterans.  
 Post 3787 Total 126 702 111 $1,675.00 $8,295.36 $9,970.36
 POST 3788  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   3   $0.00   $299.78   $299.78   Placed flags on public street in the Kearny Mesa area.  
 POST 3788  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   5   $225.00   $249.70   $474.70   Provided free linch for all participants including some public non-members. Provided food, music, pledge of allegiance, ceremony, and comraderie for all present.  
 POST 3788  7/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided guidance and assisted veteran with VA claim  
 POST 3788  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   45   6   $70.00   $895.14   $965.14   Held a 4th of July ceremony and meals for members and their guests  
 POST 3788  7/15/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   4   4   1   $35.00   $99.32   $134.32   Purchased and donated personal items and collected clothing. Gave all items to VFW Post 5985 to add to their collection.  
 POST 3788  7/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $50.00   $24.69   $74.69   Cash was given to a veteran in need of gas for vehicle.  
 POST 3788  7/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   3   $150.00   $74.07   $224.07   The Commander awarded life membership, paid for my the Post, to three members who were deserving.  
 POST 3788  7/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   130   5   $0.00   $758.90   $758.90   Today, the VFW Riders Group Post 3788 had the honor of supporting the Lakeside Riders Post 5867 on their first monthly ride! Alongside our comrades from VFW Riders Lemon Grove Post 2082, Marine Riders, and a few enthusiastic guests, we road out of the Lakeside Carter Smith Post 5867 to Pine Valley, where we had the privilege of leading the Pine Valley Days Parade with the Patriot Guard.  
 POST 3788  7/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   25   5   $55.00   $373.85   $428.85   Performed memorial service for unknown Air Force veteran and purchased lunch for the family.  
 POST 3788  7/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   12   1   $0.00   $149.82   $149.82   During the month of July, donated time and services to a local church.  
 POST 3788  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 3788  8/19/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   2   25   1   $50.00   $52.88   $102.88   Conducted Bingo at he VA La Jolla clinic and purchased patriot coupons for the winners. $50 worth of coupons is purchased for each month's Bingo.  
 POST 3788  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   18   2   $50.00   $51.90   $101.90   Donated funds to assist a veteran with gasoline.  
 POST 3788  8/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   100   100   21   $1,000.00   $51,863.00   $52,863.00   **normal VFW business not reportable** During the month of August, finalized the planning, organizing,, coordinating, written documentation, and patch designs required for the establishment of a Post 3788 Chapter Riders Group. During the month, both the Department and National Hq approved the formation with the stamp of approval on our Standard Operating Procedures. We consist of 21 Charter members in the categories of Veteran, Auxiliary and Supporter..  
 POST 3788  8/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   18   1   $5,000.00   $224.73   $5,224.73   During the month of August, donated personal funds, time and support to a local church.  
 POST 3788  8/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   15   3   $0.00   $76.17   $76.17   During the month of August, stored food for community distribution, the food coming from the San Diego Food Bank.  
 POST 3788  8/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   60   1   $0.00   $33.09   $33.09   assisted with veterans VA claim  
 POST 3788  9/2/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Prepared and sent information to schools introducing and soliciting their participation for the Patriot's Pen and Voice of Democracy Programs.  
 POST 3788  9/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   18   1   $500.00   $27.21   $527.21   Provided funds to a veteran in need.  
 POST 3788  9/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   20   4   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   Conducted a membership drive for active-duty Navy from the USS Carl Vinson  
 POST 3788  9/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   36   1   $0.00   $54.42   $54.42   Discussed personal issues with a senior veteran at a senior living facility.  
 POST 3788  9/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   4   1   $3,500.00   $25.25   $3,525.25   Donation made to a local church.  
 POST 3788  9/17/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   3   22   1   $15.00   $77.15   $92.15   Gave a presentation concerning the scholarship programs of the VFW and solicited participation.  
 POST 3788  9/17/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   3   22   1   $15.00   $77.15   $92.15   Gave a presentation concerning the scholarship programs of the VFW and asked for participation.  
 POST 3788  9/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $200.00   $24.69   $224.69   A member purchased two Continuous Life Memberships at the National Home for $100 each.  
 POST 3788  9/17/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   3   22   1   $15.00   $77.15   $92.15   Gave a presentation about the scholarship programs of the VFW and asked for participation  
 POST 3788  9/17/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   22   1   $15.00   $77.15   $92.15   At a community function attended by many veterans, gave a presentation about the VFW and solicited membership. One member announced he will transfer his VFW membership to Post 3788.  
 POST 3788  9/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   110   3   $0.00   $237.61   $237.61   Visited those at the Chula Vista Veterans Home and celebrated the Air Force birthday by cutting a cake (provided by another veterans organization) and talking to the various personnel within the facility.  
 POST 3788  9/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   50   1   $0.00   $31.69   $31.69   Helped guide a veteran to the VA claims process and the office contact information to assist with his claim..  
 POST 3788  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   8   51   2   $0.00   $402.18   $402.18   Attended/Participated District 1 POW/MIA Ceremony.  
 POST 3788  9/23/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   2   50   1   $100.00   $56.38   $156.38   Conducted Bingo at he VA La Jolla clinic and purchased patriot coupons for the winners. $50 worth of coupons is purchased for each month's Bingo.  
 POST 3788  9/29/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   36   1   $0.00   $29.73   $29.73   Discussed the Teacher of the Year Program with a representative from a local school.  
 POST 3788  10/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   2   1   $900.00   $24.97   $924.97   Donated to a local church  
 POST 3788  10/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   24   2   $160.00   $52.74   $212.74   Provided assistance to a veteran.  
 POST 3788  10/5/2024   Community Service   Safety Recognition   1   10   9   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   **not reportable**Conduct safety briefing to Riders' members,.  
 POST 3788  10/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   44   4   $850.00   $499.96   $1,349.96   Donated medical-related items (wheelchairs, walkers, electric scooter, crutches, adult diapers) to a local church for eventual delivery to a mission in Tijuana.  
 POST 3788  10/5/2024   Community Service   Other   4   65   3   $60.00   $305.38   $365.38   **not reportable**Three members traveled to VFW Post Campo to assist with their fundraising efforts.  
 POST 3788  10/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   45   1   $0.00   $30.99   $30.99   Distributed flyers for the Heroes Pantry II free food distribution that our Post 3788 is involved with every two weeks.  
 POST 3788  10/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   35   1   $50.00   $78.97   $128.97   Conducted Bingo at the La Jolla VA facility and gave prizes.  
 POST 3788  10/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   100   5   $0.00   $754.70   $754.70   Conducted Heroes Pantry II at the Post that distributed free vegetables and eggs to the milirary and civilian populace.  
 POST 3788  10/14/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   2   0   1   $0.65   $49.38   $50.03   Researched, wrote, and mailed letter to San Diego County Supervisors in support of exemption to require VFW and other Veterans' organizations from the requirement to obtain County Entertainment licenses. The effort of all the Posts appears to be successful in that the final reading will be next month. but, there was no opposition when voting.  
 POST 3788  10/14/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Wrote a letter to San Diego County District Supervisor Anderson soliciting support to suspend entertainment license requirements for Veterans' organizations.  
 POST 3788  10/19/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   9   40   1   $0.00   $227.81   $227.81   Provided support to the North County Stand Down.  
 POST 3788  10/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   55   3   $0.00   $452.12   $452.12   Conducted Heroes Pantry II to distribute free vegetables and eggs to the local populace, military related and civilian. .  
 POST 3788  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 3788  11/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   3   2   $900.00   $49.80   $949.80   Donated to a local church  
 POST 3788  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    6   65   4   $0.00   $601.66   $601.66   Participated in Heroes Pantry II for food distribution to all who participated, military and civilian.  
 POST 3788  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    6   100   3   $0.00   $458.42   $458.42   Participated in the Veterans Day Parade.  
 POST 3788  11/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   100   4   $0.00   $507.80   $507.80   Participated in jheroes Pantry II distrtibuting food to military and civilians  
 POST 3788  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   100   4   $0.00   $507.80   $507.80   Distributed donated food to veterans, families, and those of the community.  
 POST 3788  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   100   11   $0.00   $285.59   $285.59   Held a remembrance ceremony for the events at Pearl Harbor, HI, 7 Dec 1941.  
 POST 3788  12/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $10,000.00   $24.69   $10,024.69   A member donated money to a local church  
 POST 3788  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   30   2   $0.00   $152.34   $152.34   Assisted with a Christmas party attended by 55 children from the families of military and civilian.  
 POST 3788  1/1/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $100.00   $49.38   $149.38   Provided monetary assistance to a veteran in need.  
 POST 3788  1/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   The Commander provided comments to the local media concerning veterans issues..  
 POST 3788  1/4/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   3   40   1   $50.00   $79.67   $129.67   Conducted Bingo and gave prizes for the winners.  
 POST 3788  1/4/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   Provided assistance to the Food Bank of San Diego by storing and distributing food.  
 POST 3788  1/5/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Discussed the needs of, and with the veteran, and provided the contact to assist with the VA claims process.  
 POST 3788  1/5/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   4   1   $20.00   $49.94   $69.94   Volunteered at a local church  
 POST 3788  1/6/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   The Commander finalized and signed the contract for the Post sponsoring BSA Troop 170 for year 2025.  
 POST 3788  1/11/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $40.00   $49.38   $89.38   Provided assistance to a veteran in need  
 POST 3788  1/12/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $100.00   $49.38   $149.38   Provided assistance to a veteran in need  
 POST 3788  2/1/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   10   340   10   $300.00   $2,516.60   $2,816.60   Collected can and other goods for the Los Angeles fire victums., and deliver the same to Los Angeles. 
 POST 3788  2/11/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   18   1   $0.00   $51.90   $51.90   Counseled a veteran and guided her for the claims process. 
 Post 3788 Total 288 2,320 167 $24,600.65 $65,284.19 $89,884.84
 POST 3795  7/2/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Replaced US and POW/MIA for 3 Veterans families.  
 POST 3795  8/1/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Replaced US and POW/MIA for 2 Veterans families.  
 POST 3795  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 3795  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   1   16   $10.00   $3,160.46   $3,170.46   blood drive collected 16 units.  
 POST 3795  9/11/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   12   1   2   $0.00   $592.70   $592.70   **not reportable**1/2 mast flag for patriots day  
 POST 3795  9/14/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   1   22   $20.00   $543.32   $563.32   POW/MIA recognize Day at meeting. on 14 Sep Air Force Birth 18 Sep.  
 POST 3795  9/14/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   1   22   $20.00   $543.32   $563.32   POW/MIA recognize Day at meeting. on 14 Sep Air Force Birth 18 Sep.  
 POST 3795  9/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   2   $100.00   $49.38   $149.38   Donated to the National Home.  
 POST 3795  9/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   20   2   $10.00   $200.32   $210.32   membership drive at Sony of San Diego  
 POST 3795  9/24/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   5   1   $42.00   $25.39   $67.39   Replaced Am. Flags on homes, 2 flags  
 POST 3795  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 3795  11/4/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   2   $25.00   $49.38   $74.38   Funded and facilitated submission of VOD application. 
 POST 3795  11/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   5   $0.00   $123.59   $123.59   Honored Marine Corps birthday  
 POST 3795  11/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   1   1   $0.00   $74.21   $74.21   Offered breakfast for 8 low income neighbors.  
 POST 3795  11/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   40   1   $0.00   $104.36   $104.36   Delivered meals and visits to 3 shut in veterans.  
 POST 3795  11/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Delivered meals to 4 shut-in non-veteran elderly.  
 POST 3795  11/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   8   $0.00   $790.78   $790.78   Provided Thanksgiving dinner for auxiliary and civilian friends and neighbors.  
 Post 3795 Total 49 116 92 $252.00 $6,608.47 $6,860.47
 POST 5431  7/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   12   $120.00   $1,185.12   $1,305.12   VFW Post 5431 North County SD monthly Veteran Community Dinner and recruitment drive.  
 POST 5431  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 5431  8/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   12   $90.00   $1,185.12   $1,275.12   VFW Post 5431 North County SD monthly Veteran Community Dinner and recruitment drive.  
 POST 5431  9/12/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   0   14   $125.00   $1,036.98   $1,161.98   VFW Post 5431 North County SD monthly Veteran Community Dinner and recruitment drive.  
 POST 5431  10/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   12   $120.00   $888.84   $1,008.84   Community dinner for local veterans for a recruiting opportunity.  
 POST 5431  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 5431  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Drive at Veterans Day Ceremony  
 POST 5431  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   5   6   $495.00   $741.40   $1,236.40   Veterans Day Celebration with the city of Solana Beach CA. We distributed Buddy Poppy and raised awareness for the VFW Post.  
 POST 5431  11/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   0   10   $150.00   $740.70   $890.70   Community dinner for local veterans for a recruiting opportunity.  
 Post 5431 Total 29 5 69 $1,125.00 $5,950.99 $7,075.99
 POST 5477  7/1/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Members of Post 5477 participated in the raising of the Army flag at City Hall.  
 POST 5477  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   0   10   $1,000.00   $1,728.30   $2,728.30   Fourth of July community event. Members provided food, band.   
 POST 5477  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   0   3   $0.00   $518.49   $518.49   Members held a membership drive at a Fourth of July Event.  
 POST 5477  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   0   2   $0.00   $345.66   $345.66   Members held a buddy poppy drive at community celebration  
 POST 5477  7/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   1   2   $0.00   $148.28   $148.28   Members participated in a mass food distribution to members of the local community.  
 POST 5477  7/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   2   $100.00   $49.38   $149.38   Members donated to the National Home.  
 POST 5477  8/1/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   4   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Members of Post 5477 participated in the raising of the Coast Guard flag at City Hall.  
 POST 5477  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 5477  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   28   2   $20.00   $53.30   $73.30   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 5477  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   1   3   $0.00   $148.28   $148.28   Participated in a beach/street clean up in the Imperial Beach area.  
 POST 5477  9/9/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   1   3   $0.00   $74.21   $74.21   The Post Commander, Senior Vice Commander, and Junior Vice Commander met with three coaches from our local high school. The coaches were briefed on the VOD.  
 POST 5477  9/9/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   1   3   $0.00   $74.21   $74.21   The Post Commander, Senior Vice Commander, and Junior Vice Commander met with three coaches from our local high school. The coaches were briefed on the Teacher of the Year program.  
 POST 5477  9/9/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   1   3   $0.00   $74.21   $74.21   The Post Commander, Senior Vice Commander, and Junior Vice Commander met with three coaches from our local high school. The coaches were briefed on the Patriot's Pen program.  
 POST 5477  9/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   The San Diego Blood Bank mobile van came to our VFW and members donated blood.  
 POST 5477  9/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   2   $90.00   $49.38   $139.38   Donated to the National Home during monthly meeting.  
 POST 5477  9/25/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Members of our Post, put up brochures around our Post advertising the Teacher of the Year program. Teacher of the Year was also advertised on our Facebook page.  
 POST 5477  9/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   7   $0.00   $691.32   $691.32   Our VFW held an event for the 125th Anniversary of the VFW. Individual from the community, the Post,, the American Legion, and the Fleet Reserve attended.  
 POST 5477  10/1/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   One member met with the local high school JROTC official and provided them with a VOD pamphlet. The pamphlet was posted on the Mar Vista High School Instagram page.  
 POST 5477  10/1/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   6   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Members of Post 5477 participated in the raising of the Marine Corps flag at City Hall.  
 POST 5477  10/10/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Post member advertised for Patriot's Pen applicants in our local newspaper. The ad was online and in the paper itself.  
 POST 5477  10/10/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Post member advertised for applicants for Voice of Democracy in our local news paper. The ad was online and in the paper itself.  
 POST 5477  10/12/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   During a community event (October Fest) at our VFW we conducted a buddy poppy drive.  
 POST 5477  10/12/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   0   3   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Conducted a booth at  an October Fest Event for the community. Post members was 3 and Aux members was 6. During the event we conducted a membership drive and signed up two life time members.  
 POST 5477  10/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   3   $250.00   $74.07   $324.07   Post members donated $250.00 to Wreaths Across America.  
 POST 5477  10/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   3   $500.00   $74.07   $574.07   Post members donated $500.00 to Toys for Tots.  
 POST 5477  10/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   The Post (4 members), Auxiliary (5 members), Mar Vista Highschool Football players (32 players) and coaches (2 coaches) participated in a beach/bay clean up.  
 POST 5477  10/28/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   5   $50.00   $123.45   $173.45   Our VFW had five nominees for VOD and one was selected. Her entry from was forwarded to District.  
 POST 5477  11/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief    1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   A veteran who was having a serious PTSD event came to our post asking for help. Two of our members got him the assistance he needed. The veteran came back to the post two days later and thanked our members.  
 POST 5477  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 5477  11/4/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   1   5   $0.00   $123.59   $123.59   Post members (5) and Auxiliary members (3) raised the Navy flag at City Hall.  
 POST 5477  11/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief    2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   A veteran who was having a serious PTSD event came to our post asking for help. Two of our members got him the assistance he needed. The veteran came back to the post two days later and thanked our members.  
 POST 5477  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Our members conducted a Poppy drive during the Veterans Day events.  
 POST 5477  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   5   $80.00   $493.80   $573.80   Our members conducted a membership drive during a community Veterans day event. We recruited three life members and provided $80.00 dollars of soft drinks for the public.  
 POST 5477  11/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   5   $100.00   $123.45   $223.45   Members donated to the National Home. 
 POST 5477  11/19/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Players from the Junior and Senior Varsity Football team came to our post. During their visit each player was given a VOD brochure. Their coaches were also present and briefed about the program.  
 POST 5477  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   1   2   $0.00   $148.21   $148.21   Four Auxiliary members and two Post members volunteered to hand out food at a local food drive.  
 POST 5477  12/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   5   $0.00   $123.59   $123.59   Members of the VFW went to City Hall and raised the Space Force flag.  
 POST 5477  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   5   $0.00   $123.59   $123.59   Members of our Post attended our annual remembrance of Pearl Harbor event.  
 POST 5477  12/21/2024   Community Service   Other   1   0   6   $80.00   $148.14   $228.14   Members donated to the National Home. 
 POST 5477  1/18/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   2   0   6   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Members of our VFW donated items to the LA fire victims and the items was taken to LA. 
 POST 5477  1/30/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   1   3   $0.00   $148.28   $148.28   Three members represented the VFW at the State of the City address by our Mayor. 
 POST 5477  2/14/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Members of the VFW handed out food to veterans with the Food for Veterans program.  
 Post 5477 Total 88 38 137 $2,295.00 $7,881.36 $10,176.36
 POST 5867  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Post donated to Post Auxiliary collection of items for the Wounded Warrior Project.  
 POST 5867  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   30   1   $0.00   $78.27   $78.27   Member participated in the Coronado 4th of July Parade. Aux 2  
 POST 5867  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   40   1   $0.00   $153.74   $153.74   Member volunteered with Imperial Beach Firework team setting up for IB Fireworks display.  
 POST 5867  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   15   3   $0.00   $224.31   $224.31   Held a 4th of July free meal for members and their guests.  
 POST 5867  7/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   35   1   $0.00   $29.59   $29.59   Post Commander was interviewed by channel 10 news to speak about what the VFW does for Veterans and community event happening on July 6 at the San Diego waterfront.  
 POST 5867  7/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   30   3   $0.00   $226.41   $226.41   Membership booth at community Culture festival 2024  
 POST 5867  7/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Buddy Poppy Drive at community event. Aux 1  
 POST 5867  7/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   26   1   $0.00   $53.02   $53.02   Commander met with District Rotary President, Feeding SD, & District Service Officer to coordinate a Food drive with a goal of 60,000lbs of food.  
 POST 5867  7/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Members donated hygiene items and clothes to Stand Down 2024. Aux 2  
 POST 5867  7/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Helped set up & distribute vegetables & fruit, open to all the communities in East County.  
 POST 5867  7/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   Comrade donated food to Post 5867 for all Post members & Auxiliary.  
 POST 5867  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   Delivered clothes, shoes, & hygiene products to VVSD for Standdown. Aux 1  
 POST 5867  7/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   2   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Post sponsored a fundraiser event for Wreaths Across America. Aux 2  
 POST 5867  7/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Commander was invited as a guest to attend Honor Flight ceremony by Rotary Club for WWII Veteran Max Gurney.  
 POST 5867  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   30   1   $0.00   $28.89   $28.89   Member delivered fresh vegetables and fruits to 3 neighbor Veterans. Aux 1  
 POST 5867  7/20/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Handed out buddy poppies, and educated people during the San Diego Pride Parade.  
 POST 5867  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   40   1   $0.00   $79.67   $79.67   Participated (walked) in San Diego Pride Parade for the second year.  
 POST 5867  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   30   4   $0.00   $201.72   $201.72   Coordinated partnership with Food for Health to provide the community with fresh fruits and vegetables. Aux 3  
 POST 5867  7/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   30   4   $0.00   $201.72   $201.72   Provided food to Veterans and their families from our Post Heroes Pantry. Helping over 45 families. Aux 3  
 POST 5867  7/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   30   1   $0.00   $28.89   $28.89   Donated books to the Santee Little Lending Library.  
 POST 5867  7/22/2024   Youth Development   Other   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   Donated school supplies as part of the SMOAC Buddy Backpacks program worth over $400.00.  
 POST 5867  7/24/2024   Youth Development   Other   1   30   1   $60.00   $28.89   $88.89   Donated school items to Post 2082 Lemon Grove Back to School Giveaway.  
 POST 5867  7/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   60   5   $0.00   $255.30   $255.30   Members participated in Pine Valley Parade. Aux 3  
 POST 5867  8/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Gave a Army Veteran information on what a VFW service officer does and helped him with sharing locations of food distributions.  
 POST 5867  8/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   Comrade gave a veteran a ride to La Jolla and back due to not being able to drive.  
 POST 5867  8/3/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   1   40   1   $0.00   $30.29   $30.29   Briefed parents on the opportunity of VOD/PP scholarship programs with the VFW.  
 POST 5867  8/3/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   Participated in District Membership Drive at Cammies for College at Liberty Station Conference Center. Aux 1  
 POST 5867  8/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   35   1   $0.00   $54.28   $54.28   Participated in Purple Heart ceremony at Veterans Memorial, Purple Heart SD Chapter, reading of our brothers and sisters. It was done early for Purple Heart day on August 7th, Aux 1  
 POST 5867  8/3/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   Buddy poppy drive at community event for military families. Aux 1  
 POST 5867  8/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   20   4   $0.00   $397.84   $397.84   Volunteered to distribute Fruits and Vegetable from Food for health to over 70 families of Veterans, Active duty and Community. Aux 2  
 POST 5867  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 5867  8/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   15   2   $0.00   $100.86   $100.86   Coordinated and participated in District Membership recruiting table at National Sherriff's night out in Santee.  
 POST 5867  8/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   20   3   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   Membership recruiting table at National Sherriff's night out in Lakeside. Aux 3  
 POST 5867  8/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   20   3   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   Buddy Poppy drive at National Sherriff's night out in Lakeside.  
 POST 5867  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   15   1   $0.00   $26.79   $26.79   Service Officer provided information to a family member on benefits for a veteran that has passed away.  
 POST 5867  8/10/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   4   30   1   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Participated in meal preparations for yearly Veterans Village Stand Down.  
 POST 5867  8/10/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   6   30   2   $0.00   $300.48   $300.48   Members set up a table to give Stand Down veteran's information on Food Distribution, Access to resources or referrals Employment services, housing and shelter, Rent and utility assistance, Counseling/mental health services, Family and legal resources, VA and other benefits and information, Veterans transition services, & Low-cost or no-cost recreation with Courage to Call.  
 POST 5867  8/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Member assisted in packing food for distribution to the community in El Cajon Transition Center.  
 POST 5867  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   Member delivered veggies & fruit to Veterans at our post.  
 POST 5867  8/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   2   116   2   $50.00   $115.00   $165.00   Donated to National Home CA during National Home dinner fundraiser at Post 1924 Fallbrook.  
 POST 5867  8/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   45   3   $200.00   $80.37   $280.37   Member donated to post and auxiliary members canned food for Annual food drive and for post members.  
 POST 5867  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance    Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   30   2   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   Participated in Enlisted Leadership meeting for service members retiring.  
 POST 5867  9/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   2   5   $0.00   $247.18   $247.18   Annual PTSD/Suicide Awareness walk to help start our day in good mental health. Aux 4  
 POST 5867  9/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Member took vegetable & fruits to older veterans in her neighborhood. Aux 1  
 POST 5867  9/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   20   5   $0.00   $373.15   $373.15   Post organized a meal fundraiser and collected over $6,000 for Post Auxiliary Senior Vice. Aux 20  
 POST 5867  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   12   $0.00   $593.96   $593.96   Participated in 9/11 walk and ceremony. Aux 15  
 POST 5867  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Comrades attended and participated in Veterans of East County Alliance meeting and leading 9/11 remembrance.  
 POST 5867  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   22   1   $0.00   $27.77   $27.77   Commander was invited to participate in 9/11 ceremony by Joel Anderson.  
 POST 5867  9/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   30   2   $0.00   $300.48   $300.48   Donated hall to non-profit community San Diego Blood bank drive.  
 POST 5867  9/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   6   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   Donated to post for the Warrior Foundation. Misc items and snacks to send to Active duty in the Indian ocean and straits. Aux 2  
 POST 5867  9/20/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   20   10   $0.00   $249.70   $249.70   Community Post POW/MIA ceremony. Aux 6  
 POST 5867  9/21/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   JROTC participated in POW/MIA District Remembrance ceremony.  
 POST 5867  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   30   1   $0.00   $28.89   $28.89   Participated in POW/MIA District 1 Remembrance ceremony. Aux 8  
 POST 5867  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   30   6   $0.00   $744.90   $744.90   Participated in Navy Chiefs community service event as well as training for all the Selectees.  
 POST 5867  9/23/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   1   15   2   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Participated in ceremony for Scouts 346 and recognized them for their restoration of picnic tables.  
 POST 5867  9/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   2   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Members participated in Drug Enforcement Administration family summit to provide information on programs available through Courage to Call and Veterans programs through VFW.  
 POST 5867  9/30/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   **no money was spent, can not report $$**Post supports and sponsors Scout Troop 346 by donating the hall every Monday to conduct training and meetings for leaders and parents.  
 POST 5867  10/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   3   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   Organized and participated in Wreaths Across America coin auction fundraiser. Aux 2  
 POST 5867  10/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   20   3   $100.00   $76.87   $176.87   Donated to District Christmas Backpacks for Veterans at VAMC and VA Aspire Center. 
 POST 5867  10/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   23   1   $50.00   $27.91   $77.91   Post donated to ASPIRE center.  
 POST 5867  10/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   30   1   $0.00   $28.89   $28.89   Participated in the 23rd Annual VFW Cole Wreath Lay Ceremony at Mt. Hope Cemetery in remembrance of SN Lakiba Palmer and sixteen other crew members. Aux 1  
 POST 5867  10/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   15   2   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Provided information on PACT/ACT claims process.  
 POST 5867  10/17/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   4   60   1   $0.00   $107.16   $107.16   Volunteered at NCVSD Guest Services.  
 POST 5867  10/17/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   2   60   3   $0.00   $156.54   $156.54   Donated blankets, sheets, hygiene products, and clothes to NCVSD, Aux 1  
 POST 5867  10/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   15   1   $0.00   $26.79   $26.79   Assisted post member with information on how to apply for PACT ACT benefits.  
 POST 5867  10/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   15   2   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Assisted post member with information on how to apply for PACT ACT benefits.  
 POST 5867  10/24/2024   Youth Development   Other   2   15   3   $0.00   $150.24   $150.24   **can not reprots funds taht were not spent**  Post donated room to East County Little League team to conduct training for all coaches and information for parents.  
 POST 5867  10/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   Attended District President presentation ceremony, presented check to Jennifer Moreno VA Medical Center. Aux 1 
 POST 5867  10/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   5   $0.00   $373.85   $373.85   With a collaboration with our Auxiliary our Trunk-or-Treat was a Halloween success. We approximately had 100 post, auxiliary, & community members join us. Aux 6 
 POST 5867  10/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   2   $50.00   $101.56   $151.56   Post and Auxiliary donated candy to give out on Halloween and glow sticks for safety. Aux 2  
 POST 5867  11/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   40   6   $0.00   $450.02   $450.02   Coordinated/Participated in Fleet Week San Diego Military Appreciation Concert, a tribute to Vietnam Veterans at Spreckles Pavilion Balboa Park. Aux 1 
 POST 5867  11/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   30   1   $100.00   $28.89   $128.89   Donated to walk for breakthrough Type 1 Diabetes. Aux 1  
 POST 5867  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 5867  11/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   25   3   $0.00   $225.71   $225.71   We were invited to a Warrior Foundation Freedom Station and Athletic Awards luncheon. We also had a membership and informational table to provide information for Veterans, transitioning Active Duty, & their families. 
 POST 5867  11/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   20   2   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   It took months, but as members of Veterans of East County Alliance and members of the Lakeside VFW we organized a Veterans luncheon recognizing Women Veterans (5 VFW) and donations to Courage to Call (Help Active duty and those Veterans with PTSD and other necessities). 
 POST 5867  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   22   1   $0.00   $52.46   $52.46   Participated as a guest speaker at Gage Elementary to speak about the significance of Buddy Poppy's and VFW programs to parents and students.  
 POST 5867  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   41   1   $0.00   $55.12   $55.12   Attended Mt Soledad Veterans Day ceremony honoring Korean War Veterans. 
 POST 5867  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   15   1   $0.00   $26.79   $26.79   Member donated 6 toys for Active duty children Toys for Tots toy drive at our Post.  
 POST 5867  11/10/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   Invited to participate in House of USA Veterans day Observance program and Marines 249th cake cutting ceremony. We were able to have a Membership Drive. 
 POST 5867  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   Invited to participate in House of USA Veterans day Observance program and Marines 249th cake cutting ceremony. We were able to have a Buddy Poppy Drive. 
 POST 5867  11/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   3   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   Coordinated/Participated in Post Community Celebration of the 248th Birthday traditional Cake Cutting Ceremony. We had a guest (daughter of a Marine who has passed away), the oldest Marine and the youngest Marine. Aux 5 
 POST 5867  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   40   5   $0.00   $375.95   $375.95   Participated in San Diego Veterans Day Parade. Also, handed out poppies. Aux 1 
 POST 5867  11/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   20   2   $0.00   $249.70   $249.70   Coordinated/Hosted Post Blood Drive. 
 POST 5867  11/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   22   1   $0.00   $52.46   $52.46   Assisted the spouse of a Vietnam Veteran with reviewing spouse benefits and the procedure the mortuary will take care of with Miramar National Cemetery.  
 POST 5867  11/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   30   3   $0.00   $226.41   $226.41   Attended/Participated in VALOR luncheon event recognizing Women Veterans 2024. 
 POST 5867  11/14/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Submitted one Law Enforcement package. 
 POST 5867  11/14/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Submitted 1 package for Teacher of the Year award. 
 POST 5867  11/14/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Submitted 1 entry for Voice of Democracy.  
 POST 5867  11/14/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Submitted one entry for Patriot's Pen. Aux 2 
 POST 5867  11/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   5   $0.00   $249.70   $249.70   Our Heroes Pantry organized and distributed fresh foods and vegetables to Veterans, Active Duty, and Community. A total of 403 served. Aux 3 
 POST 5867  11/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   20   3   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   Our Heroes Pantry organized and distributed fresh foods and vegetables to 74 Veterans & their families. 
 POST 5867  11/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   70   2   $120.00   $108.56   $228.56   Post donated 6 turkeys & were delivered to the Warrior Foundation Freedom Station. I. 
 POST 5867  11/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   Donated 60 rolls for a early Thanksgiving meal for 30 Veterans and their families at Warrior Foundation Station II. 
 POST 5867  11/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   20   5   $0.00   $373.15   $373.15   Our Heroes Pantry organized and distributed turkey's, fresh foods and vegetables to Veterans, Active Duty, and Community. A total of 559 served. Aux 4 
 POST 5867  11/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   45   1   $0.00   $55.68   $55.68   Participated in Liberty Station Tree lighting & handed out Candy Canes. Aux 1 
 POST 5867  11/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   30   3   $0.00   $226.41   $226.41   Participated in Deck the Halls for Warrior Freedom Foundation. Aux 5 
 POST 5867  12/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   20   2   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   Organized a community collection of socks, sweats, & hygiene items for Veterans at Chula Vista Veterans Home as part of their Christmas Bulb wish list. Aux 1  
 POST 5867  12/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   Donated fruits to veterans of the post and donated toys for toy drive.  
 POST 5867  12/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   15   2   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Members delivered wheelchair for one of our members wife to use after surgery.  
 POST 5867  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   7   $0.00   $175.63   $175.63   Organized and Participated in community Pearl Harbor remembrance ceremony. Aux 6  
 POST 5867  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Poppy drive (Santa Boots with Poppy on them) during community Rudolph Walk in Lindo Lake Park. 
 POST 5867  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   5   $0.00   $249.70   $249.70   Post members organized and participated in yearly community toy drive. Collected 3 boxes of toys to donate to Courage to Call. Santa also visited that day.  
 POST 5867  12/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   Participated in gift wrapping Christmas gifts with Home Instead for Senior Veterans at Chula Vista Veterans Home. Aux 1 
 POST 5867  12/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   Post Senior Vice gave a ride to a Veteran/Post member a ride to the emergency room. He could not drive. 
 POST 5867  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Participated in Wreaths Across America at Singing Hills in El Cajon. Aux 1 
 POST 5867  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   45   5   $0.00   $253.20   $253.20   Participated in Wreaths Across America at Miramar. 
 POST 5867  12/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   20   3   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   Set up a claims/disability table for Veterans to follow up on their claims or start their claim with Department VSO. We were able to help 4 Veterans. 
 POST 5867  12/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   5   $0.00   $497.30   $497.30   Our Heroes Pantry organized and distributed, by members of the post, fresh foods and vegetables to Veterans, Active Duty, and Community. A total of 300 served. Aux 2  
 POST 5867  12/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   4   $0.00   $398.54   $398.54   Our Heroes Pantry organized and distributed fresh foods and vegetables to Veterans, Active Duty, and Community. A total of 352 served. Aux 2  
 POST 5867  1/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Assisted a fellow Veteran with information on clams and disability as well as providing VSO contact information to start his case.  
 POST 5867  1/4/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   Volunteered to remove wreaths from Miramar cemetery and took it to recycle. Aux 1  
 POST 5867  1/4/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   3   $0.00   $225.71   $225.71   Partnered with Santee Pantry and brought over meat, veggies, salads, desserts, and other pastries to distribute to the members and community. We called it a Pop-up pantry. We were able to help 50 families.  
 POST 5867  1/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   30   1   $0.00   $28.89   $28.89   Member assisted an Active Duty Military member with explaining burial benefits for their grandfather, a Veteran, that recently passed away.  
 POST 5867  1/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   2   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Buddy check on a Comrade that is going through a hard family time. 
 POST 5867  1/8/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   30   1   $0.00   $78.27   $78.27   Assisted in folding ceremonial 50 foot flag. It will be flown to DC and dedicated to a fallen Firefighter Chief. 
 POST 5867  1/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   15   1   $0.00   $26.79   $26.79   Donated 26 books to 2 little lending libraries. Aux 1 
 POST 5867  1/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   15   1   $0.00   $26.79   $26.79   Donated clothing and blankets to L.E.A.D. Aux 1 
 POST 5867  1/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Member donated calendars, paper & supplies to our post. 
 POST 5867  1/8/2025   Youth Development   Other   1   24   2   $100.00   $52.74   $152.74   Post sponsored by donating $100 to Lakeside Future Farmers of America student.  
 POST 5867  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   2   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Organized a donation drive for Los Angeles Fires families. Collected items for 4 hours. 
 POST 5867  1/10/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   2   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Second day of donation drive for Los Angeles Fires. Collected items for 4 hours. 
 POST 5867  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   4   $0.00   $398.54   $398.54   Our Heroes Pantry Team organized and distributed fresh foods and vegetables to Veterans, Active Duty, and Community. A total of 418 total served. Aux 3 
 POST 5867  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   20   3   $0.00   $595.36   $595.36   Third day collecting donations for Los Angeles Fires. Collected items for 8 hours. 
 POST 5867  1/12/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   20   2   $0.00   $397.84   $397.84   Last day of drive. Post members, other District 1 posts and the community came together to fill a 20 foot trailer for Los Angeles Fires.  
 POST 5867  1/14/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   40   8   $0.00   $598.16   $598.16   Loaded up 20 foot trailer to deliver all items collected for the Los Angeles Fires families. 
 POST 5867  1/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Connected Navy Vietnam Veteran with VFWCA VSO to assist with Pact Act and other benefits being denied by VA. 
 POST 5867  1/18/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   45   3   $0.00   $228.51   $228.51   Membership table at San Diego Harley during VFW Riders Community Pancake breakfast. Aux 2 
 POST 5867  1/18/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   40   2   $0.00   $153.74   $153.74   Delivered last load of donations being delivered to Los Angeles Fire Foundation helping Altadena and Pasadena. 
 POST 5867  2/1/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   30   1   $0.00   $78.27   $78.27   Volunteered to prepare meals at Father Joe's. They serve 3,000 people daily. 
 POST 5867  2/5/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   Attended Poway Rotary Meeting as District Commander to share what the VFW does and what District 1 is doing. 
 POST 5867  2/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   4   20   3   $300.00   $299.08   $599.08   Post members donated to VFW 5867 Riders fundraiser for the Warrior Foundation. 
 POST 5867  2/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   Donated 91 books to Santee and Lakeside Little Lending Libraries. Aux 1  
 POST 5867  2/12/2025   Youth Development   Other   1   24   2   $100.00   $52.74   $152.74   Post donated to Lakeside Optimist program for Bulls Only Rodeo.  
 POST 5867  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   20   5   $200.00   $126.25   $326.25   Donated to National home during Auxiliary Fundraiser. (funds donated to Aux does not count for post, unless the post made the donation directly to National Home) 
 Post 5867 Total 290 3,528 313 $1,455.00 $18,492.93 $19,947.93
 POST 5985  7/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   1   1   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   "I met the Service Officer at the Pacific Beach VFW on the 4th of July 2024 . I was outside grilling dogs and burgers when we met . Upon being introduced as a liaison between us veterans and the VA , I proceeded to ask questions about how to file a disability claim . He patiently listened and gave me his contact info. The process went smoothly and in less than a few months I now am receiving benefits . He is an asset at the VFW . Thank you!!" - USN Viet Nam Veteran  
 POST 5985  7/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   18   2   $200.00   $298.80   $498.80   Feed first responders meals at their beach sites for busy holiday weekend. Took meals to 3 posting sites to feed approximately 70 officers and medics.  
 POST 5985  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 5985  8/10/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   5   1   $1,000.00   $198.22   $1,198.22   Post Adjutant participated in preparations for yearly Veterans Village Stand Down and donated $1000 to the organization  
 POST 5985  8/15/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   1   1   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   Quartermaster assisted Scout Troop 471 on flag etiquette at the post flag pole  
 POST 5985  8/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Agreed to appear in court as show of support Navy Vet facing a sentencing in downtown SD for a violation  
 POST 5985  8/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   50   1   $0.00   $130.45   $130.45   Attended Retirement gathering for USMC Master Guns 22 years service, recruited him now lifetime member Bryan Housel  
 POST 5985  8/21/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   1   2   2   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   planning and supplies check prior to re-painting lines in parking lot, including the handicapped markings. Will be a Troop 506B/G event to support the VFW  
 POST 5985  8/25/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Troop 506B/G leadership planning meeting  
 POST 5985  9/1/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   6   22   2   $300.00   $299.36   $599.36   Members donated food and time to feed first responders at 3 locations for Labor Day weekend.  
 POST 5985  9/1/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   6   22   2   $300.00   $299.36   $599.36   Members donated food and time to feed first responders at 3 locations for Labor Day weekend.  
 POST 5985  9/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   25   1   $0.00   $126.95   $126.95   3 separate YouTube Interviews as PSO search joey macavoy  
 POST 5985  9/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   organized two ZOOM calls for Veterans USMC reconnecting after 20 years.  
 POST 5985  9/8/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   4   2   2   $200.00   $197.80   $397.80   Repainted lines in the VFW parking lot, including the handicapped markings. 8 scouts and adults from Troop 506 B/G participated  
 POST 5985  9/29/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   5   2   4   $200.00   $494.08   $694.08   VFW Post 5985 held their annual POW/MIA remembrance ceremony at the Mount Soledad Memorial a day after the National Day of Remembrance. Four Post members including the Post Commander as well as four (4) other members participated. Had support from two VFW Riders Clubs conducting the ceremony. Total attendance was approximately 40 Post members. 
 POST 5985  10/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   American Legion member marine vet needed assistance in information for legal assistance in regards to VA disability garnishment for child support  
 POST 5985  10/18/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   1   2   5   $0.00   $123.73   $123.73   discussion with new Troop 506 B and G Charter Organization Representative about the role, duties and responsibilities  
 POST 5985  10/25/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   10   2   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   $72 donated to poppy drive in conjunction with Halloween pumpkin decorating event. Poppies were passed out, discussed the meaning and money collected as well as pumpkins voted on.  
 POST 5985  11/1/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Scouting submissions for VoD  
 POST 5985  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 5985  11/3/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Scouting submissions for VoD  
 POST 5985  11/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   6   16   $72.00   $2,371.08   $2,443.08   Held poppy drive in conjunction with holiday pumpkin decorating contest.  
 POST 5985  11/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   2   $200.00   $98.76   $298.76   Marine Vet in need of a place to stay for 2 nights due to broke down RV  
 POST 5985  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   1   3   $0.00   $370.49   $370.49   Post Quartermaster, two (2) additional Post members. Quartermaster, Commander and other officers worked a membership drive booth in the Parking Lot during an Active Duty Private Event. Four (4) new members recruited as a result. 
 POST 5985  11/12/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Local nominated teachers from Correia Middle school were considered for Teacher of the Year based on their resumes; Top teacher was submitted to District for consideration. 
 POST 5985  11/12/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   3   0   4   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Received 3 applications for Voice of Democracy from local High School. Chairman Skyler Gossman scanned applications for potential DQs, anonymized, then the audio files were sent to various membership to be scored. 1st place winner was submitted to district for consideration; 1st -3rd place winners will be recognized at future VFW meeting. 
 POST 5985  11/12/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   4   0   13   $100.00   $1,283.88   $1,383.88   Received 237 Patriots Pen submissions from Correia Middle School. Essays were processed by chairman Skyler Gossman (scanned for disqualifications, anonymized, organized into scoring packets, then read three times by roughly 13 members of the post). Overall winners (1,2,3) will be recognized at VFW post meeting, and first place winner submitted via Scholar's App to district. 
 POST 5985  11/12/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   8   2   $0.00   $99.88   $99.88   Met with elementary students and families for poppy drive at their school with an invite to a local whoville event being hosted in Dec. by several military groups from this post. Poppies given out to all and told the story.  
 POST 5985  11/26/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Began connection with local MSHS JROTC program at nearby high school. Will coordinate to attend their meetings, provide spring scholarship for seniors in May of 2025. 
 POST 5985  1/1/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   2   3   $0.00   $518.77   $518.77   Post Quartermaster, six (6) additional Post members. Quartermaster, Commander and other officers worked a membership drive booth in the Parking Lot during a New Years Eve Private Event. Three (3) new members recruited as a result.  
 POST 5985  1/5/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   2   2   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Open to the public as a service to the community. Low-cost meals once weekly prepared and served on-site or delivered to elderly shut ins next day. Proceeds are donated to our veteran relief fund. Korean Chicken Fried Rice Egg Roll Duck Sauce Dessert 
 POST 5985  1/9/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   6   2   $0.00   $198.36   $198.36   Provided meals to Veterans that are home bound. Thursday, Jan 9th Delivery Only 2-6 Crab Puffs Baked Potato w/Butter & Sour Cream Caesar Salad 
 POST 5985  1/12/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   2   2   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Open to the public as a service to the community. Low-cost meals once weekly prepared and served on-site or delivered to elderly shut ins next day. Proceeds are donated to our veteran relief fund. Turkey Pot Pie with Potatoes & Carrots Roasted Green Beans Dessert 
 POST 5985  1/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   7   2   $0.00   $149.12   $149.12   Provided meals to Veterans that are home bound. Thursday, Jan 16th Delivery Only 2-6 Pulled Pork or Pulled Chicken with Side BBQ Sauce & Cole Slaw Macaroni & Cheese Baked Beans Roll with Butter Dessert 
 POST 5985  1/19/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   2   2   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Open to the public as a service to the community. Low-cost meals once weekly prepared and served on-site or delivered to elderly shut ins next day. Proceeds are donated to our veteran relief fund. Chicken Salad Croissant with Provolone & Butter Lettuce Onion Rings Pickle Dessert 
 POST 5985  1/23/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   8   5   2   $0.00   $395.74   $395.74   Provided meals to Veterans that are home bound. Thursday, Jan 23rd Delivery Only 2-6 Grilled Flank Steak or Chicken Fajita Quesadilla Side Sour Cream Side Guacamole Chips & Salsa Dessert 
 Post 5985 Total 129 205 95 $2,597.00 $9,410.90 $12,007.90
 POST 7041  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 7041  8/10/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   12   52   3   $0.00   $896.12   $896.12   3 Members volunteered time at the La Jolla VA Hospital for the month of August  
 POST 7041  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   2   $100.00   $49.38   $149.38   Donated $100 as a sponsor of the Marine Corps League Chili Cook-off in Oceanside  
 POST 7041  8/10/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   Donated $500 to local Boy Scout Troop 709 Peak-A-Thon to raise money for camping trips throughout the year  
 POST 7041  9/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   3   2   $0.00   $395.46   $395.46   Held Membership Drive at the Vista Historical Society Annual BBQ  
 POST 7041  9/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   16   1   $0.00   $76.31   $76.31   Chaplain Flores attended and spoke at the internment of a Navy Veteran at Mira Mar National Cemetery at the request of the family.  
 POST 7041  9/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   Donated $500 to District 1 Christmas backpack drive for the San Diego VA Hospital  
 POST 7041  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 7041  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 Post 7041 Total 29 71 15 $1,140.00 $1,590.10 $2,730.10
 POST 7420  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   5   0   4   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Notified of another deported Veteran who has passed away, working with his family to present honors and transfer remains to US  
 POST 7420  7/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   15   3   $20.00   $76.17   $96.17   Gave a houseless veteran a ride to VA La Jolla to receive Battle Field Acupuncture.  
 POST 7420  7/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Connected Navy Veteran with a pro bono lawyer that can assist them in upgrading their dishcarge on their DD214  
 POST 7420  7/3/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Attended community meeting and informed them that they can turn in unserviceabole flags for retirment at our post, explained the tradition..  
 POST 7420  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   30   $400.00   $2,962.80   $3,362.80   Opened post to the public, gave tours of our post and free meal to our comrades and veterans. served over 75 Veterans  
 POST 7420  7/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Held meeting with local business owners to assist in co sponsoring a outdoor market event. Our community business are struggling due to the recent floods. We will hold outside market once a month to help.  
 POST 7420  7/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   6   $400.00   $1,185.12   $1,585.12   Deported Veterans Committee members coordinated the release of a Deported Veterans body for cremation in Mexico. Family could not afford to cremate veteran, we reached out to other veteran organizations and secured the money to have our veteran cremated and brought to the United States for proper burial . Comrade Chaplain traveled to Mexico to speak to family representative and ensure cremation took place  
 POST 7420  7/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   6   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Attended zoom seminar on Foreign Medical Program presented by American Legion Commander from Guadalajara Mexico.  
 POST 7420  7/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Attended meeting with ACLU, Immigrant Defenders, Repatriate our Patriots and Rhizome Center- updated on VFW progress on deported veterans in our organization.  
 POST 7420  7/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   6   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   Partnered with All for Logan to hold outoor market and provide music for art installations on our street.  
 POST 7420  7/13/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   0   2   $25.00   $148.14   $173.14   Set up recruiting table during Barrio Art Crawl in Logan Heights, recruited 2 members  
 POST 7420  7/13/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Held Buddy poppy drive during Frida Kahlo outdoor market in community  
 POST 7420  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   15   4   $400.00   $792.18   $1,192.18   Built parade gear., had shirts designed for the event and participated in San Diego Pride Parade. Built small military vehicles to walk in parade with.  
 POST 7420  7/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   0   2   $0.00   $345.66   $345.66   Picked up donation of tortillas and distributed to community  
 POST 7420  7/23/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   3   0   10   $100.00   $740.70   $840.70   Awarded scholarship check for 2024 to winning youth and held spagetti dinner for all recipients  
 POST 7420  7/23/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   1   0   10   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Held dinner for winner, runner up and family presented award for 2023 patriots pen Aux 2  
 POST 7420  7/23/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   0   10   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Awardee scholarhip and Certificate to 2023 Teacher of the year and provided a free lunch  
 POST 7420  7/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   10   5   $20.00   $371.75   $391.75   Commander, Jr Vice and comrades attended press conference for Ending Veteran Homelessness and support an initiative for ADU housing  
 POST 7420  7/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $25.00   $395.04   $420.04   Provided complimentary breakfast for our Veterans and their families..  
 POST 7420  8/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Senior Vice met with community businesses to coordinate food donations and free haircuts for community backpack distribution event. Senior Vice was able to secure a donation of 200+ hotdogs for backpack drive event. Senior Vice was also able to confirm participation of local barbers donation for free haircuts for backpack drive event.  
 POST 7420  8/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $25.00   $395.04   $420.04   Provided free breakfast and coffee for comrades and community- 40 people served.  
 POST 7420  8/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   6   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   Received donation from San Diego Food bank of assorted grocery items, Comrades handed out boxes of produce, frozen chicken and much more to Veterans, their families and our communities.  
 POST 7420  8/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   6   3   $200.00   $667.47   $867.47   Commander, Senior Vice, Junior Vice and 1 auxiliary member participated in a community back to school backpack distribution event that was coordinated by a local business owner and another non profit in our community. Post 7420 donated snow cones (150+), popcorn bags (100+), and drinks ($200) for the event. Senior Vice provided transportation of hotdog grill and all equipment from business donor location to park. He also provided his vehicle for transportation of all equipment needed for post participation in event. Event hours were from 1100 - 1500. Set up of equipment at park started at 0900. Due to long line for free haircuts, event lasted until 1700.  
 POST 7420  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 7420  8/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Attended meeting with Director for Deported Veteran Mural Project and committee. Planning for Aug 16-18  
 POST 7420  8/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   32   3   $0.00   $300.76   $300.76   Donation of food from Embassy Suites in La Jolla was picked up and brought to the post. Senior Vice, Quartermaster and 1 more comrade, along with an auxiliary member helped warm, plate, and serve breakfast for community from 8am to 12pm. Fed 25 community members and about 4 comrades.  
 POST 7420  8/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Comrades served breakfast to our local veterans and communities. Breakfast donation from Hilton Hotel, Served 35 meals  
 POST 7420  8/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   36   2   $0.00   $251.94   $251.94   Picked up donated eggs, potatoes, yogurts, and oatmeal from Embassy Suites in La Jolla. Arrived at post at 8am to warm up breakfast and provided meals for about 30 community members and veteran families. 3 members, including Senior Vice, Quartermaster and a comrade helped serve. we also had help from community volunteers. We provided food for approximately 40 people.  
 POST 7420  8/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   0   10   $50.00   $2,222.10   $2,272.10   Hosted Baruch College Professor and team during our community paint event. We invited community to come and finish painting Deportede Veterans Portraits on canvas that are part of Deported Veteran Diaspora Mural Project.. Donated painting space, supplies, food and volunteers. 8 portraits were completed. 6 press agencies attended.  
 POST 7420  8/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   10   $75.00   $493.80   $568.80   Held press conference for Deported Veteran Diaspora Mural Project. Partnered with Immigrant Defenders, Black Deported Veterans of America, Repatriate Our Patriots, Veterans for Peace, Military Families Speak Out, ACLU, and Baruch College NY  
 POST 7420  8/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   10   $15.00   $987.60   $1,002.60   Held an open house for our deported veteran portraits. Press attended. Showed Mural and had tours of history of our post.  
 POST 7420  8/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   11   20   7   $250.00   $1,903.93   $2,153.93   Traveled to Tijuan Mexico to install 8 panels "{Deported Veteran Portraits" on the wall separating the beaches from the US. We worked with 5 currently Deported Veterans, 1 repatriated and 1 auxiliary member  
 POST 7420  8/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   20   6   $100.00   $447.22   $547.22   Sponsored a meal for the 10 Unified US Deported Veterans in Tijuana and their families in Tijuana, sharede camaraderie  
 POST 7420  8/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   40   3   $0.00   $375.95   $375.95   Senior Vice drove to Embassy Suites in La Jolla for our weekly donation of food for our weekly free community breakfast event. Picked up trays of eggs and potatoes. Arrived at post at 8am to heat up food and served breakfast from 10am to 12pm. Senior Vice along with Mr. Rich (comrade) and Ms Toni (auxiliary) and Ms Yolanda (community volunteer), served breakfast to approximately 40 people.  
 POST 7420  8/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   6   60   3   $40.00   $452.82   $492.82   Commander and QM drove clothing and shoe donations to Tijuana and Rosarito Mexico to 4 of our Deported Veterans and stopped to say hello to the Veterans volunteering at the Unified US Deported Veterans office. Spoke with Deportee Welcome Center to ensure they had contact information in case a veteran was deported.  
 POST 7420  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Comrade spoke to a new member and has connected him to our service officer for claims asisitance, will follow up.  
 POST 7420  9/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   20   4   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   Collected tortillas from local donor and handed out to our Veterans and community members  
 POST 7420  9/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Held meeting with LULAC, was asked if our leadership can assist LULAC for this years Veterans Recognition Convention. We would be the POC for other VFW/s to be invited and assist in choosing guest speakers for this years gala.  
 POST 7420  9/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $10.00   $395.04   $405.04   Served complimentary breakfast to our Veterans and community. 25 people were served  
 POST 7420  9/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   50   3   $50.00   $303.28   $353.28   Comrades Traveled to Tijuana to deliver non perishable food donations to our deported veterans. and their families Auxiliary 1  
 POST 7420  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   8   $50.00   $395.04   $445.04   Held a ceremony of rememberance for Patriiots Day and invited our commuity to participate and share their own experience of that day.  
 POST 7420  9/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   5   $20.00   $493.80   $513.80   Served complimentary breakfast to our veterans and community..  
 POST 7420  9/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Gave out free tortillas donated to our post  
 POST 7420  9/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Held meeting with Veterans for Peace to talk about the resolutions passed by National VFW that affect Deported Veterans as they are part of our Deported Veteran Coalition. We discussed ways to support these resolutions and upcoming bills  
 POST 7420  9/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   5   $80.00   $246.90   $326.90   Assisted family of Past District and Past post commander in funeral arrangements, Chaplain and Commander spoke at this event  
 POST 7420  9/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Gave out free tortillas from donation to post  
 POST 7420  9/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   SO assisted AF Veteran who walked in to our post asking for claims help.  
 POST 7420  9/26/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   4   0   6   $15.00   $592.56   $607.56   Served Breakfast to community that is still recovering from floods.  
 POST 7420  9/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   8   $40.00   $790.08   $830.08   Partnered with San Diego Womans Club to serve a Biscuits and gravy full complimentary breakfast to our community. and get to know our community.  
 POST 7420  9/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Gave out tortillas to veterans  
 POST 7420  10/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Connected Marine Veterans soon to retire with our SO to assist with his transiston and disability claim. He asked how much it would be. We explained to him that no Veteran should be charged and that VFW is currently fighting those claim sharks. we asked he let others in his command know to not pay for these services  
 POST 7420  10/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Provided complimentary breakfast to Veterans and community,  
 POST 7420  10/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   6   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Gave food donated by San Diego food bank to our Veterans and members  
 POST 7420  10/8/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   8   0   5   $0.00   $987.60   $987.60   Comrades and Auxillary partnered with It's all about the kids foundation to distribute diapers, and non perishable food items to 96 families. Our community continues to rebuild itself from the floods  
 POST 7420  10/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   SO connecting with houseless veteran to assist him in going to VA to register.  
 POST 7420  10/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   3   $10.00   $296.28   $306.28   Comrades cooked breakfast for our Veterans and community with donated food items.  
 POST 7420  10/11/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Gave non perishable items out to members and community 2 Auxiliary  
 POST 7420  10/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Comrades cooked breakfast for our Veterans and community with donated food items.  
 POST 7420  10/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrades cooked breakfast for our Veterans and community (20/30 people) with donated food items from Raising Hope SD.  
 POST 7420  10/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Set up a Fall Prevention for Aging Community Members class for our aging veterans and aging community members that is offered by the County of San Diego. A county representative comes out and gives the classes.  
 POST 7420  10/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Spoke at Point Loma Rotary Club Meeting, discussed the huge impact Feeding San Diego has had at our post members and community in ensuring food security for our flood victims and our general community that is classified under the Promise Zone due to its low income status..  
 POST 7420  10/30/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Screened and selected nominee for Teafcher of the Year award.  
 POST 7420  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Comrades cooked breakfast for our Veterans and community (35/40 people) with donated food items donated by Raising Hope SD.  
 POST 7420  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   4   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Held meeting with community non profit, People over Profits to discuss community needs survey and future plans together. 
 POST 7420  11/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   0   5   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Set up a weekly nutrition class for our aging veterans and aging community members that is offered by the County of San Diego. A county representative comes out and gives the 1.5hr classes.  
 POST 7420  11/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   3   $18.00   $222.21   $240.21   Comrades cooked breakfast for our Veterans and community (35/40 people) with donated food items.  
 POST 7420  11/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Held meeting with ACLU regarding currents changes to citizenship applications and the immigrant for veterans IMMVETS program status.  
 POST 7420  11/18/2024   Legislative Advocacy   National   4   0   5   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Held meeting with other VFW 7420 comrades who will also be at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus but represent different non profit organizations. We strategized to maximize our message and time allotted. Collaborated with Repatriate our Patriots, Black Deported Veterans of America, LULAC, and Amazonian Warrior Foundation  
 POST 7420  11/18/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Even   5   10   4   $0.00   $495.20   $495.20   Set up membership table at community event. Collaborated with Salute2Heroes and San Diego Social Leagues at their charity golf tournament. Actively recruited members for our post and sold buddy poppies to support general fund.  
 POST 7420  11/18/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   10   4   $0.00   $495.20   $495.20   Set up membership table at community event. Collaborated with Salute2Heroes and San Diego Social Leagues at their charity golf tournament. Actively recruited members for our post and held a buddy poppie drive to support our general relief fund.  
 POST 7420  11/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   5   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Briefed League of United Latin American Citizens on what VFW 7420 is doing as far as our current repatriated veterans. 
 POST 7420  11/21/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   2   0   5   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Comrades from VFW 7420 deported Veterans commitee briefed LULAC Ca on current legislation supported by VFW 
 POST 7420  11/21/2024   Legislative Advocacy   National   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Webinar to meet the rest of the panel for Congressional Hispanic Caucus and discuss format.  
 POST 7420  12/2/2024   Legislative Advocacy   National   10   2,226   1   $60.00   $558.54   $618.54   Traveled to Washington DC to represent VFW DC at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.  
 POST 7420  12/3/2024   Legislative Advocacy   National   8   20   2   $80.00   $397.84   $477.84   Held meetings with Representatives Salazar and Escobar as well as Senator Hirono, we spoke about Deported Veterans and verbiage needed in the Dignity Act as well as the NDAA to prevent future deportations  
 POST 7420  12/4/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   1   0   1   $80.00   $24.69   $104.69   Spoke at Congressional Hispanic Caucus regarding Transition Authorization Program and accountability and identification of our deported veterans.  
 POST 7420  12/4/2024   Legislative Advocacy   National   3   20   2   $40.00   $150.94   $190.94   Spoke to past Secretary of Defense Chuck Harrell during a presentation for Veterans Justice Commission at VFW DC office about our deported veterans and how their crimes cost them much more than time in jail and how will they be offered an opportunity for rehabilitation  
 POST 7420  12/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Set up judges area for parade of lights and Commander judged the parade. Partnerd with the ports and Good Neighbor Project. for the 3rd year  
 POST 7420  12/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Deported Veterans commitee met with key players involved with this years Christmas Party in Tijuana. Partnered with Military families speak out, Veterans for Peace, Black Deported Veterans of America and Unified U.S Deported Veterans, VFW CA VSO, American Legion 742 
 POST 7420  12/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Held meeting to finalize plans for our Annual Deported Veteran Christmas Party in Tijuana Partnering with Unified Deported veterans of America, black deported veterans of America, military families speak out and veterans for peace  
 POST 7420  12/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   2   $250.00   $98.76   $348.76   Relief Committee approved $250 for comrade's electric bill that was pending disconnection., we did advise comrade to build a budget to avoid further setbacks He was referred from Poway organization as he is one of our own.  
 POST 7420  12/10/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Comrades respectfully retired flags in our burn pit. 
 POST 7420  12/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   2,700   2   $0.00   $575.52   $575.52   Comrades traveled to NYC to participate in the parade representing our Deported Veterans. 1 Aux  
 POST 7420  12/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   4   $60.00   $592.56   $652.56   Comrades picked from post, and Delivered gifts and food in advance to our Christmas Party location for our Deported Veterans in Tijuana  
 POST 7420  12/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   0   20   $200.00   $4,938.00   $5,138.00   Held our annual 5th Winter Wonderland with our Auxiliary. We partnered with Marlow B Martinez Foundation, Navy Federal Credit Union, San Diego Food Bank, Feeding San Diego, San Diego Credit Union, it's all about the Kids Foundation, Logan Heights Veterans Memoria Committee, Blue Sky contracting and Chicano Federation to supply 1 weeks' worth of groceries, toys and a visit from Santa to 280.families., 15 Aux present  
 POST 7420  12/13/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   6   0   6   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   Delivered produce and canned goods to the local schools in our area , Burbank, Perkins, and LMEC 
 POST 7420  12/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade held tours of post and recruited 2 members while manning our recruitement table during Barrio Art Crawl 
 POST 7420  12/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Commander spoke with comrade who is having a hard time dealing with the suicide of a battle buddy., referred him to Chaplain and encouraged them to seek a walkin in visit to Mental Health. 
 POST 7420  12/19/2024   Community Service   Safety Recognition   3   0   5   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Served Complimentary Veteran and Community Breakfast, held a fall prevention class for our aging citizens 
 POST 7420  12/19/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Had meeting with VFW DC office to review TAPS program and speak about protocol during the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Round Table.  
 POST 7420  12/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   3   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Commander and Quartermaster volunteered at Central Elementary to distribute gifts to over 500 childrent and food baskets to 200 families. 
 POST 7420  12/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   5   $100.00   $740.70   $840.70   Comrades suppported ChicanoPark toy drive by donating toys and making and giving away popcorn to over 100 kids who attended the Toy Giveaway. 
 POST 7420  12/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   2   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Donated our ballroom space for Western Service Workers to hold their toy and food giveaway.  
 POST 7420  12/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   15   $50.00   $1,481.40   $1,531.40   Held Community Holiday meal for all Veterans and families, partnered with San Diego Social Leagues and Salute to Heroes to offer a bigger lunch to many more this year. Gave out toys and books as well. 8 Auxiliary.  
 POST 7420  12/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Comrades served complimentary breakfast to Veterans and ommunity 
 POST 7420  12/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Connected Army Veteran with VFWCA VSO- in need of Vietnam era benefits 
 POST 7420  1/1/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Houseless Marine Veteran walked in looking for a place to charge his phone, we connected him to meet our Service officer and assist with housing.. Inivited him to our complimentary breakfast the next day 
 POST 7420  1/1/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   20   2   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Comrades went to VA LaJolla to visit hospitalized member. 
 POST 7420  1/2/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   8   $25.00   $790.08   $815.08   Held Comrades and Community Connect with complimentary breakfast and guest speaker from Alta Care Free Counseling  
 POST 7420  1/6/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits Assistance    3   15   2   $0.00   $150.24   $150.24   Comrade gave a Army Veteran a ride to social security office to inquire about benefits.  
 POST 7420  1/7/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   0   6   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Coordinated and Assisted local fireman in properly folding a 60x40 flag. This flag will honor a fallen fire chief who passed away at the Jan 6th Capitol riots, it will be taken to the Presidential inaguartion. VFW 5867, and VFW 2082 assisted. Crosspost 
 POST 7420  1/9/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Held meeting with our deported veteran coalition that includes ACLU, Immigration Defenders, Common Defense, BDVA, Repatriate Our Patriots, Unified Deported Veterans and American Legion to ensure our repatriated Veterans know their rights in case of any immigration issues.  
 POST 7420  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Comrades cooked breakfast for our Veterans and community (30/35 people) with donated food items.  
 POST 7420  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   8   $0.00   $790.08   $790.08   Held complimentary breakfast during our Comrades and community connect.  
 POST 7420  1/12/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   3   15   4   $0.00   $298.38   $298.38   Collected items for our Los Angleles fire victims and donated to Lakeside VFW5867 
 POST 7420  1/14/2025   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Held imprompu set up for POW/MIA table for walk in students from Michigan. Educated on the importance of traditions and what each item represents. 
 POST 7420  1/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   20   3   $15.00   $150.94   $165.94   Gave Veteran a ride to his mental health appointment. 
 POST 7420  1/16/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   3   $28.00   $222.21   $250.21   Comrades cooked breakfast for our Veterans and community (35/40 people) with donated food items and items bought by comrades.  
 POST 7420  1/17/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   5   $80.00   $493.80   $573.80   Don Diego Deported Veterans commitee members traveled to Long Beach for a briefing with Military Families Speak out and Veterans for Peace ahead of our event the next day. 
 POST 7420  1/18/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   6   $80.00   $444.42   $524.42   Don Diego Deported Veteran Commitee briefed and educated Congressman Correa, Reprsentative Tran, Senator Archuleta and many local elected offials on the pending policies and legislation that will affect our foreign borne servicemembers and thos ethat can help our Deported and Repatriated Veterans receive their earned citizenship. We were invited by VFW 7243 Hawaiin Gardens Commander and leadership to assist them in this briefing as they begin their advocacy for our Deported/Repatriated Veterans themselves 
 POST 7420  1/18/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   12   266   1   $175.00   $333.52   $508.52   Senior Vice Commander, in collaboration with 1904 Cadets (501(c)3) drove from San Diego to Pasadena YMCA to deliver 3 vehicles loaded with various relief effort supplies for firefighters and survivors of the Los Angeles fires. 
 POST 7420  1/18/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   5   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Held round table discussion for our local repatriated veterans at VFW Post 7243 to inform them on the upcoming policy changes, their rights and how VFW can assist our Veterans. We discussed immediate needs, long term needs and possible self deportation. We encouraged to remain in the fight as we would but to seek guidance from their attorneys before any decison is made. Lunch provided by post 7243 
 POST 7420  1/19/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   6   $60.00   $742.10   $802.10   Participated in Dr Martin Luther King Jr Parade 
 POST 7420  1/23/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Comrades cooked breakfast for our Veterans and community (35/40 people) with donated food items. 
 POST 7420  1/24/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Comrades delivered groceries to 4 Veterans that could not attend food distribution. 
 POST 7420  1/24/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   0   6   $0.00   $1,036.98   $1,036.98   Distributed 1 weeks worth of groceries to over 90 families in our community.  
 POST 7420  1/25/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76    Donated food to non profit Love Thy Neighbor for their mission. 
 POST 7420  1/26/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post Service Officer was connected with Vietnam War Veteran Spouse and will assist in acquiring benefits earned. Follow up will be done 
 POST 7420  1/28/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Comrades briefed LULAC council Dept of California on how recent immigration laws affect our foreign borne Veterans and Service members  
 POST 7420  1/28/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Comrades briefed LULAC council Dept of California on how recent immigration laws affect our foreign borne Veterans and Service members  
 POST 7420  1/29/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Commander and QM briefed Flanders Field VFW Commander on legislative changes affecting Repatriated Veterans in his area of New York.  
 POST 7420  1/30/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    5   0   3   $50.00   $370.35   $420.35   Comrades cooked breakfast for our Veterans and community (35/40 people) with donated food items donated by Raising Hope SD.  
 POST 7420  2/2/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Donated kitchen space and volunteered to assist Western Service Workers Organization in making a complimentary meal for their members  
 POST 7420  2/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Commander wrote letter to VVSD asking to expedite Repatriated Veterans case for housing since he is still homeless. 
 POST 7420  2/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Commander wrote letter to VVSD asking to expedite Repatriated Veterans case for housing since he is still homeless. 
 POST 7420  2/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Service Officer assisted an Army Veteran with beginning a claim 
 POST 7420  2/6/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    5   0   3   $75.00   $370.35   $445.35   Comrades cooked breakfast for our Veterans and community (35/40 people) with donated food items donated by Raising Hope SD and Embassy Suites La Jolla Hotel.  
 POST 7420  2/7/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52    Held meeting with ACLU and Immigrant Defenders to better understand the impact of the termination of Parole in Place and its effect onour repatriated veterans status. 
 POST 7420  2/8/2025   Youth Development   Patriot`s Pen   1   0   8   $100.00   $197.52   $297.52   Presented award winner with certificate, medal and a check for being our post winner 
 POST 7420  2/8/2025   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   0   8   $150.00   $197.52   $347.52   Presented Teacher of the year for our post with medal, certificate and check for the program 
 POST 7420  2/8/2025   Youth Development    Voice of Democracy   1   0   8   $200.00   $197.52   $397.52   Held lunch to present award to our post winner  
 POST 7420  2/13/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    5   0   3   $35.00   $370.35   $405.35   Comrades cooked breakfast for our Veterans and community (35/40 people) with donated food items donated by Raising Hope SD and Embassy Suites in La Jolla.  
 POST 7420  2/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   0   2   $25.00   $197.52   $222.52   Comrades picked up Army Veteran and gave him ride to VVSD for an appointment for housing advocated for Army veteran with Case Manager  
 POST 7420  2/21/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   100   6   $100.00   $606.56   $706.56   Commander and comrades traveled to Long Beach to attend meeting with Military Families Speak Out prior to Deported Veteran mural dedication in Buena Park. 
 POST 7420  2/22/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   20   8   $120.00   $1,187.92   $1,307.92   Comrades attended and spoke at dedication of Deported Veteran Mural in Buena Park at American Legion 354. Partnered with VFW 7243 for coordination of Senator Correa, and several other elected officials. 
 POST 7420  2/27/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   4   0   14   $70.00   $1,382.64   $1,452.64   Held our weekly Comrades and Community Connect Breakfast to assist community with food security and connection with our comrades 
 POST 7420  2/27/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   20   3   $30.00   $373.15   $403.15   Comrades assisted Deported Veteran as he moved into Veterans Village over 65 program, comrades were fierce advocates for this Army Vietnam Era Veteran and securing housing for him in less than 3 months after repatriation. 
 Post 7420 Total 475 5,836 598 $4,786.00 $57,258.38 $62,044.38
 POST 7907  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   29   $0.00   $1,432.72   $1,432.72   Post held a 4th of July ceremony at downtown Poway. AF JROTC did color guard  
 POST 7907  7/4/2024   Youth Development   Other   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post youth sang god bless America at the opening of post 4th July car show.  
 POST 7907  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   50   2   $0.00   $155.14   $155.14   Members participated in the Coronado 4th of July Parade.  
 POST 7907  7/4/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   AF JROTC participated in the Poway 4th July ceremony.  
 POST 7907  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Held a poppy drive at the 4th of July ceremony. Raised $120.  
 POST 7907  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   50   7   $0.00   $1,389.64   $1,389.64   Members participated in the Julian 4th of July. Parade.  
 POST 7907  7/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Hosted the Poway Veterans Organization meeting.  
 POST 7907  7/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post Chaplain performed services at Miramar National Cemetary.  
 POST 7907  7/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Did a wellness check a few times on member.  
 POST 7907  7/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   While at National convention, members packed seeds (cucumber, cabbage, broccoli), these seeds will be distributed to school and communities that wish to start gardens.  
 POST 7907  7/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post Chaplain performed services at Miramar National Cemetary.  
 POST 7907  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during National convention.  
 POST 7907  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 7907  8/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided widow with paperwork..  
 POST 7907  8/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Poppy Drive during a Vietnam Vets event, raised $300  
 POST 7907  8/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Helped widow with paperwork.  
 POST 7907  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   12   1   $0.00   $75.75   $75.75   I assisted an elderly lady in cleaning out an outbuilding and hauled unwanted items from the dump.  
 POST 7907  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $18.00   $24.69   $42.69   Donated to the National home during D11 meeting.  
 POST 7907  8/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $16.00   $24.69   $40.69   Donated to the National home during the D4 meeting  
 POST 7907  8/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Hosted Poway Veterans Organization meeting.  
 POST 7907  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   2   $200.00   $49.38   $249.38   Donated to the annual Poway Veterans Golf Tournament.  
 POST 7907  8/24/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   368   1   $0.00   $150.28   $150.28   Participated in a membership booth at the 13 souls run  
 POST 7907  8/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Assisted elderly veteran in moving their heavy furniture to their new home. Used VFW member's truck to transport furniture.  
 POST 7907  8/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   2   $1,300.00   $49.38   $1,349.38   Donated to member how is participating in honor flight, he will be a escort and 8 post members are taking the trip.  
 POST 7907  9/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Performed POW/MIA missing man ceremony at Miss Military Star Pageant.  
 POST 7907  9/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Hosted Poway Veterans Organization meeting.  
 POST 7907  9/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   15   1   $400.00   $51.48   $451.48   Donated snack boxes and k cups to the Grossmont college Veterans Resource Center.  
 POST 7907  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Participated in 9/11 walk and ceremony  
 POST 7907  9/14/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   150   1   $0.00   $70.38   $70.38   Attended/Participated District 4 POW/MIA Ceremony.  
 POST 7907  9/21/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   JROTC participated in the POW/MIA ceremony.  
 POST 7907  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   5   0   10   $0.00   $1,234.50   $1,234.50   Post held a POW/MIA , ceremony at the post. Aux participated, JROTC  
 POST 7907  9/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   2,691   11   $0.00   $2,549.46   $2,549.46   11 members participated in Honor Flight  
 POST 7907  9/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   test for reject 
 POST 7907  9/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   11   $0.00   $2,172.72   $2,172.72   11 members participated in Honor Flight  
 POST 7907  9/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   2,691   11   $0.00   $2,549.46   $2,549.46   11 Members participated in Honor Flight .  
 POST 7907  10/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Donated to the National Home during D5 meeting  
 POST 7907  10/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Hosted Poway Veterans Organization meeting. 
 POST 7907  10/17/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   0   6   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Held a flag retirement at the post.  
 POST 7907  10/22/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Coordinated a mailing of all post members, requested unpaid to renew.  
 POST 7907  10/30/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Coordinated a mailing to all veterans within the area of the post.  
 POST 7907  11/2/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   0   6   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Conducted a flag retirement ceremony. 
 POST 7907  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 7907  11/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Hosted Poway Veterans Organization meeting. 
 POST 7907  11/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Checked up on comrade who was in hospital 
 POST 7907  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Invited to participate in the Viejas Veterans ceremony. 
 POST 7907  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Participated in Veterans Day lunch at Joan McQueen middle school. 
 POST 7907  11/8/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   10   5   $0.00   $248.30   $248.30   Participated in the flag raisisng at Mt Carmel High School for Veterans Day 
 POST 7907  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Participated in Shadow Mountain breakfast with veteran and ceremony. 
 POST 7907  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Distributed Buddy Poppies at Teh Genn facility 
 POST 7907  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   123   1   $0.00   $115.98   $115.98   Attended Marine Corps Birthday celebration at Universal City Walk.  
 POST 7907  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Received Veteran of the year award from Senator Brian Jones 
 POST 7907  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   20   12   $0.00   $1,780.48   $1,780.48   Members participated in the Veterans Day Parade downtown 
 POST 7907  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   10   $0.00   $987.60   $987.60   Hosted a free hot dog lunch to the community after our Veterans Day Ceremony in the park. Served about 200 people. held a corn hole tournament. 
 POST 7907  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $50.00   $24.69   $74.69   Donated to a homeless person who came to the post and played his guitar for a couple hours during out Veterans Day. 
 POST 7907  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   20   $0.00   $1,481.40   $1,481.40   Conducted a Veterans Day Ceremony in Veterans Park in Poway, JROTC, USS Carl Vinson, CPO Mess, Miss Poway, Miss Military Star, Miss San Diego County, FRA.  
 POST 7907  11/11/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Posted hosted a blood drive, after our Veterans Day Ceremony.  
 POST 7907  11/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Checked up on a member who was in the hospital. 
 POST 7907  11/14/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Judges teacher of year and submitted the winner to District 
 POST 7907  11/15/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Judging patriot pen entries 
 POST 7907  11/15/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Judging VOD entries 
 POST 7907  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to National Home  
 POST 7907  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $1,000.00   $98.76   $1,098.76   Will provided for 20 military families with a full Christmas dinner along with toys for the kids. 
 POST 7907  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Donated two boxes of toys for tots program  
 POST 7907  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   20   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Held a celebration for the 125th anniversary of VFW 
 POST 7907  11/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   5   106   1   $0.00   $138.29   $138.29   Participated in the annual Thanksgiving dinner for hospitalized veterans at Azusa post. 
 POST 7907  11/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   1   $0.00   $77.57   $77.57   Worked with Warrior Foundation Freedom Station to decorate the wounded warrior ward at Naval Medical Center San Diego. 
 POST 7907  11/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Participated in the Liberty Station tree lighting, handed out over 500 candy canes.  
 POST 7907  12/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $50.00   $24.69   $74.69   Provided candy canes to be handed out at El Cajon tree lighting 
 POST 7907  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $25.00   $24.69   $49.69   Placed flowers in remembrance of Pearl Harbor. 
 POST 7907  12/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Attended Poway Christmas Tree lighting ceremony, handed out candy canes 
 POST 7907  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   20   5   $0.00   $373.15   $373.15   Participated in Wreaths Across America at Miramar. 
 POST 7907  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Donated turkeys to needy families. 
 POST 7907  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Attended Senator Brian Jones Holiday Open house.  
 POST 7907  12/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Members helped with Breakfast with Santa , provided the Santa and candy canes. 
 POST 7907  12/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Volunteered at the Friends of the Library gift wrapping fundraiser. All proceeds go to the library programming.  
 POST 7907  12/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Volunteered at the Friends of the Library gift wrapping fundraiser. All proceeds go to the library programming.  
 POST 7907  12/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Volunteered at the Friends of the Library gift wrapping fundraiser. All proceeds go to the library programming.  
 POST 7907  12/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Volunteered at the Friends of the Library gift wrapping fundraiser. All proceeds go to the library programming.  
 POST 7907  12/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Volunteered at the Friends of the Library gift wrapping fundraiser. All proceeds go to the library programming. 
 POST 7907  12/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Volunteered at the Friends of the Library gift wrapping fundraiser. All proceeds go to the library programming. 
 POST 7907  12/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Volunteered at the Friends of the Library gift wrapping fundraiser. All proceeds go to the library programming.  
 POST 7907  12/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Volunteered at the Friends of the Library gift wrapping fundraiser. All proceeds go to the library programming. Total raised was $1200. 
 POST 7907  1/1/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $170.00   $49.38   $219.38   Donated to Wreaths Across America. 
 POST 7907  1/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Called and checked up on a veteran. 
 POST 7907  1/4/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Worked with Warrior Foundation Freedom Station to un decorate the wounded warrior ward at Naval Medical Center San Diego. 
 POST 7907  1/6/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Honored guest of County Supervisor Joel Anderson at his swearing in ceremony.  
 POST 7907  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $13.00   $24.69   $37.69   Donated to the National Home during the District 2 meeting. 
 POST 7907  2/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Helped hand out quilts to vets in assisted living facility. One was 105 years old. 
 Post 7907 Total 236 6,361 254 $3,292.00 $22,988.09 $26,280.09
 POST 9305  7/2/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   0   5   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Participated in the community Veterans and Family Resource Fair  
 POST 9305  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   16   $0.00   $790.08   $790.08   Held a 4th of July Ceremony in El. Centro Park  
 POST 9305  7/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   5   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Members meet weekly for buddy check in at a local site The post does not have a post home.  
 POST 9305  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   6   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Members meet weekly for buddy check in at a local site The post does not have a post home.  
 POST 9305  7/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Participated in the Bradley Independence from Hungar campaign  
 POST 9305  7/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   8   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Members meet weekly for buddy check in at a local site The post does not have a post home.  
 POST 9305  7/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   5   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Members meet weekly for buddy check in at a local site The post does not have a post home.  
 POST 9305  8/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   7   $0.00   $345.66   $345.66   Members meet weekly for buddy check in at a local site The post does not have a post home.  
 POST 9305  8/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   20   7   $0.00   $348.46   $348.46   Conducted an Honor Guard for an Army Veteran who served multiple tours in Afghanistan. 
 POST 9305  8/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   8   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Members meet weekly for buddy check in at a local site The post does not have a post home.  
 POST 9305  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   6   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Members meet weekly for buddy check in at a local site The post does not have a post home.  
 POST 9305  8/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   6   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Members meet weekly for buddy check in at a local site The post does not have a post home.  
 POST 9305  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   6   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Members meet weekly for buddy check in at a local site The post does not have a post home.  
 POST 9305  9/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   5   $80.00   $371.75   $451.75   Congressman recognized a member as outstanding advocate for assisting Veterans as well as the community. 
 POST 9305  9/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   8   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Members meet weekly for buddy check in at a local site The post does not have a post home.  
 POST 9305  9/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   6   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Conducted a 9/11 Ruck March it was open to families and the community’s  
 POST 9305  9/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   5   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Members meet weekly for buddy check in at a local site The post does not have a post home.  
 POST 9305  9/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   10   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Members meet weekly for buddy check in at a local site The post does not have a post home.  
 POST 9305  9/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   10   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Members meet weekly for buddy check in at a local site The post does not have a post home.  
 POST 9305  10/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   6   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Members meet weekly for buddy check in at a local site The post does not have a post home.  
 POST 9305  10/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   6   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Performed Honor Guard services  
 POST 9305  10/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   6   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Members meet weekly for buddy check in at a local site The post does not have a post home.  
 POST 9305  11/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   30   7   $50.00   $522.69   $572.69   Participated in local Veterans Day parade. Event held early due to conflict with other events in the future. 
 POST 9305  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   5   20   $0.00   $988.30   $988.30   Conducted Buddy Poppy Drive during Veterans Day Ceremony. 
 POST 9305  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   20   $45.00   $988.30   $1,033.30   Conducted a local honoring of Veterans and those still serving on Veterans Day in conjunction with the City of El Centro. Their Mayor, Councilmen/Councilwoman, PIO, City Manager and Parks and Recreation Supervisor were present. As well as State Assembly and Congress Representative. 
 POST 9305  11/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   7   80   7   $350.00   $1,221.01   $1,571.01   Served breakfast and lunch for approximately 25 homeless Veterans who reside at the Slabs from 7am to 2pm. 
 POST 9305  12/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   5   2   $10.00   $198.22   $208.22   Conducted peer support group for 1 veteran during scheduled meetings every Thursday at 7pm to 8pm. Meetings are held at the local American Legion Hall. 
 POST 9305  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Played TAPS in the evening Honoring Veterans who served during the Pearl Harbor event of December 7, 1941. 
 POST 9305  12/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   9   $0.00   $445.82   $445.82   Conducted an Honor Guard for an Army Veteran who served during the Korean War. 
 Post 9305 Total 71 165 217 $535.00 $12,590.31 $13,125.31
 POST 9327  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Handed out Buddy Poppies at community celebration  
 POST 9327  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   5   $0.00   $123.59   $123.59   Members participated in Santee Salutes during 4th of July celebration.  
 POST 9327  7/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   15   1   $0.00   $199.62   $199.62   The post was represented with the district, in a membership drive at the Culture Fest Downtown San Diego. Reaching out to active duty and other veterans of the chance to join a VFW Post.  
 POST 9327  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Joint effort towards assisting veterans with Vietnam Veterans of America.  
 POST 9327  7/20/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   11   1   $0.00   $50.92   $50.92   Handed out buddy poppies, and educated people during the San Diego Pride Parade.  
 POST 9327  8/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Joint effort towards assisting Veterans with Veterans Green Project 51 pounds.  
 POST 9327  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   1   1   $20.00   $24.83   $44.83   $20 Donation to the National Home  
 POST 9327  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 9327  8/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   1   2   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Buddy Poppy Dive at Santee Sheriffs Night Out  
 POST 9327  8/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   1   2   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Membership drive at Santee Sheriffs Night Out.  
 POST 9327  8/10/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   6   11   1   $0.00   $149.68   $149.68   Helping prep, and serving dinner to homeless veterans, and civilian staff members during the VVSD Stand Down.  
 POST 9327  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   11   1   $0.00   $149.68   $149.68   Prepped and cooked dinner for homeless veterans, during the San Diego Veteran Stand Down serving over 150 veterans.  
 POST 9327  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Claims assistance at post event.  
 POST 9327  8/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   13   13   $0.00   $643.76   $643.76   Comradery among members. (6 Aux)  
 POST 9327  8/18/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   2   $20.00   $98.76   $118.76   Buddy Poppy Drive at Post picnic.  
 POST 9327  8/18/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   6   6   $0.00   $297.12   $297.12   Membership drive at Post Picinic. (6Aux), held at community park.  
 POST 9327  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   50   1   $0.00   $56.38   $56.38   Took a veteran to a medical appointment.  
 POST 9327  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   50   1   $0.00   $56.38   $56.38   Took a veteran to file a VA claim.  
 POST 9327  8/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   43   1   $0.00   $80.09   $80.09   Took a Veteran to a medical appointment.  
 POST 9327  8/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   43   1   $0.00   $55.40   $55.40   Took a veteran to file his VA claim.  
 POST 9327  8/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   72   2   $0.00   $158.22   $158.22   Members visited multiple veterans at Miramar National Cemetary.  
 POST 9327  8/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   68   2   $0.00   $305.80   $305.80   Members participated in an event with Warrior Reunion Foundation.  
 POST 9327  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   9   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Held a Patriots Day Celebration at the Post. (3 Auxiliary)  
 POST 9327  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Suicide Prevention Month Handed out 22 a day bracelets and suicide prevention/ awareness cards and engaged with people who have lost friends and or family members. (3 Auxiliary)  
 POST 9327  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Spoke with veterans and active duty about filing a VA Claim.  
 POST 9327  9/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Buddy Checks  
 POST 9327  9/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   32   1   $0.00   $103.24   $103.24   Took a veteran to mission valley VA Clinic for claims assistance.  
 POST 9327  9/20/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   0   9   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Held a POW/MIA Ceremony at our Post. (3 Auxiliary)  
 POST 9327  9/20/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Attended District 1 POW/MIA Ceremony.  
 POST 9327  9/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   51   4   $0.00   $105.90   $105.90   Attended a Drill Instructor Graduation for a Post Member Showing our Support to our Active-Duty Veterans.  
 POST 9327  9/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   35   1   $0.00   $103.66   $103.66   Took a veteran to a medical appointment.  
 POST 9327  9/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Attended a Picinic for the 125th VFW Anniversary.  
 POST 9327  9/28/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   3   1   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Conducted a membership drive at a community event.  
 POST 9327  9/28/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   3   1   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Buddy Poppy Drive at a Community event.  
 POST 9327  11/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   51   4   $0.00   $204.66   $204.66   Attended Marine Corps Recruit Depot Graduation Ceremony for New Marines.  
 POST 9327  11/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Provided Support with Numbers to show our Newest Generation of Marines that they Have the Love and Support of Family.  
 POST 9327  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 9327  11/6/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   3   0   8   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Patriots Pen Voting  
 POST 9327  11/6/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   0   8   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Conducted Voting for Fire Fighter of the Year.  
 POST 9327  11/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   8   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Conducted Voting for Teacher of the Year.  
 POST 9327  11/6/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   3   0   8   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Voice of Democracy Voting  
 POST 9327  11/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   0   10   $0.00   $987.60   $987.60   Building Camaraderie among Veterans in our Local Community.  
 POST 9327  11/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   18   4   $0.00   $298.80   $298.80   Attended Veterans Resource Fair at Carlton Oaks Veterans Appreciation Golf Tournament, and Conducted Membership Drive.  
 POST 9327  11/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Conducted Poppy Drive at Veterans Appreciation Golf Tournament.  
 POST 9327  11/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   10   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   Having Conversations about Suicide Prevention and checking up on your fellow Veterans.  
 POST 9327  11/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Spoke with Veterans and Active-Duty Service Members about Filing claims for VA Benefits.  
 POST 9327  11/10/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   0   20   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Membership drive.  
 POST 9327  11/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   20   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Spoke with Veterans about Suicide Prevention, & Camaraderie.  
 POST 9327  11/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   20   $0.00   $1,481.40   $1,481.40   Held a 249th Marine Corps Birthday Celebration.  
 POST 9327  11/10/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   POW/MIA table maintenance and presented for the Marine Corps Birthday.  
 POST 9327  11/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   20   $0.00   $987.60   $987.60   Bringing Multi-generational Veterans Together for the Marine Corps Birthday Celebration.  
 POST 9327  11/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   14   $0.00   $345.66   $345.66   Spoke with Comrades and Fellow Veterans about Mental Health.  
 POST 9327  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Conducted Buddy Poppy Drive  
 POST 9327  11/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Spoke with Veterans about Filling for VA Benefits  
 POST 9327  11/11/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   7   $0.00   $172.83   $172.83   Changed the Flags at our Santee VFW Post 9327. 
 POST 9327  11/11/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   15   7   $0.00   $347.76   $347.76   Changed Flags at the Santee Veterans Memorial. 
 POST 9327  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Membership Drive at Veterans Day Event  
 POST 9327  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Inventory and Setup on 21 NOV 24 for Toys For Tots event held on 24 NOV 24 at Del Mar Racetrack where the event raised over $13,000 for Toys For Tots.  
 Post 9327 Total 136 616 271 $65.00 $13,468.22 $13,533.22
 POST 9578  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post Chaplain and one auxiliary member of post attended a community parade fourth independence day, with officers and members of district 1 VFW.  
 POST 9578  7/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Post chaplain and auxiliary chaplain along with a few post and auxiliary members conducted a memorial service for a deceased member.  
 POST 9578  7/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard    2   2   2   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Post Chaplain and quartermaster attended funeral for deceased veteran and provided prayer and bugle taps.  
 POST 9578  7/13/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   Post Chaplain and Quartermaster joined a community event at a local business and spoke with few people about the VFW and how they can join. Also spoke with business about future recruiting events.  
 POST 9578  7/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   The Community of Pine Valley had their annual parade for pine valley days for kids., post members along with auxiliary members attended the parade in support of the community on a float made by members for the VFW post. In attendance was 2 aux members and 4 comrades.  
 POST 9578  8/1/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Post membership chair did telephone membership drive. Successfully have 1 lifetime membership signing up.  
 POST 9578  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 9578  8/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   2   3   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Members also joined by 3 aux members performed a membership drive booth at national night out with local law enforcement and first responders for the community.  
 POST 9578  8/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   2   3   $0.00   $74.35   $74.35   3 post members handed out buddy poppy’s while at community event and helped raise support for veterans 
 POST 9578  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Post Chaplain met with veteran to help guide them with issues for Retirement and Va, after meeting veteran also was referred to post Service officer for more help.  
 POST 9578  9/2/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Members did membership drive at local market  
 POST 9578  9/2/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Conducted  buddy poppy drive at local market  
 POST 9578  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   post officer attended 9/11 memorial event for the post  
 POST 9578  9/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post chaplain was invited by a local church to speak about the VFW and to offer help to local vets and their family’s.  
 POST 9578  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Participated in the Viejas Veterans Day ceremony.  
 POST 9578  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   5   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Participated in the Viejas Veterans Day ceremony.  
 POST 9578  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Participated in the Veterans Day lunch on the lawn .  
 POST 9578  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Participated in breakfast with Veteran and ceremony at Shadow Mountain Elementary.  
 POST 9578  11/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   50   1   $0.00   $105.76   $105.76   Worked with Warrior Foundation Freedom Station to decorate the wounded warrior ward at Naval Medical Center San Diego. 
 POST 9578  12/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   30   2   $0.00   $201.72   $201.72   Post Chaplain and Commander did a Funeral for deceased Lifetime Member.  
 POST 9578  12/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   30   2   $0.00   $201.72   $201.72   Post Chaplain and Commander did a Funeral for deceased LifeTime Member.  
 POST 9578  1/2/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Members of the Post help with a Food pantry for local Community members in need and veterans as well open to the public. 
 POST 9578  1/7/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Members of the Post help with a Food pantry for local Community members in need and veterans as well open to the public 
 POST 9578  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Members of the Post help with a Food pantry for local Community members in need and veterans as well open to the public 
 POST 9578  1/10/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post Chaplain Made phone Calls for Disaster relief programs for La County Fires. Spoke with multiple VFW post in LA and scheduled a donations drop off for the Victims and found out what the needs are for the victims.  
 POST 9578  1/14/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Members of the Post help with a Food pantry for local Community members in need and veterans as well open to the public 
 POST 9578  1/16/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Members of the Post help with a Food pantry for local Community members in need and veterans as well open to the public 
 POST 9578  1/16/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   4   112   2   $0.00   $213.20   $213.20   Post Chaplain and Aux Member transported Donated Goods For California Wildfire Victims to be shipped to LA County for Relif. 
 Post 9578 Total 62 268 60 $10.00 $3,321.29 $3,331.29
 POST 10577  7/18/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post Commander attended a Veterans Meeting at the local Senior Service Center in Oceanside Ca. Passed out Business Cards and Membership applications to local veterans,  
 POST 10577  8/15/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post Commander attended a Veterans Meeting at the local Senior Service Center in Oceanside Ca. Passed out Business Cards and Membership applications to local veterans,  
 POST 10577  8/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanisn   4   0   20   $0.00   $1,975.20   $1,975.20   VFW post 10577 put on a car show to raise funds for our relief fund. Raised about $2500.00. Very successful event.  
 POST 10577  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   5   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Five members attended ceremony for 9/11 at local high school with classes of ROTC students.  
 POST 10577  9/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Helped Navy Veteran with understanding benefits. Referred to North County VA Service Center for more information about her benefits.  
 POST 10577  9/13/2024   Community Service   Flag Etquette   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Helped a veteran with worn flagged. Directed him to report to nearest fire station for disposal. The Fire Department in Oceanside holds a Flag Disposal ceremony for the Community every year.  
 POST 10577  9/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted one veteran needing housing assistance.  
 POST 10577  9/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post Commander attended a Veterans Meeting at the local Senior Service Center in Oceanside Ca. Passed out Business Cards and Membership applications to local veterans,  
 POST 10577  9/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post Commander attended a Veterans Meeting at the local Senior Service Center in Oceanside Ca. Passed out Business Cards and Membership applications to local veterans,  
 POST 10577  10/17/2024   Community Service   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post Commander attended a Veterans Meeting at the local Senior Service Center in Oceanside Ca. Passed out Business Cards and Membership applications to local veterans,  
 POST 10577  10/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Helped one veterans with claims and benefits. Referred to the San Diego County VA Office to help in submittal of claims to VA.  
 POST 10577  10/21/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Helped one student in the submittal of his VOD application form.  
 POST 10577  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   4   7   $1.00   $691.88   $692.88   Seven members attended a Veterans Day Ceremony at El Camino High School in Oceanside, CA. which had a table displayed with Buddy Poppies for each Student and Teachers. After the ceremony Veterans were invited to attend classes with Students for a brief question and answer program answering the Student questions.  
 POST 10577  11/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Helped a Veteran resubmit a claim for benefits. Referred her to the San Diego County VA Office located in Oceanside, CA. to resubmit her claim to VA.  
 POST 10577  11/21/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post Commander attended a Veterans Meeting at the local Senior Service Center in Oceanside Ca. Passed out Business Cards and Membership applications to local veterans,  
 POST 10577  12/3/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Helped a veteran with worn flagged. Directed him to report to nearest fire station for disposal. The Fire Department in Oceanside holds a Flag Disposal ceremony for the Community every year.  
 POST 10577  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Post Commander and two members from Post 10577 attended a Pearl Harbor WWII ceremony on December 7, 2024 in remembrance of the Veterans who died at Pearl Harbor.  
 POST 10577  12/11/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Post Voted that three students will receive an award for their VOD submissions. Monetary awards and Certificates will be awarded at our next Post meeting with Parents in attendance.  
 POST 10577  12/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post Commander attended a Veterans Meeting at the local Senior Service Center in Oceanside Ca. Passed out Business Cards and Membership applications to local veterans,  
 POST 10577  12/26/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   0   1   $2.00   $49.38   $51.38   Post Commander attended a Veterans Meeting at the local Senior Service Center in Oceanside Ca. Passed out Business Cards and Membership applications to local veterans, 
 POST 10577  1/2/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   0   1   $2.00   $49.38   $51.38   Post Commander attended a Veterans Meeting at the local Senior Service Center in Oceanside Ca. Passed out Business Cards and Membership applications to local veterans, 
 POST 10577  1/8/2025   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   6   6   6   $350.00   $889.68   $1,239.68   Held VOD award presentation for three local High School Students at local meeting. Parents of VOD students were very appreciative of monetary awards presented.  
 POST 10577  1/9/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   0   1   $2.00   $49.38   $51.38   Post Commander attended a Veterans Meeting at the local Senior Service Center in Oceanside Ca. Passed out Business Cards and Membership applications to local veterans. 
 POST 10577  1/16/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   0   1   $2.00   $49.38   $51.38   Post Commander attended a Veterans Meeting at the local Senior Service Center in Oceanside Ca. Passed out Business Cards and Membership applications to local veterans, 
 POST 10577  1/20/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Helped a veteran who needed information concerning the death of his father, a former member of the VFW. Provided information he requested as to how to get burial at Mira Mar National Cemetary and needed information as to the steps necessary in the burial of his father.  
 POST 10577  1/23/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post Commander attended a Veterans Meeting at the local Senior Service Center in Oceanside Ca. Passed out Business Cards and Membership applications to local veterans,  
 POST 10577  1/30/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post Commander attended a Veterans Meeting at the local Senior Service Center in Oceanside Ca. Passed out Business Cards and Membership applications to local veterans,  
 POST 10577  2/5/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Helped a veteran who needed assistance in filing a claim for benefits from the VA. Referred to the San Diego County Office of Military and Veterans Affairs here in Oceanside, CA.  
 POST 10577  2/12/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Helped one veterans with claims and benefits. Referred to the San Diego County VA Office to help in submittal of claims to VA. 
 POST 10577  2/13/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Post Commander attended a Veterans Meeting at the local Senior Service Center in Oceanside Ca. Passed out Business Cards and Membership applications to local veterans, 
 POST 10577  2/13/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Post Commander attended a Veterans Meeting at the local Senior Service Center in Oceanside Ca. Passed out Business Cards and Membership applications to local veterans, 
 POST 10577  2/27/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   High Schools in the Oceanside and Carlsbad School District contacted to remind them to submit their nominations for recognition of their JROTC Students. 
 POST 10577  2/27/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post Commander attended a Veterans Meeting at the local Senior Service Center in Oceanside Ca. Passed out Business Cards and Membership applications to local veterans. 
 Post 10577 Total 59 55 70 $359.00 $4,896.32 $5,255.32
 POST 11387  7/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Member went to veteran’s funeral, to celebrate his life and service to our country, and support the departed veteran’s family.  
 POST 11387  7/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Hosted the Paradise Hills Foundation, non-profit organization, and a VFW member, who is also their member, to use our Post as place to hold their monthly meetings.  
 POST 11387  7/27/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   15   2   $20.00   $150.24   $170.24   Conducted a Telethon VFW membership drive contacting existing and delinquent members. Reconnected with veterans and ensured that their needs were met or addressed. Outcome of membership drive resulted in one veteran requesting VA claim assistance and as been scheduled to meet with VFW Post 11387 Post Service Officer 6 August 2024.  
 POST 11387  8/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Members went to the hospital, when hearing about the death of a VFW members son, we called the District Chaplain to inform him of the member's son passing, and so that the Chaplain could contact the member also; and stayed with the family who a while.  
 POST 11387  8/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Our Post allowed the House of Panama, a non-profit organization, and a Post member, who is their member also; to use our Post as their monthly event, to raise money for their organization.  
 POST 11387  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 POST 11387  8/10/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   3   5   5   $0.00   $371.05   $371.05   Served meals to the homeless, male and female veterans and their families, during the San Diego Veteran Stand Down, in National City; serving around 200 meals.  
 POST 11387  8/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   5   $0.00   $371.75   $371.75   5 VFW members attended the funeral of member's son, and afterwards, held the Celebration of Life at our Post.  
 POST 11387  8/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   The Paradise Hills Foundation, non-profit organization, and a VFW member, who is also their member, to use our Post as place to hold their monthly meetings.  
 POST 11387  8/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Member gave double Red, O+ blood to the San Diego blood bank, and is close to 6 gallons donated.  
 POST 11387  9/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   The Paradise Hills Foundation, non-profit organization, and a VFW member, who is also their member, to use our Post as place to hold their monthly meetings.  
 POST 11387  9/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   2   2   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   2 members took meals to an elderly VFW member and assisted him with some maintenance issues.  
 POST 11387  9/14/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   1 member handed out buddy poppies, shared about the buddy poppies story, and handed out buddy poppy pamphlets, during a membership drive in front of our Post, while the Life Car Club did their Cruising Reo Drive Event, we talked to a lot of people and got a few leads for membership for our Post and Auxiliary.  
 POST 11387  9/14/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   5   40   2   $0.00   $252.50   $252.50   2 members participated in a Veterans standdown to collect clothing, this was with the Rancho Bernardo Kiwanis club, and the Boy Scouts of America.  
 POST 11387  9/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Members held a membership drive in front of our Post, while the Life Car Club did their Cruising Reo Drive Event, we talked to a lot of people and got a few leads for membership for our Post and Auxiliary.  
 POST 11387  9/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   2   1   $0.00   $74.35   $74.35   Member assisted 1 of our older veterans, and member with his home cleanup, and maintenance issues at his home.  
 POST 11387  9/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   2 members took meals to an elderly VFW member and assisted him with some maintenance issues.  
 POST 11387  10/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Hosted the Paradise Hills Foundation, non-profit organization, and a VFW member, who is also their member, to use our Post as place to hold their monthly meetings.  
 POST 11387  10/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   took meals to an elderly VFW member and assisted him with some maintenance issues.  
 POST 11387  10/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   10   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Celebrated the Navy Birthday, with a cake cutting and 10 members in attendance to help our Navy veterans celebrate their birthday!  
 POST 11387  10/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38    helped with the cleanup, with Project Reo to clean the neighborhood, to include cleaning graffiti.  
 POST 11387  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Member assisted 1 of our older veterans, and member with his home cleanup, and maintenance issues at his home.  
 POST 11387  10/29/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   1 member, programs chairperson, submitted our Teacher of the Year recipient to District, on 29 Oct 2024.  
 POST 11387  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 11387  11/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   The Paradise Hills Foundation, non-profit organization, and a VFW member, who is also their member, to use our Post as place to hold their monthly meetings. 
 POST 11387  11/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   10   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Celebrated the Marine Corps Birthday, with the reading of LTGEN John A. Lejeune's Birthday message, and cake cutting for the Oldest and youngest Marine!  
 POST 11387  11/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   I took 2 Thanksgiving meals to a elderly veteran, member and his wife for Thanksgiving, and he was so happy to see us.  
 POST 11387  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Helped with the cleanup, with Project Reo to clean the neighborhood, to include cleaning graffiti. 
 Post 11387 Total 63 120 62 $45.00 $3,547.47 $3,592.47
 District 1 Total 3,306 26,152 3,484 $103,576.18 $346,420.21 $449,996.39
 POST 0  7/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   10   4   $0.00   $593.96   $593.96   Recruiting - District officers attended a "Meet & Greet" at the Dana Point Harbor and manned a recruiting booth during the event. Over 500 people passed by the booth - Approx. 60 individuals stopped to ask questions about Membership, VA Benefits, and Claims. Total of two potential for post membership and one interested in Auxiliary membership - Forms were given to the individuals with invitations to the next meeting. 500 Flags and Pinwheels were given to children.  
 Post 0 Total 6 10 4 $0.00 $593.96 $593.96
 POST 2085  7/13/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   8   1   1   $0.00   $197.66   $197.66   Donated our hall to the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Desert Storm Detachment, for them to have their meetings and trainings at our post.  
 POST 2085  7/27/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   8   0   1   $600.00   $197.52   $797.52   Donated our hall to the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Desert Storm Detachment, for them to have their meetings and trainings at our post.  
 POST 2085  8/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   10   $200.00   $1,975.20   $2,175.20   Hosted a free haircut plus backpack giveaway with school supplies and free hot dogs and beverages to 250 K-12 students in our hall. Haircuts were donated by local barbers and VFW Post 2085 was able to get 250 backpacks to donate to students after receiving haircuts.  
 POST 2085  8/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   0   10   $0.00   $1,975.20   $1,975.20   Free community haircut event donated by local barbers. 
 POST 2085  8/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   3   3   $0.00   $296.70   $296.70   VFW Post 2085 participated in Ontario's National Night Out. Collaborated with Ontario City Police Department and Ontario City Officials to spread awareness on safety and fight against crime. Post 2085 and was able to recruit 1 member from Ontario PD for VFW membership.  
 POST 2085  8/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   1   3   $0.00   $296.42   $296.42   Participated in Ontario Night Out event where Ontario VFW set up a booth and gave information for veteran assistance and benefits. 
 POST 2085  8/10/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   8   0   1   $600.00   $197.52   $797.52   Donated our hall to the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Desert Storm Detachment, for them to have their meetings and trainings at our post.  
 POST 2085  8/24/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   8   0   1   $600.00   $197.52   $797.52   Donated our hall to the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Desert Storm Detachment, for them to have their meetings and trainings at our post.  
 POST 2085  8/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   0   15   $75.00   $1,851.75   $1,926.75   Hosted a VFW Post 2085/American Legion Post 299 Friendly Softball Game. The match resulted with VFW/American Legion Veterans promoting camaraderie among each others post and establishing connections to further veterans projects and assistance within the Ontario and nearby cities.  
 POST 2085  8/25/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   0   15   $50.00   $1,851.75   $1,901.75   Sponsored a Veteran softball event playing against American Legion Chapter 299 Chino and set up an information booth 
 POST 2085  8/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post Commander assisted Marine Corps Veteran with gathering information on applying for claims and benefits.  
 POST 2085  9/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Donated the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2085 Hall and Kitchen for a Celebration of Life for a fallen Veteran.  
 POST 2085  9/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   VFW Post 2085 was able to donate a wheelchair to a Veteran in need.  
 POST 2085  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   20   2   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Post donate a desk to a fellow comrade who needed it to facilitate his studies.  
 POST 2085  9/14/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Donated our hall to the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Desert Storm Detachment, for them to have their meetings and trainings at our post.  
 POST 2085  9/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   VFW Post 2085 Commander assisted Air Force Veteran with gathering information on how to apply for claims and benefits.  
 POST 2085  9/28/2024   Youth Development   Other   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Donated our hall to the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Desert Storm Detachment, for them to have their meetings and trainings at our post.  
 POST 2085  9/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   1   $50.00   $24.83   $74.83   Post Commander donated food to homeless Veterans.  
 POST 2085  10/11/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Went to local middle school and passed out flyers for Patriots Pen.  
 POST 2085  10/11/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Went to local high school and passed out flyers for Voice of Democracy  
 POST 2085  10/12/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Donated our hall to the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Desert Storm Detachment, for them to have their meetings and trainings at our post.  
 POST 2085  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   1   2   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   **duplicate**Post Commander assisted 2 Marine Corps Veterans with gathering information on applying for claims and benefits,  
 POST 2085  10/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   1   1   $0.00   $197.66   $197.66   Donated our hall to the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Desert Storm Detachment, for them to have their meetings and trainings at our post.  
 POST 2085  10/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   1   1   $0.00   $197.66   $197.66   **duplicate**Donated our hall to the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Desert Storm Detachment, for them to have their meetings and trainings at our post.  
 POST 2085  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   1   2   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   Post Commander assisted 2 Marine Corps Veterans with gathering information on applying for claims and benefits,  
 POST 2085  10/31/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   VFW post 2085 hosted a Halloween Trunk or Treat and set up a Buddy Poppy/VFW information booth 
 POST 2085  10/31/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   1   2   $200.00   $247.04   $447.04   Held a Membership Drive at a Community Event hosting a Halloween Trunk or Treat. Had 1 person sign up to for membership.  
 POST 2085  10/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   5   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Hosted a Halloween Trunk or Treat and Haunted House event at our post. Had approximately 60 members from the community participate in our event.  
 POST 2085  11/9/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Donated our hall to the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Desert Storm Detachment, for them to have their meetings and trainings at our post.  
 POST 2085  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   0   5   $0.00   $617.25   $617.25   Hosted a Marine Corps Birthday celebration and set up a VFW booth with buddy poppies on display 
 POST 2085  11/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   5   $500.00   $617.25   $1,117.25   Hosted a Marine Corps Birthday Celebration with 100 participating Veterans and Active Duty and Reserve military members in attendance.  
 POST 2085  11/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Donated our hall to the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Desert Storm Detachment, for them to have their meetings and trainings at our post.  
 POST 2085  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Donated our hall to the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Desert Storm Detachment, for them to have their meetings and trainings at our post.  
 POST 2085  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Donated our hall to the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Desert Storm Detachment, for them to have their meetings and trainings at our post.  
 POST 2085  1/25/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   0   1   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Donated our hall to the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Desert Storm Detachment, for them to have their meetings and trainings at our post.  
 POST 2085  2/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   0   1   $0.00   $209.87   $209.87   Donated our hall to the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Desert Storm Detachment, for them to have their meetings and trainings at our post. 
 POST 2085  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $13.00   $24.69   $37.69   Donated to National Hime during District meeting.  
 Post 2085 Total 196 38 107 $2,888.00 $14,263.80 $17,151.80
 POST 3173  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   5   20   $0.00   $3,457.30   $3,457.30   Participation in Anaheim's 4th of July parade. With post M37 truck.  
 POST 3173  7/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   25   3   $20.00   $299.78   $319.78   Donated10lbs of pull tabs to Ronald McDonald house Long Beach supporting the VA hospital.  
 POST 3173  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   3   2   $300.00   $49.80   $349.80   Handed out food cards for three veterans in need.  
 POST 3173  7/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   10   5   $745.00   $371.75   $1,116.75   Hosted a dinner to raise money for a veteran that has become paralyzed. With donations 700 donated to veteran  
 POST 3173  7/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   1   3   $300.00   $296.42   $596.42   Donated the hall for a celebration of life.  
 POST 3173  7/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   16   2   $50.00   $249.14   $299.14   Provide 21 meals to wise house woman's shelter.  
 POST 3173  7/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   While at National convention, members packed seeds (cucumber, cabbage, broccoli), these seeds will be distributed to school and communities that wish to start gardens.  
 POST 3173  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during National convention.  
 POST 3173  8/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Donated 10lbs of soda tabs to the Ronald McDonald house that supports the Long beach VA.  
 POST 3173  8/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   4   2   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Provide meeting place to combat veterans' association  
 POST 3173  8/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   8   2   $45.00   $198.64   $243.64   Donated 13 mealsnto wiss house woman's shelter  
 POST 3173  9/13/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   10   7   6   $500.00   $1,482.38   $1,982.38   Provide 250 meals for breakfast to veterans and staff of OC stand down.  
 POST 3173  9/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   6   5   $750.00   $124.29   $874.29   Donated hotel rooms for deceased soldiers escorts  
 POST 3173  10/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   8   10   $0.00   $1,729.42   $1,729.42   day of service: cooked 300 hots and 300 hamburgers for the Anaheim cops 4 kids program. 
 POST 3173  10/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   30   2   $0.00   $251.10   $251.10   Conducted recruiting at patriots for paws car show. 
 POST 3173  10/5/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   35   3   $0.00   $227.11   $227.11   Buddy Poppy event at Comic Con. Received a total $11.00 donation.  
 POST 3173  10/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   35   3   $0.00   $523.39   $523.39   Attended membership drive at LA Comic Con  
 POST 3173  10/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   70   3   $0.00   $602.36   $602.36   conducted recruiting event at Comicon in LA for department.  
 POST 3173  10/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   2   $35.00   $198.92   $233.92   Donated 15 meals to the wiss house woman's shelter  
 POST 3173  10/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   2   15   $500.00   $1,111.33   $1,611.33   Hosted a trunk or treat at the post for the neighborhood purchased candy to hand out.  
 POST 3173  11/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   5   4   $0.00   $790.78   $790.78   conducted blood drive at post where 15 donors gave pints of blood. 
 POST 3173  11/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   5   3   $0.00   $296.98   $296.98   donated the use of the hall for army reserve unit Christmas party.  
 POST 3173  11/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   30   1   $200.00   $53.58   $253.58   donation of hygiene kits for VA veterans. 
 POST 3173  12/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   2   5   $2,000.00   $494.08   $2,494.08   donated 2000.00 to two SVA chapters to support trip to national conference  
 POST 3173  12/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   3   3   $200.00   $296.70   $496.70   donated 10 $20 dollar Starbucks cards for national guard units holiday party. 
 POST 3173  12/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   15   2   $0.00   $199.62   $199.62   two members built bikes for donation to kids for Christmas 
 POST 3173  1/3/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   15   2   $0.00   $150.24   $150.24   Volunteer to make food boxes for three hours at OC food bank.  
 POST 3173  1/20/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   15   2   $0.00   $100.86   $100.86    MLK food bank, food box packing 
 POST 3173  2/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   2   3   $250.00   $148.42   $398.42   assisted in paying for car registration for a homeless veteran 
 POST 3173  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $13.00   $24.69   $37.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting.  
 Post 3173 Total 116 392 117 $5,923.00 $13,930.66 $19,853.66
 POST 3670  7/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   12   17   $0.00   $841.14   $841.14   Meet with Youth Group participants and adult leadership; participants shared their roles in the sport of their choosing. Afterwords snacks and beverages were provided.  
 POST 3670  8/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   220   8   $300.00   $623.36   $923.36   Recreation night of Bingo, fellowship, and repast for Veteran members and participating family volunteers. Total participation count 32 people attended.  
 POST 3670  8/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   16   4   $0.00   $397.28   $397.28   Four members of Post 3670 joined the 550 members attending the "I Am An American: The Nisei Soldier Experience" traveling exhibit at the Barclay Theatre in Irvine. The keynote speaker was General Eric K. Shinseki, 34th U.S. Army Chief of Staff, Retired. His discussion emphasized the importance of keeping the Nisei soldier legacy alive today and for future generations.  
 POST 3670  9/3/2024   Youth Development   Other   3   100   5   $0.00   $384.35   $384.35   The Ninth-grade girls VFW Heart & Hustle Basketball team and the Eleventh-grade boys VFW Redhawks were given special reconnection for their volunteer involvement in youth development and physical fitness. Steve Nakauchi, College Grant Chair presented Marissa Mayeda and Chase Wada their college grant awards. An additional kids' community event will take place at Tanaka Farms in Irvine, California. The 442nd Veteran Yosh Nakamura will be honored with a plaque at Whittier High School.  
 POST 3670  9/3/2024   Youth Development   Other   1   18   10   $0.00   $249.42   $249.42   18 Veterans and families met after meeting for fellowship, repast, and discuss future youth development activities for Post 3670 to sponsor, promote, or take part in.  
 POST 3670  10/7/2024   Youth Development   Other   1   18   15   $0.00   $372.87   $372.87   Fifteen (15) Veterans and families participated in fellowship, eating, and promoting youth activities that are associated with Post 3670. The VFW Youth Group provided food and beverages.  
 POST 3670  10/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   45   2   $0.00   $203.82   $203.82   VFW Member drove VFW member comrade to procedure and drove him home again.  
 POST 3670  10/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   45   1   $0.00   $105.06   $105.06   Drove comrade from home to the VA Long Beach and returned home for a procedure to his lower back.  
 POST 3670  11/4/2024   Youth Development   Other   2   24   17   $0.00   $842.82   $842.82   After the post-meeting, fellowship, and youth development discussion. Food provided by post families.  
 POST 3670  11/8/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   2   18   6   $575.00   $298.80   $873.80   Masuda Middle School Veterans Ceremony. Patriot's Pen awards & miscellaneous certificates handed out.  
 POST 3670  12/7/2024   Youth Development   Other   2   25   4   $0.00   $201.02   $201.02   Veterans Youth Group Christmas Party for Post Members and Youth Group Families.  
 POST 3670  12/17/2024   Youth Development   Other   2   18   6   $0.00   $298.80   $298.80   Masuda Middle School Christmas Concert.  
 POST 3670  12/19/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   18   3   $270.00   $76.59   $346.59   Voice of Democracy First Place winner award presented to recipient and family member.  
 POST 3670  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $13.00   $24.69   $37.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 Post 3670 Total 32 577 99 $1,158.00 $4,920.02 $6,078.02
 POST 5384  7/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   10   0   2   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Cmdr and Service officer spend 20 hours/week assisting veterans in processing VA benefits at Brea Senior Center  
 POST 5384  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   10   0   2   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Cmdr and Service officer spend 20 hours/week assisting veterans in processing VA benefits at Brea Senior Center  
 POST 5384  7/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   10   0   2   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Cmdr and Service officer spend 20 hours/week assisting veterans in processing VA benefits at Brea Senior Center 
 POST 5384  7/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   10   0   2   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80    Cmdr and Service officer spend 20 hours/week assisting veterans in processing VA benefits at Brea Senior Center  
 POST 5384  8/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   10   0   2   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Cmdr and Service officer spend 20 hours/week assisting veterans in processing VA benefits at Brea Senior Center 
 POST 5384  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $223.00   $24.69   $247.69   Quarterly donation of membership collections  
 POST 5384  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   2   $233.00   $49.38   $282.38   Quarterly donation  
 POST 5384  8/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   10   0   2   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Cmdr and Service officer spend 20 hours/week assisting veterans in processing VA benefits at Brea Senior Center 
 POST 5384  8/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   30   2   $0.00   $201.72   $201.72   Post members assisting Comrade in need to get to VA Appointment 8/14  
 POST 5384  8/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   20   2   $350.00   $200.32   $550.32   Replaced front tires on vehicle for Comrade in Need  
 POST 5384  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   10   2   $341.83   $198.92   $540.75   Assisted Comrade-in-Need with new tires for his only personal vehicle per approved motion at the July Post meeting.  
 POST 5384  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   10   0   2   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Cmdr and Service officer spend 20 hours/week assisting veterans in processing VA benefits at Brea Senior Center 
 POST 5384  8/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   10   0   2   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Cmdr and Service officer spend 20 hours/week assisting veterans in processing VA benefits at Brea Senior Center 
 POST 5384  8/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   10   0   2   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Cmdr and Service officer spend 20 hours/week assisting veterans in processing VA benefits at Brea Senior Center  
 POST 5384  9/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   10   0   2   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Cmdr and Service officer spend 20 hours/week assisting veterans in processing VA benefits at Brea Senior Center 
 POST 5384  9/13/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   10   10   2   $200.00   $495.20   $695.20   Participated in OC Stand Down event and assisted Post 3173 in defraying some of the costs to provide meals.  
 POST 5384  9/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   10   0   2   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Cmdr and Service officer spend 20 hours/week assisting veterans in processing VA benefits at Brea Senior Center 
 POST 5384  9/20/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   1   30   $25.00   $740.84   $765.84   Supported local Buena Park Company with a replacement flag and ceremonial raising and will provide the remaining flag for retirement ceremony.  
 POST 5384  9/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   10   0   2   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Cmdr and Service officer spend 20 hours/week assisting veterans in processing VA benefits at Brea Senior Center 
 POST 5384  9/29/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   1   1   2   $104.00   $49.52   $153.52   Made $104.00 donation to the Air Force JROTC at Buena Park High School.  
 POST 5384  9/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   10   0   2   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80    Cmdr and Service officer spend 20 hours/week assisting veterans in processing VA benefits at Brea Senior Center  
 POST 5384  10/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   Donation to Healing Waters Organization.  
 POST 5384  11/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   20   6   $0.00   $447.22   $447.22   Conducted a class at the Elk's Lodge for Veteran's that are coping with PTSD.  
 POST 5384  11/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   50   2   $340.00   $56.38   $396.38   Wreaths Across America: Administration by Comrade James Tucker. Purchase of 20 wreaths @$17/ea. by Post  
 POST 5384  11/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   60   2   $100.00   $57.78   $157.78   Took up a collection of money to help out the children's National Home  
 POST 5384  11/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Participated in City of Buena Park City Veterans recognition luncheon to honor Veteran of the Year and all veterans that attended.  
 POST 5384  11/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   Donation to Mederas Steakhouse for Christmas Dinner for VA patients  
 POST 5384  11/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   2   $275.00   $49.38   $324.38   Q2 Donation  
 POST 5384  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   35   4   $20.00   $597.46   $617.46   Held a Buddy Poppy Drive and a membership drive at the Ralph's store in the city of Buena Park  
 POST 5384  11/11/2024   Community Service   Other   3   5   3   $5.00   $222.91   $227.91   Participated in a veterans day celebration in the city of Buena Park  
 POST 5384  12/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   140   14   $1,700.00   $1,747.90   $3,447.90   Gave out steak meals to Veteran's in the spinal cord ward at the long beach VA hospital on Christmas day  
 POST 5384  12/4/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   5   25   $250.00   $617.95   $867.95   Held Voice of Democracy Awards dinner and presentation this evening. We3 had 4 of the 5 applicants present to receive their VOD Pins and their certificates for their participation. The Post winner was also presented the certificate and a check for $100.00 and advised her package had already been forwarded to District for the ne3xt level of the competition, The complete process was explained to the families as well as the post membership present. 
 POST 5384  12/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   Participated with mortuary members to celebrate all persons buried at Westminster Cemetary during the year of 2024. I represented the senior, veteran generations during the service and escorted a 7 year old young man to light the candles for others to light their candles from.  
 POST 5384  12/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   Participated with mortuary members to celebrate all persons that had been buried at Westminster Cemetary during the year 2024. I represented the senior, veteran generation during the service and escorted a 6-year-old challenged little young lady to light the candles that the others would light their candles from.  
 POST 5384  12/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   5   60   12   $444.00   $1,489.80   $1,933.80   Participated in Wreaths Across America and laid Wreaths on Veterans head stones at Riverside and City of Brea Cemeteries  
 POST 5384  12/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   35   7   $14.00   $523.39   $537.39   Had a meeting of Veterans with PTSD at an Elk's club  
 POST 5384  1/6/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   20   8   $4.00   $595.36   $599.36   Commander held a PTSD Class for Veterans 
 POST 5384  1/18/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   15   6   $20.00   $446.52   $466.52   Flag folding ceremony and flag prestation to the family members of a deceased Veteran.  
 POST 5384  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $13.00   $24.69   $37.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting. 
 Post 5384 Total 202 537 170 $5,661.83 $15,654.57 $21,316.40
 POST 5868  8/14/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Met with Laguna Beach City Clerk to ensure that the VFW Pubic Service awards (LE/FF/EMT) program of instruction for Post 5868 was distributed to the respective city departments for their personal recommendations.  
 POST 5868  8/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   40   2   $0.00   $301.88   $301.88   Assisted Dana Point 5th Marine suoort group with a golf fund raising event at Trabuco Canyon Golf Courseney for the 5th Marine Regiment support.  
 POST 5868  8/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   40   1   $0.00   $129.05   $129.05   Assisted Dana Point 5th Marine Support Group with a golf fund raising event at Trabuco Canyon Golf Course to raise funds for the 5th Marine HQ Regiment support.  
 POST 5868  8/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   20   1   $0.00   $126.25   $126.25   Assisted Dana Point 5th Marine Support Group with a golf fund raising event at Trabuco Canyon Golf Course to raise funds for the 5th Marine HQ Regiment support.  
 POST 5868  8/27/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Met with Laguna Beach City Clerk to ensure the VFW Public Servant Awards (LE/FF/EMT) Program of Instruction for Post 5868 was distributed to the respective city departments for their personnel nomination.  
 POST 5868  8/29/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Met with Laguna Beach City Clerk to ensure the VFW Public Servant Awards (LE/FF/EMT) Program of Instruction for Post 5868 was distributed to the respective city departments for their personnel nomination.  
 POST 5868  10/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Courtesy call to comrade Merrilees, former Senior Vice Commander of Post 5868, now retired in northern CA in a senior center. He is doing well and seemed thrilled to be remembered.  
 POST 5868  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $13.00   $24.69   $37.69   Donated to National Home during the District meeting. 
 Post 5868 Total 23 115 9 $13.00 $732.11 $745.11
 POST 6024  7/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   12   $0.00   $595.50   $595.50   Membership event at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA. One new member will be joining our post next Monday, July 8, 2024.  
 POST 6024  7/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   41   5   $0.00   $252.64   $252.64   Honor Guard for El Toro Marine Base event at the Lake Forest City Community Center, Lake Forest, CA.  
 POST 6024  7/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   16   $0.00   $793.02   $793.02   Membership event at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Hills, CA. Two new members are planning to join at our post meeting next month. .  
 POST 6024  7/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   12   $0.00   $595.50   $595.50   Membership event at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Hills, CA. One transfer member will be attending our next VFW meeting.  
 POST 6024  7/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   35   4   $205.00   $202.42   $407.42   The VFW band called Flashback, played for 2 hours at the Laguna Cafe to attract new members and collect donations for the post.  
 POST 6024  7/22/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   15   5   $500.00   $125.55   $625.55   Post 6024 presented a Firefighter of the year award to a member of the RSM Fire Station 45..He was selected as State Firefighter and National Firefighter for all of his civic volunteer missions as well as saving lives as a firefighter for many years.  
 POST 6024  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during National convention.  
 POST 6024  8/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   14   $0.00   $694.26   $694.26   Membership event at the Laguna Cafe, Laguna Woods, CA. to invite new prospective members to our post. We are processing two new applications for admission to our post.  
 POST 6024  8/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   11   $0.00   $546.12   $546.12   Membership event at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA to encourage more veterans to join our post. We had three new people attend so we are offering them new membership deals to join our post.  
 POST 6024  8/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   11   $0.00   $546.12   $546.12   Membership event at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA to encourage more veterans to join our post. We had three new people attend so we are offering them new membership deals to join our post.  
 POST 6024  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   25   2   $300.00   $151.64   $451.64   VFW donation of $300 to Freedom Dogs which provides trained dogs to veterans with PTSD.  
 POST 6024  8/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   10   $0.00   $496.74   $496.74   Membership event at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods to invite more veterans to join our 6024 post. We are introducing new programs to upgrade our annual members to Life membership.  
 POST 6024  8/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   42   4   $375.00   $302.16   $677.16   VFW band played at the Laguna Cafe to encourage new members, community engagement  
 POST 6024  8/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   18   $0.00   $891.78   $891.78   Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA. Five American Legion members attended so we invited those who are eligible to join our VFW post as members. Community involvement  
 POST 6024  8/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   18,887   2   $0.00   $3,039.22   $3,039.22   Veteran memorial at Angel Fire, New Mexico for current and past veterans. Placed memorial bricks at the memorial park for family members who donated $100 per brick with their veteran's names engraved on each brick.  
 POST 6024  9/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   12   $0.00   $595.50   $595.50   Membership drive at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA. Two new prospects attended and will visit our post meeting next week.  
 POST 6024  9/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   15   $0.00   $743.64   $743.64   Membership drive at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA. One new prospective member attended and was asked to fill out forms to join our post.  
 POST 6024  9/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   14   $0.00   $694.26   $694.26   Membership meeting at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA. 1 new prospective member attended and is invited to attend our next VFW meeting in October.  
 POST 6024  9/28/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   40   2   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   Recruited one new member at a community event in San Clemente, CA. New member was a Vietnam fighter pilot and will join our VFW post at our November meeting.  
 POST 6024  10/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   41   1   $0.00   $104.50   $104.50   Presented program about Vietnam to 32 Newport Harbor High School students for their history class assignment. Class was done at Heroes Hall in Costa Mesa, CA.  
 POST 6024  10/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   16   $0.00   $793.02   $793.02   Membership drive at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA. Recruited one new member who served in the Navy submarine service.  
 POST 6024  10/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   160   1   $500.00   $145.85   $645.85   Post donated $500 in canteen books to veterans in the spinal cord injury ward and provided a live band to play music to entertain the patients for 2 hours.  
 POST 6024  10/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   29   6   $0.00   $744.76   $744.76   Membership drive at Rancho Santa Margarita City Family Festival to recruit new members to our post. We had a tent and table with literature and information about the VFW.  
 POST 6024  10/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   29   5   $0.00   $621.31   $621.31   Membership drive at the Rancho Santa Margarita Family Festival to recruit new members to our post. We had a tent and table with literature and information about the VFW.  
 POST 6024  10/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   11   $0.00   $546.12   $546.12   at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Hills, CA. One Navy veteran who attended will join our VFW post as a member at our next meeting.  
 POST 6024  10/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   15   $0.00   $743.64   $743.64   Membership event at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA. We invited two new prospects to attend to become members of our VFW post.  
 POST 6024  10/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   18   $0.00   $891.78   $891.78   Membership event at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA. One new prospective member attended so we invited him to our next VFW meeting in November.  
 POST 6024  10/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   21   4   $157.00   $299.22   $456.22   Our VFW Band played music at the Laguna Cafe to attract new members and to entertain those who support our post with donations.  
 POST 6024  10/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   38   1   $0.00   $54.70   $54.70   Spoke to 105 sixth grade students at the John Murdy Elementary School in my VFW uniform about Vietnam and what our soldiers did to support the South Vietnamese government.  
 POST 6024  10/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   81   2   $283.00   $307.62   $590.62   Our VFW post donated two large planter boxes, flowers and mulch for the VA hospital Long Beach Spinal Ward. The patients wanted to plant the flowers so they could experience the joy of creating their own garden. The project was well received by all.  
 POST 6024  11/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   17   $0.00   $842.40   $842.40   Held a membership event at the laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA to attract new members to our post. One Navy veteran will be officially joining our next post at our next meeting on November 12th.  
 POST 6024  11/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   10   1   $482.00   $149.54   $631.54   Buddy Poppy Program at Albertson's Mission Viejo to collect donations for veteran hospital visits and provide funds for care and support.  
 POST 6024  11/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   112   20   $0.00   $2,484.68   $2,484.68   Buddy Poppy program to collect donations to provide care and support for veterans at the VA hospital and other veteran needs. collected $3009  
 POST 6024  11/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   100   3   $0.00   $606.56   $606.56   Buddy poppy drive at Pavilions Market from 11/7 to 11/10/. Manned by three comrades: Carson, Costa, and Kleindienst. Amount collected: $4832.  Report Split PJ 
 POST 6024  11/8/2024   Youth Development   Other   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   One VFW member gave a presentation to the Marian Bergeron Elementary School about what serving in the military meant to them to commemorate Veterans Day. The students asked questions and the school provided coffee and donuts. 
 POST 6024  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   100   3   $0.00   $606.56   $606.56   Buddy poppy drive at Pavilions Market from 11/7 to 11/10/. Manned by three comrades: Carson, Costa, and Kleindienst. Amount collected: $4832. Report Split PJ 
 POST 6024  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive1    5   156   19   $0.00   $2,367.39   $2,367.39   Buddy Poppy program to collect donations to provide care and support to veterans at the VA hospital and other veteran locations. collected $4057  
 POST 6024  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   123   20   $0.00   $2,486.22   $2,486.22   Buddy Poppy program to collect donations to provide care and support to veterans at the VA hospital and other locations. We had seven different locations to collect donations for Buddy Poppy's.. Collected $4027 
 POST 6024  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   100   3   $0.00   $606.56   $606.56   Buddy poppy drive at Pavilions Market from 11/7 to 11/10/. Manned by three comrades: Carson, Costa, and Kleindienst. Amount collected: $4832. Report Split PJ 
 POST 6024  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive1    5   117   21   $0.00   $2,608.83   $2,608.83   Buddy Poppy program to collect donations to provide care and support to veterans at the VA hospital and other locations. We had collection stations at seven different locations. Collected $4430  
 POST 6024  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   100   3   $0.00   $606.56   $606.56   Buddy poppy drive at Pavilions Market from 11/7 to 11/10/. Manned by three comrades: Carson, Costa, and Kleindienst. Amount collected: $4832. Report Split PJ 
 POST 6024  11/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   80   1   $45.00   $60.58   $105.58   Delivered gift cards to the Long Beach VA Spinal Care ward for veterans who need extra items from the PX at the hospital.  
 POST 6024  11/14/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   8   20   1   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Properly retired  of 405 US Flags as outlined by the US Flag Code. Flags were collected through the city of Rancho Santa Margarita's Flag Disposal Box.  
 POST 6024  11/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   71   1   $0.00   $84.01   $84.01   Presented Vietnam history lessons to two classes of Middle School students at Costa Mesa Middle School. The students were very attentive and asked good questions.  
 POST 6024  11/22/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   21   14   $0.00   $694.26   $694.26   Membership drive at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA. One new member will join our VFW post at our next meeting in December. His wife will join the Ladies Auxiliary. 
 POST 6024  11/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   21   4   $0.00   $299.22   $299.22   Our VFW band performed at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods to attract new members and receive donations for our post. The band played for 3 hours, talked with several new member prospects and collected $195 in donations for our post.  
 POST 6024  11/26/2024   Youth Development   Other   3   42   1   $0.00   $79.95   $79.95   Presented a PowerPoint lesson at the Early College High School in Costa Mesa, CA about the Vietnam war and how the country has changed since 1975. There were about 98 students in the gymnasium, and they asked good questions after my talk. 
 POST 6024  11/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   14   $0.00   $694.26   $694.26   Membership drive at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA to attract new members to our post. One Navy veteran is interested in joining an will be submitting his service records to see if he is eligible to join our VFW post.  
 POST 6024  12/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   11   $0.00   $546.12   $546.12   Membership drive at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA. One new prospect attended and will be voted on at our January VFW post meeting.  
 POST 6024  12/12/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   Retired 52 US Flag collected at Rancho Santa Margarita Flag Box.  
 POST 6024  12/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   14   $0.00   $694.26   $694.26   Membership drive at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woos, CA. We are inviting other restaurant customers who are veterans to join our VFW post if they are eligible.  
 POST 6024  12/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   18   $0.00   $891.78   $891.78   Membership event at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA. We had two new prospects for our VFW post attend and they are being vetted to see if they qualify to join our post.  
 POST 6024  1/3/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   22   $0.00   $1,089.30   $1,089.30   Membership drive at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA. We had two new prospects attend and will see if they will qualify to be a VFW member at our next post meeting.  
 POST 6024  1/6/2025   Community Service    Flag Etiquette   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Properly retiredof 48 US Flags as outlined by the US Flag Code. Flags were collected from Boy Scout Troop 727's Flag Box located in the Rancho Santa Margarita Regional Community Center.  
 POST 6024  1/10/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   19   $0.00   $941.16   $941.16   Membership event at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA. One new prospect was invited to attend our next VFW meeting on January 13, 2025.  
 POST 6024  1/21/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   35   1   $0.00   $78.97   $78.97   Properly disposed of 31 US Flags collected from Rancho Santa Margarita City Hall.  
 POST 6024  1/24/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   24   $0.00   $1,188.06   $1,188.06   Membership drive at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA. Three new prospective members attended and will be vetted and approved by our next post meeting in February.  
 POST 6024  1/25/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   160   1   $500.00   $170.54   $670.54   Our post member in charge of the VA Hospital Care in Long Beach organized a band to play for the spinal ward patients. $500 worth of canteen books were distributed to 10 patients in wheelchairs so they could purchase items from the hospital canteen for their personal needs. 
 POST 6024  1/29/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   52   1   $0.00   $106.04   $106.04   Costa Mesa Back Bay High School presentations to share what life is like in the military. The students were very interested in the four classes that were held at the high school. 
 POST 6024  1/31/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   21   18   $0.00   $891.78   $891.78   Membership drive at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA. There were two new veteran prospective members in attendance. We will examine their military records to verify if they are qualified to join our VFW post.  
 POST 6024  2/3/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   454   1   $0.00   $162.32   $162.32   Presented a PowerPoint presentation to classes at Corona Del Mar High School as part of their "Living History" program. The students were very receptive about the history of Vietnam and how the country has changed since the war ended in 1975. 
 POST 6024  2/10/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   2   14   1   $0.00   $51.34   $51.34   At Saddleback Church we assembled 500 zip lock bags of snack items and candies for the Marines from Camp Pendleton who are deployed at the border to assist our Border Patrol agents. They are assisting in constructing barriers along the border wall. 
 POST 6024  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $13.00   $24.69   $37.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting. 
 POST 6024  2/21/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   21   11   $0.00   $546.12   $546.12   Membership event at the Laguna Cafe in Laguna Woods, CA. One new prospective member was at this event, and we are checking if he is eligible to be a VFW member. 
 Post 6024 Total 204 21,949 542 $3,375.00 $39,564.68 $42,939.68
 POST 6563  7/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   80   3   $91.00   $603.76   $694.76   Food drive for the community day one of two days.. Seven auxiliary members participated. MAK correction.  
 POST 6563  7/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   60   3   $0.00   $378.75   $378.75   Day two of the food drive. We had four auxiliary members and tow volunteer helping out. Correction M.A.K.  
 POST 6563  7/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   6   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Community food give away  
 POST 6563  7/27/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   0   5   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Flag retirement ceremony.  
 POST 6563  8/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   3   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Packing boxes for community food drive  
 POST 6563  8/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Received food from the food bank. then distributed food is sorted out and boxed.  
 POST 6563  8/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   4   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Food give-away. Loaded boxes of food into the trunks of people cars  
 POST 6563  8/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Give out food to families in community  
 POST 6563  8/24/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Member info booth at summer community event.  
 POST 6563  9/9/2024   Community Service   o Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   1   $114.00   $74.07   $188.07   Rent truck unbox food for food giveaway  
 POST 6563  9/10/2024   Community Service   o Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Food giveaway to the community  
 POST 6563  9/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Membership drive during community event  
 POST 6563  9/14/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Flag display and sale at community event  
 POST 6563  9/14/2024   Youth Development   Other   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Talking to youth about the VFW post during an event  
 POST 6563  9/14/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Poppy drive at community event  
 POST 6563  10/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   3   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Community Food give away  
 POST 6563  10/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Food giveaway giving out food  
 POST 6563  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Food giveaway community putting boxes together  
 POST 6563  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Veterans recognition ceremony volunteer  
 POST 6563  11/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   0   4   $126.00   $395.04   $521.04   Food give a way and truck rental  
 POST 6563  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Helped veteran get help with benefits  
 POST 6563  12/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Food giveaway to the community  
 POST 6563  12/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Giving food away from the food that was packed the previous night.  
 POST 6563  12/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   assisting a veteran's get her  DD-214.  
 POST 6563  1/13/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   3   $70.00   $444.42   $514.42   Food give away 70.00 for truck  
 POST 6563  1/14/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   5   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Food give away day of  
 POST 6563  2/10/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    5   0   4   $134.00   $493.80   $627.80   Food give away Fontana community truck rental and food prep for next day delivery  
 POST 6563  2/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Food give away to Fontana community delivering boxes to cars  
 POST 6563  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $13.00   $24.69   $37.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting. 
 POST 6563  2/16/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Membership drive at the Fontana marlet 
 Post 6563 Total 119 140 85 $548.00 $8,636.41 $9,184.41
 POST 8680  7/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $10.00   $100.58   $110.58   VFW POST 8680'S JR VICE COMMANDER VOLUNTEERED 4HRS AT USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO, SEVING TROOPS & THEIR FAMILIES  
 POST 8680  7/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   VFW POST 8680'S JR VICE COMMANDER VOLUNTEERED 4HRS AT USO ONTARIO  
 POST 8680  7/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   8   1   $0.00   $99.88   $99.88   VFW POST 8680'S JR VICE COMMANDER VOLUNTEERED 4HRS AT CITY OF HOPE UPLAND IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY DEPARTMENT  
 POST 8680  7/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   VFW POST 8680'S JR VICE COMMANDER VOLUNTEERED 4HRS AT USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO SERVING TROOPS & THEIR FAMILIES  
 POST 8680  8/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   JR VICE COMMANDER VOLUNTEERED 4HRS AT USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO  
 POST 8680  8/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   240   1   $0.00   $231.12   $231.12    JR VICE COMMANDER VOLUNTEERED 8HRS AT FT IRWIN RUBA USO  
 POST 8680  8/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   240   1   $0.00   $231.12   $231.12   VFW POST 8680'S JR VICE COMMANDER VOLUNTEERED 8HRS AT FT IRWIN RUBA USO  
 POST 8680  8/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   240   1   $0.00   $231.12   $231.12   VFW POST 8680'S JR VICE COMMANDER VOLUNTEERED 8HRS AT FT IRWIN RUBA USO  
 POST 8680  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   JR VICE COMMANDER VOLUNTEERED 4HRS AT USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO  
 POST 8680  8/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   JR VICE COMMANDER VOLUNTEERED 4HRS AT USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO  
 POST 8680  8/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   8   1   $0.00   $99.88   $99.88    JR VICE COMMANDER VOLUNTEERED 4HRS AT CITY OF HOPE UPLAND IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY DEPARTMENT  
 POST 8680  8/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 4 hours at USO California/ONT, serving troops and their families  
 POST 8680  8/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Hosted an American Red Cross Blood Drive in its hall. With a goal of 18 donation, this drive received 36 donations of blood. an excellent blood drive.  
 POST 8680  9/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 4hrs at USO, ONT, serving Troops and their families.  
 POST 8680  9/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   JR VICE COMMANDER VOLUNTEERED 4HRS AT USO ONTARIO SERVING TROOPS AND THEIR FAMILIES.  
 POST 8680  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Jr. Vice Commander volunteered 4hrs at USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO Ca.  
 POST 8680  9/28/2024   Community Service   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Post Jr Vice Commander , John Montoya, volunteered 4hrs at USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO Airport  
 POST 8680  9/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Post Jr Vice Commander , John Montoya, volunteered 4hrs at USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO Airport  
 POST 8680  10/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   230   1   $0.00   $254.41   $254.41   Jr Vice Commander volunteered at USO Ft Irwin's Teen Amazing Race Challenge. Helped to man two check points during the race. GREAT EVENT  
 POST 8680  10/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   9   1   $0.00   $100.02   $100.02   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 4hrs at City of Hope, Upland, in the Radiation Oncologist Department.  
 POST 8680  10/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Jr Vice Commander, John Montoya, volunteered 4hrs at USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO. Serving Troops and their families.  
 POST 8680  10/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   13   1   $0.00   $51.20   $51.20   Jr Vice Commander participated in a Welcome Home celebration of a Vietnam Veteran returning home to SoCal from Washington DC on an Honor Flight to Ontario International Airport.  
 POST 8680  10/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   240   1   $0.00   $280.50   $280.50   Jr Vice Commander volunteered with the USO at Ft Irwin's Spooktacular Family Bash. Helped serve meals to military families, monitored games, and cleaned up after the event  
 POST 8680  10/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   8   1   $0.00   $99.88   $99.88   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 4hrs at City of Hope Upland in Radiation Oncology department  
 POST 8680  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   5   $280.00   $123.45   $403.45   The Post assignment a Veteran and his family with 50 dollars from the Post Veteran Relief Fund, and a 230 dollar donation from Post members at the Cantina this evening. 
 POST 8680  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   5   $280.00   $123.45   $403.45   The Post assignment a Veteran and his family with 50 dollars from the Post Veteran Relief Fund, and a 230 dollar donation from Post members at the Cantina this evening.  
 POST 8680  10/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   6   1   $0.00   $25.53   $25.53   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 1 hour at City of Hope, Radiation Oncology Department.  
 POST 8680  11/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   8   1   $0.00   $99.88   $99.88   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 4hrs at City of Hope Upland in the Radiation Oncology department  
 POST 8680  11/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 4hrs at USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO  
 POST 8680  11/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 4hrs at USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO  
 POST 8680  11/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 4hrs at USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO.  
 POST 8680  11/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   8   1   $0.00   $149.26   $149.26   POST 8680 hosted an American Red Cross Blood Drive in it's hall. Jr Vice Commander volunteered 6 hrs at American Red Cross Blood Drive at in VFW POST 8680 HALL  
 POST 8680  11/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 4hrs at USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO  
 POST 8680  1/1/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/ Americanism    4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 4hrs on New Years morning at USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO  
 POST 8680  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 4hrs at USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO servicing our Troops and their families  
 POST 8680  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 4hrs at USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO serving our Troops and their families  
 POST 8680  1/13/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 4hrs at USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO serving Troops and their families  
 POST 8680  1/18/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 4hrs at USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO serving Military and their families  
 POST 8680  1/21/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   13   4   $0.00   $594.38   $594.38   The Post hosted an American Red Cross Blood Drive in its hall. 4 members donated Blood at this Blood drive.  
 POST 8680  1/25/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 4hrs at USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO  
 POST 8680  2/1/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   12   240   1   $0.00   $329.88   $329.88   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 11.5 hours at RUBA USO Ft Irwin California serving Rotational Unit Troops as they finish their field training  
 POST 8680  2/3/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   13   1   $0.00   $100.58   $100.58   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 4hrs at USO CALIFORNIA ONTARIO serving Military and their families  
 POST 8680  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $13.00   $24.69   $37.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting. 
 POST 8680  2/25/2025   Community Service   Other   12   240   1   $0.00   $317.54   $317.54   Jr Vice Commander volunteered 11.5 hours at National Training Center, Ft Irwin's RUBA USO, Serving British & American troops. 
 Post 8680 Total 207 2,063 55 $583.00 $6,029.25 $6,612.25
 POST 9557  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during District meeting 
 POST 9557  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during National convention.  
 POST 9557  9/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   20   1   $50.00   $52.18   $102.18   VFW Membership Drive at American Legion Post 555 event 
 POST 9557  10/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   5   8   $10.00   $1,185.82   $1,195.82   Buddy Poppy Drive  
 POST 9557  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Buddy Poppy Drive  
 POST 9557  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   6   8   $0.00   $790.92   $790.92   Buddy Poppy Drive  
 POST 9557  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   6   8   $0.00   $790.92   $790.92   Buddy Poopy Drive  
 POST 9557  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   5   8   $0.00   $593.26   $593.26   Veteran Day Event  
 POST 9557  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   7   $200.00   $346.36   $546.36   Veterans Day 
 POST 9557  12/31/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Collected flags for retirement 
 POST 9557  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $13.00   $24.69   $37.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting. 
 Post 9557 Total 30 47 48 $303.00 $4,277.95 $4,580.95
 POST 9934  7/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   While at National convention, members packed seeds (cucumber, cabbage, broccoli), these seeds will be distributed to school and communities that wish to start gardens.  
 POST 9934  7/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   24   1   $22.00   $52.74   $74.74   Visited with 86 year old spouse of deceased veteran who is in a rehabilitation center after having surgery - she is having a difficult time adjusting to the facility - and refuses to eat their food - delivered food and drinks. Daughter is not available to visit,  
 POST 9934  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   20   1   $22.00   $101.56   $123.56   In conjunction with Post VFW Quilt Program, meet with 32 quilters, to sew quilt tops for VA hospital, military families, and community outreach programs. Finished quilts are delivered to monthly by volunteers to the VA Hospital, military units, and agencies requesting quilts for those in need of comfort  
 POST 9934  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Assisted disabled veteran upon request to help arrange pre-op paperwork required from his Assisted Living Facility Malora to the VA Hospital - resulted in medical clearance faxed to the hospital - scheduling retina scan - and changing surgery date - Veteran is post life member.  
 POST 9934  7/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   24   1   $20.00   $77.43   $97.43   Second Visit with 86 year old spouse of deceased veteran who is in a rehabilitation center after having surgery - she has finally agreed to rehab - and refuses to eat their food - delivered food and drinks. Daughter is not available to visit,  
 POST 9934  7/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   Conducted open meetings on July 3rd at Dana Point Community Center in space provided by City of Dana Point to provide information to veterans and family members concerning Veterans Benefit Programs. Met with 4 Veterans/spouses to guide them in filling out proper forms to submit to VA Disability Claims or other benefit claims.  
 POST 9934  7/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   14   3   $9.00   $224.17   $233.17   In partnership with US Vets OC, Laguna Playhouse, and Richard Nixon Presidential Library, participated at Our Stories-The Art of Valor - a powerful initiative utilizing workshop settings led by specially-trained teaching artists for individuals to tell their stories through the Arts. Free art therapy and creative expression wellness journey at the Art Gallery Mission Viejo Mall CA -This year music has been incorporated as part of the healing. Work will be exhibited at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library.  
 POST 9934  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   35   1   $32.00   $103.66   $135.66   Had a picnic with granddaughter and 86 year old spouse of deceased veteran who is in a rehabilitation center after having surgery - purchased salt & Pepper for rehab food - delivered food and drinks, picked up and delivered items from her home.  
 POST 9934  7/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   9   $0.00   $891.64   $891.64   Post 9934 Comrades were down at Dana Point Harbor to visit with locals and visitors. Our booth was set up near Coffee Importers. Post members spoke with over 200 people, many of them Veterans, sharing how our organization can assist them with their VA Claims as well as direct them to other Veterans Programs, including scholarships for junior and senior high students.  
 POST 9934  7/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  7/11/2024   Community Service   Other   3   15   1   $0.00   $76.17   $76.17   Coordinated assigning a Color Guard to the event - Honoring MCAS El Toro - attended a ceremony honoring the Marines who served at MCAS El Toro. VFW Mission Viejo Post 6024 Color Guard marched on the colors while the 3rd MAW Band played - A tribute was given to all Marine present - playing of the Marine Corps Hymn. Afterwards, spent time listening to the daughter of a deceased veteran, who spoke of her father and 83 other veterans who were killed in an airplane crash on their way to Vietnam.  
 POST 9934  7/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  7/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   30   12   $433.00   $1,189.32   $1,622.32   Partnership with City of Dana Point, Post and Auxiliary members manned a booth for Post 9934 at the July 14, 2024 "Concerts in the Park”, Sea Terrace Park, Dana Point. Members handed out small flags, red, white, & blue pinwheels, patriotic necklaces to children. Beverages, popcorn and chips were made available at the booth tables and distributed among the concert attendees. Post and Auxiliary were available for membership recruiting. Collected $1,304 in donations for veterans, military, and community services programs. Thousands in attendance.  
 POST 9934  7/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   Visited 86 year old spouse of deceased veteran who is in a rehabilitation center after having surgery - her recovery is slow and her mental health is slowly improving with visitations from daughter, granddaughter and VFW member. She has requested sewing items to help her pass the time.  
 POST 9934  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $210.00   $49.38   $259.38   Provided emergency financial assistance to veteran for travel to home in New York state.  
 POST 9934  7/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   Conducted open meetings on July 3rd at Dana Point Community Center in space provided by City of Dana Point to provide information to veterans and family members concerning Veterans Benefit Programs. Met with 4 Veterans/spouses to guide them in filling out proper forms to submit to VA Disability Claims or other benefit claims.  
 POST 9934  7/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  7/21/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   30   12   $262.25   $1,189.32   $1,451.57   Partnership with City of Dana Point, Post and Auxiliary members manned a booth for Post 9934 at the July 21, 2024 "Concerts in the Park”, Sea Terrace Park, Dana Point. Members handed out small flags, red, white, & blue pinwheels, patriotic necklaces to children. Beverages, popcorn and chips were made available at the booth tables and distributed among the concert attendees. Post and Auxiliary were available for membership recruiting. Collected $1,239 in donations for veterans, military, and community services programs. Thousands in attendance.  
 POST 9934  7/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  7/28/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   30   13   $274.00   $1,288.08   $1,562.08   Partnership with City of Dana Point, Post and Auxiliary members manned a booth for Post 9934 at the July 28, 2024 "Concerts in the Park”, Sea Terrace Park, Dana Point. Members handed out small flags, red, white, & blue pinwheels, patriotic necklaces to children. Beverages, popcorn and chips were made available at the booth tables and distributed among the concert attendees. Post and Auxiliary were available for membership recruiting. Collected $1,387 in donations for veterans, military, and community services programs. Thousands in attendance.  
 POST 9934  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during National convention.  
 POST 9934  8/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   30   8   $220.76   $794.28   $1,015.04   Partnership with City of Dana Point, Post and Auxiliary members manned a booth for Post 9934 at the August 4, 2024 "Concerts in the Park”, Sea Terrace Park, Dana Point. Members handed out small flags, red, white, & blue pinwheels, patriotic necklaces to children. Beverages, popcorn and chips were made available at the booth tables and distributed among the concert attendees. Post and Auxiliary were available for membership recruiting. Collected $1,079 in donations for veterans, military, and community services programs. Thousands in attendance.  
 POST 9934  8/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   Conducted open meetings on Aug 7 at Dana Point Community Center in space provided by City of Dana Point to provide information to veterans and family members concerning Veterans Benefit Programs. Met with 6 Veterans/spouses to guide them in filling out proper forms to submit to VA Disability Claims or other benefit claims.  
 POST 9934  8/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  8/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   30   11   $101.74   $1,090.56   $1,192.30   Partnership with City of Dana Point, Post and Auxiliary members manned a booth for Post 9934 at the August 11, 2024 "Concerts in the Park”, Sea Terrace Park, Dana Point. Members handed out small flags, red, white, & blue pinwheels, patriotic necklaces to children. Beverages, popcorn and chips were made available at the booth tables and distributed among the concert attendees. Post and Auxiliary were available for membership recruiting. Collected $1,133 in donations for veterans, military, and community services programs. Thousands in attendance.  
 POST 9934  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $506.00   $24.69   $530.69   Provided emergency financial assistance to Veteran to pay past due utilities.  
 POST 9934  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $205.00   $49.38   $254.38   Provided wheel chair for disabled veteran.  
 POST 9934  8/18/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   30   12   $0.00   $1,189.32   $1,189.32   Partnership with City of Dana Point, Post and Auxiliary members manned a booth for Post 9934 at the August 18, 2024 "Concerts in the Park”, Sea Terrace Park, Dana Point. Members handed out small flags, red, white, & blue pinwheels, patriotic necklaces to children. Beverages, popcorn and chips were made available at the booth tables and distributed among the concert attendees. Post and Auxiliary were available for membership recruiting. Collected $664 in donations for veterans, military, and community services programs. Thousands in attendance.  
 POST 9934  8/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  8/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   3   1   $46.00   $25.11   $71.11   Provide emergency financial assistance to Veteran for gas.  
 POST 9934  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   Conducted open meetings on Aug 21 at Dana Point Community Center in space provided by City of Dana Point to provide information to veterans and family members concerning Veterans Benefit Programs. Met with Veterans/spouses to guide them in filling out proper forms to submit to VA Disability Claims or other benefit claims.  
 POST 9934  8/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   2   $1,000.00   $49.38   $1,049.38   Submitted $1000 donation to National Home. (Phil Jimenez)  
 POST 9934  8/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   11   $266.00   $1,087.76   $1,353.76   Partnership with City of Dana Point, Post and Auxiliary members manned a booth for Post 9934 at the August 25, 2024 Dana Point Classic Car Show on Del Prado Avenue, Dana Point. Members handed out small flags, red, white, & blue pinwheels. Grilled hot dogs, beverages, popcorn, and chips were offered for a donation. Post and Auxiliary were available for membership recruiting. Collected $1,545 in donations for veterans, military, and community services programs. Thousands in attendance.  
 POST 9934  8/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  8/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $1,370.00   $24.69   $1,394.69   Provide emergency financial assistance to Veteran for payment of rent.  
 POST 9934  9/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   Conducted open meeting on Sep 4th at Dana Point Community Center in space provided by City of Dana Point to provide information to veterans and family members concerning Veterans Benefit Programs. Met with 6 Veterans/spouses to guide them in filling out proper forms to submit to VA Disability Claims or other benefit claims.  
 POST 9934  9/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   36   2   $0.00   $202.56   $202.56   Post officers attended the OCVMFC General Meeting with discussion " Veteran Housing in Orange County". at Tierney Center, Tustin.  
 POST 9934  9/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   34   1   $0.00   $128.21   $128.21   Commander attended Veterans Stand Down and Resource Event. Multiple agencies offering assistance for Veterans: Legal, Employment, Housing, and Education. Tierney Center, Tustin.  
 POST 9934  9/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  9/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   Conducted open meetings on Sep 18th at Dana Point Community Center in space provided by City of Dana Point to provide information to veterans and family members concerning Veterans Benefit Programs. Met with 6 Veterans/spouses to guide them in filling out proper forms to submit to VA Disability Claims or other benefit claims.  
 POST 9934  9/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $1,287.00   $24.69   $1,311.69   Provide emergency assistance to Veteran for payment of past due rent  
 POST 9934  9/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   45   3   $0.00   $228.51   $228.51   Performed Memorial Service. Flag presentation and Taps at Burial at Sea for Veteran Randy House. Three Comrades present.  
 POST 9934  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   3   60   2   $40.00   $156.54   $196.54   National POW/MIA Recognition Day. Held at Palm Springs Air Museum Miles Hangar. M.C., Doctor Dave Thompson, Lt Commander U.S. NAVY (1964-1970) Speakers: Steve Frank, Co-founder to the ViVa POW/MIA Bracelet Program. Entertainment by Tony Orlando 'Tie a Yellow Ribbon". Featured Speaker: Colonel Lee Ellis - Former USAF POW. Eight years at the Hanio Hilton Vietnam. His story of survival, plus a few survival POW' POW/MIA/KIA family members and bracelet donors in attendance.  
 POST 9934  9/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  9/27/2024   Veterans Assistance      1   30   1   $22.00   $28.89   $50.89   Test - this is for helping a veteran. 
 POST 9934  9/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   50   7   $50.00   $525.49   $575.49   Comrades attended Dana Hills High School "Honor the Valor" football game. Commander spoke to the spectators prior to the game and provided the coin for the coin toss. Players presented jackets with player's number and Veterans name to each veteran in attendance. Comrades gave a Veterans commemorative coin to each player in return.  
 POST 9934  9/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  10/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   20   2   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Speaking presentation to Veterans group at monthly Luncheon regarding Veterans issues at San Clemente Senior Center. (Rick Jauregui, Commander and Quartermaster, Phil Jimenez)  
 POST 9934  10/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Conducted open meetings on Oct 2nd at Dana Point Community Center in space provided by City of Dana Point to provide information to veterans and family members concerning Veterans Benefit Programs. Met with 1 Veteran/spouse to guide them in filling out proper forms to submit to VA Disability Claims or other benefit claims.  
 POST 9934  10/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   20   4   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Honor Guard, flag folding and playing Taps for Veteran Robert Huff's Memorial Service at Chart House in Dana Point.  
 POST 9934  10/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  10/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  10/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Conducted open meeting on Oct 16th at Dana Point Community Center in space provided by City of Dana Point to provide information to veterans and family members concerning Veterans Benefit Programs. Met with 7 Veterans/spouses to guide them in filling out proper forms to submit to VA Disability Claims or other benefit claims.  
 POST 9934  10/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  10/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  11/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   6   $73.00   $593.96   $666.96   Comrades set up a VFW Post observance booth at the City of Dana Point's Dia de los Muertos event in La Plaza Park.  
 POST 9934  11/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  11/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $1,500.00   $49.38   $1,549.38   Paid past due rent for veteran who would have been evicted and homeless  
 POST 9934  11/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $2,400.00   $24.69   $2,424.69   Paid past due rent for veteran who would have been evicted and homeless  
 POST 9934  11/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   24   2   $36.00   $102.12   $138.12   Commander and Quartermaster gave a presentation to the Costa Mesa Senior Center Veterans group regarding Veterans issues and the work of Dana Point VFW 9934. Approx 30 veterans in attendance  
 POST 9934  11/6/2024   Youth Development    Voice of Democracy   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   judging Voice of Democracy Essay contest. 3 Post members, and 5 Auxiliary  
 POST 9934  11/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Conducted open meeting on November 6th at Dana Point Community Center in space provided by City of Dana Point to provide information to veterans and family members concerning Veterans Benefit Programs. Met with 5 Veterans/spouses to guide them in filling out proper forms to submit to VA Disability Claims or other benefit claims.  
 POST 9934  11/6/2024   Youth Development    Patriot`s Pen   3   10   3   $49.10   $223.61   $272.71   Judging Patriot's Pen essay contest. 3 Post members, and 5 Post Auxiliary  
 POST 9934  11/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $500.00   $24.69   $524.69   Provide financial assistance to Veteran to relocate residence to another state.  
 POST 9934  11/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   Provide financial assistance to homeless Veteran for food and transportation to Northern California  
 POST 9934  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   50   16   $0.00   $1,587.16   $1,587.16   Buddy Poppy drive conducted at two locations; San Clemente and Laguna Niguel. Donations received for two days: $6220. 5,000 poppies distributed. 
 POST 9934  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Both Assistant Quartermaster and Judge Advocate of Post 9934 spoke at the Heritage of San Clemente Foundation & San Clemente Rotary Club "Salute to Our Veterans” at the Marine Monument at Park Semper Fi, San Clemente. Approximately 50 attendees.  
 POST 9934  11/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   15   4   $0.00   $100.86   $100.86   Post Honor Guard and Flag folding for deceased Veteran David Hickman conducted at Fratellos Restaurant in San Clemente.  
 POST 9934  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   50   16   $0.00   $1,587.16   $1,587.16   Buddy Poppy drive conducted at two locations; San Clemente and Laguna Niguel. Donations received for two days: $6220. 5,000 poppies distributed. 
 POST 9934  11/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   20   2   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   Attended Veterans Day Program put together by students at Ladera Ranch Middle School . Post table was set up with Post literature. (Gil Castro)  
 POST 9934  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   15   2   $36.00   $100.86   $136.86   Post Commander and Quartermaster conducted Veterans Day Ceremony for 20 Veterans and families at Belmont Village Senior Living in Aliso Viejo. Certificates and Service Appreciation Coins were handed out to the attending Veterans.  
 POST 9934  11/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   112   8   $0.00   $410.72   $410.72   Eight Post members attended the Veteran of the Year Awards hosted by Orange County Supervisor Katrina Foley. Bill Manes, Post Quartermaster for 26 years, was one of 8 Veterans nominated by the community as true patriots. Post 9934 provided the color guard for the event. 
 POST 9934  11/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton. 
 POST 9934  11/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Conducted open meeting on November 20th at Dana Point Community Center in space provided by City of Dana Point to provide information to veterans and family members concerning Veterans Benefit Programs. Met with 2 Veterans/spouses to guide them in filling out proper forms to submit to VA Disability Claims or other benefit claims. 
 POST 9934  11/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   4   65   7   $1,032.10   $700.42   $1,732.52   Post 9934 provided 108 Thanksgiving meals for our adopted unit MAG-39 at Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  11/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   47   2   $0.00   $154.72   $154.72   Meeting of District Officers and Post Commanders regarding support of Veterans and retention of VFW Comrades. New ideas for Membership  
 POST 9934  11/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton. 
 POST 9934  12/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  12/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   104   3   $0.00   $310.84   $310.84   Final Honors for Mr Clarke at Miramar National Cemetery. Color Guard presented final rifle salute and played TAPs. US Airforce representatives presented and folded the colors for presentation to next of kin.  
 POST 9934  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Conducted open meeting on December 4th at Dana Point Community Center in space provided by City of Dana Point to provide information to veterans and family members concerning Veterans Benefit Programs. Met with 3 Veterans/spouses to guide them in filling out proper forms to submit to VA Disability Claims or other benefit claims.  
 POST 9934  12/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   308   11   $0.00   $1,129.48   $1,129.48   Toy sorting and giveaway for MAG 39. Conducted at Spark of Love warehouse in Santa Ana.  
 POST 9934  12/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton. 
 POST 9934  12/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   20   1   $255.00   $27.49   $282.49   Provide food and beverages for South Orange County Vet Center Christmas Party. 
 POST 9934  12/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton. 
 POST 9934  12/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   3   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   Conducted open meeting on December 18th at Dana Point Community Center in space provided by City of Dana Point to provide information to veterans and family members concerning Veterans Benefit Programs. Met with 4 Veterans/spouses to guide them in filling out proper forms to submit to VA Disability Claims or other benefit claims. 
 POST 9934  12/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  12/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  12/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   60   6   $472.51   $749.10   $1,221.61   Ten of our post and auxiliary members manned a wine and champagne table at the Dana Point Community Center for the City’s annual New Year’s Eve Party.  
 POST 9934  1/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   1   $240.00   $26.09   $266.09   Provided emergency financial assistance to veteran for rent increase. 
 POST 9934  1/5/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton. 
 POST 9934  1/11/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   60   6   $0.00   $452.82   $452.82   Post members used a SmartAsh Incinerator to burn approximately 350 of the 1350 flags on hand for retirement in the back parking lot of City Hall. 
 POST 9934  1/12/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton. 
 POST 9934  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   1   $1,100.00   $26.09   $1,126.09   Provided emergency financial assistance to veteran for rent payment 
 POST 9934  1/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Conducted open meeting on January 15th at Dana Point Community Center in space provided by City of Dana Point to provide information to veterans and family members concerning Veterans Benefit Programs. Met with 3 Veterans/spouses to guide them in filling out proper forms to submit to VA Disability Claims or other benefit claims. 
 POST 9934  1/19/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  1/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   3   1   $490.75   $49.80   $540.55   Provided emergency financial assistance to Veteran to pay for gas, past due utilities, and auto insurance.  
 POST 9934  1/22/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $240.00   $12.35   $252.35   Provided emergency financial assistance to veteran for rent increase. 
 POST 9934  1/22/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   80   1   $0.00   $60.58   $60.58   Post Surgeon delivered various toiletries, socks, scarfs and other knitted items for patients at the Blind Rehabilitation Center at Long Beach VA. Patient was was given $20 worth of coupons to use at the VA PX Store.  
 POST 9934  1/24/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Assist several veterans' spouses with information regarding veterans' benefits and information at Costa Mesa Senior Center.  
 POST 9934  1/25/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   7   6   $0.00   $445.40   $445.40   Post members used a SmartAsh Incinerator to retire approximately 350 of the 1000 flags on hand for retirement in the back parking lot of City Hall.  
 POST 9934  1/26/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  1/31/2025   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   2   15   3   $710.00   $150.24   $860.24   Post Commander, Quartermaster, and Education Chairman attended a school assembly at St. Anne School in Laguna Niguel to present awards to 5 Students for their participation in the Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest.  
 POST 9934  1/31/2025   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   0   3   $300.00   $74.07   $374.07   Post Commander, Quartermaster, and Education Chairman attended a school assembly at St. Anne School in Laguna Niguel to present the Post's Teacher Award for grades 6-8.  
 POST 9934  2/2/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton.  
 POST 9934  2/5/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Conducted open meeting on Wednesday, February 5th at Dana Point Community Center in space provided by City of Dana Point to provide information to veterans and family members concerning Veterans Benefit Programs. Met with 4 Veterans/spouses to guide them in filling out proper forms to submit to VA Disability Claims or other benefit claims.  
 POST 9934  2/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton. 
 POST 9934  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $13.00   $24.69   $37.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting. 
 POST 9934  2/16/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton. 
 POST 9934  2/23/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Food is collected every Sunday from various participating stores and restaurants and dropped off at the Family Assistance Ministries Warehouse in San Clemente. Food is then distributed to the local community and to the families on Camp Pendleton. 
 Post 9934 Total 368 2,275 325 $16,361.21 $27,613.30 $43,974.51
 POST 10489  7/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   1   $25.00   $50.78   $75.78   One service officer met with and assisted prospective member in how to begin the claim filing procedure.  
 POST 10489  7/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   65   6   $35.00   $1,194.22   $1,229.22   Six members participated in six full honor services at Riverside National Cemetery.  
 POST 10489  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   15   2   $35.00   $298.38   $333.38   Two members helped a veteran in filing his claim, accompanied him to the San Bernardino county veterans affairs, George Cherry,  
 POST 10489  7/30/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   15   1   $35.00   $51.48   $86.48   One member collected retired flags from two of our five drop lacations  
 POST 10489  8/3/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   10   4   $100.00   $791.48   $891.48   Four members conducted a membership drive at a local gun show at the Ontario Convention Center  
 POST 10489  8/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   10   5   $50.00   $742.10   $792.10   Five members conducted a membership drive at a gun show at the Ontario Convention Center.  
 POST 10489  8/8/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   15   1   $25.00   $51.48   $76.48   One member collected retired flags from two locations.  
 POST 10489  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $10.00   $74.07   $84.07   One service officer assisted one vet in preparing a claim, telephone work over three days.  
 POST 10489  8/9/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   20   1   $15.00   $52.18   $67.18   One member collected retired flags from one location to be properly retired.  
 POST 10489  8/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   65   6   $50.00   $1,194.22   $1,244.22   Six members participated in five full honor services at Riverside National Cemetery.  
 POST 10489  8/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   35   5   $100.00   $375.25   $475.25   Five members participated in one full honor service at a local golf course for an Air Force veteran.  
 POST 10489  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   One service officer assisted a vet in compiling paper work for filing a claim, phone work.  
 POST 10489  8/15/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   65   6   $75.00   $1,194.22   $1,269.22   Six members participated in six full honor guard services at Riverside National Cemetery.  
 POST 10489  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance    2   15   2   $25.00   $100.86   $125.86   Two members accompanied one vet to the County VA to file a claim.  
 POST 10489  8/26/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   20   1   $25.00   $52.18   $77.18   One member collected retired flags from two of our drop locations,  
 POST 10489  9/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   65   1   $35.00   $206.62   $241.62   One member participated in six full honor guard services at Riverside National Cemetery.  
 POST 10489  9/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   75   7   $35.00   $1,393.14   $1,428.14   Seven members participated in one private service, full honor guard. At Rose Hills cemetery in Whittier ca.  
 POST 10489  9/24/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   15   3   $25.00   $150.24   $175.24   Three members participated in a practice flag rising ceremony for the City of Upland's Veterans Day program.  
 POST 10489  9/27/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   one member collected retired flags from our drop location, to be properly retirement 
 POST 10489  10/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   65   1   $50.00   $206.62   $256.62   one member participated in five full honor guard services at Riverside National Cemetery.  
 POST 10489  10/17/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   65   5   $54.00   $996.70   $1,050.70   Five members participated in ten full honor guard services at Riverside National Cemetery.  
 POST 10489  11/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   5   10   5   $50.00   $618.65   $668.65   Five members maned a claims assistance both at a local job fair.  
 POST 10489  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   10   4   $30.00   $495.20   $525.20   Four members conducted a Buddy Poppy drive at a local Vons market.  
 POST 10489  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   10   4   $35.00   $495.20   $530.20   Four members conducted a Buddy Poppy Drive at a local Stater Brothers market.  
 POST 10489  11/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   15   5   $50.00   $742.80   $792.80   Five members conducted a membership drive at the tour de foothills bike ride in the city of Upland.  
 POST 10489  11/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   5   $35.00   $248.30   $283.30   Five members participated in a honor guard ceremony at a local high school.  
 POST 10489  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   20   5   $50.00   $249.70   $299.70   Five members performed honor guard services at the city of Uplands Veterans day ceremony.  
 POST 10489  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   10   2   $20.00   $100.16   $120.16   Two members presented Blue Star Flags to five families at the city of Uplands council meeting.  
 POST 10489  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   15   3   $25.00   $150.24   $175.24   Three members participated in honor guard services at a local high school veterans ceremony.  
 POST 10489  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   20   5   $75.00   $373.15   $448.15   Members conducted a membership drive at the city of Uplands Veterans day ceremony.  
 POST 10489  1/2/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   65   2   $50.00   $404.14   $454.14   Two members participated in eight honor guard services at Riverside National Cemetery 
 POST 10489  1/4/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   20   5   $75.00   $990.40   $1,065.40   Five members conducted a membership drive at a gun show at Ontario convention center. 
 POST 10489  1/5/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   20   5   $75.00   $990.40   $1,065.40   Five members conducted a membership drive at a local gun show held at the Ontario Convention Center. 
 POST 10489  1/16/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   65   4   $65.00   $799.18   $864.18   Four members participated in eight honor guard services at Riverside National Cemetery. 
 POST 10489  1/22/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   2   $15.00   $49.38   $64.38   Two members assisted a veteran in putting paper work together {phone} to file first claim. 
 POST 10489  2/6/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   65   2   $50.00   $404.14   $454.14   Two Members participated in eight honor guard services at Riverside National Cemetery. 
 POST 10489  2/12/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   One member assisted a veteran in filing a claim by phone.  
 Post 10489 Total 173 1,025 120 $1,519.00 $16,389.52 $17,908.52
 POST 10694  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $13.00   $24.69   $37.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting 
 Post 10694 Total 1 0 1 $13.00 $24.69 $37.69
 POST 11546  7/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Checked up on post QM who was ill.  
 POST 11546  7/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Checked up on QM who was having health issues.  
 POST 11546  11/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   4   1   $0.00   $74.63   $74.63   shared VFW information at the African American museum in Pomona, Ca. The museum was honoring black veterans that served . this was an information program to let the local community know a little of what black soldiers have gone through serving in our military.. The VFW shared what we do as an organization regardless of the color of our comrades.  
 Post 11546 Total 5 4 3 $0.00 $124.01 $124.01
 District 2 Total 1,681 29,172 1,685 $38,346.04 $152,754.92 $191,100.96
 POST 0  11/21/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   6   1   $65.00   $124.29   $189.29   Recruited 3 new members.  
 POST 0  1/9/2025   Legislative Advocacy   Other   2   102   4   $25.00   $211.80   $236.80   I sat down with the Pro-Temp Major of Jurupa Valley and attempted to persuade him to consider advocating at the city to utilize Post 10267 for all local, state, and national emergency events. He said that he would bring it to the floor at the next city council meeting.  
 Post 0 Total 7 108 5 $90.00 $336.09 $426.09
 POST 184  9/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   10   7   $0.00   $1,384.04   $1,384.04   Post 187 Honor Guard supported the Riverside National Cemetery with 10 honor details. 
 POST 184  10/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   10   7   $0.00   $1,384.04   $1,384.04   Post 187 Honor Guard supported the Riverside National Cemetery with 11 honor details.  
 POST 184  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $11.00   $24.69   $35.69   Donation to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 184  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $24.00   $24.69   $48.69   Donated to youth who is assembling food gift baskets for junior enlisted for the holidays.  
 POST 184  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   5   10   $0.00   $1,729.00   $1,729.00   Veterans Day event. 10 members attended event and distributed buddy poppies to the comunity.  
 POST 184  11/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   10   7   $0.00   $1,384.04   $1,384.04   Post 187 Honor Guard supported the Riverside National Cemetery with 12 honor details.  
 POST 184  11/28/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   4   6   $0.00   $593.12   $593.12   Buddy Poppy Drive at Stater Bro's grocery store on Lincoln and Mary St. Riverside, California.  
 Post 184 Total 37 39 39 $35.00 $6,523.62 $6,558.62
 POST 233  7/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   4   5   $0.00   $741.26   $741.26   Five Veterans were assisted with disability claims  
 POST 233  7/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   1   2   $1,000.00   $49.52   $1,049.52   At the July Post Meeting we voted to donate $1,000 to PATRIOT PAWS.  
 POST 233  7/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   154   2   $0.00   $317.84   $317.84   On July 18 2024 Post 233 members made a trip to ASYMCA 29 Palms MCAGCC with a truck load of food stuff.  
 POST 233  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   4   55   1   $100.00   $106.46   $206.46   Food supplement, for activate duty Marines, and their dependents.  
 POST 233  8/17/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   5   6   $326.00   $1,185.82   $1,511.82   Post 233 and the City of Beaumont put on a Vets Expo/Stand Down, we assisted 7 Vets with VA paperwork. we talked to many Vets and got one new member.  
 POST 233  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $24.00   $24.69   $48.69   Donated to youth who is assembling food gift baskets for junior enlisted for the holidays.  
 POST 233  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $11.00   $24.69   $35.69   Donated to the National Home during the District 3 meeting  
 POST 233  11/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   6   1   $0.00   $173.67   $173.67   Spoke at Community Awareness Program at Sun Lakes Country Club regarding the Veterans of Foreign Wars and their contribution to the Banning Pass and the need for Veterans to join and support Veterans. Membership Applications and Information Pamphlets were provided. 
 POST 233  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   3   12   $112.00   $1,185.54   $1,297.54   Post 233 did a Poppy Drive at 4 locations with 2 or 3 members at each location 0900 - 1500hrs.  
 POST 233  11/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   12   36   4   $0.00   $1,190.16   $1,190.16   Conducted Color Guard Ceremony at Sun Lakes Country Club for Veterans Walk . 
 POST 233  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   3   11   $112.00   $1,629.96   $1,741.96   Post 233 did a Poppy Drive at 4 locations with 2 to 3 members at each location from 0900 to 1500hrs.  
 POST 233  11/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   15   2   $35.00   $397.14   $432.14   Conducted Membership drive at Sun Lakes Country Club. Also, participated in the Veterans Walk Ceremony.. 
 POST 233  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   4   14   $112.00   $2,074.52   $2,186.52   Post 233 did a Poppy Drive at 4 locations with 2 or 3 members at each location from 0900 to 1500hrs.  
 POST 233  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   5   14   $0.00   $1,729.00   $1,729.00   Post 233 participated in the City of Beaumont Veterans Day Parade in a Duce and a half truck loaded with our members.  
 POST 233  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   4   5   $0.00   $247.46   $247.46   Five members of Post 233 were the speakers at the Veterans Day Celebration at Beaumont City Hall.  
 POST 233  11/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   22   1   $35.00   $175.91   $210.91   Spoke to Beaumont/Banning Historical Society regarding the history of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and its contributions to supporting Veterans in the Banning Pass. 
 POST 233  11/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   4   2   $750.00   $99.32   $849.32   Financial Assistance for cost of parts to help a Veteran to repair work truck.  
 POST 233  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   6   1   $0.00   $74.91   $74.91   Assisted a veteran in applying a supplemental VA claim  
 POST 233  1/25/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    3   47   4   $40.00   $302.86   $342.86   Veterans Expo: VFW Post 233 members and VFW Post 233 Auxiliary members provided information regarding benefits available for veteran families and individuals through membership and associated organizations at the Veterans Expo on 01/25/2025 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  
 Post 233 Total 92 374 89 $2,657.00 $11,730.73 $14,387.73
 POST 888  7/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   15   4   $0.00   $792.18   $792.18   Conducted military honors at (RNC). Servicing 13 funerals.  
 POST 888  8/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   15   4   $0.00   $199.62   $199.62   Conducted military honors at (RNC). Servicing 10Funerals  
 POST 888  8/26/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   15   4   $0.00   $792.18   $792.18   Conducted military honors at (RNC). Servicing 13 funerals  
 POST 888  9/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   15   4   $0.00   $792.18   $792.18   Conducted Military Honors at (RNC). Servicing 09 funerals.  
 POST 888  9/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   7   7   $40.00   $692.30   $732.30   Conducted Military honors at Avolon Elementary School, during it"s annual Constition day. Raising the donated flag and retireing the old flag. Teaching the students about flag equitte  
 POST 888  9/23/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   15   3   $0.00   $594.66   $594.66   Conducted Military honors at (RNC).Servicing 14 funerals  
 POST 888  10/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   15   3   $0.00   $594.66   $594.66   Conducted Military Honors at RNC for 14 servicemembers  
 POST 888  10/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   15   4   $0.00   $792.18   $792.18   Conducted military Honors at (RNC). Servicing 15 funerals  
 POST 888  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $11.00   $24.69   $35.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting  
 POST 888  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $24.00   $24.69   $48.69   Donated to youth who is assembling food gift baskets for junior enlisted for the holidays.  
 POST 888  10/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   15   4   $0.00   $792.18   $792.18   Conducted Military honors at RNC for 11 servicemembers.  
 POST 888  11/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   10   3   $0.00   $593.96   $593.96   Conducted military honors at RNC for 14 veterns.  
 POST 888  11/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   15   3   $0.00   $594.66   $594.66   Conducted Military honors at RNC. Servicing 15 funerals  
 POST 888  11/2/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   7   7   $50.00   $519.47   $569.47   During perris Veteren parade Conducted a poppy drive in conjunction with Food booth  
 POST 888  11/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   10   4   $0.00   $791.48   $791.48   Conducted military honors at RNC. Servicing 15 veterens.  
 POST 888  12/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   10   4   $0.00   $791.48   $791.48   Conducted military honors at RNC, Servicing 12 veterens and thier families.  
 POST 888  12/14/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   20   3   $0.00   $447.22   $447.22   Conducted buddy poppy drive inconjuction with a food booth, during Perris christmas parade.  
 POST 888  12/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   20   7   $0.00   $521.29   $521.29   Conducted membership at the Perris Christmas parade. passsing out information, and application. This was inconjunction with a float showing service o the community.  
 POST 888  12/23/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   20   4   $0.00   $792.88   $792.88   Conducted military honors at RNC. Servicing 11 Veterens an thier families  
 POST 888  1/3/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   20   3   $0.00   $595.36   $595.36   Conducted military honors at RNC. Servicing 14 veterens and thier families  
 Post 888 Total 124 259 77 $125.00 $11,739.32 $11,864.32
 POST 1508  7/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   15   $471.00   $1,853.15   $2,324.15   Post 1508 held a fundraiser dinner to benefit the staff of the Moose Lodge 1021 following a fire that shut down the lodge. Post and Auxiliary members provided a meal of meatball subs and collected donations. $471.00 was raised and given to the Moose Lodge staff to help out until the lodge opened back up.  
 POST 1508  7/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard    3   25   1   $0.00   $77.57   $77.57   Post Judge Advocate attended the funeral of a departed veteran. Judge Advocate performed the honors of raising the flag at the beginning of the funeral.  
 POST 1508  7/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   2   $100.00   $100.16   $200.16   Post 1508 prepared a large meal of chicken teriyaki and rice and delivered it to the firefighters of Riverside Country Fire Station 61 in Wildomar.  
 POST 1508  7/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Helped a veteran get his accounts setup for and Once accounts were setup, showed the veteran how to navigate the sites and where to apply for benefits.  
 POST 1508  8/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   5   $200.00   $618.65   $818.65   Held a fundraising dinner to help support our local animal shelter. As part of the fundraiser members and guests made tie blankets for the animals at the shelter in addition to the $200 raised through the dinner.  
 POST 1508  8/10/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   During the clean up of a veterans property we held a membership drive.  
 POST 1508  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   10   3   $0.00   $371.75   $371.75   Alongside other community organizations helped a veteran by clearing out trash and debris from around his home.  
 POST 1508  8/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   5   2   $0.00   $198.22   $198.22   During our monthly brunch we held a Buddy Poppy drive.  
 POST 1508  8/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   0   2   $586.67   $148.14   $734.81   Post 1508 was made aware of the need for a veteran to fly cross country to be with her veteran father who was in the hospital following surgery. Prior to purchasing the ticket, the veteran father's condition worsens so the Post bought a last-minute ticket getting the daughter to her father the next morning.  
 POST 1508  9/4/2024   Community Service   Other   4   10   8   $430.00   $791.48   $1,221.48   Held a fundraiser dinner to support a local homeless shelter that supports veterans.  
 POST 1508  9/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   40   1   $0.00   $30.29   $30.29   Helped a veteran navigate the National Archives website to request his DD214.  
 POST 1508  9/11/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   1   10   2   $5,000.00   $50.78   $5,050.78   Was donations made through post……Alongside Boy Scout Troop 2011, organized a collection point for donations to the firefighters of the Airport Fire.  
 POST 1508  9/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   10   8   $0.00   $593.96   $593.96   Held a membership drive during our UFC Fight and Steak Night.  
 POST 1508  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $24.00   $24.69   $48.69   Donated to youth who is assembling food gift baskets for junior enlisted for the holidays.  
 POST 1508  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $11.00   $24.69   $35.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting  
 Post 1508 Total 40 160 53 $6,822.67 $4,935.71 $11,758.38
 POST 1534  8/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   53   1   $0.00   $106.18   $106.18   VFW Post 1534 participated in local Word of Life Fellowships 3 day bible school by shuttling kids to and from the church before, during and after the services.  
 POST 1534  8/15/2024   Community Service   Other   4   7   3   $23.85   $297.26   $321.11   VFW Post 1534 participated in Desert Hot Springs Free Mobile Health Clinic. We passed out hygiene kits we got from American Red Cross to veterans and homeless in our community. We also purchased and passed out bags of dog food to help our veterans and homeless pets. This is a monthly event that will be conducted on the 3rd Thursday of every month.  
 POST 1534  8/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   3   4   $2,500.00   $99.18   $2,599.18   VFW Post 1534 received a 2500 charitable donation from Stater Bros in recognition of our work with our veterans and our community. This money will be used directly to assist our veterans, veteran organizations and our local community.  
 POST 1534  9/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   7   1   $100.00   $50.36   $150.36   Attended  Word of Life Fellowship and presented them with a $100 donation to assist with their upcoming community picnic.  
 POST 1534  9/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   6   2   $30.00   $198.36   $228.36   members of VFW Post 1534 attended and participated in the City of Desert Hot Springs Free Mobile Health Clinic where we provided hygiene kits to veterans and homeless  
 POST 1534  12/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   51   5   $1,000.00   $130.59   $1,130.59   While attending Indio VFW Auxiliary's Marine Luncheon, members of VFW Post 1534 present Post 3699 Auxiliary with a $1000.00 donation check in support of the Loma Linda VA Hospital Christmas presents to all resident veterans.  
 POST 1534  12/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   2   6   $1,000.00   $889.12   $1,889.12   Donated $1000.00 towards $25 gift cards for 40 veterans to help support their Christmas dinners.  
 POST 1534  12/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   7   2   $25.49   $50.36   $75.85   VFW Post 1534 bought a replacement flag for Shea's Veterans Center in Desert Hot Springs. 2 members then went the center where they assisted in retiring the old flag and raising the new.  
 Post 1534 Total 23 136 24 $4,679.34 $1,821.41 $6,500.75
 POST 1873  7/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   50   3   $0.00   $303.28   $303.28   Members helped clean up a 3 acre property for a disabled Veteran and his family.  
 POST 1873  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $24.00   $24.69   $48.69   Donated to youth who is assembling food gift baskets for junior enlisted for the holidays.  
 POST 1873  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $11.00   $24.69   $35.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 1873  11/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Weekly welfare call to disabled Veteran. 
 POST 1873  11/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   10   2   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   Delivered meals to some of the community members who were not ambulatory. A total of 12 meals were delivered to non-veterans.  
 POST 1873  11/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Counseled a disabled Veteran and made plans to support a charity event for another wounded Veteran over the weekend.  
 POST 1873  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   Veteran peer counseling for a disabled veteran.  
 POST 1873  12/13/2024   Community Service   Safety Recognition   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Coordination with a young student to assemble "survival" kits for the widespread power outages in this area. 
 POST 1873  12/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   15   2   $0.00   $199.62   $199.62   Repaired a fence for a member of the community. (non-veteran)  
 POST 1873  1/5/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   7   1   $0.00   $25.67   $25.67   
Saw an elderly member of the post walking alongside the road.  His truck broke down and assisted him making sure his truck was towed back to his house, and I then gave him a ride home
 Post 1873 Total 20 82 14 $35.00 $850.94 $885.94
 POST 1956  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Spoke to veteran Robert Valdez on disability and connected him with VSO Gregorio post 1956 for future claims by phone.  
 POST 1956  7/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Phone assistance to Ms Merriam in veteran Mr Merriam in help with communication with Corona hospital with assistance from VSO post 1956 comrade Gregorio.  
 POST 1956  7/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   30   2   $100.00   $53.58   $153.58   Post Service officer and Commander visited and assisted a Post member with completing an application to Riverside County to reduce his $6000 water bill caused by a broken pipe in his 3-acre home site.  
 POST 1956  7/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   The Commander and service officer visited a Post Auxiliary widow, one of our comrades and assisted her in applying for VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) benefits. 
 POST 1956  7/17/2024   Legislative Advocacy   State   2   10   3   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   post commander , senior vice commander and one member were at the Menifee City Council meeting to represent the VFW on issues dealing with the city of Menifee  
 POST 1956  7/17/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   30   3   $75.00   $152.34   $227.34   We participated with First Marine Honor Detail at Riverside National Cemetary in honoring 15 unclaimed Veterans without a family. and we presented a VFW wreath for the ceremony.  
 POST 1956  7/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   0   0   1   $0.00   $6.17   $6.17   Phone check up on comrade Espejo post 1956 on wife’s condition and progress.  
 POST 1956  7/23/2024   Legislative Advocacy   National   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   The commander sent a Legislative Action letter to Senators Elex Padilla, and Laphonza Butler on Major Richard Star Act to vote yes to ensure benefits to combat-wounded veterans.  
 POST 1956  7/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   **needs activity and 1 member**  Spoke to Olivia Merriam on the transfer of veteran Merriam to VA hospital, was informed she had problems getting him transferred.  
 POST 1956  8/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   8   1   $0.00   $25.81   $25.81   Helping comrade in home mortgage, and having prayer comfort.  
 POST 1956  8/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   41   2   $0.00   $55.12   $55.12   Loma Linda hospital visit with comrades Marcus and Merriam in southeast wing third floor. Spent time uplifting their spirits and laughing and ending up with prayer.  
 POST 1956  8/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   35   3   $1,200.00   $375.25   $1,575.25   Our VFW Post proudly supported our adopted unit during their Family Day Picnic at DelMar Beach, CA. With about 50 military attendees, we had the opportunity to recruit new members, engage with potential recruits, and strengthen our connections with current members. Our $1,200 donation helped enhance the event, providing the troop members and their families with a better picnic experience. Our presence underscored our commitment to the troops and their families, reinforcing our dedication to serving those who serve.  
 POST 1956  8/7/2024   Community Service      2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   PDC LARRY BROWN ATTENDED THE MENIFEE CITY MEETING TO REPRESENT THE VFW POST 1956. ON ISSUES FOR OUR VETEREANS.  
 POST 1956  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Helping veteran establish caregiver support with his wife in home care information.  
 POST 1956  8/12/2024   Community Service      1   45   1   $0.00   $24.82   $24.82   Visited veteran in rehabilitation center in riverside ca. we had a great time joking and talked about family then prayed before leaving.  
 POST 1956  8/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Helped veteran obtain ride back to rehabilitation center in Riverside ca.  
 POST 1956  8/15/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   15   12   $75.00   $890.94   $965.94   Participated in the Menifee Night Out at the Lake Elsinore Storm Stadium and set up a recruiting table to recruit eligible veterans—and Auxiliary members. We successfully distributed membership information and procured one potential life member and one potential Auxiliary member.  
 POST 1956  8/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Helping veteran with information on diabetes A1c and testing procedures. Also informed veteran on contacting their doctor on medication and healing.  
 POST 1956  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Received a hardy and very grateful thank you from veteran with information on their medical condition and getting that to the veteran helping attain medication.  
 POST 1956  8/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   20   3   $150.00   $76.87   $226.87   Commander and 3 other Post Comrades attended and participated in the Unsung Veterans Ceremony at Riverside National Cemetary. VFW Menifee Post 1956 provided 5 ceremonial wreaths for $150.  
 POST 1956  8/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   30   3   $50.00   $78.27   $128.27   Three Post members participated with the First Marine Honor Detail at Riverside National Cemetary in honoring 12 unclaimed Veterans without a family. and presented a VFW wreath for the ceremony.  
 POST 1956  8/31/2024   Veterans Assistance      1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assited veteran and wife with benefit claims to present to local VSO.  
 POST 1956  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   10   1   $0.00   $63.13   $63.13   Comrade Parick Kelley visited the VA Hospital at Loma Linda. He visited with the Chaplain to help pass out reading materials to the veterans. Comrade Kelley has provided over 17 magazines, books, and other reading materials. He will continue to work with their VA Chaplain to ensure we continue to provide our support.  
 POST 1956  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance      0   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   Talked with veteran in a convalescent home. Doing a background check I let him know I'll have the opportunity for a following visit next following week. Veteran said he was doing great. He enjoyed the talk and enjoyed the visit we spent.  
 POST 1956  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Helping Veterans with financial situation hoping and praying everything works out. Veterans is still moving forward and is very encouraged.  
 POST 1956  9/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   3   3   $0.00   $111.53   $111.53   The Community Affairs Chair attended the city planning for the upcoming Veterans Day Parade. Our VFW Post will be participating and given a booth and participating in the planned event. The city of Menifee and the VFW Post 1956 are working together to ensure this year's event will be amazing. Anther meeting is scheduled for September 28, 2024.  
 POST 1956  9/13/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   The Community Affairs chair attended via Zoom call, the Veterans Day Stand Down on September 20th. The Zoom call was to ensure all vendors including VFW Post 1956 were aware of vendor location and general information for the event.  
 POST 1956  9/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   35   2   $0.00   $103.66   $103.66   PDC / Senior Vice Commander Larry Brown and one Comrade were at VFW Post 8547 Moreno Valley attending the Riverside County Veterans Advisory Committee Topic, National Cemetery.  We will pass the word to District / Post during our net meeting. Great presentation.  
 POST 1956  9/16/2024   Veterans Assistance      1   42   1   $0.00   $18.23   $18.23   Visited veteran at rehabilitation center, sat up and talked about his coming home and future plans and prayed, and good spirits. Looking forward to seeing him again.  
 POST 1956  9/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   We attended the September Veterans Advisory Meeting hosted by MilVet. We spoke and networked with other veteran agencies regarding programs and events designed specifically for veterans in the area. The Community Affairs Chair spoke briefly and promoted the VOD & Patriots Pen campaign and our post-events. He also attained valuable information regarding veteran benefits to pass on to others.  
 POST 1956  9/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   30   5   $150.00   $251.10   $401.10   Commander and 4 other Post Comrades attended and participated in the Unsung Veterans Ceremony at Riverside National Cemetary. VFW Menifee Post 1956 provided 5 ceremonial wreaths for $150.  
 POST 1956  9/21/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Comrade Gilmore and his wife, Julie for the Auxillary Group both attended the Airport Fire Disaster Assistance Center in Lake Elsinore. They assisted by handing out food and supplies for fire victims. They were both scheduled to volunteer for 4 hours but unfortunately, the supply handouts depleted. Additionally, they both provided excellent care and service to those in need.  
 POST 1956  9/21/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participants0n   3   34   6   $0.00   $449.18   $449.18   post commander, senior vice community chairperson and 3 members help in veterans stand down for the homeless veterans at March AIR Force Base. signed up three new members.  
 POST 1956  9/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Working with veteran on signing up for VA health benefits and making claims, had a really great experience with three different veterans.  
 POST 1956  9/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Working with veteran on signing up for va health benefits and making claims, had a really great experience with three different veterans.  
 POST 1956  9/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Informed veteran on picking him up Wednesday for his post appointment at VA hospital. Veteran doing well and eating, I let veteran know if he needed anything please call.  
 POST 1956  9/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Informed veteran on picking him up Wednesday for his post appointment at VA hospital. Veteran doing well and eating, I let veteran know if he needed anything please call.  
 POST 1956  9/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanstian)   8   93   1   $0.00   $210.54   $210.54   Helping veteran with transportation from home to va hospital Loma Linda ca. after the fact taking veteran to bank then CVS for medical cream, treating him to lunch then home.  
 POST 1956  9/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   93   1   $0.00   $210.54   $210.54   Helping veteran with transportation from home to va hospital Loma Linda ca. after the fact taking veteran to bank then CVS for medical cream, treating him to lunch then home.  
 POST 1956  9/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Talked to veteran and his wife on getting signed up into the va system for medical and file for intent for claims. Will meet the both of them next Monday at va hospital to start the process.  
 POST 1956  9/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   46   1   $0.00   $55.82   $55.82   Meeting with veteran and wife at Loma Linda va hospital too help out with benefits and registration.  
 POST 1956  10/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   10   8   $0.00   $1,186.52   $1,186.52   Post and Auxiliary members of VFW Menifee Post 1956 attended the Faith and Blue Event, hosted by MilVet and the Menifee Police Department, where they assisted in packing care packages for troops stationed overseas. The event also provided an opportunity for recruitment, allowing members to connect with the community and share information about the VFW's mission to support veterans and active-duty military personnel.  
 POST 1956  10/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Directed Veterans to Loma Linda and VA Hospital were veteran and wife signed up for veterans benefits getting veterans medical attention.  
 POST 1956  10/9/2024   Veterans Assistance    Unmet Needs/Relief   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Helping veterans long-distance in Indianapolis Indiana, went to local veterans center in Temecula. California was given information to have veteran in Indianapolis review. Also got him in contact with veteran services there in Indianapolis on veterans brothers behalf, brother placed on hospice.  
 POST 1956  10/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   15   4   $0.00   $397.14   $397.14   VFW Menifee Post 1956 members volunteered at the Walk for Pink Breast Cancer event, assisting in setting up tents and tables to ensure everything was prepared for the next day's activities. In addition to supporting the event setup, we prepared our Post's tent and tables, ensuring our presence was ready to support the cause and connect with the community.  
 POST 1956  10/12/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   20   9   $0.00   $891.64   $891.64   At the Walk for Pink Breast Cancer Event in Murrieta, CA, VFW Menifee Post 1956 members and Auxiliary staffed our table to show support for the cause, as cancer has personally affected both our Post and Auxiliary members. The event allowed us to stand in solidarity with survivors, honor those impacted, and engage with the community in raising awareness for breast cancer.  
 POST 1956  10/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   30   3   $150.00   $152.34   $302.34   Commander and 2 other Post Comrades attended and participated in the Unsung Veterans Ceremony at Riverside National Cemetary. VFW Menifee Post 1956 provided 5 ceremonial wreaths for $150.  
 POST 1956  10/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Spoke with veteran about Veterans brother long distance back in Indianapolis, Indiana was informed a burial and hospital situation on hospice prayed with veteran over phone  
 POST 1956  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $23.00   $24.69   $47.69   Donated to youth who is assembling food gift baskets for junior enlisted for the holidays.  
 POST 1956  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $11.00   $24.69   $35.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 1956  11/2/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   40   4   $75.00   $400.64   $475.64   The Commander and three Post comrades attended and participated in a VFW Post membership drive at the Corona 9 Annual Amber Waves Grain Event. Two potential eligible members were acquired. 
 POST 1956  11/2/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   30   4   $50.00   $399.24   $449.24   Members participated in the 9th annual Amber Waves of Grain Event on November 2, 2024, in Los Lagos, the city of Corona.  
 POST 1956  11/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   8   8   $0.00   $198.64   $198.64   The commander and seven Post members attended a City of Menifee Council meeting to Honor one of our VFW Marine members for his 31 years of military service in the Marine Corps and 9 years as a community volunteer in various projects completed in the Southwest Riverside region. The commander was asked to speak by the Mayor and provided first-hand knowledge of the honored marine on his completed projects with the Riverside County Veterans Advisory Committee.  
 POST 1956  11/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   8   8   $0.00   $198.64   $198.64   The commander and seven Post members attended a City of Menifee Council meeting to Honor one of our VFW Marine members for his 31 years of military service in the Marine Corps and 9 years as a community volunteer in various projects completed in the Southwest Riverside region. The commander was asked to speak by the Mayor and provided first-hand knowledge of the honored marine on his completed projects with the Riverside County Veterans Advisory Committee. 
 POST 1956  11/8/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   2   4   4   $125.00   $198.08   $323.08   Comrades participated in a judging activity for two Patriot's Pen Applications, selected Hannah Hayes as a winner, and submitted to District 3 for judging.  
 POST 1956  11/8/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   4   4   $125.00   $198.08   $323.08   Four Post-1956 comrades participated in a judging activity for two VOD Applications, selected Emily as our winner, and submitted to District 3 for judging. 
 POST 1956  11/8/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   2   4   4   $125.00   $198.08   $323.08   Four Post-1956 comrades participated in a judging activity for two Patriot's Pen Applications, selected Hannah Hayes as a winner, and submitted to District 3 for judging. 
 POST 1956  11/8/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   2   4   4   $125.00   $198.08   $323.08   Four Post-1956 comrades participated in a judging activity for two Public Servant Applications, selected Chris Bratt as our winner, and submitted to District 3 for the next level of judging. 
 POST 1956  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   8   8   $40.00   $1,383.76   $1,423.76   Eight Post members and our Scouts of America held a successful two-day (Saturday and Sunday) Buddy Poppy Drive at local Grocery stores in Menifee.  
 POST 1956  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   0   8   $0.00   $1,382.64   $1,382.64   Eight Post members and our Scouts of America held a successful two-day (Saturday and Sunday) Buddy Poppy Drive at local Grocery stores in Menifee.  
 POST 1956  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   4   8   $50.00   $593.12   $643.12   On November 11, 2024, Menifee Post 1956 participated in the city of Menifee Veterans Day event with a recruiting booth and presented the POW/MIA table ceremony.  
 POST 1956  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   68   1   $0.00   $108.28   $108.28   Helping veteran in need of medical and household supplies he was running short on. Spent time with veteran on personal matters and family issues.  
 POST 1956  12/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Spoke to veteran, on benefits in health care and transportation to va hospital. Getting veteran to understand that he must schedule his transportation appointment 24 hours prior to hospital visits..  
 POST 1956  12/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Helping homeless veteran in feeding and information on his paperwork, housing and veterans office visit after Xmas.  
 POST 1956  1/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   81   1   $0.00   $60.72   $60.72   Escorted veteran to VA hospital. Stayed there until veteran was seen and bought the veteran back home and treated the veteran also to breakfast.  
 POST 1956  1/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   81   1   $0.00   $60.72   $60.72   Escorted veteran to VA hospital. Stayed there until veteran was seen and bought the veteran back home and treated the veteran also to breakfast.  
 POST 1956  1/10/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   PDC LARRY BROWN WAS AT THE OPENING OF MENIFEE'S STARBUCK STORE. REPRESENTING THE VFW SUPPORT FOR THE COMMUNITY.  
 POST 1956  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   1   1   $35.00   $24.83   $59.83   PDC LARRY BROWN DONATED $35.00 DOLLARS TO THE NATIONAL HOME CHECK NUMBER 970/  
 POST 1956  1/15/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   32   5   $75.00   $251.38   $326.38   Participated with the Marine Semper Fi Honor Guard and provided 5 wreaths at the Riverside National Cemetery to honor the Unsung heroes who departed without family.  
 POST 1956  1/23/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   1   5   1   $20.00   $25.39   $45.39   PDC LARRY BROWN WAS AT THE FUNDRIAISER FOR PVHSNJROTC. BUYING ONE PIZZA FOR THEIR CAUSE.  
 POST 1956  2/4/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   The Post commander provided VFW 1508 Hall Rental information to Redlands Funeral Home to assist a Marine spouse with a place to have a celebration of life for her Vietnam Marine.  
 POST 1956  2/19/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   30   4   $75.00   $102.96   $177.96   Commander and 3 Post members attended and participated with the Semper Fi Honor Detail Team for the Unclaim Heroes Ceremony. 
 POST 1956  2/27/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   0   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   Helped veteran with appointment at Loma Linda VA hospital with appointment missed from before. 
 Post 1956 Total 166 1,247 206 $2,904.00 $14,087.40 $16,991.40
 POST 2266  7/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   post 2266 PSO helped a vet with benefits  
 POST 2266  7/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   5   2   $10.00   $198.22   $208.22   pso helped 2 vets with claims and paper work  
 POST 2266  7/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   5   1   $10.00   $99.46   $109.46   post PSO helped 2 vets with claims and benefits  
 POST 2266  7/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   2   $10.00   $99.46   $109.46   pso helping vet with claims paper work  
 POST 2266  8/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   1   $10.00   $50.08   $60.08   post - PSO helped vet with claim  
 POST 2266  8/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   2   $10.00   $99.46   $109.46   post - PSO helped vet with claim  
 POST 2266  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   1   $10.00   $50.08   $60.08   Helping vet with claim  
 POST 2266  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   10   4   $10.00   $593.96   $603.96   post - PSO helped 3 vets with claim and benefits  
 POST 2266  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   10   2   $10.00   $198.92   $208.92   post - PSO helped 2 vets with claims & Benefits  
 POST 2266  8/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   2   $10.00   $99.46   $109.46   Helping vet with papaer work for his claim  
 POST 2266  8/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   pso helping vet with claim  
 POST 2266  9/1/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   5   3   $10.00   $445.12   $455.12   did a Buddy poppy Drive at the Farmers Market in San Jacinto  
 POST 2266  9/1/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   5   3   $25.00   $445.12   $470.12   Post did a membership Drive at the San Jacinto Farmers Market in San Jacinto  
 POST 2266  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   helping vet with claim  
 POST 2266  9/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   pso helping vet with claim  
 POST 2266  9/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   45   3   $50.00   $450.72   $500.72   Membership Drive at Liberty Station Teamster Picnic  
 POST 2266  9/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   2   $50.00   $198.22   $248.22   Help feeding our homeless and Vets 46 Burritos and 4 pots of coffee and water  
 POST 2266  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   2   $50.00   $198.92   $248.92   helping feed our homeless and vets 52 Burritos and 4 pots of coffee  
 POST 2266  9/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   2   $50.00   $198.22   $248.22   57 burritos and 4 pots of coffee and water to help feed our homeless and vets  
 POST 2266  10/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   5   2   $50.00   $148.84   $198.84   feeding our homeless and vets 56 Burritos and 4 pots of coffee  
 POST 2266  10/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   5   2   $35.00   $148.84   $183.84   feeding homeless 52 burritos and 4 p0ts of coffee  
 POST 2266  10/20/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Buddy poppy Drive at Farmers Market San Jacinto  
 POST 2266  10/20/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   5   4   $0.00   $593.26   $593.26   membership drive at San Jacinto park  
 POST 2266  10/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   5   2   $40.00   $148.84   $188.84   50 burritos and 4 pots of coffee and bottle water for our homeless  
 POST 2266  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $11.00   $24.69   $35.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting  
 POST 2266  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $23.00   $24.69   $47.69   Donated to youth who is assembling food gift baskets for junior enlisted for the holidays.  
 POST 2266  1/19/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   5   2   $0.00   $296.98   $296.98   membership Drive at San Jacinto farmers market  
 POST 2266  1/19/2025   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   5   2   $10.00   $296.98   $306.98   buddy poppy Drive at farmers market  
 POST 2266  1/29/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   3   62   1   $25.00   $82.75   $107.75   I executed a VFW presentation for the AFJROTC at San Jacinto High School. Purchased USA Flag pencils for each student. 
 POST 2266  1/29/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   62   1   $21.00   $58.06   $79.06   While in route to San Jacinto High School to speak to JROTC students I stopped for coffee and purchased coffee for 3 motorized Sheriff officers. I spoke to them about the VFW and what we do for our Veterans. 
 POST 2266  2/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   5   3   $25.00   $296.98   $321.98   feeding our homeless vets and community  
 POST 2266  2/15/2025   Youth Development   Other   2   5   8   $10.00   $395.74   $405.74   Flag burning ceremony with San Jacinto JROTC High School students  
 Post 2266 Total 107 319 68 $575.00 $6,266.54 $6,841.54
 POST 2987  11/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Held a ceremony for Marine Corps birthday, open to the community. 
 POST 2987  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   5   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Held a Veterans Day ceremony, we had the news do a story, members talk about experiences. 
 POST 2987  11/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Provided a free Thanksgiving meal to Veterans. 
 POST 2987  12/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Held a kids Christmas party, gave out donated toys. 
 POST 2987  12/25/2024   Veterans Assistance      6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Provided a free Christmas meal to Veterans 
 Post 2987 Total 24 0 18 $0.00 $2,320.86 $2,320.86
 POST 3251  7/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Food Pantry for Veterans 
 POST 3251  7/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Opened our food pantry to the public. 
 POST 3251  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Food Pantry for Veterans 
 POST 3251  8/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Opened the food pantry to the public. 
 POST 3251  9/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Food Pantry for Veterans 
 POST 3251  9/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Opened the food pantry to the public. 
 POST 3251  10/12/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Had a booth at the swap meet. 
 POST 3251  10/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Food Pantry for Veterans 
 POST 3251  10/31/2024   Community Service      5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Opened the post food pantry to the public 
 POST 3251  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   5   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Held a Veterans Day ceremony. 
 POST 3251  11/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Food Pantry for Veterans 
 POST 3251  11/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   3   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Opened the food pantry to the publoc 
 POST 3251  12/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Did a Buddy poppy drive at local swap sweep 
 Post 3251 Total 54 0 28 $0.00 $2,641.83 $2,641.83
 POST 3699  7/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   12   2   $0.00   $149.82   $149.82   Desert Sands unified School district Class of 2024 Graduation ceremony Color Guard  
 POST 3699  8/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   12   7   $0.00   $520.17   $520.17   working with the county and city to honor Cpl Hunter Lopez Vigil, Presented The Lopez family with a Fallen hero statue and American flag  
 POST 3699  8/27/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette    2   32   1   $0.00   $53.86   $53.86   Picked up from ACE Hardware a bag of American Flags to be retired 
 POST 3699  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   14   5   $0.00   $372.31   $372.31   Did a 9/11 event in conjunction with the American legion post 739 honoring those who lost their lives, and also honoring the men and woman of the Indio police dept. Fire Department, EMT, and marines  
 POST 3699  9/13/2024   Community Service   Other   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Post 3699 Donated $500 to 29-PSPm serving those who serve us, this is a service that provides free transportation for Serviceman and Woman from Ont .Airports and Palm springs airport to the 29-marine base at zero cost to our service men and woman and there families  
 POST 3699  9/15/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   submitting application for the VOD and Patriot Pen to the local High Schools and Middle Schools. 8 schools all in total for this area  
 POST 3699  9/17/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   submitted VOD and Patriot Pen applications to the local High Schools and Middle Schools  
 POST 3699  10/1/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   15   15   $0.00   $742.80   $742.80   Had a Pow/Mia prayer event at our post, posted our pictures on our Facebook page  
 POST 3699  10/1/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   3   15   15   $0.00   $1,113.15   $1,113.15   Duplicate     Post 3699 had a pow/mia prayer event and posted the pictures on our Facebook page  
 POST 3699  10/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   15   2   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Had a Memorial service for Army Veteran  Silva , Chaplain Rich did the eulogy and Commander abramowitz presented the American flag to the family  
 POST 3699  10/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   15   2   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Performed Chaplain duties for a memorial service for the family of a recently deceased veteran. Accompanied Commander on presentation of folded American flag to the mother. Will officiate at the burial in about 2 weeks as well.  
 POST 3699  10/25/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   2   1   $0.00   $24.97   $24.97   Patriot Pen Nomination packets picked up at Desert Ridge Academy in Indio, Ca  
 POST 3699  10/26/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   updated emails sent to the local Sheriffs offices and local CHP office reminding them to submit their nominations  
 POST 3699  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $11.00   $24.69   $35.69   Donated to the VFW National home during the District meeting.  
 POST 3699  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $24.00   $24.69   $48.69   Donated to youth who is assembling food gift baskets for junior enlisted for the holidays.  
 POST 3699  10/26/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   received email with teacher of the year nomination  
 POST 3699  10/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   17   3   $0.00   $372.73   $372.73   color guard for palm desert sister cities foundation golf cart parade  
 POST 3699  11/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   9   17   8   $737.51   $1,780.06   $2,517.57   collected the first day $737.51 of the Buddy Poppy Drive 
 POST 3699  11/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   9   17   8   $0.00   $1,780.06   $1,780.06   collected the first day $737.51 during the Buddy Poppy drive  
 POST 3699  11/5/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   9   17   10   $537.74   $2,224.48   $2,762.22   collected $537.74 during our Buddy Poppy drive  
 POST 3699  11/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   9   17   7   $0.00   $1,557.85   $1,557.85   collected $764.12 during our drive  
 POST 3699  11/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   9   17   8   $0.00   $1,780.06   $1,780.06   collected $669.61 during the Buddy Poppy drive  
 POST 3699  11/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   25   7   $0.00   $521.99   $521.99   Attended the Coachella Valley Veterans Pancake breakfast, Chaplain Rich gave a heart warming speech  
 POST 3699  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   did the Veterans day program at the Joslyn senior center and recruited 2 new VFW members  
 POST 3699  11/11/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   uploading the entries  VOD application to District.  
 POST 3699  11/12/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   uploaded and submitted Post nomination for Public Servant LE Award  
 POST 3699  11/13/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Submitted Post 3699 Teacher of the Year to District  
 POST 3699  11/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   5   3   $0.00   $222.91   $222.91   Did the color guard for the PDG Woman's Club veterans luncheon  
 POST 3699  11/14/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Uploaded Patriot Pen nominee for Post 3699. Uploaded Post 3699 Patriot Pen applicants to District  
 POST 3699  11/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   17   10   $1,005.19   $989.98   $1,995.17   handed out 80 turkeys and pumpkin pies to veterans in need  
 POST 3699  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Split, 1st celebrated Pearl Harbor day with D3 Commander Hernandez 
 POST 3699  12/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   4   22   12   $0.00   $1,188.20   $1,188.20   Commander Hermandez brought down 50 marines from 29 palms marine base and there family's for our annual Christmas party we had a total of 200 attendee's  
 Post 3699 Total 98 325 143 $2,315.44 $15,995.24 $18,310.68
 POST 4089  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   6   20   3   $150.00   $447.22   $597.22   Took a disabled Veteran for a day of Range Shooting. Something he hadn’t been able to in over 20 years.  
 POST 4089  7/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Military/Spouse  
 POST 4089  7/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Veteran  
 POST 4089  7/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Veteran  
 POST 4089  7/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Military Spouse  
 POST 4089  7/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   10   9   $33.00   $223.61   $256.61   Donated to the National Home during our Monthly Post Members Meeting.  
 POST 4089  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Military/Spouse  
 POST 4089  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Veteran  
 POST 4089  7/20/2024   Community Service   Other   2   5   2   $0.00   $74.77   $74.77   monthly cleanup of Veteran's Park Temecula  
 POST 4089  7/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Military/Spouse  
 POST 4089  7/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Veteran  
 POST 4089  7/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   While at National convention, members packed seeds (cucumber, cabbage, broccoli), these seeds will be distributed to school and communities that wish to start gardens.  
 POST 4089  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Military Spouse  
 POST 4089  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during National convention.  
 POST 4089  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Veteran  
 POST 4089  8/1/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Conducted a Buddy Poppy Drive at a local Harley Davidson.  
 POST 4089  8/2/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Conducted a Buddy Poppy Drive at a local Army-Navy Surplus store.  
 POST 4089  8/2/2024   Legislative Advocacy   National   3   60   1   $25.00   $82.47   $107.47   I was invited to attend Congressman Darrel Issa's "Open House" and we discussed the PACT ACT and the shortfall funding of the program. We also discussed the VA Hospital and the shortfalls of being able to communicate Veteran's medical records to other VA hospitals nationally because of the dated IT program.  
 POST 4089  8/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   1   1   $0.00   $148.28   $148.28   Assisted a disabled veteran with updating his home wifi network. Added all of his smart devices to the network to include, TVs, security system and garage door to name a few.  
 POST 4089  8/4/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   21   1   $0.00   $39.98   $39.98   Picked up flags from all city Fire Station collection boxes for proper retirement/disposal FJC  
 POST 4089  8/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Met with an Active-Duty Marine Captain who is retiring in October 2024 who asked for assistance with finding employment. I gave him several officer networks that I know of and he currently has 3 offers that he found with my assistance.  
 POST 4089  8/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Veteran  
 POST 4089  8/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   4   2   $25.00   $296.84   $321.84   The City of Temecula requested my assistance with finding a Veteran who can sit on the "Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Commission". I have found a Comrade in our Post that will be interviewed for this position.  
 POST 4089  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $180.00   $24.69   $204.69   Provided free services for Military/ Spouse  
 POST 4089  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Veteran  
 POST 4089  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   10   11   $23.00   $272.99   $295.99   Donated to the National Home during our Monthly Post Members Meeting.  
 POST 4089  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $180.00   $24.69   $204.69   Provided free services for Military Spouse  
 POST 4089  8/17/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   13   125   2   $130.00   $659.44   $789.44   I assisted with the Troy High School JROTC as a Chaperone on a day long out to sea visit on the USS Carl Vinson.  
 POST 4089  8/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   I was contacted by the former Department Commander for a daughter of a hospitalized Veteran who needed assistance with coming to California from out of state to see her father.  
 POST 4089  8/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Military/Spouse  
 POST 4089  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   6   1   $0.00   $50.22   $50.22   Chaplain. Met with Vet to gather paperwork and request military service records for VA medical and disability claim  
 POST 4089  8/21/2024   Legislative Advocacy   National   4   50   2   $50.00   $204.52   $254.52   As the District Commander I was invited to a bipartisan event in Perris, California to speak on the PACT ACT and issues with VA health care of Veterans at the National and District level. This event was hosted by a candidate for Congress that I didn't and won't endorse.  
 POST 4089  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   2   5   1   $0.00   $37.74   $37.74   Went to veteran's home and assisted in getting signed up for VA healthcare and getting military records  
 POST 4089  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   6   1   $0.00   $50.22   $50.22   Chaplain. Met with Vet to gather paperwork and request military service records for VA medical and disability claim  
 POST 4089  8/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Veteran  
 POST 4089  8/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $180.00   $24.69   $204.69   Provided free services for Military Spouse  
 POST 4089  8/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   0   1   $0.00   $185.18   $185.18   Chaplain. Went with Vet and spouse to La Jolla VA to enroll Vet in VA med care, start disability claims, meet with benefits counselor, and schedule first primary care appointment.  
 POST 4089  9/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Military/Spouse  
 POST 4089  9/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Veteran  
 POST 4089  9/9/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   10   0   $0.00   $1.46   $1.46   Chaplain picked up flags from community fire station drop off boxes for proper retirement  
 POST 4089  9/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Veteran  
 POST 4089  9/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Militar/ Spouse  
 POST 4089  9/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   10   2   $45.00   $50.78   $95.78   Donated to the National Home during our Monthly Post Members Meeting.  
 POST 4089  9/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Another Comrade and I from Post 4089 assisted a Veteran Marine with suicidal thoughts and had him get assistance with 988.  
 POST 4089  9/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Veteran  
 POST 4089  9/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Military/Spouse  
 POST 4089  9/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard    4   63   1   $0.00   $107.58   $107.58   Chaplain attended post member service at Riverside National Cemetery.  
 POST 4089  9/20/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   0   25   $0.00   $617.25   $617.25   Post POW/MIA remembrance ceremony  
 POST 4089  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   7   2   $0.00   $99.74   $99.74   cleaned up and picked up trash at Temecula Veterans Park  
 POST 4089  9/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Chaplain: phone call with vet having a crisis. Has a plan through crisis line for follow up.  
 POST 4089  9/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Health   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Military/Spouse  
 POST 4089  9/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Visited and socialized with a veteran who is on Hospice Care.  
 POST 4089  9/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Researched and called a couple of food pantries and passed on the information to a veteran and family in need of assistance.  
 POST 4089  10/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Military/Spouse  
 POST 4089  10/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Veteran  
 POST 4089  10/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   provided pro-bono mental heath for Veteran  
 POST 4089  10/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Visited and socialized with a veteran who is on Hospice Care.  
 POST 4089  10/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   counseled members  
 POST 4089  10/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   32   1   $0.00   $53.86   $53.86   Visited a Marine in the hospital after a motorcycle accident and spent time with his loved ones for comfort and to provide anything they needed.  
 POST 4089  10/7/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   16   1   $0.00   $26.93   $26.93   Flags for retirement picked up from city fire station flag boxes  
 POST 4089  10/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Military/ Spouse  
 POST 4089  10/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Military Spouse  
 POST 4089  10/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   10   2   $35.00   $50.78   $85.78   Donated to the National Home during our Monthly Post Members Meeting.  
 POST 4089  10/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Veteran  
 POST 4089  10/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Military Spouse  
 POST 4089  10/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   8   1   $0.00   $50.50   $50.50   cleaned up Veterans park Temecula  
 POST 4089  10/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided free services for Veteran  
 POST 4089  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $11.00   $24.69   $35.69   Donated to the VFW National home during the District meeting.  
 POST 4089  10/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Provided free services for Veteran & Spouse  
 POST 4089  10/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   provided pro-bono mental heath for Veteran  
 POST 4089  10/30/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Visited and socialized with a veteran who is on Hospice Care.  
 POST 4089  11/2/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   5   12   $0.00   $2,370.94   $2,370.94   Conducted a Membership Drive during the annual Veterans Car Show event. Completed 2 Lifetime Membership applications & 2 Annual Membership applications on site. Time includes preparation set up and tear down.  
 POST 4089  11/2/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   5   1   $0.00   $198.22   $198.22   Manned a Buddy Poppy station during the annual Veterans Car Show event. Time includes preparation set up and tear down.  
 POST 4089  11/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided pro bono mental health services for A/D spouse.  
 POST 4089  11/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided pro bono mental health services for veteran's dependent.  
 POST 4089  11/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   5   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Conducted Suicide Intervention Training, with Department Chaplain, via zoom. The intention of the training was to help educate VFW & Auxiliary volunteers learn what to do when they encounter a Veteran in a suicidal crisis.  
 POST 4089  11/7/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   3   5   2   $0.00   $148.84   $148.84   Participated in a Veterans Expo that offered resources to Veterans, their families, and members of the community. 
 POST 4089  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   5   2   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Conducted a Buddy Poppy Drive at a local Army-Navy Surplus store. 
 POST 4089  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   5   2   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Conducted a Buddy Poppy Drive at a local Harley Davidson.  
 POST 4089  11/10/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   7   13   $0.00   $1,284.86   $1,284.86   Conducted a Membership Drive during the Marine Corps Birthday event. Completed 3 Lifetime Membership applications & 3 Annual Membership applications on site. Time includes preparation set up and tear down. 
 POST 4089  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   7   1   $0.00   $149.12   $149.12   Volunteered in a Veterans Day event to celebrate senior citizen veterans with a special dinner.  
 POST 4089  11/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   10   2   $7.00   $50.78   $57.78   Donated to the National Home during our Monthly Post Members Meeting.  
 POST 4089  11/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided pro bono mental health services for A/D spouse.  
 POST 4089  11/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    5   9   1   $0.00   $124.71   $124.71   Volunteered in a Service of Remembrance event to celebrate and honor deceased community citizens and veterans.  
 POST 4089  11/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   4   1   $0.00   $49.94   $49.94   cleaned up Veterans park Temecula  
 POST 4089  11/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided pro bono mental health services for veteran's dependent  
 POST 4089  11/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided pro bono mental health services for A/D spouse.  
 POST 4089  11/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   7   1   $0.00   $50.36   $50.36   Visited and socialized with a veteran who is on Hospice Care.  
 POST 4089  11/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   10   11   $1,100.00   $816.17   $1,916.17   Purchased and donated turkeys and pies to veterans in the community in need of for the Thanksgiving holiday. 
 POST 4089  11/21/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   27   1   $0.00   $53.16   $53.16   Chaplain picked up flags from community fire station drop off boxes for proper retirement  
 POST 4089  11/21/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   9   4   $0.00   $396.30   $396.30   Conducted a Membership Drive on Thursday 21, November event. Completed 4 Annual Membership applications on site. Time includes preparation set up and tear down. 
 POST 4089  11/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   10   6   $800.00   $445.82   $1,245.82   Purchased and donated turkeys and pies to veterans in the community in need of for the Thanksgiving holiday. 
 POST 4089  11/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided pro bono mental health services for A/D spouse.  
 POST 4089  12/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided pro bono mental health services for veteran's dependent  
 POST 4089  12/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   40   1   $0.00   $79.67   $79.67   Participated as a panel speaker at the MAG-39 Leadership & Education Symposium. Discussed transition to civilian life and the importance and benefits of connecting with their military community, through service organizations like the VFW, not just post-service, but on active duty as well.  
 POST 4089  12/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided pro bono mental health services for A/D spouse.  
 POST 4089  12/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   150   2   $45.00   $317.28   $362.28   Attended the annual Indio, California VFW Post 3699 annual Christmas Party in support of local Veterans and Marines & Sailors from the Twenty-Nine Palms.  
 POST 4089  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   94   2   $55.00   $111.92   $166.92   Assisted with the greeting of the Arizona Department Commander and arranged to have a flag presentation of a flag to a mother of a deceased Vietnam Veteran. The mother was 102 years old. It was presented by the AZ Commander who received the flag from a couple who found it in Canada and returned it to AZ where the Veteran was from.  
 POST 4089  12/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   94   2   $0.00   $210.68   $210.68   In the capacity of the District 3 Commander, I spoke to active-duty Marines & Sailors from 29 Palms, California Base and Veterans from the Indio, California area. This was in recognition of Peral Harbor Day 2024 hosted by the Post 3699.  
 POST 4089  12/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   14   7   $35.00   $520.45   $555.45   Purchased coffee pods for G6 base station Camp Pendleton, California  
 POST 4089  12/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided pro bono mental health services for A/D spouse.  
 POST 4089  12/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $677.45   $49.38   $726.83   Adopted a military family for Christmas via MilVet. Purchased gifts for family of 7 children, including one special needs child in need of a wheelchair. Donations taken to MilVet office in Murrieta. 
 POST 4089  12/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   85   1   $50.00   $209.42   $259.42   A Comrade from Post 4089, planned and executed a City of Riverside Motor Police visit to the USS Midway on their motorcycles. They were allowed to conduct a retirement for a veteran Officer on the flightdeck of the ship. 
 POST 4089  12/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   19   3   $0.00   $150.80   $150.80   Attended the City of Temecula "Ad Hoc" meeting to discuss the possibility of assisting the city with future Veterans events.  
 POST 4089  12/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   10   14   $15.00   $347.06   $362.06   Donated to the National Home during our Monthly Post Regular Meeting. 
 POST 4089  12/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   7   1   $0.00   $50.36   $50.36   Visited and socialized with a veteran who is on Hospice Care.  
 POST 4089  12/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   20   4   $0.00   $496.60   $496.60   Represented Veterans of Wars at the Camp Pendleton, Joint Holiday Reception hosted by the Commanding General of the 1 Marine Expeditionary Force (1-MEF).  
 POST 4089  12/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided pro bono mental health services for veteran's dependent  
 POST 4089  12/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided pro bono mental health services for A/D spouse.  
 POST 4089  12/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   8   2   $0.00   $99.88   $99.88   cleaned up and picked up trach Temecula Veterans Park  
 POST 4089  12/23/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   picked up flags for proper retirement from local fire station drop off box  
 POST 4089  12/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Provided pro bono crisis mental health services veteran with suicidal ideations.  
 POST 4089  12/28/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   4   0   3   $50.00   $296.28   $346.28   Time spent by members to obtain required items from contestant and to process submission of application to higher headquarters. 
 POST 4089  12/28/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Time was spent connecting with candidate through a third party, timely responses to provide required documentation, processing and compilation of all requirements and submission to higher headquarters. 
 POST 4089  12/28/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   7   0   3   $0.00   $518.49   $518.49   Time was spent selecting nominee, coordinating with nominee to provide requirements, processing requirements to ensure they met the specifications and submitting to higher headquarters. 
 POST 4089  12/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided pro bono mental health services for veteran's dependent  
 POST 4089  12/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided pro bono mental health services for A/D spouse.  
 POST 4089  1/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   21   1   $25.00   $52.32   $77.32   Gave a class on Veteran's benefits and retirement benefits to government employees at Camp Pendleton, G6 Facilities breakfast event.  
 POST 4089  1/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided pro bono mental health services for spouse/dependent  
 POST 4089  1/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided pro bono mental health services for A/D spouse.  
 POST 4089  1/9/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   7   1   $0.00   $50.36   $50.36   Visited and socialized with a veteran who is on Hospice Care.  
 POST 4089  1/9/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Provided pro bono mental health services for first responder who has been actively engaged with the LA fires  
 POST 4089  1/9/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   7   1   $0.00   $50.36   $50.36   Visited and socialized with a veteran who is on Hospice Care.  
 POST 4089  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   2   1   $0.00   $24.97   $24.97   Met with a Veteran to give information on increase in Veteran's Disability and contact with a VSO.  
 POST 4089  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided pro bono mental health services for spouse/dependent  
 POST 4089  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted a woman whose uncle (retired Navy) was being charged for arranging a military burial at the Riverside National Cemetery.  
 POST 4089  1/14/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   10   16   $46.00   $396.44   $442.44   Donated to the National Home during our Monthly Post Members Meeting.  
 POST 4089  1/14/2025   Youth Development   Other   1   10   16   $85.58   $396.44   $482.02   Presented awards to two Naval Sea Cadets in special recognition of outstanding achievement and exceptional leadership ability. 
 POST 4089  1/14/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   10   16   $46.00   $396.44   $442.44   Donated to the National Home during our Monthly Post Members Meeting. 
 POST 4089  1/18/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted a disabled veteran with updating his home wifi network. Added all of his smart devices to the network to include TVs security system and garage door to name a few. 
 POST 4089  1/18/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   6   2   $0.00   $99.60   $99.60   Veterans Park Temecula trach pick up and cleaning was done by 2 post members  
 POST 4089  1/20/2025   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   10   3   $12.65   $75.47   $88.12   Conducted a Buddy Poppy Drive at a local Army-Navy Surplus store. 
 POST 4089  1/22/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness    2   13   1   $0.00   $51.20   $51.20   Visited and socialized with a veteran who is on Hospice Care.  
 POST 4089  1/23/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   23   1   $0.00   $52.60   $52.60   picked up flags for proper retirement from local fire station drop off boxes  
 POST 4089  1/24/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   70   6   $350.00   $1,194.92   $1,544.92   Purchased, set up a collection point and donated essential items for the pets of the evacuated families affected by the Los Angeles County wildfires.  
 POST 4089  1/25/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   2   13   1   $0.00   $51.20   $51.20   Visited and socialized with a veteran who is on Hospice Care.  
 POST 4089  1/25/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   2   13   1   $0.00   $51.20   $51.20   Visited and socialized with a veteran who is on Hospice Care.  
 POST 4089  1/26/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   7   1   $0.00   $124.43   $124.43   Volunteered in a church event as part of the Hospitality Ministry serving breakfast during four Mass services. 
 POST 4089  2/11/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   10   7   $27.00   $174.23   $201.23   Donated to the National Home during our Monthly Post Regular Meeting. 
 POST 4089  2/12/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   13   1   $0.00   $51.20   $51.20   Visited and socialized with a veteran who is on Hospice Care.  
 POST 4089  2/22/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   8   2   $0.00   $99.88   $99.88   Veterans park Temecula monthly clean up by 2 members.  
 Post 4089 Total 304 1,453 342 $4,508.68 $19,967.82 $24,476.50
 POST 4379  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   20   10   $150.00   $2,471.80   $2,621.80   conducted a free bbq for the neighborhood around the post  
 POST 4379  8/1/2024   Youth Development   Other   5   20   3   $105.67   $373.15   $478.82   donated $105.67 of school supplies to MyCityYouth in Hemet CA. for local students. 
 POST 4379  8/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   assisted a veteran with his claims paperwork 
 POST 4379  8/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   20   1   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   assisted a member with his claim's paperwork 
 POST 4379  8/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   assisted a veteran widow in Hemet CA. with her benefits paperwork. 
 POST 4379  9/21/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   10   2   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   conducted a membership drive at a community event  
 POST 4379  9/21/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   10   10   $0.00   $989.00   $989.00   Conducted a buddy poppy drive at a veteran's BBQ  
 POST 4379  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   30   25   $3,000.00   $3,707.70   $6,707.70   Hosted a free BBQ for veterans and their families. We had around 350-400 people at the event, to include County Supervisors and Congressional representation. Veterans and family are free  
 POST 4379  9/21/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   10   2   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   conducted a buddy poppy drive at a community event  
 POST 4379  9/21/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   10   10   $0.00   $989.00   $989.00   Conducted a membership drive at a veteran's BBQ  
 POST 4379  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $11.00   $24.69   $35.69   Donated to the VFW National home during the District meeting.  
 POST 4379  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $24.00   $24.69   $48.69   Donated to youth who is assembling food gift baskets for junior enlisted for the holidays.  
 POST 4379  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   4   $0.00   $495.20   $495.20   conducted a bbq for the post and community on Veterans Day  
 POST 4379  11/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    10   10   10   $0.00   $2,470.40   $2,470.40   conducted a Thanksgiving food drive and handed out 100 turkeys and dinners throughout the community  
 POST 4379  12/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   assisted a member with his claim paperwork 
 POST 4379  12/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits Assistance    2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   assisted a veteran with his claim paperwork 
 POST 4379  12/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits Assistance    2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   assisted a veteran with claims paperwork  
 POST 4379  12/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits Assistance    2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   assisted a member with his claim paperwork 
 POST 4379  2/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   assisted a member with claims and benefits 
 POST 4379  2/8/2025   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   conducted a buddy poppy drive at a community event 
 POST 4379  2/8/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   conducted a membership drive at a community event 
 POST 4379  2/10/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   assisted a veteran with claims and benefits 
 Post 4379 Total 79 230 91 $3,290.67 $12,673.48 $15,964.15
 POST 6476  7/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   8   $400.00   $790.08   $1,190.08   Our Post held a "Community Back to School Supplies" Give away; Many members and the general public donated school supplies; Wal-Mart donated 130 back-packs; Altogether, our Post handed out 150 backpacks (130 + additional 20 knapsacks) filled with school supplies to more than 100 community families, along with free food (hot dogs, chips, drinks) to them.  
 POST 6476  7/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   20   7   $0.00   $521.29   $521.29   Seven members of our Honor Guard provided the 21-Gun Salute and Presentation of the U.S. Flag to the family of a deceased veteran at graveside services at Pierce Brothers Crestlawn Memorial Park in Riverside, CA.  
 POST 6476  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   5   15   2   $0.00   $249.00   $249.00   Senior vice and Jr vice visited comrade in hospital  
 POST 6476  9/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   12   7   $0.00   $520.17   $520.17   Conducted Honor Guard for Comrade at Riverside National Cemetery  
 POST 6476  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   7   $180.00   $518.49   $698.49   Conducted a ceremony open to the public. Provided free lunch for all in attendance.  
 POST 6476  10/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   8   2   $0.00   $149.26   $149.26   Commander and senior vice visited comrades in hospital.  
 POST 6476  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   1   8   $0.00   $592.70   $592.70   Set up membership booth at community Veterans Day ceremony.  
 POST 6476  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   1   8   $150.00   $1,580.30   $1,730.30   Open house open to community. 250 in attendance.  
 POST 6476  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   1   7   $0.00   $518.63   $518.63   Community Parade and ceremony in park. Membership booth  
 Post 6476 Total 35 58 56 $730.00 $5,439.92 $6,169.92
 POST 7264  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $36.00   $24.69   $60.69   Assisted veteran with fuel cost to visit mother in hospital  
 POST 7264  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted Veteran with VA Home loan information.  
 POST 7264  7/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided Veteran with contact information for Veteran Minority Advocate services.  
 POST 7264  7/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $4.00   $74.07   $78.07   Assisted veteran with directions and contact information for VA card / location of service  
 POST 7264  7/4/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   18   $36.00   $444.42   $480.42   Post flag raising ceremony at Park Ave Joshua Tree National Park for 4th of July ceremony. Local city officials and community members attended ceremony  
 POST 7264  7/16/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   1   0   3   $100.00   $74.07   $174.07   Post donated to Troop 77 .  
 POST 7264  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted Veteran with ordering dd214 on  
 POST 7264  7/26/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   0   10   $0.00   $1,234.50   $1,234.50   The Post invited a local band to perform at the Post which was open to the public. A Poppy Drive was held during this event and engaged every person who visited the Post during the event. Over 100 people, veterans and their family attended and over 150 Poppies were handed out.  
 POST 7264  8/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted Veteran with VA benefits  
 POST 7264  8/20/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   30   2   $0.00   $152.34   $152.34   Flag committee retired 413 flags from Wiefel's and Sons Yucca Valley drop box.  
 POST 7264  9/18/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   5   2   $35.00   $99.46   $134.46   Flag Committee replaced US flag at Park Avenue Joshua Tree National Park.  
 POST 7264  10/4/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   8   10   1   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   Flag Committee collected and retired 127 flags collected from 4 drop off locations.  
 POST 7264  10/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   15   2   $0.00   $199.62   $199.62   Membership drive at Yucca Valley Elks lodge community event.  
 POST 7264  10/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   15   2   $0.00   $199.62   $199.62   Recruiting event at Yucca Valley Elks lodge community event.  
 POST 7264  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $11.00   $24.69   $35.69   Donated to the VFW National home during the District meeting.  
 POST 7264  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $24.00   $24.69   $48.69   Donated to youth who is assembling food gift baskets for junior enlisted for the holidays.  
 POST 7264  10/31/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   5   0   3   $200.00   $370.35   $570.35   Our Post had two applicants for Patriots Pen this year. Due to challenges with the Web Based application process, many hours were expended negotiating the new system.  
 POST 7264  10/31/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   10   0   3   $100.00   $740.70   $840.70   One applicant applied to our Post's VOD program this year. The new web based format posed some challenges which account for the amount of hours applied to this program.  
 POST 7264  11/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   0   6   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   Held a Veterans Bike Rally for the local active-duty military and veterans to connect with each other, share experiences, and advocate for veteran's rights and benefits  
 POST 7264  11/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Let a Veteran plug their RV into the Post building electrical outlet so they could stay warm until they leave the next morning.  
 POST 7264  11/24/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Opened up the Post so Scout troop 77 could cook breakfast for the veterans and the local community.  
 Post 7264 Total 69 75 63 $546.00 $5,047.26 $5,593.26
 POST 7347  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   4   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   POW/MIA. Ceremony  
 POST 7347  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $24.00   $24.69   $48.69   Donated to youth who is assembling food gift baskets for junior enlisted for the holidays.  
 POST 7347  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $11.00   $24.69   $35.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 7347  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   8   $150.00   $1,580.16   $1,730.16   Veterans Day BBQ veterans ate for free.  
 POST 7347  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   8   $0.00   $1,185.12   $1,185.12   Veterans ceremony held Yucaipa community park.  
 POST 7347  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Held buddy poppy ceremony at Yucaipa community park.  
 Post 7347 Total 19 0 26 $185.00 $3,110.94 $3,295.94
 POST 8547  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   10   5   $400.00   $865.55   $1,265.55   Commander, Adjutant, Jr Vice, Chapline, and Trustee rode on custom float representing the post and veterans of Korea, Vietnam War, Iraq War, and Afghanistan War in the Moreno Valley California 4th of July parade.  
 POST 8547  7/17/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   6   0   5   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   Red Cross blood drive at the Post.  
 POST 8547  7/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $75.00   $197.52   $272.52   Local widows event which includes widows of veterans.  
 POST 8547  7/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   2   $200.00   $246.90   $446.90   Observance of oldest living members birthdays,  
 POST 8547  7/31/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   quartermaster and Jr. vice commander provided training to cub scouts on how to fold the American Flag.  
 POST 8547  8/1/2024   Veterans Assistance      1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   helped a veteran with VA benefits information.  Then directed them to a VSO. 
 POST 8547  8/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   4   $0.00   $790.08   $790.08   Life Scan. A scan that connects members with their health data.  
 POST 8547  8/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Donation of space and equipment for local veterans widows meeting.  
 POST 8547  9/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Military members at March ARB used of facility for squadron fundraiser.  
 POST 8547  9/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   5   $100.00   $123.45   $223.45   Observance of POW/MIA Day.  
 POST 8547  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Widows of veterans meeting. Donation of facility.  
 POST 8547  9/26/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Red Cros blood drive. Donated the use of the facility.  
 POST 8547  10/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $1,000.00   $395.04   $1,395.04   Donated use of facility for Life Scan.  
 POST 8547  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $11.00   $24.69   $35.69   Donated to the VFW National home during the District meeting.  
 POST 8547  10/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Donation of facility and lunch for widows of veterans meeting.  
 POST 8547  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $24.00   $24.69   $48.69   Donated to youth who is assembling food gift baskets for junior enlisted for the holidays.  
 POST 8547  11/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   7   0   2   $875.00   $345.66   $1,220.66   Donation of facility for March ARB military members Thanksgiving Dinner.  
 POST 8547  11/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $1,000.00   $197.52   $1,197.52   Donation and use of facility to assist in combating homelessness.  
 POST 8547  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   22   2   $0.00   $200.60   $200.60   In support of Mountain View Middle School Veterans Day Activity.  
 POST 8547  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   25   $0.00   $1,234.50   $1,234.50   Observed Veterans Day with Honor Guard. Complimentary burgers and hotdogs along with donated food stuffs to the Post for the occasion.  
 POST 8547  11/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Donation of facility and food for Veterans widow meeting (Thanksgiving).  
 POST 8547  11/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Donation of facility and food with donations from comrades for a complimentary Thanksgiving dinner for membership and visiting veterans.  
 POST 8547  12/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   3   $125.00   $444.42   $569.42   Riverside County Veterans Advisory Committee (Legislative Breakfast)  
 POST 8547  12/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   0   1   $75.00   $98.76   $173.76   Donation of 6 $25 gift cards to veterans at Loma Linda VA Hospital for Christmas.  
 POST 8547  12/20/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   2   0   2   $150.00   $98.76   $248.76   Donation of dinner and plaque to the 2024 Firefighter of the year.  
 POST 8547  12/20/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   0   1   $180.00   $49.38   $229.38   Donation of dinner and a plaque for the 2024 VOD awards ceremony.  
 POST 8547  12/20/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   2   0   2   $150.00   $98.76   $248.76   Donation of dinner and plaque during an awards ceremony for the 2024 Teacher of the Year.  
 Post 8547 Total 108 32 84 $4,365.00 $7,831.21 $12,196.21
 POST 8737  7/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   San Bernardino County Voters discussion on November election as a poll station. Completed required paperwork and submitted to the County of San Bernardino.  
 POST 8737  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   32   0   5   $100.00   $3,950.40   $4,050.40   Not reportable……Entertainment for members and the community. We provide live music for enjoyment and dancing five days a week  
 POST 8737  7/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   **not reportable/once it happens yes**  I received a phone call from a person who has a local business that provides medical information. This business owner wanted to get involved with the VFW Post 8737 and provide this medical information to veterans. This person showed up to speak during the July monthly meeting. but was scheduled to speak at the August monthly meeting.  
 POST 8737  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Met with Humana about an association with the Post to inform veterans about medical care options. Humana works with the VFW.  
 POST 8737  7/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   VA Loma Linda referred the spouse of a deceased veteran to obtain information about Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) death benefits. I discussed this with the veteran's spouse and referred the spouse to the County of SB Veterans Office for help completing the necessary forms. 
 POST 8737  7/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Case Builders Co. to come to the Post to speak about support and products they can provide veterans. They will speak in August.  
 POST 8737  7/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   8   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   We provided $75 to the VA Loma Linda for food vouchers for veterans in the VA hospital.  
 POST 8737  7/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Did a site inspection at the Post with SB County for November elections, for Poll Station.  
 POST 8737  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $75.00   $24.69   $99.69   Help Veterans in need  
 POST 8737  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   5   70   1   $0.00   $133.25   $133.25   I visited the Veterans Affairs Los Angeles office near Santa Monica to obtain information for veterans and assist them with claims. I went to the second floor, where the call center is located. There is information on that floor. Up above, on the 6th floor, are various veterans organizations, such as the DAV, VFW, American Legion, and others. I talked to people. My aim was to help and get information about veterans' issues. In general Santa Monica has a large homeless population.  
 POST 8737  8/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   5   $0.00   $617.25   $617.25   VFW Post 8737 Colonel Chuck Rodriguez community event, family, food, drink, and dance celebrating with locals while bringing awareness about the role of the VFW. Medal of Honor recipient Colonel Rodriguez was born and bred in the same community blocks from the post.  
 POST 8737  8/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   70   1   $0.00   $59.18   $59.18   I visited CalVet on Veterans Avenue, across from the Los Angeles Cemetery, to discuss benefits of different Federal, State, and County offices for the purpose of educating Post 8737 members and veterans that seek information and do not have the proper resources. Additionally, I went to the Federal VA, which assisted veterans with benefits.  Very Educational.  
 POST 8737  8/15/2024   Community Service   Other   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   I spoke with Williamson's Tax Saver Services, which is a veteran-friendly organization, to obtain tax services for veterans.  
 POST 8737  8/15/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   I went to Arroyo Valley High School, just about 4 miles from Post 8737, to speak with the JROTC cadets led by Major W. and Master Sargent JH. The AVHS program is one of the largest in the State and competitive worldwide (overseas bases). I spoke to a group of about 5o JROTC cadets about the US Military, opportunities, funding for college, and my overall experiences. After I finished, I answered questions from the cadets, even a father whose daughter was interested but did not know what the military entailed. Each year, VFW Post 8737 presents awards at the end-of-year ceremony of the AVHS. I talked to Master Sargent JH to establish future talks with the cadets.  
 POST 8737  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Sport Clips Help a Hero Scholarship submission   1   15   1   $0.00   $26.79   $26.79   I got a clip at Sports Clips in Fontana. A doozy indeed. I recommend Tiana, who is on their website's public record.  
 POST 8737  8/16/2024   Community Service   Other   1   15   1   $0.00   $26.79   $26.79   I visited the University of Redlands, which has been recognized as a military-friendly campus. I spoke to the counselor who assists veterans at the University. I discussed the role of the VFW, a nonprofit organization committed to Americanism and our veterans. I offered to assist the University and its veterans with the different services available to them. The counselor's husband is a veteran who served 18 years, precipitating a discussion of her benefits. I provided various resources to her in the form of pamphlets and other items. I also provided business cards to recruit and increase membership at Post 8737. I also offered to mentor and guide the student-veterans on the campus so they could be successful as an alumnus of U of R.  
 POST 8737  8/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   3   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Colonel Chuck Rodriguez community event "Sunday Night" family, music, dance, and food on historic Route 66 Berdoo.  
 POST 8737  8/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   The Post provided the post hall to a veteran-comrade whose nephew was murdered.  
 POST 8737  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   160   1   $0.00   $145.85   $145.85   I assisted veterans with disability benefits at the Los Angeles VA.  
 POST 8737  8/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   3   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35    Family Community Night with "Circle of Friends" Celebration - Music, Food, Drink, and Dance.  
 POST 8737  8/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   15   1   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   I visited the San Bernardino Valley College Veterans Resource Center and assisted veterans. I also created an alliance with San Bernardino Valley College to help student veterans. I will participate in their Veteran's Day Celebration.  
 POST 8737  9/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Set up and had a buddy poppy drive booth at the Empire Wrestling Federation Pro Wrestling Lucha Libre Night. The VFW Post collected $143.00 in donations.  
 POST 8737  9/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   5   $200.00   $617.25   $817.25   VFW Post 8737 Fifteenth Annual Route 66 Biker Breakfast Ride - Corona To Berdoo. 150 in attendance. Post raised $1,500 in donations.  
 POST 8737  9/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   2   $65.00   $49.38   $114.38   $65.00 raised and donated to the National Home.  
 POST 8737  10/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   5   2   $0.00   $395.74   $395.74   Membership Drive Booth Set Up at the "Rendezvous Back to Route 66" City of San Bernardino in Downtown Court Street Square.  
 POST 8737  10/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   5   70   1   $0.00   $133.25   $133.25   Veterans Assistance, Claims & Benefits, at the Veterans Affairs Los Angeles Office.  
 POST 8737  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $11.00   $24.69   $35.69   Donated to the VFW National home during the District meeting.  
 POST 8737  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $24.00   $24.69   $48.69   Donated to youth who is assembling food gift baskets for junior enlisted for the holidays.  
 POST 8737  10/30/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Voice of Democracy has been submitted from Post 8737 to the committee for review per guidance. 
 POST 8737  10/30/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   The Patriot's Pen Scholarship have been submitted to the appropriate committee for review per the guidance. 
 POST 8737  10/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   I called a former VFW Post Commander who has not been feeling well and had spine surgery. I attempted to boost morale and his spirits. Given it is Halloween today, dropped off some chocolate candy.  
 POST 8737  11/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Conducted a veteran buddy check in calling 25 comrades/members of the Post to see how they were doing overall.  
 POST 8737  11/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Conducted a Veteran Buddy Check. Called 15 members from the Post tonight to check in to see how they are doing and if they need any guidance.  
 POST 8737  11/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Veteran's Buddy Check contacted communicated to see how doing.  
 POST 8737  11/5/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   I spoke with a high school student and provided an application for the Voice of Democracy. The high school student returned the application with all the needed information.  
 POST 8737  11/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Met with the administrative staff of Yaamava (formerly the San Manuel Casino) Casino to seek grants and sponsorship for numerous events for the Post in an effort to raise funds for capital improvement repairs. The meeting was information providing pertinent information.  
 POST 8737  11/5/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   I provided 5 applications for the Patriots Pen Scholarship.  
 POST 8737  11/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   7   $0.00   $691.32   $691.32   Election Day Voting Station in collaboration with the San Bernardino County Board of Elections. Assisted with the  elections.  
 POST 8737  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   0   3   $0.00   $518.49   $518.49   VFW-Auxillary Post 8737 Fund Raiser Music, Food, and Dance. Monies raised for VFW-Auxillary. 50/50. 
 POST 8737  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   0   5   $0.00   $864.15   $864.15   Veterans Day Celebration. Ceremonies, Vietnam POW, Dignitaries in attendance.  
 POST 8737  11/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Friday Night Karaoke Night at the VFW open to the community. 
 POST 8737  11/16/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Set up Buddy Poppy stand at the EWF Pro Wrestling Lucha Libre Live Family Entertainment. Collected donations for the Buddy Poppy Program.  
 POST 8737  12/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   I conducted the second of three buddy check ins at the Post to see how veteran 2 was doing.  
 POST 8737  12/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   I conducted the third of three buddy check in at the Post to see how he was doing overall.  
 POST 8737  12/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Today, I conducted a buddy check in with a veteran at the Post to see how he was doing. This was 1 of three discussions.  
 POST 8737  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   During an event in San Bernardino on Pearl Harbor Day, expressed a few words reminding all of the important day and those that lost their lives on that tragic day on December 7, 1941.  
 POST 8737  12/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Set-up Buddy Poppy Drive at Pro Wrestling Lucha Libra "Jingle Slam" Event. Empire Wrestling Federation EWF.  
 POST 8737  12/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Performed outreach, spoke to homeless woman whose father is a Vietnam War veteran. Provided $10.00 for a meal and guidance for help. This occurred in the local community.  
 POST 8737  12/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Membership Drive booth set-up at the City of San Bernardino Miracle on Court Street Winter Christmas community event on Wednesday December 11, 2024.  
 POST 8737  12/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   I did a Buddy check in. Called 10 Post members to see how they were doing and wishing them all a Merry Christmas. Offered any guidance if they needed.  
 POST 8737  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   12   0   3   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   "Toys for Tots" Event at the VFW Post 8737 a collaboration between the VFW and the Yaamava/San Manuel Casino. $2,000 in toys donated to the Post. The event incorporated not only Christmas but also Americanism as military gave back to the local community inspiring citizenship in the local community.  
 POST 8737  12/16/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   10   1   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   Buddy Poppy booth drive set up on Monday December 16, 2024, at the downtown San Bernardino Christmas event from 3:00 p.m. to 9 p.m. 
 POST 8737  12/17/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   Membership Drive at a Community Event set-up at the Certified Farmers Market on Tuesday December 17, 2024, located on 290 Court Street, San Bernardino. 
 POST 8737  12/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   I did a "buddy-check" by calling 5 VFW Post members to see how they were doing. 
 POST 8737  12/20/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   I attended the San Bernardino Vet Center Christmas event sponsored by AMVETs and Purple Heart Association. Recognized a military buddy who works at the Vet Center. Recruited him to become a member. Talked with others about joining. 
 POST 8737  12/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   I did a buddy check. Contacted Iraqi War veteran involved in heavy fighting during the campaign. I invited the veteran to the Post Christmas Party.  
 POST 8737  12/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   I contacted a veteran and VFW Post Member and did a buddy check. I invited the veteran to the post-Christmas Party. The veteran came to the Christmas Party. The veteran is having major surgery in a few months.  
 POST 8737  12/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship / Americanism    5   0   5   $0.00   $617.25   $617.25   Annual VFW Community Christmas Party at the Post. Family, Fun, Music, Food, Drink, and Karaoke with Friends.  
 POST 8737  12/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   I spoke with CM and Humana to assist members and the community in general with medical options. CM will come to the Post and set up a booth on Sunday to speak with members and the community, especially the elderly community. We also discussed a food drive for the community where the Post would get monies based on canned food collected. The Post would select a food drive pantry that will give the food to those in need in the community.  
 POST 8737  12/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Attended life member, comrade's mother's funeral who was a lifelong auxiliary member and supporter. of Post 8737.  
 POST 8737  1/5/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   I did a buddy check with a post-comrade who was having surgery in April. 
 POST 8737  1/6/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   150   1   $0.00   $119.76   $119.76   Claims and Benefits at the VA Los Angeles Regional Officer on Wilshire and Veteran Avenue.  
 POST 8737  1/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   8   $40.00   $197.52   $237.52   I purchased spaghetti dinner for my comrades at the post and spoke to them. One comrade is a former commander living in Texas. 
 POST 8737  1/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   11   $100.00   $271.59   $371.59   $88 was raised for the National Home. VFW Post will pay the remaining $12 to round up to $100 which will be donated by the post to help veterans.  
 POST 8737  1/14/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   The Commander visited the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) in San Bernardino and donated clothing to the veterans in need. The VFW Commander spoke with the DAV Commander in length about strengthening ties between the two organizations to help veterans in need. We will combine efforts in various community endeavors to help veterans.  
 POST 8737  1/14/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   As part of the post-outreach programs to bring VFW and Auxiliary into schools, the VFW Commander and an Auxiliary member visited the Arroyo Valley High School JROTC program supervised by Major Williams. The Commander presented a brand new American Flag to the cadets that was provided by elected official Joe Baca who is a member of Post 8737. The Commander, who is from and lives a few blocks from the school, spoke of community service in the wake of the tragic wildfires in Los Angeles. Also, the Commander spoke of military experiences, values learned, and Americanism that today helps in community efforts to help those in need especially in Los Angeles. The Commander indicated a career in the military is a great path to plan for while a cadet in high school.  
 POST 8737  1/19/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Held a 125 VFW Anniversary Post Community Event - Dance - Open to the Public and No Charge, Free of Charge Music, Food, and Spirits at the Post. The aim was to commemorate 125 years of Service.  
 POST 8737  1/26/2025   Community Service   Other   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   As part of the partnership formed between the VFW and Humana for the "Uniting to Combat Hunger," VFW Post 8737 agreed to participate in the program. Food would be collected to feed the needy, and up to $1,500 could be raised in the form of a grant. Additionally, Humana set up a booth and provided information about the medical products they have to the community at the VFW Post 8737, many of whom were senior citizens.  
 POST 8737  1/31/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   8   150   1   $0.00   $218.52   $218.52   Visited the Los Angeles Regional VA Office in LA 5th Floor VSO. Provided claims & benefits assistance to veterans. 
 POST 8737  2/1/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   2   20   1   $10.00   $52.18   $62.18   $10 donation to the National home today. 
 POST 8737  2/2/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   5   $0.00   $617.25   $617.25   "125th Anniversary Sunday Night Live Music Dance - family, music, food, and drink," commemorating the 125th anniversary of the VFW. This 125th Anniversary theme commemorated this great achievement. 
 POST 8737  2/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Claims & benefits assistance at the Los Angeles Regional Office located on Wilshire Street. 
 POST 8737  2/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   3   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   VFW 125th Anniversary Community Baile-Dance. Family, Food, Spirits, and Fun with Live Music. 
 POST 8737  2/14/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    5   0   3   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Valentine's Community Dance at the VFW Post.  
 POST 8737  2/14/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Claims and Benefits assistance at the Regional Office located in Los Angeles.  
 POST 8737  2/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   I did a buddy check-in with a past post commander who was dealing with some medical issues including spinal surgery and the like. This member is a Korean Conflict and Vietnam War-era veteran. 
 POST 8737  2/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Buddy check-in with a past post commander relating to medical issues that he is going through. 
 POST 8737  2/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Buddy checked in with a long-time post 8737 member and officer. 
 POST 8737  2/16/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   3   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Commemorating the 125th Anniversary of the VFW, the Post held a Sunday night Community Baile-Dance with live music, food, and drink.. This event utilized the 125th Anniversary theme. 
 POST 8737  2/20/2025   Community Service   Other   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Volunteer outreach. Provided $20 bucks to a homeless veteran to get a meal. 
 POST 8737  2/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   7   150   1   $0.00   $193.83   $193.83   Claims and Benefits assistance at the Los Angeles Regional Office. 
 POST 8737  2/23/2025   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   The VFW provided the Post to an enduring patron and Post cook who tragically died after a surgical procedure. In collaboration with the Auxiliary, efforts to raise funds to pay for the funeral and other expenses were sought after such short notice of this death. 
 POST 8737  2/23/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    5   0   3   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Themed after the 125th Anniversary of the VFW., Sunday Night Community Dance-Baile, live music, and food and drink.  
 POST 8737  2/28/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   7   155   1   $0.00   $194.53   $194.53   Claims and Benefits assistance at the Los Angeles Building Reginal Office on Wilshire Street. 
 Post 8737 Total 290 1,086 173 $635.00 $18,299.19 $18,934.19
 POST 9223  7/4/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   5   20   6   $300.00   $743.50   $1,043.50   Post had a 4th of July ceremony, with a speech about our American Flag. It was open to the community, and we supplied Hot dogs and drinks for everyone. We had over 50 guests.  
 POST 9223  7/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   10   8   $75.00   $198.92   $273.92   Collected $75. for our National Home at our Member meeting.  
 POST 9223  7/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   25   5   $200.00   $620.75   $820.75   Post 9223 donated our hall for a Lifetime member for his Celebration of Life ceremony. We also donated 200.00 for food and drinks for all the guests that attended. The Vet was as Vietnam. Veteran  
 POST 9223  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   40   3   $100.00   $450.02   $550.02   **not reportable**Post 9223 attended and supported our District 3 Commander for the District 3 fund raiser. Had the Mayor of Jurupa, and Congressman Takano, with more City representatives.  
 POST 9223  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   15   3   $100.00   $224.31   $324.31   Helped a Veteran on his paperwork for his claim and directed the Vet where to go and the next steps to complete his paperwork. Also supplied the Vet with some can goods and a gift card for Stater Bros for groceries. The Vet was excited about all the information that he received.  
 POST 9223  9/11/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   6   10   5   $100.00   $742.10   $842.10   9223 Had a flag ceremony and proper retirement of old and tattered flags on Patriots Day. The Auxiliary provided snacks, drinks and Hot Dogs, for everyone who attended.  
 POST 9223  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)    3   50   1   $0.00   $81.07   $81.07   9223 Post hosted and provided our hall for use by the American Legion Riders. They were having a ceremony to initiate a new member. The ALR are in the middle of combining with the American Legion in Chino.  
 POST 9223  9/20/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   5   10   8   $100.00   $989.00   $1,089.00   Post 9223 had a POW/MIA ceremony and speech. Invited the community and had Hamburgers and Hot Dogs.  
 POST 9223  9/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   50   6   $50.00   $599.56   $649.56   Attended the Inland Empire Veterans Stand-Down "Honoring Those Who Served". Some of the Services provided, Food Supports, Bus passes, Haircuts, Employment. They also had Health Screenings, Behavioral Health, On Site Emotional Support Animals. All in all, it was a great day.  
 POST 9223  10/11/2024   Legislative Advocacy   State   3   25   3   $50.00   $225.71   $275.71   The American Legion Post 79 hosed a Veterans Advisory and Breakfast. Representees from Congress and City Officials. They all had a speech and were awarded plaques and certificates from the group.  
 POST 9223  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $11.00   $24.69   $35.69   Donated to the VFW National home during the District meeting.  
 POST 9223  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $24.00   $24.69   $48.69   Donated to youth who is assembling food gift baskets for junior enlisted for the holidays.  
 POST 9223  10/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   100   8   $200.00   $1,001.60   $1,201.60   Post 9223 and our Auxiliary attended the VA Hospital in Loma Linda and handed out goody bags with hygiene, books and socks. The backpacks included all these things inside.  
 Post 9223 Total 48 355 58 $1,310.00 $5,925.92 $7,235.92
 POST 10267  7/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Veteran called looking to file a claim with the VA. He was given a number to call for a VSO.  
 POST 10267  7/9/2024   Youth Development   Other   6   5   15   $350.00   $2,222.80   $2,572.80   Held a Taco Tuesday with all proceeds going to Riverside County Sheriff Explorer, Jurupa Valley, Program. Raised over $800.00 for their program. Jurupa Valley Mayor did all the cooking for us.  
 POST 10267  8/23/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   4   5   20   $0.00   $1,975.90   $1,975.90   Held a spaghetti dinner. Invited Congressman Mark Takano. Members were able to sit one-on-one with the congressman and talk about issues concerning veterans. One topic was the PACT Act, how are they planning on funding it, and why some veterans are rated at 0% because their medication keeps their blood pressure at a safe level. Talked with him about the effort to change the definition for Gold Star Family members and many other important issues.  
 POST 10267  10/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   40   1   $200.00   $129.05   $329.05   One Post member along with one auxiliary member attended a city-wide food fest sponsored by another non-profit organization. They handed out information about the VFW and served pulled pork sandwiches at no cost to the attendees.  
 POST 10267  10/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Veteran called asking for information on how to file a claim with the VA. He was looking for someone local to help him. I explained to him who could help him file a claim and gave him the number for the Riverside County Veterans Service Office.  
 POST 10267  10/19/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   We accepted 0 worn-out flags from community members to be officially retired at a later date.  
 POST 10267  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $11.00   $24.69   $35.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 10267  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $24.00   $24.69   $48.69   Donated to youth who is assembling food gift baskets for junior enlisted for the holidays.  
 POST 10267  11/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   3   3   $0.00   $74.49   $74.49   Advised three veterans on where to file a claim with the VA. Spent an hour convincing them they should file.  
 POST 10267  11/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   3   1   $0.00   $25.11   $25.11   Advised a Vietnam veteran about his qualifications for burial at Riverside National Cemetery and where to find the application for pre-burial qualifications.  
 POST 10267  11/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    20   0   5   $0.00   $2,469.00   $2,469.00   Members partnered with and volunteered to assemble 2500 children's Christmas boxes for distribution across the country..  
 POST 10267  11/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Spent an hour with a VFW member explaining why he needed to file a claim. Then directed him to the Riverside County Veterans Service Office and the VFW service officer in san Diego. 
 POST 10267  1/7/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   1,000   0   20   $1,000.00   $493,800.00   $494,800.00   ***need split***Due to the high winds in Southern California, SCE turned off the power to an estimated 75% of our community. SCE used our VFW post for nine continuous days as a Reception and Care Center, opening at 8:00 AM and closing at 10:00 PM daily. During these 9 days, we had over 500 households a day come in to talk to Edison and pick up a care package that Edison was handing out. From day one our post decided we also needed to assist our community. So, we had approximately 20 members, both VFW and Auxiliary, volunteer during the 9 days. The Post acquired and handed out canned food, mac and cheese, peanut butter, bread, hamburger buns, and non-perishable items to all those coming through the post. The senior center down the street had no power for those 9 days so our members, including the auxiliary, made sandwiches for their lunches and delivered them to the center. Over the 9 days, we had hundreds come in and charge their phones, tablets, medical equipment, and so on. We had numerous people who worked from home come in and spend the day on their computers so they could complete their work. We also had members providing traffic control in our parking lot and organizing those waiting in line to speak with Edison.  
 POST 10267  1/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Advised a veteran on where to go to file a claim with VA. 
 POST 10267  2/18/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   1   3   1   $0.00   $25.11   $25.11   Talke to a lady Marine who was stationed at Camp LeJeune years ago. She has all kinds of medical issues and did not know about the water at Camp Lejeune. I spent at least one hour informing her about the base and all the lawsuits because of the contaminated water. She related she did not know how to go about filing a claim. I advised her of the VFW VSO and the Riverside County VSO. She decided to contact the County VSO to see how they could help her with a claim. 
 Post 10267 Total 1,045 59 76 $1,585.00 $500,968.36 $502,553.36
 District 3 Total 2,789 6,397 1,733 $37,393.80 $658,513.79 $695,907.59
 POST 1622  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   22   1   $0.00   $52.46   $52.46   drove a veteran to long beach VA for his Dr appoint.  
 POST 1622  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   22   2   $0.00   $52.46   $52.46   of crackers, cookies, chips ,and juices to Long Beach Va Hcs  
 POST 1622  7/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   2   $500.00   $50.78   $550.78   help paid a members rent when they fell behind.  
 POST 1622  7/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $300.00   $26.09   $326.09   NEWSPAPERS IN EDUCATION SIVER SPONSOR  
 POST 1622  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   Held 4th of July community event  
 POST 1622  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Handed out buddy poppies on the 4th of July.  
 POST 1622  7/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   22   2   $0.00   $101.84   $101.84   Visted Veteran i hospital to see how he was d. And needed anything  
 POST 1622  7/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   DONATE THE HALL FOR LIFELINE SCREENING  
 POST 1622  7/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   10   1   $25.00   $26.09   $51.09   Donation to Nation home funds  
 POST 1622  7/29/2024   Legislative Advocacy   National   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   SUPPORT THE SEN, ELIABETH DOLE HEALTHCARE AND BENEFIT ACT  
 POST 1622  8/8/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   WENT TO NARBONE AND TALK TEACHER ABOUT VOD PROGRAM  
 POST 1622  8/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $16.00   $24.69   $40.69   Donated to National home during the D4 meeting  
 POST 1622  8/15/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   1   10   1   $100.00   $26.09   $126.09   donation for standdown.  
 POST 1622  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   10   12   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   received donation for national home..  
 POST 1622  8/24/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   20   1   $0.00   $126.25   $126.25   held at buddy poppy drive at car show 10 poppy to get car enter total 700 handed out  
 POST 1622  8/24/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   20   6   $0.00   $743.50   $743.50   membership drive held at car show 1 new member 4 reinstated members  
 POST 1622  8/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   DONATED 26 READY TO EAT MEALS TO LOCAL HOMELESS FOOD BANK  
 POST 1622  9/3/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   12   2   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   DELVIEDER FF/ENT PROGRAM TO TWO FIRE STATION IN LOMITA  
 POST 1622  9/4/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   15   2   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   DELIVEDER LLL PROGRAM TO LOMITA SHEFFIE OFFICE  
 POST 1622  9/8/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   TALK TO NARBONE JROTC ABOUT VOD AND LEFT APPATION FOR THEM  
 POST 1622  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   4   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   MEMBERS JOIN LOMITA CITY ON PATRIOT DAY CEMONERY  
 POST 1622  9/14/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Attended/Participated District 4 POW/MIA Ceremony.  
 POST 1622  9/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   10   1   $20.00   $26.09   $46.09   donated to National Home 
 POST 1622  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   35   1   $0.00   $29.59   $29.59   DIDTHE MISSING MAN TABLE AT COMTON STAND DOWN  
 POST 1622  9/21/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   5   35   1   $0.00   $128.35   $128.35   HELD A MEMBERSHIP DRIVE ATCOMPTON STAND DOWN  
 POST 1622  9/21/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   5   35   1   $0.00   $128.35   $128.35   PARTICPATED IN THE COMPTON STAND DOWN FOR THE HOMELESS VETERANS  
 POST 1622  9/27/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   RECIVED ONE LL AT POST 1622  
 POST 1622  10/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   prepared and cooked breakfast for a local homeness encampment . two recipient were veterans  
 POST 1622  10/15/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   25   2   $0.00   $102.26   $102.26   held a retirement of 400 flag with the Torrance fire department.  
 POST 1622  10/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   10   1   $21.00   $26.09   $47.09   donated $21.000 to National Home 
 POST 1622  10/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   22   2   $0.00   $101.84   $101.84   drove veteran to VA hospital  
 POST 1622  10/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   22   1   $0.00   $27.77   $27.77   pick up veteran from va hospital and took him home  
 POST 1622  10/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   15   1   $0.00   $26.79   $26.79   did a wellness check on a member at his home  
 POST 1622  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   10   4   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   held a veteran day event with the city of Lomita. did a membership drive and got one new member and possible tow reinstate member.  
 POST 1622  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during the District 4 meeting.  
 Post 1622 Total 61 502 66 $992.00 $2,909.63 $3,901.63
 POST 1961  7/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Boy Scout Troop 378, Troop Executive Committee Zoom Meeting. Post 1961 is Charter Organization for Troop 378. Represented VFW Post 1961 at Committee Meeting.  
 POST 1961  8/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $16.00   $24.69   $40.69   Donated to the National home during the D4 meeting  
 POST 1961  8/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Boy Scout Troop 378, Troop Executive Committee Zoom Meeting. Post 1961 is Charter Organization for Troop 378. Representative VFW Post 1961 at Committee Meeting.  
 POST 1961  8/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Boy Scout Troop 378, Troop Executive Committee Zoom Meeting. Post 1961 is Charter Organization for Troop 378. Representative VFW Post 1961 at Committee Meeting.  
 POST 1961  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   28   2   $50.00   $201.44   $251.44   LBVA Social Connection, distribute trail mix, snacks, served coffee, assisted wheelchair veterans through service line.  
 POST 1961  9/21/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   20   2   $200.00   $397.84   $597.84   21st Annual Compton Stand Down. Assisted with youth volunteers and food service for homeless veterans.  
 POST 1961  9/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Boy Scout Troop 378, Troop Executive Committee Zoom Meeting. Post 1961 is Charter Organization for Troop 378. Representative VFW Post 1961 at Committee Meeting.  
 POST 1961  9/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   28   2   $50.00   $201.44   $251.44   LBVA Social Connection, distribute trail mix, served coffee, aided wheelchair veterans through serving line.  
 POST 1961  10/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Boy Scout Troop 378, Troop Executive Committee Zoom Meeting. Post 1961 is Charter Organization for Troop 378. Representative VFW Post 1961 at Committee Meeting.  
 POST 1961  10/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   32   2   $50.00   $251.38   $301.38   LBVA Social Connection, distribute trail mix, served coffee, aided wheelchair veterans through serving line.  
 POST 1961  11/6/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   4   8   2   $0.00   $198.64   $198.64   NTHS AJROTC Dining Out for veterrans. 
 POST 1961  11/6/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   4   6   1   $0.00   $99.60   $99.60   Boy Scout Troop 378 Court of Honor. Represented Post 1961 (Chartered Organization) at advancement ceremony for Troop 378. 
 POST 1961  11/11/2024   Community Service   Other   12   14   5   $200.00   $1,483.36   $1,683.36   City of Gardena, Veterans Day Ceremony: Assisted with planning and execution of City's Veteran Day Ceremony. Coordinated with RUHS, MCJROTC, GHS AJROTC, Boy Scout Troop 378. Hosted Back Yard BBQ after ceremony at VFW Post 3261. 
 POST 1961  11/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   8   14   2   $50.00   $397.00   $447.00   Long Beach VA, Social Connection. Served Disabled Vets lunch, snacks, coffee. 
 POST 1961  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   4   15   1   $0.00   $100.86   $100.86   District 4 Meeting: Attended meeting. 
 POST 1961  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the VFW National Home during the District 4 meeting.  
 POST 1961  11/21/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Boy Scout Troop 378, Troop Executive Committee monthly meeting. Represented Chartered Organization VFW Post 1961. 
 POST 1961  11/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   4   5   $0.00   $247.46   $247.46   VFW Post 1961 Regular Meeting: Prepared and held Regular Monthly Meeting. 
 POST 1961  12/19/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Boy Scout Troop 378 Troop Executive Committee Meeting. Represented Chartered Organization VFW Post 1961. 
 POST 1961  12/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   12   25   3   $50.00   $892.34   $942.34   Long Beach VA, Social Connection. Served Disabled Vets lunch, snacks, coffee.  
 POST 1961  1/23/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Boy Scout Troop 378 Troop Executive Committee Meeting. Represented Chartered Organization VFW Post 1961.  
 Post 1961 Total 94 194 37 $676.00 $5,137.99 $5,813.99
 POST 2075  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   28   1   $0.00   $53.30   $53.30   Post chaplain met with an ailing veteran in his home. The veteran is in hospice care and unable to communicate. Our chaplain prayed for the veteran and left a message of encouragement.  
 POST 2075  7/1/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   26   1   $0.00   $102.40   $102.40   Post held a membership drive at its annual fireworks sales. Literature was available for potential members. The drive was held daily from June 28th through July 4th.  
 POST 2075  7/1/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   12   26   6   $0.00   $1,781.32   $1,781.32   During our annual fireworks sales, Post handed out over two-thousand Buddy Poppies to citizens who came to our booth.  
 POST 2075  7/2/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   14   26   1   $0.00   $349.30   $349.30   Post held a membership drive at its annual fireworks sales. Literature was available for potential members. The drive was held daily from June 28th through July 4th.  
 POST 2075  7/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   24   1   $0.00   $102.12   $102.12   Past commander, who lives in Montana, volunteers at a food pantry on a weekly basis. He gathers expired food from local stores and helps to distribute the food to those in need. Recipients average 25 per week with 7-8 veterans in need.  
 POST 2075  7/3/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   26   1   $0.00   $102.40   $102.40   Post held a membership drive at its annual fireworks sales. Literature was available for potential members. The drive was held daily from June 28th through July 4th.  
 POST 2075  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   12   26   6   $0.00   $1,781.32   $1,781.32   Post held a membership drive at its annual fireworks sales. Literature was available for potential members. The drive was held daily from June 28th through July 4th. Application for one potential member was given to this veteran.  
 POST 2075  7/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   26   2   $0.00   $53.02   $53.02   Collected twenty-one dollars for the National Home at the Post monthly meeting.  
 POST 2075  7/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   24   6   $0.00   $595.92   $595.92   Volunteered at a food bank, disseminating canned and frozen foods, breads, and fresh fruits to 11 needy families for a total of 45 adults and children including 6 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  7/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   24   1   $0.00   $102.12   $102.12   Past commander, volunteers at a food pantry on a weekly basis. He gathers expired food from local stores and helps to distribute the food to those in need. Recipients were 45 individuals, 11 families and 6 veterans who received assistance.  
 POST 2075  7/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   1   26   1   $175.00   $28.33   $203.33   Post donated to our Adopt-a-Unit, CA ANG Delta Co, 1/160 Infantry Bn, $175.00 for their August dine-in dinner, to offset costs.  
 POST 2075  7/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   24   1   $4.00   $126.81   $130.81   Volunteered at a food bank, disseminating canned and frozen foods, breads, and fresh fruits to 12 needy families for a total of 42 adults and children including 4 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  7/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   3   35   1   $548.00   $78.97   $626.97   Post supported our adopt-a-unit, the 1/160 Infantry Battalion, CA ANG, with their family day activities. Post purchased bottled waters, sodas, and snacks, to help offset their expenses. Post commander and H&HC S4 liaison SFC purchased the supplies from Costco.  
 POST 2075  7/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   24   4   $0.00   $398.40   $398.40   Volunteered at a food bank, disseminating canned and frozen foods, breads, and fresh fruits to 12 needy families for a total of 39 adults and children including 4 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   22   1   $0.00   $27.77   $27.77   Post chaplain visited VFW Post 2100 in Everett, Washington and delivered brochures to the Post auxiliary regarding the Veteran Sisters Association,  
 POST 2075  8/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $16.00   $24.69   $40.69   Donated to the National home during the D4 meeting.  
 POST 2075  8/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   26   2   $0.00   $53.02   $53.02   Collected twenty-six dollars for the National Home at the Post monthly meeting.  
 POST 2075  8/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   240   5   $0.00   $650.85   $650.85   Volunteered at a food bank, disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables to 26 needy families for a total of 76 adults and children including 5 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  8/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Post chaplain conducted a wellness check on an older member in Phoenix, Arizona. The chaplain spoke with the member briefly, as health conditions limited his visit.  
 POST 2075  8/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   24   1   $0.00   $102.12   $102.12   Volunteered at a food bank, disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables to 25 needy families for a total of 83 adults and children including 6 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  8/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   24   1   $0.00   $126.81   $126.81   Volunteered at a food bank, disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables to 16 needy families for a total of 56 adults and children including 3 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  9/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   26   1   $0.00   $77.71   $77.71   Held a community fundraiser dinner, with profits going to Post relief fund. These funds are earmarked for our annual Thanksgiving dinner (November 17, 2024) for hospitalized veterans from the West LA VAMC, Long Beach VAMC and the Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center. Post raised $305.00. Three Post members and five auxiliary members participated in this fundraiser.  
 POST 2075  9/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   3   1   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Post commander collected both new and used clothes, donated by Post members, and delivered the clothing to a local homeless encampment in Harbor City.  
 POST 2075  9/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   24   1   $0.00   $126.81   $126.81   Volunteered at a food bank, disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables to 28 needy families for a total of 83 adults and children including 9 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  9/9/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   26   7   $0.00   $176.47   $176.47   During the Post monthly meeting, the commander read the meaning of the items placed on the Missing Man Table, to the members present, in honor of the POW/MIA program.  
 POST 2075  9/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   26   2   $24.00   $53.02   $77.02   Collected twenty-four dollars for the National Home at the Post monthly meeting.  
 POST 2075  9/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   3   $1,000.00   $296.28   $1,296.28   This activity is for a memorial dinner for the lost 74 service members attached to the destroyer USS Frank E. Evans, fatally damaged on 3 June 1969, off the coast of Vietnam. The Evans was cut in half by an Australian aircraft carrier. At this memorial, survivors who have recently passed are honored, and the names of the lost 74 who died on 3 June 1969 are read aloud. Additionally, the status of the ongoing congressional progress to place the names of the lost 74 on the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, DC, is relayed. The president of this association is a member of Post 2075.  
 POST 2075  9/15/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   5   26   1   $0.00   $127.09   $127.09   Four cadets from the Naval JROTC at Hawthorne High School assisted in the Post monthly breakfast. Duties included setup, serving and clean up.  
 POST 2075  9/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   26   3   $545.00   $596.20   $1,141.20   Held a community fundraiser breakfast, with profits going to Post relief fund. These funds are earmarked for our annual Thanksgiving dinner (November 24, 2024) for hospitalized veterans from the West LA VAMC, Long Beach VAMC and the Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center. Post raised $400.00.  
 POST 2075  9/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   26   2   $0.00   $151.78   $151.78   Offered the local chapter (53) of the Vietnam Veterans Association the use our facility, for their monthly meeting. No fee is charged to the VVA. Use is free. Seven members of Post 2075 are members of this chapter.  
 POST 2075  9/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   2   1   $47.00   $49.66   $96.66   Post commander prepared and cooked breakfast for a local homeless encampment, serving fifteen meals to those in need. One recipient was a Navy veteran.  
 POST 2075  9/21/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   7   20   1   $0.00   $175.63   $175.63   Post quartermaster assisted with the Compton stand-down on Saturday. He participated in the buddy poppy drive, membership recruitment, and assisted veterans with their needs.  
 POST 2075  10/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   25   1   $0.00   $126.95   $126.95   Volunteered at a food bank, disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables to 22 needy families for a total of 58 adults and children including 9 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  10/12/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   26   1   $0.00   $176.47   $176.47   Post held a community fundraiser event by hosting a Craft Fair. Recruiting material was set out on our table, and membership applications were given to two potential candidates.  
 POST 2075  10/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   26   1   $40.00   $201.16   $241.16   Post commander distributed hot dogs, chips, and a soda to a local homeless encampment in Harbor City. The food was from our Craft Fair fundraising event. Nineteen homeless were given the food items.  
 POST 2075  10/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   26   1   $0.00   $176.47   $176.47   A fundraising event was held at the Post, hosting a Craft Fair for the community. Nineteen vendors were in attendance. Post commander and three members cooked burgers and hot dogs, selling them to any participants and local residents. Post made $322.00, which was deposited into our relief fund. 
 POST 2075  10/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   26   3   $0.00   $225.85   $225.85   Offered the local chapter (53) of the Vietnam Veterans Association the use our facility, for their monthly meeting. No fee is charged to the VVA. Use is free. Nine members of Post 2075 are members of this chapter.  
 POST 2075  10/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   25   1   $32.00   $126.95   $158.95   Volunteered at a food bank, disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables to 21 needy families for a total of 76 adults and children including 4 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  10/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   78   7   $329.00   $702.24   $1,031.24   Held a community fundraiser, our monthly breakfast, with profits going to Post relief fund. Commander purchased food on Friday, four members assisted the commander on Saturday in preparation, and three members cooked and served on Sunday. These funds are earmarked for our annual high school scholarship program. Post raised $699.00.  
 POST 2075  10/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   1   $30.00   $49.66   $79.66   With leftover food from our monthly breakfast, commander served twenty-four breakfast meals to a local homeless encampment in Harbor City. Commander also handed out four sweatshirts and three jackets to the homeless men and women.  
 POST 2075  10/20/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   6   26   1   $0.00   $151.78   $151.78   Six JROTC cadets from the Naval JROTC at Hawthorne High School assisted in the Post monthly breakfast. Duties included setup, serving and clean up.  
 POST 2075  10/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   24   1   $0.00   $126.81   $126.81   Volunteered at a food bank, disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables to 17 needy families for a total of 62 adults and children including 2 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  10/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   24   1   $0.00   $126.81   $126.81   Volunteered at a food bank, disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables to 16 needy families for a total of 57 adults and children including 3 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  11/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   24   1   $0.00   $102.12   $102.12   Volunteered at a food bank, receiving, sorting and disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits, and vegetables to 33 needy families for a total of 105 adults and children including 6 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  11/11/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   1   26   1   $200.00   $28.33   $228.33   Post members voted to approve a motion to assist the Hawthorne High School JROTC in one of their many fundraising events. Two hundred dollars was donated to assist them in purchasing supplies for this event.  
 POST 2075  11/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   24   1   $0.00   $151.50   $151.50   Volunteered at a food bank, receiving, sorting, and disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits, and vegetables to 17 needy families for a total of 53 adults and children including 4 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting  
 POST 2075  11/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   12   0   1   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Report split PJ *From Monday, November 18 to Saturday, November 23, Post commander performed shopping and cooking duties for our annual Thanksgiving dinner for the hospitalized veterans from three area VAMC facilities. 
 POST 2075  11/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   26   1   $0.00   $77.71   $77.71   Offered the local chapter (53) of the Vietnam Veterans Association the use our facility, for their monthly meeting. No fee is charged to the VVA. Use is free. Nine members of Post 2075 are members of this chapter.  
 POST 2075  11/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   12   0   1   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Report split PJ *From Monday, November 18 to Saturday, November 23, Post commander performed shopping and cooking duties for our annual Thanksgiving dinner for the hospitalized veterans from three area VAMC facilities. 
 POST 2075  11/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   14   1   $0.00   $125.41   $125.41   Volunteered at a food bank, receiving, sorting, and disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits, and vegetables to 34 needy families for a total of 84 adults and children including 5 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   12   0   1   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Report split PJ *From Monday, November 18 to Saturday, November 23, Post commander performed shopping and cooking duties for our annual Thanksgiving dinner for the hospitalized veterans from three area VAMC facilities. 
 POST 2075  11/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   12   0   1   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Report split PJ *From Monday, November 18 to Saturday, November 23, Post commander performed shopping and cooking duties for our annual Thanksgiving dinner for the hospitalized veterans from three area VAMC facilities. 
 POST 2075  11/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   12   200   1   $0.00   $324.28   $324.28   Report split PJ *From Monday, November 18 to Saturday, November 23, Post commander performed shopping and cooking duties for our annual Thanksgiving dinner for the hospitalized veterans from three area VAMC facilities.  
 POST 2075  11/24/2024   Youth Development   Other   30   0   1   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   Six students from the Hawthorne High School AVID club assisted in our annual Thanksgiving dinner. They assisted in serving the veterans, and remained after the event to help clean the Post main meeting hall. 
 POST 2075  11/24/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   3   26   1   $0.00   $77.71   $77.71   Congresswoman Maxine Waters attended our annual Thanksgiving dinner and delivered a message to all in attendance. The congresswoman has been instrumental in our annual event by securing the transportation for the veterans from the West LA VAMC. Her message to those attending spoke about veterans' legislation, and the funding that she was able to secure from HUD to assist our Post with repairs to our facility. The Post commander and auxiliary president were honored by the congresswoman with a Certificate of Special Recognition for our annual event to host this dinner for hospitalized veterans.  
 POST 2075  11/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   12   26   7   $1,075.00   $2,077.60   $3,152.60   The Post held their annual Thanksgiving dinner for veterans from the West LA VAMC, Long Beach VAMC blind unit, and the Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center. Seventy-five veterans and invited guests were served a traditional dinner consisting of turkey, ham, veggies, mashed potatoes, dressing, yams, and an assortment of pies. Nine auxiliary members and seven Post members assisted in serving, set-up, and clean-up. Buddy Poppies were distributed to all the veterans. Bingo was played after the dinner to all who wanted to participate.  
 POST 2075  11/24/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   55   0   1   $0.00   $1,357.95   $1,357.95   Eleven cadets from the Hawthorne High School Naval JROTC program assisted in our annual Thanksgiving dinner. The cadets Honor Squad presented the nations colors, led the invited guests in the pledge of allegiance, and assisted in serving the veterans, and remained after the event and assisted in the kitchen with clean-up duty. 
 POST 2075  11/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   26   1   $0.00   $151.78   $151.78   Post commander delivered twenty-two Thanksgiving meals to a local homeless encampment in Harbor City. The food was left over from the Posts' Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday, November 24, which was held for the hospitalized veterans from three local VA facilities. 
 POST 2075  12/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   4   1   $0.00   $25.25   $25.25   Post chaplain performed a wellness check on a WWII, USN, ninety-year-old Post member. Chaplain presented our member with a donated veteran quilt. Our chaplain also recruited our member to be added to the chaplain's daily bible verse & prayer session.  
 POST 2075  12/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   46   24   1   $0.00   $1,126.76   $1,126.76   **need to split**Volunteered at a food bank, receiving, sorting, and disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits, and vegetables to 30 needy families for a total of 101 adults and children including 5 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  12/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   3   26   1   $0.00   $77.71   $77.71   Collected thirty-three dollars for the National Home at the Post monthly meeting. 
 POST 2075  12/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   24   1   $0.00   $126.81   $126.81   Volunteered at a food bank, receiving, sorting, and disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits, and vegetables to 28 needy families for a total of 87 adults and children including 4 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  12/15/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   5   26   1   $0.00   $127.09   $127.09   Six JROTC cadets from the Naval JROTC at Hawthorne High School assisted in the Post monthly breakfast. Duties included setup, serving and clean up. 
 POST 2075  12/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   17   78   5   $0.00   $2,109.57   $2,109.57   Held a community fundraiser, our monthly breakfast, with profits going to Post relief fund. Commander purchased food on Friday, two members assisted the commander on Saturday in preparation, and three members cooked and served on Sunday. These funds are earmarked for our annual high school scholarship program. Post raised $685.00. 
 POST 2075  12/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   220   1   $150.00   $228.32   $378.32   During our monthly breakfast fundraiser, Post adjutant dressed as Santa Claus and distributed toys and gift cards to the children and young adults who participated in our annual Christmas breakfast. Post adjutant lives in Pauma Valley, CA. Toys were donated to the Post from a member of the Associate Vietnam Veterans Association Chapter 53. Leftover toys were given back to the donator. Post expenses were for gift cards from Walmart, Target, and McDonalds. 
 POST 2075  12/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   25   1   $0.00   $126.95   $126.95   Volunteered at a food bank, receiving, sorting, and disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits, and vegetables to 35 needy families for a total of 87 adults and children including 4 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  12/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   26   1   $0.00   $53.02   $53.02   Post held a food drive, collecting canned goods and boxed items for families in need. The food was donated to the Richstone Family Center in Hawthorne. Approximately 40 pounds of food was donated.  
 POST 2075  12/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   36   1   $0.00   $79.11   $79.11   Post chaplain attended the Long Beach VA social connection, handing out three patriotic quilts to army, navy, and air force veterans He also handed out 101 bible verse cards to those who attended this monthly event.  
 POST 2075  12/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   26   3   $107.00   $225.85   $332.85   Post donated unused snacks, snacks left over from the monthly Social Connection, to the Fischer House at the Long Beach VAMC.  
 POST 2075  12/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   26   3   $271.00   $225.85   $496.85   Post members assisted in the Long Beach VAMC Social Connection, donating snacks to those in attendance.  
 POST 2075  12/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   4   1   $0.00   $74.63   $74.63   Post chaplain donated blood to the Red Cross. This event was held at the local American Legion Post 314.  
 POST 2075  12/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   4   1   $0.00   $25.25   $25.25   Post chaplain met with a ninety-eight-year-old army veteran for a wellness check visit. Chaplain presented this Korean war veteran with a patriotic quilt. 
 POST 2075  1/5/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   26   1   $45.00   $53.02   $98.02    Held a community fundraiser dinner, with profits going to Post relief fund. These funds are earmarked for our annual Thanksgiving dinner (November 23, 2025) for hospitalized veterans from the West LA VAMC, Long Beach VAMC and the Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center. Post raised $235.00. Two Post members and four auxiliary members participated in this fundraiser. 
 POST 2075  1/5/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   4   26   3   $26.00   $299.92   $325.92   During our monthly Post dinner, the VFW National Home was recognized for their one-hundred anniversary. A cake was ordered with recognition of this historical achievement. Sixty-two dollars was donated by those in attendance. Post chaplain offered an invocation prayer. 
 POST 2075  1/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   48   1   $0.00   $154.86   $154.86   Volunteered at a food bank, receiving, sorting, and disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits, and vegetables to 24 needy families for a total of 72 adults and children including 4 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   3   26   1   $0.00   $77.71   $77.71   Collected thirty dollars for the National Home at the Post monthly meeting. 
 POST 2075  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   1   12   1   $250.00   $26.37   $276.37   Post donated $250.00 to Hq  
 POST 2075  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   2   12   1   $250.00   $51.06   $301.06   Post donated $250.00 to one of our Adopt a units, Hq Co, 1/160 Infantry, CA ANG unit, for pizzas, snacks, water, and sodas. The unit was deployed for security duty during the Los Angeles fires in January.  
 POST 2075  1/15/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    6   45   1   $0.00   $148.27   $148.27   Volunteered at a food bank, receiving, sorting, and disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits, and vegetables to 26 needy families for a total of 57 adults and children including 4 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  1/19/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   26   2   $300.00   $201.16   $501.16   Post held a community fundraiser breakfast, with profits going to our relief fund. These funds are earmarked for scholarship winners from six local high schools. Post raised $1014.00  
 POST 2075  1/21/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   26   2   $0.00   $151.78   $151.78   Post 2075 offered the local chapter (53) of the Vietnam Veterans Association the use our facility, for their monthly meeting. No fee is charged to the VVA. Use is free. Nine members of Post 2075 are members of this chapter.  
 POST 2075  1/22/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   1   26   1   $300.00   $28.33   $328.33   Post donated $300.00 to the Hawthorne High School Naval JROTC in support of their air rifle competition. The money donated will be used for multiple supplies in their endeavor.  
 POST 2075  1/31/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   30   1   $100.00   $78.27   $178.27   Post Commander attended the Long Beach VA Social Connection, distributing snacks and drinks to those who attended this monthly event.  
 POST 2075  2/2/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   26   1   $65.00   $102.40   $167.40   Held a community fundraiser dinner, with profits going to Post relief fund. These funds are earmarked for our annual Thanksgiving dinner (November 23, 2025) for hospitalized veterans from the West LA VAMC, Long Beach VAMC and the Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center. Post raised $189.00. Two Post members and six auxiliary members participated in this fundraiser. 
 POST 2075  2/10/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   3   26   1   $0.00   $77.71   $77.71   Collected twenty-five dollars for the National Home at the Post monthly meeting. 
 POST 2075  2/12/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    6   52   1   $0.00   $155.42   $155.42   Volunteered at a food bank, receiving, sorting, and disseminating canned, fresh, and frozen foods, breads, eggs, milk, fresh fruits, and vegetables to 21 needy families for a total of 62 adults and children including 5 Veterans.  
 POST 2075  2/16/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   16   0   6   $0.00   $2,370.24   $2,370.24   Held a community fundraiser, our monthly breakfast, Commander donated food that Friday prior, three members assisted the commander on Saturday in preparation, and two members cooked and served on Sunday. These donations are earmarked for our annual high school scholarship program. Post raised $796.00.  
 POST 2075  2/16/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   three JROTC cadets from the Naval JROTC at Hawthorne High School assisted in the Post monthly breakfast. Duties included setup, serving and clean up.  
 POST 2075  2/18/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Post 2075 offered the local chapter (53) of the Vietnam Veterans Association the use our facility, for their monthly meeting. No fee is charged to the VVA. Use is free. Nine members of Post 2075 are members of this chapter.  
 Post 2075 Total 552 2,572 159 $5,939.00 $26,117.92 $32,056.92
 POST 2122  8/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $16.00   $24.69   $40.69   Donated to the National home during the D4 meeting  
 POST 2122  9/14/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Attended/Participated District 4 POW/MIA Ceremony.  
 POST 2122  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting  
 POST 2122  12/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   12   50   5   $13,400.00   $1,488.40   $14,888.40   Event Date: Saturday, December 7, 2024, 5:30 a.m. - until all 400 trees are gone. Kia Forum (Inglewood) Parking Lot 3900 W. Manchester Blvd, Inglewood CA 90305 Drive-Thru Free Christmas Trees to Veterans and the Community As part of its mission to support local veterans, PFC Adrienne L. Mitchell All-American VFW Post 2122 is giving 400 veterans and their families Christmas trees in the Kia Forum Parking Lot on Saturday, December 7th, from 5:30 a.m. until all the trees are gone. Volunteers will load the trees onto the community members’ vehicles. To keep contact to a minimum, veterans and their families are asked to stay inside of their vehicles. VFW Post 2122 is a small non-profit organization dedicated to assisting Inglewood’s veterans. It provides emergency assistance to those who have served or are still serving the US military and their families.  
 Post 2122 Total 16 50 9 $13,426.00 $1,636.54 $15,062.54
 POST 2828  8/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $16.00   $24.69   $40.69   Donated to the National home during the D4 meeting.  
 POST 2828  9/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   10   2   $1,000.00   $50.78   $1,050.78   Donation to Manes for Movement to purchase equestrian hours for vets with PTSD/  
 POST 2828  9/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   2   $1,000.00   $100.16   $1,100.16   Donation to El Camino College Veterans Service Center food bank for veteran students experiencing food uncertainty. 
 POST 2828  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   0   8   $0.00   $1,975.20   $1,975.20   Closed parking lot to support Ruck for Veterans a non-profit supporting exercise and community engagement for transitioning veterans. Post members supported vendors, distributed poppies, and recruited from participants.  
 POST 2828  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting.  
 POST 2828  12/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   10   2   $1,000.00   $100.16   $1,100.16   Donation to Manes for Movement to purchase equestrian hours for veterans with PTSD 
 POST 2828  12/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   2   $1,000.00   $100.16   $1,100.16   Donation to El Camino College Veterans Service Center food bank for veteran students experiencing food uncertainty. 
 POST 2828  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   10   $0.00   $494.50   $494.50   Member Ruck with flags and civilian patriots along the Redondo green space and the Strand for Pearl Harbor day.  
 POST 2828  12/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   10   3   $1,000.00   $297.68   $1,297.68   City of Gardena Hep for Heroes program for the Los Angeles AFB Family Readiness Squadron for families facing food insecurity. Post donation and participation in City of Gardena presentation event. 
 Post 2828 Total 25 55 31 $5,026.00 $3,168.02 $8,194.02
 POST 2967  7/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   10   6   $0.00   $445.82   $445.82   Honor Guard service for Mr Mattis  
 POST 2967  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   4   2   $0.00   $198.08   $198.08   Set up recruiting Booth outside of Post for both Post and Auxiliary. Gave out pamphlets and applications and Buddy Poppy's. report split  
 POST 2967  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   1   8   $0.00   $790.22   $790.22   Post Recruiting for year, set by Post Commander Miguel Uribe. Set up Recruiting booth at 4th July Community BBQ at Post, both Post and Auxiliary.  
 POST 2967  7/4/2024   Community Service   Other   12   0   6   $500.00   $1,777.68   $2,277.68   What was the event……..Opened post to the general public and donated $500 of food and drinks  
 POST 2967  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Set up recruiting Booth outside of Post for both Post and Auxiliary. Gave out pamphlets and applications and Buddy Poppy's. report split PJ  
 POST 2967  7/16/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   0   1   $100.00   $49.38   $149.38   Scout of the Year Award to Alexandra Giese  
 POST 2967  8/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $500.00   $24.69   $524.69   Donation to Wilmington Community Clinic which provides medical care for the uninsured population  
 POST 2967  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   0   1   $25.00   $98.76   $123.76   District Cook-off to raise funds for Standown  
 POST 2967  8/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   10   6   $0.00   $445.82   $445.82   Honor guard service for Bautista family  
 POST 2967  9/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   68   2   $370.00   $157.66   $527.66   Post and Auxiliary members attended Stand Down in Compton. Donated assorted men's clothes and 1 dress suit, also assorted women's clothes and Designer purses  
 POST 2967  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   34   2   $0.00   $54.14   $54.14   Helped give POW/MIA Missing Table program at the Compton Stand down to those present  
 POST 2967  9/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   Donated to the Wilmington Community Clinic which provides medical and dental care for the uninsured population  
 POST 2967  9/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Allowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election period 
 POST 2967  9/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Allowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election period 
 POST 2967  10/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Allowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election period 
 POST 2967  10/1/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   2   0   3   $900.00   $148.14   $1,048.14   Donated $900 to North Torrance High Army JROTC for youth scholarships  
 POST 2967  10/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Donated VFW hall for Christmas toy give-away  
 POST 2967  10/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   Donated $500 for Christmas toy give-away for the community  
 POST 2967  10/3/2024   Community Service      8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Allowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election period 
 POST 2967  10/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Allowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election period 
 POST 2967  10/4/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   1   0   2   $60.00   $49.38   $109.38   Participated in fundraiser for Girl Scouts assorted nuts and assorted candy from Girl Scout troop 2225  
 POST 2967  10/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Allowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election period  
 POST 2967  10/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Allowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election period 
 POST 2967  10/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Allowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election period 
 POST 2967  10/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Allowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election period 
 POST 2967  10/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Allowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election period 
 POST 2967  10/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Allowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election period 
 POST 2967  10/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Allowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election periodAllowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election period 
 POST 2967  10/12/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   1   2   2   $18.00   $49.66   $67.66   Fundraiser, Purchased nuts and candy from another Girl Scout from Troop 2225  
 POST 2967  10/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Allowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election period  
 POST 2967  10/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Allowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election period 
 POST 2967  10/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Allowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election period  
 POST 2967  10/23/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   1   18   2   $11.53   $51.90   $63.43   Post and Auxiliary member supplied 8 pumpkins for Girl Scout Troop 2225, for them to carve at their Halloween Party on Saturday Oct. 26th.  
 POST 2967  10/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   Allowed LA County to use post hall as voting place for a total of 15 days including setup and teardown during election period. Split PJ 
 POST 2967  11/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   0   2   $450.00   $49.38   $499.38   Ordered 1,500 Buddy Poppies 
 POST 2967  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   8   $0.00   $790.08   $790.08   Post Recruiting for year, set by Post Commander Miguel Uribe. Set up Recruiting booth Visit Sunshine Seniors and Harbor Lights Seniors Club Meetings and Dances ask about Recruiting.  
 POST 2967  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   5   3   $0.00   $222.91   $222.91   3 post members handed out poppies at Longshoremen Hall.  
 POST 2967  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the VFW National Home during the District meeting  
 POST 2967  11/21/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   15   0   4   $900.00   $1,481.40   $2,381.40   Selected 3 finalists for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Voice of Democracy 
 POST 2967  11/30/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   4   0   2   $300.00   $197.52   $497.52   Selected a Teacher of the Year for 2024 
 POST 2967  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   70   12   $80.00   $898.64   $978.64   Post and Auxiliary held a Pearl Harbor Day Remembrance. with a Military guest speaker for the Community. American, POW/MIA flag and Post Colors were posted. POW/MIA Chair was placed. Post Honor Guard posted colors,, gave 21 gun salute and taps. Refreshments were served afterwards in Post hall.  
 POST 2967  12/7/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   70   12   $5.00   $602.36   $607.36   POW/MIA Flag and Chair were used at Post Auxiliary Pearl Harbor Day Remembrance. program  
 POST 2967  12/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   7   $300.00   $864.15   $1,164.15   Post voted to enter the Wilmington Annual Christmas Parade. Order Torrance JROTC, from Torrance High School led us carrying the Flags and POW/MIA flag. Order was, District 4 Commander in lead car, Post Commander and Auxiliary President in Truck, followed by the Auxiliary Girl Scouts Troop 2225 in a truck. Sandwiches, chips, and sodas were given to JROTC. Trucks were all decorated.  
 POST 2967  12/8/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   14   7   $5.00   $347.62   $352.62   POW/MIA Flag was carried in the Wilmington Christmas Parade  
 POST 2967  12/8/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   4   12   7   $5.00   $693.00   $698.00   Post invited the Auxiliary Girl Scout troop, 2225 to ride along in the Wilmington Annual Christmas Parade. They were in the last truck  
 POST 2967  12/8/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   2   45   7   $250.00   $351.96   $601.96   Torrance High School JROTC members (20) Helped lead the Post in the Wilmington Christmas Parade. They carried the flags. Feed them Sandwiches, sodas and chips before parade.  
 POST 2967  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $500.00   $197.52   $697.52   Donated $500 towards a community Christmas toy give-away  
 POST 2967  12/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   6   3   $30.00   $519.33   $549.33   Post and Auxiliary helped give presents at the LA County Wilmington Health Clinic. To the under privileged , mentally challenged, and handicaped children of the community Over 180 gifts were presented Santa, Elf and member.  
 POST 2967  12/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   4   3   $30.00   $519.05   $549.05   Post voted for members to be Santa and Elf at the County of Los Angeles Wilmington Health Center and help give gifts to the Under privileged and mental and physically handicaped children of the community. Donated 14 boxes of candy canes Over 180 children received gifts..  
 POST 2967  1/21/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   10   20   10   $100.00   $2,471.80   $2,571.80   Post members voted at meeting to donate $100.00 to Graeme Paulson,, Pathfinder Rank in the Venture Scout Crew42 in Torrance, CA. He needs to raise funds to pay for and complete his Venture Scout Project.  
 POST 2967  1/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   80   10   $107.00   $505.00   $612.00   Post members voted to donate $107.00 to a needy Veteran to help pay his rent. Post member drove him and caretaker back home., to verify where they lived.  
 Post 2967 Total 251 473 181 $6,556.53 $21,200.86 $27,757.39
 POST 3261  7/3/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   5   40   1   $0.00   $129.05   $129.05   Our 3rd Yr. Trustee Elvin Carter volunteers his time to a locate church on the first Wednesday of every month by traveling to Los Angeles from his residence and picking up a delivery truck which he drives to a Long Beach, CA. foodbank.. He then returns to Los Angeles uploads the food and assist in the distribution of the food to the local community, in which he proudly wears his VFW cap.  
 POST 3261  8/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $16.00   $24.69   $40.69   Donated to National home during the D4 home.  
 POST 3261  8/27/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   1   0   2   $100.00   $49.38   $149.38   Donated $100 to District 4 for the 21st Annual Compton Veterans Stand Down Event which is scheduled for September 21-23, 2024.  
 POST 3261  10/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   The City of Gardena provided a recruitment booth for VFW Post 3261 at the Harvest Festival which is held annually.  
 POST 3261  11/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $200.00   $98.76   $298.76   Donated gift card to HUD Vash supplies  
 POST 3261  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   City of Gardena provided VFW Post 3261 a recruitment booth on Veterans Day. After the event an cookout was held at our Post in which the city provided all of the food and drinks. We had four volunteers who cooked and our post members setup the tables and chairs.  
 POST 3261  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Handed out poppies on Veterans Day and the cookout..  
 POST 3261  11/15/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   4   0   2   $200.00   $197.52   $397.52   Two (2) applicants for VOD, monetary award totaling $200 including certificates.  
 POST 3261  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the VFW National Home during the District meeting  
 Post 3261 Total 21 40 18 $526.00 $1,067.27 $1,593.27
 POST 5394  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   15   1   $0.00   $76.17   $76.17   Post member led a fun run on the 4th of July for veterans and veteran supporters with local run club. This event was meant to bolster mental health and also pass on any useful information to veterans on deck about the post.  
 POST 5394  7/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Collected and donated 50 pounds of clothing, 110 pairs of shoes for LA Veterans home. Distributed 800 pounds of non-perishable food to veterans' home in the form of 45 individual food boxes.  
 POST 5394  7/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   10   2   $0.00   $248.30   $248.30   Dropped off slightly used running shoes in collaboration with Compton Run Club and local non-profit. Shoes were taken to the West LA VA Tiny homes community. 
 POST 5394  7/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Helped distribute food to low-income families in the form of fresh produce from local farms in an effort to combat food insecurity.  
 POST 5394  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   8   1   $0.00   $124.57   $124.57   Member helped get a veteran his bed and furniture from storage to his new VASH property. Member also helped get a tow for this veteran since their vehicle stopped running on the day he was moving into his new apartment.  
 POST 5394  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   2   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Packed food boxes in Orange County with the OC Food bank in collaboration with The Mission Continues.  
 POST 5394  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   8   $0.00   $1,185.12   $1,185.12   Post distributed 380 packs of diapers for newborns and toddlers along with 100 packages of baby wipes. Distribution point was at the post during and after the regular meeting and all not donated that day was taken to domestic violence shelter.  
 POST 5394  7/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Adult diaper distribution at post and to west LA VA tiny homes community. Collected more slightly used shoes from local LA based recycled shoe organization. Had a pallet of children diapers delivered to the VFW post that will be distributed on call.  
 POST 5394  7/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Food and clothing distribution to families in need around Compton living in RV's on Alondra Blvd.  
 POST 5394  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Contacted by veteran who needed guidance into how to enroll into a 72 hour inpatient mental health response program in western Virginia since veteran was in need of detoxification services. Was able to guide veteran to mental health wing of closest hospital and was able tin check himself in for treatment.  
 POST 5394  8/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $16.00   $24.69   $40.69   Donated to the National home during the D4 meeting.  
 POST 5394  8/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   5   0   8   $0.00   $987.60   $987.60   Veterans resource fair was hosted at the post in partnership with VFW national, the local VA Vet center, and other Compton Community based organizations. 
 POST 5394  8/25/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Member volunteered with local organization for a diaper distribution during a mini stand down and community clean up held at the VFW post.  
 POST 5394  8/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   10   $0.00   $1,481.40   $1,481.40   Operation Beautify the Block in collaboration with Compton Veterans EPU DAV-5 LA The Mission Continues and various Compton community based organizations all participating in a neighborhood block clean up in the neighborhoods around the VFW. Total amount of trash weighed was over 1200 pounds.  
 POST 5394  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Diaper distribution to 3 local Compton veteran families who requested boxes for their children and infants. Each family was given 5 boxes of diapers for infants and toddlers. 
 POST 5394  8/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   44   2   $0.00   $203.68   $203.68   Members went to support the Orange County service platoon with The Mission Continues to do a trail work on local hiking trail Hiking was done during the clean up in an effort to get a work out going for everyone as well..  
 POST 5394  9/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   2   $0.00   $198.22   $198.22   Two members of the post distributed diapers that one member is a principal at. The families in need were non-veteran families and in total 5 families were assisted with between 2 and 4 boxes of diapers.  
 POST 5394  9/7/2024   Community Service   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   3   6   $0.00   $889.26   $889.26   Cemetary clean-up was done at Woodlawn cemetery with an emphasis on the Civil War graves and military grave plates ensuring that they were upkept and maintained. This project was done with The Mission Continues and One Section at a time.  
 POST 5394  9/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   77   4   $0.00   $504.58   $504.58   Hosted a welcome back BBQ with members of the post donating their own time and dishes for a potluck for returning members of 2nd Battalion 5th Marines.  
 POST 5394  9/14/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   0   5   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Attended/Participated District 4 POW/MIA Ceremony.  
 POST 5394  9/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   25   2   $0.00   $250.40   $250.40   Participated in beautification project with The Mission Continues in Orange County.  
 POST 5394  9/20/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   5   8   $0.00   $1,580.86   $1,580.86   had membership slips on hand to recruit potential members for post from stand down participants.  
 POST 5394  9/20/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   10   0   8   $0.00   $1,975.20   $1,975.20   Participated in the city of Compton Homeless veteran Stand down set up. 
 POST 5394  9/21/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   12   0   8   $0.00   $2,370.24   $2,370.24   Participated in the city of Compton Homeless veteran Stand down. 
 POST 5394  9/28/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Spent day collecting basic needs hygiene materials, clothing, and food to support Team Rubicon and another smaller veteran service organization located in North Carolina. Items were sent out the following Monday, September 30th.  
 POST 5394  10/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   5   $0.00   $617.25   $617.25   Adult school was painted, and gardening was done in an effort to beautify within the city of Compton with The Mission Continues.  
 POST 5394  10/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   3   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Hosted local community neighborhood block clubs and car clubs for a peace ride to help promote peace within the community of Compton.  
 POST 5394  10/19/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   6   0   8   $0.00   $1,185.12   $1,185.12   Spent afternoon after regular monthly meeting to collect second round of goods to help out victims of Hurrican Helene in North Carolina. Goods collected were sent to small non-profit organizations led by veterans in vicinity to Asheville, North Carolina.  
 POST 5394  10/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   10   1   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   Invited to LA Air Force Base for the Space Force gala and used this event to table and recruit potential VFW members.  
 POST 5394  10/30/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   10   4   $0.00   $593.96   $593.96   Trustees and post members hosted a BBQ organized by Semper Utilis for the monthly event at the West LA VA with nearly a dozen other small non-profit organizations. Veterans were fed, given various basic needs supplies, and provided music and activities for entertainment.  
 POST 5394  11/2/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   0   2   $0.00   $345.66   $345.66   Hosted recruiting table during Dia De Los Reyes tribute event and resource fair attended by Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Assemblyman Mike Gipson, Mayor Emma Sharif and Councilman Spicer. This was done in collaboration with two local Compton based nonprofits. 
 POST 5394  11/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   0   4   $0.00   $691.32   $691.32   Held a tribute to veterans by building Dia De Los Muertos altars and hosting a resource fair during the course of the day for veterans in the community.  
 POST 5394  11/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   3   5   $0.00   $617.67   $617.67   Veterans day themed clean up and posted flags at all veterans' graves to include placing a new flag on the flagpole hung up above the Civil War monument. Clean up left over from September project was also finished in an effort to assist the graveyard.  
 POST 5394  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   550   2   $0.00   $225.14   $225.14   Invited as guests to Marine Corps Ball for 2nd Battalion 5th Marines in Nevada and presented Americanism certificate to LCpl. JD Ramirez for his work to promote education to local South Central youth regarding service members missing in action or who were prisoners of war. This certificate was also for his work in helping retire American Flags while overseas based on his training done informally with the VFW when he was a youth volunteer prior to enlisting into the service. Post members also spoke to a group of Marines from LCpl Ramirez's company about their experiences overseas, as members of the VFW post as line officers, and about future community service-related activities coming up at the end of the year and into 2025.  
 POST 5394  11/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   12   150   2   $0.00   $613.56   $613.56   Participated in a Memorial hike, family BBQ, and tribute ceremony with 3rd Battalion 5th Marines on Camp Pendleton for the 20th anniversary of the 2nd battle of Fallujah.  
 POST 5394  11/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Responded to veteran in distress and contemplating suicide. Was able to help veteran off of the ledge but more specifically able to guide veteran to check into an inpatient program at the Long Beach VA.  
 POST 5394  11/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   10   3   $0.00   $371.75   $371.75   Spoke about and handed out membership applications at Lakers sponsored veterans appreciation game hosted by Compton Veterans. 
 POST 5394  11/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   25   4   $0.00   $497.30   $497.30   Helped build an outdoor recreational and educational space within a garden inside of a community that supports housing veterans and their families in Santa Ana, CA with The Mission Continues.  
 POST 5394  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the VFW National Home during the District meeting  
 POST 5394  11/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   60   2   $0.00   $304.68   $304.68   Held a BBQ at the Veterans Outpost in Tustin with local Elks Lodge of Newport Harbor. Fed veterans and entertained them with live music.  
 POST 5394  11/18/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   60   1   $0.00   $57.78   $57.78   Set up table during BBQ and spoke to residents about joining the VFW emphasizing that this type of event is hosted because of VFW members.  
 POST 5394  11/23/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   10   4   $0.00   $396.44   $396.44   Hosted November BBQ for veterans at West LA VA, provided food, entertainment, and goods to assist with the needs of veterans in the tiny homes and inpatient hospital.  
 POST 5394  11/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   8   60   1   $200.00   $205.92   $405.92   Hosted veterans with the Elks lodge of Newport Harbor for Thanksgiving, donated food and time to cook the food to feed over 30 veterans and their families for an event focused on feeding veterans and active duty.  
 POST 5394  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   4   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Beautification project at local learning center where painting, light demo, and clean up were done in an effort to beautify classrooms.  
 POST 5394  12/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   25   2   $0.00   $151.64   $151.64   Visited LB VA hospital to visit Vietnam era veterans ahead of the holidays.  
 POST 5394  12/14/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   5   4   $0.00   $395.74   $395.74   Passed out Buddy Poppies at Christmas parade in Compton, total of 2 boxes handed out to the community. 
 POST 5394  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Helped prep holiday food boxes at the OC Food Bank with The Mission Continues.  
 POST 5394  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    5   6   5   $0.00   $618.09   $618.09   2024 69th annual Christmas parade in Compton.  
 POST 5394  12/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   60   1   $0.00   $205.92   $205.92   Helped Newport Harbor Elks Lodge with a toy distribution for veteran families in Orange County and Los Angeles County.  
 POST 5394  12/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Help coordinate a workout with veteran owned cross fit gym, at risk youth, local veterans, and gold star families in an effort to promote healthy living and also mental health awareness. Local businesses help provide financial support to days events.  
 POST 5394  12/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   60   1   $150.00   $156.54   $306.54   Participated in a toy drive with the Elks lodge of Newport Harbor and members personally donated toys to host 2 families from the Compton Community, one family of an active-duty member and the other of a OIF veteran.  
 POST 5394  12/21/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Conducted a Buddy Poppy at Lakers sponsored veterans appreciation game. 
 POST 5394  12/22/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   0   3   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Handed out buddy poppies during toy drive hosted at the post ahead of Christmas.  
 POST 5394  12/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   7   $200.00   $1,382.64   $1,582.64   Hosted toy drive and donated refreshments and light snacks to volunteers who donated toys to over 200 children from the Compton community.  
 POST 5394  12/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   1   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Collected food to distribute to local Compton veteran families in need..  
 POST 5394  12/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   10   1   $50.00   $174.23   $224.23   Donated 24 boxes of various food items to Watts Century Latino for their weekly food distribution done every Friday.  
 POST 5394  12/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Distributed fresh produce, dairy, and nonperishable food to Compton community members at local skateboarding event with other local nonprofits.  
 POST 5394  1/8/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   6   30   2   $3,000.00   $300.48   $3,300.48   Drove 30 72-hour emergency survival kits valued at $100 each to the Pasadena Convention Center for the relief of Altadena fire victims. 
 POST 5394  1/8/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   10   20   1   $250.00   $249.70   $499.70   Post trustee began assisting the Reality Center in Santa Monica with a donation of food and hygiene products to support the fire victims of the Pacific Palisades. 
 POST 5394  1/9/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   4   40   1   $150.00   $104.36   $254.36   Post member collected adult diapers and non-perishable food items to drive up to the Pasadena Convention center with local Compton based nonprofit organizations. 
 POST 5394  1/9/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   10   20   1   $0.00   $249.70   $249.70   Post trustee received and organized shipments of emergency supplies like clothing, blankets, and non-perishable food to support the West Side fire victims from Pacific Palisades. 
 POST 5394  1/10/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   12   20   1   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   Post trustee continued to support the Reality Center in distributing emergency goods to the victims of the Pacific Palisades fire. Items included blankets, clothing and baby supplies. 
 POST 5394  1/10/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   8   0   1   $500.00   $197.52   $697.52   Post collected goods donated by the Compton community for fire victims of the east side fire in Altadena. Post donated all emergency nonperishable food items on hand for this effort. 
 POST 5394  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   16   20   1   $200.00   $397.84   $597.84   Post trustee worked with veterans living on the West LA VA in helping those veterans evacuate and also took the time to provide them supplies from community partner the Reality Center. Post trustee shuttled supplies from Santa Monica to West LA.  
 POST 5394  1/11/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   6   0   1   $150.00   $148.14   $298.14   Post collected items from Compton community in support of CalFire crews; items included bottled water and snacks ready to be picked up by CalFire crews in need. 
 POST 5394  1/12/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   5   35   1   $75.00   $128.35   $203.35   Supplies gathered for families were driven to the Santa Anita racetrack to assist families in need per the impacts of the Eaton Canyon fire in Altadena. 
 POST 5394  1/12/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   12   20   1   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   Post Trustee distributed goods and services to the Reality Center for the benefit of the families impacted by the Pacific Palisades fire. 
 POST 5394  1/13/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   10   20   1   $100.00   $249.70   $349.70   Post trustee drove donations from partner organization, the Reality Center to the American Legion in Hollywood and also the Dream Center to assist fire victims from both the Pacific Palisades and Eaton Canyon fires. 
 POST 5394  1/13/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   4   35   1   $75.00   $103.66   $178.66   Post connected with small Compton nonprofit and helped pick up and organize clothing for the benefit of the Altadena fire victims. Items were dropped off at the post in preparation for the support of evacuation centers in need. 
 POST 5394  1/14/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   30   2   $200.00   $399.24   $599.24   Post trustee and member drove meals to Patriotic Hall, distributed hygiene products to veterans there as well and lastly delivered baby related goods to the post in preparation for the distribution of these specialized needs of families impacted by the Eaton Canyon fires.  
 POST 5394  1/15/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   25   1   $100.00   $201.02   $301.02   Post trustee continued to deliver emergency supplies alongside the Reality Center to different evacuation shelters on the west side of LA.  
 POST 5394  1/16/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   6   20   1   $50.00   $150.94   $200.94   Post trustee helped coordinate the drop off of emergency supplies with the reality center for the benefit of the five acres organization who supports foster children in LA. 
 POST 5394  1/16/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   9   0   4   $400.00   $888.84   $1,288.84   Post hosted The Mission Continues for a service project focused on collecting, sorting, packing, and loading good ready for distribution for evacuation shelters in Pasadena. 
 POST 5394  1/17/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   5   40   2   $100.00   $252.50   $352.50   Post members drove care packages for families impacted by the Eaton Canyon fire to various evacuation shelters and delivered last of goods to local Altadena nonprofit organization. 
 POST 5394  1/18/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   6   30   1   $150.00   $152.34   $302.34   Post collected items from Compton community in support of CalFire crews; items included bottled water and snacks ready to be picked up by CalFire crews in need. 
 POST 5394  1/18/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   8   0   10   $350.00   $1,975.20   $2,325.20   Held a donation drive with the post auxiliary and community for the fire victims of the Eaton County fire. 
 POST 5394  1/18/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   16   20   1   $200.00   $397.84   $597.84   Post trustee worked with veterans living on the West LA VA in helping those veterans evacuate and also took the time to provide them supplies from community partner the Reality Center. Post trustee shuttled supplies from Santa Monica to West LA. 
 POST 5394  1/19/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   5   35   1   $75.00   $128.35   $203.35   Supplies gathered for families were driven to the Santa Anita racetrack to assist families in need per the impacts of the Eaton Canyon fire in Altadena. 
 POST 5394  1/19/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   12   20   1   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   Post Trustee distributed goods and services to the Reality Center for the benefit of the families impacted by the Pacific Palisades fire. 
 POST 5394  1/20/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   4   35   1   $75.00   $103.66   $178.66   Post connected with small Compton nonprofit and helped pick up and organize clothing for the benefit of the Altadena fire victims. Items were dropped off at the post in preparation for the support of evacuation centers in need. 
 POST 5394  1/20/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   10   20   1   $100.00   $249.70   $349.70   Post trustee drove donations from partner organization, the Reality Center to the American Legion in Hollywood and also the Dream Center to assist fire victims from both the Pacific Palisades and Eaton Canyon fires. 
 POST 5394  1/21/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   8   30   2   $200.00   $399.24   $599.24   Post trustee and member drove meals to Patriotic Hall, distributed hygiene products to veterans there as well and lastly delivered baby related goods to the post in preparation for the distribution of these specialized needs of families impacted by the Eaton Canyon fires. 
 POST 5394  1/22/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   8   25   1   $100.00   $201.02   $301.02   Post trustee continued to deliver emergency supplies alongside the Reality Center to different evacuation shelters on the west side of LA. 
 POST 5394  2/3/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   6   0   7   $0.00   $1,036.98   $1,036.98   Post donated post rental to help Compton block clubs host dinner for fire victims of the Eaton Canyon Fire. Food for 50 families was prepared and distributed to the fire victims.  
 Post 5394 Total 522 1,951 225 $7,226.00 $35,481.08 $42,707.08
 POST 7243  7/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Participated in Congresswoman Michelle Steeles veterans Council  
 POST 7243  7/26/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   15   1   $0.00   $100.86   $100.86   Participated in the monthly Social Connection on the Patriots Patio at the Tibor Ruben Long Beach VA Hospital.  
 POST 7243  8/1/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   2   24   1   $0.00   $52.74   $52.74   Participated in the city of Compton Homeless Veterans Stand Down planning meeting.  
 POST 7243  8/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   3   1   $0.00   $74.49   $74.49   Participated in the city of Hawaiian Gardens National Night Out event.  
 POST 7243  8/8/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   2   24   2   $0.00   $102.12   $102.12   Participated in the city of Compton Homeless Veterans Stand Down planning meeting.  
 POST 7243  8/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $16.00   $24.69   $40.69   Donated to the national home during the D4 metting.  
 POST 7243  8/14/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   1   3   1   $0.00   $25.11   $25.11   Spoke at the Hawaiian Gardens City Council meeting, where I explained the Voice of Democracy, Patriots Pen and Teacher of the Year programs.  
 POST 7243  8/15/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   2   24   0   $0.00   $3.36   $3.36   Participated in the city of Compton Homeless Veterans Stand Down planning meeting.  
 POST 7243  8/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   3   1   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Attended the city of Hawaiian Gardens annual Native American Powwow and participated in the veterans dance.  
 POST 7243  8/20/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   1   8   1   $0.00   $25.81   $25.81   Attended the ABC Unified School District meeting and spoke on the Voice of Democracy, Patriots Pen and Teacher of the Year programs. Gave the school board copies of the brochures and other information.  
 POST 7243  8/22/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   2   24   1   $0.00   $52.74   $52.74   Participated in the city of Compton Homeless Veterans Stand Down planning meeting.  
 POST 7243  8/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   4   1   $0.00   $74.63   $74.63   Participated in the Los Angeles County Office Of Violence Prevention, Trauma Prevention Initiative, Hawaiian Gardens Community Action for Peace Coalition monthly meeting. This program brings community members, schools, businesses and others together to find funding and approve programs that will enhance their self-esteem and work on ways to keep the youth of the community from gang activity, crime, drugs and truancy. Share resources and share success stories.  
 POST 7243  8/29/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   2   24   1   $0.00   $52.74   $52.74   Participated in the city of Compton Homeless Veterans Stand Down planning meeting.  
 POST 7243  8/30/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   15   1   $110.00   $100.86   $210.86   Participated in the monthly Social Connection on the Patriots Patio at the Tibor Ruben Long Beach VA Hospital.  
 POST 7243  9/4/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   2   24   1   $0.00   $52.74   $52.74   Participated in the city of Compton Homeless Veterans Stand Down planning meeting.  
 POST 7243  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   5   8   $0.00   $198.22   $198.22   Performed a remembrance ceremony to honor those Americans lost on 9/11/2001.  
 POST 7243  9/12/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   1   24   1   $0.00   $28.05   $28.05   Participated in the city of Compton Homeless Veterans Stand Down planning meeting.  
 POST 7243  9/14/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Attended/Participated District 4 POW/MIA Ceremony.  
 POST 7243  9/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Participated in the Hawaiian Gardens Community Action for Peace Coalition Steering Committee Zoom training meeting.  
 POST 7243  9/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   3   2   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Participated in the city of Hawaiian Gardens Veterans Day program planning meeting.  
 POST 7243  9/20/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   10   24   1   $0.00   $250.26   $250.26   Participated in the city of Compton Homeless veteran Stand down set up.  
 POST 7243  9/21/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   12   24   1   $0.00   $299.64   $299.64   Participated in the city of Compton Homeless Veterans Stand Down.  
 POST 7243  9/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   3   1   $0.00   $74.49   $74.49   Participated in the Los Angeles County Office Of Violence Prevention, Trauma Prevention Initiative, Hawaiian Gardens Community Action for Peace Coalition monthly meeting. This program brings community members, schools, businesses and others together to find funding and approve programs that will enhance the youth in the communities self-esteem and work on ways to keep the youth of the community from gang activity, crime, drugs and truancy. Share resources and share success stories.  
 POST 7243  9/27/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   15   1   $110.00   $100.86   $210.86   Participated in the monthly Social Connection on the Patriots Patio at the Tibor Ruben Long Beach VA Hospital.  
 POST 7243  10/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   Attended the unveiling of the new name for the Post office in Westminster. Congresswoman Michelle Steele proposed legislation that was passed to rename the Post office the Little Saigon Vietnam War Veterans Memorial Post Office.  
 POST 7243  10/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   3   2   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Participated in the city of Hawaiian Gardens Veterans Day program planning meeting.  
 POST 7243  10/16/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   2   16   1   $0.00   $51.62   $51.62   Participated in the Long beach Veterans Stand down.  
 POST 7243  10/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Participated in the Hawaiian Gardens Community Action for Peace Coalition Steering Committee Zoom meeting.  
 POST 7243  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the VFW National Home during the District meeting  
 Post 7243 Total 77 362 38 $246.00 $2,174.02 $2,420.02
 POST 9148  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   12   2   $0.00   $199.20   $199.20   MCed Bellflower, CA flag raising and introduced veterans, also had a table for recruitment.  
 POST 9148  7/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanisn   3   1   1   $0.00   $74.21   $74.21   Attended the La Mirada Veteran Coordinating Council meeting and presented on our community events for the end of the year and helped coordinate the council and city staff for the "Honor Local Heroes" series.  
 POST 9148  7/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.36   $26.36   Attended and spoke at the flag raising ceremony in Lakewood, CA.  
 POST 9148  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Gave a guest speaker series at Cypress College with the Cypress College Club at their meeting.  
 POST 9148  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Gave a guest speaker series at Cypress College with the Cypress College Club at their meeting.  
 POST 9148  7/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   3   3   $75.00   $370.77   $445.77   Garage cleanout for Veteran in Norwalk, CA and provided lunch with members and veteran.  
 POST 9148  7/21/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   6   0   10   $1,300.00   $1,481.40   $2,781.40   Had a backpack giveaway at the post. Raised over $1,300 from local community groups and gave it all away.  
 POST 9148  7/21/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   0   3   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Had a summer community BBQ. Tabled for recruitment and handed out buddy poppies with half sheet informational.  
 POST 9148  7/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   5   6   $0.00   $445.12   $445.12   Manned table at Cypress College quad with service officer and VA rep (Post member) and others proving information on GI Bill, rating benefits, and other support services.  
 POST 9148  7/28/2024   Community Service   Other   4   2   4   $0.00   $395.32   $395.32   Quartermaster, House Chairman, Commander and I set up a food drive where we distributed canned food and nonperishables.  
 POST 9148  8/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $16.00   $24.69   $40.69   Donated to the national home during the D4 meeting  
 POST 9148  8/22/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   1   0   7   $0.00   $172.83   $172.83   Hosted the local boy scout troop and dedication for the new VFW podium.  
 POST 9148  8/28/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   1   4   $0.00   $98.83   $98.83   Attended Kiwanis Club meeting and did a Buddy Poppy drive at their meeting.  
 POST 9148  8/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   2   6   $0.00   $444.70   $444.70   Attended first La Mirada HS football home game on new stadium. Participated for colors on the field. Had a table for recruiting, buddy poppy drive, and were honored at the game.  
 POST 9148  8/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   participated in the 13 souls run, honoring the 13 souls who were lost in Afghanistan.  
 POST 9148  9/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   23   4   $0.00   $398.26   $398.26   Took and ER/hospital visit for Macias at the Long Beach VA.  
 POST 9148  9/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   0   4   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Attended and did a buddy poppy drive and membership drive at the 9/11 ceremony at Southeast Academy.  
 POST 9148  9/12/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   3   3   $0.00   $222.63   $222.63   Membership and buddy poppy drive at the Norwalk HS open house.  
 POST 9148  9/14/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Attended/Participated District 4 POW/MIA Ceremony.  
 POST 9148  9/16/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   3   4   $0.00   $197.94   $197.94   Buddy Poppy Drive at the first girls flag football game (Battle over Norwalk).  
 POST 9148  9/18/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   2   2   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Attended the La Mirada Health Fair and did a membership table, informational table for mental health for veterans and their families and handed out buddy poppies.  
 POST 9148  9/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   14   2   $0.00   $248.86   $248.86   Hospital/ER visit for  Urban.  
 POST 9148  9/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   4   2   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Attended the promotion for Lt. Col. Victor Chen and participated in the ceremony and in the pledge.  
 POST 9148  9/21/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   22   1   $0.00   $52.46   $52.46   Membership drive and buddy poppy drive at the USC- Masters of Business for Veterans event with Executive Partners.  
 POST 9148  9/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   5   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   125th Anniversary Community event. We invited the community to celebrate our 125th anniversary. Band played for free, and food was also provided.  
 POST 9148  10/11/2024   Veterans Assistance      4   0   5   $1,100.00   $493.80   $1,593.80   Hosted and sponsored with AUX a Cancer Awareness Dinner. We provided free dinner and raised funds for local Veterans who are cancer survivors. 
 POST 9148  10/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   6   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Hosted and sponsored with AUX a Cancer Awareness Dinner. We provided free dinner and raised funds for local Veterans who are cancer survivors. Also provided Buddy Poppys at each table.  
 POST 9148  10/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   5   $3,500.00   $370.35   $3,870.35   Attended and participated in the USC Military Business for Veterans Program and provided a membership table and sponsorship ($3.5k)  
 POST 9148  10/12/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   10   3   $0.00   $445.82   $445.82   We were asked to have a booth at USC to recruit. We handed out pamphlets and information we received potential candidates.  
 POST 9148  10/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   6   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Celebrated Navy's 249th Birthday with a cake cutting and We held an open house to celebrate.  
 POST 9148  10/13/2024   Community Service   Other   4   3   1   $0.00   $99.18   $99.18   Coach a softball girls' team during the weekend for 12 and under. 
 POST 9148  10/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Reached out to a member of post 9148 we haven't heard back from him but he responded. assured him we are here for him. will continue to follow up  
 POST 9148  10/20/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Held a Poppy Drive on Oct 20, 2024. Passed out a total of 100 poppies to those that attended.  
 POST 9148  10/20/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   6   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Post held a flag ceremony, Retired Flag from Post and replaced it with a new Flag to include PWO/MIA flag  
 POST 9148  10/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Veterans called Post looking for assistance with claims. He was referred to our VSO and will continue to assist member.  
 POST 9148  10/25/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   15   4   $50.00   $298.38   $348.38   Attended Military Appreciation Night at the MVB program at USC to conduct membership drive and program participation.  
 POST 9148  10/26/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Hosted Trunk or Treat for the local community. held a membership drive, with 5 potential new members and a renewal.  
 POST 9148  10/26/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Hosted Trunk or Treat for the local community. Provided Buddy Poppys for the community and awareness of its symbolism 
 POST 9148  10/26/2024   Community Service   Other   5   0   6   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   Held an Open house for our community to celebrate the city and VFW 125th Anniversary. community was greeted by members of the post. Tours were held and history of VFW and Post 9148. Community enjoyed the festivities and are more knowledgeable of our organization.  
 POST 9148  10/26/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   La Mirada High School football team was in attendance at our 125th anniversary celebration. They showed up with a positive attitude and ready to assist us in any manner. They also directed the community to our tours of the Post and handed out pamphlets.  
 POST 9148  10/26/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   0   5   $0.00   $617.25   $617.25   During our Open house to the community, we distributed poppies. Community is more knowledgeable about buddy poppies and its significance.  
 POST 9148  10/26/2024   Youth Development      6   0   7   $0.00   $1,036.98   $1,036.98   Hosted Trunk or Treat for the local community. We gave VFW coloring books to children present.  
 POST 9148  10/26/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   0   5   $0.00   $617.25   $617.25   During our open house to the community, we held a recruiting event. Our post has the potential to gain 4 new members. QM will follow up with potential members.  
 POST 9148  10/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   8   $0.00   $987.60   $987.60   In celebration of 125th anniversary of VFW we held a Halloween celebration with free music and free food to our community. Lots of dancing and laughter. Many non-members spoke highly of our professionalism. Excited for the future of 9148  
 POST 9148  10/27/2024   Community Service   Other   4   4   1   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Adjutant Volunteered at local church (Calvery Chapel Santa Fe Springs) as safety observer for the children using the jumpers. 
 POST 9148  10/31/2024   Community Service   Other   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   assisted veteran in need. 
 POST 9148  11/1/2024   Community Service   Other   2   0   5   $1,100.00   $246.90   $1,346.90   Helped plan and hosted the 2024 Veteran of the Year Celebration with Assemblywoman Pacheco.  
 POST 9148  11/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Adjutant was recognized by assemblywoman Blanca Pacheco as veteran appreciation for service to country 
 POST 9148  11/8/2024   Community Service   Other   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   Was a guest of and volunteered at a Veterans Recognition event at Taper Ave. Elementary School where Veterans were recognized for their service.  
 POST 9148  11/9/2024   Community Service      3   2   1   $0.00   $74.35   $74.35   Adjutant assisted a neighbor who had eye surgery and mowed his lawn. 
 POST 9148  11/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   1   1   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Membership drive at the 2024 Salute to Veterans Concert in La Mirada Neff Park.  
 POST 9148  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Trustee was recognized by 12u league (softball travelling team) for his service as a veteran. 
 POST 9148  11/9/2024   Community Service   Other   6   20   1   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   Coached a 12U girls softball team during a Pre-Thanksgiving softball tournament  
 POST 9148  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   1   1   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Buddy Poppy drive at the 2024 Salute to Veterans Concert in La Mirada Neff Park.  
 POST 9148  11/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   16   4   $800.00   $397.28   $1,197.28   Attended and conducted membership drive at the 249th USMC Birthday with 3rd Anglico.  
 POST 9148  11/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   4   1   $0.00   $148.70   $148.70   Trustee Dj'd at 249 USMC birthday event in Downey. 
 POST 9148  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   4   4   $0.00   $395.60   $395.60   During 249 USMC Birthday in Downey 4 members were distributing poppies to the community that was at the event. 
 POST 9148  11/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   0   12   $500.00   $1,185.12   $1,685.12   Hosted a free Friendsgiving dinner for all of our members and our military families.  
 POST 9148  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   3   2   $0.00   $148.56   $148.56   Attended and ushered at the 2024 Veterans Day Celebration in Norwalk City Hall.  
 POST 9148  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   1   1   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   Tabled for membership at the 2024 Veterans Day Celebration in La Mirada City Hall.  
 POST 9148  11/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   0   6   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Hosted and sponsored with AUX a Cancer Awareness Dinner. We provided free dinner and raised funds for local Veterans who are cancer survivors. Also provided Buddy Poppys at each table.  
 POST 9148  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   5   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Opened our doors to the community to celebrate Veterans Day. Provided free lunch to all.  
 POST 9148  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   2   7   $0.00   $518.77   $518.77   Planned, attended, and hosted (2 speakers) 2024 Veterans Day Celebration in La Mirada City Hall.  
 POST 9148  11/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted Veteran in obtaining military documents and with submitting a claim to the VA.  
 POST 9148  11/17/2024   Community Service   Other   4   4   1   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Adjutant Volunteered to cook burgers at local Church (Calvary Chapel Santa Fe Springs) for the community and friends. 
 POST 9148  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home during the District meeting  
 POST 9148  11/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Reached out to members for a mental wellness check after traumatic event. Advised members if they needed the Chaplain to reach out.  
 POST 9148  11/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Reached out to members for a mental wellness check after traumatic event. Advised members if they needed the Chaplain to reach out.  
 POST 9148  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   1   $250.00   $50.08   $300.08   Donated 250$ To NLMUSD for families in need of thanksgiving dinners (Thanksgiving baskets) 
 POST 9148  11/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Reached out to members for a mental wellness check after traumatic event. Advised members if they needed the Chaplain to reach out.  
 POST 9148  11/23/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Submitted a package to District for 1st place Post winner for Voice of Democracy.  
 POST 9148  11/23/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Submitted a package to District for 2nd place Post winner for Voice of Democracy.  
 POST 9148  11/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   0   6   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   We donated 25 Turkey's to veterans and community members that were in need. 
 POST 9148  11/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   5   3   $0.00   $74.77   $74.77   Post participated in Turkey Run. Sponsored local veterans by delivering turkeys and delivered to American Legion in Buena Park Post. 
 POST 9148  11/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   3   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   opened post during Thanksgiving Day and served Free lunch to veterans and community. 
 POST 9148  11/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted Veteran in need of IT support with their electronic devices. 
 POST 9148  12/1/2024   Veterans Assistance      3   0   3   $250.00   $222.21   $472.21   25 Days of Christmas- free lunch for veterans at post. 
 POST 9148  12/2/2024   Community Service      1   3   1   $200.00   $25.11   $225.11   24 Days of Christmas- Started toy drive at post and met with Foster Road Elementary and the Pre-K Program for Norwalk-La Mirada USD to plan our toy drive. Also put together large, wrapped boxes at the district office, Foster Road, and the Post for toy drive. 
 POST 9148  12/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   4   1   $0.00   $25.25   $25.25   23 Days of Christmas- Attended the opening of the Norwalk HS Gym and did the pledge of allegiance. 
 POST 9148  12/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   22 Days of Christmas - Conducted Pledge of Allegiance at John Glenn High School and Southeast Military Academy.  
 POST 9148  12/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   15   1   $0.00   $26.79   $26.79   21 Days of Christmas - Recruited at the CSBA conference. 
 POST 9148  12/5/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   1   15   1   $25.00   $26.79   $51.79   21 Days of Christmas - Presented at the 2024 California School Board Association Annual Conference on the relationship between the "pre-military" (JROTC) and the VFWs participation in serving military populations but also youth development as part of VFW programs (e.g., VOD). 
 POST 9148  12/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   15   1   $0.00   $26.79   $26.79   20 Days of Christmas - For Christmas break gave Buddy Poppies to MBV, Cohort 12 students (55) at the University of Southern California.  
 POST 9148  12/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   On Pearl Harbor Day we disseminated Buddy Poppies to guests. 
 POST 9148  12/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   0   5   $300.00   $493.80   $793.80   18 Days of Christmas - Gave free Christmas meals for Veterans and their families as part of our Christmas celebration. 
 POST 9148  12/7/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   4   0   6   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   18 Days of Christmas - Celebration of Peal Harbor Day. 
 POST 9148  12/8/2024   Community Service      2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Toy drive and organization with Ramona HeadStart. 
 POST 9148  12/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   4   1   $300.00   $49.94   $349.94   Donated 300$ to NLMUSD teachers union. 
 POST 9148  12/9/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   3   1   $0.00   $25.11   $25.11   16 Days of Christmas - Conducted the Pledge of Allegiance at the regular scheduled meeting of the Norwalk-La Mirada USD. 
 POST 9148  12/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   4   1   $0.00   $25.25   $25.25   15 Days of Christmas - Conducted the Pledge of Allegiance at the Norwalk Council Meeting. 
 POST 9148  12/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   1   1   $25.00   $24.83   $49.83   15 Days of Christmas - gave out Buddy Poppy at swearing in ceremony for Michelle Bean- new councilmember for La Mirada. 
 POST 9148  12/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Attended West Covina Police Department promotions ceremony at City Hall. Met with and congratulated promoted Officers and incoming Police Chief. 
 POST 9148  1/7/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Donated the use of the hall to La Mirada Veterans Coordinating Council (LMVCC) 
 POST 9148  1/7/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Member attended Chamber meeting, lead the Pledge of Allegiance. 
 POST 9148  1/10/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Reached out to a member who has been missing. He answered and is doing well. 
 POST 9148  1/11/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   11   0   4   $0.00   $1,086.36   $1,086.36   collected donation for displaced families due to current Southern California wildfires (Palisades/Altadena).  
 POST 9148  1/11/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Collected and sorted relief supplies for victims of the Southern California Wildfires at VFW 9148. 
 POST 9148  1/12/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   6   26   4   $0.00   $596.20   $596.20   collected and distributed much needed items to CA wildfire victims in Altadena. 
 POST 9148  1/12/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   5   54   6   $0.00   $748.26   $748.26   Delivered a U-Haul of donations to Pasadena (Elks Lodge) a donation center. water/food/clothing/and necessary critical items required. Everyone was grateful for the donations 
 POST 9148  1/14/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Followed up with member that is going through a divorce. He says that he is doing well. Will Continue to follow up. 
 POST 9148  1/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Donated clothing to homeless vets from Los Angeles CA who are waiting for housing  
 POST 9148  1/17/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   distributed books to homeless veterans at VA LA. They genuinely appreciated the books.  
 POST 9148  1/18/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Donations were sorted for the victims of CA Wildfires 
 POST 9148  1/19/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   8   $0.00   $790.08   $790.08   Provided lunch to members and guests that volunteered to assist with the effort of the 2025 California fires. 
 POST 9148  1/23/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Provided a posted member with a ride home as he was intoxicated to avoid DUI.  
 POST 9148  1/23/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Attended Memorial Service for La Mirada resident and Army Veteran in Whittier and provided comfort and info to the grieving family. Veteran will be laid to rest at Riverside National Cemetery.  
 POST 9148  1/26/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   50   8   $600.00   $1,192.12   $1,792.12   Post donated food (burgers, chips and soda) to feed homeless veterans at Los Angeles VA. 
 POST 9148  1/26/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   6   50   8   $0.00   $1,192.12   $1,192.12   Spoke with Homeless veterans at VA Los Angeles during our visit to feed the homeless veterans while working with non profit "We are Veterans.  
 POST 9148  1/26/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   50   2   $0.00   $303.28   $303.28   With collaboration with "We Are Vets". Trustee and guest distributed blankets and clothing to homeless veterans at Los Angeles VA hospital. 
 POST 9148  1/26/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   6   50   2   $0.00   $303.28   $303.28   Post quartermaster and Jr. Vice had a conversation with 2 homeless veterans at Los Angeles VA while providing lunch. They thanked us for lunch but most importantly they enjoyed the conversation that had nothing to do with their situation. 
 POST 9148  1/26/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   6   50   8   $0.00   $1,192.12   $1,192.12   While Feeding Veterans at Los Angeles VA Hospital. Post members also spoke with veterans that are displaced. 
 POST 9148  1/26/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   50   8   $600.00   $1,192.12   $1,792.12   Post members came together to feed homeless veterans that are housed at LA VA Hospital. Over 200 veterans were fed. This was done with the collaboration of "We are Vets" a non-profit organization that assists homeless veterans with essential items. It was a great turn out we will do this again 
 POST 9148  2/4/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Attended La Mirada Chamber of Commerce breakfast and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  
 POST 9148  2/4/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Attended La Mirada Veterans Coordinating Council Meeting and initiated planning for VFW Memorial Day 2025 event for VFW 9148.  
 POST 9148  2/15/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   4   1   $0.00   $74.63   $74.63   Attended Janice Hahn Veterans event at Liberty Community Plaza in Whittier. Met with Director of Veterans Claims for L.A. County and he provided me the grand tour of the offices there and information to take back and share at the Post.  
 Post 9148 Total 362 705 353 $11,001.00 $33,257.43 $44,258.43
 POST 10166  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   9   $200.00   $1,333.26   $1,533.26   BBQ for veterans and community members 
 POST 10166  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   9   $100.00   $1,111.05   $1,211.05   4th. of July celebration for the community  
 POST 10166  9/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   12   2   $0.00   $149.82   $149.82   Collected food donations and delivered them to the Long Beach VA Hospital food pantry.  
 POST 10166  9/14/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Attended/Participated District 4 POW/MIA Ceremony.  
 POST 10166  10/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   5   2   $100.00   $198.22   $298.22   Delivered flowers and called members that have been missing meetings.  
 POST 10166  1/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   12   2   $100.00   $51.06   $151.06   Bought food supplies to Long Beach VA for the Veterans and pantry.  
 Post 10166 Total 21 29 25 $500.00 $2,892.79 $3,392.79
 District 4 Total 2,002 6,933 1,142 $52,114.53 $135,043.55 $187,158.08
 POST 0  10/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   160   1   $90.00   $170.54   $260.54   Attended Membership Drive event at LA Comic Con  
 Post 0 Total 6 160 1 $90.00 $170.54 $260.54
 POST 2143  9/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   3   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   Attend a 9/11 Memorial Service at the Barstow Cemetery at 11 am. Veterans and Civic organizations attend. Speech given by the Barstow mayor, Fort Irwin NTC Representative, Barstow Marine Corps Logistic Base Representative. Event lasted 1 hour.  
 POST 2143  9/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   15   5   $300.00   $495.90   $795.90   Fundraiser  Dinner was BBQ Ribs and all proceeds to support the Tim Heiden. The proceeds used for Toys for Tots in December.  
 POST 2143  10/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance    3   10   4   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   VA Home Report During our monthly meeting on September 19th 2024 it was brought to our attention from our Commander Al Williamson and a representative of the VA home here in Barstow CA that they are in need of an outside agent to represent veterans who have no family or friends in the last days of their life in order for their final wishes and honors to be conducted otherwise the veterans will not be buried with honors and they will be put into a mass grave. Our post meeting was in a unanimous agreement that we needed to supplement the VA so that not one veteran ends up in a mass grave we have reached out to the VA home and got put in point and got put into contact With a Miss Francine Martinez the current social worker at Barstow’s VA home in charge of these situation. We are maintaining open lines of communication in order for us to be notified immediately when they receive a veteran needing representation from the VFW. Currently there is only one veteran at the Barstow VA home in need of representation. We’re in communication with him and we'll accommodate his needs. The post will continue to monitor the situation and provide any assistance to the VA home that we can muster. We will continue to report on any follow-up information as it arrives. In retrospect we here at post 2143 feel it is an egregious oversight of the VA of California that there is not some form of immediate representation for these veterans without family or friends this is the type of situation that should have never occurred under the VA's watch. Since informed I myself Phillip Grossman and several other VFW trustees have been to the VA home on a regular basis in order to maintain a presence and serve our fellow veterans. Veterans of foreign wars post 2143 Phillip Grossman United States Army  
 POST 2143  10/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $6.00   $24.69   $30.69   Donated to the National Home during D5 meeting  
 POST 2143  10/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   20   4   $308.00   $299.08   $607.08   Our VFW Post 2143 held a dinner, burger, Baked beans and potato salad. The teachers and American Cruiser MC Nonprofit held the event at our Post. Supplies spent $308.00, sold 60 dinners at $15.00 plate. They made a total of $900.00 which went directly to the Tim Heiden Foundation. This will go towards Toys for Tots in December 2024.  
 POST 2143  11/11/2024   Community Service   Other   2   15   8   $150.00   $397.14   $547.14   Attend Veterans Day November 11, 2024 at 11:00 hours. Service lasted 1 hour, our VFW Post held a hamburger cook out which and all donations going to Building Fund of $285.00.  
 POST 2143  11/11/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   0   8   $0.00   $790.08   $790.08   Post held a ceremony at 14:00 hours, the Post conducted a flag burning ritual and read proper procedures and public observed. A success, the public brought in old worn-out flags. 
 POST 2143  11/14/2024   Community Service   Other   4   15   4   $200.00   $397.14   $597.14   The VFW Post held a Fund raiser for the Tim Heiden Foundation for Toys for Tots. Spent was $200.00 on food. 47 plates sold and gross $705.00 in Donations for Toys for Tots in December 2024.  
 POST 2143  1/2/2025   Community Service   POW/MIA   3   20   1   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   Attend a Funeral / Burial for our Life Member and POW of the Korean War. Veteran was David Villafana and was a POW for 36 months, David was from Barstow California. 
 POST 2143  1/17/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   15   1   $10.00   $26.79   $36.79   Veteran needing assistance, trying to get back home. Talk with Veteran, name was Gibbs from Palmdale , California.  
 Post 2143 Total 26 130 39 $974.00 $2,882.24 $3,856.24
 POST 2924  7/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   While at National convention, members packed seeds (cucumber, cabbage, broccoli), these seeds will be distributed to school and communities that wish to start gardens.  
 POST 2924  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   2   5   $0.00   $370.63   $370.63   Held a 4th of July celebration for the community of Hesperia  
 POST 2924  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during National convention.  
 POST 2924  9/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   1   2   $100.00   $49.52   $149.52   Donated $100 to assist a veteran in a need for housing for a night and food.  
 POST 2924  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   15   6   $125.00   $298.38   $423.38   Did a POW/MIA Ceremony and a set up a remembrance ceremony with the help of Sultana High School.  
 POST 2924  10/5/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   160   1   $0.00   $96.47   $96.47   Held Poppy drive at Recruiting event at LA Comic Con  
 POST 2924  10/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   160   1   $0.00   $195.23   $195.23   Attended Membership Drive at LA Comic Con  
 POST 2924  10/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   160   1   $0.00   $96.47   $96.47   Attended Buddy Poppy Drive at LA Comic Con  
 POST 2924  2/2/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   16   1   $0.00   $101.00   $101.00   Worked with Pack 2924 and Apple Valley Fire explorers and properly retired 250 American Flags  
 Post 2924 Total 25 514 19 $240.00 $1,257.08 $1,497.08
 POST 3000  7/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Held VPAN workshop for veterans open to all veterans and families.  
 POST 3000  7/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   0   1   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Aegis Authority held a California certified CCW Course.  
 POST 3000  8/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   134   4   $0.00   $413.80   $413.80   Bakersfield National Cemetary, Army veteran Raygoza. Augmented the Army w/rifles.  
 POST 3000  8/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   6   4   $0.00   $99.60   $99.60   Good Shepherd Cemetary, Marine veteran Gordon Vance sr. Augmented the Marines w/rifles.  
 POST 3000  8/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   134   4   $0.00   $413.80   $413.80   Bakersfield National Cemetary, Army Veteran Donald Bearden. Augmented the Army w/rifles.  
 POST 3000  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   75   3   $100.00   $306.78   $406.78   Augmented Army Honor Guard for Military Burial Services.  
 POST 3000  8/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   USCCA held a course on How to Identify a Public Threat  
 POST 3000  8/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Held VPAN workshop for veterans open to all veterans and families.  
 POST 3000  8/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   134   4   $0.00   $413.80   $413.80   Bakersfield National Cemetary, Army veteran Marco. Augmented the Army w/rifles.  
 POST 3000  9/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   16   6   $0.00   $298.52   $298.52   Antelope Valley Country Club, Navy veteran Veneklassen. Augmented the Navy w/rifles, taps, and Navy 2 Bell.  
 POST 3000  9/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   5   $0.00   $248.30   $248.30   Grace Chapel, Army veteran  Bazzell. Augmented the Army w/rifles.  
 POST 3000  9/17/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   5   $0.00   $186.55   $186.55   Family Memorial Services Mortuary, Army veteran Russell.  
 POST 3000  9/17/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   5   $0.00   $248.30   $248.30   Family Memorial Services Mortuary, Army veteran Saunders.  
 POST 3000  9/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   134   10   $0.00   $1,006.36   $1,006.36   Bakersfield National Cemetary, Navy veteran Mr Crothers.  
 POST 3000  9/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   0   1   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Aegis Authority held a California certified CCW Course at the post  
 POST 3000  9/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Held VPAN workshop for veterans open to all veterans and families.  
 POST 3000  9/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   134   5   $0.00   $512.56   $512.56   Bakersfield National Cemetary, Navy veteran Carlson.  
 POST 3000  9/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   2   1   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Provided the patio are to Svs services to have thier annual parrty  
 POST 3000  9/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   134   5   $0.00   $512.56   $512.56   Bakersfield National Cemetary, Navy veteran Leroy Johnson.  
 POST 3000  10/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   30   4   $0.00   $201.72   $201.72   Palmdale Country Club, Army veteran Mr Powell. Rifles and taps  
 POST 3000  10/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Aegis Authority free training Navigating the Dangers of the Holiday Shopping Season (situational awareness) sponsored by USCCA  
 POST 3000  10/24/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   27   6   $0.00   $300.06   $300.06   Desert Lawn Memorial, Army Veteran  Hernandez. Rifles, taps, and flag presentation.  
 Post 3000 Total 85 990 80 $100.00 $6,446.87 $6,546.87
 POST 3552  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   George held a NRA approved ammunition reloading and safety class at post 3552; 4 people attended the class.  
 POST 3552  7/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Provided the facility to for the Riffle Reloading Class, this class is open to the community.  
 POST 3552  8/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   0   5   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Post 3552 donated the use of its banquet hall for the celebration of life honoring Charlotte Wise, approximately 100 people attended this event.  
 POST 3552  10/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Provided the facility to for the Riffle Reloading Class, this class is open to the community.  
 POST 3552  10/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   George held another NRA reloading and safety class at our post, 4 people attended the class.  
 POST 3552  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   3   1   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Commander Matt Jackson attended a Veteran's Day event at Tamarisk School in Palmdale; at this event the children from different grades honored our veterans by reciting poems, singing and even held roll calls.  
 POST 3552  11/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   5   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   The Post donated the use of our banquet room to the family of one of recently departed member Terry Hopper, The family wanted to have a little get together at a place where he was a member of for many years. Approximately 20 family members and friends had a potluck and memorial service in his honor.  
 Post 3552 Total 33 3 15 $0.00 $1,506.51 $1,506.51
 POST 4084  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   10   $0.00   $987.60   $987.60   Post held a July 4th celebration open to the public.  
 POST 4084  7/28/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   2   3   1   $150.00   $49.80   $199.80   Visited the local Red Cross shelter station for the Lake Isabella area evacuees. Provided our local Veteran Service contacts. Provide medical equipment.  
 POST 4084  9/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   2   3   $20.00   $222.49   $242.49   Participated in the annual Parade of a 1000 Flags. Carried flags representing VFW Ship 4084  
 POST 4084  9/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   5   $0.00   $371.75   $371.75   Post members participated in the Parade of a 1000 Flags held by the City of Ridgecrest. 
 POST 4084  9/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   veteran reached out since he had lost his dd214. VSO sent guidance on how to obtain the dd215 through the ebenefits website.  
 POST 4084  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   3   0   8   $100.00   $592.56   $692.56   Presented a POW/MIA ceremony. This was open to the community to honor and educate those that we need to continue to remember  
 POST 4084  9/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Individual contacted vso at the ship seeking guidance on how to assist a homeless veteran in the Ridgecrest area. individual was advised on best ways he could assist the veteran, mainly with getting him assistance from the Bakersfield VA Hospital where he had been seen in the past at. Provided phone information and website links for VA and DAV.  
 POST 4084  9/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   recently discharged veteran emailed and scheduled to speak with ship vso regarding va rating. provided personal experience on the rating system, and also link to information on filing an appeal.  
 POST 4084  9/27/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Participated in the Annual Veteran Stand-down. We a table to represent VFW Ship 4084. Roughly meet with approximately 200 people. Although, during the Stand-down we were not allowed to accept monies we were able to educate the campaign of the Buddy Poppy  
 POST 4084  9/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Participated in the Annual Veteran Stand-down. We a table to represent VFW Ship 4084. Roughly meet with approximately 200 people. We were provided information and guidance to approximately 25 Veterans in need of assistance.  
 POST 4084  9/27/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   1   2   3   $0.00   $74.35   $74.35   Participated in the Annual Veteran Stand-down. We a table to represent VFW Ship 4084. Roughly meet with approximately 200 people.  
 POST 4084  9/27/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Participated in the Annual Veteran Stand-down. We a table to represent VFW Ship 4084. Roughly meet with approximately 200 people.. We met with a Woman Veteran that is developing a program with will assist veteran homeless. We were able to collaborate and assist each program. We extended an invitation to have a booth at our next open house to educate the community of our collaborated efforts  
 POST 4084  9/27/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   2   3   $0.00   $74.35   $74.35   Participated in the Annual Veteran Stand-down and held a membership drive.  
 POST 4084  9/27/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   2   3   $50.00   $74.35   $124.35   Participated in the Annual Veteran Stand-down. We a table to represent VFW Ship 4084. Roughly meet with approximately 200 people. we reached approximately 20 interested and potential qualified Comrades.  
 POST 4084  10/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $6.00   $24.69   $30.69   Donated to the National Home during D5 meeting  
 POST 4084  11/2/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   5   10   3   $400.00   $371.75   $771.75   Due to problems with the scholarship page, members got together to review and judge participants. 
 POST 4084  11/2/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   5   10   3   $400.00   $371.75   $771.75   Due to issues with web page for VOD, members got together to judge local participants 
 POST 4084  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   7   $1,000.00   $864.15   $1,864.15   Host the veterans day ceremony and a pot luck followed. Guest speaker was China Lake NAWS base commander. Approximately 50 community members were in attendance. Booths for VSO, recruiting, and the community college were provided. 
 POST 4084  11/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Veteran reached out to the ship vso regarding an issue he was having with an appeals case he wanted to proceed with. Veteran was advised due to nature of the appeal and complexity to continue working with the Kern County VSO who has capabilities to assist with the document filing and detailed patient information.  
 POST 4084  11/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   3   1   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Opened our hall for local motorcycle group to put together Thanksgiving baskets for needy families in the Ridgecrest community  
 POST 4084  12/7/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Provided flags to the local boy scout troop to be retired during the ceremony. 
 POST 4084  12/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   VSO Howard Cozine provided guidance on va paperwork questions.  
 POST 4084  12/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   VSO Howard Cozine assisted service members after inquiry into death benefits after his father had passed away. Documentation information provided and general information regarding the process.  
 POST 4084  12/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   1   $430.00   $75.47   $505.47   Participated in making food baskets for the Ridgecrest/Inyokern community for low income families  
 POST 4084  1/2/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Veteran called seeking assistance on death benefits for their recently deceased spouse. Ship VSO provided forms and guidance on where to turn in.  
 POST 4084  1/2/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Veteran contacted the ship seeking guidance on VA claims information. Ship VSO provided information and guidance based on experience on how to proceed to the veteran. 
 POST 4084  1/4/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Female veteran came into the post seeking guidance regarding MST and other benefits available through the VA for survivors. Benefits and other programs dedicated to helping with the long term effects was provided, as well as personal experience with each of the services available to help and coping techniques that have worked for others in the past. 
 POST 4084  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $500.00   $24.69   $524.69   Ship was approached to sponsor the local female pool league at the Las Vegas, NV season end tournament. Members of the team are military veterans. They will be representing VFW Ship 4084 at that tournament in late March. 
 POST 4084  1/9/2025   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   0   2   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   Ship is sponsoring a law enforcement individual at the Respect for Law dinner held by the Kawanas Club in Ridgecrest, CA. Ship representatives will present recognition awards to sponsored individual at the dinner in March. 
 POST 4084  1/10/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   5   4   $100.00   $99.46   $199.46   $100 is donated to St Anne Catholic School for their benefit dinner in March. 
 POST 4084  1/10/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   veteran contacted the ship looking for death benefits assistance. VSO contacted.  
 POST 4084  1/10/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   10   200   5   $100.00   $1,262.50   $1,362.50   Ship has been designated as a collection drop off point for the disaster relief efforts in the Los Angeles fire area. $100 is donated for water to the Red Cross. Collected items are being coordinated for distribution with local area VFW Posts, the Red Cross, and other designated non-profits in the region of impact. 
 POST 4084  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   daughter of a deceased veteran reached out the ship regarding benefits and procedures following the veterans death. VSO contacted.  
 POST 4084  1/22/2025   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   5   $75.00   $123.45   $198.45   Held an awards ceremony for the ship voice of democracy winners. Provided dinner to the winners and their families. Approximately 10 individuals were in attendance to celebrate with the awardees  
 POST 4084  1/22/2025   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   2   0   5   $150.00   $246.90   $396.90   Held awards ceremony for the Law Enforcement of the Year awardees from the Ridgecrest Police department. Provided dinner for them and their guests. Approximately 15 law enforcement in attendance to celebrate with the awardees.  
 POST 4084  1/22/2025   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   0   5   $75.00   $123.45   $198.45   Held an awards ceremony for the ship patriot pen winners. Provided dinner to the winners and their families. Approximately 15 individuals were in attendance to celebrate with the awardees  
 POST 4084  1/23/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   veterans wife called to get information and assistance for her husband who is starting the claims process. provided information and links to get started and how the process generally proceeds.  
 POST 4084  2/1/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   9   2   $0.00   $248.16   $248.16   Patriot Guard Ride and Flag Line (Honor Guard) at the funeral  
 POST 4084  2/8/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   1st of 3 this Day. Patriot Guard (Honor Guard) ride to escort the family of a fallen service member, Flag Line to Chapel / Grave site. Funeral honors.  
 POST 4084  2/8/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   6   3   $0.00   $148.98   $148.98   2nd of 3 this Day. Patriot Guard (Honor Guard) ride to escort the family of a fallen service member, Flag Line to Chapel / Grave site.  
 POST 4084  2/8/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   8   3   $0.00   $223.33   $223.33   3rd of 3 this Day. Patriot Guard (Honor Guard) ride to escort the family of a fallen service member, Flag Line to Chapel / Grave site. Funeral honors.  
 POST 4084  2/13/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   1   0   7   $0.00   $172.83   $172.83   Sea Cadet sponsorship has been resumed with the Ridgecrest chapter of the Sea Cadet organization. No monetary donations for sponsoring the unit are necessary at this time, since leadership of both the Post and Sea Cadets are looking to find fundraising events for both organizations. Moving forward the Sea Cadets will have access to the ship facilities in coordination with membership for training events and other functions. We look forward to having them and working them. 
 POST 4084  2/13/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   7   $250.00   $172.83   $422.83   Donation of $250 was made to the Eastern Sierra 3rd Annual Walk for Autism Awareness which is being held April 12th in Ridgecrest, CA. During the walk to membership and Sea Cadets will be manning a table for buddy poppy and membership to both organizations. 
 POST 4084  2/14/2025   Youth Development   Other   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Ships Captain spoke with Trona High School about military educational events on campus and bringing the program Veterans in the classroom to the school. Mrs. Eldridge, Trona High School principal, was excited to coordinate events around memorial day, 9/11, and veterans day during this school year. 
 POST 4084  2/14/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   2   0   5   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   membership in coordination with the new Sea Cadet commander for the Ridgecrest chapter of the organization have begun coordination of events of mutual benefit. Sea Cadets will be attending District 5/ Department visit on April 12th to post of the colors at the beginning of the meeting. 
 POST 4084  2/14/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   5   $500.00   $246.90   $746.90   On Feb 14th the ship held it's second annual valentines day dinner. Following the dinner the ship donated more than $500 in meals to the Women's Shelter in Ridgecrest, CA which houses women and the children from domestic violence and other issues. The amount donated totaled approximately 7 to 10 TriTip dinners and 6 to 8 seafood boil dinners, along with crab legs and lobster tails. 
 Post 4084 Total 94 312 139 $4,556.00 $8,462.97 $13,018.97
 POST 5551  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   2   1   $0.00   $247.18   $247.18   Volunteered at the 4th of July ceremonies with Lucerne Valley Chamber of Commerce  
 POST 5551  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   10   1   $1,800.00   $248.30   $2,048.30   Victorville Elk's Lodge Veterans Committee held a Yard Sale and BBQ All proceeds were donated to the Veteran's Committee. 
 POST 5551  11/21/2024   Community Service   Community Service   5   2   1   $0.00   $123.73   $123.73   Work at USDA food giveaway gave out 163 boxes and 53 boxes to Veterans families in Lucerne Valley, Ca.  
 POST 5551  11/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   10   45   1   $152.00   $253.20   $405.20   Pick up a wheelchair Veteran and went to he's family Thanksgiving Dinner in Victorville Ca.  
 POST 5551  2/9/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   11   54   1   $154.00   $279.15   $433.15   Pick up a wheelchair Veteran and went to a Super Bowl party we ate and watch the game and took the wheelchair Veteran home.  
 POST 5551  2/14/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    15   20   1   $600.00   $373.15   $973.15   Valentine Day Dinner at BPO Elks Lodge 1877 Victorville, CA Planned, Purchased , Prepared, Served Dinner to 50 People, 25 of are Veterans and 12 Veterans came from Barstow Soldiers Home of California. Entertainment was Kareoke for 5 hours after the dinner. VFW Post Member of 5551 was Daniel Floyd is the cook, serving Porterhouse, Baked Potato Bar, Green Bean Casserole and Cornbread.  
 POST 5551  2/22/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    10   224   1   $125.00   $278.26   $403.26   Pick up a wheelchair Veteran and went to a going away Party for his cousin and nephew who is going into the Air Force's for 6 year's.  
 Post 5551 Total 71 357 7 $2,831.00 $1,802.97 $4,633.97
 POST 6313  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   4   2   $0.00   $296.84   $296.84   Two Post 6313 members conducted a membership drive at Boron Food Mart in Boron, CA on 4th of July. 
 POST 6313  10/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $6.00   $24.69   $30.69   Donated to the National Home during D5 meeting  
 POST 6313  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   6   $0.00   $445.82   $445.82   Held a Veterans Day ceremony with the community at the local monument over 60 people attended. 
 POST 6313  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   6   3   $0.00   $593.40   $593.40   Three members of boron 6313 conducted a Buddy Poppy a table at Boron Food Mart in Boron, CA.  
 POST 6313  11/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   called and checked up on a member we had not heard from in a coupel weeks. 
 POST 6313  12/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   2   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Donated the use of the space for a community event. 
 Post 6313 Total 25 20 15 $6.00 $1,681.72 $1,687.72
 POST 8036  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   30   5   $150.00   $374.55   $524.55   Color guard march for 4th of July parade in Independence Ca.  
 POST 8036  10/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $6.00   $24.69   $30.69   Donated to the National Home during D5 meeting  
 Post 8036 Total 4 30 6 $156.00 $399.24 $555.24
 POST 8988  10/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $6.00   $24.69   $30.69   Donated to the National Home during D5 meeting  
 Post 8988 Total 1 0 1 $6.00 $24.69 $30.69
 POST 9375  8/7/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Visited Edwards AFB Fire and Emergency Serices (FES Fire Headquarter), 105 Yeager Blvd, Edwards, CA 93524.. Discussed the VFW's Public Servant Award Citations for first responders. Handed out Public Servant Award Entry Forms and encouraged FES Fire to submit individuals who deserves recognitions.  
 POST 9375  8/7/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   26   1   $0.00   $28.33   $28.33   Visited Edwards AFB 412 Security Forces Headquarters (SFS), Building 2419 Methusa Ave .93524. Discussed the VFW's Public Servant Award Citations for first responders. Handed out Public Servant Award Entry Forms and encouraged SFS to submit individuals who deserves recognitions.  
 POST 9375  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   46   1   $0.00   $129.89   $129.89   Took a veteran to his cataract's surgery on his left eye. Envision Surgery Center, 42442 10th St. West, Ste. G, Lancaster, CA 93534, Took him home after the surgery.  
 POST 9375  8/19/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   18   1   $0.00   $27.21   $27.21   Visited Mojave Jr/Sr High School, 15732 O St. Mojave, CA 93501. Discussed the VFW's Teacher of the Year Award. Handed out Teacher of the Year Entry Forms and encouraged staff members to submit individual teachers who deserves recognition for promoting citizenship education.  
 POST 9375  8/19/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   18   1   $0.00   $27.21   $27.21   Visited Mojave Jr/Sr High School, 15732 O St, Mojave CA 93501. Discussed with School Staff members about the VFW's Voice of Democracy. Handed out entry forms and encouraged staff member to encourage students to participate in this opportunity for scholarships awards.  
 POST 9375  8/19/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   18   1   $0.00   $27.21   $27.21   Visited Mojave Jr/Sr High School, 15732 O St, Mojave CA 93501. Discussed with School Staff members about the VFW's Patriot's. Handed out entry forms and encouraged staff member to encourage students to participate in this opportunity for scholarships awards.  
 POST 9375  8/20/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   2   21   1   $0.00   $52.32   $52.32   Visited Edwards Jr/Sr High School, 1575 Payne Ave. Edwards, CA 93523. Discussed the VFW's Teacher of the Year Award. Handed out Teacher of the Year Entry Forms and encouraged staff members to submit individual teachers who deserves recognition for promoting citizenship education.  
 POST 9375  8/20/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   21   1   $0.00   $27.63   $27.63   Visited Edwards AFB, Desert Jr/Sr High School, 1575 Payne Ave, Edwards AFB, CA 93523. Discussed with School Staff members about the VFW's Voice of Democracy. Handed out entry forms and encouraged staff member to encourage students to participate in this opportunity for scholarships awards.  
 POST 9375  8/20/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   21   1   $0.00   $27.63   $27.63   Visited Edwards AFB, Desert Jr/Sr High School, 1575 Payne Ave, Edwards AFB, CA 93523. Discussed with School Staff members about the VFW's Patriot's Pen Competition. Handed out entry forms and encouraged staff member to encourage students to participate in this opportunity for scholarships awards.  
 POST 9375  8/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Took a veteran to his cataract's surgery on his right eye. Envision Surgery Center, 42442 10th St. West, Ste. G, Lancaster, CA 93534, Took him home after the surgery.  
 POST 9375  8/23/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   2   1   $0.00   $24.97   $24.97   Visited the California City Fire Department, 20890 Hacienda Blvd, California City, CA 93505. Discussed the VFW's Public Servant Award Citations for first responders. Handed out Public Servant Award Entry Forms and encouraged Department to submit individuals how deserves recognitions.  
 POST 9375  8/23/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   18   1   $0.00   $27.21   $27.21   Visited the Kern County Sheriff's Department, 1771 State Highway 58, Mojave, CA 93501. Discussed the public servant award citations for first responders. Passed out applications and encouraged to submit candidates that deserve recognition.  
 POST 9375  8/23/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   21   1   $0.00   $27.66   $27.66   Visited the California Highway Patrol, 1313 State Highway 58, Mojave, CA 93501. Discussed the public servant award citations for first responders. Passed out applications and encouraged to submit candidates that deserve recognition.  
 POST 9375  8/26/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   4   1   $0.00   $25.25   $25.25   Visited California City Middle School, 9737 Redwood Blvd, California City, CA 93505. Discussed with School Staff members about the VFW's Patriot's Pen Competition. Handed out entry forms and encouraged staff member to encourage students to participate in this opportunity for scholarships awards.  
 POST 9375  8/26/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   4   1   $0.00   $25.25   $25.25   Visited California City Middle School, 9737 Redwood Blvd, California City, CA 93505. Discussed the VFW's Teacher of the Year Award. Handed out the VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Award Forms and encouraged staff members to submit deserving teachers that promote citizenship education.  
 POST 9375  9/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   45   3   $0.00   $376.65   $376.65   Edward AFB sponsored a Military Retiree Appreciation Day. We set up a table for Buddy Poppy Drive and handed out buddy poppies to all participants.  
 POST 9375  9/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   45   3   $0.00   $376.65   $376.65   Edwards AFB sponsored a Military Retiree Appreciation Day. We had a table set up for VFW membership recruiting. We recruited 8 new members at large.  
 POST 9375  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   4   4   $0.00   $198.08   $198.08   Participated in a Community Patriot's Day Ceremony to honor 9/11 victims. And to honor all 1st responders and veteran.  
 POST 9375  10/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $6.00   $24.69   $30.69   Donated to the National Home during D5 meeting  
 POST 9375  10/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   6   3   $0.00   $297.12   $297.12   VFW members helped an elderly Veteran fix his fence due to high winds at  California City, CA 93505. A comrade donated the wood to help fix and repair fence to help Veteran save on cost.  
 POST 9375  10/15/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   21   1   $0.00   $27.63   $27.63   Followed up with a visit with Edwards AFB, Desert Jr/Sr High School, 1575 Payne Ave, Edwards AFB, CA 93523. Checked in with School Staff members about the VFW's Patriot's Pen. In addition, email entry forms in a PDF form to School Principal, Career counselors, and selected Teachers. School is on-board with the VFW programs, and we had a discussion and plan for next year programs. 
 POST 9375  10/15/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   21   1   $0.00   $27.63   $27.63   Followed up with a visit with Edwards AFB, Desert Jr/Sr High School, 1575 Payne Ave, Edwards AFB, CA 93523. Checked in with School Staff members about the VFW's Teacher of the Year Award. In addition, email entry forms in a PDF form to School Principal and Career counselors. Unfortunately, the school did not have any time to recommend and submit a teacher. School is on-board with the VFW programs, and we had a discussion and plan for next year programs. 
 POST 9375  10/15/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   3   21   1   $0.00   $77.01   $77.01   Followed up with a visit with Edwards AFB, Desert Jr/Sr High School, 1575 Payne Ave, Edwards AFB, CA 93523. Checked in with School Staff members about the VFW's Voice of Democracy. In addition, email entry forms in a PDF form to School Principal, Career counselors, and selected Teachers. This visited resulted in two students' entry into the Voice of Democracy. School is on-board with the VFW programs, and we had a discussion and plan for next year programs. 
 POST 9375  10/16/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   2   1   $0.00   $24.97   $24.97   Followed up with a visit to the California City Fire Department, 20890 Hacienda Blvd, California City, CA 93505. Discussed the public servant award citations for first responders with staff personnel and highly encouraged to submit candidates that deserve recognition before the October 31st deadline. 
 POST 9375  10/17/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   21   1   $0.00   $27.63   $27.63   Followed up with a visit to the California Highway Patrol, 1313 State Highway 58, Mojave, CA 93501. Discussed the public servant award citations for first responders with staff personnel and highly encouraged to submit candidates that deserve recognition before the October 31st deadline. 
 POST 9375  10/17/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   18   1   $0.00   $27.21   $27.21   Followed up with a visit to the Kern County Sheriff's Department, 1771 State Highway 58, Mojave, CA 93501. Discussed the public servant award citations for first responders with staff personnel and highly encouraged to submit candidates that deserve recognition before the October 31st deadline. 
 POST 9375  11/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   46   1   $0.00   $129.89   $129.89   Took a veteran to his cataract's surgery on his right eye. Envision Surgery Center, 42442 10th St. West, Ste. G, Lancaster, CA 93534. Took him home after the surgery.  
 POST 9375  1/9/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   46   1   $0.00   $80.51   $80.51   Went to Antelope Valley Medical Center, 1600 W Ave J, Lancaster, CA 93534. Visted a Retired US Air Force Veteran and friend who had his leg removed due to diabetes. Brought him some personal products and provided some support.  
 POST 9375  2/6/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   47   1   $0.00   $55.95   $55.95   Went to Antelope Valley Medical Center, 1600 W Ave J, Lancaster, CA 93534. Second time to visit a Retired US Air Force Veteran and friend who had his leg removed due to diabetes. Brought him some more personal products, a Kindal fire tablet for reading, and provided some moral support. Gave him some good news that our VFW post will give him an electric wheelchair. Delivery of wheelchair will be determined at a later date. 
 POST 9375  2/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   1   19   $0.00   $1,407.47   $1,407.47   VFW Post 9375 hosted and supported the MOCA (Military Order of the Cooties Auxiliary) Fish Fry Dinner that was opened to the public. Funds raised went to Veterans Homes and Hospitals. 
 POST 9375  2/19/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   1   12   $0.00   $592.70   $592.70   Fund Raiser. VFW Post 9375 hosted the "Wreaths Across America) wreaths burning. The event is the burning of the wreaths used for the event back on December 14, 2024. The funds raised for this event will be used to purchase wreaths for the next Wreaths Across America in December of 2025. 
 POST 9375  2/19/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   1   11   $0.00   $1,086.50   $1,086.50   VFW Post 9375 held a Valentine's Day Steak Dinner and Trivia Night open to the public. 
 Post 9375 Total 68 609 80 $6.00 $5,467.69 $5,473.69
 POST 9415  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   64   1   $0.00   $206.48   $206.48   9415 Surgeon Manuel R Precie, S/Sgt USMC Ret/member of Semper Fi-1 Memorial Honor Guard Team performed Burial Honor Services for 16 deceased veterans at Riverside National Cemetery. 
 POST 9415  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   10   6   $200.00   $1,186.52   $1,386.52   Six members of Post 9415 conducted a Buddy Poppy Drive table at Stater Brothers Market in Phelan CA while recognizing the Independence Day 4th of July. Passed out Buddy Poppy flowers to bring awareness for those veterans who have paid the ultimate price. 
 POST 9415  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   10   9   $0.00   $1,779.08   $1,779.08   Nine members of Post 9415 participated in the 9415 membership drive table in Phelan CA during the 4th of July celebrations in Phelan CA 
 POST 9415  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   3   8   $350.00   $1,580.58   $1,930.58   Eight 9415 m Post and Auxiliary members participated in a Friday night dinner to recognize all Iraq/Afghanistan veterans for their service. 
 POST 9415  9/2/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   3   11   $0.00   $543.60   $543.60   Eleven members of Post 9415 recognized the Labor Day Holiday by hoisting the Post Colors and saying the Pledge of Allegiance. 
 POST 9415  9/11/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   2   3   19   $0.00   $938.64   $938.64   Twelve 9415 Post and Auxiliary members joined seven JROTC members from the Serrano High School in Phelan in a flag ceremony to recognize the 9/11 Day at VFW Post 9415 with speeches and salutes. 
 POST 9415  10/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $6.00   $24.69   $30.69   Donated to the National Home during D5 meeting  
 POST 9415  11/8/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   0   8   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Membership drive at Stater Bros 
 POST 9415  11/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   0   8   $0.00   $1,185.12   $1,185.12   Membership drive at Stater Bros 
 POST 9415  11/10/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Helped BSA group in flag retirement ceremony  
 POST 9415  11/10/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Membership drive at Stater Bros 
 POST 9415  11/11/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Held flag retirement ceremonies with BSA  
 POST 9415  11/11/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Held POW/MIA ceremony. 
 POST 9415  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   64   1   $0.00   $107.72   $107.72   Post 9415 Surgeon Manuel R. Precie participated as the USMC Semper Fi-1 Memorial Honor Detail Captain at the Riverside National Cemetery (RNC) in rendering Honors to all veterans during the RNC Veterans Day Cemetery at the Golf Shelter.. Cemetery, Local and State Officials were in attendance as military personnel from all military branches. 
 Post 9415 Total 68 157 83 $556.00 $9,330.11 $9,886.11
 POST 9624  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Held a Buddy Poppy drive at Jamboree days  
 POST 9624  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $100.00   $49.38   $149.38   Donated to Easter seals.  
 POST 9624  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   15   6   $0.00   $446.52   $446.52   Participated in 4th July parade with Aux  
 POST 9624  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   0   3   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Membership booth at Jamboree Days  
 POST 9624  7/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Took comrade to the VA down the hill.  
 POST 9624  7/31/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   30   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   Held a bi yearly flag retirement with aux, Boy Scouts, comminuted.  
 POST 9624  7/31/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   0   4   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Members coordinated and excited a POW/MIA ceremony at the Flag retirement  
 POST 9624  11/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Counseled veterans present at Veterans Day ceremony regarding starting their VA claims process.  
 Post 9624 Total 20 15 50 $100.00 $2,051.37 $2,151.37
 POST 9657  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   5   $150.00   $987.60   $1,137.60   4th July event for community and post members  
 POST 9657  9/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   20   2   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Two (2) comrades and one (1) Auxiliary member cross-posted to host VFW booth at Edwards Air Force Base Retirement Appreciation Day Community event. Hosted a VFW booth, distributed eligibility flyers and engaging with the Active Duty Base community members about the benefits of joining the VFW. Efforts resulted in the successful recruitment of three (3) new members. 
 POST 9657  9/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   20   2   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Two (2) comrades and one (1) Auxiliary member cross-posted to host VFW booth at Edwards Air Force Base Retirement Appreciation Day Community event. Hosted a VFW booth, distributed eligibility flyers and engaging with the Active Duty Base community members about the benefits of joining the VFW. Efforts resulted in the successful recruitment of three (3) new members. 
 POST 9657  9/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   20   2   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Two (2) comrades and one (1) Auxiliary member cross-posted to host VFW booth at Edwards Air Force Base Retirement Appreciation Day Community event. Hosted a VFW booth, distributed eligibility flyers and engaging with the Active Duty Base community members about the benefits of joining the VFW. Efforts resulted in the successful recruitment of three (3) new members.  
 POST 9657  9/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   35   4   $0.00   $597.46   $597.46   VFW recruiting new members and renewing memberships. Working with our Auxiliary for recruiting members  
 POST 9657  9/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   50   8   $0.00   $994.60   $994.60   Hosted family and members escort member to final resting place.  
 POST 9657  9/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   0   22   $0.00   $4,345.44   $4,345.44   Hosted celebration of life for fallen member from Honor Guard as a member of post 9657  
 POST 9657  10/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $6.00   $24.69   $30.69   Donated to the National Home during D5 meeting  
 POST 9657  10/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $554.00   $49.38   $603.38   Assited homeless Navy veteran and family of five off the street. I put them in a hotel for two nights getting him aid by using the VA crisis line.  
 POST 9657  10/25/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   15   3   $0.00   $224.31   $224.31   Three (3) comrades, one (1) Auxiliary member, and one (1) family member volunteered at Edwards Air Force Base Fall Fest Trunk or Treat Community event and hosted VFW recruitment booth. Assisted local base community and military organizations to spread joy to the community, passed out VFW eligibility flyers, and conversed with Active-Duty Base community members for VFW. Handed out candy to families young Halloween trick or treaters members.  
 POST 9657  10/26/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive    3   2   4   $0.00   $296.56   $296.56   Three (3) comrades and one (1) Auxiliary member volunteered at Local Trunk or Treat Community event hosted by local major grocery store. Hosted VFW recruitment booth. Assisted local base community and military organizations to spread joy to the community, passed out VFW eligibility flyers, and conversed with community members for VFW. Handed out candy to families young Halloween trick or treaters members.  
 POST 9657  10/29/2024   Veterans Assistance    Unmet Needs/Relief   4   30   1   $150.00   $102.96   $252.96   Moved homeless vet family to Edwards AFB to recivied cloths for kids and mother and father and with the help of the family a vehicle from them. They where happy and grateful kids also enjoyed getting their own seat and not in a pick up truck. I want to thank Edwards AFB, Airmen attic as well carsforvets for the donation of the vehicle to make this family happy before the holidays coming.  
 POST 9657  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   5   $0.00   $247.18   $247.18   Post 9657 hosted and conducted a Veterans Day Ceremony in Rosamond Park, Rosamond California, California Cadet Corps (CACC) The Post Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander, Adjunct, and three (3) comrades, two (2) auxiliary members setup event area, performed flag raising duties, and tore down ceremony event area. Demonstrated proper honors for veterans with over forty (35) event attendees consisting of local residents, members and ceremony, local California Cadet Corps (CACC) youth troops, and organizations.  
 POST 9657  11/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   The Post 9657 Commander and Senior Vice Commander participated in a Christmas Parade and festival planning meeting with the Rosamond Chamber of Commerce and other community leaders.  
 POST 9657  11/16/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   2   2   $0.00   $247.18   $247.18   Two members hosted a booth at a local community event outside the local Market grocery store. Several Buddy poppies were distributed along with flyers regarding its significance, and the local Post 9657 activities. During the distributions of poppies we also raised monies for Poppy Drive.  
 POST 9657  11/16/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   2   2   $0.00   $247.18   $247.18   Two members hosted a booth at a local community event outside the local Market grocery store. Several membership applications were distributed along with flyers regarding qualification requirements, benefits, VFW national activities, and the local Post 9657 activities. Recruited three (3) new members.  
 POST 9657  11/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   8   2   $100.00   $99.88   $199.88   Conducted a health and welfare check on a comrade member. Spent quality time with the veteran, delivered donated space heater, blanket and soup to help prepare elderly Veteran for the winter months. 
 POST 9657  11/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   8   1   $150.00   $99.88   $249.88   Conducted a health and welfare check on a local comrade. Spent quality time with the veteran, delivering donated warm clothing, food, and blankets to help prepare for the winter months. 
 POST 9657  11/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   45   2   $0.00   $203.82   $203.82   Our Post Junior Vice Commander and one (1) comrade teamed up with three (3) youths from two (2) local Girl Scout troops to deliver Thanksgiving dinners and essential food staples to eight local veterans.  
 POST 9657  12/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   3   2   $0.00   $247.32   $247.32   Two (2) post comrades five (5) family members volunteered to sort out three (3) pallets of donated goods in to two-hundred sixty (260) bags of food and 280 donated toys for hand out to over 400 families in need food at a local community event sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce member organizations. 
 POST 9657  12/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   3   1   $20.00   $74.49   $94.49   One (1) VFW post comrade volunteered at local Chamber of Commerce; attended meeting with key community members to help plan upcoming local parade and setup of "Santa's Village". Reviewed and sorted public address audio equipment and holiday decorations, sorted through fifty (50) toys and goods for local families. Readied parade event for veteran community.  
 POST 9657  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   8   3   $50.00   $149.26   $199.26   Three (3) post comrades conducted a health and welfare check on an elderly veteran member. During their visit, they cleaned up the property walkways and installed new pathway lighting to ensure safe access. They also provided fresh foods and, most importantly, spent quality time fostering camaraderie with the veteran in need. 
 POST 9657  12/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   4   1   $0.00   $74.63   $74.63   One (1) post comrade teamed up with the community to decorate the local Chamber of Commerce for an upcoming holiday event. Collaborating with three (3) local business volunteers and two (2) organizations, they set up three (3) concession booths, installed over two-thousand (2,000) Christmas lights, and adorned various props and decorations for the Santa Claus children's giveaway areas. They also prepared two food giveaway areas and cleaned the local street, gearing up for the community's largest event—the Rosamond Parade of Lights and Santa Claus Village.  
 POST 9657  12/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   4   1   $0.00   $124.01   $124.01   One (1) post comrade teamed up with the community to decorate the local Chamber of Commerce for an upcoming holiday event. Collaborating with three (3) local business volunteers and two (2) organizations, they set up three (3) concession booths, installed over two-thousand (2,000) Christmas lights, and adorned various props and decorations for the Santa Claus children's giveaway areas. They also prepared two food giveaway areas and cleaned the local street, gearing up for the community's largest event—the Rosamond Parade of Lights and Santa Claus Village. 
 POST 9657  12/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   4   2   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Two (2) Post Comrades decorated a VFW-sponsored Christmas tree for a local community event. This beautifully adorned tree was one (1) of five (5) trees contributed by local businesses and were raffled off for raised funds to benefit local high school youth programs. 
 POST 9657  12/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   3   1   $0.00   $247.32   $247.32   One (1) post comrade teamed up with the community to decorate the local Chamber of Commerce for an upcoming holiday event. Collaborated with four (4) local business volunteers and two (2) non-profit organizations, they set up three (3) Santa's Village concession booths, installed over two-thousand (2,000) Christmas lights, and adorned various props and decorations for the Santa Claus children's giveaway areas. They also prepared two food giveaway areas and cleaned the local street, gearing up for the community's largest event—the Rosamond Parade of Lights and Santa Claus Village. Two (2) Day Effort. 
 POST 9657  12/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   4   5   $0.00   $494.36   $494.36   Five (5) dedicated comrades and one (1) Auxiliary member volunteered at a local community event hosted by the Chamber of Commerce. They hosted a VFW recruitment booth and assisted local community and military organizations in spreading joy at the "Rosamond Parade of Lights." They also passed out VFW eligibility flyers and engaged with community members about the VFW's mission.  
 POST 9657  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   4   4   $0.00   $198.08   $198.08   The Post Junior Vice Commander coordinated and led the Rosamond Pearl Harbor Remembrance ceremony. Four (4) dedicated Post comrades, one (1) local veteran, and one (1) youth member of the California Cadet Corps conducted the flag raising, lowering, and folding ceremonies. Provided a moment of silent reflection, honor, and remembrance for individuals lost on December 7th, 1941. Shared ceremony with over five (5) community members, including one (1) Girl Scout youth. In addition, demonstrated flag-lowering etiquette and Americanism in front of community event participants.  
 POST 9657  12/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   4   1   $0.00   $198.08   $198.08   One (1) Post Comrade teamed up with community organizations to clean up after the community parade event. They took down lights, removed Christmas decorations, put away equipment, and beautified the grounds of the Chamber of Commerce building and the surrounding common sidewalk areas. 
 POST 9657  12/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   4   2   $100.00   $99.32   $199.32   Two (2) Post Comrades decorated a VFW-sponsored Christmas tree for a local community event. This beautifully adorned tree was one (1) of five (5) trees contributed by local businesses and were raffled off for raised funds to benefit local high school youth programs. 
 POST 9657  12/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   4   1   $0.00   $124.01   $124.01   One (1) post comrade teamed up with the community to decorate the local Chamber of Commerce for an upcoming holiday event. Collaborating with three (3) local business volunteers and two (2) organizations, they set up three (3) concession booths, installed over two-thousand (2,000) Christmas lights, and adorned various props and decorations for the Santa Claus children's giveaway areas. They also prepared two food giveaway areas and cleaned the local street, gearing up for the community's largest event—the Rosamond Parade of Lights and Santa Claus Village.  
 POST 9657  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   53   2   $0.00   $204.94   $204.94   Two (2) dedicated comrades participated in Wreaths Across America's Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Bakersfield National Cemetery. They placed wreaths and honored over three thousand (3,000) heroes in alongside more than three hundred community residents. The event included participation from several youth organizations such as the California Cadet Corps, Young Marines, Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts, as well as multiple area VFW posts and the American Legion posts.  
 POST 9657  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   One (1) comrade and one (1) Auxiliary member led a delightful Cookie Exchange Community event at the Post. Attended by patrons, including families. Throughout the event, information about VFW membership programs and activities was shared with the attendees, fostering comradery, community spirit, and engagement amongst members and local community guests.  
 POST 9657  1/16/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   3   2   $40.00   $49.80   $89.80   Post Jr. Vice Commander, along with a comrade from the post attended a Chamber of Commerce-hosted luncheon. The event brought together business owners, local organizations, and representatives from county and state levels. During the luncheon, they briefed attendees on the VFW's mission and community activity service support programs and discussed planning for the upcoming local community events.  
 POST 9657  1/17/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   3   30   1   $0.00   $78.27   $78.27   Jr. Vice Commander coordinated with nearby local community organizations to establish and promote a Donations Drive for Southern California wildfire victims  
 POST 9657  1/18/2025   Youth Development   Other   3   3   4   $200.00   $296.70   $496.70   We teamed up with the local high school California Cadet Corps troop to support a facility cleanup and share our military and VFW heritage. A dedicated group of ten (10) Cadets, three (4) VFW comrades, one (1) Auxiliary Member, and one (1) community veteran joined forces to weed, rake, and clean our facility. Our comrades engaged in discussions with the Cadets about military traditions, emphasizing the significance of Buddy Poppy memorials and the vital role of community service for Veterans and their families. Additionally, we discussed our mission, vision, and ongoing programs with a local veteran who is interested in joining our membership. 
 POST 9657  1/18/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   8   2   $40.00   $149.26   $189.26   Two (2) dedicated post comrades conducted a heartwarming health and welfare check on an elderly veteran member. During their visit, they took the time to clean the common areas, tidy up the workshop, and even cleaned the veteran's car. They also provided fresh food and, most importantly, spent quality time fostering camaraderie and support with the veteran in need. 
 POST 9657  1/23/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   7   2   $80.00   $99.74   $179.74   Two (2) Post comrades conducted a health and welfare check on an elderly veteran comrade. During their visit, they installed new smoke detectors and a carbon monoxide detector throughout the home. In addition, they also spent quality time fostering camaraderie and providing much-needed support to the veteran.  
 POST 9657  1/23/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   2   20   2   $300.00   $101.56   $401.56   Post received generous additional donations from the surrounding community for the fire victims. Two (2) dedicated post members collected and transported these donated goods to a local community collection point, supporting displaced families affected by the current Southern California wildfires.  
 POST 9657  2/1/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   5   158   1   $0.00   $145.57   $145.57   Provided transportation and labor. Teamed with Edwards AFB and REACT to deliver collected Eaton Fire relief goods (clothing, blankets, and food) to a Pasadena shelter and distribution site.  
 POST 9657  2/1/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   8   20   1   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Collaborated with Edwards Air Force Base members to establish Relief Effort Aiding Communities Through TOCATU (REACTT). A team of one (1) comrade, ten (10) community members, and five (5) youths collected, sorted, and packed ten-thousand (10,000) pounds of donated clothing, blankets, food, and household items. Delivered items to aid persons affected by the Southern California Eaton Canyon fires. 
 POST 9657  2/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   1   1   $10.00   $24.83   $34.83   One comrade prepared and delivered a homemade meal to a veteran who is currently unwell. 
 POST 9657  2/4/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   6   3   $0.00   $74.91   $74.91   Three (3) comrades attended the local Military and First Responders Appreciation Night at a high school game hosted by the California Cadet Corps Troop. Over 30 local Hero Medical, peace officer, and Veteran members were honored for their actions. 
 POST 9657  2/4/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   4   90   1   $120.00   $111.36   $231.36   One (1) comrade joined six (6) veterans, and one (1) community member led a "Pin-up For Vets" hospital visit event. They distributed calendars, spent quality time with, and brought joy to over 45 hospital resident veterans. 
 POST 9657  2/16/2025   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   3   2   $30.00   $148.56   $178.56   Two (2) comrades distributed Buddy Poppies and ran a membership booth at the local town space. They handed out eligibility flyers and engaged with local community members about the benefits of joining the VFW.  
 POST 9657  2/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    8   2   2   $0.00   $395.32   $395.32   Comrades stepped up to support the family of a U.S. Air Force Active Duty Airman during their time of need. They maintained the family's home and took care of their pets.  
 POST 9657  2/17/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   10   2   2   $0.00   $494.08   $494.08   Two (2) comrades stepped up to support the family of a U.S. Air Force Active Duty Airman during their time of need. They maintained the family's home and took care of their pets. 
 POST 9657  2/17/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   7   2   $25.00   $99.74   $124.74   Two (2) comrades conducted a health and welfare check on a elderly veteran. Spent quality time with the veteran, delivering donated food, snacks, updated his television, and updated footpath lighting .  
 POST 9657  2/18/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   8   2   2   $0.00   $395.32   $395.32   Two (2) comrades stepped up to support the family of a U.S. Air Force Active Duty Airman during their time of need. They maintained the family's home and took care of their pets.  
 POST 9657  2/20/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   3   1   $0.00   $25.11   $25.11   One (1) elected comrade attended local County Municipal Advisory Counsel Board meeting to discuss ongoing VFW efforts and network with local organizations.  
 POST 9657  2/20/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   3   1   $20.00   $25.11   $45.11   One elected comrade attended local Chamber of Commerce Luncheon to announce ongoing VFW activities.  
 POST 9657  2/21/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   3   24   1   $40.00   $77.43   $117.43   A team of one (1) comrade and eight (8) community members collected, sorted, and packed over two-thousand (2,000) pounds of donated clothing, blankets, food, and household items. Delivered items to aid persons affected by the Southern California wildfires.  
 Post 9657 Total 204 755 130 $2,185.00 $14,845.63 $17,030.63
 District 5 Total 730 4,052 665 $11,806.00 $56,329.63 $68,135.63
 POST 0  9/28/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   248   1   $0.00   $182.86   $182.86   D Johnson set up VFW recruiting booth at the Sista Mixa Gala at Bob Hope Patriotic Hall in Los Angeles.  
 Post 0 Total 6 248 1 $0.00 $182.86 $182.86
 POST 97  8/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Hospital visit  
 POST 97  9/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Phone check of vet wellness check  
 POST 97  9/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Phone check of vet wellness check  
 POST 97  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Participated in a POW/MIA joint ceremony at portrait of a warrior gallery.  
 POST 97  9/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   7   $0.00   $691.32   $691.32   Helped CSUB with meet and greet for for college, open to all students.  
 Post 97 Total 11 22 14 $0.00 $1,163.51 $1,163.51
 POST 2814  7/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Donated the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2814 hall and kitchen for a celebration of Life for fallen Veteran Kirk Griffen  
 POST 2814  7/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   5   0   7   $480.00   $864.15   $1,344.15   BBQ for our adopted unit, HQ 223rd REGT RTI for their Family Event at Camp San Luis Obispo Officers Club.  
 POST 2814  8/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $125.00   $49.38   $174.38   Paid  membership for at risk Veteran  
 POST 2814  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   42   2   $400.00   $104.64   $504.64   Presented a check for $400 to the San Luis Obispo Veteran Services office for the Veteran Food Pantry.  
 POST 2814  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   12   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Conducted a candlelight vigil and remembrance of those who lost their lives on 9-11-2001 for Patriot Day.  
 POST 2814  9/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   11   6   $15.00   $149.68   $164.68   Conducted a drive by and then greet a World War II Navy Veteran turning 100 years old. We presented him a framed certificate of appreciation for his service.  
 POST 2814  9/20/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   0   15   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Conducted a POW/MIA Table Remembrance Ceremony in honor of POW/MIA Recognition Day.  
 POST 2814  10/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   0   5   $965.00   $617.25   $1,582.25   Conducted a fundraiser for a disabled Vietnam Veteran in need of a motorized wheelchair.  
 POST 2814  10/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   5   $250.00   $123.45   $373.45   Donated to the Atascadero Community Trunk or Treat with the ABC Church.  
 POST 2814  11/11/2024   Community Service   Other   5   0   15   $320.00   $1,851.75   $2,171.75   Held an open house free BBQ at VFW Post 2814 for Veterans Day. 
 POST 2814  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   2   5   $108.55   $494.08   $602.63   Conducted a Buddy Poppy Drive at the Faces of Freedom in Atascadero, CA during the Veterans Day Ceremony. 
 POST 2814  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   2   5   $0.00   $494.08   $494.08   Conducted a Membership Drive at the Faces of Freedom Veterans Day Ceremony.  
 POST 2814  12/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   70   3   $0.00   $380.15   $380.15   Conducted a membership drive at the 223rd RTI Holiday event at CSLO.  
 POST 2814  12/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   5   70   3   $250.00   $380.15   $630.15   Attended and donated several raffle baskets for our adopted unit 223rd RTI Holiday event at Camp San Luis Obispo, CA  
 POST 2814  1/10/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   3   0   12   $378.00   $888.84   $1,266.84   Held a Friday Night Potluck Fundraiser for LA Area Fire Relief  
 POST 2814  1/12/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   4   0   6   $1,200.00   $592.56   $1,792.56   Held a Sunday Breakfast Fundraiser for LA Area Fire Relief  
 POST 2814  1/13/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   3   12   10   $0.00   $742.38   $742.38   Setup a collect point for Clothing, Food and Household goods for LA Area Fire Relief and delivered it to a local retailer Idlers to deliver down in the LA Area for those in need.  
 POST 2814  1/24/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   25   2   $0.00   $102.26   $102.26   Participated in a flag and played TAPs for World War II Merchant Marine Edward Spangler at Cayucos Cemetery.  
 POST 2814  1/28/2025   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   2   0   8   $250.00   $395.04   $645.04   Presented our Post's Patriot's Pen Winner Bella Qu with a certificate and a $200.00 award.  
 POST 2814  1/28/2025   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   3   0   5   $200.00   $370.35   $570.35   Awarded our Post Voice of Democracy winner, Oren E. Rea, a Certificate of Merit and a check for $200.00 
 POST 2814  2/5/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   3   $200.00   $74.07   $274.07   Veteran Edward I Hammond Jr. requested assistance to get home due to a costly vehicle repair and a financial shortfall.. We gave him $200.00 to offset his travel expenses. 
 POST 2814  2/18/2025   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   2   0   7   $213.00   $345.66   $558.66   Presented certificate to Detective Ron Overacker for the Public Servant award, and $150.00 cash. Provided 4 meals for the Commander of APD Jefferey Wilshusen, the Detective and his 2 children.  
 POST 2814  2/22/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   15   1   $3.00   $76.17   $79.17   Post and Auxiliary member worked table at Veterans Resource Fair in Paso Robles at the Elks Lodge at 1420 Park Street, Recruited 1 potential member and had Buddy Poppies on table with donation jar. 
 Post 2814 Total 67 249 140 $5,357.55 $9,861.48 $15,219.03
 POST 5948  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   0   57   $0.00   $8,443.98   $8,443.98   Held Poppy stand and Recruiting booth at Post for 4th of July. Recruited 2 new members.  
 POST 5948  7/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $36.00   $24.69   $60.69   Donated $36 to National Home.  
 POST 5948  7/14/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   8   0   8   $200.00   $1,580.16   $1,780.16   Open Post to needed community persons evacuating from looming local fire. Provided shelter, air conditioning, free sodas, water, coffee and snacks as needed.  
 POST 5948  7/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $400.00   $197.52   $597.52   Hosted Living Trust Seminar (Learn how to protect your estate after death) with 23 persons in attendance.  
 POST 5948  7/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance    3   2   1   $0.00   $74.35   $74.35   Assisted Veteran through VA claims processing and understanding of online benefits programs.  
 POST 5948  7/28/2024   Community Service   Other   8   0   3   $198.00   $592.56   $790.56   Held Members breakfast and Family Day at the Post.  
 POST 5948  8/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Contacted spouse about Survivor Benefits and available resources after passing of Veteran Spouse.  
 POST 5948  8/11/2024   Community Service   Other   8   0   3   $149.00   $592.56   $741.56   Held Members Breakfast and Family Day at the Post.  
 POST 5948  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   Donated $500 towards local Veteran in need.  
 POST 5948  8/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $1,000.00   $49.38   $1,049.38   Donated $1,000 towards local Gryphons Soccer Club. Funds are needed for both boys and girls age groups from 12 to 18 years of age. Club in in need of field maintenance, safety gear and sports equipment.  
 POST 5948  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $1,250.00   $49.38   $1,299.38   Donated $1,250 for local Veteran in need.  
 POST 5948  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $150.00   $24.69   $174.69   Donated $150 to National Home.  
 POST 5948  8/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $200.00   $49.38   $249.38   Donated $200 towards medical expenses for Canteen Volunteer.  
 POST 5948  8/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $1,000.00   $49.38   $1,049.38   Donated $1,000 towards local Nomad's Wrestling Club to help pay for mats, safety gear and equipment.  
 POST 5948  8/17/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   0   2   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Distributed Poppies at local Mountain Fest. Raised $336 toward relief funds.  
 POST 5948  9/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   6   2   $0.00   $198.36   $198.36   Assisted veteran with claims benefits and navigation through online systems.  
 POST 5948  9/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   2   $207.00   $49.38   $256.38   Donated $207 for National Home  
 POST 5948  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   Donated $250 to Local PD for their Toys for Tots drive  
 POST 5948  9/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $5,000.00   $49.38   $5,049.38   Donated $5,000 for Veteran in critical need.  
 POST 5948  9/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   Donated $500 for member in need out of Lk Isabella Post  
 POST 5948  9/22/2024   Community Service   Other   8   0   3   $205.00   $592.56   $797.56   Held Members Breakfast and Family Day at the Post.  
 POST 5948  9/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Collected food donation at the Post and distributed to Veterans and Community Members in need.  
 POST 5948  9/24/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   10   17   11   $4,000.00   $2,718.28   $6,718.28   Put a team of members/volunteers together to tear off a Disabled Veterans roof after windstorm disaster damage. This removal saved the Veteran $4,000 in removal costs from the company bid.  
 POST 5948  10/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $500.00   $24.69   $524.69   Donated $500 towards local Veterans Day Ceremony scheduled for November 11th.  
 POST 5948  10/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $1,300.00   $24.69   $1,324.69   Donated $1300 to Member in need.  
 POST 5948  10/10/2024   Youth Development   Other   1   0   1   $1,500.00   $24.69   $1,524.69   Donated $1500 towards Nomad non-profit Wrestling Club whose mission is to train under-privileged children how to Wrestle at Regional and State level Competitions.  
 POST 5948  10/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $150.00   $24.69   $174.69   Donated $150 towards National Home.  
 POST 5948  10/13/2024   Community Service   Other   5   0   6   $140.00   $740.70   $880.70   Held Members Breakfast and Family Day at the Post. 
 POST 5948  10/18/2024   Legislative Advocacy   State   1   0   4   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Donated $500 towards State CC, Deb Johnson welcome home celebration, 
 POST 5948  10/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   10   0   3   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   Held jacket drive at the Post. Donated all coats to Veterans and Veteran families in need. 
 POST 5948  10/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   0   3   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Collected food donation at the Post and distributed to Veterans and Community Members in need. 
 POST 5948  10/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   8   6   1   $0.00   $198.36   $198.36   Assisted 2 elderly Veterans with VA Medical and Claims assistance.  
 POST 5948  11/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   20   $125.00   $1,481.40   $1,606.40   Hosted Ribbon cutting ceremony for new "Defense of Freedom" mural painted at the Post. The City Major and a representing Senator were in attendance as well as many community members. District 6 Commander also attended this event. 
 POST 5948  11/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   3   1   $100.00   $25.11   $125.11   Purchased space heater for Veteran in need. 
 POST 5948  11/8/2024   Youth Development      2   4   10   $0.00   $494.36   $494.36   10 Members attended Tehachapi Highschool's Veterans Day recognition Ceremony.  
 POST 5948  11/10/2024   Community Service   Other   5   0   6   $298.00   $740.70   $1,038.70   Held Members Breakfast and Family Day at the Post. 
 POST 5948  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   12   2   4   $0.00   $1,185.40   $1,185.40   Held Buddy Poppy Drive on Veterans Day and Cities Ceremony. Raised $150 towards relief fund. 
 POST 5948  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   2   14   $500.00   $1,382.92   $1,882.92   Participated in towns Veterans Day parade and ceremony. Raised Flag, coordinated event with outside agencies, donated $500 towards children's obstacle course. 
 POST 5948  11/12/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   3   0   3   $500.00   $222.21   $722.21   Selected and promoted Tehachapi's Patriot's Pen winner. Member will be awarded $500 at Post level. 
 POST 5948  11/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $150.00   $24.69   $174.69   Donated $150 to National Home. 
 POST 5948  11/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $1,300.00   $24.69   $1,324.69   Donated $1,300 towards local Wreaths Across America scheduled to take place on Dec 14th. 
 POST 5948  11/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $1,000.00   $24.69   $1,024.69   Donated $1,000 for Veteran/Member who was injured and lost 3 weeks of work wages. 
 POST 5948  11/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $500.00   $24.69   $524.69   Donated $500 to American Legion Post 221 to assist with relief funds. 
 POST 5948  11/15/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   3   0   3   $500.00   $222.21   $722.21   Selected and promoted Tehachapi's Voice of Democracy winner. Member will be awarded $500 at Post level. 
 POST 5948  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   0   3   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Collected food donation at the Post and distributed to Veterans and Community Members in need.  
 POST 5948  11/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   10   4   6   $300.00   $1,481.96   $1,781.96   Put a team of volunteers together to assist disabled, elderly Veterans. Built new steps for access to his home and spent and additional 4 hours sanitizing and cleaning his residence. Replaced all bedding and towels with new purchases and stocked the fridge with fresh food. 
 POST 5948  12/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   0   3   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Collected food donation at the Post and distributed to Veterans and Community 
 POST 5948  12/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   1   6   $80.00   $444.56   $524.56   Met and escorted Wreaths Across America truck to local Cemeteries. Offered thank you basket to volunteer drivers. 
 POST 5948  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   14   12   $0.00   $2,372.20   $2,372.20   12 members attended 2x Wreaths Across America ceremonies and helped laid Wreaths on Veterans grave. 
 POST 5948  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   6   2   $0.00   $99.60   $99.60   2 members participated in 3 mile, local Gold Star Family walk 
 POST 5948  12/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   0   3   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Collected food donation at the Post and distributed to Veterans and Community 
 POST 5948  1/5/2025   Youth Development   Other   5   4   1   $75.00   $124.01   $199.01   Purchased and sold hot chocolate in support of local sports program at wrestling tournament. All proceeds were given to local youth sports 
 POST 5948  1/6/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   7   1   $132.00   $25.67   $157.67   Purchased groceries for elderly Veteran in need. 
 POST 5948  1/8/2025   Youth Development   Other   1   0   1   $1,500.00   $24.69   $1,524.69   Donated $1,500 towards non-profit, Nomads local youth wrestling team. 
 POST 5948  1/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $186.00   $24.69   $210.69   Donated $186 to National Home 
 POST 5948  1/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Assisted 3 personnel with Memorial information and Claims assistance/benefits 
 POST 5948  1/9/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   1   0   1   $750.00   $24.69   $774.69   Donated $750 towards donations for LA fire victim evacuees 
 POST 5948  1/9/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   2   0   2   $500.00   $98.76   $598.76   Donated roughly $500 worth of medical supplies to LA fire victims to include wheelchairs, walkers, etc... 
 POST 5948  1/12/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   0   3   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Collected food donation at the Post and distributed to Veterans and Community 
 POST 5948  1/22/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   8   2   2   $50.00   $395.32   $445.32   Cleaned resident of 80 yr old VFW member who was ill and unable to keep home tidy. 
 POST 5948  1/26/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Collected food donation at the Post and distributed to Veterans and Community Members in need. 
 POST 5948  2/2/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    8   0   4   $181.00   $790.08   $971.08   Held Members Breakfast and Family Day at the Post.  
 POST 5948  2/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $400.00   $197.52   $597.52   Hosted Living Trust Seminar (Learn how to protect your estate after death) with 28 persons in attendance. 
 POST 5948  2/9/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Collected food donation at the Post and distributed to Veterans and Community Members in need. 
 POST 5948  2/12/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $150.00   $24.69   $174.69   Donated $150 to National Home. 
 POST 5948  2/12/2025   Legislative Advocacy   National   1   0   2   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   Donated $250 towards Cootie's welcome home celebration, Robbie Normand. 
 POST 5948  2/12/2025   Youth Development   Other   1   0   1   $100.00   $24.69   $124.69   Donated $100 towards Jacobson Middle School Band program  
 Post 5948 Total 244 80 266 $28,462.00 $32,774.83 $61,236.83
 POST 7216  7/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   Member organized a tour from a group of Veterans 5 to be exact from who attended "City View Church out of Bakersfield , Ca who never seen or been to. "The Portrait. Of. A. Warrior Gallery” as they arrived they were astonished by visiting the gallery IT Brought back many memories to all of the 5 of the Veterans they really enjoyed going there the member donated his own free time .  
 POST 7216  7/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $20.00   $24.69   $44.69   Donated 20 dollars to the Shriners  
 POST 7216  7/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   on July 5th I took the Fire truck to a gated community 4th of July event. We did a parade and then set up old Glory to celebrate our independence.  
 POST 7216  7/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   0   $0.00   $1.40   $1.40   Member. Donated 12 heated meals to homeless civilians they were shipped to his home address frozen and he reheated them and out of kindness of his heart gave to the needy .meals came from Fresno Ca..  
 POST 7216  7/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   Attended Along with " Red Freedom Riders " at the "Armed Forces Recruit Center " in Bakersfield ,CA a ceremony To young individuals off the Military Boot Camp for the branch of service they enlisted for encouragement and advice was given to all of the recruits going family members were there to say. Their goodbyes and hugs before their departure to their destinations was a very nice ceremony to all of them .  
 POST 7216  7/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   3   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   Attended along with "Red Freedom Riders "in Bakersfield. Ca at "Armed Forces Recruit Center”., a ceremony for young individuals off to Military BootCamp for their branch of service they enlisted for advice and encouragement was given to all them by Veterans family members gave their hugs and prayers before departing to their destination. Was a nice event  
 POST 7216  7/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Member organized a workshop for six veterans who attend the facility named. " City view church. Veterans group.” The members contact the administration for the "Bakersfield national cemetery "They gave the presentation about the requirements and eligibility for the burial services to the veterans, they ask questions on their behalf after the presentation was over the six veterans receive some great knowledge and information on their behalf. The member did a great thing assisting those veterans they appreciate it. His assistance and were grateful.  
 POST 7216  7/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Member was invited to a luncheon presentation by some Veterans who had some knowledge about him going on Honor fight and also participating as a guardian for veterans upon their request the member spoke to quite a large group who had never been on honor flight and gave them great encouragement to go on one so that they can get the greatest experience of their lives he spoke to all of them this presentation had nothing to do with the organization of honor flight or any thing that dealed with VFW participation it was donated time out of his own free will the result to him were very rewarding as he made a great impact to all them there which took place at huckleberry’s restaurant in Bakersfield ,Ca  
 POST 7216  7/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Member was at a hamburger joint named IN/OUT as he finished he meal and eating in the dinning place he noticed individual wearing a Vietnam Veteran Ball Cap and spoke to him and asked him if he was a Veteran which replied yes the member had two extra gift meal cards he gave one to him out the kindness of his heart the Veteran felt grateful because he felt appreciated . Then the member was exiting the dinning facility and saw a few needy homeless people one of them was a veteran who served in Afghanistan So he handed him his second gift meal card the member had the greatest feeling just helping both of them. Their is a sane for this called ( A. R. K. ) which means ACT. OF RANDOM KINDNESS .  
 POST 7216  7/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $25.00   $24.69   $49.69   Member donated 25 dollars to Tunnels of Towers  
 POST 7216  7/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   3   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   From. VFW. 7216 3. Members attended at the Armed Forces Recruit Center along with Freedom Riders in Bakersfield CA. To give the individual s encouragement, support, and a good handshake. On their way into military bootcamp for which the branch of services they enlisted for also family members gave them farewell hugs and goodbyes god bless them all..  
 POST 7216  7/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   3   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   Members at Armed Forces. Recruit Center along with Red Freedom Riders held a short send -off of individual s going off to military boot-camp for the branch of service they enlisted for. Word of encouragement support and big handshake given by the veterans there and goodbyes And hugs given by there loved family members was Avery nice send-off which occurred in Bakersfield ,Ca  
 POST 7216  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   A comrade donated $10.00 of support to Care for our Wounded Soldiers.  
 POST 7216  7/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   5   $0.00   $371.75   $371.75   Members participated in conjunction along with "Honor Flight at "Sam Lynn Ball Park " in Bakersfield ,CA help show our support by being present where all veterans got to throw the first Pitch to the ball players then our names and branch of service were announced to at the starting of the game and all proceeds went to Honor flight organization as veterans we all felt good in assisting. Honor flight and yet being Honored by everyone there.  
 POST 7216  7/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   112   1   $0.00   $114.44   $114.44   Member attended "Honor Flight Breakfast " at USO Building at the Historic USO (Historical Society OF the Upper Mojave Desert ) in Ridge Crest , CA. The member upon arriving was ask to be Host. With the microphone and speak about Honor Flight to all Veterans and all who were there for about 45 minutes and after speaking went around serving breakfast to all at the at the facility the member being his first time experienced a great time .  
 POST 7216  7/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   8   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   From. VFW. Post 7216. 8 members From their personal home belonging gather clothing to. Donated to the the men going to the "Psychiatric Department Kern Medical Center where it will be well distributed to the needy people.all eight members were very grateful in donating to the needy .  
 POST 7216  7/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   Members attended Armed Forces Recruit Center along with Red Freedom Riders in showing the individuals going in military Boot Camp for the Branch of service they enlisted for by honoring them and giving support and encouragement as Family Members giving hugs and saying goodbye to them which occurs in Bakersfield Ca. Very honorable activity.  
 POST 7216  7/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $250.00   $24.69   $274.69   a member donated 250. dollars to Dominican Sisters  
 POST 7216  7/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Member attended Armed Forces Recruit Center along with Red Freedom Riders showing support encouragement and honor for the individuals going into Military Booth-Camp for their Branch of Service they Enlisted for as family members gave hugs and good byes to them. Events very honorable.  
 POST 7216  7/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   56   1   $0.00   $32.53   $32.53   Member who wife accompanied him to "Eagle Mountain Casino in Porterville ,Ca was walking to the entrances of the casino saw a elderly senior male who was struggling to get his rolling walker over the top of the side walk curb saw the member and asked for his assistance in helping him which he did the senior elderly saw that he was a Navy Veteran and thanked him for his help and service the member felt gracefully honored for doing good deed.  
 POST 7216  7/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated to the National Home $10.00 in support of veterans to feel safe and stable.  
 POST 7216  7/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated $10.00 to Paralyzed Veterans of America for their courageous sacrifices that they must live with today.  
 POST 7216  7/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   A donation of $10.00 was given in support of the Disabled American Veterans as they continue to recover from their wounds.  
 POST 7216  7/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   10   $0.00   $989.00   $989.00   From VFW. 7216 One member participated and volunteered 4 hours at a "Church Community Event the name of location was "City View Church in Bakersfield ,Ca the member manned a Veteran table and handed out flyers and information related to Veteran benefits and VFW applications it was also like a fun day which had water slide for kids and cook out for parents and kids which was a fun Saturday event families and kids enjoyed and had fun at this event.  
 POST 7216  7/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   40   2   $0.00   $203.12   $203.12   Members attended Honor Flight Breakfast in Tehachapi, California only one member of the two help volunteer and assist the cooks serve breakfast plates to all the veterans and their wives. The other member being his first time going there did not because he didn’t know how the program was being run so he was observing everything as a first time, but next time we’ll volunteer also to help serve breakfast plates to all the veterans and their wives at their honor breakfast only one member gets the credit for volunteering in helping the kitchen staff at their breakfast. It was a great event for the first time on my behalf of the second member..  
 POST 7216  7/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   Members attended at the "Armed Forces Recruit Center along with Red Freedom Riders to honor support and give encouragement to all the individuals going off to Boot-Camp for their Branch of Service they enlisted for well hands shakes to all of the young Recruits by U.S. Veterans and hugs and crying tears by their loved. Ones as their sons and daughters are on there way into the Military Life great send -off  
 POST 7216  7/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   Member attended the Armed Forces Recruit Center in Bakersfield ,CA along with The Red Freedom Riders of Bakersfield had another send-off for young individuals going off to Boot-Camp for their branch of service they enlisted for encouragement and support was given to them and Veterans showed that they honored them . Family loved ones gave hugs and crying tears to sons and daughters as they were getting ready to say their goodbyes cheerful and tearful moments to the family members .at this location.  
 POST 7216  7/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $100.00   $24.69   $124.69   Donated 100 dollars to St Frances Church  
 POST 7216  8/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   10   5   $0.00   $371.75   $371.75   Members attended a military funeral of. Of Army Veteran who. His living brother is an Air Forces Veteran as the members showed up to show and give condolences and respect and his final salute the comrade living brother what’s greatly appreciated as we showed up to be their .all this occurred at "Green Lawn Cemetery " in Bakersfield Ca..  
 POST 7216  8/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   Members attended another Armed Forces Recruit Center send -off a long with the Red Freedom Riders to show support and encouragement to the young Individuals going off to Boot-Camp for the branches of service they enlisted Veterans gave them handshakes with honors family members gave them hugs and tear and goodbyes before leaving to start their training was nice event over all in Bakersfield , Ca.  
 POST 7216  8/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   1. Member donated 12 heated meals to homeless civilians asa they were shipped to his home address in Bakersfield from Fresno ,CA  
 POST 7216  8/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   Member attended along with Red Freedom Riders at Armed Forces Recruit Center 11 young Individuals were given support and encouragement from the veterans and hand shakes as they are about to go into military Boot-camp for the branch of services they enlisted for family members were giving them there last hugs and farewells before they leave very nice ceremony..  
 POST 7216  8/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   6   $0.00   $593.96   $593.96   Members attended a political work shop they were ask to be present with a table stand and flyers sheets pertaining to portrait of warrior gallery at "Mechanics Bank arena conducting military issue was a nice event.  
 POST 7216  8/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   111   1   $0.00   $114.30   $114.30   Member visited a senior living in Fresno ,Ca the name of the location is called " California Armenian Assisted Living in Fresno Ca doing arts and craft within h Seniors and helping serve Veterans and Seniors at this Faculty was nice enjoyable event on this day and help serve pineapple upside down cake to all for their dessert at this location.  
 POST 7216  8/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   112   2   $0.00   $213.20   $213.20   From. VFW Post. 7216. 2 members attended and participated at an Honor Flight Breakfast at "Historic USO Building helping cooks serve breakfast plates to Veterans and spouses while they were seating. And a speaker was talking to everyone it was nice turn out at the event which took place at Rigdecrest ,Ca, well done comrades.  
 POST 7216  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   From VFW. 7216 0ne Member visited a. WWII Veteran who is bedridden along with his family and given his final salute along with his visitation the news Media Channel 23 of Bakersfield. Was there to honor him the member was with other Veterans all this occurred at 201 Glen Oaks Drive , Bakersfield ,Ca. The visitation was very pleasing and heart warming to the WWII Veteran .  
 POST 7216  8/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated $10.00 to Boys Town in support of saving children and healing families.  
 POST 7216  8/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $25.00   $24.69   $49.69   @ to who…….Donated S25  
 POST 7216  8/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Donated $25 to handicap man that needed assistance.  
 POST 7216  8/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   4   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   From. VFW. 7216. 4 members attended a birthday Party for. WWII Army Air Corp Veteran who just turned !00 years old he was honored by civilians. Veterans and News Media was also there to honor him along with honor flight coordinators and the mayor of Bakersfield and representatives for some of the Politicians was a very nice party event for the 100 year old veteran who had a great time and all veterans show their honor and support and greeted him with joy again it was an enjoyable day.  
 POST 7216  8/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   10   4   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   From. VFW 7216. 4 members along with other veterans organizations were invited to atttend a Veterans Pancake Breakfast "Brookdales Senior Living Soulitons Rest Home” to join and accompany veterans living there and shake their hands and honor them and have historical memories of there experiences in there branch of service they were in pleased to see us and have conversation with them we all had a enjoyable morning breakfast. Here in Bakersfield ,Ca .  
 POST 7216  9/1/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   10   4   $0.00   $593.96   $593.96   Reporting about a Buddy Poppy Drive that was posted on the activity page earlier in the month but not shown as green on the Dashboard. Resubmitting the same event again to list as green on the Dashboard. We conducted a Poppy Drive at 3 stores for 3 days on August 30-31, September 1. Four members participated at each store for at least 6 hours. At the event one member was in charge of recruiting a Membership Drive. Two potential new members were recruited. 
 POST 7216  9/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated $10.00 to Guide Dogs for the Blind.  
 POST 7216  9/2/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   One member on Labor Day went to Arvin , Ca early in the morning and stopped at Faststrip and Mc Donald’s and talked to both Mangers and gave both of them ten buddy poppies so that their staff employees could wear them all day for Labor Day holiday and told both mangers if asked by customer where they got those buddy poppies they were donated to them on behave of VFW Post 7216 of Bakersfield ,Ca,  
 POST 7216  9/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   From VFW 7216 one member went to Arvin , Ca. And visited McDonald’s and Faststrip and donated 10 buddy poppies to both business to wear all day. For Labor Day they really enjoyed those poppies wearing them today.  
 POST 7216  9/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   4   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   From. VFW Post 7216. 4 members attended armed forces Recruit Center along with Red Freedom Riders to show support and encouragement to the young individuals going into military boot-camp for the branch of service they enlisted for. Family members where there to say their goodbye with love and tears and hugs very nice heart warming all occurred in Bakersfield, Ca.  
 POST 7216  9/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   I attended what is called the Village Fest, an organization that helps the children of Kern County. All proceeds go to them. I took the Fire truck and raised the American Flag to start the ceremony and also allowed the people sit in it and take pictures, It turned out great.  
 POST 7216  9/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   1. Members donated. 12 heated meals. To homeless civilians as they were shipped to home address in Bakersfield coming from Fresno ,CA  
 POST 7216  9/10/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   10   6   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   Six comrades attended the Portrait of Warrior Gallery for POW/MIA ceremonies in Bakersfield. It was in honor and memory of those fallen soldiers.  
 POST 7216  9/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   4   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   From. VFW. Post 7216. 4 member donated for brand new tires to a veteran who was in need of some tires for his truck that he uses for his work business the funds didn’t come out post funds it's the kindness of 4 veteran comrade from our post which funds came out of each own salary expenditures the post thanked them in assisting. Great job to the four comrade veterans in assisting the veteran in distress  
 POST 7216  9/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   Member attended and participated at Armed Forces Recruit Center showing support and encouragement and controlling and redirecting traffic during the Ceremony with Red Freedom Riders performing the ceremony as farewells and handshakes by veterans giving to the individuals going into Boot-camp for the branches of services they enlisted for and parents giving hugs and tears saying goodbye to their loved ones all this occurred in Bakersfield , Ca.  
 POST 7216  9/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   4   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   Members attended Armed Forces Center showing wisdom and support along with Red Freedom Riders. Giving the young individuals handshakes wisdom for their branch service they enlisted for . The parents and family members giving them hugs and farewells was nice ceremony. In Bakersfield . Ca.  
 POST 7216  9/16/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   One member went to Rosedale Walmart to purchase health hygiene products the member explaining the purchasing large quantities to homeless veterans. For the upcoming stand down The management store donated $100,00 for the purchase thank you Walmart for helping showing support to Veterans .  
 POST 7216  9/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   Member participated and assisted with a community Church named "City View Church "in doing Food and Milk distribution to the community in Bakersfield ,CA he showed lots of pride along with his helpers in giving food to the needy families .  
 POST 7216  9/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   One member who also involved with Portrait of Warrior Gallery and also very supported with Honor flight coordinators. Went along with a group comrade Veterans and honor flight coordinators to surprise a radio dis jockey at his working facility and present him a honor flight T-shirt and by Honor Flight coordinators told him that he would be going on The Honor Flight Trip this coming October 2024 the The Radio Dis -Jockey does talk show supporting Veterans 100% all the time ,the dis jockey was very surprise he will be looking forward to this trip enjoy and have great time .  
 POST 7216  9/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   a member took the time to clean up a mess someone had made and left out on the road, he cleaned it all up and disposed of it.  
 POST 7216  9/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   2   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   From VFW. Post. 7216 2 members attended at Armed Forces Recruit Center along with Red Freedom Riders young’s individuals going off to Military Boot- Camp for the branch of service they enlisted for Veterans gave them support and encouragement as their family members gave hugs and farewells for their last time very nice event .  
 POST 7216  9/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   3   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   From VFW Post. 7216 3 members attended event at Armed Forces Recruit Center.  Spoke to a small group of young individuals who were going to military Boot-camp.  Veterans gave support and encouragement to both future enlisted and their family.  They hugged and said their goodbyes at the event. This took place in Bakersfield, Ca. Very nice send-off.   
 POST 7216  9/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   From VFW. Post 7216. One member assisted two elderly Navy Veterans at their residence in basic yard work maintenance which consisted of yard cleaning and trimming bushes tasks lasted 2 hours in Bakersfield ca.   
 POST 7216  9/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   3   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   From VFW Post. 7216. 3 members attended a fundraiser given by Honor Flight coordinators donated  $10. Veterans and guests attended the event.  Military Band played military songs.  Very enjoyable event held in  Bakersfield CA. at Magnolia Senior Living for seniors.  
 POST 7216  9/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   members attended another. Event at Armed Forces Recruit Center along with Red Freedom Riders to show support and encouragement to the young individuals that are going off to boot-camp for the branch of service they enlisted for handshakes were given by Veterans. And family members were saying goodbyes hugs to their loved sons and daughters was tearful and cheerful send-off.  
 POST 7216  9/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanisn   2   10   5   $0.00   $248.30   $248.30   Members attended another event at Armed Forces Recruit Center along with Red Freedom. Riders giving encouragement and support to the young Individuals that are off to Boot-camp for the branch of services they enlisted for Veterans gave them handshake as family member gave them hugs and goodbyes very nice ceremony  
 POST 7216  9/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Member volunteer participated in a food distribution to the needy community to help provide all sort of foods to family in need so that they don’t go hungry the location was at "Valley View Church " in the city.of Bakersfield .Ca. Our hats go off to our member from our Post for showing care respect and kindness to all the family in need .  
 POST 7216  10/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donation to DAV $10.00 to reach out to help veterans.  
 POST 7216  10/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   one member donated 20.00 to Tunnels of Towers  
 POST 7216  10/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Members while at Zingo’s Cafe Both Donated socks. To Cafe site where the owner are collecting to give clothing to homeless Veterans of the two members one comrade Veteran donated 84 pairs of socks ,and the other member donated 12 pairs of socks the owners collected them from both and thanked them more members saw what they did and will do the same next time over all it was nice of them .  
 POST 7216  10/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $40.00   $49.38   $89.38   a member donated Franciscon Friers 40 dollars  
 POST 7216  10/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $100.00   $24.69   $124.69   a member donated 100 dollars to Saint Francis church  
 POST 7216  10/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $250.00   $24.69   $274.69   one member donated 250.00 dollars to Dominican Sisters  
 POST 7216  10/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   6   $0.00   $445.82   $445.82   From VFW. Post 7216. 6 members where at meadows field bakersfield ca. Airport greeting along with others veterans and loved family member and lots of civilians welcoming back our veterans and honoring them was a great welcome back and return home was the Honor Flight event  
 POST 7216  10/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   1   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   I took the Fire truck to what is called national night out, its a program that honors the community law enforcement . I raised the big flag to start the event.  
 POST 7216  10/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $50.00   $49.38   $99.38   one member donated 50 dollars to the Red cross  
 POST 7216  10/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   a member donated 15 dollars to Purple Heart Foundation  
 POST 7216  10/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   1. Member. Donated 12 heated meals, two homeless civilians as they were shipped frozen to his home address in Bakersfield coming from Fresno, Ca.  
 POST 7216  10/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   1. Member donated 12 heated meals to homeless civilians as they were shipped frozen to his home address coming from Fresno ,Ca  
 POST 7216  10/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   10   5   $0.00   $618.65   $618.65   From. VFW Post. 7216. 5 members visited a Navy Vietnam veteran, his residence who was in his final hours of life to give him his final salute and pin him with a short ceremony and welcome him back home safe. He was happy to see us come visit him, but was very tired, but had the strength to spend a short visit from us it really cheered him up and he felt honored and not forgotten. Sadly sad to say he passed away the next morning. May he rest in peace and God bless his soul. Amen He will be given a military funeral at the national cemetery in Bakersfield California.  
 POST 7216  10/10/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   10   2   $0.00   $347.06   $347.06   At our annual veterans stand down two veterans were assigned to do some member recruitment and did very well. We were able to fill out applications on the spot.  
 POST 7216  10/10/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   7   10   12   $0.00   $2,075.36   $2,075.36   we did the annual homeless veterans and all homeless men and women here in our community. we handed out water, chips, caned foods. clothes, also warm socks and a few coats for the cold days coming up.also hygiene kits for men and women. all these items we the members collected from Vendors and friends. We had a great turn out and productive one.  
 POST 7216  10/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   members participated in event called cruising car show in downtown Bakersfield we help portrait of a warrior gallery put up a booth. They were collecting fundraising for guitar lessons for veterans to help ease. Their stress was a big event lots of cars, music, entertainment, and food. Booth was very exciting fun event. The coordinator of that booth thanked us for helping her. She was really pleased that we helped her set up for the event .  
 POST 7216  10/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   10   4   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   From VFW. 7216. 4 members visited a U.S. Vietnam Navy veteran who is stricken with cancer and on his final days of life.  Visit was at Brookdale senior living in Bakersfield, California, and we gave him his final salute, pinned him and shook his hand, told him welcome home.  He was glad to see us and then cheered him up. He was not forgotten his family members were there and happy to see us.  Will give him a final salute when his time comes may he rest in peace amen.  
 POST 7216  10/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $25.00   $49.38   $74.38   a member donated 25 dollars to Rise for Animals Foundation  
 POST 7216  10/16/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   member help coordinator at portrait of a warrior gallery facility, in Bakersfield, California sort out MIA veterans dog tags from the World War II. Korean war and Vietnam war two categorize them and pin them in their wall of the missing, an action, military personnel.  
 POST 7216  10/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   From. VFW Post 7216. 2 members participated with heath coordinator. Who gives exercise body movements to seniors at Magnolia senior living resort members also performed the exercises with the seniors to keep them company and make them feel comfortable. The presence was enjoyable to the seniors living. There was a nice exercise class for the seniors living there, facility in Bakersfield, California.  
 POST 7216  10/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   10   4   $0.00   $692.72   $692.72   From VFW Post 7216. 4 members volunteered to work Honor Flight booth to help veterans signs or handout applications for veterans so they can go to honor flight in the upcoming year was a long Saturday but very rewarding to us as we were thanked for our services all this happened at Home and Garden Show at the Fairgrounds of Bakersfield ,Ca  
 POST 7216  10/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   3   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   From. VFW Post 7216. 3 members participated in a morning event at river walk park where they were having walk -a-thon riverwalk Park in Bakersfield, California the three members +2 other veterans opened up a flag and we did the national anthem was being sung. The Pledge of Allegiance. The event was sponsored by coordinators magnolia also in conjunction with flight coordinators, and it was a salute to red to two veterans with Alzheimer’s disease, it was a nice ceremony as a veterans spread the flag out the four more veterans that were nonmembers. Very nice event Saturday morning.  
 POST 7216  10/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donation of $10.00 to help military and veteran families for healing and support services they need.  
 POST 7216  10/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   4   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   From VFW. Post 7216 Four members attended. The funeral Reception of one of the VFW. Post members at Monacrh Hall in bakersfield ,Ca ,to show respect for his family by being there for their fallen Vietnam Navy Veteran and good comrade post member may he rest in peace Amen .  
 POST 7216  10/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   a member found a Credit Card and was able to find the owner and returned it  
 POST 7216  10/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   30   10   $0.00   $744.90   $744.90   From VFW Post 7216. 10 member attended a military funeral at ‘National Cemetery in Bakersfield / Arvin. CA. for one of our Post Members who passed away he was a Vietnam Navy veteran and long Term members of our Post all that attended showed their respect to his family may he rest in peace amen ,  
 POST 7216  10/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $100.00   $24.69   $124.69   a member donated 100 dollars to the Reefs for Veterans Foundation  
 POST 7216  10/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   From. VFW. Post. 7216. 2 members volunteered at kern county Bakersfield Vet Center in trunk or Treat Halloween candy giveaway event for the young trick or treaters members gave out Halloween candy along with other military organizations was a fun late afternoon evening event and enjoyable to all .  
 POST 7216  10/23/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   member help coordinator and an assort veteran dog tags at portrait of a warrior gallery from the three conflicts of war as dog tags were being sorted out and hanged on the wall to the to the war they were in as missing an action  
 POST 7216  10/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   3   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   From. VFW. Post 7216 3 members attended a work body move it for senior living at Magnolia Senior Living faces it was a fun workout For senior we were there to help assist the instructor we took lots of pictures its fun working with the Senior in Bakersfield. CA.  
 POST 7216  10/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   4   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   From. VFW. Post 7216. 4 members along with other comrade Veterans visited a 104 yr old World War II Navy Veteran whose birthday was being celebrated. We were at his living rest home at Soltices Senior Living where we gave him a military salute and we wished him a happy birthday.  Had cake with him and all his tenant roommates a very nice birthday party for him and everyone that was there had an enjoyable time.  
 POST 7216  10/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $10.00   $12.35   $22.35   Donated $10.00 to Care for our Wounded Soldiers. They kept us safe and sacrificed mightily in doing so. Never forget and support any way you can.  
 POST 7216  10/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   20   4   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   From. VFW. Post. 7216. 4 members attended a Football Game in Arvin, Ca along with other Veterans in conjunction with honor flight as we were honored at the start of the game. We were treated very well from the hospitality of Arvin High School a very nice evening and a good game.  
 POST 7216  10/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship / Americanism    3   10   4   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   From. VFW. Post 7216. Four members attended at Armed Forces Recruit Center in Bakersfield ,Ca . Along with other Veterans and Red Freedom Riders To show support and honor the young individuals that are going into military boot-camp for the branch of service they enlisted for handshakes and words of encouragement were given to the young individuals by veterans as followed by family member giving farewell hugs and tears to their loved son and daughter as they begin ther military life.  
 POST 7216  11/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   4   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   From VFW. Post. 7216. Four members attended at centennial high school in Bakersfield, California a burrito breakfast and coffee with football players and staff members the agenda was to answer questions from football players of our experience in the branches of service. We served along with other veterans and honor flight coordinators it was rewarding to talk about our experiences to the football team and their hospitality providing us breakfast and coffee and donuts was very enjoyable all veterans early that morning had a great time and we look forward to doing it again in the future in event like this .  
 POST 7216  11/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Took the Fire Truck to a birthday party. Held a safety class on fire safety at home during their celebration.  They were taught how to properly exit a burning building and once out stay out no matter what. To include, why and where Smoke Alarms are there for our safety. They were taught other safety, so they were happy to learn that. So were the parents.  
 POST 7216  11/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   30   4   $0.00   $596.76   $596.76   From. VFW Post 7216 Four members participated in the. Delano Veterans Day Parade in Delano ,CA. We were also invited to a morning breakfast at this nice restaurant called "El Rey Restaurant in Delano before the start of the parade was a fun  
 POST 7216  11/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   From. VFW. Post. 7216. 3 members attended the Armed Forces Recruit Center along with Red Freedom Riders show support and honor those young Individuals who are getting ready for Military Boot-Camp for the branch’es of service they enlisted for handshakes and word of encouragement were given by Veterans as family members were giving hugs and tear saying good bye their sons and daughters very enjoying event to all .  
 POST 7216  11/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donation of $10 in support of military members serving us around the world. Just a little to not forget those who stand guard to protect our freedom. 
 POST 7216  11/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   10   3   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   From VFW. 7216. 3. members. Participated in a school presentation along with other Veterans in conjunction with Honor coordinators at Wingland elementary school in Oildale/Bakersfield ,Ca , as we talked about our experience in the branch of services, we did to a group of fourth grader and fifth grader class in their cafeteria and talk about our experience to the students was rewarding to them and explain the meaning of November 11, 2024 as Veterans Day. It was nice event and enjoyable and look forward to doing more other events in other schools. .  
 POST 7216  11/6/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   member helped coordinator at portrait of a war Gallery to sort out dog tags of missing an action veterans so they could be pinned on the MIA wall at the gallery from the 3 wars.  
 POST 7216  11/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   10   3   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   From VFW. Post. 7216. 3 members participated in a early veteran day honoring veterans in a senior living rest home for veterans that are an elderly age and cannot be able to go out to veteran events around Bakersfield ,Ca so a coordinator from honor flight in conjunction with portrait of a war gallery went to their Facility to give them a nice ceremony and to let them know that they are not forgotten the home resident veterans were felt very honored and we all gave them a nice Ceremony.  
 POST 7216  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   From VFW. 7216. 1 member myself stopped at 76 Gas station to refuel my vehicle I saw a homeless civilian That was cold from the morning temperature I had an extra sweatshirt with a hoodie so I gave it to him to help keep him warm out of the kindness of my heart. I knew he looked hungry. I didn’t have time to buy him some food to eat so I donated $10 so he could have a good breakfast and not go hungry. He was crying with joy in his face and told me thank you may God bless you I told him so you won’t go hungry to me. It was a good feeling in my heart. I hope it makes his day better as I performed in act random kindness.(A.R.K.) .  
 POST 7216  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   3   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   Members participated in Arvin, Ca. First annual veterans day parade, which was a short parade for the first time we walked down varsity Drive up to City Hall and we had other school bands playing as well as a freedom riders afterwards with other veterans, the city of Arvin honored us with a dinner at the veterans hall with entertainment also included and they’re open that next year will get even bigger and better overall it was a nice event. that is all.  
 POST 7216  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Members went to Brookdale assisted living for a Veterans ceremony. Some veterans that live there were happy to be there. We pinned them and were given a ball cap and other items. I'm happy to say that made my day  
 POST 7216  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Member donated 12 heated meals to homeless civilians as they were. Shipped frozen to his home address in Bakersfield, coming from Fresno ,Ca.  
 POST 7216  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Member attended a Veterans Day. Lunch along with other veterans at the facility of Chevron head Quarters in Bakersfield , CA ,the member was ask to make a. Speech about service in the conflict of Desert Storm the member spoke for 5 minutes the lunch event was very enjoyable and honoring to those veterans who attended.  
 POST 7216  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Members were invited to visit Ronald Reagan Elementary school in Bakersfield, California for an assembly in their cafeteria with other veterans so they could honor us this morning. We were asked to make a small presentation to the to the public there at the at the assembly with students and parents and more veterans the two members, spoke to the parents and class students and staff members of our experience of the branches service we were in due to the time schedule. It was a short presentation, but it was a nice enjoyable program with the students singing patriotic songs in honor of us was a fantastic assembly afterwards, we took pictures with classmate students and their teachers we were honored respectfully with great great joy was a fun morning this day .  
 POST 7216  11/7/2024   Community Service   Other   4   20   3   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   From. VFW. Post. 7216. 3 members participated in Arvin, Ca. First annual veterans day parade, which was a short parade for the first time we walked down varsity Drive up to City Hall and we had other school bands playing as well as a freedom riders afterwards with other veterans, the city of Arvin honored us with a dinner at the veterans hall with entertainment also included and they’re open that next year will get even bigger and better overall it was a nice event. that is all. 
 POST 7216  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   From. VFW. Post 7216. One member attended a military funeral for a Navy. Veteran who was laid to rest wanted to show respect toward the veterans family members by attending his funeral .all occurred at national cemetery in Bakersfield / Arvin .Ca  
 POST 7216  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   5   1   $0.00   $124.15   $124.15   one member had a Buddy poppy drive at the local store where we had community approach us and we handed out poppies.  good event  
 POST 7216  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   10   3   $0.00   $371.75   $371.75   three members did a Buddy Poppy event at a local store from 10 am to 3pm. 
 POST 7216  11/8/2024   Community Service   Other   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   one member was food catering in event at an individual home for 2 hours , the leftovers he donated to the homeless community. 
 POST 7216  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   10   4   $0.00   $593.96   $593.96   From. VFW Post. 4 members participated in doing buddy poppies On their second day in two shift. Morning and afternoon was a good event and effort this day.  
 POST 7216  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   1   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   From. VFW. Post. 7216. One member participated in honor flight event in the evening at a rodeo in honoring the Veterans that attended the event we were honored as we were riding inside the arena and civilians in stands and all around cheers us and honored us all was a great feeling that this event it was in Bakersfield ,Ca  
 POST 7216  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   10   3   $0.00   $371.75   $371.75   three members did a Buddy poppy event at a local store. We handed out our new style poppy's as well as the old as well as flags.  
 POST 7216  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   10   4   $0.00   $692.72   $692.72   From. VFW. Post 7216 4 members did buddy poppies at Albertsons on Panama lane and Wible in Bakersfield Ca. Two shift at morning and afternoon was a nice day last one for today look forward to next military holiday.  
 POST 7216  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   From. VFW. Post. 7216 one member also from another organization called The Purple Heart Group who a group of Vietnam veterans participated in the Veterans Day parade which was on Nov 11, 2024 a new organization hopefully grows into a big group.  
 POST 7216  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   20   $0.00   $989.00   $989.00   Comrades participated in the Veterans Day parade. Big Red a fire truck, two other trucks and a jeep decorated with banners honoring the Leonard L. Alvarado Family who Post 7216 is named after. He was an Army Vietnam veteran who was a recipient of the Medal of Honor. Community members and veterans shared the importance of recognizing their service. The event honored veterans and to the fallen. 
 POST 7216  11/12/2024   Community Service   Other   2   30   4   $0.00   $201.72   $201.72   From. VFW 7216. 4 members attended a military Funeral for a navy Veteran at National Cemetery in arvin /Bakersfield ,Ca. To pay their respects to our Fallen veteran comrade and to his living Family member and gave him a final salute 
 POST 7216  11/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   From. VFW. Post. 7216. 3 members along with other Veterans and in conjunction with Honor Flight attended Del real school in Bakersfield, California to do a presentation to the students in their cafeteria about our experience in the branch of service we served the teachers and the students were astonished by what we each told them when it was like we hope to come back next year and do it again with more veterans was a nice event that day.  
 POST 7216  11/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   2   1   $0.00   $24.97   $24.97   a member went to National Cemetery to pay last respects to a fellow Veteran.  
 POST 7216  11/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   10   1   $262.50   $26.09   $288.59   Donated and bought GET bus tickets for veterans. This will enable veterans in need to get rides to the VA Clinic for medical appointments. Fifty regular and fifty reduced price tickets donated at $262.50.  
 POST 7216  11/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   From. VFW. 7216. One member and two civilian saw a female who’s car was stranded on the street road because her vehicle ran out of gas so they helped her by pushing her car to the nearest gas station so she be back on road again she was very grateful to all of them for assisting her the three of them did a very kind thing over all good Samaritans.. in Bakersfield ,Ca .  
 POST 7216  11/14/2024   Community Service   Other   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   From VFW. 7216. 2 members participated in a exercise workout with coordinator and also conjunction with honor flight at Magnolia senior living. The members worked out with senior elderly and cheer them on with joy and appreciated the comrades. By being there it made it more fun and enjoyment for those at there residence 
 POST 7216  11/15/2024   Community Service   Other   1   35   1   $0.00   $29.59   $29.59   From VFW. Post 7216. One member in the kernville lake Isabella Ca area Donated sack lunches to homeless civilian they were grateful from kindness of the veteran member . 
 POST 7216  11/15/2024   Community Service   Other   3   10   4   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   From. VFW. Post 7216. 4 members participated in school assembly presentation along with other veterans from around there we all inside school cafeteria to all the grade levels in that school campus of Sebert elementary school choir songs from the students and brought tears to most of us comrades. We were not able to speak as much at elementary school due to a second higher grade levels for the second assembly we did go into a classroom and did a small one for one of the teachers class. It was a fun enjoyable day. We hope to come back next year.  
 POST 7216  11/15/2024   Community Service   Other   2   10   4   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   From. VFW. Post. 7216. 4 members visited "ADAKC”. A Facility with senior elderly resident. The facility had a Veteran that needed to be pinned for his service in the Military, and four members were there with portrait of a warrior gallery, the Rat-Pack group did a pending on the military veteran and salute and respect for his service was nice event at the facility of ADAKC Alzheimer’s facility in Bakersfield Ca.  
 POST 7216  11/16/2024   Community Service   Other   3   27   11   $0.00   $818.55   $818.55   From. VFW 7216. 11 members attended a military Dog Tag Ceremony in McFarland ,Ca the Red. Freedom Riders were here to also support and show there Honor . The Honor Guard was there to preform the Rifle Gun salute ,flag and Dog Tags were hand to family relative members were there to show support was nice ceremony over all. 
 POST 7216  11/17/2024   Community Service   Other   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   From. VFW. Post. 7216. 3 members again participated along with re freedom Riders. At the “Armed Forces Recruit Center” to show support and encouragement along with other veterans all shook their hand as family members said there goodbye and hugs as they were getting ready for boot -camp for the branch of services they enlisted for over cheers and tears . 
 POST 7216  11/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   From. VFW. Post. 7216. one. Member. Who is also from another organization called the Purple Heart Group attended a small event at Beale library in Bakersfield , Ca under the genealogy subject did a speech presentation on the subject of the Purple Heart metal a new group that is on a new start thats plans on growing.  
 POST 7216  11/21/2024   Community Service   Other   4   10   3   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   From. VFW. Post. 7216. 3. Members and one comrade Veteran today this morning at Solstice Senior. Living help assist coordinator. Who needed some Veterans to load up and one of the Veterans truck with under clothes and lots of socks out of her office that was from a clothes drive and deliver to this facility called. C.V.A.F. California Veterans Assistance Foundation where that facility would be in charge of distributing to Veterans in need of assistant the new Media came to interview the coordinator and one veteran in the facility of solstice, senior living The coordinator was very grateful for us helping her out today.. 
 POST 7216  11/24/2024   Community Service   Other   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   From. VFW. Post. 7216. 3 members attended at “Armed Forces Recruit Center” along with The Red Freedom Riders another send off ceremony for Young Individuals going off to Boot-Camp for the branches of services they enlisted for the members gave the support and words of encouragement and shook their hands as well as the Freedom Rider Veterans ,the family member gave their loved on hugs and farewells as well as tears over all was a nice goodbye send -off all this occurred in Bakersfield ,Ca. 
 POST 7216  11/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   2   $10.00   $49.38   $59.38   Donated $10.00 to Paralyzed Veterans of America and supporting those veterans who fought and were injured for our freedom.  
 POST 7216  11/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $1,000.00   $26.09   $1,026.09   From. VFW. Post. 7216. One Member with pride made a $1,000.00 dollar. Donation to Wounded Warrior Foundation that could help assist. Veterans in whatever. Way that meets their needs. God bless our comrade for showing support 🙏 .  
 POST 7216  11/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship / Americanism    2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   . Participated. Iin aHalloween body excise coordinator at Magnolia senior rest, living doing movements of body exercise with seniors that live in that surrounding working out to the oldies and having a fun time with seniors who are also doing small, working exercise, they enjoy it a comrades showing up and the coordinator for the workout is happy to have visitors with her when she does. Her program was nice event. They were dressed Halloween costumes because it was Halloween day, what a fun event .t  
 POST 7216  11/30/2024   Community Service   Other   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   from. VFW Post 7216. 1 member participated an event called. “feed it Forward at a building on Wilson St and A church on Chester’to provides a. Thanksgiving Meals and miscellaneous. Grifts to civilians in Bakersfield ca. the member showed kindness on that day. 
 POST 7216  11/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   35   2   $0.00   $202.42   $202.42   From. VFW. Post 7216. 2 members in the kernville / Lake Isabella ,Ca area participated in there Christmas Parade both of them had in enjoyable event  
 POST 7216  11/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   From. VFW. Post 7216. One member went to a hockey game with his grandkids at Mechanic Bank Areana bought four Teddy bears and donated to the toys for tots by doing the teddy bear toss his grandkids kids had so much fun with him at the hockey game which occurred in Bakersfield ,Ca .  
 POST 7216  12/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   From. VFW. Post 7216. 2 members did a ride along with other Veterans a happy birthday drive -bye to a 100 yrs old. World -War II at his home they all stop to visit him he was outside sitting in his front yard. Made him feel really happy. One member talked to him and gave him a challenge coin, he really felt honored. News Media was there also.  
 POST 7216  12/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   1   1   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   From. VFW Post 7216 one member help assist a Korean Navy Veteran bye taking the Veteran kern county Veterans resource center so that he could get a higher increase rating and the process was a good suscess and the help was appreciated . 
 POST 7216  12/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   10   4   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   Members attended at Armed. Forces Recruit Center along with other Veterans and. Red Freedom Riders to support and give encouragement to the young individuals that were going off to military Boot-camp for the branch of service they enlisted for ,handshakes from veterans were given to them and Family members gave hugs and goodbyes and tears from their family members nice ceremony over all .  
 POST 7216  12/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   from. VFW. Post 7216. One. Member help assist a next can which is a Vietnam veteran who is deceased packing all his clothing and provided large bags of assorted men’s clothing and donated to the homeless shelter on east Truxtun in Bakersfield ,Ca.  
 POST 7216  12/2/2024   Community Service   Other   1   10   1   $17.00   $26.09   $43.09   From. VFW. Post. 7216. One member donated an amount of $17.00 to the organization called Wreath. Across. American for the upcoming event at the Bakersfield/Arvin. National Cemetery off the 223 highway and 58 Freeway in Ca.  
 POST 7216  12/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   10   4   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   Members attended at Armed Forces Recruit Center along. With other Veterans and Red Freedom Riders to give support and encouragement for the young individuals who are going into military Boot-camp for the branch of service they enlisted for the members shook their hands and the family members gave them hugs and goodbyes and tears it was nice ceremony over all .  
 POST 7216  12/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   1   $5.00   $26.09   $31.09   from VFW. Post. 7216. One member was doing a little Christmas. Shopping and stopped at Petsmarts to buy some pet food for my doggie and the cashier asked me if wanted to may donation for toy stuffed animal for the Toys for Tots so i donated 5.00 dollars out of the kindness of my heart and hope it cheers up a child for the Christmas holidays.  
 POST 7216  12/3/2024   Community Service   Other   3   1   1   $0.00   $74.21   $74.21   From. VFW. Post. 7216. One member participated with civillian member from City View Church in a food distribution of dairy products and hot meals and fruits to the local community in Bakersfield, Ca was a very good turn out for all who showed up . 
 POST 7216  12/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   From VFW Post 7216 one member donated sack lunches in Bakersfield ,Ca. Area to homeless civilian they were grateful and thanked the member he showed an act of random kindness (A.R.K.)  
 POST 7216  12/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   from VFW. Post. 7216. one member was at the Walmart Store on OLive drive and Calloway in the parking lot saw an elderly senior with lots of grocery and cases of bottle water out of the kindness of his heart loaded all her grocery’s into her vehicle and she gave him a big thank you. over all A.R.K. ( Act of Random Kindness ).  
 POST 7216  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   10   3   $2,268.34   $75.47   $2,343.81   The amount of $2,268.34 was donated in helping funeral expenses for a veteran. 
 POST 7216  12/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $25.00   $24.69   $49.69   a member donated $25 to Tunnels of Towers  
 POST 7216  12/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   4   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   From. VFW. Post. 7216. 4 members went. Magnolia Senior Bakersfield ,Ca And along with an Honor flight coordinator participated in an excise body work out with senior at their resident home it was a nice and fun time as they were there with them also afterwards raffle prizes and snack treats were handed to them by veterans was very fun time and enjoyable.  
 POST 7216  12/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated $10 to the Boys Town to make Christmas a happy time for children who often have sad memories of Christmas.  
 POST 7216  12/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated $10 to the VFW in support of life-changing programs and our struggling veterans. 
 POST 7216  12/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated $10 to Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund as a holiday gift to those we've promised to never forget.  
 POST 7216  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   1   $55.00   $49.66   $104.66   a member donated $55 to St. Francis church, this is a weekly donation  
 POST 7216  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   9   $0.00   $445.82   $445.82   From. VFW Post 7216 9 members which. 8 of those members who are also members of the Vietnam Rat Pack from portrait of a warrior gallery from Bakersfield, California attended in event ceremony the World War II memorial unveiling ceremony, and also remembering Pearl Harbor at Jastro Park on Truxton Avenue in Bakersfield, California, where there to show honor and support in this beautiful ceremony and respect to our fallen comrades who served in World War II was a nice event and heartwarming..  
 POST 7216  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09    Member donated 12 heated meals to homeless civilians as they were shipped frozen to his home address in Bakersfield coming from Fresno Ca  
 POST 7216  12/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   20   1   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   one member attended the Bakersfield Toys for Tots event and helped set up. He raised the American Flag to start the event.  
 POST 7216  12/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   From VFW. Post. 7216. One member participated with a toy and clothing drive for the foundation building Center of "Jamison Center for children " the member had respect and kindness and great Christmas sprit with all the volunteers who also participated in this event in Bakersfield , Ca .  
 POST 7216  12/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   3   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   From. VFW. Post 7216. 3 members attended at Armed Forces Recruit Center. Along with. a. few Red Freedom Riders to show support and handshakes and words of encouragement for the branch of service they enlisted for family member getting ready to give them hugs and tears as they were saying goodbyes was nice ceremony in Bakersfield ,Ca  
 POST 7216  12/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   6   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   From. VFW. Post. 721`6. 6 members were at Jefferson elementary school giving the awards to the students who won the patriots pen contest and also the teacher of the year contest applauds were given by the students at this morning short assembly which took place in Bakersfield Ca,.  
 POST 7216  12/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   1   $25.00   $49.66   $74.66   a member donated $25 dollars to St. Francis church  
 POST 7216  12/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   From VFW. Post. 7216. One member was at a Fast Strip store refueling his vehicle a civilian was also at the pumps ask for some money to help put gasoline in their vehicle after the veteran finished filling his car the member decided to fill up their tank to their car ,the civilians was very appreciative and thankful to the veteran. Which took place in North East Bakersfield , CA.  
 POST 7216  12/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   a member donated 300 dollars to Dominican Sisters, this is a monthly donation  
 POST 7216  12/12/2024   Community Service   Other   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   1. Member went to KGET Studios and made a $45.00 value gift card donation to their Wishmas Tree located at there Station the Wishmas tree help ensure the Foster Children at “Kern Bridges Youth Homes “so that they can relieve some Christmas cheers which is located in bakersfield ,CA 
 POST 7216  12/12/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   1   10   5   $5,000.00   $124.85   $5,124.85   From Post 7216 a donation of $5,000 was presented to East Bakersfield High School. It was for a scholarship fund based on their academic merit.  
 POST 7216  12/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $225.00   $24.69   $249.69   a member donated 225 dollars to Franciscan Friars  
 POST 7216  12/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   From. VFW. 7216. One member participated at senior living rest home called Magnolia in Bakersfield Ca. With coordinator doing exercise body movement with the elderly seniors and enjoying music at the same time afterwards, raffles and prizes for the seniors living in the residence, the member volunteered in joining the coordinator and the seniors there enjoyed the event of body exercise work at there rest home .the member made more enjoyable around the elderly senior .  
 POST 7216  12/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   0   1   $100.00   $123.45   $223.45   a member donated $100 to a veteran and his family in distress.  
 POST 7216  12/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   From. VFW. Post. 7216. One member was at Smart and final grocery store and saw an elderly gentleman and loaded all his grocery into his vehicle the elderly gentleman was grateful and thanked him the member showed kindness .in Bakersfield ,Ca,  
 POST 7216  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   From. VFW. Post. 7216. One member participated at "Wreath Across America”. At the Bakersfield /Arvin. National Cemetery off the 58 Freeway and Bear Mountain Blvd it was nice event to all our fallen veterans .,  
 POST 7216  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   From. VFW. Post. 7216. One member made a donation of some toys to the American Legion for the Toys For Tots in Bakersfield ,Ca which will make the boys and girls very happy toward Christmas .  
 POST 7216  12/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   a member took and donated items he and his church group had gathered like food some clothing and a little cash they collected to a Veteran and his family that got burned out of their trailer at a trailer park where they were living..They are considered homeless but the post is there to help.  
 POST 7216  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   1   $55.00   $49.66   $104.66   a member donated $ 55 to his church  
 POST 7216  12/14/2024   Veterans Assistance    Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   a member donated 100 dollars to a Veteran that was displaced by a fire.  
 POST 7216  12/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   From. VFW Post. 7216. 3 members attended at Armed forces Recruit Center. Along with Red Freedom Riders to show support to the young individuals off to military Boot -camp for the branch of service they enlisted for words of encouragement and handshakes were given by veterans to young further military service men and hugs and tears were given to the them bye by their love family members was nice send off event  
 POST 7216  12/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $35.00   $26.09   $61.09   From VFW. Post. 7216 one. Member made a $35.00. Dollar donation to the American heart Society. He had the spirit of Christmas in him and out of the kindness of his heart made that donation.  
 POST 7216  12/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   4   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   From VFW. Post. 7216. 4 members attended the Armed Forces Recruit Center along with the Red Freedom Riders to show support and encouragement to the young individuals that enlisted for the branch of service they are going into .the veteran shook their hands as the family members said there goodbye and hug and tears overall very nice ceremony  
 POST 7216  12/16/2024   Community Service   Other   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   one. Member did a food catering at a private party at a person home for two hours ,and the leftover food were donated to the homeless is a civilians 
 POST 7216  12/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   12   1   $50.00   $26.37   $76.37   From. VFW. Post. 7216. One member assisted a veteran and his family that were victims of a recent fire in there trailer home at the trailer park of Edison Hwy out side of Bakersfield ,Ca the comrade veteran member provided blankets , clothing and a monitory donation of $ 50.00 dollars ,god bless this family during the Christmas holidays .  
 POST 7216  12/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   a member delivered new jackets donated by a local restaurant to a Veteran displaced by fire. He also has a family. 
 POST 7216  12/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   14   1   $0.00   $26.65   $26.65   a member was invited to go to the Eagles hall to be present in the donating 1,500 to the Honor Guard. 
 POST 7216  12/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   From. VFW. 7216. One member assisted another as his. Driver because other member was doing a colonoscopy procedure and was going under sedation and the medical facility would not be performed without a driver to take him home so I volunteered to assist him to take him safe home after his procedure. A member helping a member from our post I🙏 Amen .  
 POST 7216  12/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   a member was invited to go to Tehachapi to speak on the retiring of a Helicopter, a Huey that flew combat missions in Vietnam. this Huey helped save many lives also here in our community..  
 POST 7216  12/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   1   $20.00   $26.09   $46.09   One Veteran donated clothing and money to assist another veteran that was displaced due to a fire.  
 POST 7216  12/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   From VFW. Post. 7216. One member assisted and deliver a distribution of Goodies ,cookies to Veterans at the local VA Clinic so that all the comrades could enjoy some type of refreshment while in waiting for their appointments all the comrades really enjoy a good cup of coffee and an assortment of sweet cookies and other refreshments god bless🙏 our comrade post member all this was in Bakersfield ,CA ..  
 POST 7216  12/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   20   $681.00   $495.20   $1,176.20   post members gathered at a family restaurant and donated a total of 681 dollars to the Veteran and his family that lost almost everything by a fire.. also food was donated to their dog.  
 POST 7216  12/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   5   1   $200.00   $25.39   $225.39   a member donated 200 dollars to a Veteran and his family displaced by fire.  
 POST 7216  12/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   From. VFW. Post. 7216. One member was at McDonald’s on Stockdale. Hwy and saw a homeless Veteran out of the kindness of his heart the member bought the Veteran a meal so that he would. not go hungry god bless our member 🙏 .  
 POST 7216  12/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   2   1   $100.00   $24.97   $124.97   one member delivered 100 dollars to a widow of a Vietnam veteran and some gift cards  
 POST 7216  12/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   1   $55.00   $49.66   $104.66   a member donated $ 55 to St. Francis church, this is a weekly donation  
 POST 7216  12/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   4   2   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   two members delivered food and gifts to a family and kids, we do this every Christmas  
 POST 7216  12/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   1   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   From. VFW. Post 7216. One member participated and help in the event called "Toys For Tots” by distributing toys to community children so that they could get a Christmas toy and cheer their. Holidays which took place at kern county Fairgrounds in Bakersfield ,Ca.  
 POST 7216  12/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $10.00   $26.09   $36.09   From. VFW. Post. 7216. One member while Christmas shopping just outside of the store Dollar Tree saw a homeless civilian who looked in need of some food and very hungry the member approached him and gave him a money donation of $10.00 dollars so he could get something to eat the civilian said to him thank you the member show kindness out of his heart bless our member all this took place in north east Bakersfield ,Ca 😇🙏  
 POST 7216  12/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   2   1   $55.00   $24.97   $79.97   a member donated 55 dollars to St. Phillips church  
 POST 7216  12/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   From VFW. Post 7216. One member participated in a 5k holiday run for the open door network and had to donate a toy for the families which helps support families of domestic violence member shows great Christmas Spirit.  
 POST 7216  12/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   from VFW. Post 7216 one member at Zingo’s Cafe donated $20.00. Dollars to help that needed family of their trailer home was destroyed in fire tragedy well done for caring..  
 POST 7216  12/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $20.00   $49.38   $69.38   one member donated 20.00 dollars to the Shriners  
 POST 7216  12/27/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   1   7   $0.00   $172.97   $172.97   From. VFW. Post. 7216. 7 members preformed the Fireman Award to the fireman who won as the fireman award which is done every year and by winning he will go into the next round for the state and if still wins then he will go into the big one which is National VFW Origination his award ceremony was preformed at the fire station on. H street across from the American Legion and close to Fox Theater in Downtown ,Bakersfield ,CA it was a very nice short ceremony all the office personal and staff were surprised and we were very much welcomed into there Fire Station Facility.  
 POST 7216  12/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   2   1   $55.00   $24.97   $79.97   a member donated a weekly donation of 55 dollars to his church  
 POST 7216  12/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   From VFW. Post. 7216. 3 members attended at the Armed Forces Recruit Center along with Red Freedom Riders to honor and and short send-off ceremony where members and freedom Riders showed support encouragement and shook their hands also family members gave hugs and tears to their loved sons and daughters to the young individuals off to military boot-camp for the branch they enlisted for was nice send-off  
 POST 7216  12/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   a member donated a TV to a needy individual  
 POST 7216  1/2/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   4   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   From. VFW. Post 7216. 4 members participated at Senior. Living Home for elderly senior along with the coordinator in their body parts workout program to help make it enjoyable for them the staff really enjoy us visiting them and being around them and doing the exercise along with them it’s an enjoyable time and the senior elderly enjoy it also .at name of facility "Magnolia " in Bakersfield ,Ca.  
 POST 7216  1/4/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   a member donated 55 dollars to ST, Francis church..  
 POST 7216  1/4/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Member was at Albertsons shopping Center on coffee Rd. In Bakersfield and help an elderly Senior load all his groceries into his vehicle the civilian was thankful and grateful as our comrade helped him ..  
 POST 7216  1/5/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   From. VFW. Post. 7216. 3 members attended at Armed Forces Recruit Center along with Red Freedom Riders showing support and words of encouragement and handshakes for the young individual that. They enlisted for their branch of services family members gave hugs and tears to sons and daughters off too Boot-Camp nice ceremony  
 POST 7216  1/6/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   0   1   $25.00   $24.69   $49.69   a member donated 25 dollars to Tunnels to Towers  
 POST 7216  1/6/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   4   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   Members attended at the Armed Forces Recruit Center and only one member of Red Freedom Riders. Word of encouragement and support and handshakes were given by the members to the individuals that were on their w From VFW. Post 7216. 4 members attended at Armed Forces Recruit Center along with one member of the Red Freedom Riders showing their support along with the four member and words of encouragement and handshake we’re given to the individuals for the branch of services they enlisted for family members Gave them hugs and tears before them leaving off to military Boot-Camp was nice ceremony. In Bakersfield, CA.  
 POST 7216  1/7/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   1 member donated 12 heated meals to homeless civilians as they were shipped frozen to his home address in Bakersfield coming from Fresno ,Ca.  
 POST 7216  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   6   $0.00   $445.82   $445.82   Members were invited to a veteran's breakfast at Brookdale Senior. Living. The staff there wanted us to sit and have a nice breakfast with their resident Veterans to have conversation and lift their spirits and remind them that they are not forgotten it was a big get together and military life experience stories were talked about the resident Veterans really had a great time ,along with the members the " PORAIT OF WARRIOR GALLERY The Vietnam Rat -Pack was there also. All of them were treated with kindness and respect was a nice breakfast.  
 POST 7216  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   3   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   Members at Magnolia Senior Living along with coordinator doing body movements exercise with elderly seniors and having fun with them in their program afterwards prizes were given to them as a raffle drawing which was fun and enjoyable for them.  
 POST 7216  1/10/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   30   7   $0.00   $522.69   $522.69   Members attended a military funeral of one of member from our Post who was ai Air Forces Veteran at the National Cemetery in Bakersfield /Arvin they were there to show honor and respect to his family towards our fallen comrade.  
 POST 7216  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   Member participated in clean -up at Wreaths Across America the member went to help do a clean-up of picking up every wreath on every veterans head stone wall there’s was lots of participation at the National Cemetery.  
 POST 7216  1/11/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   from VFW. Post 7216 one member donated clothes for the victims of the LA fires the drop-off was held. At "Purpose Built Trade Co . on white lane , Bakersfield , Ca our comrade with compassion .🙏  
 POST 7216  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   2   1   $55.00   $49.66   $104.66   one member donated 55 dollars to st. Francis church.  
 POST 7216  1/12/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   a member donated books to the Kern County Library on ming ave.  
 POST 7216  1/12/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   4   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   Members attended at Armed Forces Recruit Center along with Red Freedom Riders to show support respect and encouragement and Handshakes to young individuals who are off to bootcamp for the branch of service they enlisted for and Family members gave their loved ones s hugs and tears as they were saying their goodbyes to them nice ceremony event.  
 POST 7216  1/13/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   3   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   Members attended art Armed Forces Recruit Center along with the Red freedom Riders members gave the young individuals words of encouragement and support and shook their hands as family members gave their loved ones hugs and tears as they were saying goodbye to them as it was time for them to start Boot-Camp for there branch of service they enlisted for .  
 POST 7216  1/14/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   1   6   $0.00   $444.56   $444.56   Members participated at The Villas” Senior. Living along with members of the Portrait of Warrior Gallery "the Vietnam Rat-Pack”. As to where VIP Personal from different Offices of Political offices in kern county presented certificate to resident Veteran from all the branches of Services and were also pinned by the, The Rat-Pack Veterans awards of were handed to whose family members were in connection with the Military Services it was their First Annual Ceremony it was a great turn out to all the facility plans on another one next year  
 POST 7216  1/15/2025   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   member help assist coordinator of portrait of a warrior gallery to sort out more MIA veteran dog tags from the three war conflicts and to be pinned on the MIA wall in their categories.  
 POST 7216  1/16/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Members participated at Magnolia Senior Living. With coordinator in doing body movement exercises with the residential seniors and listening to music at the exercise program the seniors live there had enjoyable time with our comrades as they look forward to it almost every Thursday afternoon to them. It’s fun time for them. It’s rewarding..  
 POST 7216  1/16/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   1   10   0   $0.00   $1.40   $1.40   A. Member. Who’s wife made oven baked home cookies and deliver them along with his wife and donated them to the VA Clinic in bakesdfield ,CA ,so that the Veterans Patients could enjoy them with a cup of coffee while doing their doctor appointments. 
 POST 7216  1/17/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   5   $0.00   $371.75   $371.75   Members participated along with other Veterans at a Fund Raiser in conjunction with Honor Flight Members at a Basket ball game as we were being honor at Ridgeview high in Bakersfield, California the high school staff members show great hospitality and brought us refreshments. We were honored deeply, and we were proud to be there helping support honor flight members to raise funds for more veterans to go on our flight was a nice evening..  
 POST 7216  1/17/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Reliefp   1   20   3   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   A Veteran was referred to us by a friend that works for the Red Cross. They had lost their home by a fire and needed help. We had them meet us at a grocery store and they went shopping for food to help them get along. They filled their shopping cart and we paid the bill. They were very thankful and happy for us..  
 POST 7216  1/17/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   10   5   $0.00   $371.75   $371.75   members attended solstice Senior living along with other Veterans it have midday coffee and conversation with residential Veterans to talk about our military experiences from the branches we all served comrades who live in this facility had a very enjoyable day and they really enjoyed something new to there everyday events they hope becomes a new part of their program .  
 POST 7216  1/18/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   2   1   $55.00   $49.66   $104.66   a member donated 55 dollars to St, Francis church  
 POST 7216  1/18/2025   Community Service   Other   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   1. Member volunteered to help assist his son who is a football Coach for “The South Valley Football League “out of bakersfield Ca, the member also assisted the Coach in the teams Football Practice before the game he was a great help to the football team. 
 POST 7216  1/20/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   4   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   Members attended. Armed. Forces Recruit Center to give encouragement and support and handshakes to young individuals that are on their way to Boot-camp .  
 POST 7216  1/21/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   0   1   $20.00   $24.69   $44.69   one member donated 20 dollars to the shrines 'club 
 POST 7216  1/21/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated $10 to Southern Alameda County Buddhist Church in Union City, CA.  
 POST 7216  1/21/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Member donated. $20.00 dollars to "The Wounded Heroes Fund " In Bakersfield ,CA  
 POST 7216  1/22/2025   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   member help assist coordinator at portrait of warrior gallery to sort out more veteran, MIA dog tags for the three conflicts of wars and to be categorized and pinned on the MIA wall.  
 POST 7216  1/22/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   one member while at Zingo’s Cafe having coffee and breakfast was doing a membership drive talking to Veterans about the VFW organization. 
 POST 7216  1/22/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   10   12   $0.00   $593.96   $593.96   12 members were at Zingo”s Cafe having coffee time and socializing with other veterans all of them talking and passing information of different upcoming events  
 POST 7216  1/23/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   4   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   four members participated in a body movement exercise event with elderly seniors in the residential facility called Magnolia along with the coordinator instructor, the seniors there had an enjoyable one hour event and prizes handed out to the elderly seniors was a enjoyable time. For them…  
 POST 7216  1/24/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Two members attended guitar lessons provided by the Portrait of a Warrior Gallery in Bakersfield.  
 POST 7216  1/24/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   20   3   $20.00   $150.94   $170.94   Three members attended a breakfast social at Scrambled Restaurant in Bakersfield.  
 POST 7216  1/24/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   1   1   $100.00   $49.52   $149.52   a member donated 100 dollars to Our Lady of Mount Carmel  
 POST 7216  1/26/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   4   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   Members attended another Armed Forces. Recruit send -off encouragement support handshakes were given by members to the young individuals as family members said their goodbye to there son and daughters  
 POST 7216  1/27/2025   Community Service   Other   3   10   3   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   3. Members participated along with other veterans from Red Freedom Riders at the Armed Forces Recruit Center giving the young individuals going off to military boot- camp some support word of encouragement and handshakes as parents gave hugs and tears saying their goodbyes to their son and daughters nice ceremony. 
 POST 7216  1/28/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   A Member while going into "Foodco”s supermarket made a $5.00 donation to a civilian who was just sitting on bank wall flowerbed just asking for some change to get something to eat the member had kindness in his heart and made that donation ..  
 POST 7216  1/29/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   One member was at Zingo’s Cafe doing a recruitment drive while having coffee and morning breakfast while many veterans came to have coffee and breakfast and socializing with other comrade veterans good place to recruit . 
 POST 7216  1/29/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   13   $0.00   $643.34   $643.34   13 Member were Zingo’s Cafe having coffee and breakfast as they were socializing with other veterans and getting information of any upcoming military events, and to show support and participation honor flight coordinators came to the Zingo’s. Cafe and gave our flyers for an upcoming event in March. Great place to find out about a lot upcoming civilian and military events 
 POST 7216  1/30/2025   Community Service   Other   1   10   3   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   3. Members were at Magnolia Senior Living participating along with coordinator doing body movement exercises with residential Seniors. And listening to mixed songs at same time seniors look forward to us being there al time . 
 POST 7216  1/31/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   20   2   $35.00   $52.18   $87.18   Two members attended a lunch social at Chilis Restaurant in Bakersfield. 
 POST 7216  1/31/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   30   3   $0.00   $78.27   $78.27   Three members attended guitar lessons at the Portrait of a Warrior Gallery in Bakersfield. 
 POST 7216  1/31/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   0   1   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   a member donated 250 dollars to the Dominican Sisters  
 POST 7216  1/31/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $20.00   $24.69   $44.69   One member donated $20 for the Honor Flight Veterans in Bakersfield. 
 POST 7216  2/2/2025   Community Service   Other   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   1 member who lives in Arvin.,Ca.collects all his Recycles and every two weeks gives them to a homeless civilian as in a way of a donation the civilian always thanks the veterans for his kindness. 
 POST 7216  2/2/2025   Community Service   Other   2   10   5   $0.00   $248.30   $248.30   5 members attended at armed forces recruit Center along with Red Freedom Riders honoring young individuals going off to military boot-camp for the branches they enlisted for encouragement support and handshakes were given to the recruit as family members gave hugs and tears to sons and daughter. 
 POST 7216  2/3/2025   Community Service   Other   2   10   4   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   4 member attended Armed Forces Recruit Center along with Red Freedom Riders to show support encouragement and farewell good luck handshake to young individuals off to military Boot-Camp for the branches of service they enlisted for family members were there to give hugs and tears say goodbye to their son and daughters over all nice ceremony.  
 POST 7216  2/4/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Participated in body movement exercise with elderly seniors and coordinator. Everyone enjoyed the event which happened at Magnolia Senior living in the afternoon was a fun time for everyone there..  
 POST 7216  2/4/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated $10 to Care for our Wounded Soldiers.  
 POST 7216  2/4/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated $10 to Disabled American Veterans.  
 POST 7216  2/5/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   10   7   $0.00   $519.89   $519.89    Members attended coffee and breakfast with other veterans and socializing and trying to get any information on any other veteran activities in the surroundings of kern county or the city of Bakersfield , Ca which is a real good thing to stay in contact with other veterans.  
 POST 7216  2/5/2025   Community Service    Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   A. member while at Zingo’s was trying to recruit veterans into joining our Post as they were having breakfast and coffee time some possible potential  
 POST 7216  2/6/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Members. Participated at Magnolia Senior Living along with coordinator to do body movement exercises with senior, elderly, listening to music to their enjoyment and us being there assisting her in whatever way she needs our assistance was very enjoyable afternoon and the residence seniors they really enjoy our presence there, which is a fun time.  
 POST 7216  2/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   One member attended guitar lessons provided by the Portrait of a Warrior Gallery in Bakersfield. 
 POST 7216  2/7/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09    Member donated 12 heated meals to homeless civilians as they were shipped to his home address in Bakersfield coming from Fresno ,ca  
 POST 7216  2/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   20   2   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Two members attended a group session at the Vet Center and later had a breakfast social at Scrambled Restaurant in Bakersfield. 
 POST 7216  2/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   0   10   2   $0.00   $1.40   $1.40   1. Member help assist another member at his home by helping him get his automobile started and back. On the road again which will be used constantly.. 
 POST 7216  2/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Member was at The Restaurant "Woolgrowers having Dinner , provided food for homeless person.  
 POST 7216  2/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   10   3   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   Participated at armed forces recruit center. Ceremony along with the Red Freedom Riders for young individuals off to military boot-camp for the branch of service they enlisted for .  
 POST 7216  2/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   1 member as walking into Winco Supermarket saw a homeless civilians outside with her small pet as coming out from his shopping bought doggie treats for the homeless civilian’s pet and gave a her small donation also .in Bakersfield .  
 POST 7216  2/10/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   10   6   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   6 members participated at armed forces recruit Center. Ceremony Along with Red Freedom Riders to see send off young individuals to military boot-camp for the branch of service they enlisted for.  
 POST 7216  2/11/2025   Community Service   Other   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   1 member cater a dinner event named ‘Celebration of Life “ after the event was over the member donated the leftover desserts to elks lodge so that they could give them to senior citizens in their facility in Bakersfield ,Ca 
 POST 7216  2/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Members were at solstice, Senior living, assisting the coordinator, doing bodywork exercises with the elderly seniors at the residential living home, listening to music and having fun with seniors who they really enjoyed their company with the veterans which occurred in the morning hours..  
 POST 7216  2/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Members. Were at Magnolia Senior Living assisting the coordinator doing body movement exercises with the residential seniors in their living home and listening to music having fun with the veterans as they participated the seniors enjoy their company, which makes it a fun time. This occurred in the afternoon hours..  
 POST 7216  2/12/2025   Community Service    Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Member was at Zingo”s Cafe while having coffee and breakfast was also at same time trying to get veterans into joining our VFW post some are showing interest but want time think about it .  
 POST 7216  2/12/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   10   15   $0.00   $742.10   $742.10   15. Members were at Zingo,s Cafe having. Coffee and Breakfast around other Veterans from all four branches of service having conversations of military life and if any new of upcoming community or military Veteran events so that other comrade. Veterans can also be aware so they can participate or get involved in events in and around Bakersfield or other cities close by.  
 POST 7216  2/12/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83    Member volunterred at portrait of warrior gallery assisting personal in charge of military dog tags by sorting out MIA’s and KIA’s. And POW’s In dates of mission events during war conflicts to be hanged on wall of fallen hero’s in Bakersfield ,Ca.  
 POST 7216  2/13/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Member was at "Solstice” Senior. Living doing Body movement exercise along with coordinator and assisting her in whatever way with the residential Senior elderly, they enjoyed his company at their event was a fun time,  
 POST 7216  2/13/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   3   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   4. veterans 3 of them belong to post VFW post participated at ‘ Magnolia Senior Living in body movement exercise along with coordinator, assisting her with the residential elderly seniors a larger group that enjoy their company of the Comrades veterans afterwards small prizes were handed out to the seniors was a fun enjoyable time  
 POST 7216  2/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   6   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   6 Members. Attended a moring breakfast with residential veterans at Brookdale Senior living in Bakersfield to company the senior elderly residential veterans in coffee and breakfast and conversations to make them feel they are not forgotten and the veterans look forward to it there as they enjoy their company, very nice heartwarming event. 
 POST 7216  2/14/2025   Community Service   Other   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   1. Member took valentine Card to “The Kern River Traditional Care to the residential, senior elderly on Valentine’s Day and snacks so they can look forward to Valentine’s Day something they enjoyed. 
 POST 7216  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   10   6   $23.00   $149.54   $172.54   Six members attended a luncheon social at Hodel's Restaurant in Bakersfield. 
 POST 7216  2/16/2025   Community Service   Other   4   10   1   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   1. Member catered food at Rabobank arena for a bridal show after the event, the member donated the leftover food to a few homeless civilians. They were grateful and thanked member..which happened in bakersfield ,ca. 
 POST 7216  2/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   30   2   $0.00   $152.34   $152.34   2. Members. Went to Delano ,CA. To have Veterans Breakfast at there Elks Lodge meeting new Veteran Comrades and telling of our activities events in Bakersfield and getting any of info of their events while having coffee and enjoyable breakfast their hospitality was awesome . 
 POST 7216  2/17/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   12   230   2   $0.00   $624.76   $624.76   2 member who are also members from portrait of a war gallery, the Vietnam rat pack went to Pacific Palisades to see the fire station that was in the area of the fires that burnt in Palisade as a group we made a donation of $2700 to the fireman station to help assist them in any needs around and four that community. We met many fireman and had a great time. 
 POST 7216  2/17/2025   Community Service   Other   2   10   3   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   3. Members were at Armed Forces Recruit Center along with Red Freedom Riders they were honoring the young Individuals that were going into bootcamp handshake and words of encouragement were given as family members gave them hugs, and tears and said their goodbyes 
 POST 7216  2/18/2025   Community Service   Other   10   1   3   $0.00   $740.84   $740.84   3. Members were at solstice, senior living along with the coordinator doing body movement exercises with the residential elderly seniors. They really enjoyed the veterans being there working out to the music with them 
 POST 7216  2/18/2025   Community Service   Other   1   10   3   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   3. Members participated at Magnolia’s senior living along way with the coordinator, assisting her in doing body movement exercises with the residential elderly seniors as they enjoyed the company of the comrade veterans afterwards prizes were handed out in a way of raffles and everyone got a prize was very enjoyable afternoon at 2:30 PM. In Bakersfield, Ca. 
 POST 7216  2/18/2025   Community Service   Other   0   10   3   $0.00   $1.40   $1.40   3. Members participated at Solstices Senior Living doing Body movement exercises along with coordinator and having fun joining with the r residential elderly seniors who enjoy the company of the comrade veterans they all had a good time fun event at 1 PM in Bakersfield, Ca. 
 POST 7216  2/19/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   1. Member while having coffee and breakfast at Zingo‘s Café was doing a drive of recruitment. There was some good possibilities. Some veterans mention they might be interested invited them to our post meeting on the second Wednesday. Of every month Hopefully it stays in their thought and they do come to our meeting for the first time to see if they’re Bakersfield ,Ca. 
 POST 7216  2/19/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   10   14   $0.00   $1,038.38   $1,038.38   14. Members were at Zingo‘s Café in Bakersfield, California having coffee and breakfast with other veterans and doing camaraderie conversations and getting info among other veterans of any activities that would be upcoming and likewise as the members give infor to the veterans, all feel comfortable thats Nice place too be involved with other military activities. 
 POST 7216  2/19/2025   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   1. Member. Donated i hours at portrait of a war gallery in Bakersfield, California sorting out dog tags of MIAs under certain sequences help assist the person in charge. He showed enjoyment and will continue from time to time to help out hanging up the dog tags in the wall of fallen heroes.. 
 POST 7216  2/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    6   10   1   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54    Member spent 6hrs making or building a Portable Rifle-Rack and donated to Veteran. Honor Guard who devotes their time doing Military Funerals at all Cemeteries throughout Kern County and the cities around Bakersfield, Ca. And areas.  
 POST 7216  2/20/2025   Community Service   Other   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   one member was a gas station putting gas in his vehicle a gentleman approached him needing some gas for his vehicle so he donated him $10.00 to get gas 
 POST 7216  2/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   20   2   $32.00   $52.18   $84.18   Two members gathered for a breakfast social at Spencer's Restaurant in Bakersfield. 
 POST 7216  2/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   One member attended guitar lessons sponsored by the Portrait of a Warrior Gallery in Bakersfield. 
 POST 7216  2/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   20   2   $32.00   $52.18   $84.18   Two members had a breakfast social at Scrambled Restaurant in Bakersfield. 
 POST 7216  2/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   2   10   9   $0.00   $445.82   $445.82   9. Members attended along with other veterans a spaghetti dinner fund raising to help the with veteran with Medical Issue at Zingos Cafe in the evening was a big turnout and nice evening. 
 POST 7216  2/21/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   one Member and his wife took some oven baked cookies to the VA Clinic in the morning hours so comrade patients can enjoy a cup of coffee and a cookie while waiting for their appointments in Bakersfield ,Ca. 
 POST 7216  2/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Two members attended a group session at the Vet Center in Bakersfield. 
 POST 7216  2/22/2025   Community Service   Other   7   10   3   $0.00   $519.89   $519.89   3. Members participated at home and garden show working the honor flight booth trying to sign up veterans for honor flight trip and sell honor flight clothing as well collect donation at kern county fair grounds in Bakersfield,Ca. 3. Members participated at the home garden show working the honor fligh booth sending veterans for the honor flight trip and selling clothing from honor flight, collecting donations, which all occurred in Bakersfield ,Ca  
 POST 7216  2/22/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   2. Members. Along with Vietnam, rat pack group. Went to Rosewood health center where a US Navy veteran was being discharged and ready to go to his home residence so at the health center, we pin them and escorted him home to make him feel honored some of his family members were with him and they were happy to see us there honoring him and escorting him home was a nice moment . 
 POST 7216  2/23/2025   Community Service   Other   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   1. Member attended The Armed Forces Recruit Center along with Red. Freedom Riders to honor respect and give word of encouragement to the individuals that are off tp military boot-camp for the branch of service they enlisted for family family members gave hugs and tears and good byes to their son and daughters. 
 POST 7216  2/23/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    7   10   2   $0.00   $347.06   $347.06   2. Members participated at the home and Garden Show along with other Veterans doing some vending for Honor Flight in their booth and try to assist other veterans in signing up for honor flight at Kern County Fairgrounds  
 POST 7216  2/24/2025   Community Service   Other   2   10   4   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   4. Members Attended along with the Red Freedom Riders at The Armed Forces Recruit Center to honor respect and word of encouragement and farewell handshakes to the individuals that are off to military bootcamp for the branch of services they enlisted for family members gave them hugs and tears and farewell goodbyes to their son and daughters 
 POST 7216  2/25/2025   Community Service   Other   1   10   3   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   3. Members participated in assisting the coordinator and body movement work exercises in Magnolia Senior living residence. The members were having fun along with the elderly seniors which they enjoyed also which happened in the afternoon . i 
 POST 7216  2/25/2025   Community Service   Other   1   10   3   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   3 members participated in body work exercises with coordinator in the morning hours helping in assisting her in the Soltices Senior Living residential. Home having fun around the elderly seniors . 
 POST 7216  2/25/2025   Community Service   Other   1   10   3   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   3. Members attended at Magnolia Senior Living for lunch Fund Raiser which Hambuger chips and a drink where all the funds go to the Honor Flight was a big turnout 
 POST 7216  2/26/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   10   17   $0.00   $1,260.59   $1,260.59   17. Members while at Zingo’s having breakfast and coffee socializing with other veterans and trying to get information of any events coming up to participate got some good information on some of them and that’s good way too meet new veterans and have them get involved with post activities 
 POST 7216  2/26/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   1. Member while at Zingo”s Cafe was having coffee and breakfast around other Veterans and was among the comrades and trying to Recruit some members into our post some remain pending 
 POST 7216  2/28/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   5   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   5 members. attended at Solstice Senior Living Rest Home for elderly Senior Veterans an activity called Coffee & Conversation Members of VFW members of Vietnam, rat pack Bakersfield College veteran students were all present having a enjoyable time speaking to residential elderly senior veterans was an enjoyable event. 
 Post 7216 Total 654 3,524 792 $12,155.84 $47,589.54 $59,745.37
 POST 7665  7/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Handed out Buddy Poppies during the Honor Flight breakfast  
 POST 7665  7/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   During the Honor Flight breakfast, spoke to veterans who are not current members of the post about membership.  
 POST 7665  7/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   8   $0.00   $1,185.12   $1,185.12   Hosted an Honor Flight breakfast, all funds raised went to kern county honor flight.  
 POST 7665  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $200.00   $24.69   $224.69   A fellow veteran lost his home in the Borel fire and we wrote him a check out of the relief fund to help him.  
 POST 7665  7/31/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Received a truckload of donated items for the families of the community who were displaced by the Boral fire. We organized the items and have the ready for families in need.  
 POST 7665  8/1/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   9   0   3   $0.00   $666.63   $666.63   Received more donations for the fire victims and handed out donated goods to those in need.  
 POST 7665  8/2/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   8   0   4   $0.00   $790.08   $790.08   We received additional donations from the surrounding community for the fire victims and was able to distribute the donated goods to those in need.  
 POST 7665  8/3/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   10   0   4   $0.00   $987.60   $987.60   Handed out donated goods to those affected by the fire in our community.  
 POST 7665  8/4/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   9   0   3   $0.00   $666.63   $666.63   Handed out and recieved additional donations to those affected by the Borel fire.  
 POST 7665  8/5/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   8   0   3   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Sorted and handed out donated items to the fire victims.  
 POST 7665  8/6/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   9   0   4   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   We handed out donated goods to those affected by the Borel fire.  
 POST 7665  8/7/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   8   0   3   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Sorted and handed out donated items to those affected by the Borel fire.  
 POST 7665  8/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   We hosted an Honor Flight breakfast. All funds raised went to a local veteran affected by the Borel fire.  
 POST 7665  8/8/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   6   0   2   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   We handed out additional items to those affected by the Borel fire.  
 POST 7665  8/8/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   During Honor Flight breakfast, we spoke about membership to veterans who are not current members of the post.  
 POST 7665  8/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   We handed out Buddy Poppies during the Honoring Flight breakfast.  
 POST 7665  8/9/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   We handed out donated items to those affected by the fire.  
 POST 7665  8/10/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   6   0   3   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   We handed out donated items to the fire victims.  
 POST 7665  8/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   We took the donated items from the Borel fire and gave them to a local church that helps the area's homeless population.  
 POST 7665  8/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   7   300   2   $75.00   $387.66   $462.66   Drove a veteran to the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center for an appointment.  
 Post 7665 Total 123 300 60 $275.00 $9,695.79 $9,970.79
 POST 9499  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   3   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   The Post placed 20 American flags along the main roadway of Springville, CA, to recognize Independence Day (placed at sun-up & removed at sundown).  
 POST 9499  7/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Members of the Post sit on the Springville Memorial Board (Springville Veterans Memorial Building and Park) and they represent the local veterans. On this date, they attended a monthly meeting.  
 POST 9499  7/17/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   The Post provides a "Flag Drop" container at the Springville Veterans Memorial Building. On this date, it was emptied (64 flags collected) and the flags were then retired as required.  
 POST 9499  8/4/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   The Post provides a "Flag Drop" container at the Springville Veterans Memorial Building. On this date, it was emptied (59 flags collected) and the flags were then retired as required.  
 POST 9499  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   20   1   $0.00   $225.01   $225.01   A member of the Post volunteered his time to trim trees at the local Rodeo Grounds as part of the preparation for an event.  
 POST 9499  8/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   20   6   $0.00   $447.22   $447.22   The Post has two permanent members on the local rodeo board that meets monthly (supports rodeos & youth junior rodeos). On this date, members of the Post provided maintenance and preparation assistance of the rodeo grounds for coming event.  
 POST 9499  8/18/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   A member of the Post replaced the flags at the Springville Veterans Memorial Building that required attention.  
 POST 9499  8/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Members sit on the Student Veterans Resource Center Committee at Porterville College and on this date a "student orientation" occurred to begin another semester. The students have served in the military and our Post members act as advisors. The same Post members support the student veterans at monthly meetings.  
 POST 9499  8/20/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   20   3   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   Three members of the Post provided a Patriot's Pen presentation to two 8th Grade classes at Springville School. The program was explained and entry forms were provided. Additionally, buddy poppies were distributed to all in attendance.  
 POST 9499  8/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Members of the Post sit on the Springville Memorial Board (Springville Veterans Memorial Building and Park) and they represent the local veterans. On this date, they attended a monthly meeting.  
 POST 9499  8/23/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Two members of the Post replaced the American Flag at the local cemetery that was in very poor condition.  
 POST 9499  8/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   30   10   $0.00   $1,732.50   $1,732.50   The Post has two permanent members on the local rodeo board that meets monthly (supports rodeos & youth junior rodeos). On this date, members of the Post provided support of a rodeo event via preparing and distributing food to those in attendance.  
 POST 9499  8/24/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   30   3   $0.00   $374.55   $374.55   Members of the Post distributed Buddy Poppies at a local rodeo event.  
 POST 9499  8/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   One member of the Post assisted another member in transporting her children to and from school because of a conflicting work schedule. The children's mother is a nurse and was unable be available at the time.  
 POST 9499  8/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   30   2   $0.00   $251.10   $251.10   Members that sit on the Porterville College Foundation Board that supports student scholarships ($160,000 in 2024), and provides assistance to other institution programs (athletics, clubs, and academic processes). On this date a planning meeting of the Board occurred with two Post members in attendance. Additionally, the Post Commander is the President of the Foundation Board.  
 POST 9499  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   20   10   $0.00   $249.70   $249.70   A presentation by "Our Heroes Dreams" to the Post members was provided, which is a nonprofit organization that assists veterans in transitioning from the military to civilian life. They work with veterans with psychological issues and those that may have a suicidal tendency. They are located in Hanford, CA., and have worked with more than 2,000 veterans in need. All services are free.  
 POST 9499  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   3   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   The Post placed 20 American flags along the main roadway of Springville, CA, to recognize Patriot’s Day (placed at sun-up & removed at sundown).  
 POST 9499  9/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   170   1   $0.00   $147.25   $147.25   A member of the Post provided a veteran transportation to and back from VA Hospital in Fresno CA (Springville CA). The veteran could not drive himself.  
 POST 9499  9/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   20   1   $0.00   $249.70   $249.70   A member of the Post is part of the planning committee for the annual "Springville Apple Festival” that is scheduled for October 19, 2024. This event supports local businesses, local artists, and nonprofit organizations. On this date, the Post member designed and provided computer generated schematics of the locations of booths and organizations participating in the event (138 locations).  
 POST 9499  9/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Two members of the Post sit on the Springville Memorial Board (supporting and managing Springville Veterans Memorial Building and Park) and they represent the local veterans. On this date, they attended a monthly meeting.  
 POST 9499  9/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   A veteran diagnosed with cancer needed a walker that had four-wheels and a seat. He did not have the resources to acquire the item, and the Post provided and delivered it to him. The Post maintains a supply of used medical equipment for this purpose.  
 POST 9499  9/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   The Post has four members that sit on the Porterville College Foundation Board that supports student scholarships ($160,000 in 2024), and provides assistance to other institution programs (athletics, clubs, and academic processes). On this date a planning meeting of the Board occurred with two Post members in attendance. Additionally, the Post Commander is the President of the Foundation Board.  
 POST 9499  9/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   20   1   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   A member of the Post provided the local Springville Community Club with a computer and projector for a presentation. This included set-up and support during the program. The program was for pet adoption.  
 POST 9499  9/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   The Post has four members that sit on the Porterville College Foundation Board that supports student scholarships ($160,000 in 2024), and provides assistance to other institution programs (athletics, clubs, and academic processes). On this date a monthly meeting of the Board occurred with two Post members in attendance. Additionally, the Post Commander is the President of the Foundation Board.  
 POST 9499  9/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   30   1   $0.00   $201.72   $201.72   The Post has three permanent members on the local rodeo board (Springville Rodeo Association Board) and it benefits the community through providing youth activities (Junior Rodeo) and two other annual events. The Post members provide maintenance of the rodeo grounds and in this case assistance in construction of a new building. This project will take several months to complete and involves a financial contribution by the Post. One Post member helped prepare the build site on this date.  
 POST 9499  9/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   40   1   $0.00   $252.50   $252.50   A member of the Post is part of the planning committee for the annual "Springville Apple Festival” that is scheduled for October 19, 2024. This event supports local businesses, local artists, and nonprofit organizations. On this date, the Post member processed all the food vendors (24) health permit applications and delivered them to Tulare County for approval.  
 POST 9499  10/2/2024   Community Service   Other   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   The Post provides a "Flag Drop" container at the Springville Veterans Memorial Building. On this date, it was emptied (31 flags collected) and the flags were then retired as required.  
 POST 9499  10/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Two Post members sit on the Student Veterans Resource Center Advisory Committee at Porterville College and on this date an orientation occurred for the veteran students. This event assists the student veterans in getting started on a successful path. As advisors, the Post members are involved in the planning of issues such as activities, fund raising, and the veterans receiving applicable benefits.  
 POST 9499  10/4/2024   Community Service   Other   5   40   2   $0.00   $252.50   $252.50   The Post supports Happy Trails Riding Academy that assists children and adults with physical, cognitive, and emotional disabilities with equine-assisted therapy. The Academy assists riders with Cerebral Palsy, ADD, ADHD, head trauma, developmental disabilities, autism, down syndrome, and more. Happy Trails also works closely with a variety of veterans’ organizations to provide therapeutic horsemanship to warriors dealing with physical injuries and PTSD. The Post provided a $1500 donation in support of a fund-raiser, which also included VFW Post recognition at the event with members in attendance.  
 POST 9499  10/12/2024   Community Service   Other   4   20   2   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   The Post provided food (120 hamburgers and 120 hotdogs) for an outdoor movie night for families. Two Post members cooked all the food onsite (cost $300) and it was provided at no cost to the families in attendance. The Post also provided the judges for the children’s Halloween costume contest that proceeded the movie.  
 POST 9499  10/16/2024   Community Service   Other   8   20   1   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Two members of the Post sit on the Springville Memorial Board (supporting and managing Springville Veterans Memorial Building and Park) and they represent the local veterans. These Board members initiated the purchase and secured a new flagpole to be erected at the Springville Veterans Memorial Building. On this date, a member of the Post assisted in the installation of the new flagpole. 
 POST 9499  10/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    8   20   1   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   A member of the Post is part of the planning committee for the annual "Springville Apple Festival” that occurred on October 19, 2024. This event supports local businesses, local artists, and nonprofit organizations. The Post member provided support activity (logistics) that included food court setup, signage, management of parking, distribution of tables and chairs, games and activities for children, and coordination of trash removal after the event.  
 POST 9499  10/21/2024   Community Service   Other   2   30   2   $19,675.00   $102.96   $19,777.96   The Post has three members on the Springville Sierra Rodeo Board that supports rodeos & youth junior rodeos and activities. To improve the grounds where these events occur, the Post provided $19,675 to build new restroom facilities that were critically important. These funds were used to acquire the fixtures (toilets, sinks, and related hardware) for a new building currently under construction. 
 POST 9499  11/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   30   3   $0.00   $226.41   $226.41   The Post is closely connected to the local Porterville Community College as advisors to the student veterans and the college Foundation Board (our Commander is the current President of the Foundation). On this date, three members of the post attended the Porterville College Salutes Our Veterans event held at the college. 
 POST 9499  11/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    8   20   2   $0.00   $397.84   $397.84   Two members of the Post assisted the local Springville Community Club setup and manage their "Empty Bowls Soup Kitchen" event that provides all profits to local food pantries. This is an annual event held each November.  
 POST 9499  11/7/2024   Community Service   Other   3   30   2   $0.00   $152.34   $152.34   The Post participated in a veterans panel at Porterville Community College ("PC Salutes Our Veterans"). As a member of the question-and-answer panel, each panel participant was asked questions about their time and experience in the service. This was held outside and was well attended by students, faculty, and staff. 
 POST 9499  11/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   30   2   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   Three Post members sit on the Student Veterans Resource Center Advisory Committee at Porterville College and on this date a meeting occurred. As advisors, the Post members are involved in the planning of issues such as activities, fund raising, and the veterans receiving applicable benefits. 
 POST 9499  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   3   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   The Post placed 20 American flags along the main roadway of Springville, CA, in remembrance of Veterans Day. The flags were placed at sunup and removed at sundown. 
 POST 9499  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   30   3   $0.00   $374.55   $374.55   The Post strongly supports student veterans at Porterville Community College and on this date (Veterans Day) three members of the Post road with the students on a float in the Porterville Veterans Day Parade. 
 POST 9499  11/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   20   1   $19,675.00   $200.32   $19,875.32   The Post has three permanent members on the local rodeo board (Springville Rodeo Association Board) and it benefits the community through providing youth activities (Junior Rodeo) and local rodeo events throughout each year. Currently, the Post has provided $19,675 to build a new bathroom facility. On this date, a member of the Post assisted in the construction project, which he will continue to do several days in the future.  
 POST 9499  11/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Two Post members sit on the Student Veterans Resource Center Advisory Committee at Porterville College and on this date a meeting occurred. As advisors, the Post members are involved in the planning of issues such as activities, fund raising, and the veterans receiving applicable benefits.  
 POST 9499  12/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   The Post has four members that sit on the Porterville College Foundation Board that supports student scholarships ($160,000 in 2024), and provides assistance to other institution programs (athletics, clubs, and academic processes). On this date a planning meeting of the Board occurred with two Post members in attendance. Additionally, the Post Commander is the President of the Foundation Board.  
 POST 9499  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   3   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   The Post placed 20 American flags along the main roadway of Springville, CA, for Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. The flags were placed at sunup and removed at sundown. 
 POST 9499  12/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   7   $0.00   $694.12   $694.12   The Post held their annual Pearl Harbor Remembrance Breakfast in which more than 100 people attended. Vintage World War II, Korea, and other military displays were provided. Additionally, on a large screen historical film footage from the attack on Pearly Harbor was provided along with era music.  
 POST 9499  12/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Two Post members sit on the Student Veterans Resource Center Advisory Committee at Porterville College and on this date a meeting occurred to plan for the 2025 Semester. As advisors, the Post members are involved in the planning of issues such as activities, fund raising, and the veterans receiving applicable benefits.  
 POST 9499  12/12/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   The Post provides a "Flag Drop" container at the Springville Veterans Memorial Building. On this date, it was emptied (39 flags collected) and the flags were then retired as required.  
 POST 9499  1/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Two Post members sit on the Student Veterans Resource Center Advisory Committee at Porterville College and on this date an orientation occurred for the veteran students. This event assists the student veterans in getting started on a successful path. As advisors, the Post members are involved in the planning of issues such as activities, fund raising, and the veterans receiving applicable benefits.  
 POST 9499  1/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Two Post members sit on the Student Veterans Resource Center Advisory Committee at Porterville College and on this date a meeting occurred with the veterans. As advisors, the Post members are involved in the planning of issues such as activities, fund raising, and the veterans receiving applicable benefits.  
 POST 9499  1/23/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   30   1   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   A Post member assisted the local Springville Community Club (women’s organization) in the set-up and takedown of tables, chairs, and speaker system. The Post member also was the photographer for the event and will be providing photos to the group.  
 POST 9499  1/25/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   20   2   $0.00   $249.70   $249.70   The members of the Post assisted the local rodeo board (Spring Rodeo Association Board) in providing maintenance to the rodeo facility (working on the grounds and helping build new structures). This benefits the community through providing youth activities (Junior Rodeo) and the Post in fund raising during the annual rodeo each year. On this date, the Post members supervised 10 high school students replacing bleachers at the Springville Rodeo Grounds.  
 POST 9499  1/26/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   A member of the Post (Commander) prepared the required paperwork for a parade permit associated with the Springville Sierra Rodeo Association's 75th Anniversary rodeo (scheduled for April). The Post sponsors the parade and provides the County with the insurance, coordination with local law enforcement (CHP & Sheriff's Department), and the entries participating in the event.  
 Post 9499 Total 178 1,395 117 $39,350.00 $9,775.02 $49,125.02
 POST 9791  7/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   3   $400.00   $74.07   $474.07   Provided assistance to a veteran (VFW membership qualified) to pay a seriously past due electricity bill on the day before the utility was to be shut off. Our contribution enabled the veteran to enter into a payment plan which kept his electricity from being shut off  
 POST 9791  7/4/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   5   $250.00   $123.45   $373.45   Post members placed a wreath at the Frazier Park Cody Memorial and replaced the six flags at the Memorial been worn and damaged by the weather. Keeping the Memorial and the flags in good condition had been abandoned by the County two years ago. The Post has taken over the upkeep of the flags and Memorial since 2022.  
 POST 9791  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   0   5   $100.00   $370.35   $470.35   Donated $100 to an auxiliary member to help with moving expenses. Assisted in the packing and moving of the spouse of a veteran who was recently deceased.  
 POST 9791  7/29/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   0   3   $50.00   $148.14   $198.14   Post members purchased and installed a solar powered light above the US flag at the Frazier Park Cody Memorial. 
 POST 9791  8/3/2024   Community Service      1   0   4   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Provided flags and an honor guard for the Fiesta Days parade in Frazier Park.  
 POST 9791  8/3/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   20   0   3   $0.00   $1,481.40   $1,481.40   Conducted a Buddy Poppy Drive at the Frazier Park Fiesta Days event (three days).  
 POST 9791  8/3/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   20   0   2   $0.00   $987.60   $987.60   Maintained a recruiting booth at the Frazier Park Fiesta Days event for three days.  
 POST 9791  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Repaired and cleaned a donated wheelchair to a veteran.  
 POST 9791  9/11/2024   Community Service   Other   1   0   10   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Post members conducted a memorial service on Patriot's Day at the Post parking lot. The Post US flag was placed at half-mast at 8:00 a.m. and lowered at sunset.  
 POST 9791  9/14/2024   Community Service   Other   25   0   5   $0.00   $3,086.25   $3,086.25   Collected clothing for several months, cleaned, cataloged and displayed for a clothing give-away for the local residents. This was timed to provide needed clothing for the coming cold weather seasons. Approximately 200 individuals received free winter coats, clothes, shoes and boots. Leftover items were donated to Bakersfield posts for further distribution.  
 POST 9791  10/11/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   4   $150.00   $395.04   $545.04   Provided the Post facilities for a fundraiser for scholarships for needy students at the Frazier Park Elementary School. The fundraiser consisted of the use of the Post Bingo. The Post provided the caller, the Bingo supplies and other Post members to run the Bingo games. All proceeds went to the school.  
 POST 9791  10/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cleaned and provided bathroom equipment, crutches and a manual scooter to a veteran who is recovering from an injury.  
 Post 9791 Total 82 0 47 $950.00 $7,160.10 $8,110.10
 POST 10859  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   6   3   $0.00   $148.98   $148.98   3 comrades from Post 10859 attended the Honor Flight's 4th of July breakfast. We spent time socializing with other veterans and enjoying the breakfast program. I spoke to three people about the VFW.  
 POST 10859  7/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post was contacted about the needs of a disabled WW2 veteran who was house bound due to needing a wheelchair ramp. He had exhausted all requests for help from other agencies. Post voted and approved funding ($1,900.00)for the construction of the ramp. Construction has been started and when complete will allow the veteran to safely be able to leave his house. It is noted that one Post member is overseeing the construction. (The one hour time listed is the time at Post meeting to consider motion, discuss motion with members and vote on motion.)  
 POST 10859  7/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   5   4   $0.00   $198.22   $198.22   Four Post members in conjunction with Auxiliary members met with retired military men and women at the local VA clinic to provide support and companionship during monthly cookie/coffee day with vets. Post sat and talked to veterans with issues at Clinic and provided support. These veterans enjoy talking to Post members who can help them relate to issues.  
 POST 10859  7/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   16   1   $35.00   $26.93   $61.93   Donated food to a non-profit organization that houses homeless veterans.  
 POST 10859  7/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Packed seeds at National Convention for Humana Community Food Program.  
 POST 10859  7/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   While at National convention, members packed seeds (cucumber, cabbage, broccoli), these seeds will be distributed to school and communities that wish to start gardens.  
 POST 10859  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during National convention.  
 POST 10859  8/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   248   1   $0.00   $84.10   $84.10   D Johnson participated in a honor and remembrance ceremony for an MOH recipient at Cemetery Memorial Park in Ventura.  
 POST 10859  8/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Neighbor (non veteran) living across street from a Post Member has been going through cancer treatments (radiation/chemo) and unable to keep up with his overgrown lawn. Post member mowed and edged the lawn and told neighbor he would continue to do so until he was fully recovered from his treatments,  
 POST 10859  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $5.00   $24.69   $29.69   Deb Johnson donated money to the National Home at Dist 7 meeting.  
 POST 10859  8/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   At a local event, while wearing VFW cap and shirt, I was approached by a women who stated that she had her deceased fathers (veteran) cremated remains and could get no assistance on proper interment procedures. Had reached out to other organizations and had no response. I discussed the Bakersfield National Cemetery with her, gave her number to call and assured her that they would walk her through necessary procedures to have her fathers remains properly interned. She was very grateful for the information and would contact them the next working day.  
 POST 10859  8/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   5   3   $0.00   $445.12   $445.12   Recruitment booth at local gun show. (second day). Discussed VFW and Veteran programs with community members in attendance. Recruited two members to Post with follow-up to be done on two more prospects.  
 POST 10859  8/12/2024   Legislative Advocacy   State   2   100   5   $0.00   $260.90   $260.90   Members attended a Legislative meeting in Bakersfield with Congressman Fong and Valadao.  
 POST 10859  8/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   6   4   $0.00   $297.12   $297.12   Post member attended a Veterans Roundtable discussion chaired by Rep. Valadao and Rep Fonce along with VA Representatives. Fielded questions from attendees concerning any update on local VA Clinic, VA Claims, Veteran homeless, Veteran suicides and any pending legislative actions concerning Veterans.  
 POST 10859  8/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   4   3   $0.00   $148.70   $148.70   Post 10859 Senior Vice Commander and District 6 Chaplain Ronald Birks visited the Bakersfield VA Clinic Open House 2024. Speaking with representatives and reaching out to Veteran's for fellowship and recruiting. And offering my assistance for Portrait of a Warrior Gallery, giving out pamphlets and information.  
 POST 10859  8/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   D Johnson participated in putting food boxes together at a Sunrise Christian Food ministries in Citrus Heights.  
 POST 10859  8/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Member of Post attended send off of local military recruits who were leaving for basic training. Discussed what they could expect and how proud the community is of them. Also talked to recruits family members to ensure them that their sons and daughters will be well taken care of and be prepared to see a big change in them. Let them know that VFW and other Veterans organizations will always be there for them .  
 POST 10859  8/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   5   5   $0.00   $988.30   $988.30   Post set up a recruitment/information booth a local community gun show. Signed up prospective life member, discussed VFW activities and answered questions concerning Veteran issues.  
 POST 10859  8/20/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   7   1   $0.00   $75.05   $75.05   Member attended gathering of veterans at local Wounded Heroes office to meet with other veterans during a coffee and donut event. Veterans get together for companionship and support. Reflect of service and advise each other of avenues open to them for any issue.  
 POST 10859  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   16   1   $35.00   $26.93   $61.93   Donated food to a non-profit organization that houses homeless veterans.  
 POST 10859  8/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Post Commander attended the monthly local community action team meeting. Expressed desire for Post to continue participation in community events and activities. Discussed volunteer work to beautify community through walk through cleanups. Commander was asked by committee chair to speak at next months meeting with ideas of how community can assist veterans and VFW participation in local events.  
 POST 10859  9/10/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post member while attending local event was able to recruit one new member to transfer from out of state Post to our Post. New transfer member now lives in our community and is a Life Member in VFW.  
 POST 10859  9/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   5   5   $0.00   $124.15   $124.15   Five members attended the 6th Anniversary Celebration of the Post 9/11 Fallen Warrior Remembrance event. Event is to remember the 27 local veterans who gave their lives in events after Sept. 11, 2001. Each name was read, and a final bell was rung in their memory.  
 POST 10859  9/11/2024   Community Service   o Citizenship/Americanism   1   4   1   $0.00   $32.66   $32.66   Ronald Birks Senior Vice Commander and District 6 Chaplain, attended the 9-11-2024 Ceremony at Bakersfield High School witnessed the Jr ROTC program. I spoke to the school Principal and several teachers and students and offered to help Sponsor their Jr. ROTC Program.  
 POST 10859  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   11   1   $0.00   $75.61   $75.61   Post Commander attended 9/11 Ceremony at local Fire Station. Relative spoke of the heroic deeds that her sister, who was a flight attendant on the plane that hit the first tower and was first to contact ground crew about the hijacking. A bench was dedicated in her memory facing a beam from that same tower that Bakersfield Fire Department had erected as a monument to all that had perished.  
 POST 10859  9/14/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   228   1   $0.00   $56.61   $56.61   D Johnson attended the POW/MIA Remembrance Ceremony for District 4 at Post 5394 in Compton.  
 POST 10859  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   4   549   1   $0.00   $175.62   $175.62   D Johnson attended the Dept of California POW/MIA Remembrance Ceremony at the USS Hornet in Alameda.  
 POST 10859  9/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   16   1   $35.00   $26.93   $61.93   Donated food to a non-profit organization that houses homeless veterans.  
 POST 10859  9/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   4   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Commander was invited to discuss VFW and what community can do to support veterans. Commander did short history of VFW origins and Post establishment. Discussed efforts by Post to be active in local community events and how the community can support veterans ( contributions and donations during poppy setups, volunteering at Wreaths Across America ceremonies at local National Cemetery, supp0rting Wounded Heroes , local Portrait of Warrior gallery and Honor Flight.) Also encourage them to reach out to family members who are eligible to join VFW and Auxiliary.  
 POST 10859  10/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   1   5   $0.00   $370.49   $370.49   Post members attended the Local Honor Flight return to show support of those in attendance and to the returning heroes to include one of our own. Assisted family members in staging and escort into area.  
 POST 10859  10/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   2   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   Members attended local community team meeting. Team comprised of local business members , community leaders and school principal. Items discussed were ways to bring businesses into community, community cleanup efforts and security neighborhood walks. Our part is just to support efforts. 
 POST 10859  10/10/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   20   1   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Conducted a recruiting event at the annual Veterans Stand Down.  
 POST 10859  10/10/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   20   1   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Conducted a recruiting event at the annual Veterans Stand Down.  
 POST 10859  10/10/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   2   9   $0.00   $1,777.96   $1,777.96   Post members set up informational and recruitment booth at Kern County Veterans Stand Down. Answered questions concerning veterans needs and directed veterans to various agencies on the grounds to assist them. Also took applications from eligible veterans to join the VFW.  
 POST 10859  10/12/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   1   4   $0.00   $296.42   $296.42   Members had booth at local community Fall Festival event. Meet with attendees and discussed VFW membership. Also had opportunity to just mingle with community and hand out candy to kids at event. Lot of attendees expressed gratitude for our Post supporting the community.  
 POST 10859  10/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   16   1   $30.00   $26.93   $56.93   Donated food to local Non-Profit that houses homeless veterans.  
 POST 10859  10/24/2024   Community Service   Other   2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Ronald Birks District 6 Chaplain and Senior Vice Commander of post 10859 gave the opening vocation prayer for the celebration of Navy veteran Pete Taylor 104th birthday, at the Solstice Senior Living 8200 Westwold Dr. Bakersfield. Also talked to several other veterans and seniors giving them assistance and prayer.  
 POST 10859  10/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   1   3   $0.00   $222.35   $222.35   Post members attended local community Trunk or Treat event and handed out candy to approximately 3000 children. Great community recognition of our Post and VFW in general. 
 POST 10859  11/2/2024   Community Service   Other   2   4   1   $0.00   $49.94   $49.94   I Ronald Birks District 6 Chaplain and Senior Vice Commander of Post 10859, visited Portrait of a Warrior Gallery Bakersfield during the ringing of the Liberty Bell. And talked to several veterans and offered assistance. 
 POST 10859  11/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   5   12   $0.00   $1,185.82   $1,185.82   Members set up Poppy Booths at 5 locations. Due to adverse weather conditions. time was cut short for this day. Community support with donations was greatly appreciated. 
 POST 10859  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   I spent the afternoon attending a Veterans Day assembly with the children at Standard Elementary School.  
 POST 10859  11/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   5   11   $0.00   $1,901.83   $1,901.83   Members set up Poppy booths at 5 locations. Distributed poppies and flags to persons. Members discussed VFW activities and accepted donations to our post. 
 POST 10859  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   8   1   $0.00   $25.81   $25.81   I spent the evening at the Veteran Elementary School family assembly honoring veterans. 
 POST 10859  11/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Members assisted a veteran with how and who to contact concerning submitting a claim through the VA. Directed him to contact the Local VA Service Officer and gave him contact information for him to follow up on. Advised him to call and make an appointment and to bring all paperwork associated with his claim request. 
 POST 10859  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   4   1   $0.00   $25.25   $25.25   I spent the afternoon attending a Veteran's Day assembly at mcauliffe elementary school.  
 POST 10859  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   5   12   $0.00   $1,778.38   $1,778.38   Members set up Poppy Booths at 5 locations and distributed Poppies and Flags to store customers. VFW activities and Post information was discussed and Post accepted donations to assist veterans. 
 POST 10859  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   3   1   $0.00   $99.18   $99.18   I spent the morning at Van Horne Elementary School. I attended their Veterans Day assembly, then gave three hour long show and tell classes to the 3rd grade. I brought uniforms, books, and memorabilia to enhance the primary discussion about citizenship and what veterans are about. 
 POST 10859  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   160   2   $0.00   $269.30   $269.30   D Johnson and S Milano traveled to Hanford to present a WWII veteran, Mr. Barberias a Certificate of Recognition for celebrating his 100th birthday. 
 POST 10859  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   4   11   $0.00   $1,086.92   $1,086.92   Members met and decorated a float for the Veterans Day Parade and then participated in the parade. Received a lot of community recognition as far as being veterans and showing up to show our pride in country.  
 POST 10859  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   4   1   $0.00   $25.25   $25.25   I Ronald Birks Senior Vice Commander for Post 10859 and District 6 Chaplain. Reached out to a purple heart Veteran looking for help. I got his address from a Bakersfield police officer. I drove to his address and got his phone number for future visits.  
 POST 10859  11/18/2024   Community Service   Other   2   8   1   $0.00   $38.16   $38.16   Frederick Pollard Trustee of Post 10859. Attended the Panama Ln Recruiting center. To talk to the new recruits, and their parents during the recruit send off with the Freedom riders. 
 POST 10859  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   5   $0.00   $123.59   $123.59   Post members participated in local community walking Christmas parade. Post Members as well as Auxiliary members handed out candy canes to children along the parade route. Post was well received by onlookers lining the parade route.  
 POST 10859  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   80   4   $497.00   $208.72   $705.72   D Johnson, R Robison, C Schaubslager and J Lopez participated in Wreaths Across America at the Bakersfield National Cemetery. Post spent 497.00 on wreaths. 
 POST 10859  12/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Post member participated in Community walk with group of community leaders. Walk was to document areas in need of cleanup and then report made to County leadership. Talked to various homeless individuals about services that are available to them.  
 POST 10859  1/25/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   1   1   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Post member participated in community cleanup along with a COMMMUNITY organization. Task was to clean up several block area of trash and items that could be recycled. Well received by bystanders and drive buys. Also a bin was provided for people to drop off such items..  
 POST 10859  1/30/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   2   $125.00   $50.78   $175.78   1. The Kern County VSO asked for support for a homeless veteran who had recently been housed. The VSO asked for houseware and furniture. I provided a card table, chairs, and a bunch of kitchen wear and linens. The need for this veteran has been met. I thank the VSO for looking out for our veterans and asking us for help.  
 POST 10859  2/1/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   24   1   $0.00   $77.43   $77.43   D Johnson volunteered for food prep at Father Joe’s mission in San Diego. 
 POST 10859  2/4/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    1   4   2   $0.00   $49.94   $49.94   Ronald Birks Senior Vice Commander Post 10859 and District 6 Chaplain visited the Bakersfield Portrait of a Warrior Gallery. I talked to a couple of veteran's about the assistance the VFW offers and provides  
 POST 10859  2/5/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   3   4   $0.00   $197.94   $197.94   While attending a Community Veterans breakfast to raise funds for the Honor Flight, members recruited a life member transfer to our Post. Subject was looking for a new Post home and was encouraged to join our Post. Application and appropriate documents were obtained. 
 POST 10859  2/6/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   24   2   $3,800.00   $102.12   $3,902.12   Donated $3,800 to MIA Remembered at the Portrait of a Warrior Gallery in Bakersfield. 
 POST 10859  2/8/2025   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   1   15   $0.00   $370.49   $370.49   Post held a award ceremony honoring the Post Teacher of the Year. Mr. Rene Deleon was given a certificate and gift card in appreciation of his dedication to his students and promoting Patriot Pen essay into his student studies. 
 POST 10859  2/8/2025   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   1   15   $0.00   $370.49   $370.49   Post had a award ceremony recognizing Post Voice Of Democracy awardee. Student was given a certificate and gift card for outstanding speech. 
 POST 10859  2/8/2025   Youth Development   Patriot`s Pen   1   1   15   $0.00   $370.49   $370.49   Post held award ceremony to honor 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place Post Patriot Pen awardees. Each student was presented with a certificate and gift card for outstanding essays. 
 POST 10859  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $13.00   $24.69   $37.69   Donated to the National Home during the District 2 meeting. 
 POST 10859  2/15/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   9   5   4   $0.00   $889.54   $889.54   Post set up recruitment booth a local community gunshow. Discussed VFW membership and goals with interested parties. Filled out applications and pending DD214 confirmation of eligibility.. 
 POST 10859  2/15/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   9   5   4   $0.00   $889.54   $889.54   Post set up recruitment booth a local community gunshow. Discussed VFW membership and goals with interested parties. Filled out applications and pending DD214 confirmation of eligibility.. 
 POST 10859  2/15/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   9   5   4   $0.00   $889.54   $889.54   Post set up recruitment booth a local community gunshow. Discussed VFW membership and goals with interested parties. Filled out applications and pending DD214 confirmation of eligibility.. 
 POST 10859  2/16/2025   Community Service    Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   4   3   $0.00   $593.12   $593.12   Senior Vice Commander and Phil Brockett Commander and Fred Pollard Trustee held a recruitment booth at the Bakersfield fairgrounds Gun Show. Talking to several veterans and family members and offered assistance.  
 POST 10859  2/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    2   3   4   $0.00   $197.94   $197.94   I Ronald Birks Post 10859 Senior Vice Commander and District 6 Chaplain with the Axillary attended cookie day at the Bakersfield Clinic offering cookies, cake slices, fruit, and conservation with Veteran's.  
 Post 10859 Total 192 1,720 226 $4,590.00 $18,901.50 $23,491.50
 POST 10965  7/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   3   0   1   $220.48   $74.07   $294.55   Membership voted to provide cooked meats to the Adopt-A-Unit on 4th of July weekend. A member bought, cooked, and delivered cooked meats to no less than 50 Soldiers and Civilians.  
 POST 10965  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   3   44   1   $450.00   $80.23   $530.23   Membership voted to pay for adopt-a-unit to visit Hearst Castle. Cota went with them.  
 POST 10965  7/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   2   1   $93.58   $99.04   $192.62   Performed Highway Cleanup on the highway 101 from Camp Roberts to the first exit of the nearest town. Totaled 4 miles. Provided community service hours to 4 active duty military volunteers.  
 POST 10965  7/20/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   1   5   $250.00   $617.39   $867.39   Held a booth at Taco Takeover held at Volatus wines. Recruited 1 new prospect.  
 POST 10965  7/20/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   0   1   $5.00   $123.45   $128.45   Service Officer Henry distributed poppies, exclusively at the Taco Takeover.  
 POST 10965  8/25/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   4   $250.00   $395.04   $645.04   Held a membership booth at Taco Takeover at Cal Coast Beer Co. Recruited two transfers and a new member.  
 POST 10965  8/25/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   1   $5.00   $98.76   $103.76   Service Officer Henry distributed poppies, exclusively at the Taco Takeover.  
 POST 10965  9/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   5   34   3   $200.00   $375.11   $575.11   We donated $200 to our AAU to pay for Soldier parking at their Org Day. Three members participated.  
 POST 10965  9/20/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   216   1   $0.00   $54.93   $54.93   One member participated in POW/MIA Ceremony in Bakersfield.  
 POST 10965  9/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   SC, a member of the adopt a unit, and a community member performed Highway Cleanup on behalf of the Post. The cleanup occurred on the stretch of the 101 outside of Camp Roberts.  
 POST 10965  10/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   4   2   $0.00   $148.70   $148.70   2 Post members participated in the North County Color Guard leading the annual Pioneer Day Parade.  
 POST 10965  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Buddy Poppy Drive at Albertsons in Paso Robles. 
 POST 10965  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   20   2   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   Buddy Poppy Drive at the Veteran Owned Tackitt Family Winery and EOD Cellars supporting the Rampart Ride benefiting The EOD Foundation. 
 POST 10965  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post Commander was the MC and welcomed the guest speaker for the 2024 Paso Robles Veterans Day Ceremony held at the Paso Robles District Cemetery.  
 POST 10965  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Post Adjutant trained 4 Adopt-A-Unit members (2 were post members) to perform the Three Volley Salute at the 2024 Veterans Day Ceremony in Paso Robles.  
 POST 10965  12/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Received a call from local PD in regards to a veteran who was having a hard time after he relapsed due to PTSD. I reached out to the might oaks foundation to get him into the program and expedite his case. I also talked with the family readiness POC located at Camp Roberts to get him some relief with grocery gift cards for his family.  
 Post 10965 Total 49 323 32 $1,474.06 $2,711.74 $4,185.80
 POST 11012  7/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   3   $150.00   $370.35   $520.35   Maricopa VFW Post 11012 completed our monthly food distribution event for the Maricopa community. In total, we distributed over 8,000 pounds of foods to approximately 200 families. This monthly program is made possible by a partnership between VFW Post 11012 and Community Action Partnership of Kern - Food Bank.  
 POST 11012  7/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $400.00   $49.38   $449.38   One of post members reached out to the Post Service Officer, Morse. The post member stated that their car had broken down and they were unable to afford the parts necessary to get it road worthy. After vetting the need, it was determined the Commander's discretionary fund (a pre-approved line item on our post budget) would be the appropriate path as the post member uses their vehicle for regular medical visits, which is 60 miles from our small community. The Commander approved the purchase of the parts ($400), the repairs were completed, and the full membership was briefed on the expense at our next regular business meeting.  
 POST 11012  8/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   100   3   $11.00   $384.35   $395.35   Maricopa VFW Post 11012 completed our monthly food distribution event for the Maricopa community (August 2024). In total we distributed over 8000 pounds of foods to approximately 175 families. This monthly program is made possible by a partnership between VFW Post 11012 and Community Action Partnership of Kern - Food Bank.  
 POST 11012  8/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   14   1   $0.00   $51.34   $51.34   Our Post Service Officer, Morse, escorted a non VFW member to a Rotary Club of Taft weekly meeting -something the VFW Post and the Rotary Club is working on making a regular event. The Rotary Club provided lunches for both veterans. The guest veteran retired from the U.S. Navy in 2023 with 20 years of services. It was very telling that he was struggling a bit with the transition back to our small community. Morse and the veteran have spoke several times since the lunch meeting about exploring his VA disabilities, different Taft College pathways, and general life discussions. He has also expressed an interest in joining our local VFW Post.  
 POST 11012  8/30/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   1   3   $5.00   $222.35   $227.35   Three Post members conducted a membership drive at Maricopa High School's first football game in three school years. The EZ up was set up and several people stopped by to chat. No one was recruited as a result of the event. However, several veterans were given business cards to the post officers for follow up recruiting opportunities.  
 POST 11012  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   14   1   $0.00   $51.34   $51.34   Our Post Service Officer Morse escorted a non VFW member to a Rotary Club of Taft weekly meeting -something the VFW Post and the Rotary Club is working on making a regular event. The Rotary Club provided lunches for both veterans. The guest veteran served in the U.S. Army from 1966-68, which included a combat tour to Vietnam. Morse spoke with the guest veteran about joining the VFW and local community issues facing our city. He does not wish to join our post at this time.  
 POST 11012  9/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   100   3   $0.00   $384.35   $384.35   Completed our monthly food distribution event for the Maricopa community (September 2024). In total we distributed over 8000 pounds of foods to approximately 175 families. This monthly program is made possible by a partnership between VFW Post 11012 and Community Action Partnership of Kern - Food Bank.  
 POST 11012  9/20/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   80   2   $0.00   $109.96   $109.96   Two post members attend POW / MIA event at the Portrait of a Warrior Gallery - Kern County in Bakersfield, CA.  
 POST 11012  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   14   3   $0.00   $446.38   $446.38   Sep 21, 2024, Westside Recreation and Park District invited our post members to be honored at their hometown heroes theme football game. Our Veterans were recognized on the field and participated in the coin flip of three separate football games.  
 POST 11012  9/21/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   14   3   $0.00   $446.38   $446.38   Post members held a membership drive at a community event on September 21, 2024, at Westside Recreation and Park District. The post also set up and EZ up and held a membership drive at the games.  
 POST 11012  9/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   The City of Maricopa recognized our post with an official proclamation from the City Council at their regularly scheduled meeting . Our post provides food to veterans and the community as a whole each month. This honor was a wrap up of Hunger Action Month, a national movement of food banks across the United States to bring awareness to food insecurities. Our QM, Krista Knox is the chairperson for this program and she accepted the proclamation on the post's behalf.  
 POST 11012  10/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Service Officer C. Morse spoke with a local Desert Storm veteran on filing an initial claim with the VA. Afterwards, the veteran decided to contact Kern County Veterans Service Office to initiate his service connection claim.  
 Post 11012 Total 39 337 26 $566.00 $2,565.56 $3,131.56
 POST 12114  7/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Richard Stanbridge - Guest Speaker for Chamber of Commerce Luncheon  
 POST 12114  7/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Richard Stanbridge - Coffee with the Mayor  
 POST 12114  7/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Richard Stanbridge - Coffee with the Chief of Police  
 POST 12114  8/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $350.00   $49.38   $399.38   Donated $350.00 to the Tehachapi Police Foundation to buy hotdogs for national night out being held on August 06,2024  
 POST 12114  8/6/2024   Community Service   Safety Recognition   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Richard Stanbridge - National Night Out  
 POST 12114  8/13/2024   Youth Development   Other   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Richard Stanbridge - School Board Meeting  
 POST 12114  9/16/2024   Veterans Assistance      1   5   2   $35.00   $50.08   $85.08   Presented and American Flag to a disabled Korean War veteran  
 POST 12114  9/17/2024   Community Service   Other   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Presented and raised an American flag at the Ceasar Chavez National Monument  
 POST 12114  9/18/2024   Veterans Assistance      4   15   3   $125.00   $298.38   $423.38   Presented American Flags to four veterans  
 Post 12114 Total 18 100 14 $510.00 $754.70 $1,264.70
 District 6 Total 1,662 8,298 1,735 $93,690.45 $143,136.63 $236,827.08
 POST 0  8/30/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Membership booth at 13 Souls Run, District Commander attended.  
 POST 0  9/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Had a membership drive at Port Hueneme Beach Festival  
 POST 0  9/28/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   20   3   $0.00   $595.36   $595.36   At the Banana Festival, the district chaplain, Sr. Vice and chief of staff, attended and recruited during the festival  
 Post 0 Total 16 40 5 $0.00 $795.68 $795.68
 POST 1614  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   1   8   $0.00   $1,777.82   $1,777.82   Participated in staffing the Crescenta Valley Fireworks Association Star Spangled 4th of July Fireworks Celebration. Sold all the tickets available on-site at both entrance gates.  
 POST 1614  7/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   4   0   6   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Held monthly Vet's Breakfast at the Post for members, veterans and first responders in our community.  
 POST 1614  7/28/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   2   6   $0.00   $1,185.40   $1,185.40   Held Buddy Poppies drive along with Post literature and membership applications from a pop-up tent at the Montrose Farmers Market  
 POST 1614  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during National convention.  
 POST 1614  8/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   3   8   $0.00   $988.02   $988.02   Participated in Crescenta Valley Sheriff Station's National Night Out event. Set up tent and tables with membership information. Displayed roll-up banner showing all the community activities with which the VFW is involved.  
 POST 1614  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   4   0   6   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Held monthly Vet's Breakfast at the Post for members, veterans and first responders in our community.  
 POST 1614  8/25/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   2   5   $0.00   $864.43   $864.43   Set up Buddy Poppy tent with veterans information table at the Montrose Farmers Market. Signed up some new members.  
 POST 1614  9/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   4   0   8   $0.00   $790.08   $790.08   Held monthly Vet's Breakfast at the Post for members, veterans and first responders in our community.  
 POST 1614  9/20/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   14   8   $0.00   $397.00   $397.00   Performed the flag-folding ceremony at the graveside service for the leader of our sponsored Boy Scouts, Adventures Crew and Cub Scouts.  
 POST 1614  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   0   7   $0.00   $1,555.47   $1,555.47   Ran a fundraiser Bingo game for the Glendale Women's Athletic Club. Provided the software, floor workers and facility.  
 POST 1614  9/29/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   2   5   $0.00   $740.98   $740.98   Set up pop-up tent at Montrose Farmers Market. Distributed pamphlets and spoke with potential new members.  
 POST 1614  9/29/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   2   5   $0.00   $864.43   $864.43   Set up pop-up tent at Montrose Farmers Market. Distributed Buddy Poppy donations.  
 POST 1614  10/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   1   6   $0.00   $296.42   $296.42   Attended Oktoberfest planning and instructional barbecue in Montrose. confirmed locations of veteran's participation.  
 POST 1614  10/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   12   2   6   $0.00   $1,777.96   $1,777.96   Our Post manned two pop-up tents at the Annual Montrose Oktoberfest. Our members handled check-in IDs, supplied wrist-bands to those over twenty-one and sold tickets for the cashless event. Other members operated a beer booth decorated with flag ropes and a VFW banner for people with wrist-bands and tickets to quench their thirst on a day with temperature in the high nineties..  
 POST 1614  10/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Held monthly Vet's Breakfast at the Post for members, veterans and first responders in our community.  
 POST 1614  10/12/2024   Community Service   Other   5   2   4   $0.00   $494.08   $494.08   Cooked for the La Crescenta Town Council Pancake Breakfast fundraiser. The Town Council represents unincorporated La Crescenta to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.  
 POST 1614  10/17/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   2   2   6   $0.00   $296.56   $296.56   Participated in the First Responders Recognition Ceremony at the Armenian Youth Center in Montrose. Glendale City and Los Angeles County Fire and Police Department members received medals and certificates for their service 
 POST 1614  10/19/2024   Community Service   Other   9   0   8   $0.00   $1,777.68   $1,777.68   Ran a bingo game for the Glendale Moose Lodge as a fundraiser for the Bailey Center Community Food Bank. Helped raise nearly five thousand dollars along with another two thousand dollars' worth of donated food.  
 POST 1614  10/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   12   5   $0.00   $865.83   $865.83   Set up a veteran's information table at the Glendale "Touch-a-Truck" event. The city brought out numerous pieces of heavy equipment that kids could climb on, sit inside, and blow the horns. There were many booths from various organizations and city departments. Tours of the new police station were given. 
 POST 1614  10/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   18   6   $0.00   $595.08   $595.08   Packed hundreds of boxes of gifts for veterans and active military for Operation Gratitude at their facility in Chatsworth. We returned to our post with boxes to give out to local elderly veterans, some of whom live in assisted living homes.  
 POST 1614  10/27/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   2   0   $0.00   $0.28   $0.28   Set up pop-up tent at Montrose Farmers Market. Had literature and pamphlets for the VFW, handed out and accepted donations for Buddy Poppies. Spoke with people and invited them to our monthly Vets Breakfast at the post to meet our members. 
 POST 1614  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   11   10   $0.00   $742.24   $742.24   Reserved a table and participated in the Glendale Elks Lodge #1289 Veterans Recognition Dinner. We announced our names and branch of service at the sold-out event. 
 POST 1614  11/8/2024   Youth Development   Other   2   2   8   $0.00   $395.32   $395.32   Participated in a Veterans Day Assembly at Abraham Lincoln Elementary Schoo in Glendalel. Announced our names and branch of service to entire student body. 
 POST 1614  11/8/2024   Youth Development   Other   2   2   8   $0.00   $395.32   $395.32   Participated in a Veterans Day Assembly at Abraham Lincoln Elementary Schoo in Glendalel. Announced our names and branch of service to entire student body. 
 POST 1614  11/9/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   8   $0.00   $790.08   $790.08   Prepared the monthly Vet's Breakfast at the post for members, veterans in the community and first responders. Solicited for new members. Discussed the no alcohol situation following renewal of the Memorial Hall insurance policy. 
 POST 1614  11/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   1   4   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Put on a presentation at Sparr Heights Retirement Home for the veterans along with the widows of veterans living there. Gave the men gift bags from Operation Gratitude and roses to the women. Concluded the program with the Pledge of Allegiance and singing the Star Spangled Banner." 
 POST 1614  11/11/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   4   10   $0.00   $494.36   $494.36   Put on our annual Veterans Day Program for the community at 2-Strike Park in La Crescenta. Ceremony involved flag handling by the Crescenta Valley High School Air Force JROTC, singing of patriotic songs, Armed Forces Medley with presentation of ceremonial Service Flags, and a reading of "I Am The Flag." 
 POST 1614  11/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   0   7   $0.00   $1,209.81   $1,209.81   Hosted a fund-raiser Bingo Game for the Kiwanis of the Vedugos, a group that had assisted our post over the last couple of years. Ran the Bingo program, provided materials, audio and video support, and use of our Memorial Hall. 
 POST 1614  11/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   0   $0.00   $0.28   $0.28   Maintained the Montrose Vietnam War Veterans Memorial (the first one in the country). Dug out the ice plant on the south side and replanted it with colorful lantana. Removed invasive plants and reset the low fence. 
 POST 1614  12/3/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   1   5   $0.00   $123.59   $123.59   Our flag group presented the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance at the La Crescenta Community Christmas tree lighting ceremony at our L.A. County Library.  
 POST 1614  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   2   12   $0.00   $1,185.40   $1,185.40   Led off the Annual Montrose Christmas Parade with two decorated trucks and a Ford Mustang. Our members rode in all three vehicles and received a positive response from the large crowd lining the roadway.  
 POST 1614  12/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   10   $0.00   $987.60   $987.60   Held a Vet's Breakfast with all veterans in our community invited. Signed up a new member to our post.  
 POST 1614  1/11/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   6   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Held Vet's Breakfast for members and other veterans throughout our community. Signed up two prospective members. Presented talks on local issues.  
 POST 1614  1/25/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   8   $0.00   $1,185.12   $1,185.12   Ran fund-raising bingo game for La Crescenta Woman's Club at their clubhouse.  
 POST 1614  1/30/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   12   6   $0.00   $890.52   $890.52   Ran a bingo fundraiser for the Glendale Elks Lodge 1289 "Purple Pig" event. Proceeds to go to Children and the recent Southern California fire victims. 
 POST 1614  2/8/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   10   $0.00   $987.60   $987.60   Held monthly Veterans Breakfast for veterans in our community. Solicited membership. Hosted our Boys, Girls and Cub scout sponsored troops. 
 POST 1614  2/23/2025   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   9   2   5   $0.00   $1,111.33   $1,111.33   Manned a pop-up tent at the Montrose Farmers Market. Discussed VFW with market customers. Took donations for Buddy Poppies and Military Helmet Banks. 
 Post 1614 Total 179 104 235 $15.00 $28,062.40 $28,077.40
 POST 1649  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   120   2   $350.00   $461.22   $811.22   4th of July celebration.  
 POST 1649  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   6   1   $0.00   $148.98   $148.98   Wednesday breakfast for veterans.  
 Post 1649 Total 15 126 3 $350.00 $610.20 $960.20
 POST 1679  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   0   4   $547.00   $592.56   $1,139.56   4th of July event with 11 Auxiliary members assisting. Provided free meals to veterans and the community members We had 1 member apply for membership and 2 for the auxiliary. We also had live music to help draw in people.  
 POST 1679  7/15/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   80   80   1   $30.00   $1,986.40   $2,016.40   Over the course of 5 days, I assisted with running a Boy Scout summer camp by assisting with cooking and teaching rifle shooting, and marching for morning and evening colors.  
 POST 1679  8/2/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   I work for Ventura County Fire Department. I discussed with my boss the first responder award in hopes to get them to submit.  
 POST 1679  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   3   $35.00   $74.07   $109.07   Donations collected by post members only during district meeting. Total collect at the meeting of all district members was $124.  
 POST 1679  8/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Repaired a Vietnam Vets. ceiling fan.  
 POST 1679  8/12/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Hosted our Charter Cub scouts parent planning meeting.  
 POST 1679  8/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   3   $96.00   $148.14   $244.14   provided meals for the 55 Silver Sober Living Home for 8 individuals.  
 POST 1679  9/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   0   1   $0.00   $172.83   $172.83   Membership booth at Beach Festival Port Hueneme  
 POST 1679  9/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Held a Buddy Poppy Drive at Beach Festival Port Hueneme  
 POST 1679  9/9/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Provided a meeting place for our chartered org Scouts committee meeting. 15 scout parents attended.  
 POST 1679  9/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $500.00   $24.69   $524.69   Provided relief to post member who lost his job and needed assistance with paying bills  
 POST 1679  9/11/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   2   4   1   $0.00   $49.94   $49.94   Drafted and sent email to all the Ventura middle and high school counselors promoting Voice of Democracy and Patriots Pen. Also met with local school districts and informed them about the scholarships Cross posting to Teachers of the year due to discussing the award at the same meeting.  
 POST 1679  9/11/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Drafted and sent email to all the Ventura middle and high school counselors promoting Voice of Democracy and Patriots Pen. Also met with local school districts and informed them about the scholarships Cross posted between youth development and Teachers of the year due to discussing the award at the same meeting.  
 POST 1679  10/4/2024   Legislative Advocacy   State   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   As the Chairman of the SVA, - Developed a List of Associations: We have successfully compiled a comprehensive list of 53 Student Veterans Associations (SVAs) and 51 Veteran Resource Centers (VRCs) across the state of California. - Outreach Progress: Thus far, we have reached out to 10% of the SVA organizations and 100% of the Veteran Resource Centers. Our goal is to connect with all SVAs by the end of October 2024. - Action Plan: We are in the process of developing an action plan to systematically engage the leadership of each SVA and VRC. This plan will include setting up presentations to educate student veterans about the resources available through the VFW, and how we can support their personal and professional  
 POST 1679  10/6/2024   Community Service   Other   2   10   2   $25.00   $100.16   $125.16   Weekly donation of our breakfast to a community recovery shelter.  
 POST 1679  10/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $500.00   $24.69   $524.69   Donated $500 to a member family in need from the Relief Fund.  
 POST 1679  10/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $65.00   $24.69   $89.69   Donated to National Home from our post meeting.  
 POST 1679  10/7/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   15   0   1   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Drafted the below resolution, approved by the Post. Submitting to District meeting. for inclusiong in State Convention. Resolution: Designation and Protection of Military Graves as Sacred Ground WHEREAS, The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) is dedicated to honoring the memory of all veterans who have served our nation with valor, and recognizes the profound importance of preserving their final resting places with the utmost respect; and WHEREAS, Military graves represent the hallowed ground where the brave men and women who have defended our freedoms are laid to rest, and as such, these sites must be treated with the highest reverence and dignity; and WHEREAS, The conversion of cemeteries containing military graves into parks or other public spaces undermines the sanctity of these burial grounds and dishonors the memory of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country; and WHEREAS, The VFW believes that all military graves should be permanently recognized as sacred ground, protected from any alteration or repurposing that would detract from their intended use as places of remembrance and honor; and WHEREAS, It is imperative that any cemeteries that have been converted into parks or other uses be restored to their original status as cemeteries and preserved exclusively for that purpose; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, assembled in regular session, that the VFW calls upon all levels of government—federal, state, and local—to recognize all military graves as sacred ground, ensuring that no changes are made to these locations that would convert them into parks or any other type of public space; and be it further RESOLVED, That the VFW strongly urges the immediate restoration of all cemeteries containing military graves that have been converted into parks or other non-cemetery uses, and that these cemeteries be returned to their proper status by Veterans Day, November 11th, 2025, to honor the memory and sacrifice of our nation's veterans; and be it further RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the President of the United States, members of Congress, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, state governors, and other relevant authorities, urging their support and action on this matter of national significance. Adopted by: Department of California 9136 Elk Grove Blvd. Ste 100 Elk Grove, CA 95624-2075 Submitted by: Paragon District 7, Jr. Vice Commander Post 1679, Sr. Vice Commander Department of California, SVA, Chairman  
 POST 1679  10/7/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   1   0   8   $225.00   $197.52   $422.52   Prize winner for the student scholarship $225 from the post and $225 from the Auxiliary. Presentation of award. 
 POST 1679  10/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   4   1   $0.00   $25.25   $25.25   1 member and 1 auxiliary member attended a meeting with the Veterans Collaboration of Ventura County to discuss various programs available to assist veterans along with how our VFW can also assist.  
 POST 1679  10/11/2024   Community Service   Other   40   0   1   $0.00   $987.60   $987.60   Managed our Goodwill employee. Goodwill has a program for returning to work community members. 
 POST 1679  10/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Provided a Space to a military unit's x-mas party. Cross post with membership drive and poppy. 
 POST 1679  10/13/2024   Community Service   Other   2   10   2   $25.00   $100.16   $125.16   Post donated to weekly breakfast for local family recovery shelter.  
 POST 1679  10/13/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   We conduct our weekly flag burning for the ventura city and community. Flag are dropped off in our flag bin. 
 POST 1679  10/13/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Scouts had a meeting for the Nova award at our post.  
 POST 1679  10/14/2024   Veterans Assistance      2   15   1   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Visited a member in the hospital who is struggling with Parkinson's.  
 POST 1679  10/14/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Scout had their parent committee meeting at our post  
 POST 1679  10/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Visited a member in jail to support his DUI sentence. Provided counseling resources for when he returns to the post.  
 POST 1679  10/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Submitted the newsletter to the membership for the up and coming VA Townhall Meeting with the Director of the VA from Los Angeles. . Invited all the members to attend.  
 POST 1679  10/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted a surviving member with information regarding honor guard services and memorial services for their departed veteran father. We are scheduling full honors at Ivy Lawn on November 22nd 2024.  
 POST 1679  10/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Visited with a post member is the hospital. He will be transferred to Nebraska with his family to support him in his last days.  
 POST 1679  10/23/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted a veteran family in support of a honor guard for their fathers funeral. we will be conducting honor guard, fly over and 21 gun salute.  
 POST 1679  10/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Spent several hours with a prospective younger veteran who is waiting for his VA mental health appointment. He is currently suffering from PTSD. He was medically discharged. I provide his father and him with resources for mental health. Talked him down from potential harm. provided local and veteran mental health resources to support his current level of depression. I will be working with him more in the future or until he has VA appointment.  
 POST 1679  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   contacted veteran in hospice care for assistance moving to nebraska.  
 POST 1679  10/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Helped a member from post 201 in Connecticut in support of the loss of his son with resources for burial and moving the remains.  
 POST 1679  10/31/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Submitting our Voice of Democracy entry into the District for consideration. We reviewed the Audio and written file approved. 
 POST 1679  11/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   2   $150.00   $49.38   $199.38   Sending flowers to a member who is recovering from surgery. 
 POST 1679  11/4/2024   Community Service   Other   40   0   1   $0.00   $987.60   $987.60   The post is working with Goodwill Industries in support of return to work program. The Sr. Vice Commander manages a paid employee by Goodwill industries working in the post. 
 POST 1679  11/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Provided 35 Free meals to Veterans During our Veterans Day Event time includes prep, serving and cleanup 
 POST 1679  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $400.00   $197.52   $597.52   Conducted an open to the public Veterans day Celebration and Ceremony Approximately 90 people were in attendance 
 POST 1679  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Completed a Buddy Poppy Drive during our Veterans day event. Collected $32.47 
 POST 1679  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Completed a membership drive during our Veterans Day Event. 2-3 possible new members 
 POST 1679  11/30/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   5   0   3   $500.00   $370.35   $870.35   Reviewed, approved and submitted the post voice of democracy winner notification. Submitted to District.  
 POST 1679  12/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief    2   10   2   $20.00   $100.16   $120.16   provided meals to a member in hospice care.  
 POST 1679  12/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   15   1   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Supported a widow of veteran member who donated medical supplies to our relief efforts.  
 POST 1679  12/3/2024   Community Service   Other   15   10   20   $1,000.00   $7,408.40   $8,408.40   **need to split email sent for into**Conducted a Toys for Tots drive to support United States Marine Corps Reserve distribution.  
 POST 1679  12/3/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Provided a space for cub scouts to meet for their meeting.  
 POST 1679  12/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $700.00   $98.76   $798.76   Food share can tree drive. Collected 700+ cans to support Ventura county food share. Collaboration between our Auxiliary and American legion. 2 post members, 4 Auxiliary and 5 Legion members helped to build the can tree and decorate it.  
 POST 1679  12/6/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Scout court of honor was done in our large hall. Donated our hall for use.  
 POST 1679  12/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   15   1   $9.75   $51.48   $61.23   Purchased superglue and attached a emblem to a deceased veterans urn in support of their internment on the 14th at Ivy lawn memorial.  
 POST 1679  12/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted a veteran in support of their departed loved one. Schedule a visit to the internment and will be offering our post for bereavement services this thursday. 
 POST 1679  12/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Attended awards ceremony for Ventura Food Share Can tree Drive. Representing our post.  
 POST 1679  12/12/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Conducted a membership drive a adopt a unit xmas party. recruited 1 new life member and many potential new members Cross post with adopt a unit event and poppy drive 
 POST 1679  12/12/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   During a Military Unit Xmas Party conducted a poppy drive. Cross Post with and membership drive and adopt a unit activity.  
 POST 1679  12/16/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   6   1   $0.00   $99.60   $99.60   Flag retirement for the City of Ventura and surrounding areas. We are the flag drop off. We did a flag cutting and retirement.  
 POST 1679  12/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   14   1   $0.00   $26.65   $26.65   Collected toys for Spark of Love toy drive. Dropped toys off with the Ventura County Fire Department.  
 POST 1679  12/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Visiting one of our widowed Auxiliary members in the hospital.( she has no local support)  
 POST 1679  12/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Visiting one of our widowed Auxiliary members in the hospital.( she has no local support)  
 POST 1679  12/22/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   6   1   $0.00   $74.91   $74.91   Flag retirement for the City of Ventura and surrounding areas. We are the flag drop off. We did a flag cutting and disposal. 
 POST 1679  12/23/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   5   1   $0.00   $74.77   $74.77   Flag retirement for the City of Ventura and surrounding areas. We are the flag drop off. We did a flag cutting and retirement.  
 POST 1679  12/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   25   1   $0.00   $102.26   $102.26   Delivered Christmas trees and gift cards to four veterans.  
 POST 1679  12/30/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   5   1   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Flag retirement for the City of Ventura and surrounding areas. We are the flag drop off. We did a flag cutting and disposal.  
 POST 1679  12/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Visiting one of our widowed Auxiliary members in the hospital.( she has no local support)  
 POST 1679  1/2/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   15   1   $0.00   $76.17   $76.17   Drove a veteran to the Police department after a DUI to retrieve his vehicle from Impound. Support him by contacting the Veterans Court attorney in Ventura county.  
 POST 1679  1/6/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    5   6   2   $0.00   $247.74   $247.74   Assisted one of our widowed Auxiliary members in the hospital t0 help her get home upon being discharged.( she has no local support). Assisted with getting her meds at the pharmacy and getting her car home. (The hospital would not discharge her without someone giving her a ride home.  
 POST 1679  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    6   12   1   $0.00   $149.82   $149.82   Took one of our widowed Auxiliary members to the ER and stayed with her until released.( she has no local support)  
 POST 1679  1/11/2025   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Conducted a buddy poppy drive at the Ventura County Dart Association tournament. 
 POST 1679  1/14/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   0   3   $0.00   $666.63   $666.63   Conducted a community service for Mantech, Space X, and US Air Force trident rocket program.  
 POST 1679  1/16/2025   Veterans Assistance      1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided support to a Veteran suffering from Alcoholism and depression.. He is currently an active duty members. Providing resources to him. 
 POST 1679  1/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Supported an acive duty member with his mental wellness working through addiction and alcholism. 
 POST 1679  1/17/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   3   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   Conducted a grand opening of the VONs grocery store, presented all our flags, did opening ceremony, moment of silence for 500 member of the community. 
 POST 1679  1/17/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Continued to support an active duty member with depression and alcoholism. He agrees to continue to call me every day.  
 POST 1679  1/18/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted an active duty member with depression and alcohol issues. Working on day 7.  
 POST 1679  1/18/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Conducted a speech, presented VFW sea cadet award at the annual Naval Sea Cadet Trident banquet and promotion ceremony.  
 POST 1679  1/19/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   helping an active duty member with depression and alcohol issues. He agrees to continue to call every day. 
 POST 1679  1/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   helped a active duty member with depression and alcoholism. by talking him down.  
 POST 1679  1/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Visited a former commander of the post in the hospital. he is sceduled to move back to Iowa with his daughter when he is physically capable. 
 POST 1679  1/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   10   0   1   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Supported an active duty veteran struggling with Alcoholism. Continued to give him moral support in his decision. Provided resources for AA and on base resources. 
 POST 1679  1/21/2025   Veterans Assistance      1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted with requesting military records for a Veteran who lost all his records in the 2018 Thomas Fire. 
 POST 1679  1/21/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Hosted our scout Packs for a den meeting. 
 POST 1679  2/7/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Hosted our Scout Pack's Blue and Gold celebration. 3 members are also scout parents. 
 POST 1679  2/16/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    6   0   8   $100.00   $1,185.12   $1,285.12   Sponsored the Magic Yarn Project for children with cancer. Hats were made of yarn for children to wear who have lost their hair due to cancer treatments. Community involvement was amazing.  
 Post 1679 Total 396 322 152 $4,927.75 $21,303.17 $26,230.92
 POST 2043  7/23/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   2   9   $0.00   $222.49   $222.49   At Santa Paula Cemetery Post 2043 members conducted an Honor Guard Ceremony for a fellow Veteran, which consisted of a brief account of the veteran's service by the Commander, followed by the Chaplain's prayer, then the flag folding by three-members with a verbal description of the 13 flag folds by the Quartermaster. The Commander's presentation of the flag to the family, followed by a three-round salute with a five-man rifle squad and a bugler playing taps.  
 POST 2043  9/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   2   0   $0.00   $0.28   $0.28   At Santa Paula Cemetery Post 2043 members conducted an Honor Guard Ceremony for a fellow Veteran. Post personnel supplemented a US Army Detail by with a three-round salute with a five-man rifle squad. 
 POST 2043  9/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Post member assisted a widow with information regarding her veteran husband's possible benefits and help with planning a military honors ceremony.  
 POST 2043  10/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   2   9   $0.00   $444.70   $444.70   At Santa Paula Cemetery Post 2043 members conducted an Honor Guard Ceremony for a fellow Veteran, which consisted of a brief account of the veteran's service by the Commander, followed by the Chaplain's prayer, then the flag folding by three-members with a verbal description of the 13 flag folds by the Quartermaster. The Commander's presentation of the flag to the family, followed by a three-round salute with a five-man rifle squad and a bugler playing taps. 
 POST 2043  10/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   2   17   $0.00   $420.01   $420.01   At Santa Paula Cemetery Post 2043 members conducted an Honor Guard Ceremony for a fellow Veteran, which consisted of a brief account of the veteran's service by the Commander, followed by the Chaplain's prayer, then the flag folding by three-members with a verbal description of the 13 flag folds by the Quartermaster. The Commander's presentation of the flag to the family, followed by a three-round salute with a five-man rifle squad and a bugler playing taps. The fallen veteran was the eldest member of the post, he was 100 years of age. 
 POST 2043  10/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   2   6   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   At Santa Paula Cemetery Post 2043 members conducted an Honor Guard Ceremony for a fellow Veteran, which consisted of a brief account of the veteran's service by the Senior Vice Commander, followed by the Chaplain's prayer. Then the flag folding by three-members with a verbal description of the 13 flag folds. The presentation of the flag to the family, followed by a three-round salute with a five-man rifle squad and a bugler playing taps.  
 POST 2043  11/4/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   7   8   $0.00   $791.06   $791.06   At Mupu and Bedell Elementary Schools post members conducted a Pre-Memorial Day Ceremony with emphasis on Americanism and Flag Etiquette for the school’s students. The ceremony consisted of Memorial Day information geared to the students in the form of stories, poems and singing of patriotic songs. We provided a flag folding ceremony – telling the meaning of each fold, followed by a Three Volley Rifle Salute, and ending with the bugler playing taps. 
 POST 2043  11/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   8   9   $0.00   $889.96   $889.96   At Oliveland and Briggs Elementary Schools, post members conducted a Pre-Veterans Day Ceremony with emphasis on Americanism and Flag Etiquette for the students and staff. The ceremony consisted of Memorial Day information geared to the students in the form of stories, poems and singing of patriotic songs. We provided a flag folding ceremony – telling the meaning of each fold, followed by a Three Volley Rifle Salute, and ending with the bugler playing taps.  
 POST 2043  11/6/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   4   8   $0.00   $395.60   $395.60   At Isbell and The Little Red School House Elementary Schools, post members conducted a Pre-Veterans Day Ceremony with emphasis on Americanism and Flag Etiquette for the students and staff. The ceremony consisted of Memorial Day information geared to the students in the form of stories, poems and singing of patriotic songs. We provided a flag folding ceremony – telling the meaning of each fold, followed by a Three Volley Rifle Salute, and ending with the bugler playing taps.  
 POST 2043  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   2   6   $0.00   $889.12   $889.12   Post members manned two popular areas (U.S. Post Office and Vons Market in Santa Paula) with access to plentiful foot traffic to solicit donations for the Poppy Campaign, which turned out to be successful in the short about of time. Note: The new ‘Tin Pins’ were not readily accepted by the public. 
 POST 2043  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   2   14   $0.00   $1,037.26   $1,037.26   On November 11, the Post conducted a Veterans Day program at Santa Paula’s Veterans Park. A large gathering of local citizens, city officials and police were on hand to take in the spirit of remembering our veterans. The Santa Paula High School Band entertained the audience with a medley of military music and marches during the ceremony. After which the band received a $400 donation from the VFW Post, which was accepted by the music director. 
 POST 2043  11/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   5   $0.00   $248.30   $248.30   Elizabeth Vasquez, Coordinator at Ventura College’s Veterans Resource Center reached out to the Santa Paula Post to request a Color Guard for their annual Military Appreciation Football Game. Five veterans performed Color Guard Duty on the college’s football field. 
 POST 2043  11/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   6   $0.00   $296.56   $296.56   Post members were honored to be selected by city officials to be the Color Guard and lead the Santa Paula Christmas Parade on Saturday, November 30th. The Color Guard, with a cadence caller, led off the parade carrying the flags of America, California, POW/MIA, VFW and Korean War Veterans. The parade took place in cool evening hours of Main Street, and, although it was only a short five block march, both sides of Main Street were packed elbow-to-elbow with the townsfolk. 
 POST 2043  12/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   20   8   $0.00   $397.84   $397.84   At Bardsdale Cemetery, near Fillmore, Post 2043 members conducted a Military Honors for a fellow Veteran. The ceremony consisted of a brief account of the veteran's service by the Commander, followed by the Chaplain's prayer, then the flag folding by three-members with a verbal description of the 13 flag folds by the Quartermaster. The Commander's presentation of the flag to the family, followed by a three-round salute with a five-man rifle squad and a bugler playing taps. 
 POST 2043  12/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   7   $0.00   $347.06   $347.06   At Santa Clara Cemetery Oxnard, Post 2043 members assisted a U.S. Army Detail with a Military Honors Ceremony for a fellow Veteran. The post members Rifle Squad performed the Three Volley Salute with our bugler playing taps. 
 POST 2043  1/16/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   10   6   $0.00   $445.82   $445.82   At Santa Clara Cemetery Oxnard, post members assisted a U.S. Army Detail with a Military Honor Ceremony for a fellow Veteran. The Post Rifle Squad performed a Three Volley Rifle Salute, followed by our Bugler playing Taps. 
 POST 2043  1/16/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   10   6   $0.00   $445.82   $445.82   At Santa Clara Cemetery Oxnard, post members assisted a U.S. Army Detail with a Military Honor Ceremony for a fellow Veteran. The Post Rifle Squad performed a Three Volley Rifle Salute, followed by our Bugler playing Taps. 
 POST 2043  1/17/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   10   9   $0.00   $890.24   $890.24   At Santa Paula Cemetery Post 2043 members conducted an Honor Guard Ceremony for a fellow Veteran, which consisted of a brief account of the veteran's service by the Commander, followed by the Chaplain's prayer, then the flag folding by three-members with a verbal description of the 13 flag folds by the Quartermaster. The Commander's presentation of the flag to the family, followed by the Rifle Squads Three Volley Rifle Salute, our Bugler playing Taps. 
 Post 2043 Total 44 106 134 $0.00 $8,335.37 $8,335.37
 POST 2323  7/2/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Cmdr. Klimovitch attended Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs meeting.  
 POST 2323  7/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   30   2   $0.00   $152.34   $152.34   Membership drive at Santa Clarita July 4th Parade signed up two new members + one at large member transfer.  
 POST 2323  7/4/2024   Community Service   Other   5   0   22   $240.00   $2,715.90   $2,955.90   Held July 4th open house community BBQ at the Post.  
 POST 2323  7/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   12   $20.00   $592.56   $612.56   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group.  
 POST 2323  7/6/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Met with scholarship applicant and family t to review and explain VOD program and provide application.  
 POST 2323  7/8/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  7/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  7/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $160.00   $24.69   $184.69   Passed the hat to send flowers to hospitalized members elderly parent for grief support.  
 POST 2323  7/13/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   12   0   1   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Comrade Galvan provided service hours training Young Marines.  
 POST 2323  7/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   11   $20.00   $814.77   $834.77   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group.  
 POST 2323  7/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Cmdr. Klimovitch participated in 425th Civil Affairs Bn. (adopted unit) Military Awards and Dining Out planning committee meeting, coordinated Post Color Guard involvement.  
 POST 2323  7/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  7/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  7/19/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  7/19/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   20   1   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   Comrade Howard took 8 barrels of retired flags to local crematory for retirement.  
 POST 2323  7/20/2024   Youth Development   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan provided youth mentorship and training to Young Marines  
 POST 2323  7/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   3   12   $0.00   $592.98   $592.98   Post members supported local Elks Lodge BBQ standdown event at the Sepulveda VA Campus  
 POST 2323  7/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   14   $20.00   $1,036.98   $1,056.98   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group.  
 POST 2323  7/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided administrative support for weekly Vet to Vet anger management group.  
 POST 2323  7/24/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at VA Sepulveda campus.  
 POST 2323  7/25/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   1   0   1   $18.10   $24.69   $42.79   Met with Eagle Scout Sharla and family regarding his upcoming Eagle Scout reception cermony, ordered VFW recognition award from the VFW store, and discussed future Troop 92 community service events.  
 POST 2323  7/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanisn   5   0   15   $0.00   $1,851.75   $1,851.75   Provided Post patio and set up/teardown muscle to LAPD Devonshire for their annual fundraiser event to support their station Post lounge.  
 POST 2323  7/25/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at Sepulveda VA recreation center.  
 POST 2323  7/27/2024   Youth Development   Other   12   0   1   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Comrade Valdez provided youth mentorship and community outreach with Young Marines.  
 POST 2323  7/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   22   $40.00   $1,629.54   $1,669.54   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group  
 POST 2323  7/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  8/2/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  8/2/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  8/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   4   7   $0.00   $519.05   $519.05   Post Color Guard attended Eagle Scout ceremony and presented colors.  
 POST 2323  8/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   4   7   $0.00   $519.05   $519.05   Post Color Guard attended Eagle Scout ceremony and presented colors.  
 POST 2323  8/3/2024   Youth Development   Other   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Comrade Galvan provided service hours training Young Marines.  
 POST 2323  8/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   36   0   1   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   **need to split**Comrade Galvan provided service hours receiving and distributing textiles to Vets in need at the Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  8/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   0   3   $20.00   $222.21   $242.21   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group. 15 in attendacnce 
 POST 2323  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  8/8/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  8/9/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  8/10/2024   Youth Development   Other   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Comrade Galvan provided service hours training Young Marines.  
 POST 2323  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   2   $10.00   $49.38   $59.38   Donated to National Home during D7 quarterly Commander meeting.  
 POST 2323  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   3   $20.00   $222.21   $242.21   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group. 13 in attendance 
 POST 2323  8/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  8/15/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  8/16/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   20   1   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   Comrade Howard took 6 barrels of retired flags to local crematory for retirement.  
 POST 2323  8/16/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  8/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   14   $0.00   $1,036.98   $1,036.98   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group.  
 POST 2323  8/17/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   12   0   1   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Comrade Galvan provided service hours training Young Marines.  
 POST 2323  8/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  8/29/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assist fellow Veteran with VA education benefit guidance, and career path assistance.  
 POST 2323  8/31/2024   Youth Development   Other   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Comrade Galvan provided service hours training Young Marines.  
 POST 2323  8/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   9   $15.00   $666.63   $681.63   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group.  
 POST 2323  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  9/5/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  9/6/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  9/7/2024   Youth Development   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan provided service hours training Young Marines.  
 POST 2323  9/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   5   $100.00   $123.45   $223.45   Post Color Guard presented colors at community awards and recognition ceremonies.  
 POST 2323  9/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   9   $15.00   $666.63   $681.63   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group.  
 POST 2323  9/9/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Cmdr. Klimovitch attended Mission Hills Neighborhood Council Meeting to present Student Scholarship Programs, Teacher of the Year Awards, and First Responder Awards information.  
 POST 2323  9/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  9/12/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   20   1   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   Comrade Howard took 8 barrels of retired flags to local crematory for retirement.  
 POST 2323  9/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   5   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Post Color posted colors for Patriot Day Ceremonies  
 POST 2323  9/12/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Cmdr. Klimovitch attended Granada Hills South Neighborhood Council Meeting to present Student Scholarship Programs, Teacher of the Year Awards, and First Responder Awards information.  
 POST 2323  9/12/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  9/13/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  9/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   5   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Honor Guard presented colors and flag bearing ceremonies at 425th Civil Affairs Bn Recognition and Awards Ceremonies  
 POST 2323  9/14/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan provided youth mentorship and training to Young Marines  
 POST 2323  9/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   0   6   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Attended 425th Civil Affairs Bn. Dining Out Event and Recognition Awards Ceremonies  
 POST 2323  9/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   12   $0.00   $1,185.12   $1,185.12   12 Members attended SCV Patriot Day Event  
 POST 2323  9/16/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  3   0   2   $105.00   $148.14   $253.14   Donated Post Patio, soda and burgers for Scout Troop 92 Court of Honor Ceremonies.  
 POST 2323  9/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  9/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center. 
 POST 2323  9/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   5   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Post Color posted colors and played TAPS for POW MIA Remembrance Day Ceremonies  
 POST 2323  9/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   30   0   1   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus 
 POST 2323  9/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  9/21/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan provided youth mentorship and training to Young Marines  
 POST 2323  9/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   12   $20.00   $888.84   $908.84   Had Coffee with Veterans for Peer Support Group.  
 POST 2323  9/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  9/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  9/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  9/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   24   0   1   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus 
 POST 2323  9/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   15   $25.00   $1,111.05   $1,136.05   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group.  
 POST 2323  9/28/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan provided youth mentorship and training to Young Marines  
 POST 2323  10/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  10/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  10/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  10/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   30   0   1   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus 
 POST 2323  10/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   14   $25.00   $1,036.98   $1,061.98   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group.  
 POST 2323  10/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  10/10/2024   Veterans Assistance      6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  10/11/2024   Veterans Assistance      6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  10/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   24   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus 
 POST 2323  10/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   5   $0.00   $186.58   $186.58   Detail with rifle squad and flag presentation for fallen Navy Vet.  
 POST 2323  10/12/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan provided youth mentorship and training to Young Marines  
 POST 2323  10/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   11   $20.00   $814.77   $834.77   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group.  
 POST 2323  10/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  10/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  10/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  10/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  10/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  10/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   24   0   1   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus 
 POST 2323  10/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   0   5   $0.00   $864.15   $864.15   Membership drive at Granada Hills Street Faire. Engaged 5 potential Vets for membership.  
 POST 2323  10/19/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan provided youth mentorship and training to Young Marines  
 POST 2323  10/19/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   0   4   $55.00   $691.32   $746.32   Buddy poppy drive at Granada Hills Street Faire Event  
 POST 2323  10/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group. 
 POST 2323  10/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center. 
 POST 2323  10/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   24   0   1   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus 
 POST 2323  10/25/2024   Veterans Assistance      6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus. 
 POST 2323  10/26/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14    Comrade Galvan provided youth mentorship and training to Young Marines 
 POST 2323  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   6   $10.00   $444.42   $454.42   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group. 
 POST 2323  10/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group. 
 POST 2323  10/31/2024   Veterans Assistance      6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center. 
 POST 2323  11/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   24   0   1   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus 
 POST 2323  11/1/2024   Veterans Assistance      6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus. 
 POST 2323  11/2/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan provided youth mentorship and training to Young Marines 
 POST 2323  11/2/2024   Community Service   Other   3   0   1   $170.00   $74.07   $244.07   Cmdr. Klimovitch attended Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce Installation of Officers Banquet Gala and presented The Gil Benjamin Citizen of The Year Award (as the past receipent) to the Honoree Ms. Koster. 
 POST 2323  11/5/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Cmdr. Klimovitch attended Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Meeting 
 POST 2323  11/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group. 
 POST 2323  11/7/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   20   1   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   Comrade Howard took 8 barrels of retired flags to local crematory for retirement. 
 POST 2323  11/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center. 
 POST 2323  11/8/2024   Veterans Assistance      6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at VA Sepulveda campus. 
 POST 2323  11/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   24   0   1   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus week of 11/8 
 POST 2323  11/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   9   $10.00   $666.63   $676.63   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group. 
 POST 2323  11/9/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan provided youth mentorship and training to Young Marines 
 POST 2323  11/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   0   0   1   $3.00   $0.00   $3.00   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group. 
 POST 2323  11/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center. 
 POST 2323  11/14/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   1   $0.00   $12.35   $12.35   Notified Voice of Democracy winner and noted on Scholarship App. Per guidelines. Notified D7 Chairman. 
 POST 2323  11/14/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   0   1   $0.00   $12.35   $12.35   Notified Patriot Pen winner per Scholarship App. Guidelines and advised D7 Chairman. 
 POST 2323  11/15/2024   Veterans Assistance      24   0   1   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus 
 POST 2323  11/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center. 
 POST 2323  11/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   16   0   1   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus 
 POST 2323  11/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at VA Sepulveda campus. 
 POST 2323  11/23/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan provided youth mentorship and training to Young Marines 
 POST 2323  11/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   8   0   12   $0.00   $2,370.24   $2,370.24   12 members joined together at members home to remove overgrown foliage and debris, filled two 40 yard roll away dumpsters (donated by local (City Councilman Office) of trash. 
 POST 2323  11/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  11/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   14   $500.00   $1,036.98   $1,536.98   Free Thanksgiving Dinner for Veterans and community supporters.  
 POST 2323  12/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Cmdr. attended Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs meeting  
 POST 2323  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  12/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus  
 POST 2323  12/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   4   0   8   $320.00   $790.08   $1,110.08   Delivered MAP catered food/beverages to 425th Civil Affairs Family Day Event at Balboa Recreation Center, Helped with setup, serving, and explaining VFW benefits to unit members.  
 POST 2323  12/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group. 
 POST 2323  12/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  12/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at VA Sepulveda campus. 
 POST 2323  12/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus  
 POST 2323  12/14/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan provided youth mentorship and training to Young Marines 
 POST 2323  12/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  12/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus. split 
 POST 2323  12/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus split 
 POST 2323  12/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  12/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus. split 
 POST 2323  12/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus  
 POST 2323  12/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   0   22   $325.00   $2,715.90   $3,040.90   Hosted free Christmas Day dinner for Vets  
 POST 2323  1/4/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   11   $10.00   $814.77   $824.77   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group. 
 POST 2323  1/8/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group.  
 POST 2323  1/9/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $6.00   $148.14   $154.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  1/10/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  1/10/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   24   0   1   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   **need to split**Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus  
 POST 2323  1/11/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   12   $15.00   $888.84   $903.84   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group. 
 POST 2323  1/11/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan provided youth mentorship and training to Young Marines 
 POST 2323  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus. report split PJ 
 POST 2323  1/13/2025   Youth Development   Scouting>  3   0   4   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Provided Post facilities for Scout Troop 92 meeting. Promoted Scout of The Year Program to Troop Leaders and Scouts 
 POST 2323  1/14/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus. Report split PJ  
 POST 2323  1/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided admin support at the Sepulveda VA campus Vet to Vet anger management support group. 
 POST 2323  1/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus. Report Split PJ  
 POST 2323  1/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Cmdr. Klimovitch researched and found out of town Relatives to notify them of Veteran family member (with no local next of kin) on his passing.  
 POST 2323  1/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus. Report Split PJ 
 POST 2323  1/16/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  1/17/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  1/17/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus. Report Split PJ 
 POST 2323  1/18/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan provided youth mentorship and training to Young Marines 
 POST 2323  1/18/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   12   $15.00   $888.84   $903.84   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group. 
 POST 2323  1/22/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided administrative support for weekly Vet to Vet anger management group. 
 POST 2323  1/23/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center.  
 POST 2323  1/24/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus.  
 POST 2323  1/24/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   24   0   1   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus. 
 POST 2323  1/25/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan provided youth mentorship and training to Young Marines 
 POST 2323  1/25/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $15.00   $74.07   $89.07   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group. 
 POST 2323  1/25/2025   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   3   0   15   $1,370.00   $1,111.05   $2,481.05   **need to split**Held Student Schlorship/Teacher of The Year & LE Banquet. First Place PP Award $125, VOD Award $125 with 3 Teacher of The Year Awards @ $125 and 1 LE Award $125 total Awards = $750.00 served dinner $450.00 Cost of certificates & printing $170.00  
 POST 2323  2/5/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Comrade Valdez provided administrative support for weekly Vet to Vet anger management group. 
 POST 2323  2/6/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center. 
 POST 2323  2/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   24   0   1   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Comrade Galvan received and distrusted textile goods for Vets at the Sepulveda VA campus. 
 POST 2323  2/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   0   0   1   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus. 
 POST 2323  2/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   12   $15.00   $888.84   $903.84   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group. 
 POST 2323  2/8/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Galvan provided youth mentorship and training to Young Marines 
 POST 2323  2/13/2025   Veterans Assistance      6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce provided administrative support at the Sepulveda VA Rec. Center. 
 POST 2323  2/14/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Comrade Boyce ran VA shuttle bus service at Sepulveda VA campus. 
 POST 2323  2/14/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   24   0   1   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Comrade Galvan provided youth mentorship and training to Young Marines 
 POST 2323  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   3   0   12   $15.00   $888.84   $903.84   Coffee with Veterans Peer Support Group. 
 POST 2323  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   3   98   2   $10.00   $161.86   $171.86   D7 quarterly meeting at Post 1679, contribution to National Home. 
 Post 2323 Total 1,131 229 590 $3,757.10 $60,164.55 $63,921.65
 POST 3834  7/3/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Jr. Vice and Trustee held the 2024 Girl Scout Troop 3834 Bridging Ceremony. Parents and Troop members were in attendance (40+).  
 POST 3834  7/3/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Buddy Poppy Drive for girl scouts patriotic event (2 hrs in length) 
 POST 3834  7/8/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  7/10/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  7/15/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  7/17/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  7/18/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Girl Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  7/22/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  7/24/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  7/25/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Girl Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  7/29/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  7/31/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  8/5/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  8/7/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  8/12/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  8/14/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  8/19/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  8/21/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  8/22/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Girl Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  8/24/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   0   2   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Membership booth at the 13 soul's memorial run in simi valley, ca. to raise funds for surviving family members of lost veterans.  
 POST 3834  8/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   18   1   $180.00   $175.35   $355.35   Contributed 6 hours and $180 in contribution to the 13 souls memorial run in simi valley, ca. to raise funds for surviving family members of lost veterans.  
 POST 3834  8/26/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  8/28/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  8/29/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Girl Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  9/2/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  9/4/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  9/9/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  9/11/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  9/16/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  9/18/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  9/19/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Girl Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  9/23/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  9/25/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  9/26/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Girl Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  9/30/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  10/2/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  10/7/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  10/9/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  10/14/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  10/16/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  10/21/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  10/23/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  10/23/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  10/24/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Girl Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  10/28/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  10/30/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  10/31/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Girl Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  11/6/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  11/8/2024   Community Service   Other   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Trustee visited local school to speak to the kids about veterans day.  
 POST 3834  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   7   $1,200.00   $172.83   $1,372.83   Donations towards food for veterans' day event  
 POST 3834  11/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   0   7   $0.00   $864.15   $864.15   Held a recruiting drive at community veteran event.  
 POST 3834  11/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   0   7   $0.00   $1,382.64   $1,382.64   Post held a VFW veterans day event for local veteran community, over 120 in attendance. Post leadership and state commander attended. 
 POST 3834  11/9/2024   Legislative Advocacy   State   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Supporting state senator Caroline Menjivar, as she presented awards for Veteran of the Year..  
 POST 3834  11/11/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Cmdr and Sr. Vice provided the post hall for partner organization "Hazze Hip Hop Dream Center" weekly Hip Hop Dance class (4 hrs in length).  
 POST 3834  11/13/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 POST 3834  11/21/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Cmdr and Jr. Vice provided the post hall for the partner organization "Boy Scout Troop 3834" meeting (2 hrs in length - Thursday). 
 Post 3834 Total 169 18 126 $1,380.00 $9,927.90 $11,307.90
 POST 3935  7/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   1   1   $276.00   $197.66   $473.66   Commander collected $276.00 from fundraising from karaoke and live music for the Eagles, who in turn will donate it to the Alzheimer's association  
 POST 3935  7/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   1   1   $258.00   $197.66   $455.66   Commander collected $256.00 from karaoke and live music fundraising for Project Hero.  
 POST 3935  8/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   8   3   $110.00   $371.47   $481.47   Collected $110.00 so we could purchase school supplies for the Navy Federal Credit Unions school supply drive for active-duty dependents  
 POST 3935  8/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   80   1   $115.00   $208.72   $323.72   Chaplain volunteered for set-up / breakdown at the 3rd annual "13 Souls of Kabul" memorial run. All proceeds and donations from the event go to a scholarship fund for the children of the 13 KIA during the Afghanistan withdrawal in 2021.  
 POST 3935  8/24/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   2   1   $0.00   $123.73   $123.73   Commander of Post 3935 helped the REACH program (recreation, education, activities and crafts in Hueneme) with their first ever Hueneme Pickleball tournament. Grocery outlet donated $100 in fruits and waters for the event (through their "independence from hunger" donation) and post 3935 distributed that fruit and waters from our tent at the event. It was a two day event.  
 POST 3935  8/25/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   2   1   $0.00   $123.73   $123.73   Commander of Post 3935 helped the REACH program (recreation, education, activities and crafts in Hueneme) with their first ever Hueneme Pickleball tournament. Grocery outlet donated $100 in fruits and waters for the event (through their "independence from hunger" donation) and post 3935 distributed that fruit and waters from our tent at the event. It was a two day event.  
 POST 3935  8/27/2024   Youth Development   Other   10   1   1   $255.00   $247.04   $502.04   The commander collected $255.00 during karaoke and live music for the Ventura/tri-county teen challenge  
 POST 3935  9/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   1   3   $75.00   $592.70   $667.70   Commander, Chaplain, and district chief of Staff, provided a recruitment booth at the Hueneme Beach Festival, we got 12 applications  
 POST 3935  9/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   80   4   $280.00   $603.76   $883.76   The Chaplain and 3 other members of the Post Riders Group participated in the 17th annual 9/11 "Ride to the Flags" Memorial Motorcycle Run from Pt. Mugu Missile Park to Pepperdine University. This charity event raises money for 1st responders and military veterans' mental health program for the "Guardian Project" which utilizes eco-adventure therapy.  
 POST 3935  9/8/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   1   2   $11.64   $395.18   $406.82   Post 3935, Commander Chaplain and auxiliary secretary provided a booth at the Hueneme Beach Festival for recruitment. We got 7 applications  
 POST 3935  9/11/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   1   7   $1,150.00   $345.80   $1,495.80   Post 3935 was given a 9/11 flag. The post had it framed and mounted in our canteen. On September 11th 2024. We invited the Port Hueneme Police Department. City Council and the Fire Department for an unveiling of the flag and ceremony to remember those lost on 9/11/2001.  
 POST 3935  9/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   8   2   $0.00   $149.26   $149.26   Post Chaplain conducted a funeral service/celebration of life for one of our life member at our post hall. Post Commander assisted by "Draping the Charter" in honor of the deceased. The Marine Corps League ( Ronald Reagan Det. Simi Valley) provided full military honors with a volley, taps and flag folding ceremony for the members widow. A potluck followed in the hall. Approximately 30 family members attended.  
 POST 3935  9/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Chaplain conducted an official visit to post member who came out of ICU and was admitted to a local rehab and therapy center.  
 POST 3935  9/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Chaplain conducted an official visit to a post member who has been admitted to a local rehab and therapy center.  
 POST 3935  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   3   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   Post Commander, Chaplain, one other member and Auxiliary Secretary volunteered for set-up/breakdown along with check-in/registration at the annual "California Coastal Clean-up Day" at the Hueneme Pier. This event was hosted by the city of Port Hueneme.  
 POST 3935  9/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Chaplain conducted an official visit to a post member who has been admitted to a local rehab and therapy center.  
 POST 3935  9/27/2024   Community Service   Other   4   1   1   $250.00   $98.90   $348.90   During karaoke and dinner the commander collected $250.00 to help an auxiliary member with MS with his recent hospital stay that has left him bed ridden  
 POST 3935  9/28/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   2   3   $0.00   $592.84   $592.84   At the Port of Hueneme's banana festival, the commander, chaplain, and District chief of staff, to sit at a recruitment tent at the festival  
 POST 3935  10/12/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   20   4   $100.00   $496.60   $596.60   Post Chaplain and 3 other members of the Post Riders Group conducted a VFW recruiting event at the 1st annual "Vet's Rally in Cali" motorcycle rally in Ventura. Proceeds collected went to needy veterans.  
 POST 3935  10/25/2024   Community Service   Safety Recognition   8   1   1   $451.00   $197.66   $648.66   Because October is domestic violence awareness month, post 3935 commander collected $451.00 from fundraising during the 4 fridays in October for Koi & Friends, an organization that helps women and children out of unsafe situations. 
 POST 3935  11/8/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   4   1   6   $120.00   $592.70   $712.70   Due to the fires in Ventura, an auxiliary member suggested we help a teacher/soccer coach she worked with at her high school who lost his house in the fire. So the money we raised from karaoke/dinner, $120, went to Keith McKnetts family. 
 POST 3935  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   8   20   $0.00   $988.72   $988.72   Post Commander and Chaplain conducted a Veterans Day ceremony along with a flag retirement ceremony for members and guests 
 POST 3935  11/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   1   8   $200.00   $790.22   $990.22   Post 3935 had our veterans day ceremony, which included a flag retirement ceremony, pot luck lunch for our members 
 POST 3935  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   4   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   5 members of the post Riders Group (4 members and 1 supporter) rode in the Oxnard Veterans Day parade. 
 POST 3935  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   8   1   $0.00   $25.81   $25.81   Chaplain participated in the city of Port Hueneme's Veterans Day program at city hall. He delivered the invocation, a brief history of Veterans Day and the benediction. The guest of honor was a local veteran who served in WWII and the Korean War. 
 POST 3935  11/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   40   1   5   $341.25   $4,938.14   $5,279.39   Commander and chaplain, along with 2 auxiliary members and 2 people from the community. Through some donations and some at the post expense we served 111 Thanksgiving dinners to the community, our post members, veterans and active duty 
 POST 3935  11/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   40   1   3   $130.00   $2,962.94   $3,092.94   Commander, chaplain, 2 auxiliary members and 2 members of the community collected $130.00 for the American Diabetes Association during our free open to the public Thanksgiving dinner.  
 POST 3935  11/29/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   12   1   0   $311.00   $0.14   $311.14   Commander from fundraising during Friday night karaoke we collected $311.50 for Hueneme High Schools Black student Union  
 POST 3935  12/7/2024   Community Service   Other   3   25   5   $0.00   $373.85   $373.85   Sr. Vice Commander, Chaplain and 3 other members of Post Riders Group, plus 2 supporters, participated in a local Christmas toy drive by donating unwrapped gifts to benefit the Ventura County Recue Mission "Lighthouse Woman and Children Program". Approximately 200 bikers rode in formation to a local church and distributed gifts to children. 
 POST 3935  12/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   1   1   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   From collections from the community the commander collected over 100 pieces if clothing, jackets, shoes, kid clothes, gloves and winter hats for Ormand beach villas.  
 POST 3935  12/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   1   1   $305.00   $98.90   $403.90   Commander, from karaoke and live music, post 3935 collected $305 for PatriotPaws.  
 POST 3935  12/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   20   6   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   Sr. Vice Commander, Jr. Vice Commander, Chaplain and 3 other members of Post Riders Group, along with 3 supporters, distributed our RG's custom Christmas cards and spent time with the 60 veterans at the Ventura Veterans Home. 
 POST 3935  12/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   1   8   $0.00   $987.74   $987.74   Toy Drive, commander, trustee, 2 auxiliary members, assistant bar manager, and 3 kids. With the help of Premier America Credit Union, Funeraria Del Angel and the Port Hueneme Police Department. We collected over 400 toys. We supplied toys to Ormand Beach Villas and their 26 kids, the Gabriel House and their 14 kids, and to 23 local families and their 51 kids. Each kid got at least 3 gifts that are appropriate for their age and gender.  
 POST 3935  1/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   1   2   $500.00   $49.52   $549.52   Chaplain motioned at post meeting we donate $500 to the Marine Corp League #597. Motion passed unanimously  
 POST 3935  1/11/2025   Community Service   Other   5   1   3   $500.00   $370.49   $870.49   The post donated use of the hall for Hueneme High Schools Black Student Union for a fundraiser/comedy show/dinner to raise money for their scholarship fund. $1500 was raised 
 POST 3935  1/11/2025   Community Service   Other   5   1   3   $500.00   $370.49   $870.49   The post donated use of the hall for Hueneme High Schools Black Student Union for a fundraiser/comedy show/dinner to raise money for their scholarship fund. $1500 was raised 
 POST 3935  1/19/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   7   1   15   $1,000.00   $2,592.59   $3,592.59   The post held a pool tournament fund raiser to the family of David Otineru whom passed away on January 3rd. 6 post members, 8 auxiliary members and 50 other friends and family participated in a 64 person double elimination pool tournament which raised over $1000 for the family 
 POST 3935  1/31/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   1   1   $294.00   $123.59   $417.59   Commander collected $294.00 from fundraising during karaoke for the Red Cross 
 POST 3935  2/4/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   7   11   3   $175.00   $520.03   $695.03   Post 3935 and Post 1679 supplied the VAs stand down event with food, commander, chaplain and auxiliary member helped, post 3935 also recruited 3 new members 
 POST 3935  2/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   3   8   2   $500.00   $149.26   $649.26   Chaplain presided over a post members funeral /celebration of life with assistance from post Commander at our post hall with approximately 30 guests including family members, Post provided flowers and shadow box with earned medals/ribbons. 4 members of the Auxiliary assisted with providing a lunch reception for the guests. 
 POST 3935  2/15/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   4   5   2   $0.00   $198.22   $198.22   Post Commander and Post Chaplain we t to the SeaCadets formal dinner/ceremony and presented SeaCadet Brandon Tran with the VFW Medal, certification, and ribbon. 
 POST 3935  2/15/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   4   5   2   $0.00   $198.22   $198.22   Post Commander and Post Chaplain we t to the SeaCadets formal dinner/ceremony and presented SeaCadet Brandon Tran with the VFW Medal, certification, and ribbon. 
 POST 3935  2/25/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   1   2   1   $0.00   $24.97   $24.97   The local grocery outlet donated 27 boxes of cereal, post 3935 in turn donated all 27 boxes to The Ormond Beach Villas along with 5 bags of clothes and 4 boxes of cat and dog food 
 Post 3935 Total 270 365 144 $8,207.89 $22,123.96 $30,331.85
 POST 6885  7/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   5   1   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Volunteer work SCVETERANS Center Food Pantry, Referral services  
 POST 6885  7/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   50   1   $0.00   $81.07   $81.07   At Santa Clarita Veterans Collaborative - Assist with duties and provide claims and benefits assistance to veterans as needed.  
 POST 6885  7/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   1   1   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Volunteer work SC Veterans Center, Food pantry, Veteran assistance referrals  
 POST 6885  7/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   3   14   2   $0.00   $150.10   $150.10   Adjutant/Service Officer - SCV Vet Center - Veterans Assistance - Food Pantry, etc.  
 POST 6885  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   14   2   $0.00   $150.10   $150.10   Adjutant/Service Officer - SCV Vet Center - Assist Veterans - Food Bank  
 POST 6885  7/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits    3   50   1   $0.00   $81.07   $81.07   assisted veterans at local vet center regarding claims to the VA  
 POST 6885  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   50   1   $0.00   $81.07   $81.07   1 Year Trustee assisted veterans at Santa Clarita Veterans Center with information regarding their veterans' benefits  
 POST 6885  8/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   50   1   $0.00   $81.07   $81.07   1 Year Trustee assisted veterans at Santa Clarita Veterans Center with information regarding their veterans' benefits  
 POST 6885  8/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   50   1   $0.00   $81.07   $81.07   1 Year Trustee assisted veterans at Santa Clarita Veterans Center with information regarding their veterans benefits  
 POST 6885  8/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   14   1   $0.00   $76.03   $76.03   Service Officer/Adjutant - SC Vet Center - Volunteer assisting veterans with benefits/claims - Other duties there  
 POST 6885  8/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   14   2   $0.00   $150.10   $150.10   Adjutant/Service Officer - SCV Vet Center - Veteran Assistance, Food Bank  
 POST 6885  9/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   14   0   $0.00   $1.96   $1.96   Adjutant/Service Officer - SCV Vet Center - Veteran Assistance - Food Bank  
 POST 6885  9/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   14   0   $0.00   $1.96   $1.96   Service Officer - SCV Veterans Collaborative 
 POST 6885  10/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   3   30   0   $0.00   $4.20   $4.20   Transported disabled Veteran to Sepulveda VA Hospital for exam 
 POST 6885  10/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   14   0   $0.00   $1.96   $1.96   Service Officer - SCV Veterans Collaborative 
 POST 6885  10/22/2024   Veterans Assistance      3   14   0   $0.00   $1.96   $1.96   Service Officer - SCV Veterans Collaborative 
 POST 6885  11/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   14   0   $0.00   $1.96   $1.96   Service Officer - SCV Veterans Collaborative 
 Post 6885 Total 53 412 14 $0.00 $1,144.04 $1,144.04
 POST 7139  7/19/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   60   2   $200.00   $403.44   $603.44   Helped sponsor and conduct 19 July Veterans Stand Up in the Santa Barbara Veterans Memorial Building. 43 Veterans attended who interfaced with 27 Veteran Services Organizations for their VA benefits and assistance with homelessness, healthcare, mental health, employment, education, welcome home hero's, Honor Flight, women's support, home loans, elder care, and care giver support.  
 POST 7139  9/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   20   1   $50.00   $126.25   $176.25   Helped conduct "We Support the Troops" packing and sending 48 care boxes to overseas active duty personnel.  
 POST 7139  9/27/2024   Community Service      12   50   7   $80.00   $2,080.96   $2,160.96   Participated in Solvang, CA State of the City Luncheon to honor Alvin Salge, VFW Post 7139 12-year Commander, in a ceremony where Commander Salge received a Proclamation presented by Solvang Mayor declaring 27 September as Alvin Salge Day.  
 POST 7139  11/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   12   20   3   $40.00   $891.64   $931.64   Helped setup and participated in the 9 November 2024 Santa Barbara County Veterans Foundation Salute to Veterans in Solvang Park. Provided the Vandenberg SFB Honor Guard for the presentation of colors and a Post Speaker to honor Veterans. The Post helped the Santa Barbara County Veterans Foundation raise money to support Veterans. 
 POST 7139  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   5   12   $0.00   $1,778.38   $1,778.38   Planned, setup, and conducted annual Veterans Day Program in the Solvang Veterans Hall. The program included the Santa Ynez Valley Chorale, Vandenberg Space Force Base and Post Speakers, Santa Ynez Valley Jazz Band, Boy Scouts, and the Solvang American Legion Post. There was a flyover by local aircraft at the beginning of the program during the American Flag raising. There were over 300 local citizens attending with Veterans, their families, patriotic Americans, and community VIPs. After the program, a free lunch was served in the American Legion Wing.  
 POST 7139  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   30   4   $0.00   $300.48   $300.48   Participated in Daughters of the American Revolution Wreaths Across American Ceremony and wreath laying on Veterans Graves at Solvang Oak Cemetery. The VFW members represented the military branches in which they served. 
 POST 7139  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   30   2   $0.00   $201.72   $201.72   VFW Post 7139 Members attended the Santa Ynez Valley Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Chapter's 1oth anniversary celebration at the Solvang Bethania Lutheran Church. It was great event honoring the DAR. The DAR has continually supported all the Post's events and programs. 
 Post 7139 Total 50 215 31 $370.00 $5,782.87 $6,152.87
 POST 8310  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   2   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Held a Pot Luck for veterans and their families and guest from 12 noon until closing time to celebrate the July 4th Holiday.  
 POST 8310  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   Our captain volunteered at the City of Burbank July 4th celebration by handing our flags as people entered the Starlight Bowl to listen to music followed by fireworks.  
 POST 8310  7/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   25   2   $0.00   $151.64   $151.64   One of our VFW members transported a fellow member to the VA hospital in West Hills, CA for a doctor's appointment and brought him back home. 
 POST 8310  8/9/2024   Veterans Assistance      3   30   1   $0.00   $78.27   $78.27   One of our VFW members took one of our disabled veterans to a doctor's appointment at the North Hills VA. 
 POST 8310  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   3   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   We hosted a fundraiser breakfast for the Burroughs High School Freshman Football Team. Over 100 in attendance.  
 POST 8310  8/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   The Burbank VFW 8310 hosted a breakfast fundraiser for the Huerta Middle School Cheerleading Program. Six of our VFW members assisted in the kitchen and preparation of the hall. Over 100 attended the event. This is just another example of our Ship reaching out to our local community while showing that veterans are can do individuals who want to make a positive contribution to our communities.  
 POST 8310  8/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   30   1   $0.00   $78.27   $78.27   One of our VFW members took one of our disabled members to the North Hills VA for a doctor's appointment.  
 POST 8310  9/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   3   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   We hosted a fundraiser breakfast for the Burbank High School Boys Baseball Program. 249 meals were served. Our veterans helped out in the kitchen preparing the breakfast.  
 POST 8310  10/13/2024   Community Service   Other   5   0   4   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   We hosted a fundraiser breakfast for a Girls Softball Travel Ball team that is based out of Burbank. VFW officers volunteered to work in the kitchen.  
 POST 8310  10/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   The Burroughs High School, Burbank, used our hall for a fundraiser Spaghetti dinner. VFW members assisted with the dinner.  
 POST 8310  10/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   VPAN representative and a veterans service officer come to the Burbank VFW every second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 6-9 PM. Recently, a VPAN rep assisted with a veteran in securing a job where he assists other veterans trying to get back in the work place. 
 POST 8310  10/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   30   1   $0.00   $78.27   $78.27   One of our VFW members took a disabled veteran to the North Hills VA for a doctor's appointment  
 POST 8310  11/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   5   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   The VFW hosted a Dodger Celebration where we all watched the parade and the festivities at Dodger Stadium. We provided pastry and coffee. Over 50 people took part in the celebration. 
 POST 8310  11/3/2024   Community Service   Other   5   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   We hosted a fundraiser breakfast for the Burbank High School Boys Basketball Program. Six of our VFW members assisted with prepping the breakfast and setting up the hall. 
 POST 8310  11/9/2024   Community Service   Other   2   0   0   $40.00   $0.00   $40.00   The Burbank VFW hosted the Burbank Community Band for their rehearsal for the upcoming City of Burbank Veterans Day Ceremony. We served donuts and coffee to all in attendance. Approximately 30 people attended. 
 POST 8310  11/10/2024   Community Service      6   0   0   $300.00   $0.00   $300.00   The Burbank VFW hosted a Marine Corps Birthday party the night of the corps birthday. Over 100 people attended. 
 POST 8310  11/10/2024   Community Service   Other   20   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   Five of our VFW members volunteered to assist with the Luther Burbank Middle School Cheerleading Program at their fundraiser breakfast at the VFW 8310. 
 POST 8310  11/10/2024   Community Service      5   0   5   $0.00   $617.25   $617.25   The Burbank VFW will host a breakfast fundraiser for the Luther Burbank Middle School Cheerleading Program. 
 POST 8310  11/11/2024   Community Service      12   4   5   $0.00   $1,481.96   $1,481.96   Our VFW 8310 Color Guard were part of the City of Burbank Veterans Day Ceremony. 
 POST 8310  11/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   5   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   The Burbank VFW hosted a VSO and a VPAN representative from the hours of 6:00pm-11:00pm to give veterans support on their potential claims and other concerns. We have the VSO and VPAN reps here the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month. We had 10 veterans attend last evening. 
 POST 8310  11/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   246   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   The Burbank VFW, in support of Premier America Credit Union, is taking donations of non-perishable food items and toiletry items to be given to veterans and their families in need. The drive will last until Christmas Day.  
 POST 8310  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Our Commander, Michael DePalo, volunteered at the City of Burbank Christmas Tree Lighting, in order to have the people attending the event to write notes on holiday cards to be sent to our troops overseas. Over 100 cards were filled out. Our VFW volunteers at this event every year.  
 POST 8310  12/12/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   We dropped over 200 flags at the Oakwood Cemetery in Chatsworth for proper retirement. The VFW 8310 is a place where people can drop off flags for proper retirement.  
 POST 8310  1/26/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   5   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   The Burbank VFW hosted a fundraiser breakfast for the Burbank High Girls Softball Program The breakfast drew 125 people in attendance. 5 of our VFW members volunteered their time to help in the kitchen and serving the breakfasts along with several team players.  
 POST 8310  2/2/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   5   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   The Burbank VFW assisted with a breakfast fundraiser for the Burbank High Boys Golf Program.  
 POST 8310  2/4/2025   Community Service   Other   6   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   **need to split** The Burbank Noon Rotary use the Burbank VFW hall three days a month for a total of six hours.  
 POST 8310  2/23/2025   Community Service   Other   5   0   5   $0.00   $617.25   $617.25   The Burbank VFW hosted a breakfast fundraiser for the Burbank High Baseball Program. Five of our members assisted with the preparation of the hall and assisted preparing the breakfast. 
 POST 8310  2/25/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   A VSO and a VPAN rep came to the VFW to assist with filing of claims and answer any questions a veteran might have. This is activity occurs the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. 
 POST 8310  2/25/2025   Community Service   Other   2   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   The Burbank VFW provided the hall for the Burbank Noon Rotary to have their weekly lunch/meeting. We assisted with the set up and breakdown, plus opened the bar for service. 
 Post 8310 Total 388 159 46 $340.00 $6,540.42 $6,880.42
 POST 9637  7/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   34   4   $0.00   $202.28   $202.28   Our commander was contacted by Ms Cervantez, the sister of Mr Vossler, and asked if the post could attend her brothers' funeral and honor his Military service to our nation. The Military sent representatives to provide for the flag folding, presentation and Taps, and Four (4) of our post members attended and provided the rifle salute for Mr. Vossler, a fellow Veteran.  
 POST 9637  10/15/2024   Community Service   Other   1   0   7   $300.00   $172.83   $472.83   Fillmore Post 9637 made a donation of $300 to the Piru Petroleum Club towards their annual Veterans Luncheon where all Veterans eat for free. 
 POST 9637  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   12   5   $0.00   $742.38   $742.38   5 members of Post 9637 (Mills, Alonzo, Ivey, Swetman and Roberts) participated in the Buddy Poppy drive for Veterans Day at the local supermarket.. 
 POST 9637  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Fillmore Post 9637 set up a table at the annual Fillmore/Piru Veterans Memorial Celebration to talk with prospective members and hand out membership applications, along with distributing poppies to all that came by. 
 POST 9637  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   4   4   $0.00   $198.08   $198.08   Post 9637 led the yearly Fillmore Christmas Parade, one member carrying the Flag of the United States, and three (3) members following closely behind wishing all that attended the parade a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  
 POST 9637  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   20   5   $0.00   $373.15   $373.15   Post 9637 led the yearly Piru, CA Christmas Parade, one member carrying the Flag of the United States, and four (4) members following closely behind wishing all that attended the parade a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  
 Post 9637 Total 18 70 29 $300.00 $2,083.76 $2,383.76
 POST 10049  8/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   5   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   Contributed 6 hours to the 13 souls memorial run in simi valley, ca. to raise funds for surviving family members of lost veterans.  
 POST 10049  8/24/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Membership booth at the 13 souls memorial run in simi valley, ca. to raise funds for surviving family members of lost veterans.  
 POST 10049  9/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Held a Buddy Poppy drive at Beach Festival  
 POST 10049  9/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   20   2   $20.00   $496.60   $516.60   Post 10049 Adjutant W. Wright attended U.S. Army Recruiting Bn. change of command function at the Autry Museum of Western History. Several hundred members of the local SOCAL community including U. S. Army ceremonial units were in attendance. VFW District 7 and Post 10049 members assist the U.S, Army Recruiting Bn. with reaching out to High School, College and other citizens with information on Army opportunities and the importance of serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Past Post 10049 Auxiliary member attended as well.  
 POST 10049  9/20/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   10   20   3   $40.00   $743.50   $783.50   Post 10049 participated in National POW-MIA Day remembrance activity. Special exhibit at Post Museum in Simi Valley with Missing Man Table. W. Wright, Tony Boucher, Ray Perkins and other members.  
 POST 10049  10/4/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   10   60   1   $50.00   $255.30   $305.30   Ventura County Council Annual Shootout for Scouting fund-raising activity held at the Oak Tree Gun Club. Post 10049 member W. Wright assisted Trap Shooting activity as Range Safety Officer and Scorer.  
 POST 10049  10/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   10   70   2   $50.00   $503.60   $553.60   Post 10049 Service Officers visited local veterans in local Simi Valley assisted living facilities. Met with veterans and families of veterans living in these facilities. Assisted local families of veterans with claims and medical assistance information. Visited Sepulveda VA Clinic. Responded to 12 phone calls for VA assistance information during month of October. W. Wright, Service Officer Post 10049.  
 POST 10049  11/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   50   4   $200.00   $797.08   $997.08   VFW Post 10049 contacted by USMA West Point Cadet Foster Bella regarding assistance with local community outreach activity on Wednesday, November 27, 2024. Cadet Bella to be visiting her home town, Simi Valley, California during Thanksgiving week leave. Cadet Bella requests VFW Post 10049 to assist her with location and community contacts who would be interested in USMA West Point information and history. VFW Post 10049 contacted local news media along with local Veterans Service organizations, Civil Air Patrol, Hight School JR. ROTC, and extended invitations to these groups along with the community to attend meet and greet function at the VFW Post 10049 Museum of Military History. Refreshments and light lunch were provided by Post 10049. Approximately forty persons attended this activity. Cadet Bella presented information to attendees using a power point program along with handout material. Local news media story to follow.  
 Post 10049 Total 64 220 19 $360.00 $3,783.68 $4,143.68
 POST 11461  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   VFW float carrying VFW member, plus all service flags in our local 4th of July community parade. This a patriotic display to remind all members of our community the patriotism of military service members.  
 POST 11461  10/19/2024   Youth Development      5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   The post participated in our community activity known as Ojai Days, our booth attracted a large number of local youths which we use as a means to educate our youth as to what the VFW does and what it contributes to the community. This event was a dunk tank in which the post commander, and the Mayor, as well as many other city officials.  
 POST 11461  11/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   4   $950.10   $395.04   $1,345.14   Distribute poppies , give away Ojai Valley Veterans books, and look for new members  
 POST 11461  11/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   0   4   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Provide a VFW memorial service for our departed comrade  Vail, including a flag folding ceremony and flag presentation to our departed comrade's widow This was done at the request of the widow  
 POST 11461  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   4   $671.00   $592.56   $1,263.56   Annual Christmas dinner for veterans widows and veterans, to give honor to those who have served as well as their widows. Invitees to this event included city officials to thank them for their aid in supporting our community programs and events.  
 Post 11461 Total 22 0 18 $1,621.10 $1,925.82 $3,546.92
 District 7 Total 2,815 2,386 1,546 $21,628.84 $172,583.83 $194,212.67
 POST 275  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during National convention.  
 POST 275  8/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   2   $50.00   $198.22   $248.22   helping the community rummage sale. setup and take down and cooking lunchs  
 POST 275  9/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   8   60   2   $110.00   $403.44   $513.44   Took a Marine Corps veteran widow to Doctor's appointment, to get medications, grocery shopping and lunch.  
 POST 275  9/28/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   5   2   $25.00   $148.84   $173.84   Buddy Poppy dr at our community yard sale event.  
 POST 275  10/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   65   2   $100.00   $305.38   $405.38   Comrade; help with women veteran's assistance her husband at care faculty. 
 POST 275  10/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   60   2   $80.00   $255.30   $335.30   take a Marine's veteran widow shopping, pickup med, doctor appt.  
 POST 275  10/26/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   5   3   $25.00   $148.84   $173.84   Membership Drive at our Halloween, have one to sign up.  
 POST 275  10/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   60   3   $125.00   $230.61   $355.61   Help with the community Halloween event  
 POST 275  11/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   40   2   $60.00   $104.36   $164.36   Foods for veteran widow Thanksgiving dinner.  
 POST 275  12/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   60   3   $700.00   $378.75   $1,078.75   Donated foods to families in needs for Christmas. we donated 30 food baskets,  
 POST 275  12/21/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   at round mtn community center Christmas bizarre. Have 3 prospect's for membership.  
 Post 275 Total 41 365 24 $1,290.00 $2,297.89 $3,587.89
 POST 1932  8/12/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   2   4   $0.00   $197.80   $197.80   Attended a breakfast with local veterans. talked up the VFW, and the work our post our doing and future projects, to combat veterans. Provided applications and reviewed the required necessary information.  
 POST 1932  8/24/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   60   1   $0.00   $82.47   $82.47   Member completed Honor Guard Service  
 POST 1932  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $20.00   $49.38   $69.38   Assisted veteran with meals purchase  
 POST 1932  9/10/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   4   8   $0.00   $395.60   $395.60   Contacted 8 veterans and provided VFW applications. Reviewed their service and recommended joining Post 1932 so we could help them with keeping up with recent changes in schedules and current events.  
 POST 1932  9/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   4   2   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   honor guard performed flag services and sounded taps at the county flagpole in Red Bluff, ca  
 POST 1932  9/14/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   3   4   $272.00   $296.70   $568.70   Completed a buddy poppy drive at a local market. Along with the poppy's we made contact with 8 veterans 5 of which could join the VFW. supplied applications and info as to meeting dates and time.  
 POST 1932  9/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   4   1   $0.00   $49.94   $49.94   Post member attended the youth baseball board meeting. The board supervises a youth baseball team for High school ages.  
 POST 1932  9/24/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   50   2   $155.14   $155.14   $310.28   2 post members preformed honor guard services at IGO veterans cemetery  
 POST 1932  9/26/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   60   2   $0.00   $205.92   $205.92   2 Post members participated in honor guard services for a veteran.  
 POST 1932  9/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   60   2   $0.00   $205.92   $205.92   2 post members traveled to IGO veterans Cemetary to participate in services for a passed veteran.  
 POST 1932  10/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   4   2   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   presenting the colors at the monster truck show  
 POST 1932  10/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   4   2   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   members presenting colors at the monster truck show  
 POST 1932  10/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   4   2   $148.70   $148.70   $297.40   Presented colors at monster truck show  
 POST 1932  10/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   6   184   1   $173.90   $173.90   $347.80   Post member provided honors for a veteran at hayfork cemetery. 
 POST 1932  10/29/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   5   2   $105.60   $198.22   $303.82   Two Post members conducted a poppy drive and recruiting event at a local shop  
 POST 1932  11/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   60   2   $156.54   $156.54   $313.08   Members performed final honors for a passed veteran  
 POST 1932  11/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   120   2   $164.94   $164.94   $329.88   2 members preformed funeral services for fellow veteran at IGO cemetary 
 POST 1932  11/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   120   2   $164.94   $164.94   $329.88   Performed Honor Guard Services  
 POST 1932  11/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   60   2   $156.54   $156.54   $313.08   2 members preformed services for a deceased veteran 
 POST 1932  11/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   60   2   $156.54   $156.54   $313.08   2 members preformed services for a deceased veteran at IGO cemetary 
 POST 1932  11/15/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   120   2   $164.94   $164.94   $329.88   2 members preformed services for a deceased veteran 
 POST 1932  11/16/2024   Community Service   Other   24   38   3   $1,783.00   $1,783.00   $3,566.00   3 members prepared and served 60 veterans a Thanksgiving meals 
 POST 1932  11/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   120   2   $164.94   $164.94   $329.88   2 members preformed services for a deceased veteran 
 POST 1932  11/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   120   1   $90.87   $90.87   $181.74   member preformed services for a deceased veteran  
 POST 1932  11/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   120   2   $164.94   $164.94   $329.88   members preformed services at a veterans funeral. 
 POST 1932  12/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   8   2   $99.88   $99.88   $199.76   preformed memorial services for DEC 7, 1941 Pearl harbor victims.  
 POST 1932  12/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   120   1   $90.87   $90.87   $181.74   services for deceased veteran 
 POST 1932  12/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   2   0   1   $100.00   $49.38   $149.38   Donation to VFW National home  
 POST 1932  12/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   4   2   $49.94   $99.32   $149.26   Serving breakfast to disabled veterans  
 POST 1932  12/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   60   2   $205.92   $205.92   $411.84   funeral services for a veteran at IGO cemetery  
 POST 1932  12/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   120   2   $164.94   $164.94   $329.88   services for deceased veteran 
 POST 1932  12/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   65   1   $83.17   $107.86   $191.03   funeral services for a veteran in Redding,Ca  
 POST 1932  12/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   120   2   $164.94   $164.94   $329.88   services for deceased veteran 
 POST 1932  12/30/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   10   6   $297.68   $297.68   $595.36   Flag presentation and member recruiting at Rodeo event  
 POST 1932  1/11/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   130   2   $215.72   $215.72   $431.44   Members provided honors for two funeral services for veterans  
 Post 1932 Total 123 2,023 78 $5,516.59 $7,122.35 $12,638.94
 POST 1934  8/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   We had a veteran in destress come into Redding VFW and stated he was about to give up on life. The VFW leadership evaluated his situation. The veteran was having issues with his VA disability claim. We helped the veteran get his disability and brought him into our organization. This help give him purpose and comradery. If the veteran would not have come in he stated he would have taken his own life.  
 POST 1934  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   4   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Spoke at county board of supervisors meeting and accepted a proclamation for veterans week  
 POST 1934  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   4   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Spoke at county board of supervisors meeting and accepted a proclamation for veterans week  
 Post 1934 Total 5 0 9 $0.00 $271.59 $271.59
 POST 2381  7/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   20   5   $0.00   $126.25   $126.25   On Sunday, 21 July 2024, the Post rendered honors to a fallen Navy Veteran.  
 POST 2381  7/27/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   20   4   $0.00   $595.36   $595.36   The post conducted a buddy poppy drive from 11:00 am to 3 pm, at a local store in town. Very successful event.  
 POST 2381  7/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   20   4   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Post Honor Guard participated to fallen Navy Veteran.  
 POST 2381  8/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   25   8   $0.00   $201.02   $201.02   Today the Post Honor Guard rendered honors to a fallen Marine Corps Veteran.  
 POST 2381  8/10/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   20   4   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   The post conducted a membership drive on Saturday, 10 August 2024. We were successful, we recruited two new the post.  
 POST 2381  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   20   4   $157.50   $101.56   $259.06   Post provided veteran assistance to five (5) Veterans.  
 POST 2381  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   20   2   $250.00   $52.18   $302.18   At the post regular meeting the post voted to provide veteran assistance of $250.00 to a 93-year-old US Navy Korean Veteran.  
 POST 2381  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   2   2   $250.00   $49.66   $299.66   At the post regular meeting the post vote to provide veteran assistance to a homeless US Coast Guard Desert Storm Veteran.  
 POST 2381  9/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   15   2   $0.00   $249.00   $249.00   The post conducted a membership drive at a local business. We were had a successful membership drive. We recruited one new US Navy Iraq Veteran.  
 POST 2381  9/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   20   8   $50.00   $990.40   $1,040.40   The post honor guard rendered military honors to a fallen US Marine Corps Veteran. The post along with the family supported a Celebration of Life event for the family.  
 POST 2381  9/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   20   5   $0.00   $249.70   $249.70   Today the post honor guard rendered military honors to a fallen Veteran.  
 POST 2381  9/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   20   6   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   Today the post honor guard conducted a second funeral for a fallen Veteran.  
 POST 2381  9/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   20   5   $0.00   $249.70   $249.70   The post honor guard rendered military honors to a fallen Veteran.  
 POST 2381  10/12/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   20   3   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   The post held a very successful Buddy Poppy drive in a local store.  
 POST 2381  10/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   20   7   $1,120.50   $175.63   $1,296.13   **not reportable, unless they were in need**  The post provided veteran assistance to 35 members by reinstating their membership for the fiscal year 24/25.  
 POST 2381  10/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   20   7   $31.50   $175.63   $207.13   The post provided financial assistance to an US Navy Veteran by paying his annual membership dues. The Veteran is a 94-year-old. He served in the Korean Conflict from the years 1950 to 1954.  
 POST 2381  10/19/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   20   4   $0.00   $397.84   $397.84   The post held a very successful Buddy Poppy Drive at a local merchant store. We received over 100 dollars in donations.  
 POST 2381  10/26/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   20   3   $0.00   $373.15   $373.15   The post conducted a membership drive at a local store. We picked up two possible members.  
 POST 2381  11/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   20   3   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   The post honor guard rendered military honors to a fallen Army veteran. 
 POST 2381  11/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   20   3   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   The post honor guard rendered military honors to a fallen Army veteran. 
 POST 2381  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   20   6   $558.08   $595.36   $1,153.44   The post recognized Veteran Day. The post conducted a parade and a special ceremony to recognized all veterans. We provided a free lunch to the Veterans and the community.  
 POST 2381  11/13/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   20   5   $369.63   $126.25   $495.88   The post conducted a special event to recognize all Public Servants in Lassen County. Post donated 5 wooden plaques to the recipients and provided treats.  
 POST 2381  11/14/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   20   9   $250.00   $225.01   $475.01   Prior to the post meeting, the post recognized a High School Student for winning the Post Voice of Democracy Scholarship. The post presented the young lady with a certificate and a check for $250.00. 
 POST 2381  11/14/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   20   9   $250.00   $225.01   $475.01   Prior to the post meeting, the post recognized an Elementary School Student for winning the Post Patriot's Pen Scholarship. The post presented the your lady with a certificate and a check for $250.00. 
 POST 2381  11/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   20   2   $69.99   $52.18   $122.17   At the regular meeting the post voted to donate a Thanksgiving dinners to needed Veterans in Lassen County. On Tuesday, 26 November 2024, the post delivered a fully cooked Thanksgiving dinner to a 76 year old U.S. Army Viet Nam Veteran  
 POST 2381  11/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   2   $69.99   $52.18   $122.17   At the regular meeting the post voted to donate a Thanksgiving dinners to Veterans and the community. We have a Volunteer that has been helping the post in all of our functions for the past 10 years. On Tuesday, 26 November 2024, the post delivered a fully cooked Thanksgiving dinner to volunteer to feed his family.  
 POST 2381  11/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   9   20   2   $69.99   $447.22   $517.21   At the regular meeting the post voted to donate a Thanksgiving dinners to needed Veterans. On Tuesday 26 November 2024, the post delivered a full cooked Thanksgiving dinner to a 94 year old U.S. Navy Korean Veteran. 
 POST 2381  12/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   20   7   $250.00   $175.63   $425.63   The post donated $250.00 to the Veterans Guest House in Reno, Nevada. The Veterans Guest House provides lodging and meals to Veterans and their families especially those Veterans residing in Northern California. The Veterans Guest House is located near the Reno VA Medical Center in Reno Nevada.  
 POST 2381  12/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   25   7   $239.97   $349.16   $589.13   The post purchased and delivered Christmas dinners to local Veterans.  
 POST 2381  1/10/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   20   5   $0.00   $249.70   $249.70   The post honor guard rendered military honors to a fallen Army Veteran.  
 POST 2381  2/1/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   30   7   $0.00   $177.03   $177.03   Today the post honor guard rendered military honors to a fallen US Army Veteran. 
 POST 2381  2/8/2025   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   20   4   $0.00   $397.84   $397.84   Today the post was in a local merchant store receiving Buddy Poppy doantions. Very sucessful day . 
 POST 2381  2/8/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   20   6   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   The post honor guard rendered military honors to a fallen Marine Corps Veteran.  
 POST 2381  2/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   25   2   $250.00   $52.88   $302.88   The post voted to provide relief to an US. Army Veteran. He is going through some hard times and needs financial assistance.  
 POST 2381  2/13/2025   Youth Development   Other   1   20   7   $250.00   $175.63   $425.63   The post at a regular meeting voted to support a youth group from the L:assen High School The students group is called the Drum Line. The group is going to Southern California to compete against other drum groups in Southern California. 
 POST 2381  2/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   20   2   $250.00   $52.18   $302.18   Post at our regular meeting the post voted to provided financial assistance to U.S. Army Veteran  
 POST 2381  2/22/2025   Community Service    Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   25   4   $0.00   $398.54   $398.54   The post setup a recruiting booth at a local store. Very successful day. We recruited three (3) new members and pick up an unpaid member.  
 Post 2381 Total 86 747 175 $4,737.15 $9,190.50 $13,927.65
 POST 3327  7/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   0   3   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Conducted a recruiting drive at the Modoc County Fandango Days community event  
 POST 3327  7/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Conducted a Buddy Poppy Drive at eh Modoc County Fandango Days event in Alturas, received $6.00 in donations.  
 POST 3327  7/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   1   4   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Conducted a color guard service to the Modoc County Fandango Parade  
 POST 3327  7/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   104   6   $0.00   $458.98   $458.98   Traveled from Alturas to Lookout to conduct funeral honors for Bob Tucker, Former Marine, Former Army Guard, Former, Air Guard. Retiring as an E-7 in the Air Guard.  
 POST 3327  7/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   30   3   $0.00   $300.48   $300.48   Post 3327 Went to Cedarville and assisted Post 7888 with their community car show and BBQ.  
 POST 3327  7/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   15   1   $178.29   $51.48   $229.77   Had a Veteran and his son come to Alturas, they had no money and no place to stay. The Post paid for a nights stay in a local motel (Super8) and we had a local Business donate 2 small pizzas for their dinner.  
 POST 3327  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   2   $167.50   $49.38   $216.88   Post conducted a veterans assistance by paying portion of life membership.  
 POST 3327  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   2   $187.50   $49.38   $236.88   Post conducted a Veterans Assistance by paying a portion of life membership program. 
 POST 3327  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $205.00   $24.69   $229.69   conducted Veterans Assistance by paying the members portion of life membership  
 POST 3327  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $112.50   $24.69   $137.19   Post Conducted Veterans Assistance for member by paying their half of Life membership.  
 POST 3327  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $112.50   $24.69   $137.19   Provided Veterans Assistance to Post member by Paying his half of Life membership.  
 POST 3327  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $112.50   $49.38   $161.88   Conducted a Veterans Assistance for a post member by paying their part of  dues. 
 POST 3327  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   2   $112.50   $49.38   $161.88   Post Conducted a Veterans Assistance for member by paying their portion Life membership.  
 POST 3327  8/22/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   16   2   $0.00   $199.76   $199.76   Post conducted buddy poppy drive at Modoc Distric Fair from 12 to 4  
 POST 3327  8/22/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   16   2   $0.00   $199.76   $199.76   Conducted membership drive at Modoc District Fair from 8 to 12  
 POST 3327  8/23/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   16   2   $0.00   $199.76   $199.76   Conducted membership drive at Modoc District Fair from 8 to 12  
 POST 3327  8/23/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   16   2   $0.00   $199.76   $199.76   Post conducted buddy poppy drive at Modoc District Fair from 12 to 4  
 POST 3327  8/24/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   16   2   $0.00   $199.76   $199.76   Conducted membership drive at Modoc District Fair from 8 to 12  
 POST 3327  8/24/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   16   2   $0.00   $199.76   $199.76   Post conducted buddy poppy drive at Modoc District Fair from 12 to 4  
 POST 3327  8/25/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   16   2   $0.00   $199.76   $199.76   Conducted membership drive at Modoc District Fair from 8 to 12  
 POST 3327  8/25/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Post 3327 Conducted Color Guard Presentation of the colors at the Modoc District Fair Parade through Cedarville CA.  
 POST 3327  9/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   4   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Post 3327 and Auxiliary along with American Legion conducted a color guard presentation of colors at the first home football game of the season for Modoc High School.  
 POST 3327  9/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   4   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Conducted a color guard Flag presentation of national colors at a local high school football game  
 POST 3327  10/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Conducted color guard presentation in the local High school homecoming parade  
 POST 3327  10/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Conducted Color Guard duties and presented our nations colors at the local high school football game  
 POST 3327  10/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   40   2   $0.00   $153.74   $153.74   Post 3327 Conducted Funeral Services For an Air Force Veteran along with Members of Post 7888 in Cedarville. the service was at Lake City Cemetery. 
 POST 3327  1/27/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   1   $20.00   $26.09   $46.09   A veteran was needing to go to the dr. appointment, on their way they ran out of gas. The Post stepped in and provided the veteran with gas to enable them to finish their errand  
 POST 3327  2/4/2025   Community Service   Other   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   On February 4th Modoc County was suffering from winter storms, in the City of Alturas and the County areas the water runoff was way more than the drainage ditches, culverts, creeks could handle. The area suffered significant flooding and the County and City public works and maintenance personnel along with the sheriffs office and electrical companies were being stretched beyond their limits. A couple of members in Post 3327 and District 8 took it upon themselves to provide emergency drain clearing and run off ditch repairs with their own personal equipment. these stellar individuals worked for hours in the rain getting soaked to aid in saving county road access and several neighbors property from flooding. the equipment and diesel fuel used was donated by these two individuals. in order to save their respective communities.  
 POST 3327  2/6/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $31.50   $49.38   $80.88   Post Paid for a Veterans Assistance of a member in Need of renewing their annual membership  
 POST 3327  2/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $34.00   $24.69   $58.69   A Veteran and Member of Post 3327 came to the Quartermaster and stated that he needed some help with food. So the Post Commander went with the member and bout them some food items at the store.  
 Post 3327 Total 69 342 70 $1,273.79 $4,121.73 $5,395.52
 POST 4218  7/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   12   5   $0.00   $248.58   $248.58   Preformed honors for deceased veteran. Commander 3 rifle volley Taps 5 members participated  
 POST 4218  8/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   4   1   $0.00   $124.01   $124.01   Member ship drive and info to veterans  
 POST 4218  8/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $1,950.75   $395.04   $2,345.79   **Report Split PJ ** Free bowling night for community. We had 2 sessions for families and veterans given preferences. 5 to 7 pm and 7:30 to 9:30 45 were signed up for each session. All bowlers received 2 hours bowling and a burger meal. We had the missing man table set up along with an area for information on and for new membership. Two applications given with instructions to get dd214 and invitation to our meetings. We also set up a table for buddy poppy's and received $49. In donations  
 POST 4218  8/3/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   4   4   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   **report split PJ**Free bowling night for community. We had 2 sessions for families and veterans given preferences. 5 to 7 pm and 7:30 to 9:30 45 were signed up for each session. All bowlers received 2 hours bowling and a burger meal. We had the missing man table set up along with an area for information on and for new membership. Two applications given with instructions to get dd214 and invitation to our meetings. We also set up a table for buddy poppy's and received $49. In donations  
 POST 4218  8/3/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   0   4   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   **Report Split PJ** Free bowling night for community. We had 2 sessions for families and veterans given preferences. 5 to 7 pm and 7:30 to 9:30 45 were signed up for each session. All bowlers received 2 hours bowling and a burger meal. We had the missing man table set up along with an area for information on and for new membership. Two applications given with instructions to get dd214 and invitation to our meetings. We also set up a table for buddy poppy's and received $49. In donations  
 POST 4218  8/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Supplied bed rails for a member that in not doing well. A WW2 member of our post  
 POST 4218  9/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   0   2   $1,065.00   $98.76   $1,163.76   $1000 donation - U-11 boys soccer and $65 for a banner. 8 members  
 POST 4218  9/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief    1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Loaned hospital equipment 1 wheelchair, and 1 commode.  
 POST 4218  9/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   0   4   $88.34   $296.28   $384.62   Meet and greet with coffee and donuts for veterans to provide an opportunity to recruit new members  
 POST 4218  10/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   212   5   $0.00   $646.93   $646.93   Honor Guard for a funeral in Igo, California  
 POST 4218  10/3/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   1   0   2   $2,000.00   $49.38   $2,049.38   Donation to Team Rubicon for Hurricane Relief  
 POST 4218  10/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   38   2   $203.00   $104.08   $307.08   Veteran and family in need of food, it was $53.00 of store purchased food and $150.00 meat donated from a members freezer.  
 POST 4218  10/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   212   5   $0.00   $646.93   $646.93   Honor guard services for a funeral in Igo California.  
 POST 4218  10/11/2024   Community Service   Other   2   11   2   $0.00   $100.30   $100.30   Removed all of hospital equipment from deceased member's home, bed, commode, and a walker.  
 POST 4218  10/12/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   0   4   $0.00   $691.32   $691.32   Membership Drive Booth at the Corning Olive Festival.  
 POST 4218  10/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Olive Festival opening ceremony and presentation of the colors  
 POST 4218  10/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   6   1   $0.00   $25.53   $25.53   Loaned hospital equipment to a Veteran's family.  
 POST 4218  10/17/2024   Community Service   Other   1   0   1   $0.00   $27.16   $27.16   Wheelchair was donated to a Vet in need.  
 POST 4218  10/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   82   2   $468.76   $60.86   $529.62   Purchased candy for two upcoming events Trunk or Treat 10/26 and Treat Street 10/31.  
 POST 4218  10/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   1   4   $0.00   $790.22   $790.22   Community/VFW sponsored event, moved and set up 500 pumpkins also Set up and BBQed 450 hotdogs, and handed out candy.  
 POST 4218  10/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   16   3   $0.00   $372.59   $372.59   Set up and handed out Halloween candy to trick or treaters (Treat Streets)  
 Post 4218 Total 59 608 60 $5,775.85 $5,000.90 $10,776.75
 POST 5689  7/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Conducted a membership drive at our annual Burney Basin Day celebration.  
 POST 5689  7/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   We did a Buddy Poppy drive at our annual Burney Basin Day 
 POST 5689  8/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   2   $250.00   $98.76   $348.76   Gathered supplies and other goodies and sent care packages to deployed troops.  
 POST 5689  9/20/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post 5689 along with American Legion 448 did a POW/MIA ceremony. 
 POST 5689  10/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $300.00   $49.38   $349.38   Had a veteran who has fallen on hard times and needed assistance with paying his utilities. Post voted to pay his utilities for $300.00  
 POST 5689  1/5/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   veteran needed assistance with paying bills. Post donated $500 to pay PGE bill for heating during winter.  
 Post 5689 Total 14 0 13 $1,050.00 $839.46 $1,889.46
 POST 7888  7/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   32   8   $314.00   $1,189.60   $1,503.60   Provided a dinner to a local family, with additional groceries and toiletries. The family has a member going through some bad cancer and their budget is stretched thin.  
 POST 7888  7/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   188   9   $2,174.00   $915.16   $3,089.16   Post 7888 held a "Summer Cruise" parade in Cedarville CA. The parade ended at the VFW Post where we had a live band and BBQ. During the event we asked for any veterans attending to join our Post, we talked with two....1 seems positive. We handed out Poppies and pasted out three membership applications.  
 POST 7888  7/20/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   32   2   $60.00   $152.62   $212.62   During the Surprise Valley Municipal Airport Fly-in breakfast, 2 members from Post 7888 did a membership drive and also a Poppy Drive. Handed out more Poppies than any membership interests.  
 POST 7888  7/20/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   64   1   $0.00   $107.72   $107.72   Held a membership drive during the Modoc District Stock Car Races. A post member handed out membership applications and Poppies.  
 POST 7888  8/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   112   8   $125.00   $608.24   $733.24   During the parade on the last day of the Modoc County Fair, 5 members of VFW Post 7888 along side members of VFW Post 3327 provided a color guard for the Parade. Three members of VFW Post 7888 drove and rode in a 1942 Naval Command Car.  
 POST 7888  9/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   34   8   $233.00   $794.84   $1,027.84   Held a 9/11 Ceremony honoring those who were lost during that days attach in 2001. We used this event with the public as a membership drive.  
 POST 7888  9/11/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   5   34   8   $412.00   $992.36   $1,404.36   Post 7888 held a flag retirement ceremony at our Post and invited the community to bring their old and soiled American Flags. We have members of the 4-H and FFA their to help with the ceremony. After, we served a free meal. 
 POST 7888  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   34   6   $0.00   $1,189.88   $1,189.88   Post 7888 allowed our local FFA chapter to use our Hall for their annual Pig/Swig/Jig fund raiser. During this event the have music, live and silent auctions and serve a great pork meal. During this event we invite local veterans and pay for their meal, and their spouse as well.  
 POST 7888  10/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   187   5   $182.00   $1,013.78   $1,195.78   On October 7th 2024, members of VFW Post 7888 assisted the VFW Auxiliary Post 7888 in boxing up left over items from their annual Rummage sale that lasts for four days. The left over items included clothing, kitchenware, furniture and other household items. Those items were loaded into a trailer and taken to the Modoc County TEACH office as a donation. Left over books were taken to the Modoc County Book Club, a part of the Modoc County Library system. 
 POST 7888  10/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   56   6   $0.00   $304.12   $304.12   Members of VFW Post 7888 and Post 3327 were on hand to deliver Veteran Honors to an Air force Veteran who had passed away this year in the Lake City Cemetery.  
 POST 7888  10/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   13   56   3   $200.00   $970.75   $1,170.75   Members of Post 7888 have spent a few hours each day taking care of a fellow Post 7888 house and animals after he had a moderate stroke. Members Wife and Children are with him, leaving no one to take care of his place. Our Post passed the hat and sent his wife $200.oo to help with fuel and travel expenses. 
 POST 7888  10/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   27   1   $0.00   $176.61   $176.61   One Member from Post 7888 Helped prep and serve students and staff from SV Joint Unified School District 
 POST 7888  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   27   3   $0.00   $448.20   $448.20   Three members from Post 7888 helped prep and serve the lunch meal for the Surprise Valley Joint Unified School District during veterans Day 
 Post 7888 Total 73 883 68 $3,700.00 $8,863.88 $12,563.88
 POST 9650  7/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   3   $30.00   $80.37   $110.37   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, COTTENGIOR, USA  
 POST 9650  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   50   8   $15.00   $797.08   $812.08   Posted Flags throughout Anderson Community in honor of Independence Day  
 POST 9650  7/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   25   6   $50.00   $299.78   $349.78   K9 Service Dog Training for PTSD/TBI Combat Veterans and K9's - total veteran participation 6 with total k9's in attendance 7  
 POST 9650  7/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   4   $40.00   $105.06   $145.06   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, SMITH, USA  
 POST 9650  7/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   6   $60.00   $302.58   $362.58   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for two veterans, CLARK, USN and STITTGEN, USA  
 POST 9650  7/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   25   3   $50.00   $77.57   $127.57   K9 Service Dog Training for PTSD/TBI Combat Veterans and K9's - total veteran participation 3 with total k9's in attendance 3  
 POST 9650  7/16/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   20   1   $45.00   $52.18   $97.18   Donated Conference Room for Girl Scouts Meeting  
 POST 9650  7/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   4   $40.00   $105.06   $145.06   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, COCHRANS, USN  
 POST 9650  7/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   125   1   $0.00   $42.19   $42.19   Met and worked with a young Army Veteran who ETS'd in 2023. Interested in VA VR&E programming for flight school. Currently employed, however has never tried to use his VA benefits. Came up with a short-term plan w/ follow up on 17AUG2022.  
 POST 9650  7/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   4   $40.00   $105.06   $145.06   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, SCHULTE, USA  
 POST 9650  7/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   25   2   $10.00   $52.88   $62.88   Assisted spouse of retired veteran with obtaining DD-214.  
 POST 9650  7/26/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   4   $40.00   $105.06   $145.06   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, WESTON, USN  
 POST 9650  7/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   25   4   $50.00   $201.02   $251.02   K9 Service Dog Training for PTSD/TBI Combat Veterans and K9's - total veteran participation 4 with total k9's in attendance 4  
 POST 9650  7/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   4   $40.00   $105.06   $145.06   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, NICHOLS, USA  
 POST 9650  8/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   5   $50.00   $253.20   $303.20   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, HORNER, USN  
 POST 9650  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   175   1   $0.00   $49.19   $49.19   Met a middle aged Navy Veteran who has not set up any VA benefits. We discussed initial steps and identified critical documents to start working on in order to file a claim. Veteran has called me back, and is currently requesting his DD214 and medical records for substantiating documents.  
 POST 9650  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   25   4   $50.00   $201.02   $251.02   K9 Service Dog Training for PTSD/TBI Combat Veterans and K9's - total veteran participation 4 with total k9's in attendance 4.  
 POST 9650  8/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   4   $40.00   $203.82   $243.82   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, KNOX USN and COTBURTH, USN  
 POST 9650  8/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Phone interview with Veteran needing assistance with collecting medical infornation from non-VA PCP's to provide VSO for claim. 
 POST 9650  8/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   4   $80.00   $203.82   $283.82   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, WILKINSON, USMC and GALLAGHER, USAF  
 POST 9650  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   219   0   $0.00   $30.66   $30.66   Discussed eligibility for benefits to Vietnam Veteran in Siskiyou County. Veteran has never used any benefit for his home or ranch. Follow up appointment was scheduled for Tue, 14AUG2024 to recover DD214, and apply for COE.  
 POST 9650  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted Marine Veteran with COE for VA Loan prequal. Utilized his computer and assisted in access.  
 POST 9650  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   219   1   $0.00   $55.35   $55.35   Discussed procedures to set up VA account to begin applying for benefits. Youger Army servicemember recently ETS'd and wants t start at Shasta College. Time sensitive coordination must be taken as Falls semester is starting immediately.  
 POST 9650  8/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   20   7   $50.00   $348.46   $398.46   K9 Service Dog Training for PTSD/TBI Combat Veterans and K9's - total veteran participation 6 with total k9's in attendance 7  
 POST 9650  8/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Distressed member- Have been working closely w/ a members care-taker that looks one of our Post's members. Follow up today at 1700 to discuss the admin steps taken to establish a PCP at the Redding VA. Today he was assigned a PCP, and should be working with the VA Business office to discuss the application for at home health care.  
 POST 9650  8/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   3   $30.00   $80.37   $110.37   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, SERNA, USA  
 POST 9650  8/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   15   2   $25.00   $51.48   $76.48   KQMX Radio spot to broadcast Membership VFW Programs. Items discussed were Membership, Voice of Democracy, Patriots Pens, History of the Honor Guard and youth programs, etc. Broadcast time was at 0730 8-14-24  
 POST 9650  8/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   3   $30.00   $80.37   $110.37   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, FLATTO, USN  
 POST 9650  8/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Met w/ Simpson University VCO to discuss upcoming Fall Semester and projected needs or support for Veterans. Looked over calendar and discussed academic calendar and VFW calendar as well. 
 POST 9650  8/21/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Community Service - 1/2-hour Radio Spot on KNCR Radio to discuss Membership and Honor Guard programs, live on air. VFW Membership and Auxiliary Membership discussed and included the Department Special Lifetime Membership Program currently in effect.  
 POST 9650  8/26/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   4   $40.00   $105.06   $145.06   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, MEADE, USN  
 POST 9650  8/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   Met w/ Simpson Uni community service POC that sets up different service obligations for the incoming Freshmans. We discussed a need for a few volunteers for our breakfast and dinners our post will be having. Exchanged calendars.  
 POST 9650  8/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   3   $30.00   $154.44   $184.44   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, MYRICK, USA and BRADLEY, USCG  
 POST 9650  9/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   25   4   $50.00   $102.26   $152.26   K9 Service Dog Training for PTSD/TBI Combat Veterans and K9's - total veteran participation 4 with total k9's in attendance 4  
 POST 9650  9/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   5   $50.00   $253.20   $303.20   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, NICHOLSON, USN  
 POST 9650  9/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   100   8   $50.00   $1,001.60   $1,051.60   Posted Flags throughout Anderson Community in honor of Labor Day  
 POST 9650  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   30   1   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Made available for SU Student-Veterans. Had a mental health discussion with an Army Engineer Veteran who is having some concern with anniversary date and anxiety. We discussed stop-thought exercise, grounding techniques, and some Cognitive behavioral therapy worksheets. 
 POST 9650  9/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   30   1   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Chatted with Army Veteran who is on scholarship for swimming about her academic alignment and future registration with Simpon Uni. 
 POST 9650  9/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   5   $50.00   $253.20   $303.20   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, RANDEL, USA  
 POST 9650  9/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   4   $40.00   $203.82   $243.82   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, HOSKING, USN  
 POST 9650  9/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   30   1   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Made my self available at Simpson University for student-veterans.  
 POST 9650  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   70   10   $60.00   $1,491.20   $1,551.20   Posted Flags throughout Anderson Community in honor of Patriots Day  
 POST 9650  9/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   20   4   $200.00   $299.08   $499.08   Hosted Luncheon of Veterans from the Redding Veterans Home and provided each with a $20.00 Walmart Gift Card in honor of Patriots Day.  
 POST 9650  9/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   20   4   $50.00   $200.32   $250.32   Completed Recruiting/membership Drive at Redding Veterans Home and possibly signed up four new VFW members from the VA Home.  
 POST 9650  9/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   4   $40.00   $203.82   $243.82   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for two veterans, HILL, USN and PETTERSON, USA  
 POST 9650  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   30   1   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Made myself available at the student union to speak w/ student-Veterans. Spoke w/ 2 Navy on Volleyball scholarship. 1 Army in sophomore year.  
 POST 9650  9/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   4   $40.00   $203.82   $243.82   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, KUSROW, USA  
 POST 9650  9/14/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   20   10   $0.00   $496.60   $496.60   Buddy Poppy Drive completed on Saturday, September 14, 2024, at Post. Contact with 40 people with total of $140.00 collected and placed in Post Relief Fund.  
 POST 9650  9/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   20   4   $50.00   $101.56   $151.56    K9 Service Dog Training conducted with four Veterans and 4 K9's present.  
 POST 9650  9/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   Met a distressed Veteran attending Simpson university who is having difficult time w/ PTSD, alcohol consumption, and studying. Wants to get into a treatment program. I am going to contact VASORCC today via email and a few phone calls to POC's from my prior service as a ORARNG Career Counselor. 
 POST 9650  9/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   3   $30.00   $154.44   $184.44   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, WATSON, USN  
 POST 9650  9/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Available at Simpson University for student-Veteran walk-in counseling on 1:1 needs. Spoke with 3 Veterans on academic status for the 1st 4 weeks of school.  
 POST 9650  9/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Contact w/ VASORCC in regards to distressed Veteran needing in patient treatment. 
 POST 9650  9/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   Simpson University: met w/ distressed Veteran and VCO on preparation for VASORCC inpatient treatment. Phone coordination w/ POC @ VASORCC. 
 POST 9650  9/20/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   25   15   $0.00   $1,114.55   $1,114.55   Conducted second Buddy Poppy Drive at Post Community Event raising $$335,00 and placed in Relief Fund. Next Buddy Poppy Fundraiser will be conducted on November 1st and 2nd within the Anderson Community.  
 POST 9650  9/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Met w/ distressed Veteran and Simpson Uni VCO on medical withdrawal for VASORCC. 
 POST 9650  9/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   4   $40.00   $203.82   $243.82   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, SEVERE, USMC, VFW Member  
 POST 9650  9/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   30   1   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Made myself available at Simpson University for student-Veterans.  
 POST 9650  9/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   30   1   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Made myself available at Simpson University for student-Veterans.  
 POST 9650  9/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Phone check in w/ Veteran in distress awaiting VASORCC treatment.  
 POST 9650  9/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Emailed VSO contact for coordination on Life Member husband passing and requesting appointment.  
 POST 9650  9/23/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   4   $40.00   $203.82   $243.82   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, FORNEY, USA  
 POST 9650  9/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   1   2   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Initial meeting with Life Member who's husband has passed away recently. Discussed getting DIC form and emailing our VSO for additional information needed before she makes appt with them. Counseled on eligibility, forms, and substantiating documents for the claim. (Marriage certificate, death certificate, DD214 etc)  
 POST 9650  9/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   4   $40.00   $203.82   $243.82   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, HEMPE, USAF  
 POST 9650  9/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   25   5   $50.00   $126.95   $176.95   K9 Service Dog Training designed to assist Combat Veterans diagnosed with PTSE and TBI. Both K9 and Veteran are schooled in proper procedures in handling the K9 and working with their Service Dog. Upon completion of schooling each K9 and Veteran undergo testing with the K9 receiving Service Dog Status and better assisting the Veteran in his/her mental capacities.  
 POST 9650  9/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Attempted contact with Veteran spouse to advise on actions after passing for her Veteran husband on numerous occasions this past week.  
 POST 9650  9/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   4   $40.00   $203.82   $243.82   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, TAYLOR, USN  
 POST 9650  10/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   30   1   $0.00   $28.89   $28.89   Follow Up with Simpson classmate who is in VASOCC. Discussed programming, requesting temporary 100% and possible need for housing up completion. 
 POST 9650  10/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   45   4   $80.00   $302.58   $382.58   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for two veterans, SEAGO, ARMY and HACKWAY, ARMY  
 POST 9650  10/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   32   1   $0.00   $29.17   $29.17   CAARNG service member appt. working on access to through to request application for SR-MGIB Chpt 1606. 
 POST 9650  10/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   25   10   $50.00   $250.40   $300.40   K9 Service Dog Training designed to assist Combat Veterans diagnosed with PTSE and TBI. Both K9 and Veteran are schooled in proper procedures in handling the K9 and working with their Service Dog. Upon completion of schooling each K9 and Veteran undergo testing with the K9 receiving Service Dog Status and better assisting the Veteran in his/her mental capacities. Six K9's in attendance and10 Veterans.  
 POST 9650  10/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   15   1   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Met SCDHHS drug/alcohol counselor and discussed need for  POC to assists Veterans in need. Discussion consisted of initial contact, exchange of information, supervisor notification and future appt.  
 POST 9650  10/8/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Donated Post Dining Room to assist Anderson Girl Scouts for monthly meeting.  
 POST 9650  10/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Walk into Nations Finest to ID case worked needed for Veteran currently in VASORCC. Discussed current workload, county Veterans needs and exchange of information for 1:1 support if needed. Future date est. to follow up for additional info as discharge nears.  
 POST 9650  10/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   3   $30.00   $80.37   $110.37   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, KILMER, USN  
 POST 9650  10/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Met with local CAARNG Engineer unit to discuss VFW services for unit Christmas Balls, Veterans guidance or assistance needs, and ID'ing current Soldiers with law violations who may need services through VA, VIA Veteran Justice Outreach POC in Chico, CA. Future date set up to speak with Recruit Sustainment Program Soldiers starting college.  
 POST 9650  10/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Guest speaker at the Federadeted Republican Women of Shasta County meeting in Redding, CA. Topic of discussion was personal experience with VA BHS interventions, specifically CBT. Discussed services provided by VFW 9650 to include our Service Dog Program. Communicated report with VA VSO's which reputation is improving as new leadership was announced. Excellent event that lead to 2 referrals for local non-profit organizations that service Veterans.  
 POST 9650  10/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   45   6   $60.00   $450.72   $510.72   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, DAVIS USN and Lui USA 
 POST 9650  10/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Post Commander assisted wife of deceased veteran with information on VA Funeral Benefits for late husband benefits at California State Veterans Cemetary, Igo. Assisted on information on completing necessary paperwork.  
 POST 9650  10/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Post Commander assisted wife of deceased veteran with information on VA Funeral Benefits for late husband benefits at California State Veterans Cemetary, Igo. Assisted on information on completing necessary paperwork. 
 POST 9650  10/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Full use of public transportation to include visiting the Shasta County Department of Health and Human Services office visit. I did not know the location or layout and wanted to validate the information packet I received 2 years ago. Many services still available. Identified and reported may issues with RABA, the transportation authority in Redding. Chief complaint- too many other apps available and confusing to many Veterans. Excellent customer service from employees who answer the telephone.  
 POST 9650  10/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   6   52   1   $0.00   $155.42   $155.42   Met and conducted team building activities, hike with local CAARNG engineer unit RSP unit members. Met on Simpson University, and hiked local mountain trail. Returned for lunch and discussed steps necessary to enter college, which included NOBE, access, setting up browsers for username/password retrieval, CAC card readers, and their perspective Veteran Certifying Officials at Shasta College and Simpson University.  
 POST 9650  10/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   45   6   $60.00   $450.72   $510.72   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for two veterans, GORDON, USN and SCHUTTE, USN  
 POST 9650  10/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   4   $40.00   $105.06   $145.06   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, BURCHFIELD, USMC  
 POST 9650  10/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $25.00   $28.19   $53.19   Donated 5-foot x 9 1/2-foot flag to new business, Becca's Resrtruant, Anderson California. Becca's is a very strong supporter of veterans within the community. 
 POST 9650  10/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   32   1   $0.00   $29.17   $29.17   Coordination with Simpson University on another contact who has access to students who need to complete a few ours of community service per semester. Discussed our Post bfast and dinner, time and dates for support.  
 POST 9650  10/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   45   8   $80.00   $598.86   $678.86   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for two veterans, DAVIS, USN and HENDRIX, USAF  
 POST 9650  10/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   32   1   $0.00   $29.17   $29.17   Discussion w/ Nations Finest on coordinating services w/ in-patient SW @ VASORCC.  
 POST 9650  10/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   32   1   $0.00   $29.17   $29.17   Discussion w/ VASORCC contact on coordinating care for program completion of our local Veteran currently in attendance.  
 POST 9650  10/31/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   4   $40.00   $105.06   $145.06   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, ELLIS, USAF  
 POST 9650  11/1/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   50   8   $0.00   $797.08   $797.08   Completed first Day of Poppy Drive at 5 locations within the Anderson, CA community. First Day collections netted $900.00 for Relief Fund. 
 POST 9650  11/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   4   $80.00   $203.82   $283.82   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for two veterans, CHAMBERS, USN and HARVEY, USN 
 POST 9650  11/2/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   50   11   $0.00   $1,093.36   $1,093.36   Second Day of Poppy Drive - Total collected this date was $974.00 at various locations throughout the Anderson Community. Fund deposited in Post Relief Fund. Total Collected over last two days (Nov 1st and 2nd) $1839.00  
 POST 9650  11/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   45   4   $80.00   $302.58   $382.58   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for two veterans, STATER, USAF, and NOSHKIN, USA 
 POST 9650  11/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   35   1   $0.00   $78.97   $78.97   Met w/ 4 Veterans at Simpson University to discuss academic alignment and full use of Post 9-11.  
 POST 9650  11/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   3   $30.00   $75.47   $105.47   Honor Guard performed funeral services at Anderson Cemetary for one veteran, SVVDERA, USA  
 POST 9650  11/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Online conference w/ Our Hero's Dreams, informational exchange of services.  
 POST 9650  11/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Lead from OHD on incarcerated Veteran needing support. Telephone interview w/ significant other.  
 POST 9650  11/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Online Vet support: Forms retrieval, print, sign, scan email admin support for Veteran claim prep.  
 POST 9650  11/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   45   4   $80.00   $302.58   $382.58   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for two veterans' RAY, USN and SPAGIE, USAF 
 POST 9650  11/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Email correspondence F/U w/ Macdoel, CA Veteran  
 POST 9650  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   35   4   $0.00   $498.70   $498.70   VFW Monthly BFast- Simpson University Student supervision and transport..  
 POST 9650  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   45   4   $40.00   $302.58   $342.58   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, SIMPSON, USMC and BROWNS, USAF  
 POST 9650  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   4   $40.00   $100.16   $140.16   Performed Veterans Day Services at Elks Lodge  
 POST 9650  11/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   35   1   $0.00   $54.28   $54.28   Meet w/ Simpson University professors on service hrs + VFW needs.  
 POST 9650  11/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   30   4   $40.00   $102.96   $142.96   Honor Guard performed funeral services at Palo Cedro, CA Cemetary for one veteran, PRAAGITZER, USMC 
 POST 9650  11/15/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   1   25   2   $1,000.00   $52.88   $1,052.88   CORRECTED COPY - Check in the amount of $1000.oo forwarded to the VFW Foundation for Disaster Relief in response to Hurricane Relief. 
 POST 9650  11/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   4   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   VFW Monthly Dinner: Simpson University supervision of student volunteer for service hours.  
 POST 9650  11/15/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   45   3   $30.00   $228.51   $258.51   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for two veterans, SANTILENA, USA and HANK, USAF 
 POST 9650  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   25   5   $50.00   $126.95   $176.95   K9 Service Dog Training for PTSD/TBI Combat Veterans and K9's - total veteran participation 5 with total k9's in attendance 4 
 POST 9650  11/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   45   4   $80.00   $302.58   $382.58   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for two veterans SPUREON, USN and OVERTON, USN  
 POST 9650  11/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   4   $40.00   $203.82   $243.82   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, JONES, USA  
 POST 9650  11/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Phone F/U w/ Vet Cilione on progress of recovering claim medical docs from civilian Dr.s Also discussed issue w/ ID.Me, and status w/ help desk.  
 POST 9650  11/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Phone discussion w/ Incarcerated Vet sig/oth about status of last 60 days in WSP.  
 POST 9650  11/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   25   4   $50.00   $102.26   $152.26   K9 Service Dog Training for PTSD/TBI Combat Veterans and K9's - total veteran participation 5 with total k9's in attendance 4. Training was completed in a Store environment (Tractor Supply, Anderson, CA)  
 POST 9650  11/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   4   $40.00   $203.82   $243.82   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, BOOTH, USAF 
 POST 9650  11/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   6   35   1   $0.00   $153.04   $153.04   Worked w/ Our Hero's Dreams (OHD) helping cook and serve Thanksgiving Dinner for Shasta County Homeless Veterans. Met with founder and discussed future partnership as well.  
 POST 9650  11/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Checklist and tracking word doc created for Incarcerated Vet's reintegrating processing.  
 POST 9650  11/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Complete, envelop and stamp, and mailed Inc.Vet ROI's to make formal coordination w/ VA Offices: Vet.Justice Outreach, Redding VA Clinic, MED&BHS, also Shasta County Veteran Service Officer.  
 POST 9650  12/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   25   5   $50.00   $126.95   $176.95   K9 Service Dog Training for PTSD/TBI Combat Veterans and K9's - total veteran participation 5 with total k9's in attendance 4. Training was completed in a Store environment (Tractor Supply, Anderson, CA) 
 POST 9650  12/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   45   4   $80.00   $302.58   $382.58   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for two veterans, KLINE, USMC and WHAMPIER, USA 
 POST 9650  12/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Return emails, admin tracking of updated info for Inc. Vet.  
 POST 9650  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Contact with Shasta County Parole/Probation Dept for coordination of transfer Vet from sentencing county to Shasta County.  
 POST 9650  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   35   1   $0.00   $29.59   $29.59   Meeting at Simpson University w/ graduating Veteran on re-enlistment and options / branch, OCS-WOC and active component or CAGuard.  
 POST 9650  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $1.00   $24.69   $25.69   Wrote letter to Inc.Vet @ Wasco SP to make initial contact and inform of support working for him.  
 POST 9650  12/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   45   4   $120.00   $401.34   $521.34   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for three veterans, BROOKS, USN, MATTHEWS, USN and KUBINEC, USN 
 POST 9650  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   60   10   $0.00   $996.00   $996.00   Community Service by posting flags throughout the Anderson Community and Businesses in honor of Pearl Harbor Day and Flag Day.  
 POST 9650  12/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   25   5   $50.00   $126.95   $176.95   VFW Post K0 Training Program designed to assist Veterans with PTSD and TBI in training their K9's as service dogs. Both Veteran and K9 participates in teaching both.  
 POST 9650  12/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   3   $60.00   $154.44   $214.44   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for two veterans, WALSH, USA and HONINGMAN, USA 
 POST 9650  12/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   346   1   $0.00   $171.89   $171.89   Face to Face / 186Inf in Ashland, OR to disucss Egypt rotation and enlistment of Simpson University graduate for a Try-1 enlistment.  
 POST 9650  12/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   5   346   1   $0.00   $171.89   $171.89   Face to face w/ VASORCC contact about previous Veteran program completion. General information exchange.  
 POST 9650  12/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Update emails to POC's of Inc.Veteran one I returned home.  
 POST 9650  12/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   5   20   2   $0.00   $249.70   $249.70   Meeting w/ Inc.Vet significant other on plan w/ signed ROI's and status of our to-do list or changes. We then went to Redding VA Clinic to schedule intake appointments for the release. Slight push back from the business office stating that since the Veteran wasn't present, no appointments can be made. ROI's for med/bhs for their clinic was submitted for formal processing. Clerk stated she would get a hold of us when her MGR returned. We then proceeded to Redding BHS clinic to request an appointment and intake packet regardless or Business offices information. They were able to meet with us for 40 minutes in a closed informational gathering session. SUPER PROFESSIONAL! Information gathered and ROI for exchange of information, and they will reach out next week to developed a course of action.  
 POST 9650  12/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   4   $40.00   $105.06   $145.06   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, PERRY, USA 
 POST 9650  12/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Letter to Inc. Vet with update of support work conducted. Email to Placer County VJO.  
 POST 9650  12/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   25   5   $50.00   $126.95   $176.95   K9 Service Dog Training for PTSD/TBI Combat Veterans and K9's - total veteran participation 5 with total of 4 k9's in attendance 4 
 POST 9650  12/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   16   1   $0.00   $51.62   $51.62   Meeting w/ Nations Finest to discuss intake packet for Veterans, and their procedure and services rendered.  
 POST 9650  12/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   4   $40.00   $105.06   $145.06   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, STOUT, USA 
 POST 9650  12/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   4   $40.00   $203.82   $243.82   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, WEHUNT, USN and USA (previous Post 9650 and District 20 Commander 
 POST 9650  12/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   1:1 w/ significant other of incarcerated Veteran. Discussed history, sentencing, living situation, parole, service previously used, present condition, and future expectations.  
 POST 9650  12/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   45   4   $40.00   $302.58   $342.58   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for two veterans, VAN ASYEN, USN and MATHEWS, USA 
 POST 9650  12/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Interview with Hooked for Healing non-profit organization that works with Shasta County Veterans. Discussed what they do.  
 POST 9650  12/23/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   3   $30.00   $80.37   $110.37   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, DELANEY, USA 
 POST 9650  12/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   3   $30.00   $80.37   $110.37   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, LA POINTE, USA (VFW member) 
 POST 9650  12/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Online research, POC's gathering work to email initial contact for services for Incarcerated Veteran release / reintegration. Emails to CalVet incarcerated Veterans contact, Wasco State Penitentiary, Shasta County (Chico, CA) VJO, and Shasta County Parole and Probation Office.  
 POST 9650  12/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   3   $30.00   $154.44   $184.44   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, HARDEN, USA 
 POST 9650  1/3/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   4   $40.00   $105.06   $145.06   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, ANDERSON, USMC 
 POST 9650  1/4/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   4,692   1   $0.00   $706.21   $706.21   On Eco-Tourism class trip to Kauai, I met the family whose father had just passed away. He was a WWII Veteran. We discussed VA website and benefits they may be eligible for and how to apply.  
 POST 9650  1/6/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   4   $80.00   $203.82   $283.82   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for two veterans, SCHOLER, USA and BRUCE, USN 
 POST 9650  1/10/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   4   $40.00   $105.06   $145.06   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, SMITHEY, USMC 
 POST 9650  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Worked with Page significant other on updating progress with incarcerated Vet Page. He still needs the CA VFW Incarcerated Veteran program to link up with him. They have not. Worked other COA's.  
 POST 9650  1/13/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   3   $30.00   $80.37   $110.37   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, BYXBE, USN 
 POST 9650  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Phone meeting discussing Vet Cilione's progress with not working and gathering medical history for claim.  
 POST 9650  1/14/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   45   1   $0.00   $55.68   $55.68   VFW and CPT of our Honor Guard was admitted to ER. I met with him in the hospital and discussed health, care plan, and eligibility to VA healthcare. 
 POST 9650  1/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   65   2   $0.00   $107.86   $107.86   Met with VFW Vet Collingswood to have him sign VA ROI's so I could provide his PCP with ER chartnotes to coordinate care. Vet Collingswood has private med-insurance that will cover cost of release care plan. 
 POST 9650  1/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   65   2   $0.00   $107.86   $107.86   Met with NorCal VA Clinic business office to upload VA ROI's for Vet Collingswood. Dropped docs from ER off with VA PCP.  
 POST 9650  1/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   45   2   $0.00   $55.68   $55.68   Met w/ VFW Vet Collingswood's case manager from the hospital to discuss formalities of release health care plan.  
 POST 9650  1/17/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   30   45   3   $30.00   $2,228.40   $2,258.40   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, BOHLIN, USAF 
 POST 9650  1/19/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   52   2   $0.00   $204.80   $204.80   New VFW 9650 member Vet Burchiel requested assistance with VFW SO to discuss eligible programs that VA has, and our post offers. I drove to members home to listen and interview about the needs of Veteran and his family. He expressed great desire to volunteer, assist other members of our post. He also mentions past legal involvement with town-members of Igo, and the negative contact with another local veteran. I will continue to gather information and be available for discussion. 
 POST 9650  1/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Call and email from a Veteran dependent inquiring on eligibility for auxiliary. Gathered information and conducted research. Called back with instructions for online DD214 request.  
 POST 9650  1/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Research and email to Shasta County meals on wheels organization to assist Vet Collingswood as he was released and has in-home health care provided.  
 POST 9650  1/21/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   52   1   $0.00   $56.66   $56.66   Reached out and discussed with 3 professors at Simpson University on the availability for student volunteers on our monthly members breakfast and dinners. SU has a requirement to that students perform 3 hours of service a semester.  
 POST 9650  1/22/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   4   $225.00   $299.78   $524.78   Hosted Coffee for the Chief of Police of Anderson CA with numerous community members attending and 29 Anderson Police Officers in attendance/ 
 POST 9650  1/22/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   4   $225.00   $299.78   $524.78   Hosted Coffee for the Chief of Police of Anderson CA with numerous community members attending and 29 Anderson Police Officers in attendance/  
 POST 9650  1/23/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   45   1   $0.00   $55.68   $55.68   Meeting with Our Hero's Dreams founder Justin Bond. We discussed participation in OHD's camp that is coming up and participation of Vet Page (releasing from Prison in Feb). We discussed my role as Service Officer, and his role to Veterans & the community. This organization's mission is to support Veterans to end the high rate of Veteran suicides.  
 POST 9650  1/24/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   45   3   $30.00   $80.37   $110.37   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for one veteran, BOYDEN, USN 
 POST 9650  1/25/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Discussion w/ post on a VFW member that requested mental health assistance, but did not want VA or civilian services. I believe this was Burchiel, however could not confirm.  
 POST 9650  1/26/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   25   3   $50.00   $77.57   $127.57   K9 Service Dog Training completed with 4 K9's and 4 Veterans in attendance.  
 POST 9650  1/26/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   25   3   $50.00   $77.57   $127.57   K9 Service Dog Training completed with 4 K9's and 4 Veterans in attendance.  
 POST 9650  1/26/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   VFW member sent me a photo of Vet Burchiel who was the Veteran who called the Post on 25Jan to request mental health support. I immediately drove to his property leaving voice and text message of my intent to "hang out and catch up." Upon arriving to his property, the gate was locked. I called 3 times and he came down to open the gate. Again, interview and meeting disclosed his need for purpose, and acceptance. He disclosed a restraining order filed from commu nity members in Igo- however it was expired in 2023. I will continue to monitor and be available. 
 POST 9650  1/27/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Attending meeting with Hooked on Healing non-profit organization in Shasta County. Schedule of events, and other business was discussed which I can provide for our Post VFW Members  
 POST 9650  1/27/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   4   $80.00   $203.82   $283.82   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for two veterans, DUDEK, USA and HIXON, USMC 
 POST 9650  1/29/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Phone interview with CAARNG member who is also a student with me at Simpson University. We discussed his Chapter 1606 benefits, and his plan to withdraw from Simpson pending activation order for CAARNG. We worked with,, and a checklist to identify a COA for the withdrawal. 
 POST 9650  1/30/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Met with Our Hero's Dreams to listen in on a board meeting of their Gala event coming to raise funds for their therapeutic camp, and other features available to Shasta County Veterans.  
 POST 9650  1/30/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Discussed with Vet dependent on 2nd COA to gather more information from deceased grandfather to meet the SF180 requirement of ssn for the application.  
 POST 9650  1/31/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Amazing discussion with California Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilition psychologist who are assisting Vet Page on VA documents needed to enroll him into the HCHR program for Veterans being released from prison. This interview information is being forwarded in a complaint/concern I have with CalVet for lack of support despite numerous attempts to contact.  
 POST 9650  1/31/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   4   $80.00   $203.82   $283.82   Honor Guard performed funeral services at California State Veterans Cemetary for two veterans, BAGER, USA and ARNOLD, USA 
 POST 9650  2/2/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   25   5   $50.00   $126.95   $176.95   K9 Service Dog Training for PTSD/TBI Combat Veterans and K9's - total veteran participation 5 with total k9's in attendance 4 
 POST 9650  2/9/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   25   7   $50.00   $176.33   $226.33   K9 Service Dog Training for PTSD/TBI Combat Veterans and K9's - total veteran participation 7 with total k9's in attendance 7. Veteran family members present for training.  
 POST 9650  2/11/2025   Youth Development   Other   8   25   9   $700.00   $1,781.18   $2,481.18   Donated $700 to the Annual Shasta County Math Counts for Students throughout Shasta County Elementary Schools. Attended by over 100 students from 5th through 7th grade.  
 POST 9650  2/16/2025   Community Service    Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   0   1   $6.00   $49.38   $55.38   Recruiting - Prepared and mailed 8 letters to Annual Post Members whose membership is due to expire on 3-31-2025. BLAYLOCK, GARDIA, HIGGINS, MILLER, NELSON, SMITH, SWARTZ and TAYLOR  
 POST 9650  2/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   25   10   $50.00   $250.40   $300.40   VFW Post 9650 K9 Service Dog Training designed to assist Combat Veterans suffering from PTSD/TBI in training both the K9 and Veteran. Program is in compliance with the American Disability Act "ADA". 
 Post 9650 Total 403 11,064 554 $6,477.00 $34,707.58 $41,184.58
 District 8 Total 873 16,032 1,051 $29,820.38 $72,415.87 $102,236.25
 POST 1864  8/17/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   0   3   $0.00   $518.49   $518.49   Veterans Building annual open house . Post 1864 had a table with VFW information and recruiting drive. signed up two new members  
 POST 1864  8/23/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   12   6   $85.00   $446.10   $531.10   Outreach, recruitment, promotion at Veterans Memorial Building Open House.  
 POST 1864  10/31/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   3   20   2   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   Two members drove separately to various schools in the surrounding area to provide print outs of the application for the Patriot Pen contest 
 POST 1864  10/31/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   20   2   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Two members drove separately to the various high schools in the area to deliver Voice of Democracy applications. 
 POST 1864  12/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   15   2   $355.00   $298.38   $653.38   Visiting veterans in local nursing homes to greet them with present at Christmas,.  
 POST 1864  1/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   90   1   $0.00   $111.36   $111.36   Transport veteran to and from VA hospital care.  
 POST 1864  1/22/2025   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   4   5   2   $0.00   $198.22   $198.22   Planning meetings for March Stand Down event.  
 POST 1864  1/27/2025   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   5   9   7   $500.00   $865.41   $1,365.41   Judging and awards.  
 POST 1864  1/27/2025   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   5   7   6   $425.00   $741.68   $1,166.68   Judging and awards.  
 Post 1864 Total 39 178 31 $1,365.00 $3,432.14 $4,797.14
 POST 1981  7/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   18   18   $0.00   $1,335.78   $1,335.78   Honor Guard  
 POST 1981  7/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Members of Post 9896 assisted Madera VFW Post 1981 with funeral honor guard services for one of their life members who passed away.  
 POST 1981  7/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   25   5   $0.00   $373.85   $373.85   Honor Guard  
 POST 1981  7/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   40   8   $0.00   $598.16   $598.16   Honor Guard  
 POST 1981  7/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   25   5   $0.00   $250.40   $250.40   honor guard  
 POST 1981  8/24/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   25   5   $0.00   $250.40   $250.40   honor guard  
 POST 1981  9/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    6   15   5   $0.00   $742.80   $742.80   Host Meeting Town Hall Congressman John Duarte  
 POST 1981  9/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   400   11   $0.00   $870.77   $870.77   Color Guard Honor flight  
 POST 1981  9/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   300   12   $0.00   $1,523.40   $1,523.40   Welcome hone honor flight  
 POST 1981  9/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   15   5   $0.00   $619.35   $619.35   Color Guard Madera Fair 
 POST 1981  9/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   7   21   14   $0.00   $2,422.56   $2,422.56   Color guard float parade  
 POST 1981  9/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   30   6   $0.00   $300.48   $300.48   honor guard  
 POST 1981  10/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   300   12   $0.00   $1,523.40   $1,523.40   Color guard honor flight  
 POST 1981  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   215   15   $0.00   $1,881.85   $1,881.85   Honor Guard Veterans Day Event  
 POST 1981  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   60   4   $0.00   $502.20   $502.20   Post 1981 participated in the annual Pearl Harbor Ceremony in Madera CA.  
 POST 1981  12/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   15   5   $0.00   $619.35   $619.35   Honor guard  
 POST 1981  12/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   120   20   $0.00   $1,992.00   $1,992.00   Food Distribution  
 POST 1981  1/28/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   30   6   $0.00   $744.90   $744.90   Honor guard  
 POST 1981  1/31/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   6   30   6   $6.00   $893.04   $899.04   Honor Guard  
 Post 1981 Total 79 1,684 164 $6.00 $17,592.83 $17,598.83
 POST 2002  7/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   105   1   $0.00   $113.46   $113.46   Visit Veteran in Va Hospital gave out spirital reading material to him  
 POST 2002  11/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Directed Veteran to location to file a claim fo V A benifits for r service connected injury 
 POST 2002  11/21/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   4   5   3   $225.00   $296.98   $521.98   Qm JA ,Member presented three VOD Awards to studens 
 POST 2002  12/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   90   1   $0.00   $111.36   $111.36   Quartermaster gave out 30 Christmas cards to Veterans at the Fresno Va hospital December 23 2024  
 Post 2002 Total 13 200 6 $225.00 $546.49 $771.49
 POST 2487  7/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   14   $235.00   $1,041.32   $1,276.32   Provide military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran. 
 POST 2487  7/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointment as required for one vegeran 
 POST 2487  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   1   4   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Flag raising Ceremony at Henry Miller Plaza  
 POST 2487  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   210   40   $920.00   $3,979.80   $4,899.80   Post 2487 put out and retired approximately 875 U S Flags throughout the city of Los Banos recognizing July 4th, Independence Day 
 POST 2487  7/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for two veterans 
 POST 2487  7/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for four veterans 
 POST 2487  7/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center and San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits 
 POST 2487  7/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   7   41   14   $219.00   $2,425.36   $2,644.36   Provide military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for two veterans 
 POST 2487  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  7/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  7/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center and San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits 
 POST 2487  7/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   14   $50.00   $1,041.32   $1,091.32   Provide military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  7/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for two veterans 
 POST 2487  7/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   6   41   14   $163.00   $2,079.70   $2,242.70   Provide military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for two veterans 
 POST 2487  7/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  7/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  7/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center and San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits 
 POST 2487  7/26/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   14   $191.00   $1,041.32   $1,232.32   Provide military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  7/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   6   14   $254.00   $692.16   $946.16   Provide military funeral honors at Los Banos District Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  7/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   14   $201.00   $1,041.32   $1,242.32   Provide military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  7/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 24ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  8/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   14   $219.00   $1,041.32   $1,260.32   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  8/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $30.00   $592.56   $622.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center and San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits 
 POST 2487  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $30.00   $592.56   $622.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center and San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits 
 POST 2487  8/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   14   $210.00   $1,041.32   $1,251.32   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $30.00   $592.56   $622.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits. 
 POST 2487  8/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   41   14   $193.00   $1,734.04   $1,927.04   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for two veterans 
 POST 2487  8/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for two veterans 
 POST 2487  8/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $30.00   $592.56   $622.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center and San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits  
 POST 2487  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  8/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   16   $180.00   $1,189.46   $1,369.46   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for two veterans 
 POST 2487  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $30.00   $592.56   $622.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans Servicer Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center and San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery circulating word about VA issue and assist with claims and benefits. CORRECTION MEMO ...THIS SERVICE IS PROVIDED 4 TIMES MONTHLY. TWICE WITH NATIONAL CEMETERY AND TWICE WITHOUT NATIONAL CEMETERY. SJVNC IS ON 1ST & 3RD THURSDAYS ONLY. 
 POST 2487  8/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   14   $223.00   $1,041.32   $1,264.32   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  8/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  8/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCEING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required or one veteran 
 POST 2487  8/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $30.00   $592.56   $622.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits 
 POST 2487  8/23/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   14   $252.00   $347.06   $599.06   Provided military funeral honors at Los Banos District Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  8/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   14   $199.00   $1,041.32   $1,240.32   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  8/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   15   8   $0.00   $199.62   $199.62   Post colors at Volta Elementary School - First Day of School 
 POST 2487  8/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   8   6   $0.00   $149.26   $149.26   Present Colors (Pregame) at Pacheco High School Football Game 
 POST 2487  9/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   210   40   $735.00   $3,979.80   $4,714.80   Post 2487 put out & retired approximately 900 U S Flags throughout the city of Los Banos recognizing September 2 Labor Day 
 POST 2487  9/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran. 
 POST 2487  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran. 
 POST 2487  9/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   POST 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  9/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans' Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center and San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery staff, circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits. This service is provided 4 times monthly. Twice with National Cemetery staff and twice without National Cemetery staff. SJVNC is on 1st & 3rd Thursdays only. 
 POST 2487  9/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   8   8   $0.00   $198.64   $198.64   Post 2487 presented Colors (Pregame) at Pacheco High School Football Game 
 POST 2487  9/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   21   5   $0.00   $126.39   $126.39   Post 2487 provided Color Guard for U. S. Congressional Irrigation water meeting (at Mission De Oro Hotel, Santa Nella, CA).  
 POST 2487  9/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   8   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Post 2487 provided Color Guard for Hometown Heros Quilt Program/Awards Presentation 
 POST 2487  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   210   40   $648.00   $3,979.80   $4,627.80   Post 2487 put out & retired approximately 900 U S Flags throughout the City of Los Banos recognizing September 11th, Patriots' Day 
 POST 2487  9/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $16.00   $592.56   $608.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans' Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center circulating word about VA issues and assisted with claims and benefits. This service is provided 4 times monthly. 
 POST 2487  9/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   0   16   $335.00   $1,185.12   $1,520.12   Provided military funeral honors at Los Banos District Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  9/13/2024   Community Service   Other   4   10   4   $400.00   $396.44   $796.44   Post 2487 prepared and provide pregame meal for Los Banos High School Tiger Football team 
 POST 2487  9/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   6   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   Post 2487 presented Colors (Pregame)) at Los Banos High School Tiger Football game 
 POST 2487  9/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   0   10   $288.00   $740.70   $1,028.70   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  9/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  9/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   0   10   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  9/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans' ' Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center and San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery staff circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits. This service is provided 4 times monthly. Twice with national Cemetery Staff and twice without National Cemetery staff. SJVNC is on 1t & 3rd Thursdays only. 
 POST 2487  9/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for two veterans 
 POST 2487  9/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   7   $0.00   $347.06   $347.06   Post 2487 presented (Pregame) at Los Banos High School Football game 
 POST 2487  9/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   40   5   $0.00   $252.50   $252.50   Post 2487 provided Color Guard at the Oniell Forebay C.A.S.T. Youth fishing day for less privileged children 
 POST 2487  9/21/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   9   15   3   $0.00   $668.73   $668.73   Post 2487 held a membership drive booth at the Los Banos Chamber of Commerce Street Fair. talked to several potential members. Signed up one annual member and one life member.  
 POST 2487  9/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  9/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  9/26/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   0   12   $178.00   $888.84   $1,066.84   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  9/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  9/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans Services Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits. This service is provided 4 times monthly. 
 POST 2487  9/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   7   $0.00   $347.06   $347.06   Post 2487 presented Colors (Pregame) football game at Pacheco High School 
 POST 2487  9/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  9/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   0   8   $116.00   $592.56   $708.56   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  9/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   8   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Post 2487 provided Color Guard during Merced County (Los Banos) Salute to Seniors at Los Community Center 
 POST 2487  10/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 Hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one vegeran 
 POST 2487  10/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   0   8   $85.00   $592.56   $677.56   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  10/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $18.00   $592.56   $610.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans' Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center and San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery staff, circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits. This service is provided 4 times monthly. Twice with National Cemetery staff. SJVNC is on 1st & 3rd Thursdays only. 
 POST 2487  10/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  10/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   0   9   $176.00   $666.63   $842.63   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  10/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   8   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   Present Colors (Pregame) at Los Banos High School Tiger football game. 
 POST 2487  10/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   2   6   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Present Colors at Merced County Fairgrounds for Everlasting Church Car / Bike Show 
 POST 2487  10/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   9   $211.00   $670.97   $881.97   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  10/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $45.00   $592.56   $637.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans' Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits. This service is provided 4 times monthly. 
 POST 2487  10/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  10/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for three veterans 
 POST 2487  10/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  10/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   8   $235.00   $596.90   $831.90   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  10/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   5   4   $0.00   $198.22   $198.22   Present Colors for annual Our Lady of Fatima Society parade (Saint Joseph's Church)  
 POST 2487  10/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   150   10   $286.00   $1,255.50   $1,541.50   Provide Honor Guard for Post 2487 veteran Honor Flight arrival from Washington, D. C. trip. 
 POST 2487  10/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  10/17/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   35   9   $0.00   $671.53   $671.53   Provided military funeral honors at Dos Palos District Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  10/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans' Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center and San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery staff, circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits. This service is provided 4 times monthly. Twice with National Cemetery staff and twice without National Cemetery staff. SJVNC is on 1st & 3rd Thursdays only. 
 POST 2487  10/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   10   $148.00   $745.04   $893.04   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  10/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   15   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Present Colors (Flag Raising) at Merced County (Los Banos) Fairgrounds for annual Tomato Fest 
 POST 2487  10/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   11   $234.00   $819.11   $1,053.11   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  10/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   9   $155.00   $670.97   $825.97   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteral 
 POST 2487  10/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  10/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  10/24/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   9   $173.00   $670.97   $843.97   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  10/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans' Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits. This service is provided 4 times monthly. 
 POST 2487  10/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   4   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Present Colors (Pregame) at Los Banos High School Football Game 
 POST 2487  10/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   31   11   $0.00   $1,362.29   $1,362.29   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for two veterans 
 POST 2487  10/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   4   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Present Colors (Pregame) at Pacheco High School Football Game 
 POST 2487  10/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   11   $0.00   $819.11   $819.11   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  10/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for two veterans 
 POST 2487  10/30/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   12   8   $0.00   $396.72   $396.72   Post 2487 presented Flag Etiquette class for U.S. History students at Los Banos Campus - Merced College 
 POST 2487  10/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SIGE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  10/31/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   7   $0.00   $345.66   $345.66   Post 2487 provided Color Guard for annual Halloween Parade for combined Westside Elementary School and Los Banos Elementary School.  
 POST 2487  11/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   12   $0.00   $893.18   $893.18   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  11/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   7   $0.00   $172.83   $172.83   Post 2487 provided Color Guard & lead Los Banos Veterans Parade 
 POST 2487  11/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  11/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   2   6   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Post 2487 recognized & presented perpetual awards to Best Elementary, Jr High and High School Patriotic Veterans' Parade Entry.  
 POST 2487  11/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  11/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $31.00   $592.56   $623.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans' Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center and San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery staff circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits. This service is provided 4 times monthly. Twice with National Cemetery staff and twice without National Cemetery staff. SJVNC is on 1st & 3rd Thursdays only 
 POST 2487  11/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   8   12   $0.00   $297.40   $297.40   Present Flag Raising ceremony at Grasslands' Elementary School for recognition of Veterans' Day 
 POST 2487  11/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   8   4   $0.00   $198.64   $198.64   Present Colors at Our Lady of Fatima Elementary School for recognition of Veterans' Day  
 POST 2487  11/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   6   8   $0.00   $198.36   $198.36   Present Flag Raising ceremony at Henry Miller Elementary School for recognition of Veterans' Day  
 POST 2487  11/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   12   16   $0.00   $396.72   $396.72   Present Flag Raising ceremony at Mercey Springs Elementary School for recognition of Veterans' Day 
 POST 2487  11/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   12   8   $0.00   $199.20   $199.20   Present Flag Raising ceremony agt Volta Elementary School for recognition of Veterans' Day 
 POST 2487  11/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $18.00   $592.56   $610.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans' Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits. This service is provided 4 times monthly.  
 POST 2487  11/15/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   5   16   $0.00   $1,185.82   $1,185.82   Provided military funeral honors at Los Banos District Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  11/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  11/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments required for three veterans 
 POST 2487  11/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans' Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA enter and San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery staff, circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits. This service is provided 4 times monthly. Twice with National Cemetery staff and twice without National Cemetery staff. SJVNC is on 1st & 3rd Thursdays only.  
 POST 2487  11/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as require for two veterans 
 POST 2487  11/22/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   7   10   8   $0.00   $1,384.04   $1,384.04   CORRECTION PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY DATA OMITTED ON ORIGINAL REPORT: Post 2487 presented Flag Etiquette classes for U. S. History students at Los Banos Jr High School 7th & 8th grade classes approximately 1,200 students.  
 POST 2487  11/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   31   9   $165.00   $1,115.39   $1,280.39   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for two veterans 
 POST 2487  11/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans' Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center staff, circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits. This service is provided 4 times monthly.  
 POST 2487  12/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  12/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   11   $0.00   $819.11   $819.11   Provide military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  12/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans' Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits. This service is provided 4 times monthly.  
 POST 2487  12/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   14   $0.00   $1,041.32   $1,041.32   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  12/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  12/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   2   4   $0.00   $197.80   $197.80   Post 2487 provided Color Guard & Led Los Banos Christmas Parade.  
 POST 2487  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   210   40   $707.00   $3,979.80   $4,686.80   Post 2487 put out & retired approximately 950 U S Flags throughout the City of Los Banos, recognizing December 7th Pearl Harbor Day.  
 POST 2487  12/10/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   2   0   4   $100.00   $197.52   $297.52   Post 2487 submitted RAY REYNA as Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. He was selected as VFWCA Distr 9 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year and sent on to State Officer of the Year competition. 
 POST 2487  12/10/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   2   0   4   $100.00   $197.52   $297.52   Post 2487 submitted MICHAEL van Loben Sels as Fire Fighter of the year. Currently Unit Chief of Madera, Merced & Mariposa County for heCal Fire. He was selected as VFWCA Distr 9 Fire Fighter of this year, and his nomination was sent on to State officer of the Year competition. He has been recently selected as Chief of Cal Fire from Stockton to the Mexican Border. 
 POST 2487  12/10/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   2   0   4   $100.00   $197.52   $297.52   Post 2487 submitted MICHAEL CREIGHTON as Teacher of the year (Los Banos Jr. High School). He was selected as VFWCA Distr 9 Teacher of the year and sunt on to State Candidate of the year competition 
 POST 2487  12/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  12/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans' Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits. This service is provided 4 times monthly.  
 POST 2487  12/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  12/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEATH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  12/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  12/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran 
 POST 2487  12/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for two veterans 
 POST 2487  12/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   0   4   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Post 2487 assisted Merced County Veterans' Service Officer and representatives from Fresno VA Center and San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery staff, circulating word about VA issues and assist with claims and benefits. This service is provided 4 times monthly. Twice with National Cemetery staff and twice without National Cemetery staff. SJVNC is on 1st & 3rd Thursdays only.  
 POST 2487  12/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   12   $272.00   $893.18   $1,165.18   Provide military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran.  
 POST 2487  12/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   14   $272.00   $1,041.32   $1,313.32   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran 
 POST 2487  1/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran. 
 POST 2487  1/9/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran. 
 POST 2487  1/10/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   11   $0.00   $819.11   $819.11   Provided military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran. 
 POST 2487  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran. 
 POST 2487  1/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   4   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS 9ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) TRAINING SESSION FOR/WITH STAFF FROM FRESNO VETERAN'S HOSPITAL. 
 POST 2487  1/17/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   12   $191.00   $893.18   $1,084.18   Provide military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran. 
 POST 2487  1/20/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   12   $0.00   $893.18   $893.18   Provide military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran. 
 POST 2487  1/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments required for two veterans. 
 POST 2487  1/23/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   31   12   $168.00   $893.18   $1,061.18   Provide military funeral honors at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery for one veteran. 
 POST 2487  1/24/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post 2487 hosted ATLAS (ADVANCING TELEHEALTH throughout LOCAL ACCESS SITE) appointments as required for one veteran. 
 POST 2487  1/26/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   5   0   5   $250.00   $617.25   $867.25   Provided lunch for Eagle Scout Court of Honor for one new Eagle Scout. Guests included 15 Boy Scouts and their families. 
 Post 2487 Total 495 2,263 1,096 $10,745.00 $87,571.28 $98,316.28
 POST 2587  12/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   3   $0.00   $148.84   $148.84   For Wreaths Across America - Unloaded 225 wreaths  
 POST 2587  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   40   5   $0.00   $499.40   $499.40   Wreaths Across America: Loaded wreaths into truck, ceremony with posting the branch flags, unloaded wreaths and laid on Veterans headstones. Location Tollhouse and Auberry Cemetaries.  
 Post 2587 Total 6 45 8 $0.00 $648.24 $648.24
 POST 3225  7/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   5   $0.00   $494.50   $494.50   Farmers Market - Post members participated in educating and promoting the VFW mission statement within the community  
 POST 3225  7/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   5   $0.00   $494.50   $494.50   Farmers Market - Post members participated in educating and promoting the VFW mission statement within the community  
 POST 3225  7/12/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   4   4   $50.00   $395.60   $445.60   

Farmers Market - Post members inform the community of the symbol of remembrance and as a means of fundraising to honor those who have worn our nation's uniform buddy poppies were distributed to the community. 

 POST 3225  7/12/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   4   4   $50.00   $395.60   $445.60   

Farmers Market - Post members inform the community of the symbol of remembrance and as a means of fundraising to honor those who have worn our nation's uniform buddy poppies were distributed to the community. 

 POST 3225  7/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   5   $0.00   $494.50   $494.50   Farmers Market - Post members participated in educating and promoting the VFW mission statement within the community  
 POST 3225  7/19/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   4   4   $35.00   $395.60   $430.60   

Farmers Market - Post members inform the community of the symbol of remembrance and as a means of fundraising to honor those who have worn our nation's uniform buddy poppies were distributed to the community. 

 POST 3225  7/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   5   $0.00   $494.50   $494.50   Farmers Market - Post members participated in educating and promoting the VFW mission statement within the community  
 POST 3225  7/26/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   4   4   $35.00   $395.60   $430.60   

Farmers Market - Post members inform the community of the symbol of remembrance and as a means of fundraising to honor those who have worn our nation's uniform buddy poppies were distributed to the community. 

 POST 3225  8/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   5   $0.00   $494.50   $494.50   Farmers Market - Post members participated in educating and promoting the VFW mission statement within the community  
 POST 3225  8/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   4   4   $40.00   $395.60   $435.60   

Farmers Market - Post members inform the community of the symbol of remembrance and as a means of fundraising to honor those who have worn our nation's uniform buddy poppies were distributed to the community. 

 POST 3225  8/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   5   $0.00   $494.50   $494.50   Farmers Market - Post members participated in educating and promoting the VFW mission statement within the community  
 POST 3225  8/16/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   4   4   $35.00   $395.60   $430.60   

Farmers Market - Post members inform the community of the symbol of remembrance and as a means of fundraising to honor those who have worn our nation's uniform buddy poppies were distributed to the community. 

 POST 3225  8/23/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   4   4   $40.00   $395.60   $435.60   

Farmers Market - Post members inform the community of the symbol of remembrance and as a means of fundraising to honor those who have worn our nation's uniform buddy poppies were distributed to the community. 

 POST 3225  8/23/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   5   5   $0.00   $494.50   $494.50   Farmers Market - Post members participated in educating and promoting the VFW mission statement within the community  
 POST 3225  8/30/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   4   4   $50.00   $395.60   $445.60   Farmers Market - Post members inform the community of the symbol of remembrance and as a means of fundraising to honor those who have worn our nation's uniform buddy poppies were distributed to the community.  
 POST 3225  8/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   5   $0.00   $494.50   $494.50   Farmers Market - Post members participated in educating and promoting the VFW mission statement within the community  
 POST 3225  9/13/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   5   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Farmers Market - Post members informed the community of the symbol of remembrance and as a means of fundraising to honor those who have worn our nation's uniform - accrued time of 5 members. 
 POST 3225  9/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   5   $0.00   $494.50   $494.50   Farmers Market - Post members participated in educating and promoting the VFW mission statement within the community  
 POST 3225  9/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   5   $0.00   $494.50   $494.50   Farmers Market - Post members participated in educating and promoting the VFW mission statement within the community  
 POST 3225  9/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   5   $0.00   $494.50   $494.50   Farmers Market - Post members participated in educating and promoting the VFW mission statement within the community  
 POST 3225  9/20/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   4   4   $50.00   $395.60   $445.60   Farmers Market - Post members inform the community of the symbol of remembrance and as a means of fundraising to honor those who have worn our nation's uniform - accrued time of 5 members. - cost poppies  
 POST 3225  9/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   24   3   $0.00   $151.50   $151.50   
Farmers Market - Post members inform the community of the symbol of remembrance and as a means of fundraising to honor those who have worn our nation's uniform buddy poppies were distributed to the community.

 POST 3225  9/25/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   7   32   1   $0.00   $177.31   $177.31   Booth at Stand Down - Post members participated in educating and promoting the VFW mission statement within the community  
 POST 3225  9/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Women Veterans support Coordination and management -assisted set up and breakdown  
 POST 3225  9/26/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   7   32   1   $0.00   $177.31   $177.31   Booth at Stand Down - Post members participated in educating and promoting the VFW mission statement within the community  
 POST 3225  9/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   5   $0.00   $494.50   $494.50   Farmers Market- Post members participated in educating and promoting the VFW mission statement within the community  
 POST 3225  9/27/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   4   4   $45.00   $395.60   $440.60   

Farmers Market - Post members inform the community of the symbol of remembrance and as a means of fundraising to honor those who have worn our nation's uniform buddy poppies were distributed to the community. 

 POST 3225  10/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   24   3   $0.00   $151.50   $151.50   Fresno County Fair - Conducted a joint Honor Guard with Local American Legion.  Ceremony brought community together. 
 POST 3225  10/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   5   $0.00   $494.50   $494.50   Farmers Market - Post members participated in educating and promoting the VFW mission statement within the community  
 POST 3225  10/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   4   4   $40.00   $395.60   $435.60   

Farmers Market - Post members inform the community of the symbol of remembrance and as a means of fundraising to honor those who have worn our nation's uniform buddy poppies were distributed to the community. 

 POST 3225  10/12/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   5   8   $0.00   $198.22   $198.22   A 13-fold flag demonstration was conducted for the community.  We had a great turn out.  
 POST 3225  10/18/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   4   4   $35.00   $395.60   $430.60   

Farmers Market - Post members inform the community of the symbol of remembrance and as a means of fundraising to honor those who have worn our nation's uniform buddy poppies were distributed to the community. 

 POST 3225  10/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   5   5   $0.00   $494.50   $494.50   Farmers Market - Post members participated in educating and promoted mental wellness and resources to veterans of the community.   
 Post 3225 Total 130 235 140 $505.00 $13,093.91 $13,598.91
 POST 5057  7/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Participated with another VFW Post to do the Sea Service 2 Bell Ceremony for a deceased Navy Veteran. He was a member of the saVFW.  
 POST 5057  7/18/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   6   12   4   $0.00   $594.24   $594.24   Our Color Guard a flag presentation and retirement for the Fresno Probation Department at their annual award ceremony.  
 POST 5057  8/8/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Signed up two (02) new members, 1 life, 1 annual. at our post meeting.  
 POST 5057  8/8/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Signed up two (02) new members, 1 life, 1 annual. at our post meeting.  
 POST 5057  10/25/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Held our membership in connection with our Buddy Poppy Drive, Recruited two (02) annual members, and have (01) Prospect.  
 POST 5057  10/25/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   Held Buddy Poppy Drive 5 members present . 
 POST 5057  10/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Advised and assisted a veteran to go to the Local VSO 
 POST 5057  10/26/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   0   5   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   Conducted Buddy Poppy Drive. Very good day. 
 POST 5057  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted a woman veteran in making connection with local VSO. 
 POST 5057  10/27/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   0   6   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   Did Buddy Poppy Drive with 6 members present.. 
 POST 5057  10/27/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Did Membership drive in conjunction with Buddy Poppy Drive. Recruited 2 new members and got 2 prospectives. 
 POST 5057  11/11/2024   Community Service   Other   5   0   7   $100.00   $864.15   $964.15   Participated in the Fresno Veterans Day Parade. We had 5 vehicles and 7 members. 
 POST 5057  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   40   4   $30.00   $400.64   $430.64   Participated in the Pearl Harbor Day Ceremonies. Rang the Two Bell Ceremony honoring the service men and women killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor to start the war with Japan in WWII.  
 POST 5057  2/17/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   0   $0.00   $2.80   $2.80   Participated in President Day Ceremony at the Clovis Community Center. 
 POST 5057  2/17/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   2   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Corrected report. Post participated in the President's Day Ceremony at the Clovis Community Center. 
 Post 5057 Total 47 92 36 $130.00 $3,889.21 $4,019.21
 POST 5845  7/26/2024   Youth Development   Other   4   100   4   $100.00   $409.04   $509.04   BBQ 300 hamburger and 200 Hotdogs for a Summer youth program end of year party.  
 POST 5845  9/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   20   1   $200.00   $27.49   $227.49   Donation of $ 200.00 to AUSA to sponsor incarcerated veterans at Avenal State Prison for meal and supplies 
 POST 5845  11/2/2024   Youth Development   Other   5   40   1   $350.00   $129.05   $479.05   Halloween truck and treat event for the Biola PTA we donated $350.00 dollars give out candy, and open up set up clean up closed up  
 POST 5845  11/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   20   1   $200.00   $27.49   $227.49   Donation to Avenal State Prison Veterans club for a meal and supplies.  
 POST 5845  11/11/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  4   60   1   $0.00   $107.16   $107.16   Arranged Army duce 1/2 truck for Boy scout troop 8900 over 30 scouts and parents to ride in the Veterans Day parade.  
 POST 5845  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   100   4   $100.00   $507.80   $607.80   Participated in the Fresno Veterans Day we able to ride in old Army duce 1/2 and hand out 1,000 Buddy Poppy's  
 POST 5845  12/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   375   10   $5,885.00   $1,533.90   $7,418.90   Christmas Giveaway Toys with Santa Collected Toys bought toys give out 300 toys and 125 Family food baskets with two cooked rotisserie chickens per Family BBQ 325 Hamburgers and 220 Hot dogs Hot chocolate and sweet bread for everyone We bought and put together 300 goodie bags for the kids Pictures with Santa for the all the families  
 POST 5845  1/18/2025   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   3   40   0   $300.00   $5.60   $305.60   Margot Munoz a $ 300.00 Award  
 POST 5845  1/22/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   47   2   $0.00   $401.62   $401.62   Helped clean up a homeless encampment in the Biola Community  
 POST 5845  1/23/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   35   1   $0.00   $103.66   $103.66   Pick up a veteran from his home and took him to the VOS office help him fill out paper work and file his claim.  
 POST 5845  1/29/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   25   1   $0.00   $102.26   $102.26   Pick up Veteran from his home drove him to county VSO/Mental health office help fill out paper work. 
 Post 5845 Total 45 862 26 $7,135.00 $3,355.07 $10,490.07
 POST 5869  8/8/2024   Community Service   Other   2   0   15   $726.00   $740.70   $1,466.70   Our 75th post 5869 anniversary, we honored the original 22 members of 1949. We had a luncheon for the families and provided plaques for them to remember their importance to our post, veterans and community.  
 POST 5869  8/24/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   1   2   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Post Recruiting Plan at Hanford Library for Veterans. There was 6 Veterans and two are interested but needed their DD-214 and will attend our monthly meeting to register for membership in September 2024  
 POST 5869  9/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   1   2   $25.00   $98.90   $123.90   Held Buddy Poppy Drive at Hanford Library in the Veterans Cup of Joe meeting for all veterans. We had information on our organization and what the funds/donations go to. We also donated poppies to the veteran organizers in the library. We received $56.00 in donations. 
 POST 5869  9/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Veteran states that his daughter has stolen his money and left the house. She took all his rent money and utility bill money and food stamps. He needed $2500.00 but did not want a loan, he wanted a donation. We offered to buy him lunch and seek a counelsor (social worker) for the food situation but he said he already spoke to one and they would cancel the first batch of stamps. He was scarred to return back to his apartment, thinking the land lord would kick him out and his daughter would be there. We walk him to the social offices of his representative so he could speak with him and assit him. He did recieve the help and came back to thank us for understanding his situation. 
 POST 5869  9/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   30   2   $5.00   $102.96   $107.96   Our member has a day on Saturdays to have a free speak/listen with veterans who just want to release their feelings. I was invited to sit in and support other veterans. We were also allowed to have a space in the room to place information about our post and recruit any vet who was interested in joining our organization.  
 POST 5869  10/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Veteran had recieved a speeding ticket by the police and had a couple of questions for me. First, if he could have it dropped because he was a veteran? And if the V.A. would pay for a legal Councelor to help him with his case. I really wasnt sure, so I called V.A. and they said no, they do not provide private legal counsel. I gave him the phone number to V.A. councelors and he left. 
 POST 5869  10/2/2024   Community Service   Other   4   10   1   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Our member drives the truck to pick up food for the salvation Army and it is his personal time. he is not paid, it is volunteer. He recieved the food and drives it to the Storage Wharehouse and unloads it for them. 
 POST 5869  10/8/2024   Community Service   Other   4   10   1   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Our member drives a Salvation Army truck to recieve furniture/items from donation stores and drive these items to the Salvation Army Wharehouse. He volunteers his time and loves donating his personal time to assist the Salvation Army. 
 POST 5869  10/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   1   1   $2.50   $49.52   $52.02   At our local library our member continued his free speech forum for vets who just want to express themselves. It could be about any subject that the veterans is interested in talking about. We are allow to bring information for the participants in the program and any recruiting information they might need. We also speak about our organization and what we do for the community.  
 POST 5869  10/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   1   1   $2.50   $49.52   $52.02   At our local library our member continued his free speech forum for vets who just want to express themselves. It could be about any subject that the veterans is interested in talking about. We are allow to bring information for the participants in the program and any recruiting information they might need. We also speak about our organization and what we do for the community.  
 POST 5869  10/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   1   1   $2.50   $49.52   $52.02   At our local library our member continued his free speech forum for vets who just want to express themselves. It could be about any subject that the veterans is interested in talking about. We are allow to bring information for the participants in the program and any recruiting information they might need. We also speak about our organization and what we do for the community.  
 POST 5869  10/25/2024   Community Service   Other   10   3   1   $0.00   $247.32   $247.32   Our member and another member from the American Legion painted a actural Army tank at the city of Hanford cemtery. It is about 8 feet tall and 10feet wide.. They completed this task in four days in time for the Veterans Day Ceremony that was held on Veterans Day, November 11th. They did a great job and it is now in its proper color or green. 
 POST 5869  11/2/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   4   0   2   $260.00   $197.52   $457.52   We are very impressed with this teachers resume of her career. She started teaching in High School and now teaches in the elementary level. She has coached girls basketball teams and has won quite a few state games. She takes classes to change with the times and find better methods to instruct her students better. We could see her passion in her work and the result is shown with the success in her students. The $250.00 is a scholarship award and $10.00 is for a plaque for the winner. She is our picked winner for 2024 and we are passing her resume to the Divisional level, hopefully she makes it to National level. 
 POST 5869  11/3/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   2   0   2   $100.00   $98.76   $198.76   Our winner for the Patriots Pen is wonderful student and loves to research various subjects. Loves a challenge and her essay showed a unique way of viewing life and freedoms. It was different and she might have to chance to make it with her essay. The $100.00 is her scholarship. We will give her a certificate of accomplishment for being our Patriots Pen 2024. 
 POST 5869  11/7/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   4   0   1   $250.00   $98.76   $348.76   This contestant essay was interesting and well written. We see why she has already been accepted to two universeries in California. Very modest young lady and takes her studies very seriously. We love her answwers to the question and feel a more maturewhen writing her essay. We know whe will become a great engineer someday, The 250.00 is for a scholarship, she recieved a citation instead of an metal plaque. 
 POST 5869  11/10/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   4   0   1   $260.00   $98.80   $358.80   Our posts' winner of Public Servant Recognition Award for 2024. His resume was judged the best and he is an outstanding Officer in the Sheriffs Department. He was the only one nominated this year. Most of the other officers are older and have more awards. The chief of the Sheriffs department felt his candidate showed great promise in this field. This sheriff is very professional and very humble, loves his community. 
 POST 5869  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   1   4   $20.00   $395.11   $415.11   On the Veterans Day Stand down in Hanford Civic Center Park, our member spoke to visitors about the history of the Poppies and received $87.00 in donations. We provided other information pertaining to veterans and family. 
 POST 5869  1/3/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   3   2   $115.00   $49.80   $164.80   veterans children had damaged case & burial flag of their father. We purchased a flag and new case, we folded and placed in new case to present to them. 
 POST 5869  1/16/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   2   $50.00   $99.46   $149.46   collected clean used clothing for St. Bridgets Community Outreach Center in Hanford CA. This center also gives food and clothing to homeless veterans. Post 5869 also donated $50 to the center.  
 Post 5869 Total 56 67 43 $1,818.50 $2,749.94 $4,568.44
 POST 6152  8/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   15   3   $0.00   $742.80   $742.80   Kings River Country Club Patriots Day Golf Tournament. Branch flags, Posted Colors 
 POST 6152  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   5   8   $0.00   $790.78   $790.78   Distributed Poppies at Veterans Day Rally at Kingsburg High School  
 POST 6152  11/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   5   8   $0.00   $1,580.86   $1,580.86   Kingsburg Veterans Day rally, CMD Nagle spoke on Loyalty. 21gun salute  
 POST 6152  12/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   5   6   $0.00   $593.26   $593.26   Posted Colors at three City Parades  
 POST 6152  12/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   CMD Steve Presented flag to serviceman (US ARMY) at his memorial 
 Post 6152 Total 28 35 26 $0.00 $3,757.78 $3,757.78
 POST 7168  7/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   Sanger taskforce meeting involving membership networking programs. 
 POST 7168  7/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   15   1   $0.00   $100.86   $100.86   Attended Sanger Taskforce committee meeting. 
 POST 7168  7/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   55   12   $0.00   $1,192.82   $1,192.82   **Hosted community breakfast and conducted monthly members meeting  
 POST 7168  7/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   55   12   $0.00   $1,192.82   $1,192.82   **Hosted community breakfast and conducted monthly members meeting  
 POST 7168  8/14/2024   Community Service   Other   4   24   1   $0.00   $102.12   $102.12   Donated work for clean up and maintance of Post grounds and building. 
 POST 7168  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   30   2   $500.00   $53.58   $553.58   Assistance to a Sanger Viet Nam veteran to pay bills, (PG&E and food), Along with other Sanger veterans organizations. The Veteran was in the hospital and needed help. 
 POST 7168  9/4/2024   Community Service   Safety Recognition   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   Member attended Sanger Taskforce community meeting 
 POST 7168  9/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   3   $0.00   $299.78   $299.78   Members coordinated Program and dinner honoring POW/MIA and Global War Veterans in Clovis. 
 POST 7168  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   34   3   $0.00   $152.90   $152.90   Members attended 911 ceremony at Clovis 911 memorial site. 
 POST 7168  9/14/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   56   12   $56.00   $600.40   $656.40   Post conducted annual 911 ceremony honoring First Responders and Veterans. Sanger High School Cadet Color Guard presented the new American Flag and retired the old Flag. Guests included; Sanger Mayor (member), Sanger Womens Club, Sanger Chamber of Commerence, Sanger High School Cadets (25), Sanger Police and Fire Departments, Sanger AMVETS Honor Guard. Guest speaker wa Patrick Niemeyer, USN Commander (ret.) Post hosted Community Breakfast and meeting following the ceremonies. 
 POST 7168  9/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   36   5   $0.00   $622.29   $622.29   Post Staffed a recruitment booth at the Sanger Farmer's Market in downtown Sanger 
 POST 7168  9/14/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   36   5   $0.00   $622.29   $622.29   Post staffed a booth at the Sanger's Farmers Market. Conducted a Buddy Poppy Drive 
 POST 7168  9/21/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   36   3   $0.00   $375.39   $375.39   Post staffed a Booth at the Sanger Farmer's Market in Downtown Sanger for the Recruitment Drive 
 POST 7168  9/21/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   41   3   $0.00   $376.09   $376.09   Post staffed a Buddy Poppy drive booth at the Sanger farmer's market in Downtown Sanger. 
 POST 7168  9/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Members commanded Honor Guard at Fresno City College football game. 
 POST 7168  10/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   15   1   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Member participates in Sanger Community Taskforce 
 POST 7168  10/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   55   9   $0.00   $896.54   $896.54   Post hosts it's Community Breakfast and meeting. 
 POST 7168  10/12/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   28   2   $0.00   $102.68   $102.68   Post members lesd Color Guard detail at Fresno City College football game. 
 POST 7168  10/28/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   27   1   $0.00   $53.16   $53.16   VOD deadline. Post coordinator has reached out to area schools about the program to submit their entries. 
 POST 7168  10/30/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   2   27   1   $0.00   $53.16   $53.16   Patriot's Pen deadline. Post coordinator contacted area grammar schools about the program to submit their entries. 
 POST 7168  11/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   60   8   $0.00   $798.48   $798.48   Post members participated in Sanger's Veterans Parade. 
 POST 7168  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   35   2   $0.00   $103.66   $103.66   Members attended Veterans Day dedication ceremonies at Fresno City College. 
 POST 7168  11/8/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   105   4   $35.00   $212.22   $247.22   Post Flag detail performs flag retirement ceremony and donates a new American flag to Kingsburg Care Facility honorning Veteran residences. 
 POST 7168  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   48   6   $0.00   $599.28   $599.28   Members attended Sanger elementary schools, Lincoln & Jefferson, Veterans Day programs honoring area Veterans. 
 POST 7168  11/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   105   4   $0.00   $212.22   $212.22   Posts members visit 8 veterans that are patients at the Kingsburg Care Facility after the conducting the flag ceremony. 
 POST 7168  11/9/2024   Community Service      3   45   11   $0.00   $821.07   $821.07   Post hosts Community Breakfast & meeting 
 POST 7168  11/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   88   10   $0.00   $1,493.72   $1,493.72   Post conducts annual Chili Verdi fundraiser dinner serving over 350 dinners. Very well recieved by the community. 
 POST 7168  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   60   5   $0.00   $502.20   $502.20   Post participated in decorating parade float and rode in Sanger's Toyland Parade attended by over 5,000 residents. 
 POST 7168  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   30   2   $0.00   $152.34   $152.34   Members participated in National Pearl Harbor Day event in Madera County 
 POST 7168  12/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   120   2   $0.00   $313.08   $313.08   Post members attended Sanger's "Trek to the nation's Christmas Tree", The General Grant Tree in Kings Canyon National Park. 
 POST 7168  12/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Post member attended Sanger Taskforce meeting 
 POST 7168  12/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   2   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   Members participated in the Voice of Democracy and Patriot's Pen judging contest. 
 POST 7168  1/7/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   5   1   $2.00   $25.39   $27.39   Post member attended Sanger Taskforce meeting  
 POST 7168  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    5   50   0   $85.00   $7.00   $92.00   Post hosted its Community Breakfast and monthly meeting. Post hosted its Voice of Democracy and Patriot's Pen students and their families.  
 POST 7168  1/11/2025   Youth Development    Voice of Democracy   2   0   1   $400.00   $49.38   $449.38   Post awarded $400 to its Voice of Democracy winning student-presented a citation, plaque and medal.  
 POST 7168  1/11/2025   Youth Development    Patriot`s Pen   2   0   1   $400.00   $49.38   $449.38   Post awarded $400 to its Patriot's Pen winning student-presented a citation, plaque and medal.  
 POST 7168  1/14/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   38   2   $0.00   $104.08   $104.08   Post members were part of an Honor Guard for a area Veteran.  
 POST 7168  1/25/2025   Community Service   Other   4   80   2   $0.00   $208.72   $208.72   **Post officers attended District 9 meeting in Visalia.  
 Post 7168 Total 120 1,574 144 $1,478.00 $12,911.02 $14,389.02
 POST 7380  9/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   1   6   $0.00   $296.42   $296.42   Honor Guard for the West Hills College 9/11 Memorial in Firebaugh, CA.  
 POST 7380  10/16/2024   Youth Development   Other   6   2   5   $0.00   $740.98   $740.98   Members from the post participated in Interviews with Firebaugh High School Media/US History Class to discuss their military service and the VFW.  
 POST 7380  11/8/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   2   4   $0.00   $197.80   $197.80   4 Members of our Post participated in the Flag Ceremony at an event at the Firebaugh High School Football Game.  
 Post 7380 Total 10 5 15 $0.00 $1,235.20 $1,235.20
 POST 8470  7/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   24   5   3   $80.00   $1,778.38   $1,858.38   During July 1 to July 4, Post 8470 members assisted American Legion Westland Post 355 with their annual fireworks sales located behind McDonald's parking lot in Kerman. 
 POST 8470  7/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   5   4   $65.00   $198.22   $263.22   Post Color Guard presented the "Colors" prior to Independence Day celebration fireworks show at Kerman High School football stadium. 
 POST 8470  8/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   During Kerman's "National Night Out" one member of Post 8470 distributed Buddy Poppys. 
 POST 8470  8/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   6   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   During Kerman's National Night, six members participated in a membership drive.  
 POST 8470  8/9/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   During National Night Out Post Quartermaster gave instruction to several youths on showing honor and respect toward our nations flag.  
 POST 8470  8/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   5   6   $0.00   $593.26   $593.26   Post Color Guard presented the "Colors" for opening ceremony for Kerman's "National Night Out" (Americas Night Out Against Crime). It is an effort to promote community involvement in crime prevention activities, neighborhood camaraderie and send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. 
 POST 8470  8/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   2   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   Post Commander and Quartermaster attended a Kerman Chamber of Commerce meeting prior to Kerman's 80th Annual Harvest Festival.  
 POST 8470  8/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   22   1   $72.00   $52.46   $124.46   Post Quartermaster Volunteered at Westside Veterans Memorial Building in Kerman and transported four fire extinguishers to Jorgenson Company in Fresno to have them serviced.  
 POST 8470  8/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Post Commander attended Kerman's Parade Grand Marshal dedication ceremony. 
 POST 8470  9/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $200.00   $24.69   $224.69   Post 8470 membership made a donation to the Kerman Banner Committee. 
 POST 8470  9/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   5   1   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Post 8470 members participated in a Membership Drive during the four days of Kerman's Harvest Festival. 
 POST 8470  9/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Members of Post 8470 assisted American Legion Westland Post 355 in presenting the "Colors" for the opening ceremony of Kerman's 80th annual harvest festival. 
 POST 8470  9/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   25   5   14   $0.00   $8,642.20   $8,642.20   ***Members of Post 8470 participated in their annual beer booth fundraiser at the Kerman Harvest Festival during September 19 through 22, 2024.  
 POST 8470  9/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   5   5   $0.00   $371.05   $371.05   Post 8470 participated in and led the procession for the annual Kerman Harvest Festival Parade. 
 POST 8470  9/22/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   During the last day of and annual harvest festival, one member of Post 8470 distributed Buddy Poppies. 
 POST 8470  10/20/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   15   4   $0.00   $100.86   $100.86   Post 8470 Color Guard presented the American Flag at Tranquility's family park while the National Anthem was played prior to the beginning of Red Ribbon Day celebration. 
 POST 8470  10/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   15   2   $0.00   $199.62   $199.62   Post members assisted a youth dancing business in installing flooring for a new building location. 
 POST 8470  10/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   5   2   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Post Commander and Quartermaster accepted an invitation from Kerman City Manager to take a photo next to the city entrance sign honoring veterans. 
 POST 8470  11/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   5   4   $0.00   $395.74   $395.74   Post 8470 Color Guard participated and led the procession for Kerman Rotary Club's "Day of the Dead" parade 
 POST 8470  11/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   26   4   $0.00   $299.92   $299.92   Post 8470 Color Guard presented "The Colors" for Fresno State's "Ag One Foundation Westside Boosters Fundraiser" in the westside community of Five Points. 
 POST 8470  11/8/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   During Kerman's Harvest Elementary School Veterans Appreciation celebration, Post Quartermaster discussed membership with several veterans. 
 POST 8470  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   1   3   $0.00   $148.28   $148.28   Kerman's new Harvest Elementary School invited Post 8470 members to attend their Veterans Appreciation ceremony and luncheon. 
 POST 8470  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   1   2   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Post 8470 members were invited and participated in Veteran's Appreciation ceremony at Kerman's Liberty Elementary School. 
 POST 8470  11/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   15   1   $10.00   $51.48   $61.48   Assisted the widow of veteran C. T. Hopkins on how and where to go to retrieve his benefits.  
 Post 8470 Total 97 153 72 $427.00 $13,995.96 $14,422.96
 POST 8743  7/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   100   8   $0.00   $804.08   $804.08   July 13, 2024- military funeral honor detail for Navy Veteran. Coarsegold, Ca. 
 POST 8743  7/15/2024   Legislative Advocacy   National   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Maryann Enciso- newest member of the Legislative Affairs Committee. Attended Zoom call for 2 hours, orientation onto the team. 
 POST 8743  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   10   $500.00   $246.90   $746.90   Voted on and sent check for $500.00 to National Home. 
 POST 8743  8/19/2024   Legislative Advocacy      0   80   1   $0.00   $11.20   $11.20   Prepared and sent email to Congressmen- Josh Harder,Mike Thompson Mike Garcia, Ami Bera, Ro Khanna, and Jimmy Gomez. Introduced myself as newest member of the team and set up appointments to meet with them and their aides in Sept. on my trip back to DC. 
 POST 8743  8/26/2024   Legislative Advocacy   National   2   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   Met with National Legislative Affairs Team via zoom to discuss our Fall Legislative Conference agenda for September 9-12, 2024 and came up with our plan of action and refined our talking points. 
 POST 8743  8/26/2024   Legislative Advocacy   National   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Legislative Affairs Committee Zoom meeting, prep for Washington DC meeting. Worked on talking points to meet with Congressional leaders in September 
 POST 8743  8/30/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   0   20   4   $0.00   $2.80   $2.80   Taught 25 4 H club members The proper way to display and take down and fold flags. 
 POST 8743  9/1/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   2   0   0   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   Met with JROTC members on their Senior Project and how the VFW can support them on it. 
 POST 8743  9/6/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   1   30   2   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   We adopted the VA clinic in Oakhurst, Ca and members provide coffe/tea and cookies every month at our local VA clinic. They let us know when the supplies are low and we deliver supplies twice a month to provide coffee/tea and cookies to veterans that walk in the door for services. 
 POST 8743  9/7/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   15   30   4   $0.00   $1,485.60   $1,485.60   4 members participated in our annual veterans stand down held at the senior center in Oakhurst, ca. 
 POST 8743  9/9/2024   Legislative Advocacy   National   40   3,300   1   $0.00   $1,449.60   $1,449.60   Attended the National Fall Legislative conference from September 9-12 in Crystal City, Washington, DC. Previously scheduled meetings with all 52 Congressional Representatives for California. Our team decided these up and spent 3 days meeting with Congressmen and women. I met with 12 of these preventatives to discuss our legislative priorities for 2024-2025 and ask for their support. 
 POST 8743  9/16/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Did social media blast on Voice of Democracy Applications and attached the application, also met with the Yosemite Valley High School Cadet Supervisor- Susie Shimonoshi to explain the programs and hand out applications to her cadets. 
 POST 8743  9/17/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   Met with Community Leader- Debbie Gerber, who donates every year to our scholarship fund in memory of her brother. Discussed this year's scholarship program for all the mountain communities.  
 POST 8743  9/23/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Met with Yosemite High School and Minerets High School teachers to discuss the Patriots Pen Essay competition and give them information and encourage their students to write essays expressing their views and patriotic theme. 
 POST 8743  9/23/2024   Legislative Advocacy   State   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Attend Congressmen Thomas McClintock town hall at the Oakhurst Visitors Center. Handed out our Legislative brochure and went over our top 5 priorities for 2024-2025 and asked for his support. 
 POST 8743  9/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   8   30   2   $0.00   $399.24   $399.24   VFW stand down, helped homeless veterans fill out applications and get help.  
 POST 8743  9/26/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   30   2   $0.00   $399.24   $399.24   Buddy Poppy Drive was held 9/26/2024.  Two Members were representing Post 8743. 
 POST 8743  10/2/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Met with Sierra Ambulance and the local Firefighers to help me establish a system for them to help us nominate someone every year for Public Service Recognition. 
 POST 8743  10/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Prepared email and letter to go out to all our membership on recruiting new membership. About 50% of my membership does not use a computer so I do electronic correspondence and paper correspondence. Also worked with Sierra News on line to put an article in the paper. I also prepare a Sicial medi blast to put on all the social media pages covering the mountain communites. 
 POST 8743  10/12/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   2   0   0   $200.00   $0.00   $200.00   Met with Local high school senior, she gave a presentation at our meeting. She is a member of the JROTC and is doing her senior class project on the evaluation of the military uniform and is requesting our support and if we can donate uniforms for her display case. We are donating funds to help her set up the display case at Yosemite High school.  
 POST 8743  10/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   80   25   20   $0.00   $39,507.50   $39,507.50   Put on a day event at our local non profit organization for Veterans suffering from PTSD- Jenkins Equestrian Therapy for PTSD. Our membership spent the day at the ranch and we provided lunch and snacks. Their families were invited too. Excellent classes and demonstration along with coping mechanisms. 
 POST 8743  11/4/2024   Legislative Advocacy   State   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   National Legislative Affairs Committee Meeting to discuss steps forward after election and new congressmen and women coming on board. 
 POST 8743  11/10/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   0   4   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   VFW Embers did PoW/Mia presentation for the Marine Corps Ball Ceramony at the Hitching Post, Awhanee Ca.  
 POST 8743  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   20   10   $0.00   $496.60   $496.60   Buddy Poppy Drive at the Hitching Post Restaurant.  
 POST 8743  11/11/2024   Community Service   Other   8   30   20   $0.00   $3,954.60   $3,954.60   Avenue of the Flags and Veterans Day Presentations at all the Mountain cemeteries. Had assistance from the local 4 H membership, the Junior ROTC cadets from Yosemite High School, and the Boy Scouts to help put all the flags on the graves.  
 POST 8743  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   30   6   $0.00   $596.76   $596.76   Honor Guard Presentation at Veterand Day. 
 Post 8743 Total 209 3,775 103 $700.00 $50,278.85 $50,978.85
 POST 8900  7/9/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  5   40   1   $680.00   $129.05   $809.05   Made and donated kettle corn for scout camping trip  
 Post 8900 Total 5 40 1 $680.00 $129.05 $809.05
 POST 9896  7/1/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   5   5   $57.00   $988.30   $1,045.30   5 members of Post 9896 conducted a Buddy Poppy Drive at the VFW annual Fireworks Stand and raised $57 which was donated to National VFW programs.  
 POST 9896  7/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   32   4   $0.00   $300.76   $300.76   Members of Post 9896 assisted Madera VFW Post 1981 with funeral honor guard services for one of their life members who passed away.  
 POST 9896  7/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   4   9   $0.00   $444.98   $444.98   Post 9896 conducted Color Guard duties for the Annual Chowchilla City Fireworks. 9 members participated in the event.  
 POST 9896  7/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post Service Officer assisted family member of deceased Veteran with filling out paperwork for Pre-need burial at Santa Nella Cemetery. Post Service Officer contacted National Cemetery with Deceased Veterans family member to get her questions answered.  
 POST 9896  7/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits    1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Veteran contacted Post Service Officer for help in understanding his disability claim for service compensation. Post service officer contacted Madera County Veteran Service Officer to assist the Veteran with getting his questions answered. Veteran was able to get his questions answered and filed for a supplementary claim for disability compensation.  
 POST 9896  7/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Post Service Officer assisted Veteran with filling out paperwork to start a disability claim. Post Service Officer then assisted Veteran with making an appointment with the County Service Officer. Veteran was able to complete his application for disability compensation.  
 POST 9896  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post Service Officer met with Veteran who had concerns with getting his benefits. Post service officer explained some of the benefits that were available to the Veteran and then assisted the Veteran with making an appointment with the Veteran Service Officer in Madera, California.  
 POST 9896  8/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $1,250.00   $24.69   $1,274.69   Post 9896 donated $1,250.00 to sponsor a fishing team that fishes professionally. The team will have the Post 9896 VFW logo on the fishing boat and uniforms. Team members are VFW members from the state and raise awareness for the VFW, Veterans and most importantly suicide and mental health awareness for Veterans.  
 POST 9896  8/14/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   0   2   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Two members of Post 9896 went to the VA hospital to meet with Veterans that were hospitalized and provide comradeship.  
 POST 9896  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   32   1   $0.00   $53.86   $53.86   Post Service officer assisted Veteran with getting to Madera County VSO office to assist Veteran with filling out forms for his claims benefits.  
 POST 9896  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance      2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post service officer assisted Veteran and his spouse with understanding the VA claims process and interpreting his VA claims letter. PSO assisted Veteran with making an appointment with the County Veteran Service Officer to make an appeal and a supplementary claim.  
 POST 9896  8/23/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   3   7   $0.00   $691.74   $691.74   Post conducted a recruiting booth at the annual community block party at Veterans Park. 7 Post members attended. We were able to get one new Veteran into the VFW and two new members for the VFW Auxiliary. Block Party was from 6pm to 10pm.  
 POST 9896  8/23/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   3   4   $0.00   $395.46   $395.46   Post 9896 and its Auxiliary conducted a Buddy Poppy Drive at the Chowchilla Community Block Party at Veterans Park raising $52 for the Posts Relief Fund.  
 POST 9896  9/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   4   19   $0.00   $1,407.89   $1,407.89   Post 9896 participated in the 9/11 Patriots Day /Remembrance ceremony at Fuller Elementary School. 19 members of the post and its Auxiliary participated by providing a full Color Guard to include all service flags. A Post member was also able to provide a military HUMVEE that students were able to tour and take pictures with.  
 POST 9896  9/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   5   8   $0.00   $395.74   $395.74   Conducted funeral honor guard duties for an Army Vietnam Veteran at the Chowchilla Cemetery. 8 members participated in the rifle squad and color guard.  
 POST 9896  9/21/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   9   3   8   $0.00   $1,778.10   $1,778.10   Post 9896 conducted a membership drive at the Chowchilla annual Community Car Show. Over a 9 hour period we were able to secure 6 new members to Post 9896 and 3 new members to Auxiliary. 2 new members are already in the system and the other 4 are pending DD214 review.  
 POST 9896  9/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   40   1   $0.00   $79.67   $79.67   Post Service Officer took three Veterans to see Madera County Veteran Service Officer to get their appeals and supplemental claims done with the VSO. All three Veterans got their questions answered and had their claims filed.  
 POST 9896  9/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   45   3   $0.00   $302.58   $302.58   3 members of Post 9896 assisted Madera Post 1981 with their float, honor guard, and rifle squad for the opening ceremonies of Old Timers Parade and the dedication of the new Courthouse Park in Madera. VFW had a float in the parade and also conducted a 21gun salute with Taps being played.  
 POST 9896  10/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post 9896 service officer met with Veteran at the post to assist the veteran with obtaining information on a supplementary VA disability claim. Post service officer assisted Veteran with filling out forms and making an appointment with the County Veteran Service Officer.  
 POST 9896  10/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   108   7   $0.00   $706.44   $706.44   Post 9896 conducted funeral honor guard duties for Army Vietnam Veteran at the San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery in Santa Nella. 7 Post members attended the event.  
 POST 9896  10/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   7   $1,000.00   $172.83   $1,172.83   VFW Post 9896 donated $1,000 to a Veterans family to assist them with paying their bills while the Veteran is recovering from illness at a VA facility. The family was presented the check and were very grateful.  
 POST 9896  10/8/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   1   0   7   $2,000.00   $172.83   $2,172.83   Post 9896 awarded a $2,000 scholarship to an 8th grade student so that she could afford to pay for the Washington D.C. trip where the student would be able to learn and study how our Nation works.  
 POST 9896  10/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Post service Officer assisted a Veteran with mental health issues to get directed to the right VA services that he could get the help that is needed. Post Service Officer also assisted the Veteran with making an appointment so that he could file a VA claim for disability.  
 POST 9896  10/14/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   80   3   $0.00   $307.48   $307.48   3 members of Post 9896 traveled to Fresno to go see Veteran Andy who was diagnosed with ALS and is currently in the hospital. Post members spent 4 hours with him about his and his family needs and how the VFW can help him and his family.  
 POST 9896  10/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   6   110   7   $0.00   $1,052.38   $1,052.38   Post 9896 attended the Honor Flight return at the Fresno Airport. We provided a full Color Guard and led the procession of Veterans through the Fresno Airport. 7 members attended from the Post and participated in the ceremony and event from 4 pm to 10 pm.  
 POST 9896  10/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   40   1   $0.00   $104.36   $104.36   Post Service Officer assisted Veteran with getting mental health help at Merced VA clinic and SJVV Intervention specialist.  
 POST 9896  10/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post Service Officer assisted Veteran with filling out paperwork for disability compensation.  
 POST 9896  10/23/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   36   11   $0.00   $548.22   $548.22   Post 9896 conducted funeral honor guard duties for deceased Korean war Veteran. 11 members of the post participated.  
 POST 9896  11/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   13   $0.00   $643.34   $643.34   Post 9896 conducted color guard and honor guard duties for a Post 9896 Life member who passed away. 13 members of the post participated in the funeral providing a 5-person color guard, a 7-member rifle squad and a Taps player.  
 POST 9896  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   2   21   $0.00   $1,555.75   $1,555.75   Post 9896 participated in the Chowchilla Veterans Day ceremony. 21 members participated and provided a full honor guard, color guard, TAPS, and rifle squad.  
 POST 9896  11/12/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   1   0   1   $500.00   $24.69   $524.69   Post 9896 donated $500 scholarship to Wilson School middle school 8th graders to assist with their Washington D.C trip to go visit all the military national monuments.  
 POST 9896  11/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   8   50   1   $0.00   $204.52   $204.52   Post Service Officer assisted a Veteran in crisis. Post-service officer took Veteran to VA clinic to get mental health assistance followed by San Joaquin Valley Veterans to get financial assistance. Post service officer then took Veteran to the Merced Veteran Service Office to get Disability assistance followed by lunch and back to Veterans home.  
 POST 9896  11/12/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   1   0   1   $3,000.00   $24.69   $3,024.69   Post 9896 donated $3000 to Fuller Elementary School in order for them to buy schoolbooks on Americanism for their students at the school.  
 POST 9896  11/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post Service Officer assisted Veteran with interpreting his VA claim paperwork that he received from the Department of Veterans Affairs.  
 POST 9896  11/15/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   8   0   5   $1,000.00   $987.60   $1,987.60   Post 9896 sent the top Voice of Democracy winner to the District for judging. Post had 4 VOD entries and the top three were awarded scholarships totaling $500 with another $500 spent on awards and dinner.  
 POST 9896  11/15/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   8   0   5   $1,000.00   $987.60   $1,987.60   Post 9896 submitted the winners of the Patriots Pen to the District for judging. Post had 10 Patriot Pen entries and awards monetary prizes to the top 3 winners. Total in scholarships were $500 with $500 spent on awards and dinner for the winners.  
 POST 9896  11/15/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   8   0   5   $500.00   $987.60   $1,487.60   Post 9896 submitted the Public Servant of the Year (Firefighter) to the District for judging. Post awarded the winner $250 and another $250 was spent on awards and dinner. Post only had one entry.  
 POST 9896  11/15/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   8   0   5   $750.00   $987.60   $1,737.60   Post 9896 sent the winner of the Citizen Teacher of the Year to the District for Judging. Post had 2 entries and both entries were awarded $250 each with another $250 spent on awards and dinner.  
 POST 9896  11/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   6   8   $0.00   $395.88   $395.88   The post conducted a full Color Guard for the Chowchilla Lioness Club Autumn Dinner. 8 members participated in Presenting colors for the event.  
 POST 9896  11/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   112   8   $0.00   $805.76   $805.76   Post 9896 drove to San Joaquin Valley Veterans National Cemetery and conducted rifle squad duties for a WWII Veterans funeral. 8 members participated.  
 POST 9896  11/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   120   8   $0.00   $806.88   $806.88   While Post was conducting rifle squad duties for a Veterans funeral at San Joaquin Valley Veterans National Cemetery, a family who had a funeral at 2:30pm asked us if we could conduct the final funeral honors for a Vietnam War Veteran. They did not coordinate final military honors with the funeral home. Post 9896 conducted the Veterans final military honors for the family. 8 members participated in the event.  
 POST 9896  11/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   45   1   $0.00   $80.37   $80.37   Post Service Officer drove Veteran to Madera County Veterans Service Office so that Veteran could get his disability claim decision explained to him by the VSO. Veteran also wanted to make a supplemental claim to his existing claim.  
 POST 9896  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   3   20   $0.00   $1,481.82   $1,481.82   Post 9896 participated in the Chowchilla Annual Christmas Parade. We had a float and a color guard and led the parade to the town Christmas tree where we conducted another Color Guard for the lighting of the Christmas tree. 20 members participated. 
 POST 9896  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   4   $0.00   $395.74   $395.74   Four members of Post 9896 conducted a toy and coat drive for needy youth in the community at Starbucks. The event lasted for 4 hours and gently used coats and new toys were donated. 
 POST 9896  12/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   110   8   $0.00   $607.96   $607.96   8 members of Post 9896 conducted funeral honor guard services for Veteran at the San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery. 
 POST 9896  12/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   15   12   $0.00   $594.66   $594.66   12 members of Post 9896 conducted funeral honor guard duties at Chowchilla Cemetery for Air Force Veteran and American Legion member. We had a full color Guard and Rifle squad at the funeral. 
 POST 9896  1/6/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post Service Officer assisted Veteran with filling out forms to turn into the County Veteran Service Officer so that Veteran could conduct a claim for VA disability compensation. 
 POST 9896  1/10/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   90   1   $0.00   $111.36   $111.36   Post Service Officer drove disabled Veteran to Fresno for his VA disability compensation doctor appointment.  
 POST 9896  1/11/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   7   $0.00   $347.06   $347.06   7 members of Post 9896 provided rifle squad for memorial service for an Army Veteran who passes away at the Chowchilla Rebekah hall. 
 POST 9896  1/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   45   1   $0.00   $80.37   $80.37   Post Service Officer drove Veteran and provided Support for Veteran who needed a ride to attend his VA disability Compensation Appeal with a VA judge to Madera County Veterans Service Office where the appeal was going to happen via Zoom from the VSO's office. 
 POST 9896  1/18/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   5   8   $0.00   $395.74   $395.74   8 members of Post 9896 conducted a funeral Honor Guard for an Army Veteran at the Chowchilla cemetery. A rifle squad and colors were presented in honor of the Veteran. 
 POST 9896  2/6/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post Service Officer assisted Veteran with interpreting his VA disability claim letter and understanding what was decided regarding his claim. 
 POST 9896  2/8/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   5   7   $0.00   $346.36   $346.36   Post 9896 conducted a 7-person Color Guard for the annual Chowchilla Sportsman Dinner and Fundraiser held at the Chowchilla Fairgrounds. Seven members participated for a total of 7 hours. 
 Post 9896 Total 177 1,188 276 $11,057.00 $23,523.06 $34,580.06
 District 9 Total 1,556 12,396 2,187 $36,271.50 $238,710.03 $274,981.53
 POST 0  10/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   35   4   $0.00   $696.22   $696.22   Membership drive in partnership with Department and Post 1525.  
 POST 0  10/13/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   70   2   $1.00   $404.84   $405.84   Membership drive during San Francisco Fleet Week in partnership with Department.  
 POST 0  1/30/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   1   1   1   $1,000.00   $24.83   $1,024.83   Donation made for the LA Fire Relief campaign by District 10.  
 Post 0 Total 16 106 7 $1,001.00 $1,125.89 $2,126.89
 POST 75  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   50   4   $0.00   $698.32   $698.32   Membership drive at the Veterans Memorial Building (VMB) during and after the annual 4th of July Parade in the Town of Danville, CA. Members walked the parade route speaking with Veterans and inviting them to the Post 75 BBQ lunch. We set up a recruiting table and accepted applications for membership in VFW.  
 POST 75  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   120   10   $854.00   $1,745.10   $2,599.10   4th of July BBQ in honor of Veterans following the Town of Danville Annual July 4th Parade. Over 100 Veterans and their guests enjoyed food and camaraderie at the Veterans Memorial Building (VMB) in Danville, CA. VFW members set up, cooked, and served a complete BBQ luncheon and socialized with Veterans and guests, sharing the benefits of VFW membership.  
 POST 75  7/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   10   1   $250.00   $75.47   $325.47   Post 75 donated and delivered food and sundries valued at $250 to the Veterans Resource Center at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, CA.Campus.  
 POST 75  7/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   20   2   $267.00   $101.56   $368.56    The Post bought dinner for all its members at our July 2024 monthly meeting.  
 POST 75  8/8/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   80   4   $50.00   $406.24   $456.24   Four Comrades attended the Fall Orientation and Resource Fair for Veterans at the Diablo Valley College Pleasant Hill Campus. We addressed a group of approximately 50 Veteran students and handed out VFW applications to those eligible for membership. Additionally, we provided a $50 Amazon gift card as a raffle prize..   
 POST 75  9/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/ Americanism    7   165   11   $366.00   $1,924.23   $2,290.23   In support of the Town of Danville's annual Hot Summer Sunday Car Show, the Post set up a hotdog booth to support this community event and raise the profile of the VFW and Veterans in general. This annual event held on the closed streets of downtown Danville attracts thousands of people every year. Post 75 provides the only outdoor food and refreshment booth, attracting hundreds of people and many potential new members.    
 POST 75  9/15/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   16   2   $0.00   $199.76   $199.76   The Post set up a recruiting table at the Town of Danville's Annual Hot Summer Sunday Car Show in downtown Danville.  
 POST 75  10/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   40   4   $0.00   $203.12   $203.12   Comrades of the Post conducted a recruiting campaign at our 2nd annual "Bandstand Boogie" free community dance held from 7:00-9:00 pm at the Veterans Memorial Building in downtown Danville.  
 POST 75  10/11/2024   Community Service   Other   5   156   13   $1,300.00   $1,626.69   $2,926.69   Hosted a free community dance with live music provided by The CoolTones Big Band. Held in the Veterans Memorial Building of San Ramon Valley (VMB) in downtown Danville, our 2nd annual "Bandstand Boogie" event was a tremendous success attracting over 150 community members while raising the profile of Veterans of Foreign Wars in the community. The Post paid for snacks, soft drinks, decorations, and the band., and our Comrades did all the planning, set up, teardown, and cleanup.  
 POST 75  10/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   12   2   $301.00   $100.44   $401.44    **not reportable**The Post bought and served dinner for all its members at our October 2024 monthly meeting.  18 Comrades participated.  
 POST 75  11/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   100   4   $0.00   $507.80   $507.80   Comrades Giles, Juntura, Ledoux, and Jacobson provided an honor guard for the local chapter of the 100 Club's annual fundraiser banquet. The 100 Club provides financial support to surviving spouses and families of police officers, fire fighters, and EMTs who are killed in the line of duty. 
 POST 75  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   20   2   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32    Comrades Meshinsky and Juntura distributed Buddy Poppies at the entrance to Lunardi's Market, 345 Railroad Ave in Danville from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and collected $804 in donations.    
 POST 75  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   20   2   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Comrades Meshinsky and Johnson distributed Buddy Poppies at the entrance to Lunardi's Market, 345 Railroad Ave in Danville from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and collected $1007 in donations.    
 POST 75  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   20   2   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Comrades Meshinsky and Jacobson distributed Buddy Poppies at the entrance to Lunardi's Market, 345 Railroad Ave in Danville from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and collected $898 in donations.    
 POST 75  11/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   10   1   $250.00   $75.47   $325.47   Comrade Gannon, on behalf of Post 75, delivered $250 worth of food, beverages, sundries, and diapers to the Diablo Valley College Pleasant Hill Campus Veteran Resource Center food pantry in support of needy Student Veterans. 
 POST 75  12/8/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   6   0   4   $950.00   $592.56   $1,542.56   The Post recognized four local middle school students for their Patriots Pen essays. We awarded the first place winner a $300 prize, plaque, and recognition at our annual awards banquet, where he read his essay. Additionally, the Post paid for his and his parents' banquet meals. We awarded the second place winner a $200 prize and certificate, and also two third place winners $100 each plus certificates. Our first place PP winner went on to win first place at both the District and State levels where he was appropriately recognized at two separate recognition events. 
 POST 75  12/8/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   4   0   3   $1,000.00   $296.28   $1,296.28   The Post recognized two local high school students for their Voice of Democracy spoken essays. We awarded the first place winner a $500 prize, plaque, and recognition at our annual awards banquet, where she read her essay. Additionally, the Post paid for her and her parents' banquet meals. We awarded the second place winner a $300 prize and certificate. Our first place VOD winner went on to win second place at District level. 
 POST 75  12/8/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   5   50   5   $3,440.00   $624.25   $4,064.25   Post 75 held its annual award recognition banquet on Dec 8, 2024 where we recognized local Police Officers of the Year, Firefighter of the Year, and 911 Dispatcher of the Year from the San Ramon Valley. We also recognized our Voice of Democracy and Patriot's Pen winners and provided plaques for all honorees. The Post paid for 14 meals for Honorees and their guests and subsidized the ticket price for all other attendees.  
 POST 75  12/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $500.00   $24.69   $524.69   The Post donated $500 to the Diablo Valley College Pleasant Hill Campus Veteran Resource Center to help send five Veterans to the Student Veterans of American National Conference in Colorado Springs. The conference offers professional development, networking with peers, resume preparation, interview coaching, mentorship opportunities, and potential career prospects before graduation.  
 POST 75  1/8/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   60   2   $0.00   $107.16   $107.16   Comrades Slattengren and Taddeo set up an information and recruiting table at Diablo Valley College in support of the Veteran Resource Center semi-annual Veteran Resource and Information fair. 
 POST 75  1/10/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   150   6   $1,040.00   $761.70   $1,801.70   Six Post 75 members converged at the home of a Comrade Veteran in need, who was being forced out of his house and into a new one. Our Comrade was under significant pressure to be completely moved out by the end of the day, but lacked the money and resources to make it happen on his own. With a great amount material still in the house and garage, our members separated and moved it all to various locations, completely emptying the house of all remaining household goods, junk, and debris. Additionally, the Post paid $1,000 to a junk removal company to take away the last of the unwanted material. Several members worked well into the night helping our Comrade move the last of his household goods into his new home. 
 Post 75 Total 86 1,099 85 $10,568.00 $10,671.80 $21,239.80
 POST 819  1/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   1   1   $500.00   $24.83   $524.83   Donation for LA Fire Disaster Relief sent to Department of California to help veterans in need. 
 Post 819 Total 1 1 1 $500.00 $24.83 $524.83
 POST 1351  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   50   13   $0.00   $648.94   $648.94   VFW Post 1351 led the Martinez Community 4th of July Parade carrying the American Flag and the service flags.  
 POST 1351  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   50   13   $0.00   $327.97   $327.97   Hosted a flag raising event at the Martinez Veterans Memorial Building at 0900 hours with 13 members and about 50 community members in attendance.  
 POST 1351  7/16/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   5   1   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   VFW Post 1351 had one member participate in recruiting efforts at the VA Hospital in Martinez with another District 10 post. Conversed with a lot of veterans.  
 POST 1351  7/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $500.00   $24.69   $524.69   VFW Post 1351 donated $500.00 to the National Home for new residential construction.  
 POST 1351  7/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   40   8   $30.00   $203.12   $233.12   Provided Honor Guard for Thurman Van Tassel Memorial Service at The Martinez Veterans Hall at 1500 hours on 7/21/2024. Provided Memorial box with shells casings from the three volleys shot.  
 POST 1351  7/23/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   50   5   $250.00   $500.80   $750.80   VFW member organized Game Night and recruitment event at the Martinez. Had 25 veterans in attendance and had one person transfer to our Post.  
 POST 1351  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during National convention.  
 POST 1351  7/31/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   300   3   $30.00   $190.14   $220.14   provided three members for the Waler Wasniewski memorial service at the National Cemetery in Dixon.  
 POST 1351  8/20/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   10   2   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   VFW Post 1351 had 2 members participate in the membership drive at the VA hospital in Martinez. Conversed with a lot of veterans and had one veteran complete an application form.  Membership pending, waiting on DD214.  Will continue to follow up. 
 POST 1351  8/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $60.49   $60.49   Volunteering as a UC Berkeley alumnus to welcome new transfer students to the school and answer students’ questions about the social work profession.  
 POST 1351  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   100   15   $0.00   $384.35   $384.35   VFW Post 1351 had 15 members attend the Patriots Day ceremony at the Martinez 9-11 Memorial in Martinez. One member participated with the Martinez Police Department members in the Flag ceremony. Post members passed out about 50 Poppies to Police, Fire Fighters and citizens in attendance. Received $20.00 donation.  
 POST 1351  9/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   4   $40.00   $200.32   $240.32   VFW Post 1351 Commander arranged a visit by the Martinez Antique Car Club for a tour of the Martinez Veterans Hall. Four VFW members participated in the tour and 10 members of the Auto Club attended. One attendee may join our Post.  
 POST 1351  10/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   80   4   $300.00   $208.72   $508.72   VFW had 4 members of Honor Guard participate in  
 POST 1351  10/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   80   4   $0.00   $208.72   $208.72   VFW Post 1351 had 4 members participate in the Honor Guard flag ceremony at the Red & White Car & Motorcycle show in Antioch. Received a donation of $300.00  
 POST 1351  10/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   50   8   $30.00   $402.04   $432.04   Members participate in the Honor Detail for Mr Antozak burial service at Queen Of Heaven Cemetery in Lafayette.  
 POST 1351  10/15/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   5   1   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   VFW Post 1351 spent four hours at the VA Hospital in Martinez in recruiting new members. He spoke to about 15 veterans and did not get any new members. Four veterans were already members of VFW.  
 POST 1351  10/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   5   1   $200.00   $25.39   $225.39   VFW Post 1351 donated two Safeway Food Gift Cards two veterans' families in distress.  
 POST 1351  10/22/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   80   10   $0.00   $751.90   $751.90   VFW Post 1351 hosted a recruiting event at the Martinez Veterans Hall and had food and games. Ten veterans and about ten citizens attended the event. Enjoying playing chess and speaking with potential new members. 
 POST 1351  10/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   400   7   $30.00   $401.66   $431.66   VFW Post 1351 provided 7 members for the James Townsend memorial service at the National Cemetery in Dixon. Three volleys were shot and a memento box provided to the family with shell casings.  
 POST 1351  10/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   100   7   $30.00   $359.66   $389.66   ***This is a Duplicate, Original was approved 10/30/24***VFW Post 1351 provided 7 members for the LTC Mary Hanelt memorial service at the VFW Memorial Hall in Lafayette. Three volleys were shot and a memento box provided to the family.  
 POST 1351  10/31/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   10   20   5   $0.00   $1,237.30   $1,237.30   VFW Post 1351 conducted a Poppy Drive at Safeway in Virginia Hills and received donations of $1,488.24.  
 POST 1351  11/1/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   50   5   $0.00   $624.25   $624.25   VFW Post 1351 had five members at Safeway in Virginia Hills distributing Boddy Poppies. Donations received totaled $1,079.36. 
 POST 1351  11/2/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   9   50   5   $0.00   $1,118.05   $1,118.05   Members distributing Buddy Poppies. Donations received totaled $1,344.  
 POST 1351  11/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   50   4   $0.00   $599.56   $599.56   VFW Post 1351 had 4 members participate in the Poppy drive at Wal-Mart and received donations of $498.00. 
 POST 1351  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   50   6   $0.00   $895.84   $895.84   VFW Post had 6 members participate in the Poppy Drive at Wal Mart and received donations of $521.00. 
 POST 1351  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   70   5   $0.00   $256.70   $256.70   mmbers participate in the Poppy Drive at Wal Mart and received donations of $883.00.  
 POST 1351  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   100   15   $0.00   $384.35   $384.35   Members participate in the flag raising event at our Veterans Hall at 0900 hours.  
 POST 1351  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   15   $0.00   $373.15   $373.15   Members participate in the Veterans Day service at the Martinez City Hall Plaza. Three volleys were shot and a member also participated by reading the Flanders Field poem.  
 POST 1351  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   15   $0.00   $373.15   $373.15   Members participate in the Veterans Day service at the Martinez Cemetery.  
 POST 1351  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   15   $400.00   $743.50   $1,143.50   VFW Post hosted a luncheon after the Veterans Day services and had 15 members participate at the Veterans Memorial Building. Many citizens also attended the luncheon. 
 POST 1351  11/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   3   1   $0.00   $25.11   $25.11   Mmber attend Nuvision Credit Union opened house. Nuvision provided support for Veterans Day luncheon with a donation of $1000.00. Visited with Nuvision management and many Martinez citizens.  
 POST 1351  11/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   5   1   $200.00   $25.39   $225.39   Purchased two Safeway Food cards for two veterans' families in distress.  
 POST 1351  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   30   1   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   VFW Post 1351 had one member represent the VFW by attending the Pearl Harbor Day Lighting the "Eye of Diablo" beacon at the Remembrance Day Ceremony at California State University East Bay. Was able to visit with VFW friend and speaker Chuck Kohler, Pearl Harbor Survivor.  
 POST 1351  12/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   40   1   $500.00   $104.36   $604.36    donated $500.00 of toys purchased for toys for tots 
 POST 1351  12/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   50   1   $500.00   $105.76   $605.76   VFW Post 1351 member purchased for Post donation of $500.00 of toys and deliver to Toys for Tots.  
 POST 1351  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   50   8   $120.00   $402.04   $522.04   Provided 8 members for Wreaths of America program at Memory Gardens Cemetery in Concord, CA. The Honor Guard provided three volleys shot program..  
 POST 1351  12/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   20   1   $1,630.00   $27.49   $1,657.49   Provided $1,630.00 to help female in distress get her car water pump and Timing Belt replaced.  
 POST 1351  1/10/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   35   1   $0.00   $227.11   $227.11   Congressman Garamendi requested a member of VFW Post 1351 to be a member of a committee of three to review applications for the Naval and Merchant Marine Academies. Nine hours were spent reviewing applications and interviewing ten high school seniors. Three seniors were recommended.  
 POST 1351  1/18/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   1   1   $600.00   $24.83   $624.83   Donation for LA Fire Disaster Relief sent to Department of California to help veterans in need. 
 POST 1351  1/24/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   40   8   $30.00   $400.64   $430.64   Provided 8 members for the Honor Guard for the James De Vos Memorial Service at Memory Gardens Cemetery in Concord. Provided memorial box for the family.  
 POST 1351  2/2/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   5   1   $200.00   $25.39   $225.39   Purchased Safeway two food gift cards for two veterans' families in need.  
 POST 1351  2/28/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   50   6   $30.00   $303.28   $333.28   VFW Post 1351 provided six members for Honor Detail for John Coedy memorial service at Oakmont Cemetery in Martinez, California. Provided family with memorial box and shot three volleys. 
 POST 1351  2/28/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   50   6   $30.00   $303.28   $333.28   VFW Post 1351 provided six members for Honor Detail for John Coedy memorial service at Oakmont Cemetery in Martinez, California. Provided family with memorial box and shot three volleys. 
 Post 1351 Total 120 2,254 236 $5,695.00 $14,004.93 $19,699.93
 POST 1525  7/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   2   1   $1.00   $49.66   $50.66   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at a equestrian center.  
 POST 1525  7/2/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   30   3   $0.00   $78.27   $78.27   Provided the Color Guard for the 4th of July Parade in downtown Clayton.  
 POST 1525  7/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   2   1   $1.00   $49.66   $50.66   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at a equestrian center.  
 POST 1525  7/9/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  7/16/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   2   1   $1.00   $49.66   $50.66   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at a equestrian center.  
 POST 1525  7/23/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at VA Martinez serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  7/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   2   1   $1.00   $49.66   $50.66   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at a equestrian center.  
 POST 1525  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   2   1   $1.00   $49.66   $50.66   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at a equestrian center.  
 POST 1525  7/30/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at VA Martinez serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during National convention.  
 POST 1525  8/6/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at VA Martinez serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  8/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   2   1   $1.00   $49.66   $50.66   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at a equestrian center.  
 POST 1525  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   2   1   $1.00   $49.66   $50.66   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at a equestrian center.  
 POST 1525  8/13/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at VA Martinez serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  8/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   3   135   9   $200.00   $685.53   $885.53   Holding a BBQ for 100 members of the National Guard 870th MP unit. Additional volunteers consisted of one member of our Auxiliary and six employees from Target which supplied the burgers and dogs.  
 POST 1525  8/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   2   1   $1.00   $49.66   $50.66   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at a equestrian center.  
 POST 1525  8/20/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at VA Martinez serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  9/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   2   1   $1.00   $49.66   $50.66   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center.  
 POST 1525  9/3/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $0.00   $125.55   $125.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez Hospital serving coffee and donut to veterans,  
 POST 1525  9/4/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the Concord Vet Center, answering phone calls and reminding veterans of their appointments.  
 POST 1525  9/10/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez Hospital serving coffee and donut to veterans,  
 POST 1525  9/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   2   1   $1.00   $49.66   $50.66   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center.  
 POST 1525  9/11/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the Concord Vet Center, answering phone calls and reminding veterans of their appointments.  
 POST 1525  9/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   15   1   $308.38   $51.48   $359.86   Purchased a bike and child's cart a veteran in need of transportation. This was requested by the VA Martinez.  
 POST 1525  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   30   1   $1.00   $28.89   $29.89   Obtained and delivered a wheelchair to veteran in need.  
 POST 1525  9/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   2   1   $1.00   $49.66   $50.66   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center.  
 POST 1525  9/17/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $0.00   $125.55   $125.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez Hospital serving coffee and donut to veterans,  
 POST 1525  9/18/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the Concord Vet Center, answering phone calls and reminding veterans of their appointments.  
 POST 1525  9/20/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   52   1   $1.00   $56.66   $57.66   Attended the POW/MIA Ceremony at the District 17 event.  
 POST 1525  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   364   7   $1.00   $396.62   $397.62   Organized and MC'd the Department of California POW/MIA event onboard the USS Hornet. The event was attended by approximately 85 people.  
 POST 1525  9/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    280   90   1   $0.00   $6,925.80   $6,925.80   ** Someone on their own doing volunteer work is a NO GO** Tutoring veteran students at Diablo Valley College in math.  
 POST 1525  9/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   2   1   $1.00   $49.66   $50.66   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center.  
 POST 1525  9/24/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $0.00   $125.55   $125.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez Hospital serving coffee and donut to veterans,  
 POST 1525  9/25/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the Concord Vet Center, answering phone calls and reminding veterans of their appointments.  
 POST 1525  9/27/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   20   1   $75.00   $200.32   $275.32   Membership drive at the Walnut Creek Oktoberfest in partnership with Post 8063.  
 POST 1525  9/27/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   1   2   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Distributed Buddy Poppies during the Walnut Creek Oktoberfest.  
 POST 1525  9/28/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   1   2   ($0.00)   $98.90   $98.90   Distributed Buddy Poppies during the Walnut Creek Oktoberfest. Raised $174 during the two day event.  
 POST 1525  9/28/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   40   2   $75.00   $400.64   $475.64   Membership drive at the Walnut Creek Oktoberfest in partnership with Post 8063.  
 POST 1525  10/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   2   1   $1.00   $49.66   $50.66   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center.  
 POST 1525  10/1/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $0.00   $125.55   $125.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez Hospital serving coffee and donut to veterans,  
 POST 1525  10/2/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the Concord Vet Center, answering phone calls and reminding veterans of their appointments.  
 POST 1525  10/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   2   $1.00   $198.92   $199.92   Volunteering helping to set up the Clayton Oktoberfest.  
 POST 1525  10/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   140   7   $1.00   $883.75   $884.75   Membership drive during the Clayton Oktoberfest,  
 POST 1525  10/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   1   1   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   Distributed Buddy Poppies during the Clayton Oktoberfest.  
 POST 1525  10/5/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   1   1   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   Distributed Buddy Poppies during the Clayton Oktoberfest.  
 POST 1525  10/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   100   5   $1.00   $878.15   $879.15   Membership drive during the Clayton Oktoberfest,  
 POST 1525  10/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   100   5   $1.00   $878.15   $879.15   Membership drive during the Clayton Oktoberfest, The three-day event resulted in 5 new members joining, and two reinstates.  
 POST 1525  10/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   1   1   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   Distributed Buddy Poppies during the Clayton Oktoberfest. Raised over #400 during the three-day event.  
 POST 1525  10/8/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $0.00   $125.55   $125.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez Hospital, serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  10/8/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $0.00   $125.55   $125.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez Hospital, serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  10/9/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the Concord Vet Center, answering phone calls, and reminding veterans of the appointments.  
 POST 1525  10/10/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   39   1   $0.00   $79.53   $79.53   membership drive during the San Francisco Fleet Week. Post was in partnership with District and Department.  
 POST 1525  10/12/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   6   1   $0.00   $173.67   $173.67   Membership drive in partnership with Post, District, and Department of California.  
 POST 1525  10/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Volunteering with PTSD and TBI veterans at the equestrian center.  
 POST 1525  10/16/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   5   400   1   $0.00   $179.45   $179.45   Volunteering at the North County Standdown in Vista, CA  
 POST 1525  10/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   2   1   $1.00   $49.66   $50.66   Volunteering with PTSD and TBI veterans at the equestrian center.  
 POST 1525  10/22/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $0.00   $125.55   $125.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez Hospital, serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  10/23/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $0.00   $125.55   $125.55   Volunteering at the Concord Vet Center, answering phone calls, and reminding veterans of the appointments.  
 POST 1525  10/29/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $0.00   $125.55   $125.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez Hospital, serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  11/5/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez Hospital, serving coffee and donuts to veterans. 
 POST 1525  11/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   1   1   $1.00   $49.52   $50.52   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center. 
 POST 1525  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   30   6   $1.00   $300.48   $301.48   Buddy Poppy drive conducted at Clayton Safeway. 
 POST 1525  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   30   6   $1.00   $300.48   $301.48   Buddy Poppy drive conducted at Clayton Safeway. 
 POST 1525  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   30   6   $1.00   $300.48   $301.48   Buddy Poppy drive conducted at Clayton Safeway. 
 POST 1525  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   300   15   $1.00   $412.35   $413.35   Conducted Veterans Day Ceremony in Concord. 
 POST 1525  11/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   1   1   $1.00   $49.52   $50.52   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center. 
 POST 1525  11/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   1   1   $1.00   $49.52   $50.52   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center. 
 POST 1525  11/13/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   15   1   $1.00   $100.86   $101.86   Volunteering at the VA Concord Veterans Center, calling veterans to remind them of their counseling sessions. 
 POST 1525  11/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   1   1   $1.00   $49.52   $50.52   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center. 
 POST 1525  11/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   1   1   $1.00   $49.52   $50.52   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center. 
 POST 1525  11/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   1   1   $1.00   $49.52   $50.52   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center. 
 POST 1525  11/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   1   1   $1.00   $49.52   $50.52   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center. 
 POST 1525  11/22/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   10   4   $1.00   $198.92   $199.92   Membership drive at Town Hall Veterans Resource Fair. 
 POST 1525  11/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   1   1   $1.00   $49.52   $50.52   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center. 
 POST 1525  11/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   1   1   $1.00   $49.52   $50.52   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center. 
 POST 1525  12/2/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   2   15   2   $1.00   $100.86   $101.86   Volunteering at VA Center, Concord. Decorating the Veterans Center for annual Veteran Christmas party. 
 POST 1525  12/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   1   1   $1.00   $49.52   $50.52   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center. 
 POST 1525  12/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   1   1   $1.00   $49.52   $50.52   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center. 
 POST 1525  12/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   1   1   $1.00   $49.52   $50.52   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center. 
 POST 1525  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   280   14   $1,500.00   $730.52   $2,230.52   Conducted the Wreaths Across America ceremony at Memory Gardens Cemetery, Concord, in order to honor over 2600 veterans that are interred there.  
 POST 1525  12/14/2024   Community Service    VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   3   45   3   $1.00   $228.51   $229.51   Volunteering at the Concord Veterans Center for their annual Christmas event.  
 POST 1525  12/17/2024   Community Service    VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez hospital serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  12/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   1   1   $1.00   $49.52   $50.52   Volunteering with PTSD & TBI veterans at the equestrian center. 
 POST 1525  12/18/2024   Community Service    VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $0.00   $125.55   $125.55   Volunteering at the Concord VetCenter. Making call to veterans reminding them of appointments.  
 POST 1525  1/7/2025   Community Service    VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez hospital serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  1/8/2025   Community Service    VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   ** Someone on their own doing volunteer work is a NO GO** Volunteering at the Concord VetCenter. Making call to veterans reminding them of appointments.  
 POST 1525  1/14/2025   Community Service    VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez hospital serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  1/15/2025   Community Service    VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the Concord VetCenter. Making call to veterans reminding them of appointments.  
 POST 1525  1/18/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   1   1   $500.00   $24.83   $524.83   Donation for LA Fire Disaster Relief sent to Department of California to help veterans in need. 
 POST 1525  1/21/2025   Community Service    VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez hospital serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  1/22/2025   Community Service    VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the Concord VetCenter. Making call to veterans reminding them of appointments.  
 POST 1525  1/23/2025   Community Service   Other   2   102   1   $1.00   $63.66   $64.66   Attending VAVS quarterly meeting at the Mather VA Hospital,  
 POST 1525  1/28/2025   Community Service    VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez hospital serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  1/28/2025   Community Service   Other   5   18   1   $1.00   $125.97   $126.97   Tutoring student veterans at Diablo Valley College in math and physics. 
 POST 1525  1/29/2025   Community Service    VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the Concord VetCenter. Making call to veterans reminding them of appointments.  
 POST 1525  2/4/2025   Community Service   Other   5   18   1   $1.00   $125.97   $126.97   Tutoring student veterans at Diablo Valley College in math and physics. 
 POST 1525  2/4/2025   Community Service    VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez hospital serving coffee and donuts to veterans.  
 POST 1525  2/5/2025   Community Service    VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   ** Someone on their own doing volunteer work is a NO GO** Volunteering at the Concord VetCenter. Making call to veterans reminding them of appointments.  
 POST 1525  2/11/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez, serving coffee and doughnuts to veterans. 
 POST 1525  2/11/2025   Community Service   Other   5   18   1   $1.00   $125.97   $126.97   Tutoring veteran students at Diablo Valley College in math and physics. 
 POST 1525  2/18/2025   Community Service   Other   5   18   1   $1.00   $125.97   $126.97   Tutoring veteran students at Diablo Valley College in math and physics. 
 POST 1525  2/18/2025   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   1   1   $500.00   $24.83   $524.83   Annual donation to the VFW National Home for California houses. 
 POST 1525  2/18/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez, serving coffee and doughnuts to veterans. 
 POST 1525  2/18/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the VA Martinez, serving coffee and doughnuts to veterans. 
 POST 1525  2/19/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   15   1   $1.00   $125.55   $126.55   Volunteering at the Concord VetCenter, making reminder call to veterans regarding appointments., assisted by our Auxiliary. 
 POST 1525  2/24/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   16   1   $138.00   $26.93   $164.93   Donation of laundry soap for resident patients at VAMartinez., who are required to do their own laundry.. 
 Post 1525 Total 662 3,181 190 $3,389.38 $22,320.68 $25,710.06
 POST 1898  7/16/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   30   0   $0.00   $4.20   $4.20   Held a recruiting and resource event at the Martinez Veterans Hospital.  
 POST 1898  7/16/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   30   3   $0.00   $226.41   $226.41   Held a Poppy drive at the Veterans Hospital.  
 POST 1898  7/16/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   30   3   $0.00   $226.41   $226.41   We set up a resource and recruiting table at the Martinez VA Hospital.  
 POST 1898  8/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   8   2   $0.00   $99.88   $99.88   Performed Honor Guard Ceremony at a US Marine Korean Veterans funeral.  
 POST 1898  8/20/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   30   3   $0.00   $300.48   $300.48   We had a Buddy Poppy Drive this morning at the VA Hospital.  
 POST 1898  8/20/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   30   3   $0.00   $300.48   $300.48   We set up a recruiting and resource at the Martinez Veterans Hospital,  
 POST 1898  8/30/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   4   6   $350.00   $296.84   $646.84   We had a ceremony where we presented a "POW" flag to a WW II Veteran who was a prisoner in a POW Camp during the war. It was held at our local Elks Lodge in Pittsburg.. There were about 15 family and friends in attendance and over 100 Elks members and their guests there for the Friday night dinner.  
 POST 1898  9/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   30   2   $159.00   $201.72   $360.72   Held a raffle and donated the funds to Swords and Plowshares..  
 POST 1898  9/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   30   2   $159.00   $201.72   $360.72   Held a raffle and donated the funds to Swords and Plowshares..  
 POST 1898  10/15/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   30   2   $0.00   $201.72   $201.72   We set up a resource and recruiting table at the Martinez Veterans Hospital. 3rd Tuesday of every month!!  
 POST 1898  11/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   20   2   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Honor Guard and flag ceremony for Korean Veteran at local church.  
 Post 1898 Total 36 272 28 $668.00 $2,161.42 $2,829.42
 POST 2727  8/2/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   Assisted veterans with information and recruiting of VFW members  
 POST 2727  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   Assisting veteran in the hospital  
 POST 2727  9/9/2024   Community Service   Other   6   13   1   $0.00   $149.96   $149.96   Supplied Food Bank canned goods of food to local church. 
 POST 2727  9/13/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   3   2   $0.00   $296.70   $296.70   During Stand Down recruited 3 new members. 
 POST 2727  9/14/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   6   3   1   $0.00   $148.56   $148.56   Participated in stand down meeting with various veterans' group. 
 POST 2727  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   3   8   1   $0.00   $75.19   $75.19   Attended POW/MIA event aboard USS Hornet Alameda  
 POST 2727  9/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisting dependent with burial assistance  
 POST 2727  9/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted spouse with burial assistance  
 POST 2727  10/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   2   1   $0.00   $74.35   $74.35   Helped feed the homeless and homeless veterans at Love Life foundation.  
 POST 2727  10/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   160   1   $0.00   $170.54   $170.54   Consoled veteran battling metastatic cancer  
 POST 2727  10/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief    3   31   1   $0.00   $78.41   $78.41   Spent time with a Disabled Army vet and assisted with paying his bills  
 POST 2727  11/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits Assistance    1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted family with burial information for departed Navy veteran  
 POST 2727  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   31   1   $0.00   $78.41   $78.41   Spent time with a Retired Army vet at a convalescent center and gave him a shave.  
 POST 2727  11/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted Navy widow in renewing expired ID  
 POST 2727  11/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance    1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assted family with burial information for departed Air Force Veteran.  
 POST 2727  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Conducted Veterans Day Celebration at the Veterans Memorial Building  
 POST 2727  11/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   8   1   $0.00   $50.50   $50.50   Help served hot meals to the homeless at a local church  
 POST 2727  11/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits Assistance s Assistance    1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisting spouse of deceased Army Veteran in correcting a death certificate.  
 POST 2727  11/19/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   4   1   $0.00   $25.25   $25.25   Picked up 2 flags for retirement 
 POST 2727  11/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   6   1   $0.00   $99.60   $99.60   Fed the unhoused at a community church.  
 POST 2727  11/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance    1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted USAF spouse with disability inf0rmatiomn.  
 POST 2727  12/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   4   1   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Helped prepare and feed the unhoused at a local church  
 POST 2727  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Directing Vietnam veteran Army spouse to agencies that can benefit veteran dealing with health issues  
 POST 2727  12/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   14   1   $0.00   $76.03   $76.03   Spent time with Army vet who is in hospice care.  
 POST 2727  12/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   6   1   $0.00   $74.91   $74.91   Assisted church food ministry.  
 POST 2727  12/30/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Along with Fire station #4 lowered the Flag to half mast in honor of President Jimmy Carter passing..  
 POST 2727  1/10/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisting Navy veteran with disability claims...  
 POST 2727  1/14/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisting Army spouse with burial assistance..  
 POST 2727  1/15/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   6   1   $0.00   $74.91   $74.91   Help feed the unhoused at a local church  
 POST 2727  1/18/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   1   1   1   $1,000.00   $24.83   $1,024.83   Donation for LA Fire Disaster Relief sent to Department of California to help veterans in need.  
 POST 2727  1/24/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   95   1   $0.00   $161.44   $161.44   Assisting a comrade into an Alcohol treatment program  
 POST 2727  1/27/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   3   1   $0.00   $74.49   $74.49   Visiting an Army comrade in the hospital.  
 POST 2727  1/28/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   6   1   $0.00   $50.22   $50.22   Spent time with a Marine veteran at a local hospital.  
 POST 2727  1/28/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   6   1   $0.00   $50.22   $50.22   Spent time with an Army veteran at a local hospital.  
 POST 2727  1/30/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   6   1   $0.00   $50.22   $50.22   Spent time with an Army veteran at a local hospital  
 POST 2727  2/5/2025   Community Service   Other   3   6   1   $0.00   $74.91   $74.91   **Assisted in feeding the unhoused at a local church food ministry..  
 POST 2727  2/19/2025   Community Service   Other   4   6   1   $0.00   $99.60   $99.60   Fed the unhoused at a community church 
 POST 2727  2/24/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   4   14   1   $8.00   $100.72   $108.72   Assisted veteran with transportation to Fort Miley 
 Post 2727 Total 105 502 41 $1,008.00 $3,008.39 $4,016.39
 POST 4618  7/18/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Quarterly VAVS Committee meeting at the SF VA Medical Center  
 POST 4618  7/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   100   6   $500.00   $606.56   $1,106.56   Attended final rites for Auxiliary member in Stockton, CA. donation of $500 to family.  
 POST 4618  8/15/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Patient escort at the SF VA Medical Center!  
 POST 4618  8/29/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Patient escort at the SF VA Medical Center  
 POST 4618  9/5/2024   Community Service   Other   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Volunteer at the SFIA airport as a Greeter in the lobby  
 POST 4618  9/5/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Wheelchair escort at the SF VA Medical Center.  
 POST 4618  9/12/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Wheelchair escort at the SF VA Medical Center.  
 POST 4618  9/12/2024   Community Service   Other   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Greeter at the SFIA welcoming flyers/passengers to the airport.  
 POST 4618  9/19/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Patient escort at SF VA Medical Center  
 POST 4618  9/19/2024   Community Service   Other   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Greeter at the SFIA  
 POST 4618  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   15   2   $0.00   $100.86   $100.86   Two members attended Department of California POW/MIA event onboard the USS Hornet on Sept 21, 2024.  
 POST 4618  9/26/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   patient escort at SF VA Medical Center  
 POST 4618  10/3/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Patient escort at SF VA Medical Center.  
 POST 4618  10/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Greeter at SFO Airport  
 POST 4618  10/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Greeter at SFO Airport  
 POST 4618  10/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   6   20   3   $0.00   $447.22   $447.22   Color guards for SF Healthcare Providers Cyber Lions Club in Burlingame, CA  
 POST 4618  10/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   20   8   $0.00   $595.36   $595.36   Fleet week, serving lunch to sailors and marines from the fleet week vessels located in San Francisco.  
 POST 4618  10/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   20   1   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   Attended USS Hornet Museum honoring Vietnam Veterans (Commemorative) Event. 
 POST 4618  10/10/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Patient escort at SF VA Medical Center  
 POST 4618  10/10/2024   Community Service   Other   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Greeter at the SF IA  
 POST 4618  10/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   2   1   $0.00   $74.35   $74.35   Buddy Poppies circulated at Marina Greens during the Fleet Week in San Francisco  
 POST 4618  10/17/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   CDCE Quarterly meeting, VFW Deputy Representative  
 POST 4618  10/24/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Patient escort at SF VA Medical Center for patients.  
 POST 4618  11/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Picked up disabled VFW member and drove him shopping at nearby Safeway and returned him home.  
 POST 4618  11/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   10   4   $0.00   $396.44   $396.44   Honor guard team met with SF State University veteran group for planning event on 11/7/24 
 POST 4618  11/2/2024   Youth Development    Voice of Democracy   90   0   8   $329.14   $17,776.80   $18,105.94   **need to split**Preparation before VFW 4618 meeting/luncheon/VOD judging – November 2, 2024 • VOD entries collection • VOD entries sorting • VOD entries evaluating • presentation to VFW 4618 comrades • VFW District 10 comrades; requests for distributions Judges (8) Raymond Wong Wellington Jang Nestor Tom Leanna Louie Stanley Yang Sean Nelson William Fong David Wong received fifteen (15) VOD applications; disqualified eight (8) VOD incomplete applications; held luncheon, eight (8) comrades stayed to do VOD judging; per VFW District 10 commander, directed 1 VOD application each to VFW 819, VFW 7265, VFW 8399; acquired checks for three (3) VOD student submissions, plus $ 29.14 additional costs for VFW shipping/handling, USPS postage, certification lamination, VOD medals, submitted results to VFW District 10 VOD chairman; VFW 4618 comrades reside in numerous California counties, 2nd homes, out-of-state, cannot estimate hours/miles/transportation costs  
 POST 4618  11/7/2024   Community Service   Other   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Greeter at the SFO airport. 
 POST 4618  11/7/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Patient escort at SF VA Medical Center for disabled veterans. 
 POST 4618  11/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   20   4   $0.00   $397.84   $397.84   Honor Guard at SF State University Veterans Event.  
 POST 4618  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   4   1   $0.00   $247.46   $247.46   Hours spent as SF Mayor's Veterans Day Parade Committee coordinating last minute details to ensure the success of the parade on 11/10/24 in the Fisherman's Wharf location. (Hours spent during October n November) 
 POST 4618  11/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   4   10   $0.00   $741.26   $741.26   Volunteers at our annual Veterans Day Parade in San Francisco performing multiple tasks before, during and after the parade.  
 POST 4618  11/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   4   1   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Volunteered as a PGA HOPE graduate at the SF Giants Ballpark Back 9 annual event. 
 POST 4618  11/14/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Escorted patients to appointments at the SF VA Medical Center. Patients also escorted to cafeteria or parking lot too. 
 POST 4618  11/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Greeter at the SFO airport  
 POST 4618  11/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Special event, 90th Birthday of SF VA Medical Center, assisted setting up and disassembled of items at event.  
 POST 4618  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   2   1   $0.00   $24.97   $24.97   Picked up and drove VFW Post veteran to Safeway neighborhood store for shopping and assisted with carrying groceries to my vehicle and drove him home and carried groceries up front staircase of home. 
 POST 4618  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   2   1   $0.00   $24.97   $24.97   Picked up and drove VFW Post veteran to Safeway neighborhood store for shopping and assisted with carrying groceries to my vehicle and drove him home and carried groceries up front staircase of home. 
 POST 4618  12/5/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Patient escort at the SF VA Medical Center for patients going to their appointments. 
 POST 4618  12/5/2024   Community Service   Community Service   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Greeter at the SFIA and informing passengers of where to proceed to airline counters or departures.  
 POST 4618  12/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Greeter at the SF International Airport  
 POST 4618  12/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   1   1   $200.00   $24.83   $224.83   Donation to National Home!  
 POST 4618  12/12/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Wheelchair patient escort at SF VA Medical Center  
 POST 4618  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $85.00   $24.69   $109.69   Annual donation to Wreaths Across America at the SF Presidio National Cemetery.  
 POST 4618  12/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $200.00   $24.69   $224.69   Donation to Patriots Paws, working service animals for disabled veterans. 
 POST 4618  12/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Volunteer greeter at the SF International Airport!  
 POST 4618  12/19/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Patient escort at the SF VA Medical Center for assistance with patients. 
 POST 4618  12/19/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Patient escort at the SF VA Medical Center for assistance with patients. 
 POST 4618  1/1/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Greeter at SFO airport.  
 POST 4618  1/2/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Patient wheelchair escort at SF VA Medical Center for appointments or cafeteria. 
 POST 4618  1/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Volunteered as a greeter at SF International Airport  
 POST 4618  1/15/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   greeter at SF International Airport 
 POST 4618  1/18/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   1   1   1   $200.00   $24.83   $224.83   Donation for LA Fire Disaster Relief sent to Department of California to help veterans in need.  
 POST 4618  1/18/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   35   6   $0.00   $449.32   $449.32   San Francisco's Richmond District held it's 1st Lunar New Year's Parade, our Post's color guard unit was invited to participate! Even though there was much chaos for the event, the Post participated.  
 POST 4618  1/22/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   4   1   $0.00   $74.63   $74.63   Attended Grants For the Arts community get together at the Asia Art Museum to meet other 265 organizations that receive funding from the SF Hotel taxes for the Arts, parades and festivals held within the city.  
 POST 4618  1/23/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Patient wheelchair escort at the SF VA Medical Center.  
 POST 4618  1/23/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Volunteer as a greeter at the SF International Airport.  
 POST 4618  1/30/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   20   3   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   Part of Honor guard at deceased VFW member's funeral services in Oakland, CA.  
 POST 4618  1/30/2025   Veterans Assistance    VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   2   1   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Patient escort at the SF VA Medical Center for patients appointments.  
 POST 4618  2/13/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   2   1   $0.00   $123.73   $123.73   Wheelchair escort at the SF VA Medical Center assisting patients to their appointments. 
 POST 4618  2/15/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   30   4   $0.00   $201.72   $201.72   Part of Honor Guard for deceased Air Force Vietnam veteran at Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland, CA. 
 Post 4618 Total 332 673 108 $1,514.14 $27,105.08 $28,619.22
 POST 6298  7/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   6   10   $0.00   $1,235.34   $1,235.34   Supported by attending Change of Command for Lt Commander Marisol Chalis at the VMB. We also sponsored this event for our friends at Camp Park Army Reserve Forces Training Area.  
 POST 6298  7/2/2024   Community Service   Other   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Attended Las Positas College Veterans Resource Center Community Meeting.  
 POST 6298  7/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   5   20   $0.00   $988.30   $988.30   Saturday morning Social Gathering/event planning  
 POST 6298  7/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   5   15   $0.00   $741.40   $741.40   Saturday morning Social Gathering/event planning  
 POST 6298  7/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   13   6   $0.00   $298.10   $298.10   Range day for Veterans (outreach) at the Livermore/Pleasanton Rod and Gun club.  
 POST 6298  7/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   5   18   $0.00   $889.54   $889.54   Saturday morning Social Gathering/event planning  
 POST 6298  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   15   4   $0.00   $199.62   $199.62   Sponsored Range Day at Livermore Pleasanton Rod and gun Club for our post members.  We invited our friends from the Livermore post, Camp Parks, and Las Positas College VFP  
 POST 6298  7/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   11   $0.00   $543.88   $543.88   Saturday morning Social Gathering/event planning. Claims and Benefits reviewed  
 POST 6298  8/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   15   6   $0.00   $446.52   $446.52   Sponsored Range Day at Livermore Pleasanton Rod and gun Club for our post members.  We invited our friends from the Livermore post, Camp Parks, and Las Positas College VFP  
 POST 6298  8/21/2024   Youth Development   Other   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   write a letter of recommendation for one of our young Sea Cadets who will be going to the Air Force Academy next year. this letter of recommendation is for his application package.  
 POST 6298  9/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   4   18   $0.00   $889.40   $889.40   Saturday Morning Veterans social gathering (coffee & donuts)  
 POST 6298  9/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   5   20   $0.00   $1,482.10   $1,482.10   Veterans Saturday Morning Social 
 POST 6298  9/21/2024   Community Service   Other   5   0   25   $0.00   $3,086.25   $3,086.25   Supported AL Beer Brats and Bingo event 
 POST 6298  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   5   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Sponsored Range Day at Livermore Pleasanton Rod and gun Club for our post members.  We invited our friends from the Livermore post, Camp Parks, and Las Positas College VFP  
 POST 6298  10/2/2024   Community Service   Other   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Attended Las Positas College Community meeting (online) gave updates 
 POST 6298  10/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   10   22   $0.00   $1,630.94   $1,630.94   Saturday morning social  
 POST 6298  10/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   12   20   $0.00   $1,483.08   $1,483.08   Veteran Social coffee and donutes 
 POST 6298  10/6/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   1   15   3   $0.00   $76.17   $76.17   Eagle Court of Honor set up/event / tear down 
 POST 6298  10/17/2024   Youth Development   Other   4   2   4   $0.00   $395.32   $395.32   Young men service League event 
 Post 6298 Total 52 117 213 $0.00 $15,126.66 $15,126.66
 POST 6435  9/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Assisted filling out VA claim form 21-526ez for a veteran  
 POST 6435  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Assisted in filling out VA forms 21-686c and 21-8940 for a veteran.  
 POST 6435  9/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Assisted filling out VA forms 21-8940 and 20-0995 for a veteran  
 POST 6435  9/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Assisted Claims form for veteran.  
 POST 6435  10/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   20   2   $575.57   $101.56   $677.13   Provided financial assistance to veteran  Porter, to bring him current on his auto loan.  
 POST 6435  10/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   25   1   $500.00   $52.88   $552.88   Paid for car repairs for veteran Ramon Torres.  
 POST 6435  10/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   1   $500.00   $50.78   $550.78   Paid for car repairs for Veteran Ramon Torres.  
 POST 6435  10/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   0   2   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   Donation to the Antioch Historical society.  
 POST 6435  10/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $500.00   $24.69   $524.69   Donation to the Delta Veterans Group. 
 POST 6435  10/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   Donation to Meals on Wheels.  
 POST 6435  10/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   25   1   $500.00   $52.88   $552.88   Paid for car repairs for veteran Ramon Torres.  
 POST 6435  10/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   0   2   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   Donation to Loaves and Fishes.  
 POST 6435  10/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)    1   0   2   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   Donation to Martinez VAVS.  
 POST 6435  10/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   provided   VA claim forms 21-22 and 21-8940 for veteran Mr Miller.  
 POST 6435  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   10   0   5   $0.00   $1,234.50   $1,234.50   Distributed Buddy Poppies at two grocery stores Friday and Saturday 
 POST 6435  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    6   20   11   $1,200.00   $1,632.34   $2,832.34   Hosted a free BBQ lunch at our post, open to the public. After Veterans Day Ceremony 
 POST 6435  11/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   VA form 21-526 for veteran  
 POST 6435  11/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   20   1   $500.00   $52.18   $552.18   Paid car repair bill for veteran Ramon Torres. 
 POST 6435  11/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   VA form 20-0095 for veteran.  
 POST 6435  11/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   VA forms 21-4142 and 21-4142a for veteran.  
 POST 6435  12/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   VA form 21-22 for veteran  
 POST 6435  1/9/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   0   1   $250.00   $74.07   $324.07   Donation to V.A.V.S. Martinez  
 POST 6435  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   donation to Antioch Historical Society  
 POST 6435  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   Donation to Loaves and Fishes  
 POST 6435  1/9/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   Donation to Delta Veterans Group  
 POST 6435  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   Donation to Meals on Wheels  
 POST 6435  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   0   2   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   Monetary donation to Loaves & Fishes.  
 POST 6435  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   0   2   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   Monetary donation to Meals on Wheels  
 POST 6435  1/11/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    1   0   2   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   Monetary donation to V.A.V.S. Martinez.  
 POST 6435  1/11/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   Monetary donation to the Delta Veterans Group.  
 POST 6435  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   0   2   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   Monetary donation to Antioch Friends of Seniors.  
 POST 6435  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   0   2   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   Monetary donation to the Antioch Historical Society.  
 POST 6435  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   VA claim form 31-4138 for veteran. 
 POST 6435  1/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   VA claim form 21-526ez for veteran.  
 POST 6435  1/30/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   VA claim form 21-0966 for veteran.  
 POST 6435  2/11/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   VA claim form 21-22 for veteran.  
 Post 6435 Total 62 250 61 $8,525.57 $4,331.06 $12,856.63
 POST 7265  7/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   22   2   $0.00   $200.60   $200.60   Post members attended change of command ceremony at Army post, Camp Parks.  
 POST 7265  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   5   $0.00   $495.20   $495.20   Post Color Guard presented the National Colors at the City of Livermore 4th of July celebration.  
 POST 7265  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   34   1   $0.00   $128.21   $128.21   Post member drove historic Jeep in support of Alameda Veterans Affairs Commission participation in Alameda's 4th of July parade.  
 POST 7265  7/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   4   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Held a mental awareness event with a few veterans that welcomed the support and camaraderie with other veterans.   
 POST 7265  7/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   5   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Contacting veteran’s in our post to see if they assistance  
 POST 7265  7/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   21   16   $0.00   $1,188.06   $1,188.06   Contacted veterans to see if as chaplain I could be of assistance to them  
 POST 7265  7/15/2024   Legislative Advocacy   State   3   44   1   $0.00   $80.23   $80.23   Post Adjutant attended Alameda County Veterans Affairs commission meeting  
 POST 7265  7/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   12   12   $0.00   $1,186.80   $1,186.80   Stayed at Veterans Memorial Building to assist In Security for the Amador Quilters ladies  
 POST 7265  7/15/2024   Legislative Advocacy   State   3   22   1   $0.00   $77.15   $77.15   Post Adjutant attended Alameda County Veterans Affairs Commission meeting  
 POST 7265  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   29   6   $0.00   $596.62   $596.62   Visited veterans to see if I could be of assistance to them as Chaplain  
 POST 7265  7/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   7   34   0   $0.00   $4.76   $4.76   District meeting 
 POST 7265  7/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   5   1   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Service officer assisted veteran VA disability and questions regarding VA medical services  
 POST 7265  7/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   22   1   $0.00   $77.15   $77.15   Post service officer assisted Veteran with VA benefits and enrolment  
 POST 7265  7/26/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   12   3   $0.00   $297.96   $297.96   Set up recruiting booth at local college veteran orientation event  
 POST 7265  7/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   16   4   $0.00   $199.76   $199.76   Contacted Veterans as Chaplain to see if I could be of assistance  
 POST 7265  7/31/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Post Adjutant called post non-life members encouraging them to take advantage of Department August half price membership  
 POST 7265  8/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   8   4   $0.00   $297.40   $297.40   Presented the Colors during the National Anthem of the Intermediate League World Series in Livermore  
 POST 7265  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   15   401   1   $80.40   $426.49   $506.89   Traveled to Northern CA to VFW veterans to see if I could be of assistance as Chaplains  
 POST 7265  8/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   42   6   $0.00   $450.30   $450.30   post honor guard rendered military honor at funeral for a deceased Veteran  
 POST 7265  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   6   1   $0.00   $50.22   $50.22   service officer assisted veteran with claims benefits through the VA.  
 POST 7265  8/19/2024   Legislative Advocacy   State   3   44   1   $0.00   $80.23   $80.23   Post Adjutant attended Alameda County Veterans Affairs Commission meeting.  
 POST 7265  8/23/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post Adjutant (charter rep for scouts) assisted Scout Pack with registration of adult leaders in the Pack  
 POST 7265  9/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   22   2   $0.00   $101.84   $101.84   Visited to see if I could be an assistances to them as Chaplain  
 POST 7265  9/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   5   2   $0.00   $148.84   $148.84   Assisted Veteran with VA Benefits application forms.  
 POST 7265  9/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   12   5   $0.00   $248.58   $248.58   Post Presented the Colors at Las Positas Collage 9-11 remembrance event.  
 POST 7265  9/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   6   5   $0.00   $247.74   $247.74   Post Color Guard presented the Colors at Livermore High school Football Game in remembrance of 9-11.  
 POST 7265  9/14/2024         3   22   4   $0.00   $299.36   $299.36   Visited Pleasenton VFW to see what they were doing to help our post get new member 
 POST 7265  9/16/2024   Legislative Advocacy   State   3   12   1   $0.00   $75.75   $75.75   Post Adjutant attended Alameda County Veterans Affairs Commission meeting.  
 POST 7265  9/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   21   1   $0.00   $77.01   $77.01   Visited family to prepare for funeral service on Friday  
 POST 7265  9/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   11   1   $0.00   $75.61   $75.61   Security forr Quilts of valor  
 POST 7265  9/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   5   2   $0.00   $148.84   $148.84   VSO assisted with filling out our VA Benefit forms  
 POST 7265  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   3   62   5   $0.00   $379.03   $379.03   Post Color Guard presented the Colors at the Department of California VFW POW/MIA remembrance event on the USS Hornet.  
 POST 7265  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   3   62   1   $0.00   $82.75   $82.75   Post Bugler played Taps at the VFW Department POW/MIA remembrance event on the USS Hornet museum.  
 POST 7265  9/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   21   1   $0.00   $52.32   $52.32   Visited member  
 POST 7265  9/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   30   12   $0.00   $1,485.60   $1,485.60   Funeral service for a VFW member 4 veterans. Then internment of veteran at cement are honor Guard, Flag folding ceremony  
 POST 7265  9/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   27   1   $0.00   $53.16   $53.16   Went to the families Celebration of life fo the deceased veteran.  
 POST 7265  9/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   12   5   $0.00   $125.13   $125.13   Post Color Guard presented the Colors at the Nostalgia Car Show in downtown Livermore  
 POST 7265  9/29/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   12   4   $0.00   $495.48   $495.48   Post members set up a recruiting booth in downtown Livermore at Nostalgic car show event. {assed out applications to at least 3 recruits and 1 possible transfer from out of state.  
 POST 7265  9/29/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   12   2   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Post members set up a booth and handed out Buddy poppies at Nostalgia car show in Downtown Livermore.  
 POST 7265  10/3/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   20   3   $0.00   $225.01   $225.01   Visited Camp Parks seeking new membership and lunch  
 POST 7265  10/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Contacted 17 members by phone of our post to see if they needed assistance  
 POST 7265  10/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   11   1   $0.00   $50.92   $50.92   Contacted 17 veterans/post member to see if I could be of assistance to them  
 POST 7265  10/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   15   4   $0.00   $594.66   $594.66   Set up and provide security for the quilters during they are and I am here. Also had a ceremony to give/ provide 3 quilts to veterans  
 POST 7265  10/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Veteran needs assistant contacted VSO and advised the need of assistance  
 POST 7265  10/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   11   33   2   $0.00   $547.80   $547.80   Assisted church with assistance in set up and the program of the day  
 POST 7265  10/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   18   1   $0.00   $101.28   $101.28   Assisted in visited with veterans to seek mental assistance and becoming VFW new members  
 POST 7265  10/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    2   13   1   $0.00   $51.20   $51.20   Contact and meet at the home of a veteran that was having breathing problems  
 POST 7265  10/29/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   Visited a local college event to recruit new members  
 POST 7265  10/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   18   1   $0.00   $76.59   $76.59   Post Member used his WWII Jeep to past out candy to veteran families children at Las Positas College trunk or treat program at the local college.  
 POST 7265  11/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   22   8   $0.00   $793.16   $793.16   Post members marched and drove Jeep's in the Pleasanton Veterans Day Parade  
 POST 7265  11/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   26   1   $0.00   $77.71   $77.71   Assisted with Color Guard for a veterans parade  
 POST 7265  11/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   22   1   $0.00   $101.84   $101.84   Assisted in set up and provided security for Quilts of Valor  
 POST 7265  11/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   28   1   $0.00   $102.68   $102.68   Post commander set up recruiting and information booth at Camp Parks Community Expo event,.  
 POST 7265  11/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   6   28   1   $0.00   $152.06   $152.06   Color guard and recruiting of Veterans for the VFW  
 POST 7265  11/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   28   1   $0.00   $152.06   $152.06   Went to car show did honor guard and did recruiting  
 POST 7265  11/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   12   2   $0.00   $396.72   $396.72   Post conducted membership recruiting at the Good Guys car show 
 POST 7265  11/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   22   1   $0.00   $101.84   $101.84   Went to car show did honor guard and did recruiting  
 POST 7265  11/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   12   5   $0.00   $125.13   $125.13   Post Color Guard presented the Colors at the Good Guys car show 
 POST 7265  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   12   1   $0.00   $100.44   $100.44   Post members passed out Buddy Poppies at the Good Guys car show  
 POST 7265  11/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Assisted Vet with VA benefit application  
 POST 7265  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   12   2   $0.00   $199.20   $199.20   Post members passed out Buddy Poppies at the Good Guys car show  
 POST 7265  11/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   12   2   $0.00   $199.20   $199.20   Post set up booth for membership recruiting at the Good Guys car show  
 POST 7265  11/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   12   4   $0.00   $100.44   $100.44   Post Color Guard presented the Colors at the Good Guys car show  
 POST 7265  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   5   5   $100.00   $371.05   $471.05   Honor Guard, Taps Played 
 POST 7265  11/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   10   3   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   Honor Guard Veterans First Los Positos College Veterans Day 
 POST 7265  11/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   12   3   $0.00   $149.82   $149.82   Post Color Guard presented the Colors at Las Positas Veterans Day celebration.  
 POST 7265  11/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Assisted Vet with disability Application 
 POST 7265  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   11   1   $0.00   $26.23   $26.23   Contacted 3 veterans to see if I could be of assistance  
 POST 7265  11/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    1   11   2   $0.00   $50.92   $50.92   Contacted 4 veterans to see if I could be of assistance  
 POST 7265  11/18/2024   Legislative Advocacy   State   3   24   1   $0.00   $77.43   $77.43   Post Adjutant attended County Veterans Affairs Commission meeting 
 POST 7265  11/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   17   1   $0.00   $101.14   $101.14   Funeral service for wife of veteran that had passed away to be with  
 POST 7265  11/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Contacted veterans that was recently in hospital to see how he was doing at home  
 POST 7265  12/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   22   1   $0.00   $52.46   $52.46   Met with one VFW member and 2 other trying to get them interested in joining the VFW  
 POST 7265  12/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   20   $400.00   $493.80   $893.80   Donated $400 to local Blue Star moms organization to support sending comfort packages to active duty troops serving overseas.  
 POST 7265  12/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   21   1   $0.00   $52.32   $52.32   Visited a VFW member that returned home from surgery  
 POST 7265  12/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   21   1   $0.00   $52.32   $52.32   Visited a VFW member that returned home from surgery  
 POST 7265  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   4   3   $0.00   $593.12   $593.12   Post hosted Christmas event for foster children, Members helped set up the Veterans building and assisted with the event. Over 90 children were present.  
 POST 7265  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   103   5   $0.00   $631.67   $631.67   Went to a funeral service for one our VFW members that recently passed in Hayward, CA. 3 different vehicles  
 POST 7265  12/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   48   5   $0.00   $500.52   $500.52   Funeral for a fallen veteran, Post honor guard folded and presented a flag to the family and blew taps at memorial service. 
 POST 7265  12/16/2024   Legislative Advocacy   State   4   50   1   $0.00   $105.76   $105.76   Post adjutant attended Alameda Veterans affairs commission meeting. 
 POST 7265  12/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    6   1,540   0   $0.00   $215.60   $215.60   Drove to and visited a veteran that is in a veterans assisted home the advise family of my visited  
 POST 7265  1/5/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Assisted Iraq War vet with VA benefit paperwork  
 POST 7265  1/18/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   1   1   1   $750.00   $24.83   $774.83   Donation for LA Fire Disaster Relief sent to Department of California for veterans in need .  
 POST 7265  1/19/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   195   1   $0.00   $249.51   $249.51   Honor Guard. 4 hours Visit 103 year old veteran 5 hours  
 POST 7265  1/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   15   1   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Visited Veteran talked about updating his VA Card and getting a Doctor at VA Livermore.. Veteran need to Our Veteran Service Officer to apply for possible benefits  
 POST 7265  1/22/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   5   5   6   $0.00   $741.40   $741.40   Assisted 4 veterans with VA Benefits  
 POST 7265  1/22/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   16   1   $0.00   $51.62   $51.62   Recruiting member at two different locations  
 POST 7265  1/25/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   5   7   $0.00   $346.36   $346.36   Livermore School District fund raiser, Run to the Flag 
 POST 7265  1/29/2025   Community Service   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   11   1   $0.00   $50.92   $50.92   Getting people to join/consider VFW membership drive 
 POST 7265  1/30/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   22   1   $0.00   $52.46   $52.46   Visited veteran to see if I could assist him  
 POST 7265  2/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   11   1   $0.00   $26.23   $26.23   Called a Veteran in the hospital in Stockton. Sent Veteran Service Officer contact name in for assistance.  
 POST 7265  2/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   11   1   $0.00   $26.23   $26.23   Called a Veteran in the hospital in Stockton. Sent Veteran Service Officer contact name in for assistance.  
 POST 7265  2/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   5   3   $0.00   $296.98   $296.98   Assisted two veterans with the filing for VA compensation benefits  
 POST 7265  2/4/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   10   0   $0.00   $1.40   $1.40   Checking in on VFW members health 
 POST 7265  2/13/2025   Community Service   Other   2   6   0   $0.00   $0.84   $0.84   Went to Los Positas Community College to see if I could be af assistant and left card for people to contact me if needed 
 POST 7265  2/14/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Contacted members that do not often to our post for meeting to see if I could be of assistance 
 POST 7265  2/17/2025   Veterans Assistance      2   3   1   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Contacted 2 Member concerning life and health and 1 recruiting for vfw 
 POST 7265  2/22/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   4   21   1   $0.00   $101.70   $101.70   Met with Veterans for breakfast, made a contact with a teacher for teacher of the year 
 Post 7265 Total 322 3,787 265 $1,330.40 $21,220.40 $22,550.80
 POST 8063  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   4   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Post 8063 provided three Veterans and one Bugler for the Flag raising in the morning of July Fourth. Post 8063 led the attendees in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. The bugler played To The Colors.  
 POST 8063  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   10   $0.00   $495.20   $495.20   Provided the Honor Guard and Veterans for the City of Orinda Independence Day Parade.  
 POST 8063  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   3   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   Post 8063 performed a Flag ceremony to recognize 9/11. The Flags at the Veterans Memorial Building were placed at Half-Staff in the morning and raised to Full-Staff in the evening.  
 POST 8063  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   40   3   $0.00   $153.74   $153.74   Three members of VFW Post 8063 participated in the Department of California VFW ceremony on the USS Hornet to recognize and remember National POW / MIA Day. The USS Hornet is moored at the former Alameda Naval Air Station.  
 POST 8063  9/27/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   20   1   $75.00   $89.22   $164.22   9/27/2024. The Commander of VFW Post 8063 participated in a Membership Drive in Walnut Creek under the City's Oktoberfest event. This was Day 1 of a 2-day recruiting event. A separate submittal will be made for day 2.  
 POST 8063  9/28/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   9/28/2024. The Commander of VFW Post 8063 participated in a Membership Drive in Walnut Creek under the City's Oktoberfest event. This was Day 2 of a 2-day recruiting event. A separate submittal was made for day 1. Earlier submittal for day-2 on 9/28/24 had omitted the hours, miles, # members. This is a re-entry. to correct the oversight.  
 POST 8063  9/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   10   $0.00   $496.60   $496.60   served as the Veterans component for the Parade to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the town of Moraga. The town of Moraga is one of the sister cities that VFW Post 8063 is affiliated. Other cites are Orinda, Lafayette, Walnut Creek.  
 POST 8063  9/28/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   participated in a Membership Drive in Walnut Creek under the City's Oktoberfest event. This report is for Day 2 of a 2-day recruiting event. A separate submittal made for day 1. of event.  
 POST 8063  9/29/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   participated in a Membership Drive in Walnut Creek under the City's Oktoberfest event. This was Day 2 of a 2-day recruiting event. A separate submittal was made for day 1. Earlier submittal for day-2 on 9/28/24 had omitted the hours, miles, # members. This is a re-entry. to correct the oversight.  
 POST 8063  10/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   5   1   $80.00   $25.39   $105.39   Post 8063 provided monies to a veterans in need. The monies will assist with food/housing.  
 POST 8063  10/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   10   12   $0.00   $593.96   $593.96   Post 8063 provided the Veterans Memorial Building at no cost to the Lafayette Police Department for use in making a presentation entitled "Fraud Protection". The presentation provided information to veterans, seniors, and all persons on ways to fight scams and similar frauds, many members of the public and 12 veterans participated in the presentation.  
 POST 8063  10/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Post 8063 provided the Veterans Memorial Building at no cost to the Lafayette Police Department for use in making a presentation entitled "Fraud Protection". The presentation provided information to veterans, seniors, and all persons on ways to fight scams and similar frauds, Many members of the public and 12 veterans participated in the presentation.  
 POST 8063  11/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   15   4   $0.00   $594.66   $594.66   This date is the first of three dates for the 2024 Veterans Day Buddy Poppy Drive by the Post.  
 POST 8063  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   10   4   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   This date is the second of three dates for the 2024 Veterans Day Buddy Poppy Drive by the Post.  
 POST 8063  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   10   4   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   This date is the third of three dates for the 2024 Veterans Day Buddy Poppy Drive by the Post. During the drive a new member was recruited. Poppy funds were raised. Will be reported with the next Trustees' Audit Report.  
 POST 8063  11/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   15   2   $80.00   $100.86   $180.86   Funds provided to a veterans in need. Funds will help with transportation and rent.  
 Post 8063 Total 40 225 64 $235.00 $3,796.73 $4,031.73
 POST 8399  7/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Community service food drive. Four members of Post 8399 contributed and assisted in unloading food and distributed it to our fellow community members.  
 POST 8399  8/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Community service: four members of post 8399 contributed and organized monthly food giveaway event.  
 Post 8399 Total 8 0 8 $0.00 $790.08 $790.08
 POST 9601  7/15/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   3   24   1   $0.00   $77.43   $77.43   Attended Alameda County Veterans Commission Meeting  
 POST 9601  7/20/2024   Youth Development   Other   6   12   1   $0.00   $149.82   $149.82   Brown Water Navy presentation to Sea Cadets  
 POST 9601  7/20/2024   Youth Development      4   12   1   $0.00   $100.44   $100.44   ***Duplicate***Brown Water Navy presentation  
 POST 9601  7/27/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   24   12   $288.00   $1,781.04   $2,069.04   Hosted a Castro Valley Area Veterans BBQ Picnic at Castro Valley Veterans Memorial Park.  
 POST 9601  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   48   1   $0.00   $105.48   $105.48   Assist Vietnam Era Veteran file a claim for hearing loss 
 POST 9601  8/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   16   6   $128.00   $446.66   $574.66   Provided Color Guard for Eagle Court. Presented Eagle Scout with flag flown over USS Arizona Memorial , Certificate and Post Challenge Coin..  
 POST 9601  8/11/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  3   22   5   $120.00   $373.43   $493.43   Provided Color Guard assistance for Eagle Court. Post Scout Coordinator presented Eagle Scout with ceremonial Flag from on USS Arizona Memorial during the presentation ceremony.  
 POST 9601  8/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   12   20   $300.00   $495.48   $795.48   Post donated $300.00 to VFW National Home. $200 from the Post Fund and $100.00 from Post membership donation.  
 POST 9601  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   88   1   $108.00   $160.46   $268.46   Provided transportation for disabled Veteran to Travis Air Force base to receive care. 
 POST 9601  8/17/2024   Youth Development   Other   4   14   2   $200.00   $199.48   $399.48   Post Commander attended Sea Cadet Annual inspection. and Presented Sea Cadet of year with Check and Certificate with medal 
 POST 9601  8/17/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   6   4   $0.00   $198.36   $198.36   Voice of Democracy presentation over Zoom 
 POST 9601  8/17/2024   Youth Development   Other   5   16   1   $86.00   $125.69   $211.69   Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki Presentation by Post member. Famous Nagasaki sponge cake Castella was served to the Sea Cadets. They learned to make Paper Crane as Peace symbol. 23 Sea Cadets attended the lecture.  
 POST 9601  8/17/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Presentation of VOD and P/P program to middle and High School students at Masonic Hall  
 POST 9601  8/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   8   1   $0.00   $25.81   $25.81   Meeting was conducted with local resident to plan out memorial service for USMC Vietnam Veteran  
 POST 9601  8/19/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   4   32   1   $0.00   $103.24   $103.24   Attended Alameda County Veterans Commission Meeting 
 POST 9601  8/20/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   3   24   1   $0.00   $77.43   $77.43   Delivered VOD forms to local School district offices to be distribute to High School students.  
 POST 9601  8/20/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   2   32   1   $0.00   $53.86   $53.86   Delivered P/P forms to local School district offices to be distribute to Middle School students.  
 POST 9601  8/20/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Post Commander visited local schools to distribute Patriot Pen Information  
 POST 9601  8/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   22   4   $0.00   $299.36   $299.36   Complete Military honors for USMC Vietnam Veteran 
 POST 9601  8/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   18   4   $0.00   $298.80   $298.80   Military honors for USMC Vietnam War Veteran at Lake Chabot  
 POST 9601  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   12   3   $0.00   $223.89   $223.89   Post Members attended Veterans Suicide Prevention seminar at Hayward Veterans Memorial Building presented by VA Palo Alto  
 POST 9601  9/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   12   8   5   $100.00   $1,482.52   $1,582.52   Set up VFW tent /booth at Castro Valley Fall Festival 
 POST 9601  9/8/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   8   6   $0.00   $889.96   $889.96   VFW booth at Castro Valley Fall Festival for membership drive and pass out information on veteran benefits  
 POST 9601  9/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   8   1   $0.00   $50.50   $50.50   Help file a veterans claim at Fall Festival event 
 POST 9601  9/10/2024   Youth Development   Citizenship/Americanism   2   6   4   $33.00   $198.36   $231.36   Post members assisted Sea Cadets with cleaning of Veterans Memorial in preparation for 9/11 ceremony  
 POST 9601  9/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   8   12   $0.00   $1,186.24   $1,186.24   9/11 remembrance ceremony at Castro Valley Veterans Memorial. Over 30 people in attendance. CHP officers, County Deputy Sherriff's and fire Fighters were included in our ceremony. Military's Honors/ bag piper and drummer were part of our event. . Bell was rang to honor our heroes  
 POST 9601  9/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   12   6   $0.00   $594.24   $594.24   Participated in Patriot Day Ceremony as Color Guard and as veteran representative at Redwood Christian School Patriot Day Assembly. We interacted and answered any questions posed by elementary School children . 
 POST 9601  9/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   8   6   $500.00   $297.40   $797.40   Post sponsored and participated in Bocce Tournament at Castro valley Community Center.  
 POST 9601  9/16/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   4   32   1   $0.00   $103.24   $103.24   Attended Alameda County Veterans Commission Meeting 
 POST 9601  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   12   8   $800.00   $1,186.80   $1,986.80   Post supported a Castro Valley Sports Foundation Golf Tournament by sponsoring a team and set up two VFW tents on the golf course' This event affords up great exposure of our Post to community.  
 POST 9601  9/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   36   7   $850.00   $1,387.68   $2,237.68   Wheelchair Regatta for Disabled Veterans. Our Post provided Hamburger and Hot dog with side dishes for over 300 Veterans and their care givers  
 POST 9601  9/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   22   6   $0.00   $447.50   $447.50   Honor Guard and Master of Ceremony for Gold Star Family Ceremony at Lone Tree Cemetery 
 POST 9601  10/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   42   10   $800.00   $2,227.98   $3,027.98   VFW Bocce tournament to honor memory of our Pearl Harbor Survivor / 22 year Navy Veteran..  
 POST 9601  10/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   58   1   $68.00   $106.88   $174.88   Provided VA claim forms for his disabilities and provided transportation to Coast Guard Island to procure Military ID Card 
 POST 9601  10/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   32   1   $0.00   $103.24   $103.24   Assisted Women USMC veteran file a Care Giver claim.  
 POST 9601  11/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   12   3   $0.00   $223.89   $223.89   Set up a Veterans Recognition Display at Castro Valley Library. We featured Women Veterans this year.  
 POST 9601  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   8   2   $0.00   $198.64   $198.64   Veterans Day Breakfast attended by local officials to recognize veterans in the area.  
 POST 9601  11/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   12   9   $80.00   $890.52   $970.52   Lead Color Guard for Castro Valley Light Parade . Past Post Commander as a Santa Claus. 
 POST 9601  11/11/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   8   12   $600.00   $297.40   $897.40   VOD participants were honored an recognized at our Post Awards Night 
 POST 9601  11/11/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   8   2   $200.00   $50.50   $250.50   Law Enforcement Officer was honored an recognized at our Post Awards Night Dinner  
 POST 9601  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   12   12   $300.00   $1,186.80   $1,486.80   Veterans Day ceremony at Castro Valley Veterans Memorial. Ceremony was assisted by Boy Scout Troops and Sea Cadets. Event was well attended despite the increment weather.  
 POST 9601  11/11/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   12   2   $200.00   $51.06   $251.06   P/P participants were honored an recognized at our Post Awards Night  
 POST 9601  11/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   48   5   $0.00   $500.52   $500.52   Military Honors for Vietnam Army Veteran.  
 POST 9601  11/16/2024   Youth Development   Other   6   24   1   $200.00   $151.50   $351.50   STEM class for Sea Cadets -Learn to Solder Class 
 POST 9601  11/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   36   4   $0.00   $400.08   $400.08   Military honors for 22 year Navy Veteran 
 Post 9601 Total 171 938 198 $5,961.00 $19,587.04 $25,548.04
 POST 10789  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   45   8   $0.00   $598.86   $598.86   Brentwood Independence Day Parade  
 POST 10789  7/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   
Helped member  with claims assistance
 POST 10789  7/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   14   15   1   $0.00   $347.76   $347.76   EOL planning assistance for Vet and his Family.  
 POST 10789  8/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   8   3   $0.00   $445.54   $445.54   Set-up for local Charity poker run.  
 POST 10789  8/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   6   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   Delta Quilters veterans' recognition Color guard  
 POST 10789  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   2 Post members claims assistance  
 POST 10789  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Service Officer claims meeting  
 POST 10789  8/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   14   10   12   $650.00   $4,149.32   $4,799.32   Memorial/Celebration of life for Post Commander.  
 POST 10789  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   8   1   $54.00   $99.88   $153.88   Provided licensed electrical work for widowed VFW family. Attic fan repair, ceiling fan instillation, wall switch replacement, shorted outlet replacement.  
 POST 10789  9/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   0   2   $45.00   $197.52   $242.52   electrical repair service for Commander house  
 POST 10789  9/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Service officer met with 2 members for VA claims assistance.  
 POST 10789  9/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   2   2   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Brentwood Homecoming Parade Color Guard.  
 POST 10789  10/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Service Officer met with 2 Vets to review VA Claims.  
 POST 10789  10/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   7   75   5   $550.00   $874.65   $1,424.65   Annual Targeted Benefits Seminar. Full day event with food service and direct 1-1 VA claims assistance by the Service officer. Additional other community outreach and services made available to all who attended. 35 in attendance with 7 vets serviced at the event and follow-on appointments set for others.  
 POST 10789  11/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   1   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Post support of the "Holliday Pack for the Troops". Solicitation of donations and community awareness of the need to bring a little bit of home to the deployed troops.  
 POST 10789  11/2/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   10   150   8   $0.00   $1,996.20   $1,996.20   Poppy drive at 3 location for 8 hours per location. 
 POST 10789  11/3/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   150   9   $0.00   $1,798.68   $1,798.68   9 Member covered 3 retail locations for 8 hour shifts.  
 POST 10789  1/18/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   1   1   1   $500.00   $24.83   $524.83   Donation for LA Fire Disaster Relief sent to Department of California for veterans in need .  
 POST 10789  2/15/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   12   2   2   $50.00   $592.84   $642.84   Member ship drive at Brentwood Farmers market 8a-2p 
 Post 10789 Total 101 546 67 $1,849.00 $11,927.64 $13,776.64
 District 10 Total 2,114 13,951 1,572 $42,244.49 $157,202.63 $199,447.12
 POST 0  8/24/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   90   1   $30.00   $37.29   $67.29   Participated in a membership booth at the 13 souls run  
 Post 0 Total 1 90 1 $30.00 $37.29 $67.29
 POST 1013  7/3/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   2   1   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Member assisted hospital patients with their various needs at a Whittier California hospital facility.  
 POST 1013  7/11/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   2   1   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Member assisted hospital patients with their various needs at a Whittier California hospital facility.  
 POST 1013  7/13/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   10   6   $0.00   $593.96   $593.96   Participated in a membership drive at an event hosted by the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System in the City of Commerce, CA. The event was attended by a number of Veteran service organizations, local schools, and businesses. The Post was successful in taking enrollment information from 18 veterans and signing up two new members from the sign-up list.  
 POST 1013  7/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   15   4   $0.00   $298.38   $298.38   Post members participated as part of the honor guard unit that presented the Colors to the family of a fallen fellow Army veteran at a local cemetery.  
 POST 1013  7/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Member assisted the daughter of a diseased veteran in the process of contacting a veteran service officer, and other veteran support organizations, to determine entitlement to any benefits resulting from her relationship to the veteran.  
 POST 1013  7/17/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   2   1   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Member assisted hospital patients with their various needs at a Whittier California hospital facility.  
 POST 1013  7/24/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   2   1   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Member assisted hospital patients with their various needs at a Whittier California hospital facility.  
 POST 1013  7/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   VFW Post 1013 member assisted a veteran and current Federal Government employee in contacting the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to determine the impact/credit from prior military service in computing his Federal Government retirement. The post member also provided the veteran with information on benefits available to qualifying veterans.  
 POST 1013  7/31/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   2   1   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Member assisted hospital patients with their various needs at a Whittier California hospital facility.  
 POST 1013  8/7/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   2   1   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Member assisted hospital patients with their various needs at a Whittier California hospital facility.  
 POST 1013  8/14/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   2   1   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Member assisted hospital patients with their various needs at a Whittier California hospital facility.  
 POST 1013  8/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   31   1   $0.00   $53.72   $53.72   Post member took a Purple Heart and Bronze Star decorated Vietnam Veteran to the Riverside County Veterans Service Office to apply for the benefits he is entitled attributable to his military service.  
 POST 1013  8/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   31   1   $0.00   $53.72   $53.72   Post member helped veteran fill out application for recognition by Garfield High School as a "Hall of Heroes" inductee. His name will also be engraved on the Garfield High School Vietnam Eral Monument located on the school campus.  
 POST 1013  8/21/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   2   1   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Member assisted hospital patients with their various needs at a Whittier California hospital facility.  
 POST 1013  8/25/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   2   1   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Member assisted hospital patients with their various needs at a Whittier California hospital facility.  
 POST 1013  9/4/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   2   1   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Member assisted hospital patients with their various needs at a Whittier California hospital facility.  
 POST 1013  9/11/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   2   1   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Member assisted hospital patients with their various needs at a Whittier California hospital facility.  
 POST 1013  9/25/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   2   1   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Member assisted hospital patients with their various needs at a Whittier California hospital facility.  
 POST 1013  10/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   75   2   $100.00   $158.64   $258.64   Attended the annual East Los Angeles College "Charlie Mike" veteran and military-connected resource fair. Members talked with fellow student veterans at this college, and have the names and telephone numbers of prospective veterans to join our Post. Recommended to student veterans to follow up on their claim status, etc.  
 POST 1013  10/24/2024   Community Service   Other   2   50   4   $50.00   $204.52   $254.52   VFW Post 1013 members attended our monthly post Thursday meeting, agenda as follows: discussed Christmas Fundraiser, status of ticket sales, contract with musical band, choices of dinner menu, door prizes, raffles, silent auction, invited officials, etc. 
 POST 1013  10/26/2024   Community Service   Other   3   100   5   $100.00   $384.35   $484.35   VFW POST 1013 members attended VFW District 11 meeting at VFW POST 8070 Azusa. Some of the items discussed by District Commander; Scholar's App has been completed on website, Voice Of Democracy application was encouraged, all Commanders are required to attend training sessions, required District training for all officers, Post Inspections noted, notification of VA West STAND DOWN, on November 4, 2024, to end Veteran Homelessness, A VFW business consultant member in attendance stated he would offer any member a free monthly "Small Business Training class, conducted every 2nd Wednesday of the month, from 6;00pm - 8;00pm at VFW POST 8070 
 POST 1013  10/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   40   4   $75.00   $301.88   $376.88   Attended a Los Angeles City District 14 meeting, to discuss with officials and volunteer person our annual Veterans Day 2024 event in Boyle Heights (Cinco Puntos), Los Angeles, CA. The following items were discussed; program brochure modifications, mistress of ceremony presentation of speakers and officials, setting up of canopies, tables, chairs, etc. provided by the city.  
 POST 1013  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   20   3   $100.00   $225.01   $325.01   Community of El Sereno, Los Angeles, CA, held the El Sereno Bicentennial Event for Veterans Day.  
 POST 1013  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   5   $100.00   $373.85   $473.85   Members participated in Veterans Day Event in East Los Angeles, All Wars Memorial "Cinco Puntos".  
 POST 1013  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   5   $50.00   $497.30   $547.30   VFW POST 1013 members participated in the Veterans Day Ceremony at East Los Angeles Obregon Park. Supervisor Hilda Solis, First District Supervisor gave a United States Veteran pin to all Veterans present, and thanking everyone for their service, food was provided, music, community representatives, from different parts of the city were handing out information to all that attended.  
 POST 1013  11/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   20   2   $30.00   $101.56   $131.56   VFW POST 1013 members attended the American GI Forum - EL CAMINO REAL FORUM, Liberty Community Plaza in Whitter, CA.. Members participated in the Veterans Recognition Drive, put together backpacks with essentials for Veterans to use.  
 Post 1013 Total 86 466 56 $605.00 $4,534.13 $5,139.13
 POST 1944  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   150   2   $25.00   $169.14   $194.14   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance.  Report Split  
 POST 1944  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy    6   15   3   $0.00   $446.52   $446.52   Credit for Buddy Poppy only,  4th of July Fireworks Stands. VFW Post 1944 is profoundly grateful for the contribution of our volunteers time and effort. We truly understand how significant it was for you to spend the week of the 4th of July at our fireworks’ stand. The generous support of our members and volunteers makes it possible for VFW Post 1944 to be successful. This success allows us to assist veterans and the community. Without your support during this time, our success would look much different.  
 POST 1944  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  7/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  7/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  8/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  8/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  8/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   3   $600.00   $74.07   $674.07   Supported Our Lady of Talta golf tournament. Donated $600.00  
 POST 1944  8/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  9/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  9/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  9/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split  
 POST 1944  9/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  9/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   8   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Breakfast Fundraiser for VFW Post 1944. Sponsored La Puente youth girls fast pitch softball team .  
 POST 1944  10/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  10/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   9   $1,000.00   $222.21   $1,222.21   The following Service Report was not previously recorded when submitted. On July 12, 2023, VFW Post 1944 donated $1,000.00 to VFW Post 7420 for their support of Deported Veterans.  
 POST 1944  10/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  10/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  10/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   2   2   $1,000.00   $148.42   $1,148.42   Donated $1,000.00 cash plus fast pitch equipment to the La Puente team.  
 POST 1944  10/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  11/5/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   5   1   2   $100.00   $247.04   $347.04   Interviewed 2 high school students for the Voice of Democracy. on was sponsored.  
 POST 1944  11/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  11/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   30   15   $800.00   $2,226.30   $3,026.30   Veterans Day November 11, 2024. VFW Post 1944’s Ceremony  commitment to our fellow veterans is demonstrated by our monetary and in-kind donations to various veterans’ organizations and to maintaining VFW Post 1944 in tip top shape so that future generations will have a sanctuary of their own. This is the type of legacy that our charter members left us back on March 27, 1953. A legacy we will always honor.  
 POST 1944  11/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   1   16   $2,000.00   $790.22   $2,790.22   Donated $2,000.00 to an American Legion that is in dire need of help. VFW Post 1944 is blessed to be able to help our fellow veterans.  
 POST 1944  11/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  11/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  11/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   8   2   3   $700.00   $592.84   $1,292.84   Donated 25 prepared Thanksgiving meals to veterans in need.  
 POST 1944  11/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  12/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   2   5   $800.00   $740.98   $1,540.98   Sponsored a Christmas Toy Drive to help needy children. The toy drive was very successful.  
 POST 1944  12/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Since July 1, 2024 to December 1, 2024, the VFW Post 1944 Service Officer has assisted at least 30 veterans with their claims and benefits assistance. Report Split 
 POST 1944  12/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   1   16   $500.00   $395.18   $895.18   WE ARE VETS, veterans organization came to VFW Post 1944 and made an impressive presentaion about their organization. VFW Post 1944 donated $500.00 to the veterans organization "WE ARE VETS". 
 POST 1944  12/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   45   12   $400.00   $2,969.10   $3,369.10   VFW Post 1944 held its annual Christmas Toy Giveaway on December 22, 2024. For the past few years, VFW Post 1944 has tirelessly organized various fundraisers to support the less fortunate in our area during the Christmas season. It was truly heartwarming to see the smiles on the children’s faces when they saw Santa Claus. Santa Claus was equally delighted to see the children as he handed out toys. We all know from personal experience how meaningful it can be for a family when a parent is able to pick out something special for their children. This event would not have been possible without the unwavering dedication and generosity of our members, employees, and volunteers. Their selfless contributions of time and effort have truly brightened the Christmas of children who are less fortunate. It is indeed a testament to the gracious spirit of the VFW Post 1944 family. Santa was generous enough to distribute approximately 4,000 toys and bicycles today.  
 POST 1944  12/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   20   4   $150.00   $200.32   $350.32   Had hot meals were delivered to two members and their wives. One member has been having some health issues, and the other member's wife is bedridden.  
 POST 1944  1/4/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   1   2   $146.00   $49.52   $195.52   Procured flowers for a funeral service for a deceased member. 
 POST 1944  1/10/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   5   150   5   $0.00   $638.25   $638.25    Post is currently accepting food and other essential donations for dogs and cats and their families affected by the Los Angeles County wildfires. As of today, we have taken 5 truck loads of food and other essentials to the Humane Society collection depot.  
 Post 1944 Total 125 420 128 $8,221.00 $11,860.62 $20,081.62
 POST 2070  7/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   6   6   $60.00   $593.40   $653.40   Memorial Service/Honor Guard - Live Oak Cemetery  
 POST 2070  7/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   22   5   $50.00   $496.88   $546.88   Memorial Service/Honor Guard - Rose Hills Cemetery  
 POST 2070  7/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   22   7   $120.00   $694.40   $814.40   Memorial Service/Honor Guard - Rose Hills Cemetery  
 POST 2070  7/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   32   5   $50.00   $498.28   $548.28   Memorial Service/Honor Guard - VFW Post 7734 - Pico Rivera  
 POST 2070  7/26/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   22   7   $70.00   $694.40   $764.40   Memorial Service/Honor Guard - Rose Hills Cemetery  
 POST 2070  7/26/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   22   7   $70.00   $694.40   $764.40   Memorial Service/Honor Guard - Rose Hills Cemetery  
 POST 2070  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $18.00   $24.69   $42.69   Donated to the National home during D11 meeting  
 POST 2070  8/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Buddy check on female member in need.  
 POST 2070  9/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   33   7   $70.00   $695.94   $765.94   Memorial Team - Resurrection Cemetery  
 POST 2070  9/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   20   3   $80.00   $299.08   $379.08   Memorial Team - Pasadena Masonic Temple  
 POST 2070  9/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   12   6   $60.00   $594.24   $654.24   Memorial Team - St. Luke's Church  
 POST 2070  9/15/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   20   4   $40.00   $397.84   $437.84   Memorial Team - St. Louis of France Church  
 POST 2070  9/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   32   5   $50.00   $251.38   $301.38   Memorial Team - Forest Lawn Covina  
 POST 2070  11/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   22   6   $60.00   $595.64   $655.64   Provided Memorial Team Services @ Rose Hills Cemetery  
 POST 2070  11/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   2   $65.00   $98.76   $163.76   Provided Memorial Team Services @ Post 2070  
 POST 2070  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   2   5   $0.00   $247.18   $247.18   Veterans Day Color Guard at Library Park Monrovia, CA 
 POST 2070  11/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   88   4   $40.00   $407.36   $447.36   Provided Memorial Team Services @ Eternal Valley Cemetery  
 POST 2070  11/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   81   5   $50.00   $628.59   $678.59   Provided Memorial Team Services @ L.A. National Cemetery  
 POST 2070  11/26/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   34   3   $30.00   $301.04   $331.04   Provided Memorial Team Services @ First Baptist Church Pomona  
 POST 2070  11/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Collaborated with the VFW 3208 Color Guard/ Honor Guard team from Monrovia to ensure the successful execution of honor guard duties, upholding the highest standards of respect and precision in ceremonial responsibilities. With guidance from Team Captain Craig and Post Commander Floyd. 
 POST 2070  12/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Collaborated with the VFW 2070 Color Guard/ Honor Guard team from Monrovia to ensure the successful execution of honor guard duties, upholding the highest standards of respect and precision in ceremonial responsibilities. With guidance from Team Captain Craig and VFW 2070 Post Commander Floyd. The Cemetery was located at Eternal Valley Memorial Park 23287 Sierra Hwy Newhall, CA 91321.  
 POST 2070  1/3/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   24   8   $80.00   $793.44   $873.44   Provided Memorial Team Services @ Rose Hills Cemetery 
 POST 2070  1/4/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   58   9   $90.00   $896.96   $986.96   Provided Memorial Team Services @ Calvary Cemetery 
 POST 2070  1/18/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   12   6   $60.00   $594.24   $654.24   Provided Memorial Team Services @ Bethlehem Lutheran Church 
 POST 2070  1/18/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   12   6   $60.00   $594.24   $654.24   Provided Memorial Team Services @ Bethlehem Lutheran Church 
 POST 2070  1/20/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   17   6   $60.00   $594.94   $654.94   Provided Memorial Team Services @ Oakdale Cemetery 
 POST 2070  1/22/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   24   6   $60.00   $595.92   $655.92   Provided Memorial Team Services @ Rose Hills Cemetery 
 POST 2070  1/30/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   24   7   $70.00   $694.68   $764.68   Provided Memorial Team Services @ Rose Hills Cemetery 
 POST 2070  1/31/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   24   7   $70.00   $694.68   $764.68   Provided Memorial Team Services @ San Gabriel Cemetery 
 Post 2070 Total 101 665 148 $1,533.00 $13,894.81 $15,427.81
 POST 3208  7/3/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   55   6   $0.00   $452.12   $452.12   At community 4th July event held a buddy poppy drive.  
 POST 3208  7/3/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   50   3   $0.00   $377.35   $377.35   membership drive 2 new members. at 4th July event  
 POST 3208  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   45   7   $0.00   $870.45   $870.45   provide honor guard for 4th of July parade for the City of Sierra Madre.  
 POST 3208  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    5   45   3   $0.00   $376.65   $376.65   hand out Flags to citizens at 4th of July activity.  
 POST 3208  7/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   15   2   $50.00   $100.86   $150.86   purchase water bottles for the San Gabriel clinic and delivered to them.  
 POST 3208  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $18.00   $24.69   $42.69   Donated to the National home during the D11 meeting  
 POST 3208  8/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   60   1   $2.00   $33.09   $35.09   I performed Honor Guard duties with the VFW Monrovia Post 2070, ensuring proper respect and ceremony during our veteran services.  
 POST 3208  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   21   2   $60.00   $101.70   $161.70   deliver bottles of water to San Gabriel VA Clinic for Veterans.  
 POST 3208  9/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   82   1   $10.00   $85.55   $95.55   Location: Woodlawn Celestial Gardens, 1715 W Greenleaf Blvd, Compton, CA Summary of Activities: On September 7, 2024, members of the VFW participated in a service project organized by The Mission Continues (Los Angeles Platoon) at Woodlawn Celestial Gardens. The objective of the project was to clean and restore the community garden, contributing to the beautification and maintenance of this vital space in Compton, CA. Tasks Performed: -Clearing debris and litter from the garden area -Pruning and trimming overgrown plants and trees -General landscaping tasks, including raking and mulching -Organizing garden beds for future planting and beautification efforts -The event was well-organized, with all necessary tools and equipment provided on-site by The Mission Continues. In addition, food and refreshments were generously offered to all participants by the hosting organization.  
 POST 3208  9/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   114   1   $10.00   $139.41   $149.41   Organized by Katie Pugh, at 16700 Dale Vista Ln, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 .On September 14th, volunteers will gathered at Irby Park in Huntington Beach for the "United in Service" event. This initiative is focused on restoring the park’s natural beauty and enhancing its community spaces. The primary tasks for the day will involve building benches and planting native plants in the park’s seasonal wetland area. These efforts aim to create a welcoming and sustainable environment where both the community and nature can thrive. The event not only provides an opportunity for environmental stewardship but also fosters a sense of unity and civic pride among participants. This is an impactful way for members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and other volunteers to contribute to the betterment of public spaces. Participants are encouraged to bring their energy and enthusiasm as we work together to create a lasting positive effect in the Huntington Beach community.  
 POST 3208  9/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   20   5   $400.00   $620.05   $1,020.05   provide BBQ for student Veterans as school year begins  
 POST 3208  10/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   54   1   $0.00   $56.94   $56.94   As a member of Post 3208 I assisted the VFW Post 2070 in successfully completing the Honor Guard ceremony, providing a solemn and dignified service to honor the sacrifices made by our veterans. The ceremony was well-attended, and the family of the honored veteran(s) expressed their appreciation for the tribute.  
 POST 3208  10/29/2024   Community Service    Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   40   2   $0.00   $203.12   $203.12   talked to student veterans about VFW and obtained 6 new memberships. part of the program with the league of women voters.  
 POST 3208  11/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   28   1   $0.00   $53.30   $53.30   On Thursday Day, Bethany Church and Bethany Christian School in Sierra Madre, CA, held a ceremony to honor veterans, facilitated by the Sierra Madre VFW Post’s Color Guard. This event was designed to educate and inspire students, faculty, and community members through a series of respectful tributes, educational components, and patriotic performances, fostering a deep sense of gratitude for those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.The VFW Color Guard 3208 retired the colors, marking the conclusion of the formal military tribute segment of the program. The 8th Grade Students provided a presentation of poppies, a symbol of remembrance, further honored the sacrifices of fallen soldiers. The Bethany Christian School Choir asked the Veterans who were invited to stand when the choir sang the march of their branch, providing personal recognition for each service member’s contribution.Veterans were honored with a “Cordon of Gratitude,” where students lined a walkway to greet them individually. This closing act allowed students to express personal appreciation to each veteran, creating a meaningful connection between the students and the honored guests. 
 POST 3208  11/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   18   1   $100.00   $27.21   $127.21   I proudly contributed $100 to support a veteran competing in the Half-Ironman in Anza, CA, on December 8, 2024. This dedicated individual is undertaking the challenge to raise awareness for 22 Veteran Suicide Awareness, a cause close to my heart that highlights the critical need for support and resources for veterans facing mental health challenges. I am honored to support his mission and efforts to bring attention to this vital cause. He is a marine Veteran and today is the Marine Corps Birthday. 
 POST 3208  11/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   60   1   $10.00   $107.16   $117.16   Report: Participation in Veteran’s in Service: Santa Ana Community Garden Build Project. Post 3208 member has volunteered to participate in the Veteran’s in Service: Santa Ana Community Garden Build Project on November 16, 2024, from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Mission Continues (Orange County Platoon) The event will take place at the Santa Ana Community Garden – Jerome Park (2115 W McFadden Ave, Santa Ana, CA). This Four-hour project focuses on building a community garden to benefit the local community. The member is eager to contribute to this meaningful initiative and strengthen connections within the community through service. 
 POST 3208  11/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   52   1   $0.00   $31.97   $31.97   Collaborated with the VFW 2070 Color Guard/ Honor Guard team from Monrovia to ensure the successful execution of honor guard duties, upholding the highest standards of respect and precision in ceremonial responsibilities. With guidance from Team Captain Craig and Post Commander Floyd.  
 POST 3208  12/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   60   1   $0.00   $57.78   $57.78   Collaborated with the VFW 2070 Color Guard/ Honor Guard team from Monrovia to ensure the successful execution of honor guard duties, upholding the highest standards of respect and precision in ceremonial responsibilities. With guidance from Team Captain Craig and VFW 2070 Post Commander Floyd. 
 POST 3208  12/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   60   1   $0.00   $57.78   $57.78   Collaborated with the VFW 2070 Color Guard/ Honor Guard team from Monrovia to ensure the successful execution of honor guard duties, upholding the highest standards of respect and precision in ceremonial responsibilities. With guidance from Team Captain Craig and VFW 2070 Post Commander Floyd. The Cemetery was located at Eternal Valley Memorial Park 23287 Sierra Hwy Newhall, CA 91321.  
 POST 3208  12/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   60   1   $0.00   $230.61   $230.61   Participated as a volunteer for the USC Rose Parade float titled "Coding for Veterans” at the Phoenix Decorating company, which was an excellent opportunity to contribute to a meaningful cause. This float represents the transformative impact of coding and technology on the lives of veterans, showcasing their resilience and adaptability in building new skills for modern careers. By volunteering, participants not only contribute to the float’s success but also highlight the importance of empowering veterans with skills in technology and coding, bridging the gap between service and civilian life. Located at 5400 N Irwindale Ave, Irwindale, CA 91706  
 POST 3208  12/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   70   1   $0.00   $133.25   $133.25   $230.61 Participated as a volunteer for the USC Rose Parade float titled "Coding for Veterans” at the Phoenix Decorating company, which wasi an excellent opportunity to contribute to a meaningful cause. This float represents the transformative impact of coding and technology on the lives of veterans, showcasing their resilience and adaptability in building new skills for modern careers. By volunteering, participants not only contribute to the float’s success but also highlight the importance of empowering veterans with skills in technology and coding, bridging the gap between service and civilian life. Located at 5400 N Irwindale Ave, Irwindale, CA 91706  
 POST 3208  12/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   70   1   $0.00   $207.32   $207.32   Participated as a volunteer for the USC Rose Parade float titled "Coding for Veterans” at the Phoenix Decorating company, which was an excellent opportunity to contribute to a meaningful cause. This float represents the transformative impact of coding and technology on the lives of veterans, showcasing their resilience and adaptability in building new skills for modern careers. By volunteering, participants not only contribute to the float’s success but also highlight the importance of empowering veterans with skills in technology and coding, bridging the gap between service and civilian life. Located at 5400 N Irwindale Ave, Irwindale, CA 91706  
 POST 3208  12/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   70   1   $0.00   $157.94   $157.94   VFW Post 3208 member Participated as a volunteer for the USC Rose Parade float titled "Coding for Veterans” at the Phoenix Decorating company, which was an excellent opportunity to contribute to a meaningful cause. This float represents the transformative impact of coding and technology on the lives of veterans, showcasing their resilience and adaptability in building new skills for modern careers. By volunteering, participants not only contribute to the float’s success but also highlight the importance of empowering veterans with skills in technology and coding, bridging the gap between service and civilian life. Located at 5400 N Irwindale Ave, Irwindale, CA 91706  
 POST 3208  12/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   60   1   $0.00   $33.09   $33.09   Collaborated with the VFW 2070 Color Guard/ Honor Guard team from Monrovia to ensure the successful execution of honor guard duties, upholding the highest standards of respect and precision in ceremonial responsibilities. With guidance from Team Captain Craig and VFW 2070 Post Commander Floyd.  
 POST 3208  1/3/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   60   1   $0.00   $33.09   $33.09   As a post 3208 member I Collaborated with the VFW 2070 Color Guard/Honor Guard team from Monrovia to ensure the precise and respectful execution of honor guard duties. Worked under the guidance of Team Captain Craig and VFW 2070 Post Commander Floyd to uphold the highest standards in ceremonial responsibilities. Locate at Gate 9 ,10071 Rose Hills Rd, Whittier, CA 90601 at approximately 1315 hours.  
 POST 3208  1/9/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   3   10   5   $0.00   $371.75   $371.75   During this challenging time, several volunteers from PCC have stepped forward to assist in relief efforts for the Eaton fire in Southern California, north-east of Pasadena City College. Notably, students and staff members—Jose, Chris, Jessica, Lisardo, and Eric—contributed a few hours of their time to distribute clothing and disseminate information about available services. These services, crucial in the aftermath of the disaster, include the provision of free meals available at the PCC Campus Center and mental health support accessible through dedicated hotlines. The college continues to monitor conditions and provide updates via the PCC Fire Updates website and through PCC Emergency Alerts. The volunteer efforts by Jose, Chris, Jessica, Lisardo, and Eric have been instrumental in providing immediate relief and support to those impacted. Their dedication reflects the community spirit and resilience that are hallmarks of PCC and its members. For more information on the ongoing relief efforts and how to get involved, please visit the PCC website or contact the PCC office of the President. José A. Gómez, Ph.D. Superintendent/President C-235 1570 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91106 (626) 585-7201  
 POST 3208  1/9/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   1   10   4   $500.00   $100.16   $600.16   
Volunteer Report: volunteers Jose, Jessica, and Chris, Lisardo who collectively donated $500 worth of supplies to the relief efforts. These supplies have been crucial in providing immediate aid to those displaced by the fire, helping to address some of the urgent needs of our community during this difficult time. Donation was given to Union Station Homeless Services. Donation Form was emailed to quartermaster of VFW post 3208.
Pasadena City College Response to Eaton Fire Date: January 10, 2025 In the wake of the devastating Eaton Fire in Pasadena, Pasadena City College (PCC) has taken decisive actions to support the affected members of our community. The college has suspended all normal operations and canceled events through January 12, ensuring the safety of students and staff.
 POST 3208  1/10/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   4   30   1   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   
**Double Report, Identical to 3 other reports submitted** 
$371.75 During this challenging time, several volunteers from PCC have stepped forward to assist in relief efforts for the Eaton fire in Southern California, north-east of Pasadena City College. Lisardo, contributed a few more hours into the night up to 8 pm to distribute clothing, food and disseminate information about available services. These services, crucial in the aftermath of the disaster, include the provision of free meals available at the PCC Campus Center and mental health support accessible through dedicated hotlines. The college continues to monitor conditions and provide updates via the PCC Fire Updates website and through PCC Emergency Alerts.Lisardo has provided immediate relief and support to those affected. community spirit and resilience that are hallmarks of PCC and its members. For more information on the ongoing relief efforts and how to get involved, please visit the PCC website or contact the PCC office of the President. José A. Gómez, Ph.D. Superintendent/President C-235 1570 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91106
 POST 3208  1/10/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   4   10   3   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   
**Double report**
$371.75 During this challenging time, several volunteers from PCC have stepped forward to assist in relief efforts for the Eaton fire in Southern California, north-east of Pasadena City College. Notably, students and staff members—Jose, Chris, Jessica, Lisardo, Jose’s son and the son’s friend—contributed a few hours of their time to distribute clothing and disseminate information about available services. These services, crucial in the aftermath of the disaster, include the provision of free meals available at the PCC Campus Center and mental health support accessible through dedicated hotlines. The college continues to monitor conditions and provide updates via the PCC Fire Updates website and through PCC Emergency Alerts. The volunteer efforts by Jose, Jessica, Lisardo, have been iproviding immediate relief and support to those impacted. Their dedication reflects the community spirit and Military resilience that are hallmarks of PCC and its members.For more information on the ongoing relief efforts and how to get involved, please visit the PCC website or contact the PCC office of the President. José A. Gómez, Ph.D. Superintendent/President C-235 1570 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91106
 POST 3208  1/20/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   60   1   $0.00   $33.09   $33.09   Collaborated with the VFW 2070 Color Guard/Honor Guard team from Monrovia at Oakdale Mortuary & Memorial Park, 1401 S Grand Ave, Glendora, CA 91740, to ensure the precise and respectful execution of honor guard duties. Worked under the guidance of Team Captain Craig and VFW 2070 Post Commander Floyd to uphold the highest standards in ceremonial responsibilities. 
 POST 3208  1/31/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   60   1   $0.00   $57.78   $57.78   Collaborated with the VFW 2070 Color Guard/Honor Guard team from Monrovia VFW Post, and then traveled as a team to location of duties to ensure the precise and respectful execution of honor guard duties. Worked under the guidance of Team Captain Craig and VFW 2070 Post Commander Floyd to uphold the highest standards in ceremonial responsibilities. 
 POST 3208  2/1/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   60   1   $0.00   $33.09   $33.09   Collaborated with the VFW 2070 Color Guard/Honor Guard team from Monrovia VFW Post, and then conducted Memorial duties at VFW Post 2070 as a team to ensure the precise and respectful execution of honor guard duties. Worked under the guidance of Team Captain Craig and VFW 2070 Post Commander Floyd to uphold the highest standards in ceremonial responsibilities. 
 POST 3208  2/25/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   60   1   $0.00   $57.78   $57.78   Collaborated with the VFW 2070 Color Guard/Honor Guard team from Monrovia to ensure the precise and respectful execution of honor guard duties. Worked under the guidance of Team Captain Craig and VFW 2070 Post Commander Floyd to uphold the highest standards in ceremonial responsibilities. 
 Post 3208 Total 103 1,569 64 $1,160.00 $5,626.77 $6,786.77
 POST 7734  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $18.00   $24.69   $42.69   Donated to the National home during the D11 meeting  
 POST 7734  8/16/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   2   2   $0.00   $197.80   $197.80   Four members of Post, 2 comrades and 2 auxiliary members participated in a recruitment event at the City of Pico Rivera's Annual Summer Street Fest  
 POST 7734  8/23/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   2   5   $0.00   $494.08   $494.08   Second opportunity to recruit new members by participating and working the crowd at Pico Rivera's Summer Street Fest  
 POST 7734  9/20/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   3   0   15   $150.00   $1,111.05   $1,261.05   Held a open dinner to community and city dignitaries in recognition of POW/MIA Day.  
 POST 7734  9/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   15   $0.00   $2,222.10   $2,222.10   Donated Hall and resources of Post to help raise funds and awareness of Leukemia for Post family member of 2 year old granddaughter.  
 POST 7734  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   3   10   $150.00   $1,234.92   $1,384.92   Members and Auxiliary members attended the City's Veterans Day event at Memorial Monument. Post 7734 hosted a luncheon for City officials Veterans and invited guest, approximately 100 in attendance.  
 POST 7734  11/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   15   1   $0.00   $76.17   $76.17   I was invited to speak as the Senior Vice Commander for the Grand Opening of Veterans Villas Housing project in the City of Norwalk. It is a Veterans housing unit of 60 apartments for Veterans head of households and 30% of the units for homeless Veterans.  
 POST 7734  11/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   8   2   $50.00   $149.26   $199.26   Chaplin Limas delivered a Family Thanksgiving Dinner to a Veteran and his family here in Pico Rivera  
 POST 7734  11/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   20   5   $250.00   $1,237.30   $1,487.30   The Post assisted by the Auxiliary help distribute Thanksgiving Dinners and food staples to the needy in our community. Our Chaplin delivered several dinners to those unable to drive to the Post.  
 POST 7734  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   I made a wellness phone call to a Vietnam Veteran who is suffering from Intestinal issues and bedridden. Offered assistance and encouragement.  
 POST 7734  12/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   8   $150.00   $1,580.16   $1,730.16   Post hosted a City Hall Election Reception for incoming Mayor.  
 POST 7734  12/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   8   $2,500.00   $1,185.12   $3,685.12   Post 7734 conducted a Christmas Party for kids in need. A large number of participants were treated to lunch, bicycles, toys of all types with a photo booth and Santa & Mrs. Claus.  
 POST 7734  12/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $75.00   $98.76   $173.76   The Post donated 3 new bicycles to a Gold Star Spouses family. Very appreciative and considering joining our Post.  
 POST 7734  1/27/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Phoned a comrade regarding his physical health. He had been in declining health and had not attended a monthly meeting in 3 months. All is better and his message to the Post membership will be related at our next meeting.  
 POST 7734  2/10/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   1   2   13   $250.00   $321.25   $571.25   Post 7734 held a small event Sunday 2/9/25 and raised $250 in donations for the Home Fires relief fund via the Red Cross.  
 POST 7734  2/12/2025   Youth Development   Other   3   3   2   $150.00   $148.56   $298.56   Post 7734 donated several dozen soccer balls to "Reach After School Program" at South Ranchito School, Pico Rivera  
 Post 7734 Total 61 55 91 $3,743.00 $10,130.60 $13,873.60
 POST 8070  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   7   6   14   $1,200.00   $2,420.46   $3,620.46   care packages for deploy service men and women overseas.  
 POST 8070  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   5   6   $0.00   $296.98   $296.98   VFW Membership booth at Balwin Park Independence Day celebration  
 POST 8070  7/12/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   40   3   $0.00   $450.02   $450.02   Loma Linda VA Visit. Serving water, coffee and donuts.  
 POST 8070  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   60   4   $0.00   $403.44   $403.44   Goodie bags West LA VA distributed 100 goodie bags. books, game books, 3 pairs of socks, quilts and beanies.  
 POST 8070  8/14/2024   Community Service   Other   10   50   1   $0.00   $253.90   $253.90   Commander prepared and delivered a small business workshop for Veteran Owned Businesses.  
 POST 8070  9/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   40   7   $0.00   $696.92   $696.92   Funeral  Knight, Riverside National Cemetery.  
 POST 8070  10/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   20   10   1   $200.00   $495.20   $695.20   Veterans Business Mixer Partnered with the city mayor and prepared and delivered PPT for VOB to help them become loan-ready to scale their businesses. Supported by 3 lending institutions that specialize in small business loans.  
 POST 8070  10/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   12   75   1   $150.00   $306.78   $456.78   Prep Time: Requested Community Relations Support from Marine Corps reserves and gathered needed supplies to support the Azusa Golden Days Parade Event: Participated in the parade Post: Purchased chow for 4 US Marines and prepared LOA for participants  
 Post 8070 Total 65 286 37 $1,550.00 $5,323.70 $6,873.70
 POST 8620  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   8   32   2   $481.94   $399.52   $881.46   Provided Food for senior veterans who are having a hard time shopping and making ends meet.  
 POST 8620  7/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   18   2   $338.74   $298.80   $637.54   Helped local senior citizens with food as they were unable to go to the store because of illness. The other family was victim of crime and injured.  
 POST 8620  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   12   14   2   $45.00   $594.52   $639.52   4th of July event with recruiting booth. Signed a number of veterans for a recruiting event at the VFW Post. We brought 2 cars to the car show with VFW Logos on the vehicles. We took 1st place in our categories. New members to bring DD 214 forms to the VFW sign up. We had 8 people sign up and to commit to becoming a member. This was a city even and we were well represented.  
 POST 8620  7/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   6   45   2   $16.00   $302.58   $318.58   2 members served as Honor Guard for funeral at Riverside for 2 families of departed veterans.  
 POST 8620  7/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   8   2   $171.35   $198.64   $369.99   Assisted a non-member volunteer with the VFW with a plumbing issue at her home. This needed immediate attention and repair. With money being tight we voted to help out via a phone call to committee members to approve our assistance and to purchase some needed plumbing parts. One member had some spare part and donated them. We replaced what was needed and repaired the issue.  
 POST 8620  7/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   6   2   $39.53   $148.98   $188.51   Put in an emergency shutoff valve for repairs were did for a citizen a week previously.  
 POST 8620  7/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted a veteran to download forms so as to file a claim for benefits.  
 POST 8620  7/24/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   6   80   4   $34.00   $603.76   $637.76   Served Memorial as Honor Guard at Riverside. 2 services.  
 POST 8620  7/24/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   2   $60.00   $197.52   $257.52   Had a membership drive for those that visited our booth at a city event. Signed up a number of people and just waiting for their DD-214.  
 POST 8620  7/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Assisted with obtaining claim forms. Directed the Veteran to our certified VA Officer at the Courthouse in West Covina.  
 POST 8620  7/25/2024   Veterans Assistance    Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   60   2   $35.00   $403.44   $438.44   Provided transportation to the VA Long Beach Hospital as our veteran member cannot drive.  
 POST 8620  8/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   14   $36.00   $1,036.98   $1,072.98   Purple Heart recipients recognized at the VFW.  
 POST 8620  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $18.00   $24.69   $42.69   Donated to National home during D11 meeting  
 POST 8620  8/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   45   2   $0.00   $154.44   $154.44   Riverside memorial services.  
 POST 8620  8/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Three Veterans sent to our certified VA Service Officer at the Courthouse in West Covina.  
 POST 8620  8/12/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   26   2   $0.00   $299.92   $299.92   Used bus for mobility chair member for hospital therapy. 2 members assisted at the hospital visit.  
 POST 8620  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   2   $40.00   $148.14   $188.14   LA VASO at the post helping veterans and their families. Providing direction and doing online paperwork for them. 8 people attended including to post members.  
 POST 8620  8/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   7   46   2   $0.00   $352.10   $352.10   2 members served as Honor Guard for funeral at Riverside for 5 families of departed veterans.  
 POST 8620  8/14/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   26   2   $28.00   $250.54   $278.54   Used bus for mobility chair member for hospital therapy. 2 members assisted at the hospital visit.  
 POST 8620  8/15/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   45   2   $45.00   $253.20   $298.20    Members served as Honor Guard for funeral at Riverside for 2 families of departed veterans.  
 POST 8620  8/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   46   2   $40.00   $401.48   $441.48   Riverside memorial services for veterans.  
 POST 8620  8/18/2024   Youth Development   Other   4   0   4   $120.00   $395.04   $515.04   Youth bike safety program at the VFW Post. Gave out 6 bicycle helmets to 6 kids that did not have or show up with one.  
 POST 8620  8/18/2024   Youth Development   Other   4   0   4   $120.00   $395.04   $515.04   Youth bike safety program at the VFW Post. Gave out 6 bicycle helmets to 6 kids that did not have or show up with one.  
 POST 8620  8/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   0   2   $20.00   $197.52   $217.52   Assisted Veteran with claim assistance forms and VSO hours and contact numbers.  
 POST 8620  8/19/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   48   4   $178.00   $401.76   $579.76   Used bus for mobility chair member 2 for hospital therapy. 4 members assisted at the hospital visit.  
 POST 8620  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   45   2   $44.00   $302.58   $346.58   Provided transportation to the VA Long Beach Hospital as our veteran member cannot drive.  
 POST 8620  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   6   1   $0.00   $50.22   $50.22    Assisted with obtaining claim forms. Directed the Veteran to our certified VA Officer at the Courthouse in West Covina.  
 POST 8620  8/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   46   2   $44.00   $253.34   $297.34   Riverside memorial services.  
 POST 8620  8/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   0   10   $35.00   $987.60   $1,022.60   LA County VA Service Office had forum at the VFW Post for female veterans. 8 women  attended.  
 POST 8620  9/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   8   2   $0.00   $198.64   $198.64   Honor Guard Labor Day Event. 
 POST 8620  9/2/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   8   2   $24.00   $198.64   $222.64   Attended Labor Day event and set up a table for membership. One member signed but we are waiting for verification.. 
 POST 8620  9/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   60   2   $40.00   $403.44   $443.44   2 members part of memorial team for services at Riverside CA 
 POST 8620  9/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   16   0   $114.46   $2.24   $116.70   Brought food essential to a wheelchair bound veteran in Azusa CA. Marine Dave Cambell.  
 POST 8620  9/20/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   6   0   24   $214.40   $3,555.36   $3,769.76   POW/MIA Event at the Post. Media coverage as well and local politician attending. About 60 people attended including the brother of a POW Steven Hasting. Baldwin Park.  
 POST 8620  9/23/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   8   60   2   $40.00   $403.44   $443.44   Riverside Cemetary Services (5 of them) 
 POST 8620  9/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   30   2   $120.73   $201.72   $322.45   Bought food and other items to a wheelchair bound veteran. Beer was included, he is a Marine and he deserved it.  
 POST 8620  9/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   12   $265.25   $1,777.68   $2,042.93   About 40 people attended a breakfast for the Gold Star Mother's and Family Day..  
 Post 8620 Total 183 824 130 $2,808.40 $16,262.62 $19,071.02
 POST 10218  7/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted walk in Veteran with claim assistance, forms and VSO hours and contact numbers.  
 POST 10218  7/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $50.00   $24.69   $74.69   Assisted Veteran from Veterans Village with grocery funds. Provided Food 4 Less gift card.  
 POST 10218  7/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Hosted El Monte Police Dept to conduct Community Outreach event.  
 POST 10218  7/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Hosted MTA meeting with community members concerns.  
 POST 10218  7/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Assisted walk in female Veteran with guidance, contacts for Mental health issues on MST.  
 POST 10218  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted Veteran with requesting DD 214 from  
 POST 10218  7/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted veteran with information on upgrading discharge DD 214.  
 POST 10218  7/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $200.00   $24.69   $224.69   Donated funds for local family with 2 disabled children to purchase school clothes.  
 POST 10218  7/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted walk in veteran with contacts and references for assistance with housing.  
 POST 10218  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance    5   0   4   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Hoste WLA VA Stand down for VA registration, healthcare, claims, educational benefits. Assisted 12 walk in Veterans.  
 POST 10218  7/30/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Conducted a membership drive at VA Standdown and received 4 leads for membership.  
 POST 10218  8/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted walk-in Veteran with requesting DD214 records.  
 POST 10218  8/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Hosted MTA for Community outreach updating residents in San Gabriel Valley  
 POST 10218  8/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   0   9   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   Performed military honors for deceased Veteran at Resurrections Cemetery  
 POST 10218  8/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Donated 50 Tablet protectors to Palm Elementary School for students.  
 POST 10218  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted Veteran with claims information and referred to local VSO  
 POST 10218  8/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Attended zoom meeting with Flying Doctors to learn about events and scheduled a date.  
 POST 10218  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   2   $40.00   $49.38   $89.38   Donated money at District 11 meeting for National Home.  
 POST 10218  8/12/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Conducted a telephonic membership drive by calling 30 expired members for last 7 years to renew. Renewed 2 members as Life members.  
 POST 10218  8/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $200.00   $24.69   $224.69   Donated funds to EKG Foundation to support water, chips for 9-11 event at Down town VA.  
 POST 10218  8/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted Veteran with information regarding enrolling with VA and housing.  
 POST 10218  8/15/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   0   5   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   retired 25 US flags collected from community.  
 POST 10218  8/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Planning meeting and building walk through for Flying Doctors event.  
 POST 10218  8/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted Veteran with military records correction forms and DD214 request.  
 POST 10218  8/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted veterans widow with forms to request burial compensation  
 POST 10218  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted veteran with information to sign up for VA services. I gave him several locations to choose.  
 POST 10218  8/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $40.00   $24.69   $64.69   Delivered and Donated 6 cases of water Arcadia VA for Veterans.  
 POST 10218  8/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $60.00   $24.69   $84.69   Assisted local veteran in housing with $60.00 to purchase food until the end of the month.  
 POST 10218  8/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Wheelchair bound Veteran called from Palmdale requesting assistance and services. I referred him to VA services in Palmdale -Lancaster area. Explained to him what paperwork he would need sign up.  
 POST 10218  8/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   assisted and printed out DMV form for Veteran to take to his doctor to sign to receive DV plates.  
 POST 10218  8/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   12   $175.00   $888.84   $1,063.84   Hosted dinner and Steven Turner Mortuary Services to explain Veteran burial services paid by VA and what Veteran is responsible for.  
 POST 10218  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Connected unhoused Veteran with San Gabriel Valley HUDVASH for housing.  
 POST 10218  9/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   22   2   $65.00   $101.84   $166.84   Donated and delivered 5 cases of water to VA downtown clinic for 9-11 ceremony.  
 POST 10218  9/4/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette    1   4   1   $25.00   $25.25   $50.25   Assisted local Veteran by purchasing and replacing tattered flag.  
 POST 10218  9/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Hosted MTA for community outreach event updating citizens on projects.  
 POST 10218  9/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Hosted local church for awards night.  
 POST 10218  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Attended and participated in 9-11 remembrance ceremony for the City of South El Monte.  
 POST 10218  9/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   6   6   $0.00   $593.40   $593.40   Perform military honors for deceased Veteran at Rose hills Cemetery.  
 POST 10218  9/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted walk in veteran with DMV forms for handicapped placard..  
 POST 10218  9/18/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette    1   0   1   $25.00   $24.69   $49.69   Replaced tattered flag for Veteran home.  
 POST 10218  9/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted walk in veteran with claims forms for Pact act benefits.  
 POST 10218  9/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted Veterans widow with burial reimbursement forms.  
 POST 10218  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   240   2   $60.00   $329.88   $389.88   Participated in Flying Doctors event in Indio, CA in preparation for our event in Feb 2025.  
 POST 10218  9/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $25.00   $24.69   $49.69   Replaced tattered flag for community veteran.  
 POST 10218  9/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted Veteran in registering for VA benefits, ID card.  
 POST 10218  9/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   26   4   $0.00   $398.68   $398.68   Attended Navidad en el Barrion breakfast to plan, coordinate and prepare for Christmas giveaway.  
 POST 10218  9/26/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   3   0   12   $600.00   $888.84   $1,488.84   Hosted dinner to award Law Enforcement Officer of the year ($250.00) and Teacher of the Year awards (250.00).  
 POST 10218  9/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Hosted El Monte Police Department for community informational event.  
 POST 10218  10/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted walk-in Veteran with EDD assistance  
 POST 10218  10/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Attended planning meeting with the city of El Monte in preparation for Veterans Day ceremonies. 
 POST 10218  10/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted walk-in Veteran with assistance in ordering DD 214 online and provided information on where to apply to receive military ID card. 
 POST 10218  10/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Hosted MTA with meeting space to provide community updates. 
 POST 10218  10/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   20   $135.00   $1,481.40   $1,616.40   Attended City of South El Monte city council meeting to present a plaque of appreciation for their Veterans support. 
 POST 10218  10/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted walk-in Veteran with requesting military records online. 
 POST 10218  10/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Assisted 2 walk-in Veterans with requesting Military records and connected with HUDVASH for homeless housing 
 POST 10218  10/11/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Member Antonio Gomez volunteered at LACBOC clinic 4 hours. 
 POST 10218  10/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   1   $50.00   $52.18   $102.18   Donated 6 cases of water to VA clinic downtown for Veterans Day ceremony. 
 POST 10218  10/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted 2 walk-in Veterans with completion of DMV forms for vehicle DV plates to submit for doctor signature. 
 POST 10218  10/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Attended City of South El Monte "Love shouldn't Hurt" walk in support of Domestic violence survivors. 
 POST 10218  10/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Attended Flying Doctors Zoom meeting in preparation for Community event on Feb 1, 2025 to provide dental and vision care. 
 POST 10218  10/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Assisted 2 veterans with information regarding PACT Act issues. 
 POST 10218  10/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   16   7   $0.00   $693.56   $693.56   Performed military honors for Moreno family 
 POST 10218  10/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assited homeless Veteran with housing information on HUDVASH 
 POST 10218  10/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   120   1   $0.00   $164.94   $164.94   Attended Chaplains training at March AFB provided by Riverside National Cemetery Chaplain. 
 POST 10218  10/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   18   2   $175.00   $150.66   $325.66   Supported Jubilee School with Trunk or Treat candy for students.  
 POST 10218  11/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Hosted MTA for community update event on local transportation issues and projects. 
 POST 10218  11/2/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Reviewed Voice of Democracy entries submitted on Oct 31, 2024 
 POST 10218  11/4/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Reviewed Patriot Pen application received on Oct 31, 2024 
 POST 10218  11/5/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Reviewed Law Enforcement application submitted on Nov 1, 2024 
 POST 10218  11/5/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Reviewed Teacher of the year application received on Nov 1, 2024 
 POST 10218  11/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   6   5   $0.00   $371.19   $371.19   Posted Colors for the City of South El Monte Senior Center and participated in Veterans Day ceremony. 
 POST 10218  11/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Attended Zoom meeting for Flying doctors event scheduled at VFW Post 10218 on Feb 1, 2025 
 POST 10218  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Participated in Flying Doctors zoom meeting in preparation for Feb 1, 2025 event. 
 POST 10218  11/8/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   0   6   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Retired 40 US flags collected from community 
 POST 10218  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   4   $200.00   $493.80   $693.80   Supported American Legion Post 261 Annual Golf Fundraiser Tournament at Arcadia Golf Course. 
 POST 10218  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   12   13   $0.00   $1,927.50   $1,927.50   Participated in Posting Colors Veterans Day ceremonies at City of El Monte at 9am and City of South El Monte at 11am. Commander was guest speaker at both cities. Spouses hosted Poppy drive, and distributed US flags and Veteran bumper stickers. 
 POST 10218  11/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Members assembled and reenforced 30 boxes for Thanksgiving Food basket giveaway.  
 POST 10218  11/13/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   5   0   4   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Folded and Retired 35 flags with fire pit ceremony. 
 POST 10218  11/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   0   3   $1,600.00   $370.35   $1,970.35   Purchased food items for Thanksgiving food baskets for Veterans at Rio Hondo College, ELA Vet Center and local Veterans.  
 POST 10218  11/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   0   4   $974.31   $395.04   $1,369.35   Purchase food for Thanksgiving food baskets for veterans.  
 POST 10218  11/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   2   $247.48   $98.76   $346.24   Purchased food for Veterans Thanksgiving food baskets.  
 POST 10218  11/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   54   2   $0.00   $205.08   $205.08   Attended Kinecta Federal Credit Union Christmas giveaway orientation and pickup 25 gift bags. 
 POST 10218  11/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   0   9   $0.00   $1,333.26   $1,333.26   Filled 60 Thanksgiving food boxes for Veterans giveaway for Thanksgiving. 
 POST 10218  11/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   0   6   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   Distributed 60 Thanksgiving food baskets to Rio Hondo College Veterans service center, ELA Vets Center and local Veterans. 
 POST 10218  11/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Attended Assembly member Mike Fongs Annual Thanksgiving Turkey giveaway and spoke on behalf of Veterans. 
 POST 10218  11/26/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   5   0   7   $0.00   $864.15   $864.15   Hosted VA Stand down for Veterans services with Housing, Medical team, Upward Bound Educational services, VPAN, ELA Vet Center, Service Officers. Assisted 14 walk-in Veterans. 
 POST 10218  11/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   12   1   $0.00   $75.75   $75.75   Attended Cardinal Industries Annual Christmas lunch representing VFW Post 10218. Cardinal is a great VFW supporter for holiday events. 
 POST 10218  12/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted walk in Veteran with resources and connected with HUD VASH who put in temporary hotel. 
 POST 10218  12/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   20   $402.48   $1,975.20   $2,377.68   went shopping for toys for Christmas giveaway 
 POST 10218  12/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   3   $373.98   $296.28   $670.26   shopping for toys for Christmas giveaway 
 POST 10218  12/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Hosted MTA for community informational event 
 POST 10218  12/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   5   $0.00   $617.25   $617.25   Build and wrap Christmas 75 boxes for giveaway 
 POST 10218  12/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   6   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Host Alpha Omega Living trust Seminar for Veterans and Community 
 POST 10218  12/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   5   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Build and wrap 75 boxes for Christmas giveaway 
 POST 10218  12/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Met and toured facility with Healing California representative who will provide dental equipment for Flying doctors event on Feb 1, 2025 
 POST 10218  12/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   13   $355.00   $2,567.76   $2,922.76   Rented U-haul truck and picked up 8 pallets of food for Christmas giveaway, then unloaded and distributed to fill 150 Christmas boxes for families. Provided lunch to volunteers. 
 POST 10218  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   0   12   $1,150.00   $2,073.96   $3,223.96   Hosted Annual Christmas food and Toy giveaway to 150 families and 340 children. 
 POST 10218  12/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted Veteran with information on receiving care at Long Beach VA 
 POST 10218  12/17/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   VFW Post 10218 member volunteered at VA Clinic downtown 
 POST 10218  12/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted Veteran with DD 214 records request 
 POST 10218  12/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   6   0   14   $450.00   $2,073.96   $2,523.96   Performed Military Honors and Final Salute to Past Post Commander Michael Felix. Provided drinks and military display for family 
 POST 10218  12/30/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Submitted District 11 LE Officer of the Year to VFWCA 
 POST 10218  12/30/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Submitted District 11 Teacher of the Year to VFWCA 
 POST 10218  12/30/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Submitted District 11 LE Officer of the Year to VFWCA 
 POST 10218  1/2/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Assisted El Monte La Historia Museum with inventory and archiving local Veterans military memorabilia.  
 POST 10218  1/3/2025   Community Service   Other   3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   **Hosted MTA for Community update event on services and construction.  
 POST 10218  1/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   **Assisted Walk-in Veteran with resources and contact information for housing benefits.  
 POST 10218  1/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted Veteran with requests for DD 214 and request for military awards.  
 POST 10218  1/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted Veteran with requests for DD 214 and request for military awards.  
 POST 10218  1/9/2025   Community Service   Other   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Attended Flying Doctors Zoom meeting for planning and execution details for upcoming event on Feb 1, 2025  
 POST 10218  1/9/2025   Community Service   Other   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Attended Flying Doctors Zoom meeting for planning and execution details for upcoming event on Feb 1, 2025  
 POST 10218  1/14/2025   Community Service    VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Member Antonio Gomez volunteered for LACBOC assisting Veterans, feeding lunch and providing VA support.  
 POST 10218  1/15/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   3   0   3   $165.00   $222.21   $387.21   Purchased water for members displaced by Altadena fire and evacuations.  
 POST 10218  1/16/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   2   0   2   $600.00   $98.76   $698.76   Purchased 5 Air Purifiers for families that have returned to their homes in Altadena burn areas.  
 POST 10218  1/16/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   2   0   2   $600.00   $98.76   $698.76   Purchased 5 Air Purifiers for families that have returned to their homes in Altadena burn areas.  
 POST 10218  1/17/2025   Community Service   Other   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Attended Flying Doctors Zoom meeting regarding planning and logistics for upcoming Feb 1, 2025 event.  
 POST 10218  1/20/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   3   0   2   $750.00   $148.14   $898.14   Purchased and provided Food 4 Less cards for displaced Altadena Fire victims.  
 POST 10218  1/21/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   2   0   2   $500.00   $98.76   $598.76   Purchased 5 Target gift cards valued at $100.00 each for Altadena fire victims to replace necessary personal items.  
 POST 10218  1/23/2025   Community Service   Other   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   **Attended coffee with El Monte City Manager and Police Chief for current city updates and networking.  
 POST 10218  1/24/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   9   8   $0.00   $791.34   $791.34   Performed military honors for deceased Veteran Delgado at Resurrection Cemetery.  
 POST 10218  1/27/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $50.00   $49.38   $99.38   Assisted unhoused Veteran with request for records, housing assistance and food cards.  
 POST 10218  1/28/2025   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   5   0   5   $0.00   $617.25   $617.25   Hosted VA for Stand down to provided services for Veterans. Services provided ELAVet Center, VPAN, Upward Bound Educational Services, VA Medical Van, 3 Service Officers and Veterans Housing.  
 POST 10218  1/30/2025   Community Service   Other   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Attended final flying Doctors Zoom call for final planning and updates for Feb 1 , 2025 event.  
 POST 10218  1/31/2025   Community Service   Other   9   0   12   $375.00   $2,666.52   $3,041.52   Provided volunteers to set up Dental and Vision equipment for Free Dental and Vision event. Healing California provided all dental chairs, tools, sanitation equipment, vision chairs, equipment, tools, vision manufacturing equipment, glasses along with all required items to provide full dental and vision services. Post provided breakfast and lunch for 15 volunteers plus members.  
 Post 10218 Total 337 565 383 $10,718.25 $37,336.31 $48,054.56
 POST 12034  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   5   23   1   $0.00   $126.67   $126.67   Took veteran to VSO and to ACC in Loma Linda to get him in system for benefits. When taken to ACC signed him up to get his VA Medical Card.  
 POST 12034  7/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   16   1   $0.00   $76.31   $76.31   Took veteran to VSO in Rancho Cucamonga to sign him up to get him in system for benefits.  
 POST 12034  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   0   12   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   City of La Verne requested Post 12034 to present and march with Colors in their Annual 4th of July Parade.  
 POST 12034  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   4   5   $0.00   $247.46   $247.46   Pomona Fairplex requested Post 12034 to present Colors for their Annual "Kaboom" event.  
 POST 12034  7/10/2024   Community Service    Citizenship/Americanism   3   3   1   $0.00   $74.49   $74.49   Meet at luncheon to meet with a WW II Veteran and A Navy Seal who spoke and I had a opportunity to speak and mingle with veterans. In speaking I advised what our Post does in the community and what my position is at our Post. Handed out Post Business Cards.  
 POST 12034  7/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   54   9   $0.00   $674.19   $674.19   Military Honors for Navy Veteran Mr. Alvarez at St. Benedict's Church in Montebello.  
 POST 12034  7/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   3   6   $0.00   $444.84   $444.84   Present Colors for a fundraiser at Lighthouse Baptist Church in La Verne.  
 POST 12034  7/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   50   6   $0.00   $451.48   $451.48   Military Honors for Army Veteran, Mr. Correa, at Resurrection Cemetery, Rosemead.  
 POST 12034  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   20   2   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Took veteran to the VSO to help with getting his additional benefits. I also took veteran to Loma Linda Ambulatory Care Center to sign veteran up to the VA Medical System and to obtain his VA I.D. Card.  
 POST 12034  7/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Spoke on telephone with veterans daughter regarding her elderly father and what benefits he would be able to get at this time. Veteran is 92 years old and unable to travel by himself, this is why I spoke to his daughter.  
 POST 12034  7/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   80   6   $0.00   $603.76   $603.76   Military Honors for Navy Veteran Mr. Smith at Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside.  
 POST 12034  7/24/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   60   6   $0.00   $452.88   $452.88   Military Honors for Army Veteran, Mr. Moreno, at Calvary Cemetery in East Los Angeles..  
 POST 12034  7/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   15   2   $0.00   $150.24   $150.24   Took 93 year old Korean Veteran and his daughter to VSO to help with additional benefits and to get him situated in the VA Clinic for medical needs and to have the Clinic Doctor to do referrals to get a mobile wheel chair and other needs.. Because of limited time I was able to get him a medical appointment August 1rst.  
 POST 12034  7/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   50   6   $0.00   $451.48   $451.48   Military Honors for Army Veteran, Mr. Loya, at Resurrection Cemetery in Rosemead.  
 POST 12034  8/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   25   2   $0.00   $201.02   $201.02   Took veteran to VA Clinic to make appointment for his health needs. Additionally, took veteran to VA Hospital in Loma Linda to show him where the VA Hospital is located  
 POST 12034  8/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   62   6   $0.00   $453.16   $453.16   Military Honors for Army Veteran, Mr. Carlson, at Holy Sepulcher Cemetery in the City of Orange.  
 POST 12034  8/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   36   7   $0.00   $177.87   $177.87   Greater El Monte Post 10218, requested Color Guard for District Meeting and for SOI in El Monte.  
 POST 12034  8/15/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   50   6   $0.00   $599.62   $599.62   Military Honors for Navy Veteran, Mrs. Anaya, at Resurrection Cemetery in Rosemead.  
 POST 12034  8/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   47   7   $0.00   $525.10   $525.10   Military Honors for Navy Veteran, Mr. Sabadin, at Resurrection Cemetery in Rosemead.  
 POST 12034  8/23/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   12   6   $0.00   $446.10   $446.10   Military Honors for Coast Guard Veteran Mr. Cormican at Oakdale Cemetery in Glendora.  
 POST 12034  9/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   3   2   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   La Verne City Council requested a Veteran from our post to lead the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.  
 POST 12034  9/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   69   5   $0.00   $503.46   $503.46   Military Honors for Army Veteran, Mr. Gedigian, at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Hollywood Hills.  
 POST 12034  9/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   7   8   $0.00   $988.58   $988.58   Calvary Chapel of Pomona requested our Post to present colors at the opening of their Car and Bike Event. Our post also participated in membership/recruitment drive.  
 POST 12034  9/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   3   3   $0.00   $74.49   $74.49   La Verne City Council requested a Veteran from our post to lead the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.  
 POST 12034  9/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   80   7   $0.00   $875.35   $875.35   Military Honors for Army and Air Force veteran, Mr. Young, at Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside.  
 POST 12034  9/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   39   7   $0.00   $696.78   $696.78   Color Guard requested to present Colors for Congresswoman Napolitano Retirement Event.  
 POST 12034  9/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   8   1   $0.00   $25.81   $25.81   Post donated groceries, at San Dimas Masonic Lodge, for veterans who are in need of help.  
 POST 12034  9/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   8   1   $0.00   $25.81   $25.81   Post donated groceries, at San Dimas Masonic Lodge, for veterans who are in need of help.  
 POST 12034  10/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   3   3   $0.00   $222.63   $222.63   Memorial Service for Navy Veteran Mr. Tunstall at Stanley Plumber Building in San Dimas.  
 POST 12034  10/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   3   5   $0.00   $370.77   $370.77   Pastor from Lighthouse Baptist Church requested a Color Guard to present the colors at the Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.  
 POST 12034  10/17/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   2   6   $0.00   $296.56   $296.56   Military Honors for Army Corp WWII Veteran, Mr. Morales, at La Verne Cemetery.  
 POST 12034  10/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   3   2   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   La Verne City Council requested a Veteran from our post to lead the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.  
 POST 12034  10/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   12   6   $0.00   $446.10   $446.10   Military Honors for Navy Veteran Mr. Garcia at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Covina.  
 POST 12034  10/31/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   66   5   $0.00   $379.59   $379.59   Military Honors for Army Veteran, Mr. Quimiro, at Forest Lawn in Glendale. 
 POST 12034  11/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    7   20   3   $0.00   $521.29   $521.29   Veterans Day Celebration at Walnut High School, Walnut. Sharing our military experiences with students at different grade levels.  
 POST 12034  11/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   82   6   $0.00   $455.90   $455.90   Military Honors for Air Force Veteran, Mr. King, at Riverside National Cemetery. 
 POST 12034  11/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   8   1   $0.00   $50.50   $50.50   Memorial Honors for a Navy/Army veteran, Mr. Rojas, at Peppertree Restaurant in Glendora. 
 POST 12034  11/15/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   33   3   $0.00   $152.76   $152.76   Military Honors for Marine Veteran, Mr. Bales, at Todd Memorial Chapel in Pomona. 
 POST 12034  12/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   6   1   $0.00   $74.91   $74.91   Took veteran to Veteran Service Office to assist in getting veteran benefits. 
 POST 12034  12/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   6   1   $0.00   $74.91   $74.91   Took veteran to Veteran Service Office to help veteran apply for benefits. 
 POST 12034  12/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   50   6   $0.00   $451.42   $451.42   Military Honors for Navy Veteran Mr. Guitierrez at Resurrection Cemetery in Rosemead.  
 POST 12034  12/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   6   1   $0.00   $74.91   $74.91   Took veteran to Veteran Service Office to assist in getting veterans benefits. 
 POST 12034  12/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   12   1   $0.00   $75.75   $75.75   In December took spouse of deceased veteran to the local Veteran Service Office to discuss the Veteran DIC Program. 
 POST 12034  12/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Help veteran spouse with bereavement and to assist in giving information what is needed to claim for financial assistance. I will be taking her to Veteran Service Office in Rancho Cucamonga, CA  
 POST 12034  12/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   9   2   $0.00   $100.02   $100.02   Delivered meals to a veteran's family who lost a 5 year old daughter two weeks before Christmas.  
 POST 12034  1/2/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   23   1   $0.00   $77.29   $77.29   Took veteran to Veteran Service Office to get him started for his VA Benefits. 
 POST 12034  1/9/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   47   7   $0.00   $525.07   $525.07   Military Honors for Army Veteran Mr. Gamboa at Resurrection Cemetery in Rosemead.  
 POST 12034  1/10/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   47   6   $0.00   $451.00   $451.00   Military Honors for Navy Veteran Mr. Wolf at Resurrection Cemetery in Rosemead.  
 POST 12034  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   23   1   $0.00   $77.29   $77.29   Took veteran to Veterans Service Office to get him started on his military disability claims and took individual to VA Hospital to get him enrolled the VA Medical System. 
 POST 12034  1/14/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Attended diseased veterans funeral to honor veteran with Taps. 
 POST 12034  1/21/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   3   2   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   La Verne City Council requested a Veteran from our post to lead the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. 
 POST 12034  1/25/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   97   5   $0.00   $630.83   $630.83   Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Chaplain, and two VFW members traveled to Apple Valley to give comfort and assistance to a fellow member and his family. Fellow member, who has two months to live, requested our presence to have some fellowship, along with prayers, before he leaves us.  
 POST 12034  1/27/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   15   5   $0.00   $249.00   $249.00   Whitcomb Continuation School requested an Honor Guard to raise flag in Honor of teacher, Mr. Love, returning from a nine months deployment. 
 POST 12034  1/29/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   28   4   $0.00   $596.48   $596.48   Took 4 veterans to VA to show then where VA Hospital is located and to sign them up in the VA Medical program. Showed these individuals where the VA Eye Clinic and Audiology Clinic are located. 
 POST 12034  2/3/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   3   2   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   La Verne City Council requested a Veteran from our post to lead the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.  
 POST 12034  2/3/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   80   6   $0.00   $529.69   $529.69   Military Honors for Air Force Veteran Mr. Loya at Riverside Nat'l Cemetery 
 POST 12034  2/7/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   80   6   $0.00   $751.90   $751.90   Military Honors for Army Veteran Mr. Ramirez at Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside.  
 POST 12034  2/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   2   2   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Meet Veteran to address his questions and concerns regarding documents received from VA. Also, addressed other concerns regarding his other benefits, Life Insurance, Drivers License and other medical needs and appointments.. 
 POST 12034  2/18/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   3   3   $0.00   $74.49   $74.49   La Verne City Council requested a Active Military Air Force soldier from our post to lead the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.  
 POST 12034  2/26/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   5   $0.00   $253.20   $253.20   Military Honors for Army Veteran Mr. Vasquez at Resurrection Cemetery, Rosemead.  
 Post 12034 Total 173 1,649 241 $0.00 $18,797.77 $18,797.77
 District 11 Total 1,235 6,589 1,279 $30,368.65 $123,804.62 $154,173.27
 POST 69  7/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $400.00   $24.69   $424.69   Forwarded $400.00 to pay for the California House Fund, VFW National Home. Received acknowledgement of the gift from the Development Director in a letter dated August 16, 2024.  
 Post 69 Total 1 0 1 $400.00 $24.69 $424.69
 POST 344  10/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   20   3   $100.00   $373.15   $473.15   Working on housing and assisting with military paperwork and claims Fed and assisted 6 veterans 
 POST 344  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   5   20   1   $100.00   $126.25   $226.25   Fed homless Veterans at local church 
 Post 344 Total 10 40 4 $200.00 $499.40 $699.40
 POST 1716  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   10   $0.00   $987.60   $987.60   Put up flags down Freedom Blvd.  
 POST 1716  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   8   $0.00   $790.08   $790.08   Members set up flags down Freedom Blvd and local cemetery  
 POST 1716  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Commander helped veteran get VA Benefits.  
 POST 1716  8/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Commander and QM set ups a booth and gave out Buddy Poppies at our VFW Friday Market. 
 POST 1716  8/16/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Commander and QM set up a booth and gave out Buddy Poppies at our VFW Market. 
 POST 1716  9/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Commander spoke and walked around at community workshop downtown. 
 POST 1716  9/23/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Commander and Senior Vice went to local schools to pass out Information 
 POST 1716  11/8/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   5   0   2   $1,000.00   $246.90   $1,246.90   We gave out scholarships  
 POST 1716  11/8/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   5   0   2   $1,000.00   $246.90   $1,246.90   We gave out $1000 in scholarships  
 POST 1716  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   0   4   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Commander and a few members gave out buddy poppies at the local veterans day event. 
 POST 1716  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   8   $0.00   $790.08   $790.08   Members went out and set up flags on Freedom Blvd and local cemetery 
 POST 1716  12/13/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Set up both and gave out information. talked to a few veterans.  
 POST 1716  12/13/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Set up Both at swap meat.  
 POST 1716  12/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Helped local veteran get dental assistance with the VA and a local veteran dental group in Santa Cruz county.  
 POST 1716  2/11/2025   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Commander and Sr Vice attended the local Veteran Stand Down and helped veterans 
 Post 1716 Total 70 0 49 $2,000.00 $5,407.11 $7,407.11
 POST 3982  7/3/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Provided information to a caller on where to take his flags for proper retirement.  
 POST 3982  7/8/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   50   1   $150.00   $31.69   $181.69   Presented certificate and post check to 3rd place VOD Essay Winner.  
 POST 3982  7/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   1   $1,000.00   $24.83   $1,024.83   With members approval donated $1,000.00 to the FRA Centennial Celebration.  
 POST 3982  7/8/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   0   1   $500.00   $24.69   $524.69   Presented certificate and post check to LE Winner.  
 POST 3982  7/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted veteran in getting information and location to the VA office in San Jose.  
 POST 3982  7/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted veteran in getting information and location to the VA office in San Jose.  
 POST 3982  7/17/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Informed a caller regarding a flag box location at American Legion Post #564 to drop of used US Flags.  
 POST 3982  7/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Talked to veteran and informed him the number and location of the VA Office in San Jose and the hospital in Palo Alto.  
 POST 3982  7/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   40   2   $0.00   $104.36   $104.36   Assisted a veteran in get his electric bike repaired.  
 POST 3982  7/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   75   2   $0.00   $208.02   $208.02   Provided Two Bell Ceremony for Navy Veteran at Mission Santa Clara Cemetary.  
 POST 3982  8/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Helped the wife of a veteran get information regarding the County of Santa Clara office.  
 POST 3982  11/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Per phone call helped veteran to call the San Jose VA Office to start a claim. 
 Post 3982 Total 16 168 14 $1,650.00 $566.70 $2,216.70
 POST 4103  7/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   8   15   $475.00   $2,223.22   $2,698.22   Conducted an early 4th of July BBQ at Mercy Housing, Veterans Village Colma. This facility has 64 units for formerly homeless Veterans and 14 staff members. Approximately 78 Veterans and Staff were fed.  
 POST 4103  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   5   3   $0.00   $296.98   $296.98   Conducted membership drive at SSF BPOE Elks Lodge during 4th of July celebration that was open to the public. Saw a few of our members and provided membership information to 11 eligible Veterans.  
 POST 4103  7/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   5   6   $200.00   $296.98   $496.98   Mercy Housing, Colma Veterans Village. Currently Partnered with the SSF Elks Lodge 2091. Conducted Game Night for 16 previously Homeless Veterans at the recreation room at Veterans Village. VFW members sat with Veterans, talking with them and helping them with their Bingo cards. VFW members donated $200 worth of gift cards. 
 POST 4103  8/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   8   35   8   $0.00   $1,585.06   $1,585.06   Assisted the understaffed meal unit in preparing and feeding the airman who were on a Annual activation of the entire Rescue Wing. 
 POST 4103  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   8   35   7   $0.00   $1,387.54   $1,387.54   Assisted the understaffed meal unit in preparing and feeding the airman who were on a Annual activation of the entire Rescue Wing. 
 POST 4103  8/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   5   35   8   $0.00   $992.50   $992.50   Assisted the understaffed meal unit in preparing and feeding the airman who were on a Annual activation of the entire Rescue Wing. 
 POST 4103  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   5   7   $200.00   $346.36   $546.36   Mercy Housing, Colma Veterans Village. Currently Partnered with the SSF Elks Lodge 2091. Conducted Game Night for 24 previously Homeless Veterans at the recreation room at Veterans Village. VFW members sat with Veterans, talking with them and helping them with their Bingo cards. VFW members donated $200 worth of gift cards. 
 POST 4103  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   6   35   8   $0.00   $1,190.02   $1,190.02   Assisted the understaffed meal unit in preparing and feeding the airman who were on a Annual activation of the entire Rescue Wing. 
 POST 4103  8/16/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   3   5   3   $0.00   $222.91   $222.91   Members met with Fire Chief, Battalion Captains, Police Chief, and staff. Provided Guidelines for LE/FF/EMT/911 DISPATCHER/EOD, Public Service Recognition program  
 POST 4103  8/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   7   42   7   $0.00   $1,215.69   $1,215.69   Conducted clothing drive - collected, sorted and delivered 65 pairs of gently, used men's jeans to SFVA Downtown Clinic for distribution to unhoused Veterans.  
 POST 4103  8/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   3   48   1   $0.00   $80.79   $80.79   Commander assisted 6 members of adopted unit, 129th Rescue Wing, enrolling with the VA Healthcare. 
 POST 4103  8/24/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   37   5   $0.00   $992.78   $992.78   Conducted membership drive at 8th Annual Car Show & Fundraiser for the VA Palo Alto Fisher House 
 POST 4103  8/24/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   40   2   $0.00   $153.74   $153.74   2 members distributed @ 150 Buddy Poppies and Flanders Field flyers to attendees at the 8th Annual Car Show fundraiser for VA Palo Alto Fisher House 
 POST 4103  8/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   65   6   $0.00   $749.80   $749.80   6 members volunteered (representing VFW Post 4103) sorting food donations with Second Harvest Food Bank of Silicon Valley. 
 POST 4103  8/30/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   6   20   8   $0.00   $1,187.92   $1,187.92   Members prepared VOD and Patriots Pen flyers. We then divided up and took Patriots Pen & VOD programs to 3 Middle Schools and 2 High Schools. Met with Principals and Assistant Principals explaining the programs. 
 POST 4103  8/31/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted Veterans family with the information necessary to request a Patriot Riders escort for father’s casket from Mortuary, to Church and Cemetery. 
 POST 4103  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   5   4   $0.00   $395.74   $395.74   Post partnered with the SSF Elks Lodge 2091, to collect and deliver @ 300 pound of canned and boxed non-perishable food items to Veterans Village Colma. 
 POST 4103  9/6/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   7   20   4   $0.00   $694.12   $694.12   Members prepared Teacher of the Year flyers and briefing materials. Visited 5 Elementary Schools, 3 Middle Schools and 2 High Schools. Met with Principals and Assistant Principals to explain the guidelines of the nominations.  
 POST 4103  9/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   30   15   $11,750.00   $3,337.35   $15,087.35   Post hosted 252 Veterans for Post 4103’s Annual Veterans "Day” at the San Francisco Zoo. 15 members and 30 volunteers from the 129th Rescue Wing set up, welcomed the Veterans as they arrived from Yountville, and various Bay Area VA Rec programs, served lunch, provided Airmen to push all Veterans in non-powered wheelchairs around the Zoo. Parking for 25 vehicles was included.  
 POST 4103  9/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   5   5   $350.00   $371.05   $721.05   Post partnered with the SSF Elks Lodge 2091, conducted Game Night for 18 previously Homeless Veterans at the recreation room at Veterans Village. VFW members donated $350 worth of gift cards. 
 POST 4103  9/21/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   5   4   $50.00   $790.78   $840.78   4 members staffed a membership booth at SSF Concert in the Park. Provided membership information and members benefits information. 3 Active Duty prospects were invited to October dinner. 
 POST 4103  9/21/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   8   5   1   $0.00   $198.22   $198.22   Member staffed separate booth with 3 SSF Middle Schools Schools. Distributed VOD flyers and explained program 
 POST 4103  9/21/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   5   3   $0.00   $296.98   $296.98   Members distributed @ 300 Buddy Poppies and Flanders Field flyers to Concert in the Park attendees. 
 POST 4103  9/21/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   8   5   2   $0.00   $395.74   $395.74   Members staffed separate booth with SSF & El Camino High Schools. Distributed VOD flyers and explained program 
 POST 4103  9/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   15   8   $0.00   $397.14   $397.14   8 members attended the Vigil of a Post 4103 Life Member. Conducted a Salute Procession at the request of Family. 
 POST 4103  9/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   5   4   $0.00   $198.22   $198.22   4 members attended the funeral and conducted honors, folding the flag for the family at Holy Cross Cemetery in Colma. 
 POST 4103  10/2/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   9   40   4   $0.00   $894.44   $894.44   4 members volunteered at the Santa Clara Veteran Stand Down 
 POST 4103  10/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   15   5   $0.00   $249.00   $249.00   Commander, QM, Chaplain, 2 Trustees attended the Vigil of a Three War Veteran, Life Member. Conducted a Salute Procession at the request of Family. 
 POST 4103  10/3/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   40   5   $0.00   $993.20   $993.20   4 members volunteered at the Santa Clara Veteran Stand Down 
 POST 4103  10/4/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   7   40   3   $0.00   $524.09   $524.09   3 members volunteered at the Santa Clara Veteran Stand Down 
 POST 4103  10/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   6   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   6 members attended funeral services and conducted honors, folding the flag at the Holy Cross Cemetery in Colma. 
 POST 4103  10/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   5   $0.00   $618.65   $618.65   Assisted Catholic Worker house with preparing breakfast and serving to @240 impoverished and homeless members of the San Bruno community.  
 POST 4103  10/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs /Relief   3   5   4   $200.00   $296.98   $496.98    Post partnered with the SSF Elks Lodge 2091, conducted Game Night for 24 previously Homeless Veterans at the recreation room at Veterans Village. VFW members donated $200 worth of gift cards.  
 POST 4103  10/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   35   8   $0.00   $1,585.06   $1,585.06   Members volunteered at the Redwood City Elks Lodge, #1991. Assisted building @ 325 care packages to be delivered to deployed soldiers, sailors and airmen.  
 POST 4103  10/25/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   50   2   $0.00   $253.90   $253.90   Conducted an independent Membership table with Membership and Veteran information. Signed 2 Life Members and 3 Annual Members.  
 POST 4103  10/25/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   35   2   $75.00   $202.42   $277.42   Participated in a Trunk and Treat event at the Army Reserve at Moffett Field. Conducted membership recruitment, provided information @ VFW, and passed out candy to the children in costume 
 POST 4103  10/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americsnism   7   50   4   $200.00   $698.32   $898.32   Participated in the Annual, 63d Readiness Division G4, Trunk or Treat Event. Assisting in setup, manning a decorated vehicle trunk for the trick or treaters. Post and American Flags were prominently placed.  
 POST 4103  11/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   40   5   $0.00   $622.85   $622.85   Conducted Tennis/Running shoe drive - collected, sorted and delivered 49 pairs of gently, used shoes to SFVA Downtown Clinic for distribution to unhoused Veterans. 
 POST 4103  11/9/2024   Youth Development      1   5   2   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Conducted Patriot's Pen Essay Judging 
 POST 4103  11/9/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   5   2   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Conducted VOD Essay Judging 
 POST 4103  11/10/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   5   2   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Reviewed Teacher of the Year nominations and selected 1 to move forward 
 POST 4103  11/10/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   2   5   2   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Conducted selection for Law Enforcement and 911 Dispatcher of the Year 
 POST 4103  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   5   8   $0.00   $1,383.34   $1,383.34   Held Buddy Poppy Drive. Provided information @ VFW. Collected $948 
 POST 4103  11/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   5   9   $1,500.00   $1,111.75   $2,611.75   Post partnered with the SSF Elks Lodge 2091, preparing and serving an Early Thanksgiving Dinner to 49 previously unhoused Veterans. The Elks maintain a budget line for Post 4103 of $1500 annually. This budget line was transferred to the Elks Veterans Committee budget to assist in funding this celebration. 
 POST 4103  11/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   5   8   $0.00   $395.74   $395.74   8 members attended funeral services and conducted honors, folding the flag at the Cypress Lawn Cemetery in Colma. 
 POST 4103  12/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   5   6   $972.00   $445.12   $1,417.12   Conducted awards ceremony for the Annual Special Programs including VOD & PP. We also recognized 20 BPOE 2091, SSF Elks Lodge members for their support for our Post and Veterans Village. Members who assisted in the setup, tear down and awards are included in the total members numbers.  
 POST 4103  12/6/2024   Youth Development   Other   1   0   1   $2,000.00   $24.69   $2,024.69   Provided an Annual grant of $2000 to support the (unfunded) SSF, boys freshman basketball program. 
 POST 4103  12/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   2   5   $425.00   $370.63   $795.63   Post partnered with the SSF Elks Lodge 2091, conducted Game Night for 23 previously Homeless Veterans at the recreation room at Veterans Village. VFW members donated $425 worth of gift cards. 
 POST 4103  12/12/2024   Community Service   Other   3   5   5   $2,000.00   $371.05   $2,371.05   Participated in the South San Francisco Fire Department Toy Drive, while serving spaghetti and meatballs to all who attended. Post 4103 presented a check for $2000 to assist this cause. 
 POST 4103  12/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   0   1   $5,000.00   $24.69   $5,024.69   Post donated $5000 to National for matching donations to assist VFW Posts affected by the hurricanes. 
 POST 4103  12/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   5   11   $0.00   $1,087.06   $1,087.06   Post partnered with the SSF Elks Lodge 2091, preparing and serving an Early Christmas Dinner to 53 previously unhoused Veterans.  
 POST 4103  1/30/2025   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   6   35   7   $0.00   $1,041.88   $1,041.88   Assisted the Adopted Unit, 129th Rescue Wing in preparing and feeding the airman who were on a Annual Super Drill activation of the entire Rescue Wing. 
 POST 4103  1/31/2025   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   6   35   7   $0.00   $1,041.88   $1,041.88   Assisted the Adopted Unit, 129th Rescue Wing in preparing and feeding the airman who were on a Annual Super Drill activation of the entire Rescue Wing. 
 Post 4103 Total 243 1,012 274 $25,397.00 $34,806.44 $60,203.44
 POST 6309  7/3/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   30   4   $0.00   $201.72   $201.72   During the Morgan Hill Annual Freedom Fest walked and passed VFW application/POC to potential future applicants/members.  
 POST 6309  7/3/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   7   6   $36.00   $297.26   $333.26   On July 3, six (6) Comrades partnered with the City of Gilroy's Recreation Department/Senior Center to pass out US flags in advance of the Fourth of July celebration, and served lunch to 70+ seniors.  
 POST 6309  7/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   30   4   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Members of the Color Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) presented the colors at the Morgan Hill Annual Freedom Fest on 3 Jul 2024 @ 1800  
 POST 6309  7/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   7   1   $0.00   $25.67   $25.67   Comrade met, counseled and directed veteran who needed assistance in communicating with the VA. Also, suggested that they meet with a VSO representative.  
 POST 6309  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   30   4   $0.00   $201.72   $201.72   Members of the Color Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) participated in the Morgan Hill Annual 4th of July Parade @ 1000  
 POST 6309  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   30   4   $0.00   $201.72   $201.72   During the Morgan Hill Annual 4th of July Parade walked and passed VFW application/POC to potential future applicants/members.  
 POST 6309  7/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Commander had a phone conversation regarding questions the veteran had regarding the Claims and Benefits process; explaining the Commander's past experiences with the process of his claims & benefits. He reassured the veteran that the process takes time.  
 POST 6309  7/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   20   3   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   Three members attended the Morgan Hill Community Center and spoke to those in attendance about the VFW and exchanged POCs and provided digital VFW applications. At least 2 positive leads were developed and will be followed.  
 POST 6309  7/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   12   3   $50.00   $149.82   $199.82   Comrades and one (1) Auxiliary Officer partnered with the City of Morgan Hill Senior Center to pass out US flags post Fourth of July celebration, and served lunch to 100+ seniors.  
 POST 6309  7/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   20   5   $0.00   $373.15   $373.15   Received a call from a family member, of a WWII Veteran on 7/8/2024 @ 2006, asking if the VFW could help with Pallbearers for 7/9/2024 @ 0830. Five VFW members volunteered to help.  
 POST 6309  7/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   40   7   $0.00   $178.43   $178.43   Members of the Honor Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) performed Military Honors for Jose Mata, Army/WWII Veteran, at St Mary’s Cemetery on 7/9/2024 @ 1100.  
 POST 6309  7/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   7   1   $0.00   $50.36   $50.36   Comrade met veteran who needed assistance in communicating with the VA. Suggested that they meet with a VSO representative. Also, recommended he join the local VFW Post and explained the benefits of becoming a VFW member..  
 POST 6309  7/23/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   30   7   $0.00   $177.03   $177.03   Members of the Honor Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) performed Military Honors for Ray Sanchez, Army Veteran, at St Mary’s Cemetery on 7/23/2024 @ 1030.  
 POST 6309  7/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   30   7   $0.00   $349.86   $349.86   Members of the Honor Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) performed Military Honors for Rudy Perez, Army Veteran, at St Mary’s Cemetery on 7/25/2024 @ 1515.  
 POST 6309  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Received an RFI from a Disabled Veteran seeking educational assistance for a family member. I referred the Veteran to the VSO Team who is available at our hall the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month, 0900 to 1400.  
 POST 6309  8/17/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   20   25   $0.00   $1,237.30   $1,237.30   Held the annual Early Bird BBQ for members and guests, prospect future VFW members. As a result, two (2) applications were submitted, 1 for Lifetime Membership and 1 for annual membership. Then an additional application was received two weeks later. So as a result of this drive 3 applicants will be presented to the Post at our next Business Meeting. 
 POST 6309  8/17/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   12   2   $0.00   $199.20   $199.20   Held a Buddy Poppy Drive at BBQ Event on 17 Aug 2024. Raised $40.  
 POST 6309  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   6   1   $0.00   $50.22   $50.22   A comrade met and greeted veterans who sought assistance with their veteran's entitlements by the VSO hosted by the Morgan Hill Senior Center. 
 POST 6309  8/23/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   The 6309 Post Quartermaster was contacted by a local citizen asking for a location to disposed of old US Flags. The Quartermaster provide location, time to drop off, proper procedure to disposed of a worn-out US Flag. 
 POST 6309  8/24/2024   Community Service   Other   6   20   8   $0.00   $1,187.92   $1,187.92   8 members of VFW Post 6309 assisted setting up tables and displaying donated items for the Auxiliary’s garage sale on 24 Aug 2024. 
 POST 6309  8/25/2024   Community Service   Other   6   10   5   $0.00   $742.10   $742.10   5 members of VFW Post 6309 assisted setting up tables and displaying donated items for the Auxiliary’s garage sale on 25 Aug 2024. Then unsold items were taken by the VFW to the local Good Will Center. 
 POST 6309  8/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   The 6309 Post Quartermaster was contacted by a local Veteran seeking info on VA Benefits. The Quartermaster provided guidance and POC of next VSO at the Hall on 6 Sep 2024. 
 POST 6309  9/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Commander received distress call from daughter of veteran with car problems. Recommended resources available in her area for assistance.  
 POST 6309  9/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   30   5   $60.00   $127.65   $187.65   Members of the Honor Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) performed Military Honors for  Comrade  Nelson, Air Force Veteran, at Morgan Hill Bible Church on 9/8/2024 @ 1730.  
 POST 6309  9/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   30   6   $70.00   $300.48   $370.48   Members of the Honor Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) performed Military Honors for Comrade  Robledo, Army Veteran, at Gavilan Hills Cemetery in Gilroy on 9/9/2024 @ 1100.  
 POST 6309  9/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   7   1   $0.00   $25.67   $25.67   Comrade volunteered to set up table settings for approximately 100 senior citizens at the Morgan Hill Senior Center for lunch.  
 POST 6309  9/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   9   1   $0.00   $25.95   $25.95   Comrade volunteered to set up table settings for approximately 100 senior citizens at the Morgan Hill Senior Center for lunch.  
 POST 6309  9/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   The granddaughter of a WWII veteran stopped by the Post Hall requesting assistance in the development of her grandfather's WWII undeveloped film(s). Discussed and recommended potential sources who could assist her in film development.  
 POST 6309  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   35   3   $0.00   $671.53   $671.53   partnered with the City of Gilroy Recreation Department for their annual Coastal Creek Clean-up Day; picking trash and debris along Uvas Creek.  
 POST 6309  9/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   12   2   $40.00   $51.06   $91.06   Commander and a Comrade presented a Certificate of Appreciation and in Gratitude to a local Morgan Hill business owner who gives selflessly and generously to all veterans.  
 POST 6309  9/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   A Comrade volunteered to set up table settings for approximately 100 senior citizens at the Morgan Hill Senior Center for lunch.  
 POST 6309  10/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   52   1   $108.93   $81.35   $190.28   One Post member took to and back a follow Veteran to a medical appointment at the VA in Palo Alto, CA. 
 POST 6309  10/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   270   6   $295.41   $482.22   $777.63   Members of the Honor Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) performed Military Honors for Comrade Chacon, a Marine Veteran, at Garden of Memories, in Salinas, CA on 10/01/2024 @ 1130.  
 POST 6309  10/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   A Comrade volunteered to set up table settings for approximately 100 senior citizens at the Morgan Hill Senior Center and served lunch to said seniors..  
 POST 6309  10/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   228   6   $150.00   $476.34   $626.34   Members of the Honor Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) performed Military Honors for Comrade Gordon D Case, a Marine Veteran and member of the Gilroy Post: American Legion and VFW, at Santa Clara Mission Cemetery, in Santa Clara, CA on 10/09/2024 @ 1230. 
 POST 6309  10/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   52   1   $108.93   $81.35   $190.28   One Post member took to and back a follow Veteran to a medical appointment on 15 Oct at the VA in Palo Alto, CA. 
 POST 6309  10/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   11   1   $0.00   $26.23   $26.23   A Comrade volunteered to set up table settings for approximately 100 senior citizens at the Morgan Hill Senior Center for lunch.  
 POST 6309  10/17/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   198   4   $174.84   $422.76   $597.60   Members of the Honor Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) performed Military Honors for Comrade Donald Sollis, an Army Veteran, at Santa Clara Mission Cemetery, in Santa Clara, CA on 10/17/2024 @ 1230. 
 POST 6309  10/21/2024   Community Service   Other   12   16   3   $0.00   $891.08   $891.08   On October 21, 2024, three (3) comrades volunteered to call Bingo Games for the local California Highway Patrol branch. 
 POST 6309  10/24/2024   Community Service   Other   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   A Comrade volunteered to set up table settings and decorations for approximately 100 senior citizens at the Morgan Hill Senior Center in celebration of the YMCA's 50th Anniversary of the Senior Nutrition Program. 
 POST 6309  10/26/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   20   2   $161.24   $299.08   $460.32   On 26 Oct 2024 2 Post members manned and distributed Buddy Poppies at a show at San Martin Airport. 
 POST 6309  11/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   24   392   6   $77.00   $3,610.24   $3,687.24   Members of the Gilroy Honor Guard (VFW Post 6309), in association with other District 12 Honor Guards, performed Military Honors for District 12 Quarter Master Art Schoenstadt at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Salinas, CA on 11/02/2024 @ 1300. 
 POST 6309  11/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   32   3   $20.96   $448.90   $469.86   3 Post members met at the Gilroy library on 11.04/2024 to read & rank essays for the Patriots Pan and Voice of Democracy. 
 POST 6309  11/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   8   1   $5.00   $50.50   $55.50   A comrade was invited as a guest speaker by the Elk's Lodge organization to make a presentation to the group regarding veterans.  
 POST 6309  11/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   16   8   $159.38   $594.80   $754.18   Members of Post/Auxiliary 6309 and placed flags for Veterans at St Mary’s and Gavilan cemeteries on  
 POST 6309  11/6/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   25   3   $15.00   $225.71   $240.71   Three (3) Comrades made a presentation and demonstration of "Flag Etiquette" to students and staff; with a question and answer session at a local elementary school.  
 POST 6309  11/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   5   $395.22   $249.70   $644.92   Members of the Color Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) participated in Flag raising ceremony at St. Louise Hospital in Gilroy on 6 Nov 2024 @ 0900. 
 POST 6309  11/6/2024   Community Service   Other   5   15   5   $25.00   $619.35   $644.35   Five (5) Comrades and community volunteers placed flags at the gravesites of fallen Veterans at St. Mary's Cemetery, Gilroy, CA in advance of Veterans Day. 
 POST 6309  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   1   $5.00   $26.09   $31.09   A Comrade volunteered to set up table settings for approximately 100 senior citizens at the Morgan Hill Senior Center.  
 POST 6309  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   65   6   $0.00   $305.38   $305.38   Members of the Color Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) participated in flag raising ceremony at Gavilan Jr. College in Gilroy on 8 Nov 2024 @ 0900. 
 POST 6309  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   4   $5.00   $396.44   $401.44   Four Comrades and Boy Scout Troop placed US frags on Morgan Hill CA veterans' gravesites to commemorate Veterans Day.  
 POST 6309  11/10/2024   Community Service   Other   1   5   1   $3.00   $25.39   $28.39   Commander completed placing US flags at Morgan Hill gravesites of Veterans to commemorate Veterans Day. 
 POST 6309  11/10/2024   Community Service   Other   1   5   1   $3.00   $25.39   $28.39   Commander completed placing US flags at Morgan Hill gravesites of Veterans to commemorate Veterans Day. 
 POST 6309  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   60   40   10   $60.00   $14,819.60   $14,879.60   Post 6309 held a Veterans Day Ceremony that included the design, review, printing and production of the Ceremony's Brochure, honor/color guard services, scheduling speakers, buglers, community members, Scout troops, and special guests. Unveiling of the new Afghanistan-Iraq War plaque was conducted at this ceremony.. 
 POST 6309  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   20   2   $50.00   $52.18   $102.18   A Buddy Poppy Drive was held in conjunction with Post 6309 Veterans Day ceremony/celebration. 
 POST 6309  11/13/2024   Community Service   Other   2   10   1   $4.00   $50.78   $54.78   A Comrade and community helper removed US flags from the gravesites of fallen Veterans post Veterans Day from Mount Hope Cemetery, Morgan Hill, CA. 
 POST 6309  11/14/2024   Community Service   Other   1   10   1   $5.00   $26.09   $31.09   A Comrade volunteered to set up table settings for approximately 100 senior citizens at the Morgan Hill Senior Center. 
 POST 6309  11/17/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   20   6   $510.58   $447.22   $957.80   Members of the Color Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) participated in Posting the Colors Ceremony for a 20-year anniversary/celebration of live of a local Falling Comrade, Jeramy A. Ailes. 
 POST 6309  11/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   52   1   $142.19   $81.35   $223.54   On 21 Nov 2024 one Post member drove a follow Veteran and wife to a Med Appointment at the VA in Palo Alto, CA.  
 POST 6309  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $4.00   $26.09   $30.09   A Comrade volunteered to set up table settings for 100 senior citizens at the Morgan Hill Senior Center for lunch.  
 POST 6309  11/26/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   35   5   $250.00   $251.80   $501.80   Members of the Honor Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) performed Military Honors for Comrade Philip "Swede” Trifilo, an Army Veteran, at Gavilan Hills, in Gilroy, CA on  
 POST 6309  11/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   4   1   $0.00   $74.63   $74.63   Post member cared for a sick follow comrade while wife went to a medical appointment.  
 POST 6309  11/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   A Veteran contacted Quartermaster enquiring how to register with the VA and then requester a state voucher to prevent been homeless. QM directed the Veteran to the VSO who in term provided the Veteran with the nearest VA location and additional information. All was done within less than an hour time.  
 POST 6309  11/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   55   1   $25.00   $131.15   $156.15   Commander traveled to purchase gifts/toys for the Annual Children's Christmas Party to be held on December 14, 2024.  
 POST 6309  12/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $5.00   $26.09   $31.09   A Comrade volunteered to set up table settings for 100 senior citizens at the Morgan Hill Senior Center for lunch.  
 POST 6309  12/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   36   9   $245.79   $227.25   $473.04   Members of the Honor Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) performed Military Honors for Comrade Clayton Kent Miller, an Air Force Veteran, at the Veterans Hall, in Gilroy, CA on 12/05/2024 @ 1100. 
 POST 6309  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   8   $197.00   $397.84   $594.84   Post 6309 deployed 2 teams (4 members each). One team participated in the Gilroy Christmas Parade while the other participated in the Morgan Hill Christmas Parade. Both Parades started at 1730.  
 POST 6309  12/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   1   $252.00   $52.18   $304.18   Commander traveled and picked up 36 poinsettia plants for the VFW's annual 2024 Christmas Social.  
 POST 6309  12/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $5.00   $26.09   $31.09   A Comrade volunteered to set up table settings for 100 senior citizens at the Morgan Hill Senior Center for lunch.  
 POST 6309  12/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   12   1   $5.00   $75.75   $80.75   Commander purchased the needed additional gifts for the Post's Annual 2024 Children's Christmas Party, and discussed entertainment arrangements with vendors for said party.  
 POST 6309  12/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   58   6   $45.00   $748.82   $793.82   Honor Guard Services provided by 6 Comrades from Gilroy VFW Post 6309 for Marine Veteran Rogelio Balderas at the Morgan Hill Bible Church. 
 POST 6309  12/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $4.00   $50.78   $54.78   A Comrade volunteered to assist with the removal of Christmas decorations and with the removal of two Christmas Trees as requested by Morgan Hill Senior Center staff.  
 POST 6309  1/2/2025   Community Service   Other   1   10   1   $4.00   $26.09   $30.09   A Comrade volunteered to set up table settings for 100 senior citizens at the Morgan Hill Senior Center for lunch. 
 POST 6309  1/2/2025   Community Service   Other   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Two Post members volunteered to bring down the Post Christmas tree decorations away, cut, and throw away the tree. 
 POST 6309  1/9/2025   Community Service   Other   1   10   1   $5.00   $26.09   $31.09   A Comrade volunteered to set up table settings for 100 senior citizens at the Morgan Hill Senior Center for lunch sponsored by the YMCA.. 
 POST 6309  1/14/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   14   1   $5.00   $51.34   $56.34   Met with Commander of the American Legion to plan the 3rd Annual Joint Social Dinner with the Post's VFW that will include veterans and the community. Also, Assisted the American Legion Commander with the future planning of the Memorial Day event to be held in Gilroy, CA. 
 POST 6309  1/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Discussed and assisted a fellow veteran with info regarding the Honor Flight Program; specifically, the Bay Area Program and how to access the website to apply for said Program/Application. 
 POST 6309  1/16/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   5   1   $5.00   $25.39   $30.39   A Comrade volunteered to set up table settings for 100 senior citizens at the Morgan Hill Senior Center for lunch sponsored by the YMCA..  
 POST 6309  1/17/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   14   1   $0.00   $26.65   $26.65   Comrade discussed a common medical issue, and provided advise as to where and how to seek medical assistance in the treatment of the medical issue. 
 POST 6309  1/18/2025   Community Service   Other   5   30   7   $0.00   $868.35   $868.35   VFW Post 6309's Hall was used by District 12 to acknowledge and award the District's 2024 Voice of Democracy, Patriots Pen, Teachers of the Year, and Public Servants winning recipients. District 12/Post 6309 Auxiliary provided a meal for those in attendance. Post 6309 Comrades assisted with set up/tear down for this well attended event. 
 POST 6309  1/20/2025   Community Service      1   10   1   $5.00   $26.09   $31.09   On the Martin Luther King Day holiday, Commander Torrez picked up donated breads and pastries from a local grocery store and delivered to the YMCA/Senior Center nutritional program.  
 POST 6309  1/21/2025   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   5   40   6   $125.00   $746.30   $871.30   A dinner social, which included comrades, veterans, community members, and police supervisors, was held on 1-21-2024 to acknowledge and recognize the Post/District's Teacher of the Year and Public Servants (Police and Dispatcher). Certificates and awards were presented to the recipients from District 12 and Post 6309. 
 POST 6309  1/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   A comrade assisted with connecting and providing a veteran a donated walker to assist with ambulatory issues. 
 POST 6309  1/23/2025   Community Service   Other   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   A Comrade volunteered to set up table settings for 100 senior citizens at the Morgan Hill Senior Center for lunch sponsored by the YMCA. 
 POST 6309  1/27/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   12   4   $0.00   $100.44   $100.44   Members of the VFW (Post 6309) and American Legion (Post 217) participated in a flag presentation at St Mary's school in Gilroy on 27 Jan 2025. 
 POST 6309  1/30/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   5   1   $5.00   $25.39   $30.39   A Comrade volunteered to set up table settings for 100 senior citizens at the City of Morgan Hill-Senior Center for lunch sponsored by the YMCA.  
 POST 6309  2/1/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   35   7   $0.00   $177.73   $177.73   Members of the Honor Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) performed Military Honors for Comrade Gerald Ordiniza, a Navy Veteran, at Gavian Hills, in Gilroy, CA on 2/1/2024 @ 1230. 
 POST 6309  2/5/2025   Community Service   Other   1   10   1   $10.00   $26.09   $36.09   Comrade picked up donated breads and pastries from a local grocery store and delivered to the City of Morgan Hill/YMCA's - Senior Center nutritional program. 
 POST 6309  2/8/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   150   6   $70.00   $465.42   $535.42   Members of the Honor Guard (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) performed Military Honors for Comrade Robert Esparza, a Marine Veteran, at St. Ma. Gorettic Cath Church, in San Jose, CA on 2/9/2024 @ 1245. 
 POST 6309  2/12/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   A veteran contacted the Post Quartermasters reference correcting DD214. DD149 and DA 5016 were provided along with POCs and phone numbers. 
 POST 6309  2/13/2025   Community Service   Other   1   6   1   $6.00   $25.53   $31.53   Comrade volunteered to set up table settings for 100 senior citizens at the Morgan Hill Senior Center for lunch. Also, assisted with the placement of Valentine's decorations on the dining tables for senior citizens to enjoy. 
 POST 6309  2/15/2025   Community Service   Other   2   16   1   $6.00   $51.62   $57.62   Commander met with catering services to finalize meal selection for the upcoming 2-18-2024 joint VFW-American Legion social. 
 POST 6309  2/17/2025   Community Service   Other   1   6   1   $5.00   $25.53   $30.53   Due to the President's Day Holiday, Comrade picked up breads and pastries donated by a local grocery store as requested by the City of Morgan Hill/YMCA's - Senior Center nutritional program. 
 POST 6309  2/18/2025   Community Service   Other   1   6   1   $5.00   $25.53   $30.53   Comrade delivered stored breads and pastries donated by a local grocery store to the City of Morgan Hill/YMCA's - Senior Center nutritional program today as the facility was closed yesterday for the President's Day Holiday yesterday. 
 POST 6309  2/20/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   40   8   $0.00   $203.12   $203.12   Members of the Honor Guard Team (VFW Post 6309 & American Legion Post 217) performed Military Honors for Comrade Phil Penny, an Army Veteran, at Gavial Hills Cemetery, in Gilroy, CA on 2/20/2025 @ 1430.  
 POST 6309  2/25/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   22   7   $0.00   $175.91   $175.91   Post 6309 performed Military Honors for Comrade Joe Velador, an Army Veteran, at St. Mary’s Cemetery, in Gilroy, CA on 2/25/2025 @ 1000. 
 Post 6309 Total 295 2,887 316 $4,034.47 $37,661.39 $41,695.86
 POST 6359  9/8/2024   Community Service   Other   0   0   10   $400.00   $0.00   $400.00   donated hall for a disabled youth. who needed a trip to new york city.. raised money for his trip. post bought and spend $400.00 
 POST 6359  10/1/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   12   $0.00   $1,185.12   $1,185.12   We hold a flea market. we install a buddy poppy stand. we introduce the community programs that the post is involved in, we recruit new members.  
 POST 6359  10/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $50.00   $197.52   $247.52   donated the hall for to promote election prop. A on this year's ballot.  
 POST 6359  10/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   3   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Hosted a community flea market.  
 POST 6359  10/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   10   5   5   $0.00   $1,235.20   $1,235.20   veterans still serving. donated time/ materials to clean up senior citizen homes in the community. we cleaned 2 homes today.  
 POST 6359  11/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Held a membership drive in conjunction with Buddy Poppys and parade participation. cross posted PJ 
 POST 6359  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Held a membership drive in conjunction with Buddy Poppys and parade participation. cross posted PJ 
 POST 6359  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   6   $100.00   $592.56   $692.56   Held a membership drive in conjunction with Buddy Poppys and parade participation. cross posted PJ  
 Post 6359 Total 35 5 43 $550.00 $4,074.55 $4,624.55
 POST 6747  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   35   4   $25.00   $202.42   $227.42   Post Commander, Sr Vice Commander, Adjutant and 1 member set up recruiting table at the finishing line of the King City 4th of July Parade. Handed out VFW information flyers and cold water. Had plenty of people stop in but was unable to get in one to sign up. Only had 2 or 3 people that were even qualified to become VFW members. 
 POST 6747  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   40   6   $0.00   $301.88   $301.88   Commander and 8 distributed Buddy Poppies at the King City 4th of July Parade. 
 POST 6747  7/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   22   1   $0.00   $52.46   $52.46   Post Adjutant prepared flags for a display at the King City Cemetery and at the King City Fairgrounds pavilion in preparation for a Past Post Commander's celebration of life that will be the held the next day.  
 POST 6747  7/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   50   12   $0.00   $895.84   $895.84   Post Commander, Sr. Vice Commander, Officer of the Day, Adjutant/Quartermaster and 8 Comrades from the Post attended a celebration of life for one of our Past Post Commanders.  
 POST 6747  9/11/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   50   3   $183.50   $155.14   $338.64   Commander, Adjutant and VOD Chair prepared VOD and Patriots Pen flyers and bouchers for the VOD Chair to take to the local schools. 
 POST 6747  9/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   1   12   $1,000.00   $296.42   $1,296.42   Post donated $1000.00 to the non-profit group, Friends of Fort Hunter Liggett in support of the first annual Central Coast Military Ball they sponsored.  
 POST 6747  9/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   100   5   $1,200.00   $384.35   $1,584.35   Conducted an appreciation and award ceremony for 5 outstanding members of the community. They do a lot of volunteering in the community and also support the Post whenever we could use help.  
 POST 6747  10/13/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   1   1   2   $1,000.00   $49.52   $1,049.52   Post donated $1000.00 to National in support of disaster relief.  
 POST 6747  10/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Adjutant took a phone call while at post from the daughter of a veteran that was asking if we had a wheelchair that she could sign out. Adjutant informed her that we did have a loaner we could lend her father. But also informed her of a person that called us earlier that had a electric wheelchair that she was willing to donate to a veteran. The daughter took the other lady's number and said she would give her a call. 
 POST 6747  10/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   120   1   $35.00   $78.53   $113.53   Member drove veteran in need of ride to San Jose airport so he could see his sister that was going into hospice care. 
 POST 6747  11/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   25   1   $0.00   $163.99   $163.99   Avenue of Flags Chair was at King City Cemetery preparing the site for the flag display on Veteran's Day. 
 POST 6747  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   35   3   $0.00   $301.18   $301.18   2 Members set up a recruitment table at the entrance to our Veteran's Day BBQ. Had only a handful of people interested, but done were eligible. 
 POST 6747  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   30   3   $0.00   $226.41   $226.41   Avenue of Flags Chair and 2 members worked with the Troop 101 of the Scouts putting up and then bringing back in 376 flags around King City cemetery in honor of our fallen partners in arms. 
 POST 6747  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   50   4   $0.00   $402.04   $402.04   Sr Vice Cmdr and 3 members distributed over 1000 Buddy Poppies at our Post's Veteran's Day BBQ. 
 POST 6747  11/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   1   6   $150.00   $148.28   $298.28   During our Veteran's Day BBQ we served Tri-tip meals to 11 veterans for free.  
 POST 6747  11/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   1   $20.00   $26.09   $46.09   Gave one of our Veteran's Day BBQ meals to an unhoused veteran that is temporarily living in King City. Also talked to him about where he could get help. He stated at the time he was going to try and make it on his own.  
 POST 6747  12/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   30   2   $250.00   $53.58   $303.58   Post Commander and Adjutant took a $250.00 check to the KSBW Share the Holidays drive at Mee Memorial in King City to support the Salvation Army.  
 POST 6747  12/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   2   $250.00   $52.18   $302.18   Post donated $250.00 to the non-profit organization "Friends of Fort Hunter Liggett" in support of their Christmas toy drive.  
 Post 6747 Total 41 621 69 $4,113.50 $3,815.13 $7,928.63
 POST 6849  9/2/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   8   4   $120.00   $593.68   $713.68   Conducted Buddy Poppy Drive in local community to help raise awareness of Veterans and to receive donations for the Post Relief Fund.  
 Post 6849 Total 6 8 4 $120.00 $593.68 $713.68
 POST 7263  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   4   4   $670.00   $494.36   $1,164.36   Held Community bbq celebration for Independence Day, along with Membership Drive. Signed up two new life members.  
 POST 7263  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   2   8   $600.00   $790.36   $1,390.36   Lined avenues of our adjacent cemeteries with American flags with assistance from Scout Troop 633 and the Knights of Columbus. Community BBQ followed after flags were taken down in late afternoon.  
 POST 7263  7/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   3   2   $200.00   $99.18   $299.18   Post contributed $200.00 to the Santa Cruz County Veterans Outreach Program which provided weekly hot meals to needy Veterans.  
 POST 7263  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   4   1   $200.00   $25.25   $225.25   Post donated $200.00 to Veterans Outreach Program of Santa Cruz County to help provide hot meals to disadvantaged Veterans..  
 POST 7263  8/10/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   4   1   2   $150.00   $197.66   $347.66   Post hosted Court of Honor for Scout Troop 633. 6 Scout members were promoted to Eagle Scout.  
 POST 7263  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   2   1   $200.00   $49.66   $249.66   Donated $200.00 to the Veterans Outreach Program in Santa Cruz County to help provide a weekly hot meal to needy Veterans.  
 POST 7263  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   3   2   $200.00   $99.18   $299.18   Donated $200.00 to Santa Cruz County Veterans Assistance Program to support hot meal program.  
 POST 7263  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet needs    2   3   2   $200.00   $99.18   $299.18   Donated $200.00 to the Veterans Outreach Program of Santa Cruz to provide weekly hot lunches to needy Veterans.  
 POST 7263  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   3   2   $200.00   $49.80   $249.80   Donated $200.00 to support the Veterans Outreach Program which provides hot meals for needy Veterans.  
 POST 7263  9/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $600.00   $24.69   $624.69   Donated $600.00 to the VFW National Home.  
 POST 7263  9/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $400.00   $24.69   $424.69   Donated $400.00 to G.I. Josie. G.I. Josie is an organization that uses horses to help Veterans who are suffering with PTSD,  
 POST 7263  9/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $500.00   $24.69   $524.69   Donated $500.. to Project Hero California. They help Veterans and First Responders affected by PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, and physical injury achieve rehabilitation and recovery.  
 POST 7263  9/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Flight   4   20   1   $50.00   $101.56   $151.56   Conducted burial ritual service for recently deceased Veteran. Service was conducted at sea with scattering of the ashes. Family members were greatly appreciative.  
 POST 7263  9/29/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   2   4   $75.00   $296.56   $371.56   Post members set up Buddy Poppy table at local grocery store to distribute poppies and honor VFW 125th Anniversary. 
 POST 7263  10/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet needs assistance    2   3   2   $200.00   $99.18   $299.18   Donated $200.00 to the Santa Cruz County Veterans Outreach Program which provides weekly hot meals to needy Veterans.  
 POST 7263  10/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   3   2   $200.00   $99.18   $299.18   Supported the Veterans Outreach Program of Santa Cruz county with a $200.00 donations to help provide hot meals for needy Veterans. R  
 POST 7263  11/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   12   7   $0.00   $347.34   $347.34   Provided Honor Guard Service for fallen Vietnam Veteran Veteran. Family very much appreciative.  
 POST 7263  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   2   8   $400.00   $1,185.40   $1,585.40   Recognized Veterans Day with American Flags at our local Cemetery, and the Post held a Community bbq in the afternoon after flags were put away.  
 POST 7263  11/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   120   2   $0.00   $263.70   $263.70   Visited Ivy Park Assisted Living and Memory Care Unit. Spoke with group of about 45 occupants of the facility. They consisted of primarily Veterans and widows of Veterans. The main theme had to do with Veterans Day and what Veterans continue to do for this Country. The discussion went for two hours. One Vet will be 103 on Christmas day. Very well received by the occupants and the staff.  
 POST 7263  11/19/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   2   4   $24.00   $197.80   $221.80   Post 7263 held flag retirement ceremony for over 200 flags with the assistance of local Scout Troop 633.  
 POST 7263  12/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship /Americanism   2   4   1   $75.00   $49.94   $124.94   Delivers 33 hot turkey meals to needy citizens at the local homeless shelter.  
 POST 7263  12/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   2   1   $200.00   $24.97   $224.97   Donated $200.00 to the Santa Cruz Veterans Outreach Program to provide hot meals for needy Veterans.  
 POST 7263  12/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   1   $25.00   $24.83   $49.83   Replaced a tattered American flag with a new one at the local Santa Cruz Animal Shelter.  
 POST 7263  12/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $1,000.00   $24.69   $1,024.69   Donated $1,000.00 to the Veterans Transition Center of California. The Veterans Transition Center of California is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering Veterans to move from crises to self-sufficiency.  
 POST 7263  1/10/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   2   2   $200.00   $49.66   $249.66   Donated $200.00 to the Santa Cruz Veterans Outreach Program to help provide hot meals to needy Veterans.  
 POST 7263  1/18/2025   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   4   6   2   $300.00   $198.36   $498.36   Held a Public Service Award recognition ceremony for a well deserving Law Enforcement individual serving the community. 
 POST 7263  1/18/2025   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   6   8   4   $500.00   $593.68   $1,093.68   Held a ceremony to honor the tireless effort of a school teacher, and to publicly recognize her dedication and hard work. 
 POST 7263  2/20/2025   Youth Development   Scouting    3   2   3   $0.00   $222.49   $222.49   Post 7263 hosted a Scouting district meeting along with scout training for the greater Central Coast. Also hosted the Order of the Arrow monthly meeting.  
 POST 7263  2/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   2   2   $200.00   $99.04   $299.04   Post donated $200.00 in support the the Veterans Outreach Program in Santa Cruz County to supply hot meals for needy Veterans. 
 Post 7263 Total 73 216 74 $7,569.00 $5,857.08 $13,426.08
 POST 8679  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   4   $330.00   $296.28   $626.28   Veteran Day Community Dinner for local veterans who are not members, auxiliary, public, and provided info for possible new members, as a recruiting event.  
 POST 8679  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   4   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Four members attend the California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery Veterans Day Ceremony in support of all veterans.  
 POST 8679  12/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   2   $100.00   $49.38   $149.38   Voted to donate $100.00 to the National Home  
 Post 8679 Total 6 0 10 $430.00 $543.18 $973.18
 POST 9242  7/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   6   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Prepared and shipped care packages for currently serving military members.  
 POST 9242  7/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   18   6   $0.00   $298.80   $298.80   Funeral detail at San Juan Bautista cemetery for Navy veteran Velasco in San Juan Bautista, CA.  
 POST 9242  7/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   74   4   $0.00   $306.64   $306.64   Funeral detail for Navy veteran Mr. Campbell in California Central Coast Cemetery in Seaside, CA.  
 POST 9242  7/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   74   4   $0.00   $306.64   $306.64   Funeral detail for Army veteran Mr. Conley in California Central Coast Cemetery in Seaside, CA.  
 POST 9242  8/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   74   4   $0.00   $306.64   $306.64   Funeral detail for Army veteran Mr. Faledes in California Central Coast Cemetery in Seaside, CA.  
 POST 9242  8/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   74   5   $0.00   $257.26   $257.26   Funeral detail for Army veteran Mr. Montero in California Central Coast Cemetery in Seaside, CA.  
 POST 9242  8/17/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   2   5   $0.00   $123.73   $123.73   Funeral detail for veteran Mr. Hanson, Coast Guard and Marine Corps veteran, at Sunnyslope Christian Church in Hollister, CA.  
 POST 9242  8/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   2   8   $0.00   $790.36   $790.36   Conducted the first ever VFW Post 9242 Special Heroes Carnival at the Veterans Memorial Park in Hollister, CA. Special needs children from local schools, caretakers and teachers were able to participate.  
 POST 9242  9/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Service Officer met with a veteran in Hollister, CA to discuss how to work on what benefits they may be entitled to receive. Veteran was given general information on benefits, also the contact information and hours for the local Veterans Service Office in Hollister. Veteran was asked to reach out the the local VFW Post if they had anything further that we may be able to assist with.  
 POST 9242  9/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   16   6   $0.00   $298.52   $298.52   Honor Guard members participated in the Hollister Native American gathering at Bolado Park in Tres Pinos, CA.  
 POST 9242  9/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   50   4   $0.00   $303.28   $303.28   Performed a 9-11 ceremony at the Santa Cruz County Fair in Watsonville, CA.  
 POST 9242  9/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Conducted a ceremony at Southside school in Hollister, CA and explained the 13 folds of the flag to school children.  
 POST 9242  9/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   8   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Performed a 9-11 remembrance ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Building in Hollister, CA.  
 POST 9242  9/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   40   5   $0.00   $252.50   $252.50   Participated in an annual POW/MIA event at American Legion Post 593 in Prunedale, CA. Firing of volleys and playing of taps.  
 POST 9242  9/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   2   5   $0.00   $123.73   $123.73   Funeral detail for Navy veteran Mr. Shields at IOOF cemetery in Hollister, CA.  
 POST 9242  10/17/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   74   4   $0.00   $306.64   $306.64   Funeral detail for Navy veteran Mr. Stevens in California Central Coast Cemetery in Seaside, CA. 
 POST 9242  10/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   3   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Conducted a presentation of the colors at Hollister High School in Hollister, CA. 
 POST 9242  10/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   2   4   $500.00   $395.32   $895.32   Post members assisted an in need Marine Corps Veteran in Hollister, CA with personal tasks and donated $500.00 to help with monetary issues. 
 POST 9242  10/24/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   2   3   $500.00   $148.42   $648.42   Conducted the posting of the Colors at Hollister High School for the special needs Buckaroo Rodeo and donated $500.00.  
 POST 9242  10/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $500.00   $24.69   $524.69   Donated $500.00 to the VFW national relief fund.  
 POST 9242  10/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   74   4   $0.00   $306.64   $306.64   Funeral detail for Navy veteran Mr. Stewart in California Central Coast Cemetery in Seaside, CA.  
 POST 9242  10/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   74   4   $0.00   $306.64   $306.64   Conducted funeral detail for Navy veteran Mr. Stewart at California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery in Seaside, CA. 
 POST 9242  11/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   81   6   $0.00   $603.90   $603.90   Participated in the honor guard funeral detail for District 12 Quartermaster Art Schoenstadt at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepard in Salinas, CA. 
 POST 9242  11/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   7   3   $0.00   $75.05   $75.05   Conducted a flag raising ceremony at the new Gavilian College campus in Hollister, CA. 
 POST 9242  11/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   74   5   $0.00   $380.71   $380.71   Conducted funeral detail for Navy veteran Mr. Harris at California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery in Seaside, CA. 
 POST 9242  11/26/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   74   4   $0.00   $306.64   $306.64   Conducted funeral detail for Navy veteran Mr. Wooldridge at California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery in Seaside, CA. 
 POST 9242  12/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   74   4   $0.00   $306.64   $306.64   Conducted funeral detail for Army veteran Mr. Nauss at California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery in Seaside, CA.  
 POST 9242  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   2   8   $0.00   $592.84   $592.84   Participated in Wreaths Across America ceremonies and wreaths placements at IOOF Cemetery and Calvary Cemetery both located in Hollister, CA  
 POST 9242  12/23/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   74   5   $0.00   $318.99   $318.99   Conducted funeral detail for Army veteran Mr. Redondo at California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery in Seaside, CA. 
 POST 9242  12/24/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   74   5   $0.00   $380.71   $380.71   Conducted funeral detail for Marine veteran Mr. Jacops at California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery in Seaside, CA.  
 POST 9242  12/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   74   4   $0.00   $306.64   $306.64   Conducted funeral detail for Army veteran Mr. Hesden at California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery in Seaside, CA. 
 POST 9242  1/9/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   74   4   $0.00   $306.64   $306.64   Conducted funeral detail for Air Force veteran Mr. Winters at California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery in Seaside, CA.  
 POST 9242  1/10/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   74   3   $0.00   $232.57   $232.57   Conducted funeral detail for Army veteran Mr. Buckwater at California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery in Seaside, CA.  
 POST 9242  1/16/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   80   4   $0.00   $307.48   $307.48   Conducted funeral detail for Veteran Mr. Beach at San Carlos Cemetery in Monterey, CA.  
 POST 9242  1/17/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   18   5   $0.00   $249.42   $249.42   Conducted funeral detail for Army veteran Mr. Hurtado at San Juan Bautista Cemetery in San Juan Bautista, CA. 
 POST 9242  1/24/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   3   6   $0.00   $296.70   $296.70   Conducted funeral detail for Army veteran Mr. Marlow at IOOF Cemetery in Hollister, CA.  
 POST 9242  1/31/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   74   4   $0.00   $306.64   $306.64   Conducted funeral detail for Army veteran Mr. McCoy at California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery in Seaside, CA. 
 POST 9242  2/1/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   18   4   $0.00   $200.04   $200.04   Posted colors at a memorial ceremony at San Juan Mission in San Juan Bautista, CA. 
 Post 9242 Total 92 1,540 170 $1,500.00 $10,597.75 $12,097.75
 POST 10110  7/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   170   2   $20.00   $320.08   $340.08   Korean War Veteran requested ride to emergency room as veteran has covid. Traveled to veteran's home and brought veteran to a hospital that has a higher level of care than the veteran's local hospital. Stayed with veteran during exam and treatment, assisting veteran when needed. After leaving hospital brought veteran to pharmacy; and then returned veteran home.  
 POST 10110  7/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   8   2   $60.00   $99.88   $159.88   Veteran stated he was stressed out. Took veteran bowling, purchased lunch, talked to veteran about his circumstances and other matters.  
 POST 10110  7/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   90   1   $74.00   $61.98   $135.98   Veteran and the veteran's family is quarantined at home due to veteran's family having covid. VFW member purchased groceries and Pedialyte, Drove to veteran's home and delivered items.  
 POST 10110  7/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   180   1   $65.00   $247.41   $312.41   Elderly VFW Member's sister in hospital. The sister is also married to a VFW Post 10110 member, Drove Elderly VFW member to see her sister in the hospital in San Jose, then bought lunch at a restaurant, before returning member home.  
 POST 10110  8/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   32   2   $5.00   $152.62   $157.62   Veterans fell and could not get up in his residence. Drove to veterans residence, assisted him into his wheelchair, did minor household chores to assist veteran.  
 POST 10110  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   126   1   $20.00   $116.40   $136.40   Drove to Santa Cruz Veterans Memorial Building to pick up approximately,  700 pounds of food and delivered the food the Veterans Transition Center Pantry in Marina.  
 POST 10110  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   1   2   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   Took side trip from Veterans transition Center supply trip for wellness check of elderly veterans.  
 POST 10110  8/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   16   3   $5.00   $150.38   $155.38   Three (3) VFW Post 10110 members visited fellow veteran and VFW Post 10110 member in the hospital.  
 POST 10110  8/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   8   2   $5.00   $99.88   $104.88   Visited VFW member in after hospital care center.  
 POST 10110  8/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   8   2   $5.00   $50.50   $55.50   Visited VFW member in after hospital care facility.  
 POST 10110  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   180   3   $20.00   $617.76   $637.76   Drove elderly VFW member to a hospital in San Jose, California to see VFW member's sister in the Intensive Care Unit.  
 POST 10110  9/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   180   3   $20.00   $617.76   $637.76   Drove elderly VFW member to a hospital in San Jose, California to see VFW member's sister in the Intensive Care Unit.  
 POST 10110  9/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   11   160   1   $20.00   $293.99   $313.99   Drove elderly VFW member to a hospital in San Jose, California to see VFW member's sister in the Intensive Care Unit.  
 POST 10110  9/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   1   $25.00   $26.09   $51.09   Elderly veteran in after hospital recovery center requested Costco muffins. Obtained muffins and delivered them toe veteran, The veteran gave them to medical staff as a way to say thank you for their assistance and care.  
 POST 10110  9/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   74   1   $20.00   $109.12   $129.12   Picked up food, prenatal items, and baby formula from Santa Cruz, delivered it to the Veterans Transition Center pantry.  
 POST 10110  10/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   4   1   $5.00   $49.94   $54.94   Visited veteran is after hospital care  
 POST 10110  10/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   9   1   $10.00   $50.64   $60.64   Veteran in after hospital care facility requested muffins for the physical rehabilitation staff. I delivered the requested muffins.  
 POST 10110  10/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   4   1   $5.00   $25.25   $30.25   Visited veteran in a after hospital care facility.  
 POST 10110  10/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   4   1   $5.00   $25.25   $30.25   Visited veterans in after hospital care facility.  
 POST 10110  10/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   9   1   $10.00   $50.64   $60.64   Veteran in after hospital care facility requested muffins for physical therapy staff; I delivered the muffins.  
 POST 10110  10/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   4   2   $10.00   $99.32   $109.32   Two members of VFW Post 10110 visited veteran in after hospital care facility  
 POST 10110  10/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   168   4,900   2   $300.00   $8,981.84   $9,281.84   Accompanied elderly veteran to see hometown in Pennsylvania, and then to Washington, D.C. to see the war memorials.  
 POST 10110  11/8/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   35   8   $40.00   $794.98   $834.98   Two days 8 people poppy drive  
 POST 10110  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   40   8   $40.00   $795.68   $835.68   Poppy drive at 2 locations  
 POST 10110  11/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   4   1   $5.00   $25.25   $30.25   Visited Veteran in hospital  
 POST 10110  11/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   4   1   $15.00   $49.94   $64.94   Return in the evening to visit Veteran in hospital to give comfort, and get an update on test he underwent. Veteran's lips were severely chapped, veteran requested 'Chap Stick'. Departed hospital, drove to gas station and purchased a variety of lip balms. Returned to hospital and applied medicated lip balm to veteran's lips as he was unable to do so. 
 POST 10110  11/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   8   2   $25.00   $50.50   $75.50   Visited veteran in hospital. The veterans Ipad needed charged but he did not have a charging cord. Provided charging cord for veteran. 
 POST 10110  11/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   8   2   $5.00   $50.50   $55.50   Visited veteran in hospital to check on his progress after surgery and provide support.  
 POST 10110  12/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   8   2   $5.00   $99.88   $104.88   Visited veteran in hospital after surgical procedure. Prognosis unknown.  
 POST 10110  12/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   16   150   2   $50.00   $811.08   $861.08   Left house at 04:00, picked up elderly veteran at her house at 06:00. After breakfast went to Veterans Memorial Building in Watsonville, CA to set up and run the Food Pantry. Brought elderly veteran to Best Buy so Geek Squad could set up her computer. Brought elderly veteran to Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula to visit VFW member in hospital. Upon departing brought elderly veteran to Costco to purchase shelves for Veterans Memorial Building in Watsonville, delivered shelves to same. Brought Elderly veteran home in Santa Cruz County..  
 POST 10110  12/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   8   2   $500.00   $50.50   $550.50   After returning home from other VFW activities, I retrieved a VFW Relief Fund Check, drove to Monterey hotel to present the brother of VFW Aptos Post 10110 member with a $500.00 check for travel, hotel food expense so VFW member's brother could afford to visit is brother in the hospital  
 POST 10110  12/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   8   2   $5.00   $149.26   $154.26   Visited Post member in Hospital, fed him ice chips, saw to his comfort and provided comradery.  
 POST 10110  12/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   45   540   2   $120.00   $2,297.70   $2,417.70   **need to split**Over several weeks two (2) VFW Aptos Post 10110 member have prepared a space at the Veterans Memorial Building in Watsonville, California for a Pantry For Veterans and have been operating the pantry on Tuesdays 9AM - 12 Noon. This includes having a sign made, making flyers and distributing flyer.  
 POST 10110  12/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   4   1   $5.00   $25.25   $30.25   Visited VFW member in an 'after Hospital care' facility.  
 POST 10110  12/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   8   1   $5.00   $75.19   $80.19   Visited veterans in 'After Hospital Care Facility  
 POST 10110  12/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   85   2   $20.00   $258.80   $278.80   Picked up fellow VFW member drove to the Veterans Memorial Building in Watsonville, California where we have opened a 'Pantry for Veterans' (and their families). Drove to Charity that provides food for pantries where I picked up 376 pounds of food and juice for pantry. Drove back to the Watsonville VMB and stoked the pantry. Went to hotel that housed many veterans with HUD-VASH vouchers where I encouraged veterans to visit the pantry and get free food. returned to pantry and manned the pantry. After hours returned my fellow VFW member to her home.  
 POST 10110  12/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   8   2   $5.00   $149.26   $154.26   Visited veteran (fellow VFW member), in an 'After Hospital Care Facility. Provided comradery and so to his needs as possible.  
 POST 10110  12/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   25   2   $40.00   $52.88   $92.88   Picked up fellow VFW member drove to Veterans Transition Center in Marina, California to conduct monthly meeting. The theme of the meeting was a holiday party for approximately 45 veterans, Cup cakes, Chex, punch , lemonade, and soda was provided. drew for six (6) $25.00 gift cards which were donated.  
 POST 10110  12/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   65   2   $25.00   $206.62   $231.62   Helped elderly VFW member by cleaning rafters in vaulted ceiling and placing Christmas lights.  
 POST 10110  12/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   15   1   $41.52   $51.48   $93.00   Received a text message from a VFW members HUD-VASH case worker stating that the VFW member in a 'After Hospital Care Center' had been moved a few times from room to room and that his charger for his phone and Ipad was missing. I went to the Apple store and purchased the correct charger for the VFW member, went to the 'After Hospital Care Center' and connected the charger to his devices.  
 POST 10110  12/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    2   8   1   $5.00   $50.50   $55.50   Visited veterans and fellow VFW member in a 'After Hospital Care Center'. Provided comradery and provided what comfort was possible.  
 POST 10110  12/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   65   1   $20.00   $107.86   $127.86   Drove to Watsonville, California to promote the 'Pantry for Veterans' which I participated in its recent opening. Located low rent hotels and apartment complexes where veterans who receive HUD-VASH stay and distributed flyers informing the veterans that the 'Pantry for Veterans' will be open on Christmas eve and every Tuesday.  
 POST 10110  12/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   8   2   $5.00   $50.50   $55.50   Visited veterans and fellow VFW member in 'After Hospital Care Facility. Comradery and provided what comfort possible. Called another VFW member so hospitalized veterans could speak to her.  
 POST 10110  12/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   140   2   $175.00   $414.64   $589.64   Hosted Christmas party for veterans. Drove to pick up Korean War Veteran, prepared meal , other veterans attended. Returned Korean War Veteran home.  
 POST 10110  12/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   17   2   $20.00   $150.52   $170.52   Visited veteran who is a VFW member, in after hospital care . Veteran requested some sanitary wipes, Carmex lip balm and hangers. Went to store purchased items and provided then to the veteran. 
 POST 10110  12/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   40   1   $10.00   $30.29   $40.29   Drove from Aptos to Monterey to visit fellow VFW member in after hospital care. feed veteran ice chips, provided comradery.  
 POST 10110  12/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   9   170   2   $43.00   $468.22   $511.22   Drove from Pacific Grove to Aptos to pick up fellow VFW member. Drove to Watsonville to get food at partner agency for Watsonville Pantry for Veterans. Food was mistakenly delivered to Santa Cruz Veteran Memorial Building. Drove to Santa Cruz to pick up food. Delivered food to Watsonville Veterans memorial Building and organized pantry. Drove fellow VFW member home, moved filing cabinet for VFW member, organized computer files on veterans computer and instructed veteran on computer file management.  
 POST 10110  12/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   75   2   $20.00   $306.78   $326.78   Drove to Watsonville, California to volunteer at the Pantry for Veterans at the Veterans Memorial Building in Watsonville. Organized the pantry and provided food and other items to needy veterans.  
 POST 10110  1/1/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   8   1   $5.00   $50.50   $55.50   Visited fellow veterans and VFW member in an after hospital case facility. Provided comradery and fellowship to veteran; feed veteran ice chips and adjusted his pillows so he could watch football. 
 POST 10110  1/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   8   2   $5.00   $99.88   $104.88   Visited VFW member in 'after hospital care' facility. Provided comradery and friendship. Made telephone call to other VFW members so they could speak with him (on speaker phone.  
 POST 10110  1/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   12   102   2   $25.00   $606.84   $631.84   Drove from Pacific Grove to Aptos to pick up VFW member, then drove to Watsonville Memorial Building to volunteer at the Pantry For Veterans. Afterward drove to Monterey to an after hospital care facility to visit fellow VFW member. Brought fellow VFW member to the commissary in Sand City, then to Walmart in Marina. Returned fellow VFW member to her home in Aptos and returned to Pacific Grove, CA. 
 POST 10110  1/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   4   2   $5.00   $99.32   $104.32   Visited VFW member in 'after hospital care' facility. Provided comradery and friendship. Made telephone call to other VFW members so they could speak with him (on speaker phone.  
 POST 10110  1/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   60   1   $15.00   $45.44   $60.44   Drove to Veterans Memorial Building at approximately 1700 hours to Put the trash dumpsters on the street for pickup the following day and returned home. 
 POST 10110  1/10/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   7   85   1   $40.00   $184.73   $224.73   Drove to Veterans Memorial Building in Watsonville, California to take in the dumpsters. Had to wait until 09;00 for trash truck to arrive and empty the dumpsters. Returned dumpsters to side of building and picked up trash, trash bags, and cardboard that had been placed there over the last year or more; filling the trash dumpsters. Drove to Ace Hardware purchased a lock and clasp to secure interior door to pantry area. Returned to the VMB and installed the lock. Drove to Aptos, California to pick up food and shelving sections for the VMB and returned to Watsonville VMB placing the items inside the VMB. Returned home. 
 POST 10110  1/11/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   4   2   $15.00   $99.32   $114.32   Visited VFW member in 'after hospital care' facility. Provided comradery and friendship. Made telephone call to other VFW members so they could speak with him (on speaker phone). Gave him Costco Chocolate muffins that he likes.  
 POST 10110  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   4   2   $7.00   $99.32   $106.32   Visited VFW member in 'after hospital care' facility. Provided comradery and friendship. Made telephone call to other VFW members so they could speak with him (on speaker phone). Provided lip balm he requested.  
 POST 10110  1/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   36   184   2   $60.00   $1,803.44   $1,863.44   Picked up elderly veteran at veterans home, traveled to Freemont, CA and stayed in hotel overnight. Took veteran to dinner. On 1-16-25 transported veteran to VA Hospital in Palo Alto, CA so veteran could attend three (3) medical appointments starting at 08:30. Returned veteran home after appointments. 
 POST 10110  1/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   4   2   $5.00   $99.32   $104.32   Visited VFW member in 'after hospital care' facility. Provided comradery and friendship. Made telephone call to other VFW members so they could speak with him (on speaker phone). Encouraged him to keep up with physical therapy as he is improving.  
 POST 10110  1/17/2025   Community Service   Other   4   83   1   $20.00   $110.38   $130.38   Drove from Pacific Grove, CA to Veterans Memorial Building in Watsonville, CA arriving at 05:25. Pushed two (2) dumpsters to the street; the dumpsters were emptied a few minutes later. I cleaned trash from the front of the Veterans Memorial Building and returned home.  
 POST 10110  1/19/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   4   2   $5.00   $148.70   $153.70   Visited VFW member in 'after hospital care' facility. Provided comradery and friendship. Watched television with him, talked about sports, and encouraged him to keep doing everything so he could return to his fellow VFW members and friends.  
 POST 10110  1/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    7   110   2   $20.00   $361.06   $381.06   Drove from Pacific Grove to Aptos; picked up fellow VFW member. Drove to the Veterans Memorial Building in Watsonville where we operated the 'Pantry for Veterans'. Took fellow BFW member to lunch, returned her home, then drove home.  
 POST 10110  1/22/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   4   2   $15.00   $49.94   $64.94   Visited VFW member in 'after hospital care' facility. Provided comradery and friendship. gave him Costco chocolate muffins which he likes.  
 POST 10110  1/23/2025   Community Service   Other   4   65   1   $15.00   $107.86   $122.86   Drove to the Veterans Memorial Building in Watsonville arriving at approximately 18:30. Pushed trash dumpsters onto the street near the curb for pick up. 
 POST 10110  1/24/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   65   1   $15.00   $107.86   $122.86   Drove to the Veterans Memorial building in Watsonville. Pushed trash dumpsters off the street to where they are stored. Worked in the ;Pantry for Veterans' arraigning the pantry after electrician completed their work installing outlets and conduit. Put up patriotic themed cover over a window to protect food from the sun. Moped the lobby which was left a mess from the warming center staff. Picked up a large amount of cardboard, trash, beer cans and small whisky bottles left on front of the building's doors by homeless. Returned home.  
 POST 10110  1/24/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   4   2   $5.00   $99.32   $104.32   Visited VFW member in 'after hospital care' facility. Provided comradery and friendship. Made telephone call to other VFW members so they could speak with him (on speaker phone.  
 POST 10110  1/25/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   4   75   2   $20.00   $208.02   $228.02   Drove from Pacific Grove to Aptos to pick up fellow VFW member and got to VFW Post 7263 for the 10th Anniversary celebration of Vets For Vets. Returned Fellow VFW member home, and returned to my home. 
 POST 10110  1/27/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   4   2   $5.00   $49.94   $54.94   Visited VFW member in 'after hospital care' facility. Provided comradery and friendship. Made telephone call to other VFW members so they could speak with him (on speaker phone).  
 POST 10110  1/28/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   94   2   $20.00   $309.44   $329.44   Picked up member at VFW members house then drove to Watsonville's Veterans Memorial Building. Operated the 'Pantry for Veterans' providing food, blankets, clothing and gift cards to needy veterans and their families. Returned fellow VFW member home and returned home.  
 POST 10110  1/29/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   4   2   $5.00   $99.32   $104.32   Visited VFW member in 'after hospital care' facility. Provided comradery and friendship.  
 POST 10110  1/30/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   60   1   $20.00   $57.78   $77.78   Drove to Watsonville Veterans Memorial Building; pushed dumpsters to the street for trash pickup.  
 POST 10110  1/31/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   60   1   $20.00   $57.78   $77.78   Drove to Watsonville's Veteran Memorial Building and pushed dumpsters from street to side of building to keep the building operational and trash free.  
 POST 10110  2/1/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    5   60   1   $85.00   $131.85   $216.85   Drove to Watsonville's Veterans Memorial Building. Cleared overgrown brush and tree limbs from side of building.  
 POST 10110  2/2/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    5   94   2   $20.00   $260.06   $280.06   Picked up fellow VFW member in Aptos, drove to the Veterans Memorial Building in Watsonville. Stripped floor in the ;Pantry for Veterans' . Returned veteran to her home and returned home.  
 POST 10110  2/2/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   60   1   $20.00   $107.16   $127.16   Drove from Pacific Grove to Watsonville's Veteran Memorial Building. Bagged the brush and tree limbs I had previously cut on the side of the building. Put bags in containers for disposal. Returned home. This allows easy, safe access to the side of the Veterans Memorial Building, and opens it up for a clear passage for volunteers from the Watsonville post of the American Legion to volunteer at the VMB.  
 POST 10110  2/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   4   2   $5.00   $99.32   $104.32   Visited VFW member in 'after hospital care' facility. Provided comradery and friendship. Provided him with the newsletter from the Monterey County VSO which shows expanded financial coverage for in-home care.  
 POST 10110  2/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    3   60   1   $40.00   $82.47   $122.47   Drove from Pacific Grove to Home Depot in Watsonville. Purchased a lock and rented bolt cutters. Drove to Watsonville's Veteran Memorial Building. On a gate in passage way on the side of the building is a gate which had old locks that the keys had been lost. Cut off the old lock, replaced it with a new lock. Returned bolt cutters to Home Depot and returned home.  
 POST 10110  2/5/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   4   2   $5.00   $49.94   $54.94   Visited VFW member in 'after hospital care' facility. Provided comradery and friendship. Inquired if member needed anything I could get for him. Found out member is increasing his ability to walk; promised to let other Post members know of his progress.  
 POST 10110  2/6/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    3   60   1   $20.00   $82.47   $102.47   Drove from Pacific Grove to Watsonville's Veterans Memorial Building. Showed a volunteer from Watsonville American Legion post how to access the side of the building where the dumpsters are located, where to place the dumpsters on the street, and provided the volunteer with a key to the replacement lock I put on the gate between the American Legion post and the side of the Veterans Memorial Building. Met with the volunteer and the American Legion Post Commander at the American Legion Post discussing the vision for the Veterans Memorial Building and the need for volunteers.  
 POST 10110  2/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Supporting vets as a peer in Veteran's Court, Santa Cruz County, CA.  
 POST 10110  2/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   60   1   $20.00   $57.78   $77.78   Drove from Pacific Grove to Veterans Memorial Building in Watsonville. Took pictures of the restroom door handles that need to be replaced. Spoke with the cleaning crew that 'People First' sent to prepare the gym as a warming center. Requested the cleaners clean the restroom as they were unsightly. Returned home.  
 POST 10110  2/10/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    5   60   1   $20.00   $131.85   $151.85   Drove from Pacific Grove with my vacuum to the Veterans Memorial Building in Watsonville to clean area where VA Medical Staff will provide care to veterans tomorrow. Removed furniture from rooms vacuumed three rooms and hall. Replaced furniture, wiped down areas where dust/dirt accumulated, cleaned table. Returned home with my vacuum.  
 POST 10110  2/12/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   10   130   3   $60.00   $758.90   $818.90   Due to heavy storm I drove from Pacific Grove to Aptos, CA to pick up elderly veteran who had a VA appointment in Marina the next day. Veterans stayed at my house that night and early the next morning I drove the veteran to her VA appointment. I then drove the veteran to visit another elderly VFW member in an 'After Hospital Care Facility'. Next I drove the veteran to the commissary in Sand City. Afterward I returned the veteran to her home in Aptos, CA. 
 POST 10110  2/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   64   1   $20.00   $58.34   $78.34   I drove from Pacific Grove to the Veterans Memorial Building in Watsonville, California arriving at 05:15. I waited 30 minutes for the trash truck to empty the dumpsters. I returned the dumpsters to the location they are stored and returned home. 
 POST 10110  2/14/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   40   2   $50.00   $203.12   $253.12   I received a call from a fellow VFW member in a 'After Hospital Care Facility'. The veteran told me that he had been nauseous for three days and unable to eat. The veteran requested a subway sandwich, soda and other items. I purchased the items and delivered them to the veteran. The veterans requested that I get some items from his home in Marina, California ( he had previously given me a key to his home). I retrieved the items and gave them to the veteran. 
 POST 10110  2/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   4   40   1   $20.00   $104.36   $124.36   Drove from Pacific Grove to Laguna Seca Racetrac- VFW Terrace. The VFW Terrace at Laguna Seca Racetrack is the location of VFW Aptos Post 10110's major fundraiser. Cleared brush, cut and removed tree branches, swept leaves and acorns as part of area maintenance and preparing for our Post's fundraising season.  
 POST 10110  2/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   4   8   14   $40.00   $1,383.76   $1,423.76   Drove to Laguna Seca Raceway to the VFW Terrace to prepare the VFW area for our major fundraiser. Cut tree limbs, piled brush. 
 POST 10110  2/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   4   8   14   $40.00   $1,383.76   $1,423.76   Drove to Laguna Seca Raceway to the VFW Terrace to prepare the VFW area for our major fundraiser. Cut tree limbs, piled brush. 
 Post 10110 Total 547 9,570 178 $2,790.52 $29,795.03 $32,585.55
 POST 10245  7/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   6   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Help Pacifica Resource Center, Food Bank distribute food to families. 125 families served..  
 POST 10245  8/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   15   0   5   $0.00   $1,851.75   $1,851.75   Help Pacifica Resource Center, Food Bank distribute food to families. 105 families served.  
 POST 10245  9/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   7   $0.00   $518.49   $518.49   Help Pacifica Resource Center, Food Bank distribute food to families. 132 families served.  
 POST 10245  9/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   15   $50.00   $740.70   $790.70   Color Guard for Pacifica Fog Fest.  
 POST 10245  10/23/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   5   $125.00   $493.80   $618.80   Pacifica Resource Center/Second Harvest Food Bank distribute food to 87 families.  
 POST 10245  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   12   $0.00   $1,185.12   $1,185.12   Buddy poppy drive  
 POST 10245  11/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   5   $0.00   $617.25   $617.25   Help Pacifica Resource Center, Food Bank distribute food to families. 111 families served.  
 POST 10245  12/16/2024   Community Service   Other   2   0   6   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   help Pacifica Resource Center/Second Harvest Food Bank deliver food to 156 familys 
 Post 10245 Total 38 0 61 $175.00 $6,147.81 $6,322.81
 District 12 Total 1,472 16,067 1,267 $50,929.49 $140,389.93 $191,319.42
 POST 52  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Post Commander, Senior Vice and Quartermaster and Auxiliary members participated in the 4th of July Parade, commander and Senior Vice commander participated in the parade and the quartermaster provided PA system for the City of Stockton. Poppys were handed out to the crowd of spectators in the community.  
 POST 52  7/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   7   144   6   $163.00   $1,057.14   $1,220.14   Post 52 Six Honor Guard members participated in five full honor services to four deceased veterans at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery National Cemetery.  
 POST 52  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   64   1   $250.00   $33.65   $283.65   Post Quartermaster Donated $250.0 to National Home at VFWCA office in Elk Grove.  
 POST 52  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   3   $200.00   $148.14   $348.14   Post Commander, Senior Vice Commander and Chaplain participated in the Middle East Conflicts remembrance ceremony at Post 52. with a luncheon after the ceremony, Poppys were handed out.  
 POST 52  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Post Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Chaplain participated in 9/11 Patriots Day ceremony at Post 52.  
 POST 52  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   5   5   $0.00   $124.15   $124.15   Post members donated cookies to Stockton Police, Fire Department and EMT in remembrance of 9/11  
 POST 52  9/20/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Post Commander, Senior Vice Commander and Chaplain Participated in POW/MIA ceremony at Post 52. Buddy Poppies were handed out.  
 POST 52  10/18/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   6   31   2   $0.00   $300.62   $300.62   Post 52 Quartermaster and another member participated in the Modesto VA Stand down and held a recruiting event at the standdown.  
 Post 52 Total 23 244 27 $613.00 $2,206.88 $2,819.88
 POST 1051  7/3/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   0   1   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Set up Buddy Poppy stand in Save Mart parking lot. Handed out Buddy Poppy pamphlets and received several donations for the relief fund.  
 POST 1051  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Honor guard and JRROTC placed flags in city of Ripon to celebrate Independence Day.  
 POST 1051  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   30   $1,200.00   $3,703.50   $4,903.50   Hosted Independence Day celebration fireworks display at the Post for 30 members and their families to include food.  
 POST 1051  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   6   1   $0.00   $198.36   $198.36   Pop-up membership drive at the Save Mart parking lot. Two prospective members were provided membership information. 
 POST 1051  7/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $800.00   $24.69   $824.69   VFW Riders sponsored a youth traveling baseball team with VFW Post 1051 on their jerseys.  
 POST 1051  7/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   61   4   $0.00   $403.58   $403.58   VFW Riders (6) rode to an OEF veteran-owned business to show them support in Knights Ferry California .  
 POST 1051  7/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   9   6   $1,700.00   $297.54   $1,997.54   VFW Riders purchased a portable evaporative air cooler to assist Veterans as a mobile cooling station. Unit cost was $1850, Riders purchased $1700 of it.  
 POST 1051  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Provided information to a veteran to obtain their medical records. Also provided contact information for our post-service officer and local VSO contact through San Joaquin County. 
 POST 1051  7/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   20   4   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   Honor Guard performed a memorial service including a flag folding, 21 gun salute and taps.  
 POST 1051  7/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   128   7   $0.00   $536.41   $536.41   VFW Riders rode to a veteran-owned business in Murphy's California to show our support. 
 POST 1051  7/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   2   1   $100.00   $49.66   $149.66   Provided $100 food assistance to CA Nation Guard soldier from the relief fund.  
 POST 1051  7/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   6   137   6   $0.00   $908.02   $908.02   VFW Riders rode to the annual Marine Corps League Campout to support their efforts for combat veterans with service-related disabilities. 
 POST 1051  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   6   168   4   $0.00   $616.08   $616.08   VFW Riders rode to Mount Diablo State Park. 
 POST 1051  8/15/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   The Honor Guard performed an American Flag Retirement ceremony. They retired 100 flags. 
 POST 1051  8/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   120   5   $0.00   $510.60   $510.60   The Honor Guard, consisting of 5 members, paid honors to a fallen Army Soldier by providing a 21 gun salute, Taps and a flag folding/presentation at the National Cemetery in Santa Nella. 
 POST 1051  8/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   0   7   $0.00   $864.15   $864.15   VFW Post 1051 hosted a memorial service for a fallen life member. The Honor Guard performed a flag folding, 21 gun salute and Taps. Commander and 6 honor guard members presided over the memorial ceremony.  
 POST 1051  9/1/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  0   0   0   $500.00   $0.00   $500.00   VFW Riders donated 500 dollars to the US Navy Sea Cadet Corps through the Scouts. This is a new unit based out of Stockton California.  
 POST 1051  9/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   0   0   0   $1,000.00   $0.00   $1,000.00   VFW Riders donated 1,000 dollars to the Honor Wall at Ripon High School. This is for a large art project to memorialize branches of service and POW-MIA.  
 POST 1051  9/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   57   8   $100.00   $600.54   $700.54   VFW Riders rode to Stockton Chase Chevy for the Annual Stockton Marine Corps League to support their car show.  
 POST 1051  9/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   2 Members of the honor guard and 10 members of the Ripon JROTC displayed over 60 American flags through out the town. They retrieved the flags at dusk.  
 POST 1051  9/21/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   24   0   30   $5.00   $17,776.80   $17,781.80   5pm Friday to 5pm Saturday - Buddy Poppy Canisters placed out on all tables with Buddy Poppies around them - $5 donated -Coordinated with Annual Veterans Car Show.  
 POST 1051  9/21/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   24   0   30   $5.00   $17,776.80   $17,781.80   5pm Friday to 5pm Saturday - Buddy Poppy Canisters placed out on all tables with Buddy Poppies around them - $5 donated -Coordinated with Annual Veterans Car Show.  
 POST 1051  10/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   0   3   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   Six post and auxiliary families provided food/prepared meals for the family of a fallen post member, who was in the hospital for a while, but has since recovered. The food service was coordinated by the Service Officer, including the use of a digital app to provide prepared dishes and other food items. 14 meals were provided over a three week period.  
 POST 1051  10/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   3   1   $0.00   $99.18   $99.18   Honor Guard ISG Marcus Whitfield and six members of the Ripon high school JROTC posted flags on Main Street in Ripon to celebrate their annual Main Street Day. 
 POST 1051  10/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   The post hosted a poker run for the Blue Star Moms motorcycle group. The poker run was named the Moms For The Troops Poker and Family Ru. The poker run resulted in approximately 30 motorcycles and 43 participants visiting the post from 10-12:30pm. 
 POST 1051  10/19/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   3   4   $104.00   $592.98   $696.98   A Buddy Poppy area was created on the post display table during the annual Main Street Day. A large, clear, thin ,plastic box to retrieve donations was surrounded by pamphlets and Buddy Poppies. $104 was donated. 
 POST 1051  10/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   3   10   $0.00   $1,481.82   $1,481.82   The post opened a booth on Main Street, Ripon, CA during their annual Main Street Day festival. Membership information was displayed and patriotic handouts were available to all. Eight post members served at the booth. The post retrieved three applications and handed out three other applications. The members promoted the VFW handed out flyers promoting the meals served at the post. Applicants were given complimentary breakfast vouchers. 
 POST 1051  10/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   35   2   $0.00   $301.18   $301.18   VFW Post 1051 Riders participated in the Blue Star Moms event from Riverbank California to several stops including our post. During the ride, several Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans were contacted (working on recruitment), and assistance was provided through our Service Officer. About 50 veterans and riders participated in the ride. 
 POST 1051  10/27/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   11   0   2   $0.00   $543.18   $543.18   Uploaded VOD for Giolanna J. Loretelli in scholars app. Hector Torres assisted in uploading the documents through his scholars app page.  
 POST 1051  11/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   2   1   $0.00   $74.35   $74.35   Honor Guard 1SG Whitfield retired over 100 unserviceable U.S. flags. 
 POST 1051  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   3   20   $0.00   $1,975.62   $1,975.62   Co-hosted the Annual Ripon Veterans Day ceremony and lunch with the Ripon American Legion. Post commander and American legion Commander, and Auxiliary Presidents of VFW and American Legion laid a wreath at the Service Member Memoria at the Ripon Veterans Memorial Wall. Free lunch was provided to all at Post 1051.  
 POST 1051  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   1   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   Honor Guard 1SG and 9 members of the Ripon high school JROTC posted and retrieved 65 American flags in downtown Ripon for the Veterans Day recognition. 
 POST 1051  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Buddy Poppies were available during the Post lunch and after, from 11am to 5pm. The Commander and Quartermaster manned the donation table. $47.50 was donated. 
 POST 1051  11/13/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   6   20   2   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   Entered two top essays for Patriots Pen essay contest. Jonah Costa is the winner for Post 1051. Second place is Adrianna Sprinkle. 
 POST 1051  11/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   2   10   1   $800.00   $50.78   $850.78   Donated $800 to the National Home.  
 POST 1051  11/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   0   8   $300.00   $790.08   $1,090.08   VFW Post 1051 Riders provided free dinner to veterans and their families at the post. Over 30 meals were provided. 
 POST 1051  12/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   43   8   $0.00   $796.10   $796.10   VFW Riders Post 1051 rode to a veteran-owned business to show our support. 
 POST 1051  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   3   1   $0.00   $74.49   $74.49   Honor Guard 1SG and 10 members of the Ripon high school JROTC posted 63American flags on Main Street, Ripon, California. 
 POST 1051  12/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   3   4   $0.00   $395.46   $395.46   The four members of the Honor Guard performed a funeral detail for a fallen Air Force Veteran, who was a member of the Ripon American Legion. Service included a 21 gun salute, flag folding and Taps. 
 POST 1051  12/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   2   1   $0.00   $24.97   $24.97   The Commander presented Certificates of Merit to 27 middle school students at the Ripon Christian school in recognition of their participation in the Patriots Pen. The Commander and Ms. Harms presented the certificates in their auditorium in front of the peers. 
 POST 1051  12/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   24   1   $600.00   $52.74   $652.74   The Commander and a member of the auxiliary delivered food, drinks and dessert to the 149 CBRN Company, a National Guard unit in Lathrop, CA to assist them for their family day. Food served approximately 90 military members and their families. 
 POST 1051  12/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   8   86   12   $1,500.00   $2,382.28   $3,882.28   VFW Post 1051 Riders went to San Joaquin Valley National Cemetary for Wreaths Across America. We recognized fallen members and Veterans, placing wreaths at gravesites. 
 POST 1051  2/1/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   4   22   4   $200.00   $398.12   $598.12   VFW Riders Post 1051 participated in the Modesto VFW Post 3199 Crab Feed. Tickets were purchased and monies were donated to Post 3199. 
 POST 1051  2/2/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   4   111   6   $0.00   $608.10   $608.10   VFW Riders Post 1051 rode to Coulterville Post 9454 to show our support. 5 motorcycles and 1 car drove to Coulterville and returned to Ripon. 
 POST 1051  2/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   8   4   $100.00   $396.16   $496.16   VFW Riders Post 1051 assisted a community group, "Christian Motorcyclists Association," with their crab feed. We donated two gift baskets with a value of over 100 dollars. Four members also attended their crab feed. 
 Post 1051 Total 221 1,099 252 $9,014.00 $57,385.28 $66,399.28
 POST 2600  7/1/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   55   5   $0.00   $501.50   $501.50   Placed American flags on St. Charles St in San Andreas, CA to celebrate the 4th of July.  
 POST 2600  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   90   3   $0.00   $679.23   $679.23   Led a parade in Mokelumne Hill for the townspeople to honor the 4th of July.  
 POST 2600  7/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   50   5   $0.00   $253.90   $253.90   Gave recruitment presentation for the VFW at a golf tournament in Valley Springs CA  
 POST 2600  7/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   55   5   $0.00   $378.05   $378.05   Gave Honor Guard presentation to 1st Annual Lucky Loman Golf Tournament at Valley Springs CA  
 POST 2600  7/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   30   1   $0.00   $53.58   $53.58   Awarded a Vietnam Honor Pin to a veteran at a dinner in San Andreas, CA  
 POST 2600  7/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   60   1   $0.00   $57.78   $57.78   Awarded A Vietnam Honor Pin to a veteran in Jackson, CA  
 POST 2600  7/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   105   2   $0.00   $162.84   $162.84   Attended the Thornton CA dedication for the town Veterans Memorial  
 POST 2600  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   102   1   $0.00   $88.35   $88.35   Awarded 2 Vietnam Honor Pins to Army veterans in Thornton CA  
 POST 2600  7/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   70   1   $0.00   $83.87   $83.87   Awarded a Vietnam Honor Pin to an Army veteran in Angels Camp CA  
 POST 2600  8/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   105   1   $0.00   $113.46   $113.46   Awarded Vietnam Honor Pin to Vietnam AF B 52 Pilot in Lodi CA  
 POST 2600  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   135   2   $0.00   $265.80   $265.80   Awarded 3 Vietnam Honor Pins at District 13 meeting in Hilmar CA  
 POST 2600  8/20/2024   Community Service      4   95   1   $0.00   $112.06   $112.06   Donated blood at American Red Cross blood drive.  
 POST 2600  8/28/2024   Community Service      4   85   1   $0.00   $110.66   $110.66   Assisted widowed veteran in Keyes CA with project around the house.  
 POST 2600  8/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   30   2   $0.00   $152.34   $152.34   Allowed Calaveras High School football team to use post for football meeting.  
 POST 2600  8/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   82   5   $0.00   $381.83   $381.83   Placed American Flags on the street of San Andreas CA to honor Memorial Day.  
 POST 2600  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   1   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Post Service Officer gave a presentation at a 9./11 Memorial in Murphys CA  
 POST 2600  9/11/2024   Community Service      1   60   1   $0.00   $33.09   $33.09   Awarded a Vietnam Honor Pin to a veteran in Murphys CA  
 POST 2600  9/11/2024   Community Service      3   60   4   $0.00   $304.68   $304.68   
**REJECTED **Attended a 9/11 Memorial Service in Murphys CA
 POST 2600  9/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   128   170   1   $0.00   $3,184.12   $3,184.12   Quartermaster donated time to the Volunteer Sheriffs Department for patrol and other duties. 
 POST 2600  9/23/2024   Community Service      4   102   4   $85.28   $409.32   $494.60   Hosted Veterans Affairs luncheon for county agencies at the post.  
 POST 2600  9/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   30   1   $0.00   $78.27   $78.27   Awarded 6 Vietnam Honor Pins to veterans in San Andreas, CA  
 POST 2600  9/26/2024   Youth Development   Other   3   30   2   $0.00   $152.34   $152.34   Allowed Calaveras High Redhawks football team to use the post for football meeting.  
 POST 2600  9/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   6   195   3   $0.00   $471.72   $471.72   Performed Honor Guard services for a departed veteran in Davis, CA  
 POST 2600  10/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   35   2   $0.00   $153.04   $153.04   Donated hall for use by the Calaveras Red Hawks football team for a meeting.  
 POST 2600  10/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   62   1   $0.00   $82.75   $82.75   Attended a veterans gathering in Angels Camp and gave information regarding various veterans issues to a group to veterans.  
 POST 2600  10/10/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   30   1   $15.00   $28.89   $43.89   Set up a recruiting board at the VSO office in Valley Springs with information about the VFW and applications.  
 POST 2600  10/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   30   2   $0.00   $152.34   $152.34   Allowed Calaveras RedHawks football team the use of the post for a football meeting.  
 POST 2600  10/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   125   2   $0.00   $264.40   $264.40   Awarded 5 Vietnam Honor Pins to members at a District Meeting in Coulterville CA  
 POST 2600  10/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   40   2   $0.00   $153.74   $153.74   Allowed the Calaveras RedHawks football team the use of the post for a football meeting.  
 POST 2600  11/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   15   1   $0.00   $26.79   $26.79   Awarded a Vietnam Honor Pin to a veteran in Valley Springs CA  
 POST 2600  11/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   60   1   $0.00   $57.78   $57.78   Awarded a Vietnam Honor Pin in Jackson CA to an Army veteran.  
 POST 2600  11/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   135   5   $0.00   $636.15   $636.15   Performed an Honor Guard ceremony for a departed Vietnam era Naval Veteran. Was the Commander of the American Legion in Valley Springs CA. Gave a speech at the memorial ceremony.  
 POST 2600  11/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   150   5   $0.00   $267.90   $267.90   Performed Honor Guard services for a departed Navy Veteran. Was the Commander of the Local American Legion post. Gave a speech in his honor.  
 POST 2600  11/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   150   5   $0.00   $267.90   $267.90   Performed Honor Guard Services for a departed Navy Veteran. He was the Commander of the American Legion Post in Valley Springs. Gave a speech in his honor.  
 POST 2600  11/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   130   5   $0.00   $265.10   $265.10   Performed Honor Guard services for a departed Navy veteran. Was the Commander of the local American Legion post. Gave a speech in his honor.  
 POST 2600  11/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   130   5   $0.00   $388.55   $388.55   Performed Honor Guard services for a departed Navy Veteran. Was the Commander of the Local American Legion Post. Gave a speech in his honor.  
 POST 2600  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   95   1   $0.00   $136.75   $136.75   Attended a Veterans Day lunch at the Modesto Veterans Center. Presented 8 Honor Pins to various veterans.  
 POST 2600  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   50   5   $0.00   $253.90   $253.90   Attended a pancake breakfast at the LDS church in San Andreas. Presented 2 Honor Pins to veterans.  
 POST 2600  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   82   1   $0.00   $85.55   $85.55   Attended a Veterans Day presentation in Lodi CA. Presented 2 Vietnam Honor Pins to Vietnam Veterans  
 POST 2600  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   125   1   $0.00   $91.57   $91.57   Donated American Flags to the A-Z Foundation for use in programs for Veterans.  
 POST 2600  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Presented 2 Vietnam Honor Pins to veterans at Chilis in Lodi Ca in honor of Veterans Day.  
 POST 2600  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   85   1   $0.00   $36.59   $36.59   Presented a Vietnam Honor Pin to a Navy veteran at Great Clips in Lodi CA  
 POST 2600  11/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   50   2   $0.00   $204.52   $204.52   Allowed the Calaveras Football team to use the post for a football meeting.  
 POST 2600  11/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   55   1   $0.00   $32.39   $32.39   Awarded Vietnam Honor Pin to Vietnam 101st Airborne veteran at the train station in Sacramento CA  
 POST 2600  11/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   1,400   1   $0.00   $245.38   $245.38   Awarded a Vietnam Honor Pin to a 101 Airborne Ranger in Granby Colorado  
 POST 2600  11/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   70   1   $0.00   $83.87   $83.87   Awarded a Vietnam Family Member pin to a family member of a decreased Army veteran in Grand Lake Colorado.  
 POST 2600  12/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   Awarded a Vietnam Honor Pin to a USMC veteran in Granby Colorado  
 POST 2600  12/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   55   1   $0.00   $81.77   $81.77   Awarded a Vietnam Honor Pin to a veteran in Grand Lake Colorado.  
 POST 2600  12/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   55   1   $0.00   $57.08   $57.08   Set up award for Desert Shield veteran with the Quilts of Honor in Grand Lake Colorado  
 POST 2600  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   678   1   $0.00   $144.30   $144.30   Awarded an Honor Pin and Family member pin to a veteran and family on the California Zephyr Train #5 returning to California. Award took place in Utah.  
 POST 2600  12/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   60   1   $0.00   $57.78   $57.78   Awarded an Honor Pin to a Vietnam Veteran in Jackson CA  
 POST 2600  12/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   300   4   $200.00   $437.04   $637.04   Members took an educational tour of the USS Lucid, a Korean War, Vietnam minesweeper located in Stockton CA  
 POST 2600  12/17/2024   Community Service      170   2   0   $0.00   $0.28   $0.28   Quartermaster donated time to the Volunteer Sheriffs Department during the 4th Quarter of 2024. 
 POST 2600  12/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   Awarded Vietnam Honor Pin to a fixed wing Army pilot in Valley Springs CA  
 POST 2600  12/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   85   1   $0.00   $85.97   $85.97   Awarded a Vietnam Honor Pin to an Army veteran in Modesto CA 
 POST 2600  1/6/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   60   3   $0.00   $230.61   $230.61   Awarded a Vietnam Honor Pin to a Marine Corps veteran in Angels Camp CA  
 POST 2600  1/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   50   1   $0.00   $31.69   $31.69   Awarded a Vietnam Honor Pin to an Army veteran at the VA facility in Stockton CA  
 POST 2600  1/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   130   1   $0.00   $116.96   $116.96   Assisted widowed veteran in Keyes CA with yard work and smoke alarm replacement.  
 POST 2600  1/14/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   22   958   1   $1,056.00   $677.30   $1,733.30   ** need to split **Chaplain reported the he drove to Los Angeles area in support of the fire disaster and brought aid and comfort to the residents in Los Angeles.  
 POST 2600  1/14/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   96   1   $0.00   $112.20   $112.20   Assisted widowed veteran in Keyes CA with house repairs.  
 POST 2600  1/15/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   82   1   $0.00   $85.55   $85.55   Awarded a Blue Star Award and Vietnam Honor Certificate to a widow in Lodi, CA. Additionally awarded an honor pin to another widow at the same event.  
 POST 2600  1/17/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   75   1   $0.00   $84.57   $84.57   Awarded a Vietnam Honor Pin to an Air Force veteran in Murphys CA  
 POST 2600  2/1/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   70   1   $0.00   $83.87   $83.87   Awarded a Vietnam Honor Pin to a retired Navy Chief that served on destroyers.  
 POST 2600  2/26/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   116   242   1   $0.00   $2,897.92   $2,897.92   **need to split**Post Chaplain reported in February that he performed 14 hours community service, 4 hours chaplain requests, 8 hrs counseling, 1 suicide crisis call and 90 hours of community service over the month of February 2025.  
 Post 2600 Total 612 8,003 127 $1,356.28 $17,292.37 $18,648.65
 POST 2922  7/28/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   30   3   $146.43   $152.34   $298.77   Membership drive at local National Guard unit, recruited 2 new life members for other units inside of California  
 POST 2922  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   5   100   4   $10.00   $507.80   $517.80   Attendance at District 13th training meeting and district meeting. Post gave 10 dollars to National Home while attending event.  
 POST 2922  9/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   12   10   3   $100.00   $890.24   $990.24   Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic tournament, VFW Post 2922 supported with honor guard and gatorade drinks for donation at hole 6.** Incorrect date of event** 
 POST 2922  10/1/2024   Community Service   Other   200   480   1   $0.00   $5,005.20   $5,005.20   **need to split**From October 1, 2024 to December 20, 2024 was a volunteer for the Stanislaus County Toys for Tots Program distributing toy collection boxes, collecting toys, taking donations to purchase toys, sort and distribute toys.  
 POST 2922  11/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   104   1   $0.00   $162.70   $162.70   Transported Marine Veteran to medical appointment  
 POST 2922  11/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   22   1   $0.00   $52.46   $52.46   Performed invocation at Veterans Luncheon  
 POST 2922  11/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   22   1   $0.00   $52.46   $52.46   Visited veteran in memory care facility  
 POST 2922  11/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   46   2   $500.00   $55.82   $555.82   Post gave $500 to the local Toys For Tots organization to provide toys to needy children  
 POST 2922  11/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   22   1   $0.00   $27.77   $27.77   Visited veterans in memory care facility  
 POST 2922  11/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   7   104   1   $0.00   $187.39   $187.39   Transported veteran to medical appointment  
 POST 2922  12/5/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Contacted state legislators in support of AB 53 to exclude military retirement benefits from state income tax  
 POST 2922  12/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Provided information and assistance to family of deceased veteran  
 POST 2922  12/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   6   4   4   $0.00   $593.12   $593.12   Our Oakdale VFW Post 2922 participated in Wreaths across America at Oakdale Citizens Cemetery where we provided an honor guard presenting the colors and we had one member present the wreath for the U.S. Navy and another for the U.S. Marine Corps then we helped place wreathes on the graves of veterans!  
 POST 2922  12/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   7   124   1   $0.00   $190.19   $190.19   As service officer, I provided a ride to a veteran to Livermore V.A. appointment  
 POST 2922  12/18/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   40   7   $500.00   $869.75   $1,369.75   Our Post served 5 families with Gift Certificates for Christmas Dinners. Certificates were for $100.00 per family to buy groceries from Costless Grocery Store. In choosing 5 out of our community, we looked at one or more of these categories that they fit under. Veteran/ hardship/ Jr enlisted,/or has a young family,/ and or citizenship,  
 POST 2922  1/10/2025   Veterans Assistance      7   110   2   $0.00   $336.37   $336.37   Provided transportation to two veterans to Livermore VA medical appointments 
 POST 2922  1/21/2025   Veterans Assistance      7   110   1   $0.00   $175.89   $175.89   Provided transportation to a veteran to Livermore VA medical appointment. 
 POST 2922  1/26/2025   Youth Development   Other   3   22   30   $0.00   $2,225.18   $2,225.18   in Modesto/Crows Landing Naval Sea Scouts Annual inspection of the troops and awards ceremony 
 POST 2922  1/26/2025   Youth Development   Other   3   22   30   $0.00   $2,225.18   $2,225.18   in Modesto/Crows Landing Naval Sea Scouts Annual inspection of the troops and awards ceremony 
 POST 2922  1/28/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   7   110   1   $0.00   $175.89   $175.89   Transported a veteran to medical appointment Livermore VA 
 POST 2922  2/1/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   22   1   $0.00   $27.77   $27.77   Advised and helped veteran on gathering service records for family member 
 POST 2922  2/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   3   30   1   $0.00   $78.27   $78.27   Transported disabled veteran to eye appointment 
 POST 2922  2/4/2025   Community Service   Other   2   28   6   $0.00   $300.20   $300.20   Visited several veterans at Bethal Retirement Community in Modesto 
 POST 2922  2/6/2025         2   30   4   $0.00   $201.72   $201.72   Visited with veterans at Bethal Retirement Community Complex #2 
 POST 2922  2/8/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   4   22   1   $12.00   $101.84   $113.84   Spoke at an awards dinner for Byer High School Army JROTC and gave out certificates to the program and five of their cadets. 
 Post 2922 Total 297 1,614 109 $1,268.43 $14,669.61 $15,938.04
 POST 3199  8/24/2024   Veterans Assistance      2   14   7   $200.00   $347.62   $547.62   VFW Post 3199 called to do a Honor Guard ceremony for William Jones US ARMY/ US AIR FORCE at Ceres Ca. Memorial cementary.. Honor guard provided The rifle vollies , reading of last bugle call .. Folding of the flag and reading of the 13 folds .. Final the presentation of Flag to family member..  
 POST 3199  9/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Honor Guard   2   14   7   $200.00   $347.62   $547.62   vfw post 3199 called to do honor guard ceremony at lakewood cementary for USARMY ALBERT JETT 7 MEMBERS PROVIDE THE RIFE VOLLIES READING OF THE LAST BUGLE CALL.. FOLDED FLAG WITH READING EXPLAINING EACH FOLD .. FLAG PRESENTED TO WIDOW  
 POST 3199  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   7   15   $500.00   $2,223.08   $2,723.08   Post 3199 hosted their annual 21th chili cook off, we had 14 total cooks and vendors a very succesful event .. it was open to general public live music hot dog farmers market type of athomphere.. we also hosted a membership drive at this event and passed out imformation to veterans who were seeking medical, finacial help or help with housing. we passed out a lot of imfo..  
 POST 3199  9/24/2024   Community Service   Other   2   7   15   $50.00   $741.68   $791.68   vfw pOST 3199 dONATED $250.00 dOLLARS to uss balthasar 1101 whittle modest ca. to their event to help children for their event.. motion made by Q.M. Secound by Sr. Vice Motion Passed  
 POST 3199  10/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   7   6   $200.00   $297.26   $497.26   Provided honor guard ceremony for Ted Marshell US ARMY in Ripon Ca... Provided rifle vollies folding of flag and presented flag to family member  
 POST 3199  10/12/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   14   4   $250.00   $397.00   $647.00   VFW post 3199 held their annual buddy poppy drive at save mart on scenic and Oakdale road.. present were post commander basil Amesquita and post adjutant frank ushler.. we also conducted a membership drive, recruited possible 3 new members  
 POST 3199  10/18/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   4   4   $200.00   $790.64   $990.64   VFW Post 3199 Attended a Veteran Stand Down in down town Modesto Ca. ,,, 3199 provided coats, shirts and trousers to needy homeless veterans. Passed out information on how to contact other sources on getting housed and information on obtaining medical help..There were other veteran organizations providing passing out info to help veterans seeking help.. Post members in attendance were Basil Amesquita POST COMMANDER... Frank Ushler post adjutant, and past commander Dan Crowley  
 POST 3199  10/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   10   6   $200.00   $445.82   $645.82    Provided Honor Guard Ceremony to Joe Heywood US Navy Lakewood Memorial Cemetary Rifle Vollie's provided, folding of the flag with reading THE 13 FOLDS Bugle call Flag presented to family member  
 POST 3199  11/10/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   8   1   $25.00   $50.50   $75.50   post commander basil Amesquita , refolded 2 casket flags for Barbara Davis of Modesto ca.1 flag was her grandfathers WW II veteran to fit in a new shadow box.. second flag was her fathers flag a Vietnam veteran ,also to be fitted in a new shadow box and displayed at her home.  
 POST 3199  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   14   5   $250.00   $742.66   $992.66   Nov 11 2024 veterans day VFW post 3199 set up a 10x10 information , recruiting , buddy poppy canopy.. present were commander basil Amesquita, past commander Joel Hernandez, post adjutant frank ushler.. and very proudly our auxiliary president Deborah Hernandez.. we passed out info on benefits to veterans on how to obtain benefits that they are entitled to.. we donated food products donated from jack -in the box also passed out buddy poppy's and membership applications  
 POST 3199  11/15/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   14   1   $200.00   $100.72   $300.72   VFW post 3199 invited to English oaks convalescent home to visit 20 veterans housed there.. the 20 vets there are from all branches of service men and women.. we posted colors led them in the pledge of allegiance.. we provided little hand held flags and framed certificates citing how important they were and that they were not forgotten .. we had 4 members from general membership 3 from our axillaries shared sugarless cookies and mini sugarless cupcakes. present were basil amesquita post commander, past post commander dan crowly. auxiliary member evan craig a very successful event..  
 POST 3199  11/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   6   7   0   $100.00   $0.98   $100.98   VFW post 3199 Modesto went to our adopted military unit 1/184th infantry support unit to present the unit aq certificate of appreciation for their service and acknowledge how important they are to our community.. they were having a open house to the public..we invited the members to our post to just hang out or visit with other veteran or military personal a home away from home..present was basil amesquita post commander and past commander Joel Hernandez..  
 POST 3199  11/23/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   35   5   $200.00   $251.80   $451.80   honor guard detail went to knights ferry ca. oak grove commentary.. deceased grover perry us army rifle vollys provided, reading of the last bugle call a reading of the 13 folds as flag was folded.. flag presented to family member .. 5 members from 3199 1 aux member and 4 members from vfw post 10293 ceres ca.  
 POST 3199  11/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   14   5   $200.00   $248.86   $448.86   honor guard ceremony at Lakewood memorial cemetery in hughson ca. for lynne sanville us army .. 5 members from VFW post 3199 and 4 members from ceres VFW post10293 rifle vollys provided reading of the last bugle call a reading of the 13 folds while flag was been folded, flag presented to family member  
 Post 3199 Total 55 177 89 $2,975.00 $7,777.44 $10,752.44
 POST 3322  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $10.00   $24.69   $34.69   Donated money to the National Home at the District Meeting.  
 POST 3322  10/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Conducted a membership drive at our Lumberjack Day Community Event.  
 POST 3322  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   3   5   $0.00   $370.77   $370.77   Our Veterans Day was scheduled to be at the West Point Cemetery but due to bad weather we brought it down to the post. Had a great turn out and lots of veterans showed up. Ceremony lasted for about an hour. Afterwards everyone stuck around for free burgers and fries. We had a great day despite the bad weather.  
 Post 3322 Total 10 5 7 $10.00 $543.88 $553.88
 POST 5059  7/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   40   5   $0.00   $375.95   $375.95   Honor Guard performed two services today. Lakewood Cemetery with full service rally and folding the flag for Navy Veteran John Almendarez. then Turlock Memorial park for Army National Guard Veteran Michael Seale with Rally and Taps.  
 POST 5059  7/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   30   5   $0.00   $251.10   $251.10   Honor Guard perform honors for Marine Sosa with Rally and folding of flag at Lakewood Memorial Hughson  
 POST 5059  7/17/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   40   4   $0.00   $203.12   $203.12   Post 5059 Honor Guard assisted today in Rifle Salute at Lakewood Cemetery for Vietnam Army Veteran Mr. Harlan. 
 POST 5059  7/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship / Americanism    1   2   1   $50.00   $24.97   $74.97   Post 5059 delivered a box of Dry Food products to a Auxiliary Member in need  
 POST 5059  7/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   40   5   $0.00   $252.50   $252.50   post 5059 Honor Guard performed services of rally and folding of the flag for Army Veteran Eric Parks at Lakewood cemetery 
 POST 5059  7/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   40   5   $0.00   $252.50   $252.50   post 5059 Honor Guard performed services of rally and folding of the flag for Army Veteran Eric Parks at Lakewood cemetery 
 POST 5059  7/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   20   4   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Honor Guard perform Rally and folding of the Flag for Navy Veteran Bob Souza at the Hilmar Cemetery.  
 POST 5059  7/26/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   0   6   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   During Post 5059 Friday community event, we had a Poppy Drive, explaining the Poppy and received Donations of 28 dollars.  
 POST 5059  8/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   60   3   $0.00   $230.61   $230.61   Post 5059 Honor Guard on a last minute call perform ceremonies of a rally and folding of the flag at Santa Nella National Cemetery for Air Force Veteran Bill Reed. The Honor Guard Captain was notified of a previous Honor Guard who canceled the Ceremony late last night, but came through for the family today. This is what we do 
 POST 5059  8/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   60   5   $0.00   $255.30   $255.30   Post 5059 Honor Guard performed Rally and folding of Flag for Army Veteran James Baker at the Santa Nella Cemetery .  
 POST 5059  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/ Americanism    5   0   5   $0.00   $617.25   $617.25   Post 5059 Hosted the Building to Pup Tent 58 ( Cooties ) for their annual Fund Raiser Hot August nights Dinner dance and much more for the proceeds going to the Hospitalized Veterans.  
 POST 5059  9/2/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   5   20   $0.00   $1,482.10   $1,482.10   9-2-24 Post 5059 hosted the annual Pig n the ground labor day picnic. During the event we included a Poppy drive and explaining the poppy, collecting $131.00  
 POST 5059  9/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   102   2   $0.00   $113.04   $113.04   Provided transportation for a Korean Veteran to Livermore VA for Cancer Appointment  
 POST 5059  9/11/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   80   2   $0.00   $109.96   $109.96   Past Post 5059 Commanders and Past District 13 Commanders Lyle Ducheneaux and Mike Seward Performed a flag retirement ceremony for the Modesto Masonic Lodge 206 ** This is not a community event**  
 POST 5059  9/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   20   4   $0.00   $200.32   $200.32   Post 5059 Turlock Honor Guard performed ceremonies at the Hilmar Cemetery for Army Veteran Michael Childers.  
 POST 5059  9/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Honor Guard   3   108   4   $0.00   $311.40   $311.40   Post 5059 ( Tulock Honor Guard ) performed ceremonies for a Army Veteran Mr. Gillies at the Cherikee Memorial Park in Lodi. Rally, folding of flag and taps.  
 POST 5059  9/13/2024   Community Service   Other   3   0   10   $245.00   $740.70   $985.70   Post 5059 Hosted a Catfish Fish fry fund raiser, involving the community and Members.  
 POST 5059  9/13/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   5   160   2   $0.00   $269.30   $269.30   Post Jr. Vice Commander and Aux. Trustee/Patriotic Instructor personally hand delivered and explained the V.O.D. paperwork to the following High Schools. Turlock High, Hughson High, Denair High, Hilmar High, Oakdale, and Pittman High.  
 POST 5059  9/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Honor Guard   3   45   4   $0.00   $302.58   $302.58   Post 5059 Turlock Honor Guard performed military services at Lake Wood Cemetery for Vietnam Army Veteran Richard Bufour with full Honors presentation of flag, Rally and taps.  
 POST 5059  9/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   10   2   $5,059.00   $50.78   $5,109.78   **need clarification** Sunday Post Commander presented a check to the MOC Pup Tent 68 for $5059.00 as a donation to continue their assistance to Hospitalized Veterans  
 POST 5059  9/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   60   3   $0.00   $230.61   $230.61   Post 5059 Turlock Honor Guard performed military services today at Lodi Cherokee Memorial park with folding of flag volley and tapes for Army Veteran Charles Palmer.  
 POST 5059  10/5/2024   Community Service   Other   5   10   10   $0.00   $1,235.90   $1,235.90   Post 5059 Hosted the park area for the annual Chili cook off and the Vietnam Riders from Mitchell Brothers Harley Davidson Modesto Poker run . During the event we had a membership drive with two Applications awaiting on DD214.  
 POST 5059  10/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   6   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Post 5059 Turlock Honor Guard performed military services at Turlock Cemetery for a Korean Army Veteran Marvin Larson with full Honors folding and presenting of the flag to the next of kin. Firing of the weapons, and playing of taps. Marvin Larson was also a member of Post 5059. 
 POST 5059  10/26/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   5   3   $0.00   $222.91   $222.91   Post 5059 participated in the Turlock down town trunk or treat, handing out Candy and promoting membership with pamphlets . 
 POST 5059  11/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   80   5   $109.00   $505.00   $614.00   Performed military honors for one of our post members. Maurice Vasconcellos retired from the Air Force after 23 years. Performed flag folding, rifle salute, taps, and Chaplin. 
 POST 5059  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   4   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Aux & Post 5059 planned, set up, provided all the food, and cooked for the Veterans Day dinner hosted by the Post 5059. Turning out 70 people in attendance.  
 POST 5059  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   4   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   The Honor Guard performed the open ceremonies for Veterans Day at the Turlock Country Club golf course. Marched in with the American and POW flags. Posted the colors for the National Anthem. 
 POST 5059  11/15/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   80   5   $0.00   $381.55   $381.55   Performed military Honors for Garth Rose. Marine Veteran. Performed flag folding, rifle volley, playing of taps, and chaplain. 
 POST 5059  11/15/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   50   6   $0.00   $303.28   $303.28   Performed military Honors for Hector Romero, Navy Veteran. Performed flag folding, rifle volley, playing of taps, and chaplain. 
 POST 5059  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   12   $500.00   $296.28   $796.28   Donated $500.00 to Wreaths Across America.  
 POST 5059  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   Donated $500.00 to United Samaritans for Turlock Together. To help in providing families and children in need of clothes, schools supplies, toys, etc.  
 POST 5059  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $1,000.00   $49.38   $1,049.38   Donated $1000.00 for Food Boxes for Christmas dinners for comrades and aux personal in need.  
 POST 5059  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $300.00   $49.38   $349.38   Donated $300.00 to Denair's wrestling team.  
 POST 5059  11/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   25   6   $0.00   $299.78   $299.78   Performed military Honors. Performed flag folding, rifle volley, playing of taps, and chaplain. 
 POST 5059  11/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   20   5   $0.00   $126.25   $126.25   Performed military Honors. Performed flag folding, rifle volley, playing of taps, and chaplain. 
 POST 5059  11/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   60   5   $0.00   $255.30   $255.30   Performed military Honors. Performed flag folding, rifle volley, playing of taps, and chaplain.  
 POST 5059  12/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   40   4   $0.00   $301.88   $301.88   Performed military Honors. Performed flag folding, rifle volley, playing of taps, and chaplain.  
 POST 5059  12/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   2   1   $0.00   $24.97   $24.97   Delivered a wheelchair and a walker to an Aux member in need.  
 POST 5059  2/6/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   60   4   $0.00   $304.68   $304.68   Performed rifle volley for a fallen veteran at Santa Nella National Cemetery. 
 Post 5059 Total 93 1,364 187 $7,763.00 $12,017.47 $19,780.47
 POST 6311  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Had the county service officer at our post to work claims during our Veterans food give away 
 POST 6311  8/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Red cross blood drive at our Post  
 POST 6311  8/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Held a Red Cross Blood drive at our Post  
 POST 6311  9/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Held a Red Cross Blood Drive at our Post  
 POST 6311  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   8   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Held a 9/11 event at our Post  
 POST 6311  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Had the county service officer at our Post working claims during our Veterans food give away  
 POST 6311  9/21/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   3   0   8   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Held a POW/MIA event at our Post 
 POST 6311  9/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Held a Red Cross Blood Drive at our Post  
 POST 6311  10/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   2   8   $0.00   $790.36   $790.36   Had a membership booth at the Manteca Street fair, the fair was for two days.  
 POST 6311  10/5/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   2   8   $0.00   $790.36   $790.36   Had a buddy poppy drive at the Manteca pumpkin fair, the fair was for two days  
 POST 6311  10/5/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   2   5   $0.00   $123.73   $123.73   On October 5th, 2024. Post 6311 participated in the Pumpkin Fair in Manteca Ca. We distributed information about the Patriot's Pen.  
 POST 6311  10/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Held a Red Cross Blood Drive at our Post  
 POST 6311  10/27/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   20   3   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   Supported Post 1051 Vince Benitez and 3199 Basil Amesquita with Voice of Democracy and Patriot's Pen.  
 Post 6311 Total 65 26 52 $0.00 $5,213.23 $5,213.23
 POST 7635  8/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   40   10   $0.00   $499.40   $499.40   provide honor guard service for funeral at sjvnc for J Ramerez at 1;30 pm  
 POST 7635  8/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   40   10   $0.00   $499.40   $499.40   provide honor guard service for funeral at sjjvnc for J Machado at 1 pm  
 POST 7635  9/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   10   $0.00   $495.20   $495.20   provide honor guard for newman fall festival parade at 9 am  
 POST 7635  11/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   10   $0.00   $248.30   $248.30   provided honor guard for funeral for J Rocha at hillsferry cemetery at 11 am 
 POST 7635  11/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   40   8   $0.00   $400.64   $400.64   provide honor guard for funeral for J Morrison at sjvnc at 11 am 
 POST 7635  1/13/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   7   $0.00   $174.23   $174.23   provide honor guard for funeral service for E Sanchez at gustine funeral parlor at 11 am 
 POST 7635  1/30/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   10   $0.00   $248.30   $248.30   provide honor guard service for funeral for J Short at hillsferry cemetery at 11 am 
 Post 7635 Total 11 160 65 $0.00 $2,565.47 $2,565.47
 POST 7792  8/17/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   30   6   $0.00   $596.76   $596.76   Six members provided funeral services for a fallen comrade at Winton Cemetery  
 POST 7792  11/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   6   150   6   $0.00   $909.84   $909.84   Six members participated in the opening ceremony for the Run for the Fallen event at the Merced Junior College which consisted in conducting the program and providing a firing detail with bugle  
 POST 7792  11/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   8   120   2   $200.00   $411.84   $611.84   Assisted successful HUDVASH applications for two previously unhoused veteran. Veterans now housed in Merced and Winton.  
 POST 7792  11/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   180   6   $0.00   $469.62   $469.62   Six members participated in the in the closing ceremony for the Field of Flags event held at the Merced Junior College. This consisted of the 21 Gun Salute and playing of taps.  
 POST 7792  12/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   90   5   $0.00   $629.85   $629.85   5 Members preformed Honor Guard Duty for funerals of two veterans at the San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery.  
 POST 7792  2/6/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   400   1   $0.00   $204.14   $204.14   Assisted veteran in filling out paperwork to file for a claim with the VA  
 Post 7792 Total 32 970 26 $200.00 $3,222.05 $3,422.05
 POST 8327  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   75   5   $0.00   $998.10   $998.10   5 members and auxiliary had an information/recruiting booth which did membership recruiting, Poppies distribution and promotion of Voice of Democracy, Patriot's Pen and the auxiliary art contests. Signed up on possible life member on the annual payment plan. After meeting later could not was not eligible. 
 POST 8327  8/8/2024   Community Service   Other   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   
Assisted Post 9454 Auxiliary move from one storage unit to another which had their rummage sale items, Christmas decorations for hall decorating, and toys for the Christmas school children program.
 * This does not qualify as a community event, please explain *
 POST 8327  8/10/2024   Community Service   Other   1   20   5   $0.00   $126.25   $126.25   
5 members attended the funeral of the Post Commander's mother who was also an Auxiliary member of the Post.
 *My condolences, but this is not a community event*
 POST 8327  8/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   3   100   1   $0.00   $88.07   $88.07   Assisted a veterans daughter who lost her trailer in a fire pick up a used 5th wheel to replace the one that she lost.  
 POST 8327  9/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Assisted a veterans friend who was needing assistance with the veterans burial benefits and how to obtain discharge papers 214.  
 POST 8327  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   30   1   $0.00   $28.89   $28.89   A member attended Patriot's Day ceremony that VFW 9454 and Auxiliary held in Coulterville. The program consisted of Prayers, Pledge, National anthem, speeches by County supervisor, Mariposa County Sheriff Department, and Post 9454 member, and the Fire Department did the firefighter prayer and Bell ceremony, with the ceremony ending with a Post member playing taps.  
 POST 8327  10/8/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   10   100   2   $20.00   $507.80   $527.80   Held a combine Information/recruiting booth at the Castle Air Museum open cockpit days. We promoted membership and buddy poppies distribution, VOD and Patriot's Pen and the Auxiliary's art contests. Unfornately did not sign up any new members. 
 POST 8327  10/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   100   1   $0.00   $38.69   $38.69   Talk to veteran about signing in for VA Health care and filing claims. Also set up an appointment with him to assist with VA enrollment forms and appointing a service organzization. We also discussed the PACT act and where to get assistance with claim. He has an intent to file submited. 
 POST 8327  10/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   35   1   $0.00   $54.28   $54.28   Assisted a VFWA 9454 Auxiliary member who had a flat tire out on Highway 49.  
 POST 8327  11/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   30   1   $0.00   $251.10   $251.10   Helped a veteran's widow and auxiliary member by putting together a metal shed for her.  
 POST 8327  11/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   5   4   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   6 Students and three teachers that represented the three elementary school in Livingston came by the Post and handed out thank you letters to the veterans and also gave 3 posters thanking veterans for their service. The veterans talked of their service. The Posters and letters that were presented but not given to veterans were put up in the Hall for veterans day and any veteran in attendance on veterans day were given to vetans. 
 POST 8327  11/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   4   6   $0.00   $148.70   $148.70   6 members attended a Veterans Appreciation ceremony at a local elementary school where veterans were given thank you letters made by the students. Ceremony consisted of pledge of allegiance to the Flag, National anthem sung by the students, and introduction of veterans and branch of service they were in. 
 POST 8327  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   4   2   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Put up in morning and took down at dusk 13 US Flags, POW MIA flag, and the 6 military flags at the veterans memorial in memorial park. 
 POST 8327  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   25   2   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Held a recruiting table at the Livingston Veterans Hall after the Veterans Day Parade.. No new members, did talk to a couple of veterans from other cities. 
 POST 8327  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   20   6   $200.00   $447.22   $647.22   Held a Veterans Day Parade in which also had a duece an half with a 75 mil cannon behind that carried veterans from the local area. Truck also carried 2 US Flags, POW MIA flag and the 6 military flags. Had bands, youth groups, car clubs, antique autos and local responders participate in parade. After parade had refreshments at hall for awards and participants of the parade. 
 POST 8327  12/14/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   75   10   $175.00   $257.40   $432.40   At the Post and Auxiliary Christmas Party award our Voice of Democracy winner. Awarded her $100 credited Card, certificate and provided dinner for her and her family. Her entry was forwarded to District for judging. 
 POST 8327  12/14/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   75   10   $175.00   $257.40   $432.40   At the Post and Auxiliary Christmas Party award our Voice of Democracy winner. Awarded her $100 credited Card, certificate and provided dinner for her and her family. Her entry was forwarded to District for judging. 
 POST 8327  12/14/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   25   2   $350.00   $52.88   $402.88   Awarded the Top 3 winners with $100, $75, $50 gift cards, certificates, and provided dinner for their family and guest. Certificates were presented to all participants and for the teachers of the students. 
 Post 8327 Total 50 773 61 $920.00 $3,589.51 $4,509.51
 POST 9454  7/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   10   140   2   $50.00   $513.40   $563.40   Take veteran and family member to hospital appointments-individuals did not have transportation and were affected by our most recent fire.  
 POST 9454  7/26/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   8   11   4   $100.00   $791.62   $891.62   Regarding recent Coulterville fire, coordinated efforts with the Red Cross, Mariposa County, Health & Human Services, and County Board of Supervisors. VFW Building was also utilized in these efforts.  
 POST 9454  8/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   2   3   $40.00   $222.49   $262.49   Veterans and family and community mental health awareness with yoga-meditation sessions + certified counsellors on site. **Duplicate event** 
 POST 9454  8/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   2   3   $40.00   $222.49   $262.49   Veterans and family and community mental health awareness with yoga-meditation sessions + certified counsellors on site.  
 POST 9454  8/31/2024   Community Service   Other   4   2   3   $25.00   $296.56   $321.56   Community (free) music program and membership drive.  
 POST 9454  9/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   5   240   2   $200.00   $280.50   $480.50   Presented at the Fresno V.A. Hospital's Mental Health Fair interacting with like minded organizations referring many veterans to a variety of programs!  
 POST 9454  9/11/2024   Community Service   Other   5   20   6   $100.00   $743.50   $843.50   9-11 Memorial and reception with refreshments.** Need more information on event** 
 POST 9454  9/11/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   3   30   3   $100.00   $226.41   $326.41   Collected disaster relief supplies for fire victims, will distribute soon.  
 POST 9454  9/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   7   250   2   $75.00   $380.66   $455.66   Took veteran and family member to mental health appointment, they didn't have adequate transportation.  
 POST 9454  10/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   18   2   $0.00   $51.90   $51.90   Post members received national award from the Veteran's Administration for their post and auxiliary work with Together with Veteran's national suicide prevention awareness and mental health programs and North Mariposa County veteran health advocacy.  
 POST 9454  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   10   7   $200.00   $1,038.38   $1,238.38   Veteran's Day dinner membership drive.  
 Post 9454 Total 55 725 37 $930.00 $4,767.91 $5,697.91
 POST 9679  7/31/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   6   2   1   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Assisted Waterford Museum personnel in the set up, serving and cleanup of the Emergency Responders Luncheon  
 POST 9679  8/27/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Collection of warn out US Flags and transporting them to the Fire Department disposal box for proper retirement.  
 POST 9679  10/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   Mailed check for Post Scholarship Check awarded to local student. Students applying are related to or affiliated with Veterans.  
 POST 9679  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   2   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Attended and participated in Waterford Moon School's Student body event honoring Veterans. 
 Post 9679 Total 10 5 6 $500.00 $321.67 $821.67
 POST 10293  7/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   On July 1st, two members of the Ceres VFW Honor Guard assisted the Ceres American Legion Post 491 Honor Guard in a service at the San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery. Assistance was given to the Active Members of the Service Honor Guard by providing the three rifle volleys.  
 POST 10293  7/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   20   3   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   On July 3rd, three members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 and the Modesto American Legion Post 74 completed a service at Lakewood Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys was provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  7/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   100   2   $0.00   $112.76   $112.76   On July 8th, two members of the Ceres VFW Honor Guard assisted the Ceres American Legion Post 491 Honor Guard in a service at the San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery. Assistance was given to the Active Members of the Service Honor Guard by providing the three rifle volleys.  
 POST 10293  7/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   On July 9th, two members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 and the Modesto American Legion Post 74 completed a service at Lakewood Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys was provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  7/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   On July 11th, two Post Color Guard members assisted the Ceres American Legion Post 491with the presentations of Colors during the start of the Ceres EDD day at the Ceres Community Center. The Color Guard marched in to start the ceremony. One member carried the American Guard and two members carried rifles. The Honor Guard Captain led everyone in the Pledge of Alliance.  
 POST 10293  7/17/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   50   2   $0.00   $105.76   $105.76   On July 17th, two members assisted the Ceres American Legion Post 491 Honor Guard in a service at the Escalon Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys was provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  7/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   On July 19th, two members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 and the Modesto American Legion Post 74 completed a service at Lakewood Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys was provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/ Americanism    4   3   1   $0.00   $99.18   $99.18   I served with a group to feed the homeless at the Salvation army in Modesto  
 POST 10293  7/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   100   2   $0.00   $112.76   $112.76   On July 22th, two members of the Ceres VFW Honor Guard assisted the Ceres American Legion Post 491 Honor Guard in a service at the San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery. Assistance was given to the Active Members of the Service Honor Guard by providing the three rifle volleys.  
 POST 10293  7/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   On July 28th, one member assisted the Ceres American Legion Post 491 Honor Guard in a service at the Ceres Seventh-Day Adventist Church. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys was provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  8/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   3   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   On August 2th, three members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 and the Modesto American Legion Post 74 Honor Guard completed a service at Acacia Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys was provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  8/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   On August 3rd, the Commander of the Post took charge of the Modesto American Legion Post 74 Honor Guard in a service at the Stanislaus County Veterans Center in a celebration of life for Ray Alli. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys was provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Army Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  8/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   On August 3rd, the Commander of the Post took charge of the Modesto American Legion Post 74 Honor Guard in a service at the Stanislaus County Veterans Center in a celebration of life for Ray Alli. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys was provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Army Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  8/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   On August 5th, two members assisted the Ceres American Legion Post 491 Honor Guard in a service at Lakewood Memorial Park. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys was provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  8/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   On August 6th, one member assisted the Ceres American Legion Post 491 Honor Guard in a service at Turlock Memorial Park. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys was provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  8/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   3   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   On August 13th, three members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 and the Modesto American Legion Post 74 Honor Guard completed a service at Lakewood Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Veteran, Lawrence White, along with our condolences. 
 POST 10293  8/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   On August 16th, two members assisted the Ceres American Legion Post 491 Honor Guard in a service at Ceres Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  8/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship / Americanism    4   3   1   $0.00   $99.18   $99.18   Cooked to feed the homeless at the Salvation Army Modesto, CA.  
 POST 10293  8/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   20   4   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   On August 19th, four members assisted the Modesto VFW Post 3199 Honor Guard in a service at the Oakdale Citizens Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  8/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   On August 20th, two members assisted the Ceres American Legion Post 491 Honor Guard in a service at the Turlock Memorial Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  8/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   3   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   On August 22nd, three members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 and the Modesto American Legion Post 74 Honor Guard completed a service at Lakewood Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Army Veteran, Richard Torres, along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  8/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Honor Guard   1   50   1   $0.00   $31.69   $31.69   On August 26th, one member of the Ceres VFW Honor Guard assisted the Modesto VFW Post 3199 Honor Guard in a service at the San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery. Assistance was given to the Active Members of the Service Honor Guard by providing the three rifle volleys for Army Veteran Paul Gordon.  
 POST 10293  8/26/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   50   1   $0.00   $31.69   $31.69   On August 26th, one member of the Ceres VFW Honor Guard assisted the Modesto VFW Post 3199 Honor Guard in a service at the San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery. Assistance was given to the Active Members of the Service Honor Guard by providing the three rifle volleys for Army Veteran Paul Gordon. **Duplicate event** 
 POST 10293  8/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   20   3   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   On August 27th, three members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 and the Modesto American Legion Post 74 Honor Guard assisted a Marine Corp Detail at the Patterson Cemetery for Marine Veteran Steven Neeley.  
 POST 10293  8/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   3   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   On August 29th, three members of the Ceres Honor Guard assisted the VFW Post 3199 Honor Guard in a service at the Modesto Salas Brothers Funeral home. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Airmen Gomer Sharp along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Honor Guard   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   On August 30th, one member of the Ceres Honor Guard assisted the American Legion Post 74 Honor Guard in a service at the Stanislaus County Veterans Center. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Marine Sam Stoner along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  9/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   On September 5th, two members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 Honor Guard and the Modesto American Legion Post 74 Honor Guard in a service at the Lakewood Memorial Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Army Veteran Raegan Amerine along with our condolences. ** duplicate report** 
 POST 10293  9/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   10   7   $600.00   $174.23   $774.23   During the September 5th Post meeting, a motion was made to donate $600 to an active military member in need, Megan Angle. To help pay for her travel expenses.  
 POST 10293  9/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   10   7   $600.00   $174.23   $774.23   During the September 5th Post meeting, a motion was made to donate $600 to an active military member in need, Megan Angle. To help pay for her travel expenses.  
 POST 10293  9/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   10   7   $250.00   $174.23   $424.23   During the September 5th Post meeting, a motion was made to donate $250 to the National Home. For California Home #1.  
 POST 10293  9/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   10   7   $0.00   $174.23   $174.23   
During the September 6th Post meeting, a motion was made to donate $400 to a Veteran in need, Todd Scott. To help pay for his rent expenses. 
**Duplicate report**
 POST 10293  9/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   3   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   On September 6th, three members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 Honor Guard and the Modesto American Legion Post 74 Honor Guard in a service at the Ceres Memorial Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Marine Veteran William Harrington along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  9/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   On September 6th, two members of the Post Honor Guard assisted the Ceres American Legion Post 491 Honor Guard in a service at the Newman Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  9/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   On September 11, two VFW members assisted the Ceres American Legion Post 491 in their 9/11 Memorial Ceremony. A ceremonial speech was given, the bell was rung twice, once for each tower and three rifle volleys was performed.  
 POST 10293  9/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   On September13th, two members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard assisted members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 Honor Guard in a service at the Lakewood Memorial Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Army Veteran Albert Jett along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  9/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   On September 20th, one member of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with a member of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 Honor Guard and members of the American Legion Post 74 Honor Guard conducted a service at the Lakewood Memorial Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Marine Veteran James Davis along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  9/26/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   4   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   On September 27th, four members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 Honor Guard and American Legion Post 74 Honor Guard conducted a service at the Ceres Memorial Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the fallen Navy/Air Force Veteran William Jones along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  10/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   3   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   On October 4th, three members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 Honor Guard and members of the Modesto Veterans Funeral Detail conducted a service at the Lakewood Memorial Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of Army Veteran Raymond Christensen along with our condolences. 
 POST 10293  10/5/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   15   2   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   On October 5th, two members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 Honor Guard and members of the Modesto Veterans Funeral Detail conducted a service at the Ripon VFW Post. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of Army Veteran Ted Marshall along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  10/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   30   3   $0.00   $78.27   $78.27   On October 12th, three members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto Veterans Funeral Detail conducted a service at the Blooming Camp Ranch. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to Hilda Berget, the wife of the Army Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  10/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   3   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   On October 21st, three members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 and members of the Modesto Veterans Funeral Detail conducted a service at Lakewood Memorial Park. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of Navy Veteran Joseph Heywood along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  10/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   On October 29th, one member of the Ceres VFW Honor Guard assisted the Ceres American Legion Honor Guard in a service at the Turlock Memorial Park. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  11/1/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   10   4   $0.00   $396.44   $396.44   On November 1st, the Buddy Poppy Drive consisted of four VFW members working two-hour shifts between 10AM to Noon and Noon to 2PM. Red Buddy Poppies were handed out to customers as they walked out of the Ceres Super Walmart. The Poppies were not sold but donations were accepted. If asked, Walmart customers were given a brief history of the Red Poppy. The Walmart customers were told that all the money collected would be used to fund Veteran Programs and to help Veterans and their families.  
 POST 10293  11/2/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   10   4   $0.00   $791.48   $791.48   On November 2nd, the Buddy Poppy Drive consisted of four VFW members working two-hour shifts between 10AM to Noon and Noon to 2PM. Red Buddy Poppies were handed out to customers as they walked out of the Ceres Super Walmart. The Poppies were not sold but donations were accepted. If asked, Walmart customers were given a brief history of the Red Poppy. The Walmart customers were told that all the money collected would be used to fund Veteran Programs and to help Veterans and their families. 
 POST 10293  11/3/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   10   4   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   On November 3rd, the Buddy Poppy Drive consisted of four VFW members working two-hour shifts between 10AM to Noon and Noon to 2PM. Red Buddy Poppies were handed out to customers as they walked out of the Ceres Super Walmart. The Poppies were not sold but donations were accepted. If asked, Walmart customers were given a brief history of the Red Poppy. The Walmart customers were told that all the money collected would be used to fund Veteran Programs and to help Veterans and their families.  
 POST 10293  11/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   On November 6th, two members of the Post assisted the Ceres American Legion Post 491in a Color Guard at the Virginia Parks Elementary School. After the American Flag was posted, we lead everyone in the Pledge of Alliance. We then introduced ourselves to the teachers and students and gave a brief history of military service. 
 POST 10293  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   On November 11th, one Post member assisted the Modesto Chapter of the American GI Forum in a Color Guard ceremony for an indoor Veteran’s Day ceremony at the Stanislaus County Veterans Center.  
 POST 10293  11/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   On November 12th, one member of the Ceres VFW Honor Guard assisted the Ceres American Legion Post 491 Honor Guard in a service at the Lakewood Memorial Park. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the Veteran along with our condolences. 
 POST 10293  11/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   On November 14th, two members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 and members of the Modesto Veterans Funeral Detail conducted a service at Lakewood Memorial Park. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of Air Force Veteran Joe Balber along with our condolences. 
 POST 10293  11/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   4   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   On November 16th, two members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 and members of the Modesto Veterans Funeral Detail conducted a service at Lakewood Memorial Park. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of USMC Veteran Jesse Varela along with our condolences. 
 POST 10293  11/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   On November 18th, two member of the Ceres VFW Honor Guard assisted the Ceres American Legion Post 491 Honor Guard in a service at the Lakewood Memorial Park. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the Veteran along with our condolences. 
 POST 10293  11/23/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   On November 23rd, two members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 conducted a service at Knights Ferry Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the Army Veteran along with our condolences. 
 POST 10293  11/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   On November 25th, two members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 and members of the Modesto Veterans Funeral Detail conducted a service at Lakewood Memorial Park. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of Army Veteran Lynne Swanville along with our condolences. 
 POST 10293  11/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   4   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   On November 30th, four members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 and members of the Modesto Veterans Funeral Detail conducted a service at Lakewood Memorial Park. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of Army Veteran John Comer along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  12/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   10   8   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   During the December 5th Post meeting, a motion was made to donate $300 to a Veteran, who was in financial distress.  
 POST 10293  12/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   50   1   $0.00   $56.38   $56.38   On December 9th, one Post member assisted VFW Post 3199 with an Honor Guard at the San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery. Three rifle volleys were provided by the Honor Guard.  
 POST 10293  12/17/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   On December 17th, one members of the Ceres VFW Honor Guard assisted the Modesto American Legion Post 74 Honor Guard in a service at the Ceres Cemetery. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of the Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  12/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   On the morning of December 20th, two Post members assisted VFW Post 3199 with an Honor Guard at their Post. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of Veteran along with our condolences.  
 POST 10293  12/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   2   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   On the afternoon of December 20th, two members of the Ceres VFW Post 10293 Honor Guard along with members of the Modesto VFW Post 3199 and members of the Modesto Veterans Funeral Detail conducted a service at Lakewood Memorial Park. A reading of the Last Bugle Call was recited, three rifle volleys were provided along with the playing of Taps. The Thirteen Folds was recited during the folding of the American Flag. The folded flag was then presented to a family member of Navy Veteran James Michael along with our condolences. 
 POST 10293  1/18/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   0   1   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   I cooked for the homeless with a group of friends, at the salvation army Modesto.  
 Post 10293 Total 86 1,031 154 $1,450.00 $5,502.07 $6,952.07
 POST 12118  7/26/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   160   5   $0.00   $639.65   $639.65   Post Senior Commander and 4 Honor Guard members performed final rites for US Navy veterans family. Flag folding and reading of the 13 folds, taps and rifle salute. Family and friends very appreciative for the service.  
 POST 12118  8/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   10   220   5   $0.00   $1,265.30   $1,265.30   Honor Guard ceremony for USCG veteran, Ronald Eaves, at Jenny Lind cemetery. 
 POST 12118  10/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   20   2   $0.00   $397.84   $397.84   Develop and distribute fliers for Veteran’s Day Parade.  
 POST 12118  10/17/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   4   28   1   $0.00   $102.68   $102.68   Comrade to deliver and distribute VOD and Patriots Pen applications to local schools. 
 POST 12118  10/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   104   1   $0.00   $88.63   $88.63   Visit Comrade Al Gilbert at the hospital in Modesto. Delivered a get well card from Post members.  
 POST 12118  10/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   208   4   $0.00   $424.16   $424.16   Attended a meeting with the Calaveras County veterans service officers and all other country veteran organizations.  
 POST 12118  12/17/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   120   6   $0.00   $609.36   $609.36   Copperopolis conducted a Flag Retirement Ceremony with the support of Copperopolis Fire Department support staff on December 17, 2024 at 1730 hours. We retired approximately 25 flags, consisting of U.S. flags and California flags. We had six Post officers in attendance.  
 POST 12118  1/17/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   10   450   5   $0.00   $1,297.50   $1,297.50   We conducted an Honor Guard ceremony for USMC Veteran Gene Herrera in Mountain Ranch, California consisting of 5 Post Honor Guard members 50 hours of time and 450 miles of travel.  
 POST 12118  2/18/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   10   72   3   $0.00   $750.78   $750.78   On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, VFW Post 12118 of Copperopolis performed an Honor Guard ceremony for a fallen Comrade, U.S. Army SP 4 Jake Copeland at Angels Catholic Cemetery, Angels Camp, California. 
 Post 12118 Total 58 1,382 32 $0.00 $5,575.90 $5,575.90
 District 13 Total 1,678 17,578 1,231 $26,999.71 $142,650.74 $169,650.45
 POST 0  7/13/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   District Commander participated in recruiting event held at Bigfoot Days celebration. Provided informational flyers and contacts. Post 9561 has one potential new member.  
 Post 0 Total 3 0 1 $0.00 $74.07 $74.07
 POST 1381  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   3   6   $0.00   $592.98   $592.98   Poppy drive during annual city parade with help from youth groups along entire parade route  
 POST 1381  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   1   4   $0.00   $296.42   $296.42   As July 4 parade begins at Veterans Memorial hall post 1381 set up booth show casing Veterans of Foreign war membership benefits with applications  
 POST 1381  8/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   8   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Mental Administrators from Roseburg VA medical center held forum with public official and community office personnel to set up monthly therapy sessions and Vet Cafe to help all Veterans  
 POST 1381  8/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   6   2   $0.00   $99.60   $99.60   Met with Viet Nam Veterans close friend asking to meet with veteran who is suffering from mini stroke as to what help Post may provide  
 POST 1381  9/4/2024   Youth Development   Other   1   1   11   $1,000.00   $271.73   $1,271.73   Post donated to youth who will represent post 1381 along with others while playing softball in Europe, by answering question "what is a Veteran and how do they serve" Her answer received round of applause and donation  
 POST 1381  9/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   8   2   $0.00   $99.88   $99.88   Provided wheelchair from post to veteran in home who suffered minor stroke while recovering  
 POST 1381  10/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   9   2   $0.00   $149.40   $149.40   Visited veteran in retirement home, brought him reading books and sadly accepted his resignation as post trustee, He expressed a desire to keep updated on post activities. Office personal agreed to accept Post quarterly newsletter and make sure Veteran receives it  
 POST 1381  10/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   6   9   $0.00   $1,778.52   $1,778.52   Post hosted first VET_CAFE with Roseburg VA , Goal to bring veterans together for social meal and with counseling help from community clinics and VA team. Group discussions, games meal and greetings of all branch's  
 POST 1381  11/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   12   1   $0.00   $100.44   $100.44   Once per week a post different member visits former post Chaplin who suffered stroke and in skilled nursing home keeping him updated and need items  
 POST 1381  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   20   0   1   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Planned, organized, and coordinated the community’s Veterans Day Parade 
 POST 1381  11/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   5   $1,100.00   $246.90   $1,346.90   Provided lunch for over 100 community veterans and their families in honor of Veterans’ Day. 
 POST 1381  11/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard    1   0   4   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Honor Guard/Firing Detail for a veteran’s graveside service  
 POST 1381  12/3/2024   Veterans Assistance    VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   2   $10.00   $51.06   $61.06   Visited current post officer in rehab center after stroke, brought member up to date on post plans for Holiday season  
 POST 1381  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   2   10   $4.00   $987.88   $991.88   Post and Auxiliary member from community donation and suggestions from family mlember made up 25 holiday box and shipped overseas to active servicemen  
 POST 1381  12/13/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   21   10   $0.00   $249.84   $249.84   Post Hosted KIDS with Santa,, Santa visited, tables with toys , hot chocolate, cookies. Set up VFW display table with applications for parents, gained one new member , Iraq Veteran  
 POST 1381  12/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   4   1   1   $200.00   $98.90   $298.90   During post meetings donations collected which each time reaches $100 send donation to National Home California House  
 Post 1381 Total 62 82 78 $2,314.00 $6,011.15 $8,325.15
 POST 1872  7/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   15   3   $24.00   $224.31   $248.31   Got lunch and checked in on veteran that had not been heard from in moths.  
 POST 1872  7/20/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   12   2   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   My post took in Flags to be retired.  
 POST 1872  8/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   6   26   2   $25.00   $299.92   $324.92   Taking the time to bring lunch and visit an older member.  
 POST 1872  8/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   6   26   2   $25.00   $299.92   $324.92   Taking the time to bring lunch and visit a older member. 
 POST 1872  8/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   6   26   2   $25.00   $299.92   $324.92   Taking the time to bring lunch and visit a older member. 
 POST 1872  8/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   15   6   $100.00   $594.66   $694.66   Had a memorial for veterans' family at post.  
 POST 1872  9/7/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   15   2   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Took in old flags to be retired.  
 POST 1872  9/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   15   1   $20.00   $26.79   $46.79   Give $20 to veteran living in car for gas.  
 POST 1872  10/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   14   3   $47.00   $298.24   $345.24   Cleaned older veterans home who was having a hard time getting around.  
 POST 1872  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship / Americanism    4   3   4   $0.00   $395.46   $395.46   This year our post 1872 put a table up at our towns veterans day event were we did a membership drive and a buddy poppy drive. It's great to get out and meet local veterans or all ages.  
 POST 1872  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   0   4   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Drive at Veterans Day ceremony  
 POST 1872  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Buddy poppy drive at Veterans Day ceremony  
 Post 1872 Total 38 167 32 $266.00 $2,665.21 $2,931.21
 POST 2207  7/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   12   19   1   $0.00   $298.94   $298.94   Loaned to Veterans families Medical equipment . wheel chairs, scooters. walkers and more.  
 POST 2207  7/31/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   8   10   1   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   Collected 72 American Flags for Honorable retirement  from the community.,  
 POST 2207  8/30/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   10   1   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Collected 41 damaged American Flags from the community for Honorable Retirement.  
 POST 2207  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   12   1   $0.00   $199.20   $199.20   Loaned to Veterans and their Families assorted Medical equipment, wheelchairs, walkers and and Electric Scooters.  
 POST 2207  9/30/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   10   12   1   $0.00   $248.58   $248.58   Collected from the community 30 American Flags for Honorable Retirement.  
 POST 2207  10/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   8   1   $0.00   $149.26   $149.26   Loaned out to Veterans and their families medical equipment.  
 POST 2207  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   20   12   $0.00   $1,187.92   $1,187.92   Gave out Poppies to community at 5 business i Fortuna Ca  
 POST 2207  11/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   50   1   $0.00   $130.45   $130.45   Veterans in need Collected used Medical Equipment from community and loaned out to Veterans in need.  
 POST 2207  11/29/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   8   1   $0.00   $75.19   $75.19   Collected 28 unusable American Flags from community for Honorable Retirement.  
 POST 2207  12/31/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   6   1   $0.00   $99.60   $99.60   Collected old and unusable American Flags from community for Honorable retirement.  
 POST 2207  12/31/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   6   1   $0.00   $50.22   $50.22   Collected 30 Old and Unusable American Flags for Honorable retirement.  
 Post 2207 Total 66 161 22 $0.00 $2,738.44 $2,738.44
 POST 6353  7/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Checked on Veteran who recently had eye surgery. Veteran is doing well and vision is much better.  
 POST 6353  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   1   4   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Honor Guard led the Annual Fourth of July Parade  
 POST 6353  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   1   3   $0.00   $148.28   $148.28   Setup table with Information for Membership Drive during Fourth Of July Parade and Festivities.  
 POST 6353  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   1   2   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Setup table for Buddy Poppy drive at the Fourth of July Parade on Main Street.  
 POST 6353  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   7   0   $0.00   $0.98   $0.98   VFW Member gave stranded Veteran a ride home from vehicle repair shop.  
 POST 6353  8/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   7   1   $0.00   $25.67   $25.67   Post Member gave a stranded Veteran a ride home from automobile repair facility  
 POST 6353  9/28/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   3   1   6   $0.00   $444.56   $444.56   Members participated in Veteran's Stand Down at County Fair Grounds. Involved in cooking breakfast and cleanup afterwards.  
 POST 6353  9/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   1   6   $0.00   $148.28   $148.28   Honor Guard Members participated in Rifle Volley and Flag folding for Departed Marine and Viet Nam war Veteran Lee Astorino.  
 POST 6353  1/10/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   1   6   $0.00   $444.56   $444.56   helped set up tables, chairs, table settings and decorations for Veteran's Holiday Dinner at Community Center  
 POST 6353  1/12/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   1   6   $0.00   $296.42   $296.42   Helped tear down from Veteran's Holiday dinner at Community Center and cleaned floors, restrooms.  
 POST 6353  1/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   repaired Veterans fuel heating tank stand damaged in recent earthquake.  
 POST 6353  1/22/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   1   3   $0.00   $148.28   $148.28   Post members along with VFW Auxiliary picked up wreaths from Wreaths Across America t 2 local cemeteries.  
 POST 6353  1/22/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   1   3   $0.00   $148.28   $148.28   Post members along with VFW Auxiliary picked up wreaths from Wreaths Across America t 2 local cemeteries.  
 POST 6353  1/31/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   20   5   $0.00   $126.25   $126.25   Attended a ceremony where a member of our Post was honored. Each month the state Farm Insurance agent in Eureka honors a Veteran in Humboldt County. This month, Ron Sligh, VFW Post 6353, was honored for his years of Military Service and Law Enforcement. He is currently the Chief of Police in Ferndale, CA. 
 Post 6353 Total 23 45 47 $0.00 $2,179.02 $2,179.02
 POST 6354  8/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   1   1   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   Our Brother, William Steelnack lost his 94 year old wife. Unfortunately Bill knows absolutely nothing about household finances or taking care of business. I spent several hours over several days talking to him. It will take more, I know.  
 POST 6354  8/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   1   1   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   Our Brother, William Steelnack lost his 94 year old wife. Unfortunately Bill knows absolutely about household finances or taking care of business. I spent several hours over several days talking to him. It will take more, I know.  
 POST 6354  8/15/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   17   2   $0.00   $101.14   $101.14   Retired 3 flags. Had a proper burning of the flag ceremony. One was a very large Town flag for the city of Garberville Two school flags.  
 POST 6354  9/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   8   3   $0.00   $297.40   $297.40   Helped two different veterans with claims information 
 POST 6354  10/25/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   5   40   2   $0.00   $252.50   $252.50   Coordinated and submitted our VOD entry for Post 6354 for 2024.  
 POST 6354  11/8/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   15   5   $0.00   $495.90   $495.90   Recruiting booth at two grocery stores on two dates in conjunction with Veterans Day.  
 POST 6354  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   10   15   5   $0.00   $1,236.60   $1,236.60   Distributed Buddy Poppies at two grocery stores on Friday and Saturday. Collected $750 
 POST 6354  11/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   6   65   9   $0.00   $1,342.36   $1,342.36   Provided full military burial service (3 volley salute, flag presentation) to a full Native American Veteran. Very interesting because this was done in conjunction with a full indian burial ceremony with drums and feather ceremony. First time I have seen this.  
 POST 6354  11/25/2024   Community Service   Other   16   400   5   $1,000.00   $2,031.20   $3,031.20   Garberville Veterans Association presented our 38th Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner. We served 300 dinners and delivered 21 meals to shut-ins. This Thanksgiving Meal is sponsored by and coordinated by the veterans. It is strongly supported by the community. We have been doing this for the past 8 years without a vets hall. The Mateel Community Center has allowed us to use their facilities at no cost. We will be doing the same thing at Christmas  
 POST 6354  12/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship / Americanism    5   150   3   $0.00   $391.35   $391.35   Worked with local 4-H club in making 100 Christmas cards and assembling gift baskets and delivered them to 100 residents in several local nursing homes for the holidays.  
 POST 6354  12/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Spent an hour on the phone with post member  who recently lost his wife. He really needs help. We discussed everything from finances (writing checks, keeping track of finances, etc) to taking care of daily household chores, getting groceries, paying bills, etc.  
 Post 6354 Total 57 712 38 $1,000.00 $6,296.87 $7,296.87
 POST 7705  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   2   $200.00   $49.38   $249.38   Post 7705 donated $200 to National Home.  
 Post 7705 Total 1 0 2 $200.00 $49.38 $249.38
 POST 9546  7/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   65   1   $0.00   $157.24   $157.24   Provided Veteran transportation to and from medical appointments in Redding California  
 POST 9546  7/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   1   2   $0.00   $148.28   $148.28   Placed flags along mains street for 4th of July celebration/parade  
 POST 9546  8/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $250.00   $98.76   $348.76   Donated hall for a community meeting for discussion regarding town's library.  
 POST 9546  8/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   2   3   $0.00   $74.35   $74.35   Provided Flag Detail for national anthem at opening game for Hayfork HS.  
 POST 9546  9/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   2   4   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Provided Flag Detail for Hayfork High School football game  
 Post 9546 Total 13 70 12 $250.00 $577.67 $827.67
 POST 9561  7/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   1   2   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Provided Flag detail for Bigfoot Parade  
 POST 9561  7/13/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Post set up a membership information table at Veterans Park during the Bigfoot Days celebration. One new member, pending approval by membership committee and Post.  
 POST 9561  7/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   20   1   $20.00   $52.18   $72.18   Provided mold test kit for local Veteran to check mobile home for mold.  
 POST 9561  8/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   56   1   $0.00   $57.22   $57.22   Health and welfare check on local Veteran undergoing cancer treatment,  
 POST 9561  8/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   35   5   $0.00   $251.80   $251.80   Provided Flag and Rifle detail for Veteran's memorial service in Wetchpec  
 POST 9561  8/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided Veteran Service officer contact information to Vietnam era Veteran exposed to agent orange. Discussed the need to submit claim.  
 POST 9561  8/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   55   2   $0.00   $57.08   $57.08   Visited local Veteran at St Joesph hospital in Eureka who undergoing cancer treatment and recently had an emergency surgery (unrelated to treatment).  
 POST 9561  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   1   1   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Performed maintenance on hospitalized Veteran's portable generator in preparation for his return home.  
 POST 9561  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   6   110   1   $60.00   $163.54   $223.54   Took local Veteran who is unable to drive to VA compensation appointment in Redding Ca.  
 POST 9561  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   110   1   $60.00   $163.54   $223.54   Took local Veteran who is unable to drive to VA compensation appointment in Redding Ca.  
 POST 9561  9/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   57   2   $0.00   $304.26   $304.26   Pickup up hospital bed in Eureka Ca for disabled Veteran. Transported to his home in Willow Creek and assembled.  
 POST 9561  12/14/2024   Community Service   Other   8   0   2   $20.00   $395.04   $415.04   Hall was donated to Marine Corps league for Toys for Tots distribution center. $20.00 was spent to provided coffee to volunteers. 
 POST 9561  1/18/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   5   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Provided Flag and Rifle detail for local Veteran Memorial ceremony  
 POST 9561  1/27/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Provided VA claim forms and information to family to place order for Veterans headstone.  
 POST 9561  1/27/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Provided VA claim forms and information to family to place order for Veterans headstone. 
 POST 9561  2/8/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Post members conducted flag retirement ceremony. 
 POST 9561  2/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   1   3   $277.53   $148.28   $425.81   Veteran needed lodging for three days while awaiting long term assistance for housing. 
 POST 9561  2/22/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   11   4   $0.00   $100.30   $100.30   Provided Flag and Rifle detail for Veteran memorial service 
 POST 9561  2/25/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   0   3   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   Conducted Flag Retirement ceremony for unusable flags collected from the community 
 POST 9561  2/26/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided assistance to Father of deceased Veteran in submitting DD-214 request to Vetrecs. Information needed to obtain VA headstone.  
 Post 9561 Total 55 459 41 $437.53 $2,632.02 $3,069.55
 District 14 Total 318 1,696 273 $4,467.53 $23,223.83 $27,691.36
 POST 948  7/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   25   2   $178.00   $52.88   $230.88   Post 948 of Marysville Ca and Oroville Post 1747 split the cost for the cremation of a veteran . The family had a shortfall of funds for the cremation so both posts met their needs. The veteran was from Oroville but his remains were in Marysville.  
 POST 948  8/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   1   5   $0.00   $247.04   $247.04   Held a Purple Heart ceremony at the Veterans building, The Commander talked about the history of the Purple Heart Medal. After the speech Two post members raised the Purple Heart flag to the mast of the pole and was followed with a rifle salute and Taps then coffee time.  
 POST 948  8/15/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   3   7   $100.00   $1,383.06   $1,483.06   Participated at the Yuba Sutter Stand Down at the Yuba City Fairgrounds Passed out personal sewing kits Have four members to transfer to our post at our next meeting  
 POST 948  8/16/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   3   11   $0.00   $2,173.14   $2,173.14   Yuba Sutter Stand Down at the Yuba City Fair grounds Continued passing out sewing kits. Passed out membership application for Iraq and Afghan vets for free membership. I think we will have a good response  
 POST 948  8/17/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   3   8   $0.00   $1,580.58   $1,580.58   Stand Down at the Yuba City Fair Grounds passing out sewing kits and membership applications  
 POST 948  8/21/2024   Youth Development   Other   1   3   1   $500.00   $25.11   $525.11   Annual donation to the Matthew Axelson Naval Sea Cadet of Yuba Sutter County 
 POST 948  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   2   0   2   $100.00   $98.76   $198.76   Annual donation to the National Home  
 POST 948  8/21/2024   Community Service   Ctizenship/Americanism    1   0   2   $250.00   $49.38   $299.38   Donated to the Marysville Police Department to carry out children safety program on behalf of the National safety programs  
 POST 948  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   2   $50.00   $49.38   $99.38   Annual donation to the Patriot Paws program for training service dogs for disabled veterans  
 POST 948  8/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   6   36   3   $0.00   $449.46   $449.46   Presented the color at a community town hall event in Wheatland Ca.  
 POST 948  8/30/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   10   4   $0.00   $396.44   $396.44   Post 948 annual poppy drive at Sam's Club in Yuba City ,Ca. Had $1,252 in donations  
 POST 948  8/31/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   10   4   $0.00   $396.44   $396.44   Poppy drive at Sam's Club in Yuba City, Ca. Received $ 1,386 in donations.  
 POST 948  9/1/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   10   4   $0.00   $396.44   $396.44   Poppy Drive at Yuba City, Ca. Sam's Club. received $815 in donations.  
 POST 948  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   18   4   $0.00   $200.04   $200.04   Post 948 of Marysville ,Ca went to Meridian Elementary School and spoke about the events of 9/11. After the presentation the entire school gathered around the school flag pole and recited the pledge of allegiance.  
 POST 948  10/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   2   $300.00   $49.38   $349.38   Made a $300 donation to the Tunnel 2 Towers foundation to help build homes for disabled Veterans.  
 POST 948  12/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   6   3   $0.00   $148.98   $148.98   Flag pole and flag dedication at Olivehurst Elementary School 
 POST 948  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   7   $70.00   $518.49   $588.49   Pearl Harbor Ceremony. Guest speaker National Vice Commander of the American Legion. Yuba Sutter Naval Sea Cadets presented the colors... We must never forget! 
 POST 948  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   1   5   $0.00   $370.49   $370.49   Placed 120 wreaths on the graves of Veterans of the Civil War at the Marysville Historic Cementery . 
 POST 948  1/11/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   4   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   provided military honors for one deceased veteran at the Sutter Cemetery.  
 Post 948 Total 63 139 80 $1,548.00 $8,784.41 $10,332.41
 POST 1555  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   40   2   $40.00   $153.74   $193.74   Assisted a veteran by towing a trailer up to his burned out property from the Park Fire.  
 POST 1555  8/27/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   15   1   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Delivered Voice of Democracy Posters and brochures to 3 high schools in the Post area of jurisdiction.  
 POST 1555  8/27/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   2   15   1   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Delivered Patriot's Pen posters and brochures to 5 Junior High Schools in the Post area of jurisdiction.  
 POST 1555  9/3/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Prepared and sent emails to all of the Junior High School counselors and school directors on the Patriot's Pen program.  
 POST 1555  9/3/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Prepared and sent emails to all of the high school counselors or school directors about the Voice of Democracy program.  
 POST 1555  9/12/2024   Youth Development   Patriot Pen   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Sent emails to all of the public, private and parochial schools in the Post area of jurisdiction regarding the Teacher of the Year program.  
 POST 1555  9/13/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Prepped for and did a television interview for the local noon news to pitch the Youth education programs and Teacher of the Year.  
 POST 1555  9/15/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Contacted and sent out information on our Public Servant Recognition award local public service agencies in the Post area of jurisdiction  
 POST 1555  9/23/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   8   9   4   $0.00   $791.34   $791.34   Scholarship event Chico unified school district  
 POST 1555  9/23/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   5   4   2   $52.39   $247.46   $299.85   College/Career Night at one of the local high schools, Another Post member and myself, plus the Auxiliary person in charge of the youth programs had a table set up with Voice of Democracy posters and applications and Scholars App information. We met with over 50 students, some with their parents and explained the program, the monetary awards and the ease of applying. The program was for two hours, but I set the table up and took it down afterwards. The monetary expense was for the copies of the applications, that I obtained earlier in the day.  
 POST 1555  9/23/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   8   9   4   $0.00   $791.34   $791.34   Scholarship event Chico unified school district  
 POST 1555  10/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Updated Post Assistance Application information for two individuals and saved information to our online record keeping log.  
 POST 1555  10/23/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   6   6   1   $0.00   $148.98   $148.98   Was a service provider, volunteering to represent SSA at their table  
 POST 1555  10/24/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   6   6   1   $0.00   $148.98   $148.98   Was a service provider, volunteering to represent SSA at their table  
 POST 1555  10/25/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   6   6   1   $0.00   $148.98   $148.98   Volunteered as service provider for SSA table  
 POST 1555  10/26/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   4   6   1   $0.00   $99.60   $99.60   Volunteered as service provider for SSA table  
 POST 1555  11/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   7   1   $0.00   $50.36   $50.36   Honor guard at burial service  
 POST 1555  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   5   34   4   $0.00   $498.56   $498.56   Suicide prevention and education Tour, Amvets One bus tour. Interagency support crossover events. Education and community services  
 POST 1555  11/4/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Reviewed and set up cases for judging and trained judge on Scholars App program  
 POST 1555  11/5/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Reviewed and selected Dispatcher of the Year  
 POST 1555  11/5/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Reviewed and selected TOTY for Post  
 POST 1555  11/5/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Reviewed and selected LE Office of the Year  
 POST 1555  11/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   6   5   $0.00   $247.74   $247.74   Performed flag ceremony/presentation at Veterans Day celebration at local elementary school  
 POST 1555  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   12   3   $0.00   $149.82   $149.82   Honor Guard gun salute at Durham Cemetery re-dedication.  
 POST 1555  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   4   5   $0.00   $247.46   $247.46   Honor Guard flag presentation and gun salute at Chico Cemetery  
 POST 1555  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   15   1   $0.00   $76.17   $76.17   Performed Veterans day rifle salute at Durham cemetery in the morning and then did a burial service later in the day.  
 POST 1555  11/21/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   1   2   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   Gave presentation on flag etiquette to local elementary school leadership team and answered question about the flag.  
 POST 1555  11/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   2   1   $0.00   $99.04   $99.04   Holiday bell ringing in uniform for the Salvation Army promoted VFW.  
 POST 1555  1/2/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   4   6   $0.00   $444.98   $444.98   Conducted meeting of Assistance Committee to discuss submitted case, then call individual to explain the relief we were going to provide.  
 POST 1555  1/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   4   2   $0.00   $49.94   $49.94   Met with Veteran whom Assistance Committee had met about and approved assistance for..  
 POST 1555  1/10/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   8   1   $0.00   $50.50   $50.50   Honor Guard service with Chico Veterans Honer Guard  
 POST 1555  1/22/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   8   5   $0.00   $248.02   $248.02   Honor Guard service at Glen Oaks cemetery  
 POST 1555  1/22/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   3   5   $0.00   $247.32   $247.32   Honor Guard service at Newton-Bracewell Mortuary  
 POST 1555  1/23/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   3   6   $0.00   $296.70   $296.70   Honor Guard service at Chico Cemetery  
 POST 1555  1/23/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   8   6   $0.00   $297.40   $297.40   Honor Guard service at Glen Oaks Cemetery  
 POST 1555  1/25/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   3   6   $0.00   $296.70   $296.70   Honor Guard service at Newton-Bracewell mortuary  
 POST 1555  1/30/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   8   7   $0.00   $346.78   $346.78   Honor Guard service at Glen Oaks Cemetery  
 POST 1555  2/1/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Updated Operating Procedure and Assistance Request Forms and emailed them to all members of the Assistance Committee.  
 POST 1555  2/1/2025   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Contact with Community Service Awardees for Awards Ceremony  
 POST 1555  2/1/2025   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Contact with Teacher of the Year winner for Awards Ceremony  
 POST 1555  2/8/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   8   4   $0.00   $297.40   $297.40   Honor Guard service at Glen Oaks Cemetery  
 Post 1555 Total 116 259 101 $92.39 $7,221.05 $7,313.44
 POST 1747  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   3   $10.00   $148.42   $158.42   float in the Veterans Day Parade 
 POST 1747  11/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   2   2   $150.00   $49.66   $199.66   supplied 3 thanks giving dinner from rally to vet in need for his kids  
 POST 1747  11/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   2   6   $250.00   $889.12   $1,139.12   served 47 meals for thanksgiving dinner  
 POST 1747  12/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   2   6   $250.00   $889.12   $1,139.12   served Christmas to community along with post members and families 
 Post 1747 Total 15 8 17 $660.00 $1,976.32 $2,636.32
 POST 1770  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   9   $0.00   $890.24   $890.24   We were contacted by three (3) Willows Schools to provide a 09/11 "Remembrance" duplicating our past years visits. It was a one hour presentation at each school with 1st Responders, using a fire department ladder truck as our "flag pole" and having the school's color guards which we trained to raise and lower the flag to half staff conducting our program with them.  
 Post 1770 Total 4 10 9 $0.00 $890.24 $890.24
 POST 1992  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   6   2   $0.00   $148.98   $148.98   Buddy poppy drive 
 POST 1992  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   5   $0.00   $371.75   $371.75   laid wreaths and participated in program at cemetery==  
 POST 1992  1/11/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   3   4   $0.00   $296.70   $296.70   car show with membership drive  
 Post 1992 Total 9 19 11 $0.00 $817.43 $817.43
 POST 2039  8/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   30   2   $0.00   $349.86   $349.86   Food Pantry Food Distribution 389 individuals served, including 29 veterans.  
 POST 2039  8/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Delivery of Groceries to Veteran with COPD.  
 POST 2039  8/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Delivery of Groceries to Veteran with COPD.  
 POST 2039  8/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   30   2   $0.00   $349.86   $349.86   Pantry food distribution Served 288, Veterans served 19  
 POST 2039  8/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   20   2   $0.00   $348.46   $348.46   Food Pantry Distribution Served 322 Veterans served 27  
 POST 2039  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Delivery of Groceries to Veteran with COPD.  
 POST 2039  8/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   20   2   $0.00   $348.46   $348.46   Food Pantry Distribution Served 322 Veterans served 27  
 POST 2039  8/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   30   2   $0.00   $349.86   $349.86   Food Pantry Distribution Served 381 Veterans served 38  
 POST 2039  8/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Delivery of Groceries to Veteran with COPD.  
 POST 2039  8/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   30   2   $0.00   $349.86   $349.86   Food Pantry Distribution Served 286 Veterans served 25  
 POST 2039  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Delivery of Groceries to Veteran with COPD.  
 POST 2039  9/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   40   2   $0.00   $351.26   $351.26   We served 354 people through our food pantry distribution and lunch preparation, including 26 veterans.  
 POST 2039  9/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   40   2   $0.00   $351.26   $351.26   We served 374 people through our food pantry distribution and lunch preparation, including 26 veterans.  
 POST 2039  9/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   40   2   $0.00   $203.12   $203.12   Graveside service for an Air Force Veteran. 
 POST 2039  9/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   7   40   2   $0.00   $351.26   $351.26   We served 507 people through our food pantry distribution and lunch preparation, including 32 veterans.  
 POST 2039  10/5/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   30   2   $0.00   $251.10   $251.10   At the parking lot event, we rallied support for Buppy Poppies through donations. P 
 Post 2039 Total 82 400 27 $0.00 $3,858.26 $3,858.26
 POST 2441  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   30   12   $0.00   $596.76   $596.76   Fourth of July Parade, Grimes, California. We provided the lead and the honor guard for the parade.  
 POST 2441  7/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   2   15   $0.00   $1,852.03   $1,852.03   Annual Veterans Barbecue fundraiser, Colusa, California. We provided assistance for the setting up, serving, etc. during this event.  
 POST 2441  8/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   10   9   $0.00   $223.61   $223.61   Funeral for veteran. Provided flag and rifle ceremony  
 POST 2441  9/6/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   2   5   $0.00   $123.73   $123.73   Flag ceremony, Colusa High School Home football game.  
 POST 2441  9/8/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   2   12   $0.00   $296.56   $296.56   Constitution Day Celebration for Birchfield Elementary School. Provided flag ceremony and gave a speech on the importance of the Constitution to America.  
 POST 2441  9/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   2   6   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Flag ceremony, Colusa High School home football game  
 POST 2441  11/11/2024   Community Service   Other   6   2   15   $0.00   $2,222.38   $2,222.38   Veterans Day: Veterans Wall Tribute and dedication, Colusa Veterans Memorial Park  
 POST 2441  2/4/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   10   $0.00   $496.60   $496.60   Flag raising Colusa County Fair grounds for farm show  
 POST 2441  2/5/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   1   5   $0.00   $123.59   $123.59   Flag Raising ceremony, Colusa Fair Grounds, Colusa Farm show. 
 POST 2441  2/11/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   2   78   1   $23.00   $60.30   $83.30   A VFW member Drove a Veteran to A VA hospital for an appoinment, Colusa to Chico, ca. 
 POST 2441  2/14/2025   Community Service   Other   4   50   9   $490.00   $895.84   $1,385.84   Holy Cross Mortuary Yuba city ca rifle saluate for a veteran funeral 
 POST 2441  2/20/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   2   8   $0.00   $197.80   $197.80   Rifle squad and flag ceremony for veteran funeral, Colusa, California. 
 POST 2441  2/20/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   10   12   $490.00   $1,186.52   $1,676.52   Funeral service at catholic cememtary in Colusa Ca full miltary honors 12 members 
 Post 2441 Total 31 211 119 $1,003.00 $8,424.14 $9,427.14
 POST 3758  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   50   6   $0.00   $155.14   $155.14   Six post members with the assistance of four American Legion members performed Military Honors by leading the Loylaton, CA 4th of July Parade.  
 POST 3758  7/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   50   4   $0.00   $105.76   $105.76   Five post members with assistance of one American Legion member during the Greyeagle and Mohaw Valley 4th of July Celebration and parade.. It was very enthusiast all parade attendees.  
 POST 3758  7/25/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   50   1   $0.00   $204.52   $204.52   The Post Adjutant maned an recruiting booth at the Plumas County Fair. He talked with local veterans and handout information about VFW programs and membership for the VFW..  
 POST 3758  7/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   2   2   $0.00   $444.70   $444.70   Two post members assisted the Southern Lassen Country Senior Club in Doyle, CA. with handing out over 9,770 pounds of produce (Watermelon, Bell Peppers and Corn on the Cob). and commodities. They also help will unloading the truck. They helped by given while setting up the commodities and produce to be given out. They also helped by carrying out to the vehicles of the commodities and produce for the local seniors and disable persons. Both member stayed after and helped with the cleanup.  
 POST 3758  8/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   90   4   $0.00   $111.36   $111.36   Five post members performed as the honor guard for the annual Doyle Days parade by carrying the American and Military service flags.  
 POST 3758  8/3/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   10   1   $0.00   $124.85   $124.85   One post member did a Buddy Poppy Drive at the Doyle Day Event.  
 POST 3758  8/3/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   5   1   $0.00   $74.77   $74.77   Post Commander walked around the Doyle Day event, talking with local veterans about programs and membership in the VFW. He spoke with ten veterans. The post will maybe have two new veterans coming to the next post meeting. They have been invited to checkout out the post with the possibility of becoming members.  
 POST 3758  8/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   5   3   $0.00   $593.26   $593.26    Three post members assisted the Southern Lassen Country Senior Club in Doyle, CA. with handing out over 9,026 pounds of produce (Corn on the Cob). and commodities. They also help will unloading the truck. They helped by given while setting up the commodities and produce to be given out. They also helped by carrying out to the vehicles of the commodities and produce for the local seniors and disable persons. Both members stayed after and helped with the cleanup.  
 POST 3758  8/27/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   2   50   1   $0.00   $56.38   $56.38   Traveled to four towns (Doyle, Herlong, Loylaton and Portola) to handout information packets detailing how to apply to the Teacher of program. Talked with schools facilities about using the new QR program. Hours and miles was covered on the Voice of Democracy report. (This was done at the time.)  
 POST 3758  8/27/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   4   152   1   $58.00   $120.04   $178.04   Traveled to four towns (Doyle, Herlong, Loylaton and Portola) to handout information packets detailing how to apply to the Voice of Democracy student scholarships program. Talked with schools facilities about using the new QR program.  
 POST 3758  8/27/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Traveled to four towns (Doyle, Herlong, Loylaton and Portola) to handout information packets detailing how to apply to the Patriot's Pen student scholarships program. Talked with schools facilities about using the new QR program. Hours and miles was covered on the Voice of Democracy report. (This was done at the time.)  
 POST 3758  9/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   50   3   $0.00   $599.56   $599.56    Three post members assisted the Southern Lassen Country Senior Club in Doyle, CA. with handing out of 8,796 pounds of produce (Bell Pepers and Watermelons) and commodities. They also help will unloading the truck. They helped with the setting up the commodities and produce to be given out. They also helped by carrying out to the vehicles of the commodities and produce for the local seniors and disable persons. All member stayed after and helped with cleanup..  
 POST 3758  9/28/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   350   3   $0.00   $493.42   $493.42   Three members conducted a Membership Drive at the Plumas Country Veterans Stand Down. They spoke with 15 veterans and handed out 5 membership applications and invited all to a post meeting as a guest. 
 POST 3758  9/28/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   200   2   $0.00   $423.04   $423.04   Two member help with setup. Help with handing out items (sleeping bags, boots, socks and other items) to the veterans. After the stand down they help with the cleanup.  
 POST 3758  10/2/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   5   100   1   $20.00   $137.45   $157.45   One post member met with four English Classes (9th,10th,11th,and 125h) classes at Portola Hight Scooll. They wanted more information about the VFW and the new Voice of Democracy Program.  
 POST 3758  10/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   100   2   $0.00   $112.76   $112.76   Two post member and three American Legion did Military Honor Guard for the Portola High School Homecoming Football Game.  
 POST 3758  10/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   100   2   $0.00   $162.14   $162.14   Two post members and one Americal Legion member carried the American and both post flags in the Portola High School Homecoming Parade.  
 POST 3758  10/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   7   200   2   $100.00   $373.66   $473.66   Two older veteran (one was 82 and the other was 89 of age) wanted to go fishing one last time. Two post members went with them for the fishing trip. One 82 year old veteran catch 2 fishing which came in weighting one at 3 and a 3 1/2 lbs. The other veteran catch one that came in weighting at 4 1/2 lbs fish. The two member catch fish an 3 lbs and two 1 lbs.. We all had a good day talk and fishing.  
 POST 3758  10/10/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   100   1   $5.00   $63.38   $68.38   One post member talk with an English Teacher at Loyaton Hight School. She wanted more information about the VFW and the new Voice of Democracy program.  
 POST 3758  10/19/2024   Community Service   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   100   2   $0.00   $409.04   $409.04   Two members conducted a Membership Drive at the Sierra Country Veterans Stand Down. They spoke with above 20 veterans and handed out 7 membership applications and invited all to a post meeting as a guest.  
 POST 3758  10/28/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   20   2   $100.00   $52.18   $152.18   Two post members presented a new American Flag to Long Valley Charter School in Doyle,Ca. They also preformed a program on Flag Etiquette for the whole student body. and faculty. They removed the old flag for retirement scheduled for the 9th of November. 
 POST 3758  10/28/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   30   2   $100.00   $53.58   $153.58   The post Commander and Surgeon General presented a new American Flag, replacing the old and worn-out flag. They also gave instructions about the Flag Etiquette and retirement programs to Long Valley Charter School in Doyle, CA.  
 POST 3758  10/29/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   4   130   1   $27.00   $116.96   $143.96   The Post Chairman for the Voice of Democracy and Patriot's Pen programs visited to four high schools (Portola, Loyaton, Herlong and Doyle). Two of the schools had questions and trouble with the QR codes. He help them to understand the program and what was needed required. Also, that the due date is Thursday, the 31st of October. If they had any other problems with the QR Code, they could call and he would pickup the applications and upload the essays.  
 POST 3758  11/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   40   1   $0.00   $79.67   $79.67   One post member with the help of three 4-H boys placed 69 flags on fallen veterans graves in Doyle, CA. They also placed 32 flags on fallen veterans graves in Milford, CA. Two other post members placed about 100 flags on fallen veterans graves in the Portola, CA area.  
 POST 3758  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   40   2   $0.00   $351.26   $351.26   Two post members performed a Buddy Poppy Drive had the "The Mark" in Herlong, CA. They handed out about 350 Buddy Poppys.. And visited with veterans stopping by. to speak with them. They also wished everyone a happy "Veteran's Day" .  
 POST 3758  11/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   1   $250.00   $50.08   $300.08   One post member and his family put on a "Roast Beef Dinner" for all local veterans in Doyle and Herlong, CA area.. The dinner include Roast Beef, potatoes, Carrts, Green Salad, home made buns and a cake for dessert. With the help Boy Scout troop #60 which included six Boy Scouts and 2 Leaders from the Beckworth and Portola areas.. Southern Lassen County 4-H Club, 6 of their members were present to oerform additional duties which included serving the meal, gathering dirty dishes, glasses or cups, and flatware from the tables returning them to the kitchen. They also up with the cleanup after the meal.  
 POST 3758  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   150   6   $0.00   $465.42   $465.42   Six post members with the help of four members of the American Legion Post 625 and seven Cub Scouts from Boy Scout Troop 60. They performed Military Honors (Prayer, 21-Gun Salute and Taps) for about 100 fallen vetrans in the Portola CA area. Two post member performed Military Honors (Prayer, Reading of the Names and Taps) for 101 fallen vetrans in the Doyle and Milford CA area. 
 POST 3758  11/15/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   3   25   2   $31.00   $151.64   $182.64    Commander and two Post Judges reviewed and selected the Post's Patriots Pen winner from 9 candidates. Winner submitted to District Chairman 
 POST 3758  11/15/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   100   1   $31.00   $63.38   $94.38    Two Post Judges reviewed and selected the Post's Voice of Democracy winner from 2 candidates. Winner submitted to District Chairman  
 POST 3758  12/6/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   100   1   $0.00   $63.38   $63.38    Commander awarded the Post's Voice of Democracy to the winner from Portola High School.  
 POST 3758  12/6/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   100   1   $0.00   $63.38   $63.38    Commander awarded the Post's Voice of Democracy to the winner from Portola High School.  
 POST 3758  12/9/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Commander awarded the Patriot Pen to the winner a student from Long Valley Charter School.  
 POST 3758  1/14/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   1   2   $0.00   $148.28   $148.28   Two post members helped to move a Navy veteran's family wood pile from one location to another location.. They moved and stacked the wood up closer to door This way it 's easier for them to get the wood in bad weather. Their only heat is from wood.  
 POST 3758  2/4/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   100   1   $30.00   $88.07   $118.07   A post member transported a US Navy veteran, who wanted to meet with Plasmas Country Veterans Service Officer. The veteran would also like information on his VA benefit's and how to file a claim for veterans disability compensation and related compensation benefits.  
 POST 3758  2/7/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   5   5   $0.00   $247.60   $247.60   Five post members with the help of two American Legion members and one post member from VFW Post 328 performed military honor for a fallen US Army/Navy veteran.. member.  
 Post 3758 Total 132 2,615 72 $752.00 $6,834.88 $7,586.88
 POST 3825  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   4   3   $0.00   $74.63   $74.63   Post members placed a wreath and conducted ceremony in observance of Independence Day  
 POST 3825  7/23/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   3   1   $0.00   $74.49   $74.49   Sent out dues reminder letters as well as the Life Membership incentive flyer from Dept. of Calif. to annual members.  
 POST 3825  7/25/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   4   5   $0.00   $247.46   $247.46   Post members conducted flag raising at the opening of the Plumas\Sierra County fair.  
 POST 3825  7/25/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   4   3   $0.00   $296.84   $296.84   Post members manned booth at Plumas\Sierra County Fair conducting membership drive and Buddy Poppie Drive. 1 perspective member.  
 POST 3825  7/25/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   4   3   $0.00   $296.84   $296.84   Post held Buddy Poppy drive at community event to raise money for local veterans.  
 POST 3825  7/26/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   4   3   $0.00   $519.05   $519.05   Members conducted membership and Buddy Poppy drive at county fair.  
 POST 3825  7/26/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   4   3   $0.00   $519.05   $519.05   Post held buddy poppy drive at community event to raise money for post relief fund to aid local veterans.  
 POST 3825  7/27/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   4   5   $0.00   $741.26   $741.26   Post members conducted membership and Buddy Poppy drive at county fair. 1 perspective member and 1 perspective transfer.  
 POST 3825  7/27/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   4   5   $0.00   $741.26   $741.26   post held buddy poppy drive at community event to raise money for post relief fund. Raised $118.50 for relief fund.  
 POST 3825  7/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   4   4   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Post members acted as Color Guard for Plumas\Sierra County Fair Parade.  
 POST 3825  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   4   1   $0.00   $25.25   $25.25   Post member drove elder veteran to an Eye Doctor's appointment.  
 POST 3825  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   8   $500.00   $197.52   $697.52   Post donated $500 dollars to Chico Post 1555 to distribute to veterans affected by the Park Fire in Northern California.  
 POST 3825  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   8   $500.00   $197.52   $697.52   Post donated $500 to the Plumas County Veteran's stand down to assist county's veterans in need.  
 POST 3825  8/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   8   1   $0.00   $50.50   $50.50   Post member drove aged veteran to doctor appointment.  
 POST 3825  9/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   4   5   $0.00   $247.46   $247.46   Post members placed flags at local cemetery in observance of Patriot Day.  
 POST 3825  9/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   170   1   $0.00   $147.25   $147.25   Post member drove aged veteran to Reno VA for Doctor's appointment.  
 POST 3825  9/27/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   2   5   5   $0.00   $247.60   $247.60   Post members assisted in the set up and preparation for the upcoming Veterans Stand Down.  
 POST 3825  9/28/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   5   10   3   $0.00   $371.75   $371.75   Post held Buddy Poppy drive at Veterans Stand Down  
 POST 3825  9/28/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   10   2   $0.00   $248.30   $248.30   Signed up 1 life member, have 1 prospective LM xfer, and 2 more prospective members.  
 POST 3825  9/28/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   5   10   5   $0.00   $618.65   $618.65   Post participated in Plumas County Veterans Stand Down.  
 POST 3825  10/16/2024   Community Service   Disaster Relief   1   4   8   $500.00   $198.08   $698.08   Post donated to VFW National Disaster Relief Fund.  
 POST 3825  10/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   160   4   $0.00   $417.44   $417.44   Post members visited veterans at the Northern Nevada Veterans Home in Reno NV.  
 POST 3825  10/25/2024   Community Service   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Conducted membership drive, made phone calls to two perspective members.  
 POST 3825  11/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   4   6   $0.00   $296.84   $296.84   Post put up flags at local cemetery in observance of Veterans Day.  
 POST 3825  11/8/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   4   6   $0.00   $296.84   $296.84   Post conducted flag raising ceremony and rededication of student Veterans Center at local Community College.  
 POST 3825  11/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Post member took 93-year-old veteran out for coffee and helped with grocery shopping.  
 POST 3825  11/16/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   4   4   $0.00   $198.08   $198.08   Post members attended Veteran's funeral and conducted flag folding ceremony and flag presentation to the family.  
 POST 3825  12/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   4   8   $0.00   $395.60   $395.60   Post members put up flags at local cemetery in observance of Pearl Harbor Day.  
 POST 3825  12/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   4   1   $15.00   $25.25   $40.25   Post member conducted buddy check and took aged ill veteran dinner.  
 POST 3825  12/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   4   2   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Post members visited hospitalized veteran.  
 POST 3825  1/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   4   1   $0.00   $25.25   $25.25   Post member drove aged veteran to eye doctor appointment.  
 POST 3825  2/10/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   4   160   1   $0.00   $121.16   $121.16   Post member drove aged veteran to VA Hospital in Reno, NV for a cardiology appointment. 
 POST 3825  2/14/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   2   4   1   $0.00   $49.94   $49.94   Post member drove aged veteran to a doctor appointment. 
 POST 3825  2/20/2025   Community Service   Disaster Relief   2   4   11   $100.00   $543.74   $643.74   Post members voted and approved a donation of $100 to VFW National Disaster Relief Fund for Los Angeles, California area fire victims. 
 Post 3825 Total 98 620 129 $1,615.00 $8,703.61 $10,318.61
 POST 4095  7/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   4   1   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Assisted in the sales of Fireworks for Arboga Elementary School.  
 POST 4095  7/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   4   1   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Assisted in the sales of Fireworks for Arboga Elementary School.  
 POST 4095  7/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   4   1   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Assisted in the sales of Fireworks for Arboga Elementary School.  
 POST 4095  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   4   1   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Assisted in the sales of Fireworks for Arboga Elementary School.  
 POST 4095  7/8/2024   Youth Development   Citizenship/Americanism   3   3   1   $0.00   $74.49   $74.49   Donation use of Hall for the PTA Board Meeting.  
 POST 4095  7/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   10   2   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   Conducted membership drive in conjunction with the Yuba Sutter Food Bank. Resulted in one new Member.  
 POST 4095  8/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   3   1   $800.00   $74.49   $874.49   Donated use of Hall for Arboga School's PTA Board Meeting.  
 POST 4095  8/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   10   1   $0.00   $149.54   $149.54   Assisted the PTA in staffing a booth for the Meet & Greet at Arboga Elementary School.  
 POST 4095  8/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   1   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Staffed booth at the 'Meet & Greet' event at Arboga Elementary School.  
 POST 4095  8/15/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   6   10   2   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   Staffed Post booth at the Yuba/Sutter Stand Down.  
 POST 4095  8/16/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   6   10   2   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   Staffed booth at the Yuba/Sutter Stand Down.  
 POST 4095  8/17/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   10   2   $0.00   $297.68   $297.68   Conducted Membership Drive at the Yuba/Sutter Stand Down resulting in one new Life Member.  
 POST 4095  8/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   10   5   $600.00   $742.10   $1,342.10   Donated use of Hall for a Seminar for the Teacher's Union and provide a BBQ Tri-Tip Dinner.  
 POST 4095  9/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Provided use of Hall for Arboga School PTSO meeting.  
 POST 4095  9/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   1   $100.00   $101.56   $201.56   Provided snack bar for Volleyball Games at Arboga School.  
 POST 4095  9/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   20   1   $100.00   $101.56   $201.56   Provided snack bar for Volleyball Games at Arboga School.  
 POST 4095  9/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   20   2   $1,000.00   $299.08   $1,299.08   Assisted in the food distribution for the Yuba/Sutter Food Banck.  
 POST 4095  9/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   20   2   $200.00   $299.08   $499.08   Provided snack bar for 'Movie Nite' at Arboga School  
 POST 4095  9/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Donated use of Hall for a Arboga PTSO meeting.  
 POST 4095  9/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $50.00   $50.78   $100.78   Assisted in the lawn care of the Olivehurst/Linda Little League Park.  
 POST 4095  9/24/2024   Youth Development      4   10   1   $100.00   $100.16   $200.16   Provided snack bar for Volleyball Games for Arboga School.  
 POST 4095  9/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   4   $200.00   $396.44   $596.44   Donated use of Hall for Bingo Nite for Arboga School.  
 POST 4095  9/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   1   $100.00   $100.16   $200.16   Provided snack bar for Volleyball Games at Arboga School.  
 POST 4095  9/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   Donated use of Hall for Arboga School's Committee meeting.  
 POST 4095  10/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   1   $100.00   $100.16   $200.16   Provided snack bar for Volleyball Games at Arboga School  
 POST 4095  10/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   1   $100.00   $100.16   $200.16   Provided snack bar for Volleyball Games at Arboga School  
 POST 4095  10/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   1   $100.00   $100.16   $200.16   Provided snack bar for Volleyball Games at Arboga School.  
 POST 4095  10/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   10   1   $200.00   $149.54   $349.54   Provided snack bar for Volleyball Tournament at Arboga School.  
 POST 4095  10/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   1   $100.00   $100.16   $200.16   Provided snack bar for Volleyball Games at Arboga School.  
 POST 4095  10/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $100.00   $26.09   $126.09   Provided snack bar for Volleyball Games at Arboga School  
 POST 4095  10/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   20   1   $500.00   $200.32   $700.32   Donated usage of portable stage, canopies and pop ups for the annual Arboga School Fall Festival.  
 POST 4095  10/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   30   2   $500.00   $251.10   $751.10   Donated use of Stage, Canopies, Tables, Chairs, etc for Arboga School's annual Fall Festival.  
 POST 4095  10/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   1   $220.00   $27.49   $247.49   Donated small refrigerator for the Staff Room of Arboga School.  
 POST 4095  10/24/2024   Youth Development   Other   2   10   2   $100.00   $100.16   $200.16   Donated Pizzas and Soda for Arboga's Football Team's Season End Party.  
 POST 4095  10/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   1   $50.00   $27.49   $77.49   Donated Pizza to the Arboga School's Football Team's award banquet.  
 POST 4095  10/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   20   1   $100.00   $27.49   $127.49   Donated Pizza for Arboga School's Football Team's awards Banquet.  
 POST 4095  10/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   20   1   $1,000.00   $150.94   $1,150.94   Donated use of VFW Hall for a Teacher's Union Meeting.  
 POST 4095  10/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   20   4   $750.00   $595.36   $1,345.36   Provided Lindhurst High School Fundraiser by providing Dinner and Bingo.  
 POST 4095  11/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $500.00   $50.78   $550.78   Donated use of Hall for Arboga School's PTSO Board Meeting.  
 POST 4095  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   10   1   $20.00   $100.16   $120.16   Conducted Poppy Drive at the Yuba City Mall.  
 POST 4095  11/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   60   3   $500.00   $452.82   $952.82   Staffed a VFW Membership/Raffle Booth at the State Capitol! 
 POST 4095  11/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   10   2   $50.00   $297.68   $347.68   Assisted in the Yuba/Sutter Food Bank distribution.  
 POST 4095  11/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   20   1   $20.00   $52.18   $72.18   Assisted in the annual Turkey Motorcycle Drive.  
 POST 4095  11/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   20   1   $2,000.00   $200.32   $2,200.32   Donated numerous Raffle Prizes in support of Arboga's 'Breakfast with Santa' Program.  
 POST 4095  11/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $50.00   $50.78   $100.78   Donated use of Hall for Arboga School 'Breakfast with Santa" Committee Meeting.  
 POST 4095  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   20   1   $500.00   $150.94   $650.94   Setup Cooking Tent and cooked pancakes and sausage for over 400 Parents & Students of Arboga School.  
 POST 4095  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    6   10   4   $300.00   $593.96   $893.96   Provided Dinner and Bingo for a fund raiser for Yuba Gardens Middle School.  
 POST 4095  1/13/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    6   10   3   $0.00   $445.82   $445.82   Hosted Cornhole Tournament at Post.  
 POST 4095  1/16/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Donated use of Hall for the Marysville Unified School District Meeting.  
 POST 4095  1/17/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    6   10   3   $0.00   $445.82   $445.82   Provided traffic control for the monthly Yuba/Sutter Food Bank.  
 POST 4095  1/23/2025   Youth Development   Scouting    1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Donated use of Hall for the Girl Scouts Meeting.  
 POST 4095  1/30/2025   Youth Development   Scouting    1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Donated use of Hall for the Girl Scouts meeting.  
 POST 4095  2/21/2025   Community Service   Other   4   10   2   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   Provided Traffic Control for the monthly Yuba/Sutter Food Bank distribution. 
 Post 4095 Total 217 692 82 $11,110.00 $9,429.70 $20,539.70
 POST 5731  7/31/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   1   5   $2.75   $123.59   $126.34   Military honors for a retired AF veteran was performed,. A black VFW velvet bag which contained brass from the rifle salute and buddy poppies worn by the honor guard team was given to the family.. The family asked us to witness the interment which we did.  
 POST 5731  8/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   5   1   $0.00   $99.46   $99.46   a post member helped the Gridley Recreation youth soccer league with orientation and passing out team jersey to the kids, age group 4years old to 12 years both girls and boys.  
 POST 5731  8/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   2   4   $2.75   $99.04   $101.79   With the help of 1 Aux. member-at- large, military honors were given one of our Navy post members a Vietnam veteran. A VFW black velvet shell casing bag which contained a VFW condolence card, buddy poppies and fired casing from todays service were given to the family.  
 POST 5731  9/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   2   4   $2.75   $99.04   $101.79   With the help from a Legion member we were able to provide military honors to a Navy veteran. After the service a black VFW velvet shell casing bag which contained a VFW condolence card, buddy poppies and fired casings from todays service was given to the family.  
 POST 5731  9/26/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   2   5   $2.75   $247.18   $249.93   With help from a VFW member-at-large Aux. member and a Legion member we were able to perform military honors for a Navy veteran, after the service we gave the widow a VFW black velvet bag filled with fired brass, condolence card and Buddy Poppies wore during the service.  
 POST 5731  9/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   2   6   $2.75   $296.56   $299.31   With the help from a VFW Aux member-at-large and Legion member we were able to perform military honors for a WW 2 Merchant Marine. We gave the family a black VFW velvet brass bag containing fired brass, VFW condolence card and buddy poppies that were worn during the service.  
 POST 5731  10/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   1   5   $2.75   $123.59   $126.34   With the help from a Legion member we were able to give a Vietnam Veteran military honors at his memorial service. After the service we gave the widow a VFW black velvet bag containing a condolence card, fired brass and poppies that were worn during the service.  
 POST 5731  10/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   2   2   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Due to poor communication between the family and the mortuary, no flag was available at the memorial service. The family did finally get the flag and asked us to present the folded flag to the widow. Our post commander and 1 comrade went to the home of the widow and did the presentation.  
 Post 5731 Total 13 17 32 $16.50 $1,138.12 $1,154.62
 POST 9602  7/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   1   3   $0.00   $222.35   $222.35   3 members participated in a membership drive in downtown Oroville at the Show & Stroll event. Members Talked to the public about VFW and to prospecting members. Also presented the American flag during the national anthem.  
 POST 9602  7/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   1   4   $0.00   $395.18   $395.18   4 members of the post conducted the Coffee Brew HA! Ha! providing coffee and donuts, pastries on the 4th Friday of each month to all veterans. Purpose to meet other local veterans and allow discussions among those attending about what is on their minds.  
 POST 9602  7/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   4   $0.00   $197.80   $197.80   4 members of the post preformed the flag raising for the Linemen's School at their graduation.  
 POST 9602  8/15/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   12   20   1   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   1 post member participated in the Yuba - Sutter Stand Down for 2 days. Providing information about VFW and directing veterans to organizations to provide them help.  
 POST 9602  8/16/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   2   2   $0.00   $197.80   $197.80   2 post members conducted a membership drive at the Oroville Show and Stroll.  
 POST 9602  8/16/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   12   20   1   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   1 post member participated in the Yuba - Sutter Stand Down for 2 days. Providing information about VFW and directing veterans to organizations to provide them help.  
 POST 9602  9/16/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   4   3   1   $10.00   $99.18   $109.18   Visited high schools distributing VOD applications, and explaining program. 
 POST 9602  9/16/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   13   2   3   $176.00   $963.19   $1,139.19   Spent funds for fliers to students to participate in the Patriot Pens, also distributing visiting school, selecting judges. 
 POST 9602  9/16/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   4   3   1   $10.00   $99.18   $109.18   Visited schools distributed information for Teacher of the year. 
 POST 9602  9/20/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   2   3   $0.00   $222.49   $222.49   3 members of the post manned a booth for recruiting and answering question concerning the VFW. Informing the public about the our commitment to the local community. 
 POST 9602  9/23/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   2   3   $0.00   $222.49   $222.49   3 members participated in the Oroville Show & Stroll event downtown Oroville. Talking to interested individuals about VFW and recruiting. Passed out information and applications.  
 POST 9602  9/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   1   4   $0.00   $395.18   $395.18   Hosted a monthly coffee brew ha ha for veterans only to talk and share with other veterans.  
 POST 9602  9/28/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   2   4   $0.00   $790.36   $790.36   Manned a booth at the local Salmon festival in Oroville on September 28,2024. Information was passed out about our post activities, along with application for membership. Talked with parents and student who had not heard of the patriots Pen contest even though the information was passed out to the schools.  
 POST 9602  10/18/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   1   3   $0.00   $222.35   $222.35   3 members of the post participated in the Show and Stroll event in downtown Oroville. Providing information about the VFW and answering questions concerning membership. 
 POST 9602  10/24/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   5   23   3   $0.00   $373.57   $373.57   Cmdr. and 2 other members of Post 9602 helped set up for the Chico Standdown held in Chico at the Elks Lodge. They also spent all three days helping veterans and recruiting manning a booth during the event.  
 POST 9602  10/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   1   1   $0.00   $98.90   $98.90   Conducted monthly Brew HA Ha on the 4th Friday of the month for all veterans to stop in and have coffee and donuts and general discussions with other veterans. This event is held in the Oroville Veterans Memorial Hall .  
 POST 9602  11/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   2   8   $100.00   $592.84   $692.84   Buddy Poppy Drive held on the 7th, 8th, 9th of November conducted Buddy Poppy Drive in Oroville. 11 members of the Post participated in 3 hr shifts.  
 POST 9602  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   0   6   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Buddy Poppy Drive held on the 7th, 8th, 9th of November conducted Buddy Poppy Drive in Oroville. 11 members of the Post participated in 3 hr shifts. 
 POST 9602  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   0   8   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Buddy Poppy Drive held on the 7th, 8th, 9th of November conducted Buddy Poppy Drive in Oroville. 11 members of the Post participated in 3 hr shifts. 
 POST 9602  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   2   3   $0.00   $148.42   $148.42   Commander, Sr. Vice, and Quartermaster where the color guard for the local Oroville Veterans Parade..  
 POST 9602  11/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   2   2   $0.00   $197.80   $197.80   2 post members hosted the monthly Brew Ha Ha for veterans at the Oroville Veterans Memorial Hall in Oroville, Ca. There were 7 in attendance who enjoyed the open discussions and comradery.. 
 POST 9602  12/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   10   $500.00   $246.90   $746.90   10 members of Post 9602 became life members of the National Home ion Eaton Rapids Mich.  
 POST 9602  12/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   Post 9602 donated $500 to the National Home  
 POST 9602  12/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   1   2   $0.00   $197.66   $197.66   2 members of Post 9602 hosted a monthly coffee brew ha ha for veterans to have open discussions and share experiences with other veterans. Total of 10 veterans attended. 
 Post 9602 Total 109 93 82 $1,296.00 $7,568.16 $8,864.16
 District 15 Total 889 5,083 761 $18,092.89 $65,646.32 $83,739.21
 POST 0  7/28/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   36   60   4   $0.00   $3,563.76   $3,563.76   Volunteered as event staff for NHRA. We set up a RV in the RV parking inspection waiting area with water and sodas as well as a recruiting table and VFW flash on the canopy. Event dates from 26-28 July allowed for our members to man the recruiting table from 10am to 10pm daily. 
 Post 0 Total 36 60 4 $0.00 $3,563.76 $3,563.76
 POST 1123  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   12   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   Leading July 4th Parade through Vallejo, CA with six vehicles with VFW markings.  
 POST 1123  7/4/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  3   0   3   $0.00   $222.21   $222.21   Boy Scout Color Guard for city of Vallejo parade. 
 POST 1123  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   4   50   2   $150.00   $204.52   $354.52   Meal support at Fisher House for families with patients at David Grant Medical Center, Travis AFB, CA 
 POST 1123  7/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   12   20   7   $0.00   $2,076.76   $2,076.76   District 16 members volunteered to work as Event Staff for the Sonoma Raceway NASCAR races. Volunteers assisted with crowd control, protecting vender resources during hours the raceway operations was closed to guests and vendors, and acted as security observers in RV parking areas after hours. Our attendance during this 3 day event help to promote VFW community involvement, resulted in new membership applications, and gave us the opportunity to work side by side with Travis Air Force Base volunteer workers.  
 POST 1123  8/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   4   50   2   $150.00   $204.52   $354.52   Meal support at Fisher House for families with patients at David Grant Medical Center, Travis AFB, CA 
 POST 1123  9/10/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   0   5   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Presented information about Patriot's Pen and Voice of Democracy, 
 POST 1123  9/10/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Am Can Troop 62, Discuss Voice of Democracy and Patriot's Pen.. 
 POST 1123  9/12/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   6   1   $0.00   $50.22   $50.22   Attend Silverado Roundtable meeting to Provide information regarding Voice Democracy of Democracy, Patriot's Pen and placing American flags on veteran's graves at Sunrise cemetery. 
 POST 1123  9/12/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Working on Camping and cooking Merit Badges 
 POST 1123  9/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   3   40   1   $200.00   $79.67   $279.67   Food donations to fisher House at Travis AFB. 
 POST 1123  9/17/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   0   4   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Presented information about Scout of the Year, 
 POST 1123  9/19/2024   Youth Development   Scouting    2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Teaching Merit Badges and other youth support activities.  
 POST 1123  10/1/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Am Can Troop 62, Teach Scouts how to submit entries for Voice of Democracy. 
 POST 1123  10/1/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Am Can Troop 62, Teach Scouts how to submit entries for Patriot's Pen. 
 POST 1123  10/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   5   6   $0.00   $1,111.75   $1,111.75   Set up membership booth at Vallejo Water front Weekend. 
 POST 1123  10/10/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   6   1   $0.00   $50.22   $50.22   Attend Silverado Roundtable meeting to Provide information and remind members regarding Voice Democracy of Democracy, Patriot's Pen and placing American flags on veteran's graves at Sunrise cemetery. 
 POST 1123  10/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   3   40   2   $0.00   $153.74   $153.74   Food donations to fisher House at Travis AFB. 
 POST 1123  10/17/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   1   4   6   $0.00   $148.70   $148.70   Discussed and implemented improvements to the selection process for the VFW Post 1123 Don Dunn Memorial Scholarship Fund. 
 POST 1123  10/24/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Vallejo Troop 12, teaching Merit Badges and other youth support activities. 
 POST 1123  10/28/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Venture Crew 222, Zoom Meeting. Planning activities. 
 POST 1123  10/29/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Submitted VOD entry to District 16 
 POST 1123  11/2/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   16   4   $0.00   $594.80   $594.80   Buddy Poppy booth at American Canyon Walmart. 
 POST 1123  11/2/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   15   4   $0.00   $594.66   $594.66   Buddy Poppy booth at Glen Cove Safeway supermarket. 
 POST 1123  11/2/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   14   4   $0.00   $594.52   $594.52   Buddy Poppy booth at American Canyon Walgreens. 
 POST 1123  11/2/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   10   4   $0.00   $593.96   $593.96   Buddy Poppy booth at Vallejo Admiral Callahgan Lane Safeway supermarket. 
 POST 1123  11/3/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   10   4   $0.00   $593.96   $593.96   Buddy Poppy booth at Admiral Callaghan Lane Safeway supermarket. 
 POST 1123  11/3/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   16   4   $0.00   $594.80   $594.80   Buddy Poppy booth at American Canyon Walmart. 
 POST 1123  11/3/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   14   4   $0.00   $594.52   $594.52   Buddy Poppy booth at American Canyon Walgreens. 
 POST 1123  11/3/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   15   4   $0.00   $594.66   $594.66   Buddy Poppy booth at Glen Cove Safeway supermarket. 
 POST 1123  11/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   6   4   $0.00   $247.74   $247.74   Assist NJROTC from Jessie Bethel High School place American flags on veteran's headstones. 
 POST 1123  11/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   5   6   $0.00   $1,111.75   $1,111.75   Set up membership booth at Vallejo Water front Weekend. 
 POST 1123  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   4   $0.00   $197.80   $197.80   Assist Scouting units placeing American flags on veteran's headstones at Sunrise Cemetery. 
 POST 1123  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   23   $0.00   $1,137.14   $1,137.14   Participate in Veteran's Day Remembrance Ceremony at Vallejo Veteran's Memorial building. Members installed American Flag, Pow/Mia Flag, and VFW Post 1123 One member played taps on the bugle. 
 POST 1123  11/11/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Venture Crew 222 Zoom meeting, Discussed community service and up coming events. 
 POST 1123  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   0   6   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   Booth set up at Walmart Super Center located at 7011 Main St, American Canyon, CA. Buddy poppies were handed out to the community. 
 POST 1123  11/11/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   3   15   3   $0.00   $224.31   $224.31   Coordinated NJROTC Color Guard for Veteran's Day Ceremony at Vallejo Veteran's Memorial Building. 
 POST 1123  11/12/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   0   6   $0.00   $1,036.98   $1,036.98   Booth set up at Walgreens Drugs Located at 210 American Canyon Road, American Canyon, Ca.  Buddy Poppies were handed out the community. 
 POST 1123  11/12/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   0   6   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   Booth set up at Walmart Super Center located at 7011 Main St, American Canyon, CA Buddy poppies were handed out to the community 
 POST 1123  11/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   6   5   $0.00   $247.74   $247.74   Assist NJROTC from Jessie Bethel High School retrive American flags on veteran's headstones. 
 POST 1123  11/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   5   $0.00   $247.18   $247.18   Assist Scouting units retriving American flags on veteran's headstones at Sunrise Cemetery. 
 POST 1123  11/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   3   40   1   $200.00   $79.67   $279.67   Food donations to fisher House at Travis AFB. 
 POST 1123  11/25/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Activity planning with Venture Crew 222 
 POST 1123  12/2/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   15   1   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Helped Crew 222 plan group activities.  
 POST 1123  12/3/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   4   1   $0.00   $25.25   $25.25   Follow up on Scout of the year submission.  
 POST 1123  12/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   50   4   $140.00   $797.08   $937.08   Help decorate and provided beverages for Christmas party for veterans/patients at Veterans Home and Hospital of California in Yountville.  
 POST 1123  12/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   40   1   $120.00   $54.98   $174.98   Post 1123 provided the soft drinks, coffee (plus decaf), creamer, and sugar for a Christmas party for Patients and residents at the Yountville Veteran's Home. 
 POST 1123  12/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   9   0   6   $0.00   $1,333.26   $1,333.26   Crab-feed benefiting Vallejo Veterans Memorial Building. Provided help with crab delivery, table set up, and kitchen.  
 POST 1123  12/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   54   2   $180.00   $155.70   $335.70   Donate Various food items to Fisher House on Travis AFB, CA, supporting families of patients at the David Grant Medical Center,  
 POST 1123  12/19/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Provided Merit Badge support and Eagle Scout counseling.  
 POST 1123  12/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   10   2   $350.00   $297.68   $647.68   Collected toys for and participated in a city wide toy drive, supporting several local charities serving families in need.  
 POST 1123  1/20/2025   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   1   10   25   $0.00   $618.65   $618.65   Recognition of Post 1123 Teacher of the Year,  
 POST 1123  1/20/2025   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   10   25   $200.00   $618.65   $818.65   Recognize Voice of Democracy winner for Post 1123.  
 POST 1123  1/20/2025   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Recondition of Post 1123 selection for LEO of the Year.  
 POST 1123  1/21/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   50   2   $180.00   $155.14   $335.14   Meal support at Fisher House for families with patients at David Grant Medical Center, Travis AFB, CA  
 POST 1123  1/28/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   19   1   $0.00   $52.04   $52.04   Scout of the Year preparation and Merit Badge Support.  
 POST 1123  1/30/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Merit badge support and Eagle Scout Prep for Board of Review.  
 Post 1123 Total 193 739 237 $1,870.00 $21,089.96 $22,959.96
 POST 1900  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Buddy Poppy drive outside of Raleys  
 POST 1900  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Buddy Poppy Drive outside local grocery store  
 POST 1900  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   6   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   community breakfast for Veterans and local community  
 POST 1900  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   6   $564.00   $888.84   $1,452.84   community breakfast for Veterans and their family  
 POST 1900  8/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   set up a booth at the American Legion District meeting to discuss mental health resources in Mendocino County for Veterans  
 POST 1900  8/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   2   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   helped set up for a memorial for the AL who were honoring fallen members--assisted in set up /break down and the ceremony itself  
 POST 1900  9/13/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   0   1   $0.00   $148.14   $148.14   booth with information for joining the VFW at a BIG Time (Native American event) in the community  
 POST 1900  12/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Dinner for Elders/informational booth regarding mental health during the holidays 
 POST 1900  12/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   0   5   $240.00   $740.70   $980.70   Christmas meal for Veterans in need 
 POST 1900  12/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   6   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Wreaths Across America  
 POST 1900  12/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   2   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Collect donations for Toys for Tots  
 Post 1900 Total 53 0 37 $804.00 $4,394.82 $5,198.82
 POST 1929  8/9/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Worked with two Troop 7B Scouts on two each Eagle required merit badges  
 POST 1929  8/11/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   3   4   1   $0.00   $74.63   $74.63   Attended BSA Scout Troop 7B Eagle award ceremony.  
 POST 1929  8/12/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Worked online BSA Scout Troop 7G and 7B scout book logging activities and accomplishments and partial and completed merit badges.  
 POST 1929  8/15/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Worked with current and past leadership of BSA Scout Troop 7 in planning funeral arrangements for a deceased active member of the Troop.  
 POST 1929  8/15/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   3   16   1   $0.00   $76.31   $76.31   BSA Scout Troop 7G and 7B leadership meeting to plan activities for the Troops  
 POST 1929  8/19/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   3   1   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Attended BSA Cub Scout Pack 84 registration and orientation meeting.  
 POST 1929  8/22/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended 1st meeting of BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B and outing planning scheduling. 
 POST 1929  8/23/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  3   0   1   $0.00   $61.73   $61.73   Computer up dating in BSA Scout book for BSA Troop 7G, BSA Troop 7B and BSA Cub Scout Pack 3 
 POST 1929  8/27/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   3   1   $0.00   $25.11   $25.11   Attended BSA Cub Scout Pack 84 Arrow of Light meeting 
 POST 1929  8/29/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B meeting. Also worked with a Scout on merit badge requirements. 
 POST 1929  8/29/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   3   1   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Attended BSA Redwood Empire Counsel, Miwok District dinner meeting. 
 POST 1929  8/30/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Worked in BSA Scout book up dating Scout achievements. 
 POST 1929  9/3/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   3   1   $10.00   $37.46   $47.46   Attended meeting with BSA Redwood Empire Counsel Executive 
 POST 1929  9/5/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B meeting. 
 POST 1929  9/5/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B meeting. 
 POST 1929  9/9/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   3   1   $0.00   $25.11   $25.11   Attended BSA Scout Troop 848 meeting with BSA Cub Scouts Pack 84 AOL Scouts for Troop visitation requirement. 
 POST 1929  9/9/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   3   1   $0.00   $25.11   $25.11   Attended BSA Pack 84 meeting, bicycle rodeo/safety event. 
 POST 1929  9/10/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   3   1   $0.00   $25.11   $25.11   Attended BSA Cub Scout Pack 84 Arrow of Light Scout meeting. 
 POST 1929  9/12/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B meeting. Also work with a Scout on merit badge requirements. 
 POST 1929  9/12/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  3   33   1   $0.00   $78.69   $78.69   Volunteered as RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for BSA Scout Troop 7G and & Troop 7B membership. 
 POST 1929  9/16/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended BSA Cub Scout Pack 3 opening Scout year/regristration and spoke with parents. 
 POST 1929  9/17/2024   Youth Development      6   33   1   $0.00   $152.76   $152.76   Volunteered as RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club (double shift) for BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B membership.  
 POST 1929  9/19/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B Committee meeting completing budget and activities for the Troops. 
 POST 1929  9/24/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  3   33   1   $0.00   $78.69   $78.69   Volunteered as RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for BSA Troop 7G and Troop 7B membership.  
 POST 1929  9/24/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   3   1   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Attended BSA Cub Scout Pack 84, Arrow of Light meeting and assisted prepping/demonstrating cooking on a camp stove chicken and veggie dinner which was eaten by all. 
 POST 1929  9/26/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B meeting. Worked with a senior Scout on an Eagle merit badge requirements. 
 POST 1929  10/1/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  3   33   1   $0.00   $78.69   $78.69   Volunteered as RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for BSA Troop 7G and Troop 7B membership 
 POST 1929  10/3/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  3   33   1   $0.00   $78.69   $78.69   Volunteered as RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for BSA Troop 7G and Troop 7B membership 
 POST 1929  10/3/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B meeting. Worked on Eagle Scout merit badge requirements with a scout. 
 POST 1929  10/8/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   3   1   $0.00   $28.81   $28.81   Attended BSA Cub Scout Pack 84 Arrow of Light Deb meeting and assisted with instruction. 
 POST 1929  10/10/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B meeting. 
 POST 1929  10/17/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B committee meeting. 
 POST 1929  10/21/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   11   1   $0.00   $26.23   $26.23   Attended BSA Cub Pack 3 meeting 
 POST 1929  10/22/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   3   1   $0.00   $37.46   $37.46   Attended BSA Cub Scout Pack 84 AOL den meeting and assisted with instruction 
 POST 1929  10/22/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  3   33   1   $0.00   $78.69   $78.69   Volunteered as RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B membership 
 POST 1929  10/24/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  3   33   1   $0.00   $78.69   $78.69   Volunteered as RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B membership 
 POST 1929  11/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   3   1   $0.00   $37.46   $37.46   Attended BSA Cub Scout Pack 84 meeting and assisted Cub scouts in writing thank you notes to Veterans for the Petaluma Veterans Day parade  
 POST 1929  11/7/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B meeting. Participated in a Scout board of review for rank advancement. 
 POST 1929  11/8/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   6   1   $0.00   $62.57   $62.57   Attended Sonoma Mountain Chartered School celebration of Veterans event. Instructed six (6) leadership students how to conduct a opening flag ceremony and the accompanying language and pledge.  
 POST 1929  11/12/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  3   33   1   $0.00   $78.69   $78.69   Volunteered as RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B membership. 
 POST 1929  11/12/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   3   1   $0.00   $25.11   $25.11   Attended BSA Cub Pack 84 AOL den meeting 
 POST 1929  11/12/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   3   1   $0.00   $53.50   $53.50   Participated in two (2) BSA Eagle rank board of reviews from BSA Scout Troop 7B. Both Scouts Earned and were awarded their Eagle Rank  
 POST 1929  11/14/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended BSA Troop 7G and Troop 7B meeting. Worked with a Scout on merit badge. 
 POST 1929  11/14/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  3   33   1   $0.00   $78.69   $78.69   Volunteered as RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for BSA Troop 7G and Troop 7B membership. 
 POST 1929  11/18/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   11   1   $0.00   $26.23   $26.23   Attended BSA Cub Scout Pack 3 meeting. 
 POST 1929  11/19/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  3   33   1   $0.00   $78.69   $78.69   Volunteered as RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B membership 
 POST 1929  11/19/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   3   1   $0.00   $37.46   $37.46   Attended BSA Pack 84 AOL Den meeting 
 POST 1929  11/21/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   3   1   $0.00   $37.46   $37.46   Attended Redwood Empire Counsel, Miwok District Meeting 
 POST 1929  11/21/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B meeting and worked with two (2) Scouts on merit badge requirements. 
 POST 1929  12/2/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   3   1   $0.00   $37.46   $37.46   Attended BSA Cub Scout Pack 84 meeting. Assisted in supervising Cubs making Christmas cards for seniors in a local retirement home (Springfield Place) and practiced Christmas carols. 
 POST 1929  12/3/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  4   33   1   $0.00   $91.04   $91.04   Volunteer as RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B membership. 
 POST 1929  12/5/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  4   33   1   $0.00   $91.04   $91.04   Volunteer as RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B member5ship 
 POST 1929  12/10/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   2   1   $0.00   $37.32   $37.32   Attended BSA Cub Scout Pack 84 to a senior retirement residence (Springfield Place) where skits were performed and Christmas carols were sung. 
 POST 1929  12/12/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   3   33   1   $0.00   $78.69   $78.69   Volunteer as RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B membership.  
 POST 1929  12/12/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   11   1   $0.00   $50.92   $50.92   Attended BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B meeting. Worked with a scout on a merit badge and participated in a scout rank advancement board of review.  
 POST 1929  12/17/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   3   1   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Attended BSA Cub Scout Pack 84 AOL den one meeting and assisted in teaching first aid requirement.  
 POST 1929  12/17/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   3   33   1   $0.00   $78.69   $78.69   Volunteered aa RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B membership.  
 POST 1929  1/2/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   3   33   1   $0.00   $78.69   $78.69   Volunteered as RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B membership.  
 POST 1929  1/2/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   4   33   1   $0.00   $103.38   $103.38   Volunteered as RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for BSA Scout Troopm7G and Troop 7B membership.  
 POST 1929  1/4/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   5   32   1   $0.00   $127.93   $127.93   Participated in BSA Troop 7G and Troop 7B Christmas tree pick up fund raiser by driving Scouts and pulling trailer to pick up trees.  
 POST 1929  1/5/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   4   28   1   $0.00   $102.68   $102.68   Participated in BSA Troop 7G and Troop 7B Christmas tree fund raiser by driving Scouts and pulling trailer to pick up trees.  
 POST 1929  1/9/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   4   33   1   $0.00   $103.38   $103.38   Volunteered as Range Safety Officer at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B membership.  
 POST 1929  1/9/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B meeting. Met with the Scoutmasters and Committee Chair to discuss suggestions and agenda for the up coming committee meeting.  
 POST 1929  1/11/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   8   38   1   $28.00   $202.84   $230.84   Attended University of Scouting taking 5 classes revolving around Scouts with Special Needs and receiving my Diploma upon completion of the classes.  
 POST 1929  1/13/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   3   1   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Attended BSA Scout Pack 84 meeting assisted in the weird science project the AOL Den was demonstrating.  
 POST 1929  1/14/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   1   3   1   $0.00   $25.11   $25.11   Attended BSA Cub Pack 84 AOL Den meeting. Assisted in the measurement exercise. Cups, ounces, teaspoons, distance, heights etc.  
 POST 1929  1/16/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   11   1   $0.00   $50.92   $50.92   Attended BSA Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B Committee meeting. Setting/confirming budget, setting parameters for summer high adventures and replacement of equipment.  
 POST 1929  1/21/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   3   33   1   $0.00   $78.69   $78.69   Volunteered as RSO at Valley of the Moon Gun Club for Scouting America (BSA) Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B membership. 
 POST 1929  1/23/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended Scouting America Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B meeting. 
 POST 1929  1/25/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   16   33   1   $0.00   $399.66   $399.66   Scouting America Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B overnight (1st half) shooting camp out at Valley of the Moon Gun Club. Shooting shotguns/clay pigeons, cooking meals outdoors, and camping for the night at the gun club. 
 POST 1929  1/26/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   16   36   1   $0.00   $400.08   $400.08   2nd half of over night shooting campout with Scouting America Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B. Cooking morning meal outdoors, breaking camp, traveling to Sebastopol Gun Club for 22 cal. rifle shooting, cooking noon meal and continuing to shoot rifles. 
 POST 1929  1/28/2025   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   2   3   1   $0.00   $37.46   $37.46   Attended Scouting America Cub Scout Pack 84 Arrow of Light meeting. 
 POST 1929  1/30/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended Scouting America Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B meeting. Worked with a Scout on merit badge advancement. 
 POST 1929  2/6/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended Scouting America Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B. Worked with Assistant Scout Masters on up date information/training. 
 POST 1929  2/7/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   3   1   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Participated in Scouting America Cub Scout Pack 84 Arrow of Light Bridging ceremony. Welcoming 7 Arrow of Light Cub Scouts to Scout Troop 8 (3 boys) and to Scout Troop 848 (4 girls) with follow up activities. 
 POST 1929  2/10/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   3   2   $0.00   $55.97   $55.97   Attended Scouting America Scout Troop 848 meeting. Also, enlisted as an Assistant Scout Master and Merit Badge Counselor with this Troop. 
 POST 1929  2/13/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   11   1   $0.00   $38.58   $38.58   Attended Scouting America Scout Troop 7G and Troop 7B meeting. Finalizing equipment need for up coming 3 day snow camp and food requirements. 
 POST 1929  2/20/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   3   1   $0.00   $49.80   $49.80   Attended Scouting America, Redwood Empire Counsel, Miwok District meeting. Discussed the merits of merging with the Golden Gate Counsel v. the Marin Counsel. 
 POST 1929  2/24/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   3   1   $0.00   $37.46   $37.46   Attended Scouting America Scout Troop 848 meeting. Met with the Committee Chair and discussed expectations of working with Troop 848 as an Assistant Scout master. 
 Post 1929 Total 201 1,119 80 $38.00 $5,132.93 $5,170.93
 POST 1943  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   6   $250.00   $296.56   $546.56   Provided color guard for the 4th of July parade in Sonoma.  
 POST 1943  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   60   6   $50.00   $897.24   $947.24   Membership drive and information booth at July 4th celebration in Sonoma, Ca.  
 POST 1943  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   50   5   $0.00   $500.80   $500.80   Volunteered to judge the Devils Darlings car show. In Sonoma.  
 POST 1943  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   80   2   $1,000.00   $109.96   $1,109.96   Made $1000.donation (gift cards) to an Afghanistan/Iraq Marine Corp veteran and family in need. Veteran is a student, married with children. Wife is pregnant and has cancer.  
 POST 1943  8/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   140   14   $285.00   $1,402.24   $1,687.24   Provided honor guard, rifle salute and wreath and flag presentation to family of a Hello Girl. A, WW1 army signal corps veteran buried in Sonoma.  
 POST 1943  8/25/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   60   6   $0.00   $304.68   $304.68   Provided honor guard, rifle salute, taps and flag presentation to family of deceased Marine Corp Vietnam veteran.  
 POST 1943  11/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   30   2   $10.00   $152.34   $162.34   Performed repair and maintenance of tiny home at Homeless Action Sonoma residence. The tiny home is dedicated to a homeless veteran residing in Sonoma Valley. The tiny home is a temporary residence for a veteran awaiting transition to permanent housing. 
 POST 1943  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   130   13   $150.00   $1,302.08   $1,452.08   Buddy poppy drive at Broadway Market, Safeway and Sonoma Market. 2 four hour shifts at each location with 2 people per shift.  
 POST 1943  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   60   6   $0.00   $304.68   $304.68   Decorated the Sonoma Veterans Memorial building for the Veterans Day ceremony. 
 POST 1943  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   100   10   $120.00   $1,001.60   $1,121.60   Buddy Poppy drive at Broadway Market, Safeway and Sonoma Market. 2 four shifts per location. with 2 members per shift.  
 POST 1943  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   60   6   $100.00   $600.96   $700.96   Buddy Poppy Drive at Safeway and Sonoma Market. 3 four shifts total. 2 members per shift.  
 POST 1943  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   7   30   3   $0.00   $522.69   $522.69   Membership drive at the 25th Annual Veterans Day Golf tournament at Sonoma Golf Course. Tournament to benefit the Hanna Center in Sonoma. 
 POST 1943  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   100   10   $800.00   $1,001.60   $1,801.60   Veterans Day Ceremony held at the Sonoma Veterans Memorial building. Paid for flyers, programs, bagpipe player, food and drinks. 
 POST 1943  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   6   120   12   $575.00   $1,794.48   $2,369.48   Provided a free Christmas dinner to Veterans and their families in Sonoma. This included purchasing food and drinks, setup,, preparing and serving food and drinks and cleanup.  
 POST 1943  12/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   20   2   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   Organized Tots for Tots donation at our annual Veterans Christmas Party. 
 POST 1943  12/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   40   2   $0.00   $153.74   $153.74   Helped a veteran who has stage 4 cancer clean out his storage locker. . 
 POST 1943  1/4/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   20   5   $410.00   $496.60   $906.60   Received a call from a marine combat veteran seeking help. He was in distress and contemplating suicide and wanted help. We referred him to the VA crisis hotline. The hotline talked with him for hours and calmed him down. He was being evicted from the house he was in. We met with him and put him up in a local motel for several days. We gave him contact info for housing and work.  
 POST 1943  1/6/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   40   4   $0.00   $104.36   $104.36   Attended Memorial Day ceremony committee meeting.  
 POST 1943  1/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   30   2   $5,000.00   $53.58   $5,053.58   Donation made to USARA, United States Army Ranger Association for veterans relief in Southern California fire disaster areas.  
 POST 1943  1/25/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   60   3   $20.00   $230.61   $250.61   Helped a deceased Vietnam veterans family clean out his storage unit.  
 POST 1943  2/1/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   100   10   $150.00   $1,001.60   $1,151.60   Held the District 16 quarterly meeting in Sonoma. This included purchasing breakfast and lunch items, setup and cleanup after the meeting. 
 POST 1943  2/20/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   40   4   $100.00   $104.36   $204.36   Provided Honor Guard rifle team for deceased army major as requested by the US Army. 
 POST 1943  2/22/2025   Community Service   Other   5   110   11   $150.00   $1,373.35   $1,523.35   Volunteered to assist the Sonoma Lions Club in their annual crab feed fund raiser. We purchased all the beverages and ice , setup the bar, provided bar tenders and cleaned up after the event. 
 POST 1943  2/23/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   70   7   $225.00   $355.46   $580.46   Provided rifle team, bugle, chaplain, casket flag folding and presentation to family. 
 POST 1943  2/23/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   70   7   $225.00   $355.46   $580.46   Provided rifle team, bugle, chaplain, casket flag folding and presentation to family. 
 Post 1943 Total 83 1,622 158 $9,620.00 $14,571.97 $24,191.97
 POST 2333  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   8   25   $100.00   $2,470.12   $2,570.12   Fairfield Independence Day Parade  
 POST 2333  8/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    3   70   1   $30.00   $83.87   $113.87   Provided transportation for an 83 year old USAF disabled Veteran to the Sacramento Airport. Assistance was provided getting the Veteran through check in.  
 POST 2333  9/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan   4   15   5   $0.00   $495.90   $495.90   Participated in a 349th Air Mobility Wing Family Circle event at the 349th AMW Command Center. The event gave us the opportunity to share programs like Un=Met Needs, Adopt a Unit, and Veteran's Relief. In addition to other membership applications, The 349th AMW Commander is now a member of D16 Post 2333. Our members provided bottled water to the 349th members and families as they enjoyed the cost free event which included jump houses, a water slide, mechanical bull riding and several games including an egg relay race.  
 POST 2333  9/7/2024   Community Service    Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   15   6   $100.00   $890.94   $990.94   Operation Family Circle Gave away VA Resource Handbooks, Stress Balls, suckers with Buddy Poppies wrapped on the stems, and bottled water. We set up a membership drive table and provided pamphlets on VFW membership, suicide awareness, and VA support programs.  
 POST 2333  9/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   10   5   $95.00   $742.10   $837.10   349th Air Mobility Wing, Travis Air Force Base, Operation Family Circle, Recruiting and Buddy Poppies  
 POST 2333  10/5/2024   Community Service    Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   15   4   $0.00   $495.90   $495.90   Retiree Appreciation Day Travis Air force Base District 16 Commander and members of 3 Posts set up two recruiting tables with take-away stress balls, pencils, "I’m a Veteran” pins, and finger skateboards. VFW members assisted with escorting veterans through the TAFB Heritage Museum offering insight on many of the displays. All who were interested walked away with an understanding of jet engines and the principles of "Suck, Bang, Blow,  
 POST 2333  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   15   4   $0.00   $594.66   $594.66   Veteran’s Day Community Recognition Ceremony District 16 Commander, in partnership with the Fairfield Suisun Unified School District, Hosted the event. The Civil Air Patrol Presented the Colors, the Pledge of Allegiance was presented by a Scouts of America Eagle Scout, and the Flag Retreat was performed by the VFW Post 2333 and Auxiliary. Guest Speakers included Lt.Col. Landers from Travis Air force Base and Suisun City Mayor Alma Hernandez. VFW District 16 Patriots Pen contestant from Suisun Crystal Middle School presented his essay. A recruiting table was placed at the entry to the pavilion and Buddy Poppies were presented to all attendees. VFW pamphlets were available and several membership applications were received.  
 POST 2333  12/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    6   30   26   $2,500.00   $3,855.84   $6,355.84   Afternoon Christmas Social Partnered with MOC PT16 and the D16 Auxiliary to provide winter-ware shirts, jackets, socks, gloves, slip proof slippers, and lap quilts to the resident veterans at Yountville Veterans Hospital. The residents were served desserts, drinks, and celebrated the 100th birthday of a WWII Veteran.  
 POST 2333  2/7/2025   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   60   1   $0.00   $45.44   $45.44   One post member and an Auxiliary member were honored to attend the repatriation of US Army Air Corps SSgt Yuen Hop a WWII Veteran killed in action in Germany during a mission in support of the Battle of the Budge. SSgt Hop was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor during a very moving service. SSgt Hop was welcomed home by his final surviving sister as well as multiple nieces and nephews after 80 years lost.  
 POST 2333  2/11/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   90   1   $40.00   $86.67   $126.67   Provided transportation for a disabled VFW member and USA Veteran from John Muir Hospital in Concord CA to his home in Fairfield. The Veteran was involved in an accident and was transported to the hospital by ambulance. He recovered quickly and was released sporting a new cane.  
 Post 2333 Total 45 328 78 $2,865.00 $9,761.44 $12,626.44
 POST 2337  7/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   1   9   $0.00   $1,777.82   $1,777.82   We participated in the fourth of July parade, on July 6th 2024 for Clearlake's annual parade. We handed out buddy poppy's during this event.  
 POST 2337  8/17/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   1   7   $0.00   $1,382.78   $1,382.78   We set up a both for recruiting at the 12th annual car show this year for the American Legion post 437. 
 POST 2337  8/24/2024   Community Service   Safety Recognition   1   20   10   $0.00   $249.70   $249.70    District Commander with coordination with VFW Post 2337 Clearlake, presented Jesse Cude, the VFW National Life Saving Award during a community ceremony. including local civic leaders, the honoree's family and a local news reporter.  
 POST 2337  9/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   9   1   5   $0.00   $1,111.19   $1,111.19   We set up a recruitment and information booth at the American Legion post 437 for the Stand down event run by the united veterans council. 
 POST 2337  10/12/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   5   2   1   $0.00   $123.73   $123.73   helping with the yard work since her Vet husband passing 
 Post 2337 Total 31 25 32 $0.00 $4,645.22 $4,645.22
 POST 3237  8/20/2024   Veterans Assistance    Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   20   2   $74.25   $150.94   $225.19   Pizza lunch at Santa Rosa Junior College for Veterans Success Center. Advocated VFW programs to veterans  
 Post 3237 Total 3 20 2 $74.25 $150.94 $225.19
 POST 3919  7/13/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   0   13   $500.00   $1,283.88   $1,783.88   The post held its annual car show to function as a fundraiser, membership drive and promotion of citizenship and patriotism.  
 POST 3919  11/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   2   $217.00   $197.52   $414.52   Hosted the quarterly meeting of the County Veteran Memorial Building Committee. Provided lunch to attendees. After the meeting was over, leftover food was given to volunteer poll workers working at the polling station in our building.  
 POST 3919  11/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   10   $140.20   $493.80   $634.00   Provided lunch for ten veterans and ten guests on Veterans Day.  
 Post 3919 Total 10 0 25 $857.20 $1,975.20 $2,832.40
 POST 3928  9/10/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   2   4   $0.00   $395.32   $395.32   We held a recruit membership drive at our local farmers market, The drive lead to 2 new members.  
 POST 3928  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   10   $650.00   $1,481.40   $2,131.40   Veterans' day breakfast served 220 veterans for the community.  
 POST 3928  11/11/2024   Community Service   Other   4   2   4   $0.00   $395.32   $395.32   conducted recruiting drive at our post and local stores.. we were able to get 3 new members. 
 Post 3928 Total 14 4 18 $650.00 $2,272.04 $2,922.04
 POST 7244  7/9/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   6   0   2   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Took down flags from Merchant Street poles that were hung in late May  
 POST 7244  7/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $200.00   $49.38   $249.38   Assisted female active duty airman (Hunter) from TAFB with $200 gift for her rent.  
 POST 7244  7/20/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   8   0   8   $0.00   $1,580.16   $1,580.16   Held fundraiser to raise funds  for eight $1000 scholarships  
 POST 7244  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $5,000.00   $49.38   $5,049.38   Donated $5000 of Poker revenue to Wife of local policeman named Mr Bowen who was recently killed while on duty in Vacaville  
 POST 7244  8/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   54   1   $0.00   $106.32   $106.32   Drove Veteran Mr Juarez to Martinez clinic for an appointment  
 POST 7244  11/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   0   4   $0.00   $790.08   $790.08   Participated in veterans day ceremony at Paramount House Assisted Living Facility in Vacaville 
 POST 7244  11/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   0   10   $300.00   $987.60   $1,287.60   Poppy distribution for Veterans Day  
 POST 7244  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   8   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   Participated in Veterans Day Ceremony  
 Post 7244 Total 35 54 37 $5,500.00 $4,451.76 $9,951.76
 POST 7816  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   25   16   $50.00   $1,978.70   $2,028.70   organize, coordinate, brief with City of Novato as PR and Community involvement in 4 July Parade/ open Post for other groups in Parade, furnish refreshments and food free to those visiting our Post  
 POST 7816  7/8/2024   Community Service   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   25   2   $500.00   $102.26   $602.26   Our Post has supported a family grieving over the impending death of one of our members who is in hospice. Since 2023, we have donated $8,000 from our restricted Poppy fund as they struggle to pay bills.  
 POST 7816  7/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   20   1   $500.00   $76.87   $576.87   personal support of family of dying member of our Post  
 POST 7816  8/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   25   2   $500.00   $102.26   $602.26   Our Post has supported a family grieving over the impending death of one of our members who is in hospice. Since 2023, we have donated $8,000 from our restricted Poppy fund as they struggle to pay bills.  
 POST 7816  8/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   10   7   $20.00   $519.89   $539.89   Our Post participated in "Police Night Out", a public outreach/connection with our Community. About 300 attended, our Post had seven, most in uniform, with table, handouts and poppies. We connected with one potential member, three potential AUX members, interacted with both our Novato Police Chief, Fire Chief, the public and other City staff  
 POST 7816  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $500.00   $24.69   $524.69   Our Executive Committee approved and sent a $500 donation to "Homeward Bound", an org. devoted to support of 22 formerly homeless VETS in Marin Co. We have been supporting this worthwhile ORG for over three years in many ways other than financial  
 POST 7816  9/4/2024   Community Service   Other   5   250   2   $75.00   $281.90   $356.90   voted for, researched and purchased exterior Post box for informative flyers which included a member application, our Mission, our outreach programs and a Welcome to visit us. We will keep 25 flyers available for the public 
 POST 7816  9/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   0   20   0   $2,000.00   $2.80   $2,002.80   support for family of newly deceased member of our Post 7816, for their burial and other closure issues 
 POST 7816  9/6/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   27   45   2   $130.00   $1,339.56   $1,469.56   vols did a complete rebuild of a decrepit locker for "retired flags" which are constantly being deposited into our Post, This bright reminder for our public gives a readily available depository to leave tired, retired, distressed flags. This posting represents the 3rd visit to a local cemetery which respectfully dissembles and destroys flags beyond their life. The public leaves about 225 flags per year at our Post 
 POST 7816  11/4/2024   Youth Development   Other   2   18   2   $0.00   $101.28   $101.28   our continuing outreach connection to Marin Christian Academy has done wonders f0r our Vets as well as the schools deep respect for our military service. We receive, annually, over 100 handwritten cards honoring Vets. We speak to their student body, then are honored with their signing Patriotic songs and hearing personal poems. It has generated a genuine love for us Vets and inspired them to become assets in our Community 
 POST 7816  11/4/2024   Youth Development   Other   3   8   8   $0.00   $593.68   $593.68   eight of us met with and assisted journalism student with video she was creating along with her teacher on Veterans 
 POST 7816  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   3   110   16   $115.00   $1,200.52   $1,315.52   16 members at 7 locations distributed hundreds of Poppys to resupply our restricted fund for Vets in Distress, serving in 3 hr shifts  
 POST 7816  11/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Buddy Poppy Drive   9   4   13   $0.00   $2,889.29   $2,889.29   day 2 of 3 over Veterans Day 2024 received donations in excess of $2K to add to our restricted fund for Distressed Vets 
 POST 7816  11/9/2024   Community Service   Other   16   120   9   $12.00   $3,572.16   $3,584.16   joined Marine Corps Birthday celebration 
 POST 7816  11/11/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   2   10   4   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   On Veterans Day, four of us reviewed, processed and forwarded to Dist 16 an outstanding submission from a 15 yr old student 
 POST 7816  11/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   5   5   $0.00   $247.60   $247.60   at major Veterans Day celebration, our Poppy table collected $1K in donations to add to our restricted fund for Distressed Veterans 
 POST 7816  11/13/2024   Community Service   Other   1   4   47   $0.00   $1,160.99   $1,160.99   our invited Speaker was the Novato Chief of Police. Subject our outreach programs, desire to assist all responder groups in our City 
 POST 7816  11/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   8   120   1   $20.00   $214.32   $234.32   attended "Irreverent Warriors hike against suicide" in Campbell CA 
 POST 7816  11/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   10   4   $25.00   $198.92   $223.92   in continuing support for Homeward Bound, 4 of us attended fundraiser ceremony opening up new units for the unhoused 
 POST 7816  11/20/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   14   87   1   $97.00   $357.84   $454.84   for Community Outreach, we built a retired flag locker, left external of Post, for anyone to leave distressed USA flags, then bring them to a Memorial Park where they are properly disposed of  
 POST 7816  12/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   member attendance at "Veterans Court", an assistance program helping Vets charged by Police, expunge their record and become productive members of our Community 
 POST 7816  1/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   20   2   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   attended Veterans Court to support local Vets in trouble with the law  
 POST 7816  1/8/2025   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   4   25   4   $1,000.00   $398.54   $1,398.54   Our Post supported the VOD treatise of a young woman, wrote a letter attesting to 3 members who voted to fully support her entry. We then invited the entire family to attend our monthly meeting where we introduced her, heard her recite her entry, then presented her with a certificate of merit, a bronze medal of achievement and a grant of $1,000 to assist her future in Neurologic medicine  
 POST 7816  1/10/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   2   $2,200.00   $248.30   $2,448.30   Community outreach, enhance recruitment, Community support, PR for Post, recognition for Post 7816 members in perpetuity, We finally installed 22 bricks at $100 each to support City 0f Novato historical projects, establish our Post presence and preserve our history by installation of the 22 bricks installed in front of City Hall and celebrated this event on site  
 POST 7816  2/4/2025   Veterans Assistance      3   25   4   $0.00   $299.78   $299.78   Four Officers of Post 7816 attended the monthly Honor Court for Veterans whose past includes Civil offenses and suspended sentences. An assigned Judge carefully reviews each case with the Veteran and his/her attorney. After undertaking many required benchmarks, the Vet may have their infraction/s expunged from their record. We attend these to give support for the veteran 
 POST 7816  2/5/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   74   1   $22.00   $133.81   $155.81   one Post 7816 Post member picked up a handicapped Vietnam Navy Vet and transported him to a meeting in which he was honored and welcomed, paid for lunch.  
 POST 7816  2/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   2   10   13   $0.00   $643.34   $643.34   thirteen Post Members attended and supported the life remembrance of a very active Members wife 
 POST 7816  2/26/2025   Youth Development   Other   2   10   9   $0.00   $334.72   $334.72   9 of our Post Members visited the Pleasant Valley elementary school in Novato. We explained the Red Poppies then distributed one to each, talked about being in the Service and what we did, then fielded around 40 good questions. It was a very wonderful and productive morning with 42 third graders 
 Post 7816 Total 136 1,100 180 $7,766.00 $17,474.04 $25,240.04
 POST 8151  8/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Telephone wellness check on a post member  
 POST 8151  8/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   4   4   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Post did the color guard for the first home game for the Dixon High School football season  
 POST 8151  9/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   3   135   2   $0.00   $167.04   $167.04   Two members attended the Department POW/MIA Memorial Service on the USS Hornet  
 POST 8151  9/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   1   $0.00   $24.83   $24.83   Commander attended the non profit round table at the Chamber of Commerce in Dixon  
 POST 8151  9/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Commander placed a call to a member to do a welfare check on the member  
 POST 8151  10/11/2024   Community Service   Other   12   3   3   $0.00   $889.26   $889.26   Members helped as worker for the Dixon Teen Center fund raiser pinball weekend 1 member each day for 4 hrs each. 
 POST 8151  10/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   2   3   $0.00   $296.56   $296.56   Members assisted the vendors of the Senior Resource Fair at the Dixon Senior Center load and unload there supplies 
 POST 8151  11/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   4   4   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Provided color guard for the assembly at the Dixon Zhogh School to honor veterans for Veterans Day 
 POST 8151  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   24   2   8   $0.00   $4,740.82   $4,740.82   Poppy drive at Safeway Dixon 3 Days 8 hours each day with two members at each door. 9,10and11 Nov 2024 
 POST 8151  11/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   24   3   8   $0.00   $4,740.83   $4,740.83   Held membership drives on 9,10, and 11 November 2024  
 POST 8151  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   20   2   $0.00   $52.18   $52.18   Provided a color guard for the senior living center in Davis honoring the Veterans living at the center 
 POST 8151  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   110   1   $0.00   $114.16   $114.16   PDC,Post8151 Commander Nelson Reyes. I spent the morning doing wreaths across America at the Golden Gate national Cemetery. And I was lucky enough to put one on my father‘s grave site.  
 POST 8151  12/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   2   8   $200.00   $395.32   $595.32   Dixon VFW post 8151 provided a venue for the Dixon youth football league to present 6 Black Bear awards by give them an invitation to our awards potluck dinner. The post commander also helped handing out the awards to these Young football leaders.  
 POST 8151  12/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   2   2   $970.00   $49.66   $1,019.66   We passed out the annual Christmas donation of $50.00 Gift cards to the residents of the 3 transitional homes that veterans live in here in the city of Dixon. 9 total.  
 POST 8151  12/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   2   2   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   We held a mini membership drive while we was at the annual meeting at the transitional houses in Dixon for Christmas. 
 POST 8151  12/19/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   1   2   2   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   We held a mini membership drive while we were at the annual meeting at the transitional houses in Dixon for Christmas.  
 POST 8151  12/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   2   2   $970.00   $49.66   $1,019.66   We passed out the annual Christmas donation of $50.00 Gift cards to the residents of the 3 transitional homes that veterans live in here in the city of Dixon. 9 total. 
 POST 8151  2/12/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   1   2   $0.00   $49.52   $49.52   Two members of the Dixon VFW post 8151 severed as judges for the Citizen of the year at the chamber of commerce for the Celebration of Dixon event that is upcoming 
 POST 8151  2/25/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   0   0   1   $0.00   $0.00   $0.00   did a welfare check on a member of post 8151 
 Post 8151 Total 85 295 59 $2,140.00 $12,015.94 $14,155.94
 District 16 Total 923 5,366 947 $32,184.45 $101,500.01 $133,684.46
 POST 0  9/1/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   9   112   3   $75.00   $682.31   $757.31   Conducted Membership drive at the Tejano Festival In Sacramento at Chavez Park Downtown. Recruited one new member for post 67 and three that must be followed up to get their DD 214s.  
 Post 0 Total 9 112 3 $75.00 $682.31 $757.31
 POST 67  7/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   23   1   $0.00   $126.67   $126.67   Manning Cooties, Pup Tent 69 fireworks stand.  
 POST 67  7/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   36   1   $0.00   $79.11   $79.11   Military honors for Navy veteran, Leon, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 3.  
 POST 67  7/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   36   1   $0.00   $79.11   $79.11   Military Honors for Army veteran Leon, at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery.  
 POST 67  7/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   23   1   $0.00   $126.67   $126.67   Manning Cooties, Pup Tent 69 fireworks stand.  
 POST 67  7/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   23   1   $0.00   $126.67   $126.67   Manning Cooties, Pup Tent 69 fireworks stand.  
 POST 67  7/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Airforce veteran, Misenheimer, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 3.  
 POST 67  7/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Navy veteran, Timberlake, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 1.  
 POST 67  7/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   Military honors for veteran, Camp, at the Elmira Cemetery.  
 POST 67  7/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   Military Honors at Elmira Cemetery, for veteran Camp  
 POST 67  7/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   36   1   $0.00   $54.42   $54.42   Military honors for Air Force veteran, Hoellein, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 2.  
 POST 67  7/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Army veteran, Paiz, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 3.  
 POST 67  7/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   8   1   $0.00   $50.50   $50.50   Military honors for Army veteran, Plummer, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 1.  
 POST 67  7/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Army veteran, Brown, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 2.  
 POST 67  7/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Air Force veteran, Canning, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 1.  
 POST 67  7/13/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   30   4   $20.28   $399.24   $419.52   Rifle Salute for Army veteran Larry J. Fischer at St. Mary's Cemetery at 1000 hrs and Rifle Salute for Navy veteran Abraham P. Anuat at East Lawn Elk Grove at 1130 hrs.  
 POST 67  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   3   0   1   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   There was a monthly clinic for veterans to make claims.  
 POST 67  7/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   While at National convention, members packed seeds (cucumber, cabbage, broccoli), these seeds will be distributed to school and communities that wish to start gardens.  
 POST 67  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during National convention.  
 POST 67  8/19/2024   Legislative Advocacy      2   50   1   $0.00   $56.38   $56.38   Veterans Advisory Commission 
 POST 67  8/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   39   5   $0.00   $252.36   $252.36   Rifle salute for Army veteran John Sakamoto at East Lawn Elk Grove along with Army Honor Guards.  
 POST 67  9/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   15   5   $56.00   $249.00   $305.00   Rifle salute for Retired Army Captain Harry Montfort at Old City Cemetery along with Army Honor Guards.  
 POST 67  9/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   20   3   $0.00   $150.94   $150.94   Rifle salute for Army veteran Earnest Woods at Andrews & Greilich Funeral Home along with Army Honor Guards.  
 POST 67  9/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   36   5   $0.00   $251.94   $251.94   Rifle salute for Army veteran Robert Lewis at Heritage Lakeside Clubhouse along with Army Honor Guards.  
 POST 67  10/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   28   2   $0.00   $201.44   $201.44   Rifle salute for Navy veteran Arthur Schmaltz in Roseville, CA  
 POST 67  10/14/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   2   50   4   $0.00   $204.52   $204.52   Members attended Sacramento County Veterans Advisory Committee 
 POST 67  10/16/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   38   5   $44.22   $252.22   $296.44   Rifle salute for Navy veteran George L. Thompson Jr. at SVNC in Dixon.  
 POST 67  10/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military Honors for Marine Corps veteran Sund, at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 2. 
 POST 67  10/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Military Honors for Air Force veteran Wagner, at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 3 
 POST 67  10/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   36   1   $0.00   $54.42   $54.42   Military Honors for Smith, at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 1. 
 POST 67  10/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military Honors for Marine Corps veteran Stevens, at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 2. 
 POST 67  10/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military Honors for Army veteran Peters, at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 3. 
 POST 67  10/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   5   3   $0.00   $148.84   $148.84   Military Honors for Army veteran, Jethro, 1330, at Sacramento Memorial Lawn 
 POST 67  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   8   2   $0.00   $99.88   $99.88   Service dog training for combat veterans with PTSD & TBI. 
 POST 67  10/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military Honors for Army veteran Smith, at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 1. 
 POST 67  10/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Military Honors for Navy veteran Fair, at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 2. 
 POST 67  10/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   36   1   $0.00   $54.42   $54.42   Military Honors for Army veteran Sutter, at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 3. 
 POST 67  10/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military Honors for Navy veteran Malloy, at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 1. 
 POST 67  10/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military Honors for Navy veteran Tianio, at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Shelter 3. 
 POST 67  11/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   50   3   $10.00   $155.14   $165.14   500 buddy poppies handed out at veterans day parade.  
 POST 67  11/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   6   30   3   $0.00   $448.62   $448.62   Posted National Colors as part of opening ceremony for the "Sacramento Homg New Year 2024-2025" celebration Members present: Albert Basquez, Baldwin Wong, Jerry Rogers.  
 POST 67  11/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   50   5   $0.00   $253.90   $253.90   Conducted Military Honors for Mr. Choi, U.S. Army veteran at East Lawn Cemetery, Folsom Blvd. Sacramento. Personnel Present: Baldwin Wong, Bugler Jerry Rogers, COG Patrick White, Rifleman Gilbert Gamino, Rifleman Jimmy Ong, Rifleman  
 POST 67  12/15/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   20   5   $0.00   $373.15   $373.15   Conducted Military Honors for Mr. Richard Russell Deeter, U.S. Army (Desert shield/Desert Storm Veteran) At Land Park, Sacramento, to include Flag Presentation.. Present: COG, Jerry Rogers - Bugler, Baldwin Wong - Rifleman, Patrick White - Rifleman, Jimmy Ong - Rifleman, Gilbert Gamino.  
 POST 67  12/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   28   5   $0.00   $250.82   $250.82   Military Honors for Army vet, Johnnie Davis at East Lawn Elk Grove. 
 POST 67  1/3/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   18   5   $0.00   $249.42   $249.42   Rifle Salute for Army veteran David Jovovich at East Lawn Cemetery. 
 POST 67  1/4/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   28   5   $0.00   $374.27   $374.27   Full Military Honors for Army veteran Dennis Joseph Wong at VFW Post 67 Hall . 
 POST 67  1/5/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   21   3   $0.00   $151.08   $151.08   Service dog training for combat veterans 
 POST 67  1/9/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Navy veteran Bruce Riggs, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #2 
 POST 67  1/9/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   28   7   $0.00   $349.58   $349.58   Full grave side Military Honors for Army veteran Shee Wing Loui at East Lawn Cemetery.  
 POST 67  1/9/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   38   1   $0.00   $54.70   $54.70   Military honors for Marine Corps veteran Carley Pen, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #2 
 POST 67  1/9/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Navy veteran George Juan, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #2 
 POST 67  1/9/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Navy veteran Arnold Halstad, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #3 
 POST 67  1/9/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Army veteran Lewis Wright, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #1 
 POST 67  1/9/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Air Force veteran Jesse Freeman, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #3 
 POST 67  1/16/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Air Force veteran Bacilio Garcia, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #3 
 POST 67  1/16/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Military honors for Army veteran Bobby Horton, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #1 
 POST 67  1/21/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Army veteran James Ashe, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #1 
 POST 67  1/21/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Army veteran Charles Lynch, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #1 
 POST 67  1/21/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   38   1   $0.00   $54.70   $54.70   Military honors for Army veteran Eddie Jones, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #3 
 POST 67  1/21/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Air Force veteran Theorore Paul, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #1 
 POST 67  1/21/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Military honors for Army veteran Larry Shimoda, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #3 
 POST 67  1/21/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Army veteran Harold Johnson, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #3 
 POST 67  1/26/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   4   18   1   $0.00   $101.28   $101.28   Youth Group Program: Performance of youth group lion dance troupe at the Sutter Club for a Chinese New Year celebration (3 lion heads and 13 performers).  
 POST 67  1/27/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   28   5   $37.82   $250.82   $288.64   Military Honors for Army veteran Thomas Carrol at St. Mary's Cemetery. 
 POST 67  1/30/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Army veteran Douglas, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #3  
 POST 67  1/30/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Army veteran Engvall, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #3  
 POST 67  1/30/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   38   1   $0.00   $54.70   $54.70   Military honors for Army veteran Markley, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #4  
 POST 67  1/30/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Navy veteran Radovich, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #1 
 POST 67  1/30/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Air Force veteran Matassa, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #3 
 POST 67  1/30/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Army veteran Beatty, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #1 
 POST 67  1/30/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Army veteran Skipper, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #2 
 POST 67  1/30/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Army veteran Wong, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #2 
 POST 67  1/30/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   21   1   $0.00   $77.01   $77.01   Service dog training for combat veterans 
 POST 67  2/2/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   21   3   $0.00   $225.15   $225.15   Service dog training for combat veterans with PTSD 
 POST 67  2/2/2025   Youth Development   Other   3   28   10   $0.00   $744.62   $744.62   Performance of Youth Group Lion Dance Troupe at Well Season Restaurant for Lunar New Year celebration. 
 POST 67  2/6/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Navy veteran Schearer, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #1 
 POST 67  2/6/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Military honors for Army veteran Harte, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #2 
 POST 67  2/6/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   38   1   $0.00   $54.70   $54.70   Military honors for Navy veteran Briggs, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #1 
 POST 67  2/6/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Air Force veteran Boyer, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #2 
 POST 67  2/6/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Navy veteran Morris, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #1 
 POST 67  2/6/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Air Force veteran Tiapula, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #3 
 POST 67  2/6/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Army veteran Dunlap, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #2 
 POST 67  2/7/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   18   4   $0.00   $298.80   $298.80   Render military honors for Navy veteran  at Calvary Cemetery, Citrus Heights, Ca. COG Baldwin Wong Rifleman Jerry Rogers Rifleman Jimmy Ong Rifleman Patrick White  
 POST 67  2/7/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   28   4   $39.69   $201.44   $241.13   Military Honors for Army Korea War Veteran  at East Lawn Elk Grove.  
 POST 67  2/8/2025   Youth Development   Other   2   8   12   $0.00   $593.68   $593.68   Performance of Youth Group Lion Dance Troupe at ACC Senior Services Center for Lunar New Year Celebration. 
 POST 67  2/9/2025   Youth Development   Other   2   12   10   $0.00   $495.48   $495.48   Performance of Youth Group Lion Dance Troupe at Tea Cup Cafe for Catholic Church to celebrate Lunar New Year. 
 POST 67  2/9/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   16   2   $0.00   $150.38   $150.38   Service dog training for combat veterans with PTSD 
 POST 67  2/9/2025   Youth Development   Other   2   28   12   $0.00   $596.48   $596.48   Performance of Youth Group Lion Dance Troupe at Sacramento Chinese Confucius Church AKA:Chinese Benevolent Association to celebrate Lunar New Year ( 1130 hrs ). 
 POST 67  2/13/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   38   1   $0.00   $54.70   $54.70   Military honors for Army veteran Gruwell, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #2 
 POST 67  2/13/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Army veteran Squires, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #1 
 POST 67  2/13/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Army veteran Rosa-Otero, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #3 
 POST 67  2/13/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Marine Corps veteran Sturdivant, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #2 
 POST 67  2/16/2025   Youth Development   Other   3   8   10   $0.00   $741.82   $741.82   Performance of Youth Group Lion Dance Troupe at Aviator Restaurant 3:30pm for Lunar New Year Celebration. 
 POST 67  2/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   13   2   $0.00   $149.96   $149.96   Service dog training for combat veterans. 
 POST 67  2/18/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   39   5   $36.63   $252.36   $288.99   Full Military Honors for Army Veteran Captain Harry Ward at Newcastle Cemetery. 
 POST 67  2/20/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Marine Corps veteran Butler, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #2 
 POST 67  2/20/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Military honors for Army veteran Urban, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #1 
 POST 67  2/20/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Marine Corps veteran Guthmiller, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #1 
 POST 67  2/20/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Navy veteran Fittro, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #1 
 POST 67  2/20/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   38   1   $0.00   $54.70   $54.70   Military honors for Army veteran Adams, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #1 
 POST 67  2/20/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Military honors for Marine Corps veteran Freedman, at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, shelter #2 
 Post 67 Total 189 1,443 227 $259.64 $12,349.50 $12,609.14
 POST 904  7/12/2024   Community Service   Other   8   30   7   $0.00   $1,386.84   $1,386.84   July 13-14 Capitol Airshow booth at Mather 
 POST 904  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   20   4   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   Fair Oaks tree removal from driveway for VFW bagpiper Chuck  
 POST 904  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   40   5   $150.00   $375.95   $525.95   Assisted female, air force, disabled veteran with removal of twenty-five trees. We chopped down the trees., sawed to create smaller segments, drug segments to landing, and. stacked segments for future chipping.  
 POST 904  7/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   10   11   $100.00   $816.17   $916.17   Placer County Veteran Service Office celebrating its Grand Opening / joint with AmerLegion 775 and Veteran Advisory Council  
 POST 904  7/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   3   20   4   $0.00   $299.08   $299.08   Veteran Fred Berryman Funeral Honor Guard 
 POST 904  7/22/2024   Veterans Assistance    Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   8   4   $0.00   $297.40   $297.40   Tree project for Veteran Kawahatta  
 POST 904  7/26/2024   Veterans Assistance    Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   6   1   $0.00   $25.53   $25.53   Moved gun safe for disable Veteran Kielhorn in Rocklin  
 POST 904  7/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   6   2   $0.00   $50.22   $50.22   Dropped off a cooler full of ice for 90-year-old Vet Howard's to his trailer / Ron's Friend  
 POST 904  7/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   5   4   $0.00   $494.50   $494.50   Helped the widow of a Veteran with double-wide trailer ceiling repair in Granite Bay  
 POST 904  8/1/2024   Veterans Assistance    Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   12   4   $0.00   $297.96   $297.96   Loaded and unloaded trex boards at Roseville Lowes for disabled Veteran Garrel  
 POST 904  8/10/2024   Veterans Assistance    Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   12   4   $0.00   $199.20   $199.20   Minor tree trim for  Sanchez's home in Lincoln  
 POST 904  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    3   25   2   $0.00   $151.64   $151.64   Delivered power chair to Rob Black house , then old chair loaded up and delivered to Don Bilieu in Sun City Lincoln  
 POST 904  8/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   6   6   $0.00   $297.12   $297.12   Clearing 2 8" diameter tree branches, sawed to small pieces for chipping. cleared a large bush and cut to small pieces for chipping. clean up ground area.  
 POST 904  8/23/2024   Veterans Assistance    Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   2   3   $0.00   $222.49   $222.49   SHRUB TRIMMING, GROUND CLEARING AND MINOR LEVELING. ALSO ASSISTED NEIGHBOR WITH LARGE OVERGROWN SHRUB TRIMMING.  
 POST 904  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance    Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   20   5   $50.00   $249.70   $299.70   Removal of a plum tree and ground cleaning, dump run for veteran  
 POST 904  8/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    5   11   5   $200.00   $618.79   $818.79    Cutting up and removal to the dump of a sailboat and metal boat trailer, trimmed trees and cleaned grounds around the house and driveway.  
 POST 904  9/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   20   2   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Request to do yard work for a local veteran. 
 POST 904  9/6/2024   Community Service   Other   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   Door hinge repair for Veterans widow. 
 POST 904  9/10/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   Donated $500 check to Placer Stand Down 2024-2025  
 POST 904  9/10/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   donated a $500 check to sponsor a Boys & Girls All-State Scholarship through the American Legion Post 775  
 POST 904  1/23/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Received email from a Veterans family in Sparta Illinois to get help in their deceased family $700 memorial ordered since September 2024. Contacted the Commander at VFW 2698 in Sparta Illinois. He found the problem, emailed me and the family pictures of memorial, invoice to be delivered next month and get it resolved. Received a very nice follow up email from the family stating how VFW working together to take care of their veterans and family.  
 POST 904  1/24/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   134   2   $0.00   $265.66   $265.66   Delivered a load of firewood to a vet in Colfax on Friday. 134 miles round trip. 4.5 hours loading and driving. Value of the wood for that load is about $500  
 POST 904  1/25/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   4   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   Deliver much needed cut and stack firewood to elderly disabled veteran to heat their home.  
 POST 904  2/19/2025   Community Service   Other   4   82   5   $500.00   $505.28   $1,005.28   Replenish firewood for an elderly couple in Granite Bay who were already down to a handful of logs to heat their home. 
 Post 904 Total 67 499 92 $2,000.00 $7,353.41 $9,353.41
 POST 1267  7/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   5   1   $50.00   $50.08   $100.08   Diagnosed and repaired water sprinklers for a Gulf War Veteran.  
 POST 1267  7/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   5   1   $0.00   $74.77   $74.77   Diagnosed and repaired lawnmower for Vietnam Veteran. Mowed lawn after fixing lawnmower.  
 POST 1267  7/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Diagnosed and fixed electrical outlet.  
 POST 1267  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Diagnosed and fixed garbage disposal for Vietnam Veteran.  
 POST 1267  7/16/2024   Veterans Assistance    Unmet Needs/Relief   2   5   1   $8.00   $50.08   $58.08   Removed dash and replaced all bulbs on 2001 Ford Ranger for the vehicle to pass smog inspection for a Vietnam Veteran.  
 POST 1267  7/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Provided information regarding: 1. Cremation services, 2. Scattering ashes by the Department of the Navy, and the necessity of wills.  
 POST 1267  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Coordinated benefits for a veteran.  
 POST 1267  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   4   30   2   $0.00   $201.72   $201.72   Coordinated Chaplain service for a veteran.  
 POST 1267  8/22/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Talked to parent about Voice of Democracy for her two children.  
 POST 1267  8/25/2024   Community Service   Other   3   0   9   $300.00   $666.63   $966.63   *need more info**Served breakfast for 40 people in the community.  
 POST 1267  8/26/2024   Veterans Assistance      2   15   1   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Removed cover from Veteran to enable him to have a powered scooter lift installed.  
 POST 1267  9/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   7   2   $0.00   $50.36   $50.36   Diagnosed ignition problem on a mobile home for fixing for an elderly woman in the community.  
 POST 1267  9/3/2024   Veterans Assistance    Unmet Needs/Relief   1   5   1   $5.00   $25.39   $30.39   Bought brake fluid for homeless woman living in her truck. 
 POST 1267  9/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   5   12   $0.00   $1,482.10   $1,482.10   Coordinated a PBS documentary interview about Veteran and if benefits are assisting them. It will air in the fall of 2025..  
 POST 1267  9/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   1   $70.00   $100.16   $170.16   Replaced all of the brake pads and inspected rotors on a Honda Accord for a single mother with two children so she could take her children to school and travel to work safely.  
 POST 1267  9/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   60   1   $2.00   $107.16   $109.16   Picked up Veteran at home and transported her to hospital appointment and brought her back home.  
 POST 1267  9/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Briefed 20 Veteran of upcoming benefits event.  
 POST 1267  9/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   5   2   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Help two veterans with claim benefits.  
 POST 1267  9/30/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   4   80   1   $0.00   $109.96   $109.96   Drove 80 miles delivering Patriot Pen Flyers to schools.  
 POST 1267  9/30/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   4   75   1   $0.00   $109.26   $109.26   Drove 75 miles delivering Voice of Democracy flyers to school.  
 POST 1267  10/1/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   3   50   1   $0.00   $81.07   $81.07   Delivered Voice of Democracy Flyers to schools.  
 POST 1267  10/1/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   3   40   1   $0.00   $79.67   $79.67   Delivered Patriot Pen Flyers to schools.  
 POST 1267  10/9/2024   Youth Development   Other   8   10   1   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   Spent 8 hours at James Rudder Middle School briefing 6 different classes about 37 years of military service and advantages of military life.  
 POST 1267  10/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Spent 2 hours trying to find housing for a homeless veteran.  
 POST 1267  10/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   10   $400.00   $987.60   $1,387.60   **did the post make money from the breakfast** Served breakfast to 40 members of the community.  
 POST 1267  10/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   1   $15.00   $50.78   $65.78   Replaced electrical outlet that was shorting out kitchen appliances for an elderly couple.  
 POST 1267  10/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $300.00   $124.85   $424.85   Replaced brake rotors for a single mother so she could have safe transportation for her children.  
 POST 1267  10/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   10   1   $200.00   $124.85   $324.85   Replaced old lighting and added dimmer switches in bathroom for elderly couple.  
 POST 1267  10/22/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   10   1   $100.00   $50.78   $150.78   Replaced outdoor lighting for veteran.  
 POST 1267  11/12/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   10   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Issued out poppies to members to distribute to the community.  
 POST 1267  11/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted female veteran with assistance information.  
 POST 1267  11/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   3   10   1   $0.00   $75.47   $75.47   Moved and installed washer and dryer for veteran. 
 POST 1267  12/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   0   6   $0.00   $1,481.40   $1,481.40   Purchased and collected toys for Toys for Tots. Report split PJ 
 POST 1267  12/9/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Reviewed all Patriot Pen applications, scored them and submitted the winner to the District. 
 POST 1267  12/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Repaired a washing machine for a Veterans .  
 POST 1267  12/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   0   6   $0.00   $1,481.40   $1,481.40   Purchased and collected toys for Toys for Tots. Report split PJ 
 POST 1267  12/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   0   6   $0.00   $1,481.40   $1,481.40   Purchased and collected toys for Toys for Tots. Report split PJ 
 POST 1267  12/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   0   6   $0.00   $1,481.40   $1,481.40   Purchased and collected toys for Toys for Tots. Report split PJ 
 POST 1267  12/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   10   6   $600.00   $1,482.80   $2,082.80    Purchased and collected toys for Toys for Tots.  
 POST 1267  12/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Fixed rear taillight assembly for member of the community.  
 POST 1267  12/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Fixed shower head for elderly woman.  
 POST 1267  12/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Water flooded kitchen at local AMVETs Post 1. Figured out drainage problem and fixed gutter down spouts.  
 POST 1267  12/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   McClellan Commissary food donation support program established by the Post Svc Officer between the Commissary and Sunrise Christian Food Ministry, 5901 San Juan Ave, Citrus Heights Ave, Ca. One ton of food per month is provided to the Food Bank and the food is delivered to the community at no charge regardless of zip code of the individuals needing the food. July 24 to December = six tons of food.  
 POST 1267  1/16/2025   Community Service   Other   20   408   1   $50.00   $550.92   $600.92   Travelled to Lewiston CA. Replaced two electrical outlets, replaced two door knobs, rekeyed door knob and trimmed tree and removed debris for elderly lady after her son past away suddenly. 
 POST 1267  1/24/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   North Carolina Veteran who is now in Stockton for her father’s funeral called regarding assistance for closing out the estate. She wanted to know what she needed to do about his VA claim money and Social Security. We discussed checking his VA file to see if there is outstanding debt owed to VA and ensure VA stops his benefits due to his passing. Also to contact Social Security and let them know he has passed so his checks are stopped. I asked how she got my telephone number and she stated she called some number and was given my name and number.  
 POST 1267  1/27/2025   Community Service   Other   2   10   1   $25.00   $50.78   $75.78   Bought redhead bolts and drilled new holes in concrete to fix wheelchair ramp at AMVETs Post 1. 
 POST 1267  1/30/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   1   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   A Commissary food donation support program was established by the Post Service Officer between the Asst.. Secretary of Defense; Washington, DC, Commissary System on April 17, 2020, and the Sunrise Christian Food Ministry as a charitable non-profit food bank eligible to receive commissary food donations from the McClellan Commissary IAW 10 U.S.C. 2485(f). They have continued to receive 2,000 pounds of food since April 2020. Food was picked up during the month of January 2025. This is a continuing program that requires no intervention by our Post at this time. The letter of approval is maintained by the Post Adjutant.  
 POST 1267  2/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Contacted by a Vietnam Veteran friend who let me know he had spent the last eight days at the Mather Hospital for congestive heart failure. His daughter and son-in-law had taken him to the emergency room as his feet and ankles had severely swollen and hurt. The ER admitted him for congestive heart failure and removed 47 pounds of water that was around his heart and other areas. His care was excellent and he is now at home. He is receiving home health twice a week and his daughter and son-in-law are taking care of him. I will be looking into DIC for the family. My friend knows I am a volunteer VFW Service Officer and wanted to let me know that the care he is receiving at VA is very good.  
 POST 1267  2/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   A Vietnam Veteran friend of mine called me today to let me know that he just got home from an eight day stay at the Mather VA Hospital for congestive heart failure. He was at home when his daughter and son-in-law noticed his ankles and feet were severely swollen. They took him to the VA Emergency Room, and they immediately admitted him for congestive heart failure. Forty=seven pounds of water was eventually removed from him body and a new CPAP was provided to him. He was released from the hospital and is under bed rest for the next 10 day. Home health care is being provided twice a week and his daughter and son-in-law are taking care of him. I will be looking into DIC for the family. The reason he called me was that he knows I am a volunteer VFW Service Officer, and he wanted to let me know how well VA is taking care of him.  
 POST 1267  2/12/2025   Youth Development   Other   4   100   2   $0.00   $211.52   $211.52   Drove to schools to pick up Valentine letters that children wrote to Veterans and delivered them to the VA hospital. 
 POST 1267  2/13/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Helped widow of a veteran to turn paperwork in for benefits through Mather Field VA. 
 POST 1267  2/18/2025   Community Service      3   20   1   $50.00   $76.87   $126.87   Helped elderly couple move furniture. 
 POST 1267  2/18/2025   Community Service      2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Assisted elderly lady to eliminate unwanted apps and to secure phone from scam po-ups. 
 Post 1267 Total 188 1,070 121 $2,175.00 $14,593.45 $16,768.45
 POST 1487  8/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   14   2   $270.00   $150.10   $420.10   Veteran moved from homeless status to an apartment. Veteran is requested assistance to have his dogs vaccinated as required by law. Met with veteran at the Veterinary hospital, shared resources, paid the vaccination fees, and received required tags for two dogs.  
 POST 1487  9/28/2024   Community Service   Other   5   10   4   $0.00   $495.20   $495.20   The Orangevale/Fairoaks Food Bank was having a clean up for their Open House on the 29th of September. Four members of Post 1487 volunteered to pull weeds, pickup trash and generally cleanup around the property.  
 POST 1487  10/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   0   5   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   On 6 Oct VFW Post conducted the Chapel Service forgone of our members how had passed away. This member was Arthur Schmaltz. A long time member and Viet Nam Veteran. The service was conducted after the religious portion was completed . We had the rifle team, a bugler, and the Navy provided the Honor Guard to unfurl and refold the flag and presented it to Arthurs widow.  
 POST 1487  10/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   12   2   $0.00   $149.82   $149.82   Member  attended  meeting Roseville Police Department sent three RPD Officers to share their Veterans Program. One officer is dedicated to homeless veterans. Officer said we could contact in case of a homeless veteran in need. Service Officer and one member coordinated with the Roseville Police Department to schedule the police officer's attending.  
 POST 1487  10/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Widow of a veteran requested assistance for a wheelchair ramp. Coordinated services with local county to donate without cost to the widow.  
 POST 1487  11/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   2   6   $35.00   $592.84   $627.84   On 7 November 2024 the City of Roseville had a Honoring Local Veterans Event. Post 1487 attended the event with our recruiting booth, talked with a lot of veterans, handed out several applications to some promising Veterans.  
 POST 1487  11/11/2024   Community Service   Other   4   0   6   $300.00   $592.56   $892.56   Veterans Day, 11 Nov 2024, VFW Post 1487 hosted a community Veterans Day event. There were about 80 community members present for this event. We offered coffee and donuts as refreshments. District 17 Commander Andrew Miller was our Guest Speaker. Cub Scout Pack 507 Posted and Retired the colors and also Presented each services flag when their service song was sung by the John Adams choir.  
 POST 1487  1/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   1   2   $607.87   $247.04   $854.91   Service Officer  and Commander met with homeless Veteran Gregery Cryer who asked for help for a weeks stay for himself and his children at the Heritage Inn in Roseville, CA. After vetting Mr .Cryer we paid for a week at the Heritage Inn.  
 POST 1487  1/27/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   1   2   $607.87   $148.28   $756.15   Post Sr. Vice Commander  help a homeless veteran  with help of a hotel room at the Heritage Inn in Roseville, CA.  
 POST 1487  2/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    2   6   1   $25.00   $50.22   $75.22   The Post Commander of Post 1487 reported to St. Augustine Episcopal Church in Rocklin, CA to help in a food packing event for the Salt Mine Food Closet in Lincoln CA. There were 10000 Breakfast meals that were packed that afternoon and were delivered to the Salt Mine Food Closed for distribution to the hungry.  
 Post 1487 Total 33 46 32 $1,845.74 $2,771.72 $4,617.46
 POST 2073  7/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   15   1   $0.00   $51.48   $51.48   Past Post Commander assisted Cold War, Female, disabled Veteran with transportation to and from medical appointment.  
 POST 2073  7/15/2024   Community Service   Other   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Post POC and assistant attended the Elk Grove Veterans Day Parade Committee meeting.. The American Legion has a contract with the city to organize and basically run it. VFW Post 2973 will have members riding and walking. in the parade.  
 POST 2073  7/20/2024   Legislative Advocacy      3   40   2   $0.00   $153.74   $153.74   SOI - Commander 
 POST 2073  7/23/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Application for the Elk Grove Multicultural Festival was completed and submitted. The event is scheduled for 14 Sep 24 from 1000 to 1700 hours.. This will be the first recruiting event for Post 2073 this fiscal year and the second time the Post has been represented at the Fest. The location is just outside of our meeting hall at District 56, Elk Grove.. Besides our recruiting the event is good family fun with displays and activities for all ages  
 POST 2073  7/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted Cold War, female Veteran (with Disability) with Meal preparation and serving. the meal, mail and Package retrieval (shipment receipt of health items) Shopping and putting away groceries..  
 POST 2073  7/29/2024   Community Service   Other   4   20   1   $0.00   $101.56   $101.56   Separated Food Received at Elk Grove Food Bank  
 POST 2073  8/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   36   1   $0.00   $103.80   $103.80   Transported and assisted Disabled Female Cold War Veteran to medical appointments, then prepared and served her a complete nourishing meal.  
 POST 2073  8/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   82   1   $0.00   $134.93   $134.93   Represented Post 2073 at funeral for local 100% Disabled Vietnam Veteran  
 POST 2073  8/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Assisted widow of 100% disabled Vietnam Veteran with VA documents and made appointment with VA Rep for her.  
 POST 2073  9/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   40   3   $0.00   $450.02   $450.02   Post 2073 had a membership drive at the Elk Grove Multicultural Festival. Assistance on Veterans benefits was offered, The California Veterans Resource handbook was distributed. Membership Applications were completed and distributed.  
 POST 2073  9/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   24   105   2   $560.00   $1,199.82   $1,759.82   Organizing and Preparing for the Sacramento County StandDown.  
 POST 2073  9/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   24   105   2   $560.00   $1,199.82   $1,759.82   Organizing and Preparing for the Sacramento County StandDown.  
 POST 2073  9/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   190   340   8   $1,500.00   $37,576.40   $39,076.40   Members assisted in a 3 day Sacramento County StandDown. They cooked, provided information and security.  
 Post 2073 Total 269 793 26 $2,620.00 $41,195.18 $43,815.18
 POST 2655  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   25   $0.00   $3,703.50   $3,703.50   Post hosted an Independence Day Ceremony BBQ/Potluck. Our event was extremely well attended by members and their families and children.  
 POST 2655  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   30   5   $0.00   $251.10   $251.10   Post Commander, Quartermaster, Trustee and 2 members at large conducted a color guard, US flag lowering and presentation (then re-hoisting) to the Lake Wildwood Veteran of the Year/4th of July community gathering.  
 POST 2655  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   3   $0.00   $74.07   $74.07   Post Commander, Quartermaster, Trustee and 2 members at large were the color guard that led the Nevada City Independence Day Parade.  
 POST 2655  7/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   6   60   4   $150.00   $600.96   $750.96   Two members brought their boats out to Bollards Bar for a veteran day on the water for vets and families.  
 POST 2655  7/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   5   20   10   $380.00   $1,237.30   $1,617.30   18 Post members and family members meet at the Nevada County Sportsmen's Club (NCSC) for a Post sponsored fun-shoot and BBQ. Post coordinated with the NCSC and invited the range safety officers (Army and 2 Marines) to the Canteen for camaraderie and potential new members.  
 POST 2655  7/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   64   3   $0.00   $379.31   $379.31   assisted a fellow Post member with tree felling and cutting, bush pile removal/chipping to help with firewood and wildfire protection.  
 POST 2655  8/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   18   3   $0.00   $150.66   $150.66   3 Post members conduct the Color Guard duties at the Patriot Point Veteran Memorial dedication ceremony at the newly renovated McKnight Crossing shopping center in Grass Valley.  
 POST 2655  8/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   12   3   $200.00   $223.89   $423.89   Post Commander, Quartermaster and Adjutant participated in Nevada City National Night Out program. We shared Buddy Poppy's, decals and VFW membership benefits as well as general VFW information with hundreds of community members in attendance.  
 POST 2655  8/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   25   2   $250.00   $398.54   $648.54   Two Post members sat an information table at the Nevada County Fairgrounds. They shared information, provided applications and VFW general information pamphlets and Buddy Poppy's.  
 POST 2655  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   2   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Post Quartermaster and Service Officer participated in and represented the VFW Post 2655 and were recognized for their service in Desert Shield/Storm and OIF. Members were announced at the Nevada County Fair Military Appreciation Day open ceremonies.  
 POST 2655  8/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   30   3   $250.00   $744.90   $994.90   Post Quartermaster, Judge Advocate and Adjutant partnered with local VVA to sit an information booth at the Nevada County Fair. We shared the benefits of joining the VFW, shared gift bags, distributed Boddy Poppies and reconnected with dozens of veterans and potential new members.  
 POST 2655  8/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   25   6   $0.00   $744.20   $744.20   Post 2655 Commander, JA, Adjutant, our newest member, 1 Friend of the Post and his son felled and bucked up trees, split and stacked 1.5 cord of firewood for a 85 year old Marine. In addition to wood detail, we shared amazing fellowship with our Brother!  
 POST 2655  8/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   30   5   $0.00   $991.80   $991.80   Post Adjutant, and 4 members at large set-up and cleaned up the venure, sat display table/booth and interacted with nearly 100 Veterans and their families at the Nevada County Veterans Health and Wellness event. Veterans has the opportunity to talk with Congressman Kevin Kiley, VA reps and support organizations of Nevada County (CALGuard, Freed, Cedars Chiropractic, Rec4Vets, Nevada County Welcome Home Vets, Agency on Aging, Audiology Svs at Sierra Foothills OPC, Nevada County Public Defenders, Veterans Affiliated Council, Vet Center, etc.) We share Post 2655 location, hours and what we do for community service. Further, we shared Buddy Poppies, Veteran themed decals and stories!  
 POST 2655  8/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   30   5   $0.00   $991.80   $991.80   Post Adjutant, and 4 members at large set-up and cleaned up the venure, sat display table/booth and interacted with nearly 100 Veterans and their familes at the Nevada County Veterans Health and Wellness event. Veterans has the opportunity to talk with Congressman Kevin Kiley, VA reps and support organizations of Nevada County (CALGuard, Freed, Cedars Chiropractic, Rec4Vets, Nevada County Welcome Home Vets, Agency on Aging, Audiology Svs at Sierra Foothills OPC, Nevada County Public Defenders, Veterans Affiliated Council, Vet Center, etc.) We share Post 2655 location, hours and what we do for community service. Further, we shared Buddy Poppies, Veteran themed decals and stories!  
 POST 2655  9/15/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   0   5   $0.00   $123.45   $123.45   Post Commander, Quartermaster, Trustee and 2 members at large provided Color Guard for the 57th annual Constitution Day Parade in Nevada city, 3 members (Jr Vice, Adjutant and 1 member at large) participated in the reenactment of the signing of the U.S. Constitution and 1 of the Post's spouses performed judging duties rating the event entries as they marched through downtown Nevada City.  
 POST 2655  10/17/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   4   30   3   $0.00   $300.48   $300.48   3 Post members assisted with the transport of goods and equipment to set up the Nevada County Standdown.  
 POST 2655  10/18/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   7   30   7   $680.00   $1,214.01   $1,894.01   Post Commander, Quartermaster, Adjutant, Judge Advocate and 3 members at large sat the VFW table, delivered and donated $680.00 of the $1080 for lunch.  
 POST 2655  10/19/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   8   35   6   $0.00   $1,190.02   $1,190.02   Post Commander, Judge Advocate, Adjutant and 3 members at large sat our VFW information table, broke down the hall, cleaned and transported equipment to storge after the second day of the Nevada County Standdown.  
 POST 2655  10/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   302   5   $0.00   $165.73   $165.73   Post Commander, Quartermaster, 1st Year Trustee and 2 members at large joined the American Legion Riders, Nevada County All Veteran Honor Guard, Nevada County Sheriff's and Grass Valley Fire Departments and participated in the Drive-By Parade celebrating the 100th Birthday of a WWII Army Veteran who landed at Normandy Beach during the D-Day Invasion.  
 POST 2655  10/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   30   20   $0.00   $498.00   $498.00   Post Adjutant coordinated with the Nevada County Board of Supervisors to recognize the Nevada County Consolidated Veterans Council VFW, VVA, Marine Corps League, American Legion, Stand Down Committee. We were able to get Certificates of Recognition for all 5 groups at the 22 Oct 24 BoS meeting and delivered an 8+ minute talk highlight the volunteerism that all our veteran organizations do in our local community for veterans and civilians alike.  
 POST 2655  10/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   35   4   $0.00   $301.18   $301.18   4 members felled a tree, bucked it up and hauled away the debris. This project helped a Vietnam Veteran removed a dead tree that was in danger of falling on the home. 
 POST 2655  10/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   5   100   7   $0.00   $878.15   $878.15   Post Chaplin, Adjutant, Past Commander and 4 members at large meet at one members home and split 1.5 cord of oak, then loaded two trucks and trailer to transport to a Vietnam Veterans property (elevation 4500 feet) where we moved and stacked his front porch in prep for the winter.  
 POST 2655  10/31/2024   Community Service   Other   3   30   4   $100.00   $300.48   $400.48   Post Quartermaster, Judge Advocate, Adjutant, 1st Year Trustee shared 60 pounds of candy to the children of Nevada City on Halloween night.  
 POST 2655  11/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   50   4   $0.00   $402.04   $402.04   Post Adjutant and 3 members hauled and stacked 2.5 cord of wood for a Vietnam Veteran with Parkinson.  
 POST 2655  11/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    6   0   10   $0.00   $1,481.40   $1,481.40   Hosted the 249th Marine Corps Birthday Party. We provided the Hall, tables & chairs, bartender for 50 folks to celebrate our Brother Marines.  
 POST 2655  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   30   7   $0.00   $349.86   $349.86   Members attend the Veterans Day ceremony held at the Grass Valley Veteran Building. 2 members participated in the 21-gun salute and 2 members wore their Honor Guard Uniforms to represent the Post.  
 POST 2655  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   60   2   $0.00   $107.16   $107.16   Post Chaplin and Post Judge Advocate carried the Post Banner while participating in the Little Town of Washington Veterans Days Parade.  
 POST 2655  12/1/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   0   15   $0.00   $1,111.05   $1,111.05   15 Post members attended the memorial service for our dear Marine and Vietnam Veteran Brother  Stallings, one of the founders of our Nevada County Standdown, 2 members participated in the honor guard for the ceremony.  
 POST 2655  12/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   10   1   $0.00   $26.09   $26.09   Post recognized the retiring Nevada County Director of Housing who coordinated the local warming shelters held in the Nevada City Veterans Memorial Building. The Post presented a Certification of Appreciation at the 10 Dec Nevada County Board of Supervisors meeting for his hard work and the partnership and collaboration between our two organizations spanning 5+ years.  
 POST 2655  12/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   10   0   10   $3,000.00   $2,469.00   $5,469.00   Post hosted our annual Christmas Party, event attended by 50 Post members, their families and local first responders. This free event was catered, had a photographer on site, decorated by our spouses who also shopped for $1000 in new/unused toys given to the children in attendance. 
 POST 2655  12/15/2024   Community Service   Other   12   0   16   $0.00   $4,740.48   $4,740.48   **fundraiser**16 Post members along with 5 friends and family members worked day three of the Victorian Christmas Faire. We passed out applications, shared Buddy Poppies and earned money during our only fund-raising events of the year (three of five nights). 
 POST 2655  12/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   10   126   1   $0.00   $264.54   $264.54   Post member transported a Vietnam Veteran from Nevada City to Mercy General Hospital and sat with him for his heart ablation procedure in Sacramento. 
 POST 2655  12/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   80   3   $0.00   $381.55   $381.55   Two Post Officers helped an OIF veteran load up household items in Nevada City and move him and his family to Yuba City. We spent 5 hours loading, transporting, unloading and helped set up after moving their belongings 40 miles down the road. 
 POST 2655  1/3/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   10   $1,250.00   $246.90   $1,496.90   Post approved a $1250 donation to Shriner's Hospital for Children in Sacramento.  
 POST 2655  1/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   10   $1,000.00   $246.90   $1,246.90   Post provided a $1000 grant to a OIF/OEF member that had a fire in his home.  
 POST 2655  1/3/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $750.00   $49.38   $799.38   Post approved a $750 donation to St Jude's Children's Research Hospital.  
 POST 2655  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   50   6   $0.00   $303.28   $303.28   Members, along with 4 family members collected the wreaths placed on the veteran headstones from 2 cemeteries in Grass Valley and Nevada City supporting the culmination of 2024 Wreaths Across America season.  
 POST 2655  1/25/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   65   4   $0.00   $206.62   $206.62    Post members helped move a hutch out of one veteran's home to another veterans home.  
 POST 2655  1/29/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   4   32   2   $0.00   $202.00   $202.00   Post members cleaned up dead and downed tree's at OIF veterans home to help fire safe the property.  
 POST 2655  2/9/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   9   90   2   $40.00   $457.02   $497.02   2 Post members assisted a Vietnam Veteran member with pet feeding and visits while the member spent 7 days in the hospital with heart condition. 
 POST 2655  2/11/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $102.50   $49.38   $151.88   Post donated funds in conjunction with the members of the Nevada County Consolidated Veterans Council (Marine Corps League, Vietnam Veterans of America and American Legion) to provide food and fireplace eco-logs for heat for a 63 Marine Veteran. 
 POST 2655  2/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   3   20   15   $125.00   $1,113.85   $1,238.85   Post organized a birthday party for our 96-year-old WWII Merchant Marine member. We honored our Brother who survived the kamikaze sinking of his Liberty Ship, the SS William S. Ladd on 10 Dec 1944. 
 POST 2655  2/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $175.00   $49.38   $224.38   Post donated funds in conjunction with the members of the Nevada County Consolidated Veterans Council (Marine Corps League, Vietnam Veterans of America and American Legion) to provide relief for a veteran that suffered a VA overpayment that caused a disability payment pull-back that left the Veteran with a significant debt for his rent payment and grocery shortfall. 
 Post 2655 Total 183 1,574 264 $8,452.50 $29,774.29 $38,226.79
 POST 2680  8/30/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   3   25   3   $0.00   $225.71   $225.71   Post members went to a local middle school and help middle students learn about customs and courtesies about folding the flag, the current 5th grade class is in charge of handling the flag everyday at school  
 POST 2680  9/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   25   2   $0.00   $151.64   $151.64   Post members were involved in recruiting new members at the Friday Night races at the county fairgrounds. Post members also collected donations from the public to help out veterans. 
 POST 2680  9/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   75   6   $0.00   $454.92   $454.92   Post members participated in a 9/11 ceremony and dedication of a OIF/OEF and GWOT monument honoring veterans who have fallen since being involved in or with OIF/OEF. Three members were part of the Honor Guard rifle team, and the other three members helped in serving food and setting up the event.  
 POST 2680  9/13/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   7   50   3   $0.00   $525.49   $525.49   Post members participated in the El Dorado County Stand Down, members helped serve food to participants and assisted gaining veteran services with various Non-governmental organizations. 
 POST 2680  9/14/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   5   45   3   $0.00   $376.65   $376.65   Post members participated in the El Dorado County Stand Down, members helped serve food to participants and assisted gaining veteran services with various Non-governmental organizations. 
 POST 2680  9/17/2024   Youth Development   Student Scholarships   2   35   1   $0.00   $54.28   $54.28   Post Commander drove around to the local high schools and middle schools passing out flyers and explaining the new VOD and Patriot's Pen scholarship program and options to various guidance counselors.  
 POST 2680  9/21/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   126   2   $0.00   $165.78   $165.78   Discussed with members of the law enforcement community who are veterans about the benefits of belonging to the VFW. Explained the issues of the PACT and the Elizabeth Dole Act and how it effects them and the efforts the VFW does on their behalf.  
 POST 2680  9/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   31   2   $897.84   $103.10   $1,000.94   Veteran lost his place of residence and needed 6 days in a hotel until he was able to get into Victory Village.  
 POST 2680  9/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   2   $0.00   $105.06   $105.06   Two POST members assisted in a rifle team to commemorate the funeral of a fallen Marine.. Post members also provided armorer duties for the Marine Corp League.  
 POST 2680  10/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   25   2   $0.00   $102.26   $102.26   Assisted a veteran currently on hospice in making arrangements for getting his vehicle repaired. Called several shops in the local area willing to assist. in repairing the vehicle. A local shop in Cameron Park will make the necessary repairs for the vehicle. The Post will cover the cost of repairs at a later date.  
 POST 2680  10/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   25   3   $395.47   $151.64   $547.11   A veteran currently in hospice needed his vehicle heater repaired so the he could make his doctor's appointment. Veteran did not have the funds to get the vehicle repaired. 
 POST 2680  10/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   25   3   $395.47   $151.64   $547.11   A veteran needed his vehicle repaired so he could get to his doctor's appointments, the veteran is in hospice with 2 children. The Post had the vehicle repaired at a local mechanic.  
 POST 2680  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   5   25   3   $75.00   $373.85   $448.85   **normal VFW business not reportable**Hosted district meeting for all posts and the auxiliary, providing lunch and snacks for all members.  
 POST 2680  10/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   35   2   $580.00   $103.66   $683.66   Paid a portion of a veteran's rent on his apartment for himself and his family. 
 POST 2680  11/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   4   $0.00   $201.02   $201.02   Post members were present during a elementary school Veteran event. Students asked the veterans to attend the event and speak about serving their country and what it was it was like to be in the military. We also spoke to some of the parents of the students who were also veterans about the joining the post and becoming involved in the VFW.  
 POST 2680  11/8/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   5   63   6   $60.00   $749.52   $809.52   Post members supported two different organizations in honoring veterans by explaining the symbolism of folding the flag. Post members also explained the meaning and history of Veterans Day and what the difference is between Veterans Day and Memorial Day. The first organization was a local middle school where the students were honoring veterans. The second organization was a retirement community. 
 POST 2680  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   30   6   $0.00   $893.04   $893.04   Post members participated in a Buddy Poppy Drive in front of a local supermarket. Members spoke about the importance of Veterans Day and provided information about the VFW and the benefits of membership. 
 POST 2680  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Post members participated in an Honor Guard for the El Dorado County Veterans Alliance Veterans Day Celebration 
 POST 2680  12/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   25   1   $363.50   $52.88   $416.38   Post Service Officer in conjunction with the American Legion Service officer found three days lodging for a homeless veteran who was waiting to get into Victory Village. The veteran has been living out of his vehicle for the past several months and was finally able to get some medical attention and other services he is needing from the VA.  
 POST 2680  12/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   2   7   $0.00   $518.77   $518.77   Post members assisted the local Fleet Reserve Association with their annual Pearl Harbor Reembrace ceremony. Five members performed the Flag folding ceremony and the last two post members participated in the Honor Guard and Rifle Team.  
 POST 2680  12/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   12   7   $55.00   $865.83   $920.83   Members participated in the local Christmas Parade as a float. We spoke to numerous people about the VFW and the advantages of belonging to post. The community responded well to our float and yelled "Thanks for your Service."  
 POST 2680  12/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   25   2   $0.00   $102.26   $102.26   Post members received a call concerning a Vietnam Veteran who was having some mental issues. The veteran was shunning friends and family and suffering from survivors guilt from the Vietnam war. The post Chaplain and another member went to his house and sat with him for several hours. The veteran was very thankful for their concern and appreciated the fact they came to visit him. The members provided information to the veteran's caregiver for further mental health help. 
 POST 2680  12/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   1   $1,000.00   $50.78   $1,050.78   Provided monetary assistance to a veteran and his family to cover mortgage and living expenses while he recovers from a work related injury 
 POST 2680  12/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   15   2   $428.89   $100.86   $529.75   Paid the back property tax on a disabled veteran and also assisted him in applying for a reduce county property tax due to his service related disability.  
 POST 2680  1/17/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   50   1   $679.39   $31.69   $711.08   Unemployed veteran was behind on his PG&E and car insurance bill. The post covered both bills totaling $679.39  
 POST 2680  1/18/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   30   5   $0.00   $744.90   $744.90   Post members helped to clean out the community veterans building, we assisted Military Family Support group in organizing their food pantry and cleaning the kitchen where they prepare foods. Post members also helped Sew For Vets in organizing their storage areas and cleaning up the facility.  
 POST 2680  1/25/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   25   3   $500.00   $77.57   $577.57   Veteran was behind on his rent and needed financial assistance to pay his rent.  
 Post 2680 Total 82 934 84 $5,430.56 $7,537.76 $12,968.32
 POST 3010  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   42   2   $0.00   $129.33   $129.33   Paraded the Colors in conjunction with the American Legion at the Potters Baseball Game. 
 POST 3010  7/4/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   55   7   $50.00   $699.02   $749.02   Passed out 100 Flags on a stick during the 4th of July Parade.  
 POST 3010  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   42   2   $0.00   $154.02   $154.02   Paraded the Colors in conjunction with the American Legion at the Potters Baseball Game.  
 POST 3010  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   55   7   $25.00   $699.02   $724.02   Seven members participated in the Annual 4th of July Parade in Lincoln. We lead the parade with a float and Colors!  
 POST 3010  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   35   7   $0.00   $523.39   $523.39   Held a recruiting drive and we were able to sign up one new member  
 POST 3010  7/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   24   1   $0.00   $28.05   $28.05   Post Commander assisted a local Veteran in submitting his VA Claim  
 POST 3010  7/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   24   1   $40.00   $15.71   $55.71   Presented the "Right to Bear Arms” Challenge Coins to Five local veterans that have assisted our post in one way or another.  
 POST 3010  7/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   35   2   $0.00   $103.66   $103.66   Attended the Grand Reopening of the VSO Office on Sunset Blvd!  
 POST 3010  7/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   34   2   $0.00   $103.52   $103.52   Paraded the Colors at the Lincoln Potters Baseball game. 
 POST 3010  7/23/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   75   3   $0.00   $269.75   $269.75   In conjunction with the American Legion we Rendered Full Military Honors for an Air Force Veteran at the Auburn Cemetery and we presented the family polished expended shell casings. 
 POST 3010  8/3/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   32   2   $0.00   $103.24   $103.24   Held a Membership Drive at the Rally Around the Ribbons Cancer Fundraiser which was held at McBean Park in Lincoln!  
 POST 3010  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Assisted the spouse of a deceased lifetime member of Post 3010 that just passed away from Agent Orange related medical condition's.  
 POST 3010  8/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   22   1   $0.00   $40.12   $40.12   Assisted a local veteran with submitting his VA Claim 
 POST 3010  8/24/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   54   5   $0.00   $316.19   $316.19   Conducted a recruitment drive at the Lincoln Airport Wings & Wheels Airshow. 
 POST 3010  8/24/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   54   5   $0.00   $254.46   $254.46   The Post provided the 5 Man Color Guard Team for the Lincoln Wings & Wheels event at the Lincoln Airport! 
 POST 3010  8/24/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   54   5   $0.00   $316.19   $316.19   Conducted a recruitment drive at the Lincoln Airport Wings & Wheels Airshow. 
 POST 3010  8/28/2024   Community Service   Other   3   22   1   $0.00   $64.81   $64.81   The Post hosted the Chamber of Commerce monthly breakfast with over 90 attendees and Congressman Kevin Kiley was the Keynote Speaker in a non-political format.  
 POST 3010  8/30/2024   Community Service   Other   2   30   2   $0.00   $102.96   $102.96   Setup the Veterans Hall for a Celebration of Life for a Lifetime Member of the VFW. 
 POST 3010  8/31/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   46   3   $0.00   $154.58   $154.58   Provided Full Military Honors for Lifetime Member of the VFW and a Marine Corp Vietnam veteran at a local Church in Lincoln. 
 POST 3010  10/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   1   22   10   $500.00   $249.98   $749.98   The Post donated $500 for Troop Care Packages Program that the Piss is supporting for the holidays! 
 POST 3010  10/26/2024   Community Service   Other   10   16   2   $0.00   $496.04   $496.04   Volunteered as an Election Poll worker at the Lincoln Veterans Hall 
 POST 3010  10/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   22   1   $0.00   $249.98   $249.98   Post Members Volunteered as an Election Poll workers at the Lincoln Veterans Hall 
 POST 3010  10/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   11   32   2   $0.00   $522.97   $522.97   Post Members Volunteered as an Election Poll workers at the Lincoln Veterans Hall 
 POST 3010  10/29/2024   Community Service      11   34   2   $0.00   $523.25   $523.25   Post Members Volunteered as an Election Poll workers at the Lincoln Veterans Hall  
 POST 3010  10/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   24   3   $0.00   $151.50   $151.50   Post Members Volunteered as an Election Poll workers at the Lincoln Veterans Hall 
 POST 3010  10/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   11   32   3   $0.00   $819.25   $819.25   Post Members Volunteered as an Election Poll workers at the Lincoln Veterans Hall 
 POST 3010  11/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   11   8   1   $0.00   $260.37   $260.37   One Post Member Volunteered as an Election Poll workers at the Lincoln Veterans Hall 
 POST 3010  11/5/2024   Community Service   Other   12   55   2   $0.00   $600.26   $600.26   Worked as a Poll Worker at the Election Center held at the Lincoln Veterans Memorial Hall. 
 POST 3010  11/5/2024   Community Service   Other   12   55   2   $0.00   $600.26   $600.26   Worked as a Poll Worker at the Election Center held at the Lincoln Veterans Memorial Hall. 
 POST 3010  11/8/2024   Youth Development   Other   2   38   4   $0.00   $202.84   $202.84   Paraded the Colors and Discussed our Military Service with approximately 150 students at Lincoln Crossing Elementary School celebrating Veterans Day!  
 POST 3010  11/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   68   8   $0.00   $799.60   $799.60   Held a membership drive at a local event in Lincoln 
 POST 3010  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   32   88   8   $25.00   $6,332.96   $6,357.96   Held our Annual Buddy Poppy Drive at the Safeway Shopping Center in Lincoln CA.  
 POST 3010  11/9/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   38   6   $25.00   $153.46   $178.46   Passed out 75 American Flags at a local event in Lincoln  
 POST 3010  11/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   62   6   $0.00   $601.24   $601.24   Held a recruiting drive at a local Shopping center. We have one prospective VFW Member that is going to attend our next business meeting.  
 POST 3010  11/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   22   1   $0.00   $27.77   $27.77   Assisted a veteran with filing his VA Claim. 
 POST 3010  11/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   68   10   $500.00   $503.32   $1,003.32   The Post donated $500 to send holiday care packages to our deployed troops!  
 POST 3010  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   22   1   $37.28   $52.46   $89.74   Donated a 16..28 Pound Turkey to the Annual Firefighters Turkey Drive in Lincoln.  
 POST 3010  11/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   58   8   $2,000.00   $403.16   $2,403.16   Donated $2,000 to a life member of the VFW and he is on active duty who has been diagnosed with Leukemia. His wife had to eave her job to care for him and their young daughter..  
 POST 3010  11/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   45   2   $629.93   $203.82   $833.75   Provided 7 Holiday Turkey Dinner Meals from Raleys Grocery Store to needed families that the School Resource Officer from the Lincoln Police Department provided to our Post. Each meal cost $89.99, and the meals were delivered by 2 members of our Post the day before Thanksgiving!  
 POST 3010  11/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $2,000.00   $49.38   $2,049.38   Provided $2,000 Dollars to an Active-Duty Lifetime Member of the Post and his wife due to his Cancer Diagnosis. He is currently at Walter Reed Hospital undergoing CHEMO Therapy.  
 POST 3010  12/5/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   88   6   $25.00   $753.02   $778.02   Held a membership recruiting drive at a local Tree Lighting Ceremony in Lincoln. 
 POST 3010  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   58   7   $50.00   $872.27   $922.27   We decorated a float for the Annual Christmas Parade in Lincoln and we lead the Parade once again this year. 
 POST 3010  1/3/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   2   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Help celebrate and honor a WW2 Army vet's 102 birthday.  
 POST 3010  1/10/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    3   44   6   $250.00   $450.58   $700.58   Decorated and Setup for a Celebration of Life for a fallen Veteran and their family  
 POST 3010  1/11/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   65   3   $0.00   $83.17   $83.17   Performed Honor Guard for a fallen Veteran 
 POST 3010  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   66   6   $0.00   $601.80   $601.80   Held a very large Celebration of Life at the Veterans Hall in Lincoln. This event was attended by over 125 people.  
 POST 3010  1/17/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Explain VFW mission and experience in military.  
 POST 3010  1/22/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   22   1   $20.00   $27.77   $47.77   Donated $20 to a Homeless Veteran.  
 POST 3010  1/28/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   22   1   $0.00   $52.46   $52.46   Assisted a Vietnam Veteran with his VA Claim 
 Post 3010 Total 213 1,909 176 $6,177.21 $20,871.07 $27,048.28
 POST 4647  7/16/2024   Community Service   Other   3   6   2   $0.00   $148.98   $148.98   Two VFW members picked up donated food from Grocery Outlet in Sacramento and delivered it to the food closet at St John's Catholic Church in Carmichael 
 POST 4647  7/23/2024   Community Service   Other   3   6   2   $0.00   $148.98   $148.98   Two VFW members picked up donated food from Grocery Outlet in Sacramento and delivered it to the food closet at St John's Catholic Church in Carmichael California. 
 POST 4647  7/30/2024   Community Service   Other   3   6   2   $0.00   $148.98   $148.98   Two VFW members picked up and loaded donated food from Grocery Outlet in Sacramento and delivered it to St John's Catholic Church in Carmichael California.,also helped unload food and placed it in the proper storage area and freezers. 
 POST 4647  8/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   3   2   $0.00   $74.49   $74.49   Honor Guard folding of flag at memorial service for veteran 
 POST 4647  8/6/2024   Community Service   Other   3   6   2   $0.00   $148.98   $148.98   Two VFW members picked up donated food from the Grocery Outlet store in Sacramento. Delivered the food to the food closet at St John's Catholic Church, where it was placed in the dry storage are and the correct freezers. 
 POST 4647  8/6/2024   Community Service   Other   3   6   2   $0.00   $148.98   $148.98   Two VFW members picked up donated food from the Grocery Outlet store in Sacramento. Delivered the food to the food closet at St John's Catholic Church, where it was placed in the dry storage are and the correct freezers. 
 POST 4647  8/30/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   8   1   $0.00   $173.95   $173.95   Post and Auxiliary Poppy drive at McClellan park commissary. 
 POST 4647  8/31/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   16   24   3   $0.00   $1,188.48   $1,188.48   Membership drive at McClellan Park 
 POST 4647  8/31/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   16   2   $0.00   $101.00   $101.00   Post and Auxiliary Poppy drive at McClellan park Commissary 
 POST 4647  9/1/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   12   16   2   $0.00   $594.80   $594.80   Post and Auxiliary Poppy drive at McClellan park commissary 
 POST 4647  9/10/2024   Community Service      3   6   3   $0.00   $223.05   $223.05   3 VFW members picked up donated food from Grocery Outlet in Sacramento and delivered it to the food closet at St John's Catholic Church in Carmichael California.  
 POST 4647  9/17/2024   Community Service   Other   3   6   3   $0.00   $223.05   $223.05   3 VFW members loaded 2 trucks with donated food from the Grocery Outlet store in Sacramento. Delivered and helped store food at the. Food closet at St John's Catholic Church in Carmichael California. 
 POST 4647  11/8/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   24   6   $0.00   $1,040.34   $1,040.34   Poppy stand outside McClellan Commissary from 8am to 3pm 
 POST 4647  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   7   20   5   $0.00   $866.95   $866.95   Poppy drive at McClellan commissary from 8am till 3pm 
 POST 4647  11/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   0   30   $550.00   $2,962.80   $3,512.80   Suicide awareness event and lunch provided for approximately 100 people. 
 POST 4647  11/28/2024   Community Service      6   0   10   $300.00   $1,481.40   $1,781.40   Thanksgiving dinner open to veterans and community.  
 POST 4647  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   5   5   $20.00   $371.05   $391.05   Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Ceremony held at Post 4647. Video presentation and speech.  
 Post 4647 Total 87 158 82 $870.00 $10,046.26 $10,916.26
 POST 6158  7/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   19   1   $0.00   $52.04   $52.04   Fleet Reserve Association meeting. Planning other community service projects.  
 POST 6158  7/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   10   2   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Conference with new Community Service Officer. Going over past procedures and planning to get more input from members doing community service as well as planning activities for community service including working with other posts and other service organizations.  
 POST 6158  7/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Sent out 715 suicide prevention program humor emails.  
 POST 6158  7/8/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   97   1   $0.00   $87.65   $87.65   Bagpiper for veteran funeral at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery  
 POST 6158  7/11/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Gave blood to help veterans or others at Vitalant blood bank. 
 POST 6158  7/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   24   1   $0.00   $77.43   $77.43   Went to Carmichael to work with VFW 904 Loomis clearing yard waste and chipping small trees for a surviving spouse.  
 POST 6158  7/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   3   23   7   $0.00   $521.71   $521.71   Pack care packages to be sent to deployed service members  
 POST 6158  7/15/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   218   1   $0.00   $178.66   $178.66   Garfield Neurobehavioral Center to visit veteran family member in medical facility  
 POST 6158  7/19/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   32   1   $0.00   $78.55   $78.55   Played the service songs on the bagpipe for the reopening of the Placer County VSO office in Rocklin, CA 
 POST 6158  7/20/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   12   1   $0.00   $75.75   $75.75   Veteran's funeral. 
 POST 6158  7/21/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   37   1   $0.00   $79.25   $79.25   Played bagpipes for Vietnam Navy veteran celebration of life 
 POST 6158  7/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   4   50   2   $5.00   $204.52   $209.52   319th Signal CoC Lieutenant Colonel Stephanie K. Lee - Outgoing Commander Lieutenant Colonel Michael C. Manali - Incoming Commander 319th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, United States Army Reserve 
 POST 6158  7/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   10   56   1   $38.00   $254.74   $292.74   Man a booth at the State Fair Military and First Responder Appreciation Day. Played the service songs for the opening ceremony on the bagpipes. 
 POST 6158  7/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   4   1   $0.00   $99.32   $99.32   Support for Code Nine Project (Suicide Prevention) 
 POST 6158  7/29/2024   Community Service   Other   1   4   4   $24.00   $99.32   $123.32   Celebrated veteran's 80 birthday. We sang Happy Birthday and I played it on the bagpipes. 
 POST 6158  7/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   40   1   $0.00   $104.36   $104.36   Played bagpipes for the shotgun start of a charity golf tournament in Lincoln. 
 POST 6158  8/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Sent 439 humor/suicide prevention emails 
 POST 6158  8/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Sent 694 humor/suicide prevention emails 
 POST 6158  8/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   20   1   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   Attended Fleet Reserve Association meeting. 
 POST 6158  8/7/2024   Legislative Advocacy   State   3   40   1   $0.00   $79.67   $79.67   Guest speaker Senator Archuleta spoke about the current status of SB 871: Veterans exemption for California property taxes for 2025.  
 POST 6158  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   Plasma Donation to help Veterans and the Community at Vitalant Blood Centers. 
 POST 6158  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Attend CALEANGUS zoom meeting. 
 POST 6158  8/9/2024   Community Service      5   83   1   $0.00   $135.07   $135.07   Provided bagpiper for USAF unit at Beale AFB family BBQ and also helped food preparation. 
 POST 6158  8/10/2024   Youth Development      4   7   1   $67.00   $99.74   $166.74   American Legion Scholarship Fundraising Event. I Played the service songs on the bagpipes. 
 POST 6158  8/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   7   128   1   $0.00   $190.75   $190.75   Yellow Ribbon Event for 3-140th AVN (Pre-Deployment) Hilton Stockton, 2323 Grand Canal Blvd, Stockton, CA, 95207 Unit is going on a deployment in November, and we are trying to give them as much information as possible. 
 POST 6158  8/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   23   1   $0.00   $77.29   $77.29   Pack care packages for the troops overseas.  
 POST 6158  8/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   32   1   $0.00   $103.24   $103.24   Penryn, CA work party [Loomis VFW], helped chip brush and stack firewood. 
 POST 6158  8/18/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   210   1   $0.00   $177.54   $177.54   Visit veteran family member at medical facility in Oakland 
 POST 6158  8/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   12   1   $0.00   $75.75   $75.75   Work party chipping fallen tree limbs for a veteran with Loomis VFW 
 POST 6158  8/21/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   3   40   1   $0.00   $79.67   $79.67   Visit surviving spouse at medical facility in Sacramento 
 POST 6158  8/24/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   28   1   $0.00   $53.30   $53.30   Played bagpipes for veteran funeral 
 POST 6158  9/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   56   1   $80.00   $155.98   $235.98   Attended fundraiser at the Loomis Vet Hall  
 POST 6158  9/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   5   33   1   $0.00   $128.07   $128.07   Visit surviving spouse and participate in 94th birthday party for her. 
 POST 6158  9/11/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   23   1   $0.00   $52.60   $52.60   Included poppies in care packages sent to troops overseas. 
 POST 6158  9/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Sent 422 humor emails as part of our Suicide Prevention program. 
 POST 6158  9/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Sent 422 humor emails as part of our Suicide Prevention program. 
 POST 6158  9/14/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   2   18   1   $0.00   $51.90   $51.90   As part of the Ghost Soldier Ceremony Honoring Marine Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, I Played Amazing Grace on bagpipes 
 POST 6158  9/15/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   23   1   $0.00   $77.29   $77.29   Patriot Day Honoring those who serve. I opened the ceremony with the service songs and America on bagpipes 
 POST 6158  9/16/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   2   50   2   $0.00   $105.76   $105.76   Members attended the Sacramento County Veterans Advisory Commission 
 POST 6158  9/18/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   5   1   $0.00   $50.08   $50.08   USCG funeral in Orangevale. Played the bagpipes after the presentation of the flag. 
 POST 6158  9/18/2024   Youth Development   Other   16   0   1   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Kent Bastian volunteers at Victory Christian school located at 3045 Garfield ave, Carmichael CA. This week 16 hrs.  
 POST 6158  9/21/2024   Legislative Advocacy      4   10   1   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Attend the chicken festival in Fair Oaks, CA, had a tent, discussing veteran issues and needs with the general public. Additionally, talking to public about joining the VFW or auxiliary to support veterans needs across the USA. 
 POST 6158  9/22/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   10   1   $0.00   $100.16   $100.16   Buddy Poppy Drive at our POW/MIA event. We talked to veterans, but did not get any new applications. 
 POST 6158  9/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   4   1   $0.00   $74.63   $74.63   POW/MIA Ceremony at the Fair Oaks Vet Hall. I played bagpipes, America to open and Amazing Grace to end the ceremony. 
 POST 6158  9/27/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   21   1   $0.00   $52.32   $52.32   Played bagpipes for the Sacramento County Stand down at Mather opening ceremony  
 POST 6158  9/28/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Played bagpipes for the Sacramento County Stand down at Mather opening ceremony  
 POST 6158  9/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   17   1   $0.00   $76.45   $76.45   Played Amazing Grace for a Gold Star Moms ceremony and dedication of a memorial wall.  
 POST 6158  9/30/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   100   1   $0.00   $88.07   $88.07   Played bagpipes at a veteran service at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery 
 POST 6158  10/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Sent out 500 suicide prevention program humor emails. 
 POST 6158  10/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Sent out 500 suicide prevention program humor emails. 
 POST 6158  10/7/2024   Youth Development   JROTC   3   21   1   $0.00   $77.01   $77.01   Bagpiper. I played America for the flag presentation by the Sea Cadets and played Taps for the two bell ceremony. 
 POST 6158  10/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   1   $2,000.00   $49.38   $2,049.38   I played the bagpipes at the St Peters Catholic Cemetery in Reserve, LA for the veterans buried there. Specifically Alvin Michele KIA in Korea in 1950. He was MIA for two years. 
 POST 6158  10/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Sent out 440 suicide prevention program humor emails. 
 POST 6158  10/19/2024   Legislative Advocacy   State   24   440   1   $133.51   $654.16   $787.67   Attended the CSCVC general meeting. Main legislative emphasis next year will be: Ca income tax exemption for retired military, reducing VA claims sharks activity, and preventing the State from taxing military health benefits. 
 POST 6158  10/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Sent out 724 suicide prevention program Call a Battle Buddy emails. 
 POST 6158  10/23/2024   Legislative Advocacy   Other   3   22   1   $0.00   $77.15   $77.15   I went to the Citrus Heights city counsel meeting to support the permanent Vietnam Wall replica with many other veterans from other organizations like other VFW Posts, American Legion, USMC groups, and others. The counsel voted to support with a $20,000 grant. This is to build an 80% scale model of the Vietnam Wall in Washington D C. 
 POST 6158  10/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Sent out 440 suicide prevention program humor emails. 
 POST 6158  10/24/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   6   263   1   $0.00   $184.96   $184.96   Visit veteran family member at medical facility in Oakland 
 POST 6158  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   5   47   1   $0.00   $130.03   $130.03   Support National Guard and Army Reserve families Halloween Trunk or Treat event. We handed out candy and I played the bagpipes. 
 POST 6158  10/27/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Sent out 440 suicide prevention program humor emails. 
 POST 6158  11/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Adopt-a-Unit/MAP activities   3   23   0   $0.00   $3.22   $3.22   I went to Troopathon and help prepare the area for a big troop care package packing party later in the month. 
 POST 6158  11/5/2024   Legislative Advocacy   National   3   15   0   $0.00   $2.10   $2.10   Attended election night vigil at Kevin Kiley's campaign headquarters 
 POST 6158  11/7/2024   Community Service   Other   1   15   1   $0.00   $26.79   $26.79   Gave Blood at the local blood bank, Vitalant. 
 POST 6158  11/8/2024   Youth Development   Other   3   20   1   $0.00   $76.87   $76.87   Provide bagpiper to Roseville High School for their veterans appreciation ceremony 
 POST 6158  11/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   8   1   $120.00   $99.88   $219.88   Provide bagpiper for the Marine Birthday Ball 
 POST 6158  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   35   1   $0.00   $128.35   $128.35   Provide bagpiper for Veterans Day Ceremonies. One in Folsom after the parade and one at Bass Pro Shop Veterans Day ceremoney 
 POST 6158  11/16/2024   Youth Development   Other   2   15   2   $60.00   $100.86   $160.86   Toys for Tots, donation, and volunteered at Turkey Bowl Event to help disadvantaged youth with toys for Holidays. 
 POST 6158  11/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   4   1   $100.00   $25.25   $125.25   Helped out a homeless veteran (living in his car and towing a travel trailer) working his way to Mammoth Lakes with $100 for gas and groceries. 
 POST 6158  11/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Working with a veteran to keep her car by getting my local AUSA Chapter to take care of a one time car payment so her finance company would refinance her car and she would not lose it. 
 POST 6158  12/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   3   29   2   $0.00   $152.20   $152.20   Pack care packages to be sent to deployed troops at Troopathon, Sacramento 
 POST 6158  12/7/2024   Youth Development   Other   3   44   1   $0.00   $80.23   $80.23   I went to the William Land Park Youth Run and played pipes for the race. 
 POST 6158  12/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   8   2   $70.00   $50.50   $120.50   Helped surviving spouse with PGE bill  
 POST 6158  12/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   47   1   $0.00   $80.65   $80.65   Played bagpipes at the capitol for the Wreaths Across America ceremony. 
 POST 6158  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   46   1   $0.00   $105.20   $105.20   Provided bagpiper for Newcastle Cemetery for Wreaths Across America ceremony. Provided bagpiper for Folsom VFW for Wreaths Across America ceremony. 
 POST 6158  1/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Skype with Veteran family member in medical facility. 8 sessions in January 2025, report split PJ  
 POST 6158  1/6/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   58   1   $0.00   $106.88   $106.88   Went to Lincoln, CA to help split firewood for veterans with the Loomis VFW 
 POST 6158  1/7/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   6   1   $0.00   $99.60   $99.60   Played the bagpipes for two veterans at their birthday party  
 POST 6158  1/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Skype with Veteran family member in medical facility. 8 sessions in January 2025, report split PJ 
 POST 6158  1/10/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Skype with Veteran family member in medical facility. 8 sessions in January 2025, report split PJ 
 POST 6158  1/14/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Skype with Veteran family member in medical facility. 8 sessions in January 2025, report split PJ 
 POST 6158  1/17/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Skype with Veteran family member in medical facility. 8 sessions in January 2025, report split PJ 
 POST 6158  1/18/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   45   1   $20.00   $80.37   $100.37   Provided color guard for the Daughters of Scotia Burns Afternoon Celebration  
 POST 6158  1/24/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   39   1   $0.00   $79.53   $79.53   Provided bagpipes for celebration of life of an Army veteran. National Guard provided honor guard to fold and present flag.  
 POST 6158  1/24/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Skype with Veteran family member in medical facility. 8 sessions in January 2025, report split PJ 
 POST 6158  1/25/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   4   23   1   $0.00   $101.98   $101.98   Played bagpipes for Award ceremony and presented AUSA JROTC award.  
 POST 6158  1/31/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Skype with Veteran family member in medical facility. 8 sessions in January 2025, report split PJ 
 POST 6158  2/4/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   8   1   $20.00   $50.50   $70.50   Visit American Legion National Commander for lunch at Folsom Vet Hall  
 POST 6158  2/4/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   8 Skype visits with veteran daughter in medical facility in Oakland for the month of January 2025  
 Post 6158 Total 277 2,905 101 $2,737.51 $7,961.84 $10,699.35
 POST 6604  7/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Adjutant made contact with one of our members who had a heart valve replaced. We encouraged him and forwarded his information to Post Chaplain for follow up.  
 POST 6604  7/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   35   1   $20.00   $78.97   $98.97   Member and one American Legion Post 362 member met with leadership ant Mather Veterans Village. We are partnering with them to provide food for their meals program. They prefer food donations rather that monetary, Our Jr. Vice Commander and Auxiliary will be making this happen.  
 POST 6604  7/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   10   2   $25.00   $100.16   $125.16   Two members of VFW Post 6604 participated in an Honor Guard/Firing Detail for a VFW Member, Banks.  
 POST 6604  7/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Post Adjutant assisted the Sacramento Sheriffs Department in overseeing work of two Alternative Sentencing Program (ASP) people. This program provided citizens with a place to do community service time.  
 POST 6604  7/3/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Commander met with an Scout who is in need of an Eagle Scout project. He met with him and his father to go over the needed requirements on his part and our responsibilities.  
 POST 6604  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   5   6   $25.00   $593.26   $618.26   Buddy Poppy Drive held at the Folsom Lowes. Collected $401 for the Relief Fund.  
 POST 6604  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   12   20   $350.00   $1,976.88   $2,326.88   Members hosted am All-American hot dog, salad, and dessert feed for veterans, families, and friends at the Folsom Veterans Hall. It was well attended and a great time during these hot days.  
 POST 6604  7/4/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   20   3   $40.00   $76.87   $116.87   Post members participated in Honor Guard detail for Folsom Pro Rodeo on the 4th of July.  
 POST 6604  7/5/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   20   6   $50.00   $595.36   $645.36   VFW Post 6604 did a Buddy Poppy Drive at Lowes in Folsom. Six (6) members of the post participated for the four (4) hour period. 
 POST 6604  7/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   One (1) member of VFW Post 6604 participated with the MCL Honor Guard at the Sheriffs Department Rodeo.  
 POST 6604  7/6/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   25   3   $20.00   $299.78   $319.78   Held a membership drive at Lowes in Folsom during their Saturday Summer Event. They are a real supporter of veterans in Folsom and want to thank them. We handed out fliers and signed up three new members. Waiting for some documentation and vote at the next meeting and we will process them. Also, signed up two members for American Legion Post 362. 
 POST 6604  7/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   VFW Post Officer contacted one of our regular members who has been a no show. Found he has gout and can't get around. We are making arrangements to do some shopping for him.  
 POST 6604  7/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   6   125   7   $650.00   $1,054.48   $1,704.48   VFW Post 6604 has put together a program called "Operation Patriots Pantry (OPP)." The objective is to enhance the meals for veterans at the Mather Veterans Village. There budget is $6 a day per veteran staying with them. The goal of our program is to provide food monthly for the 2024-25 year. First delivery today was a little more that $650, no money just grocery's. Goal is to raise $6,000 for the year, which we have currently raised $2,100. This is a real world program that addresses real needs of veterans.  
 POST 6604  7/10/2024   Community Service      4   30   1   $200.00   $102.96   $302.96   VFW Post 6604 was contacted by Mather Veterans Village about their walk-in freezer not working. We made arrangements with Air Concepts Mechanical, one of our support people at the Folsom Veterans Hall. He went out and assess the issues and we will pay for his time.. He found the problems which we will pay for and they most of the expensive items like the compressor are under warranty, which they didn't know. He estimates it would have been about a $3,000 fix if it wasn't under warranty. 
 POST 6604  7/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   12   2   $25.00   $297.96   $322.96   VFW Post 6604 hosted the 12th District Marine Corps Recruiters at the Folsom Veterans Hall. Two of our members assisted them for the six hours of their training. Providing logistics, media support, and coffee. 
 POST 6604  7/14/2024   Community Service      4   40   6   $550.00   $598.16   $1,148.16   VFW Post 6604 held a community breakfast. We had eight (6) VFW Members, 4 Blue Star Moms, 3 VFW Auxiliary, and 8 Cal Gard Cadets participating. We served over 90 meals. 
 POST 6604  7/14/2024   Veterans Assistance      1   60   1   $50.00   $33.09   $83.09   One of our Veterans noticed a person in line who had veterans paraphenalia on but seemed in need. One of our members talked to him and provided him with Nation's Fines, Housing Coordinator, to assist him. He didn't need a ride but thanked us for giving him the information. We will follow up 
 POST 6604  7/15/2024   Youth Development   Other   3   40   2   $0.00   $153.74   $153.74   Assisted California Cadet Corps Battalion 434 (Sequoia Grove Charter Alliance) in training activities at the Folsom Veterans Hall. 
 POST 6604  7/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   12   1   $300.00   $26.37   $326.37   VFW Post financially supporting Rolling Hills Blue Star Moms Military Children's event at the Folsom City Zoo Sanctuary. To be held on August 1st. 
 POST 6604  7/18/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   12   1   $20.00   $26.37   $46.37   A veteran came into the canteen and said he needed at least $100 for gas to get to an appointment. No VFW Officers were there but a veterans gave him a $20.  
 POST 6604  7/19/2024   Community Service      9   12   1   $0.00   $211.55   $211.55   VFW Post 6604 Adjutant supervised two people during the last five days with a total of 8.5 hrs. This is a program of the Sacramento County Sheriffs Department and the Courts Alternative Sentencing program (ASP). We provide for the supervision, work location, and manage all reporting for them. This program is a great help to local citizens, law enforcement, and the court system. 
 POST 6604  7/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   12   1   $0.00   $211.55   $211.55   VFW Post 6604 Adjutant supervised two people during the last five days with a total of 8.5 hrs. This is a program of the Sacramento County Sheriffs Department and the Courts Alternative Sentencing program (ASP). We provide for the supervision, work location, and manage all reporting for them. This program is a great help to local citizens, law enforcement, and the court system. 
 POST 6604  7/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   12   1   $0.00   $211.55   $211.55   VFW Post 6604 Adjutant supervised two people during the last five days with a total of 8.5 hrs. This is a program of the Sacramento County Sheriffs Department and the Courts Alternative Sentencing program (ASP). We provide for the supervision, work location, and manage all reporting for them. This program is a great help to local citizens, law enforcement, and the court system. 
 POST 6604  7/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Adjutant assisted the MCL Devil Dogs Pound 71 at their meeting. The Adjutant stayed to facilitate the use of the Folsom Veterans Hall and provide logistics for them.  
 POST 6604  7/20/2024   Veterans Assistance      3   12   1   $0.00   $75.75   $75.75   The VFW Post Adjutant assisted the Military Order of Purple Hearts Post 385 with their monthly meeting and stay on sight during the three hours meeting.. 
 POST 6604  7/21/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Provided proper disposal of American Flags for three local families. 
 POST 6604  7/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   65   2   $682.28   $206.62   $888.90   VFW Post 6604 purchased food for the Mather Veterans Village Pantry. Food purchased and delivered by two VFW Members. 
 POST 6604  7/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   12   1   $20.00   $51.06   $71.06   Did wellness calls on 57 of our members. Found one member who needed some assistance. 
 POST 6604  7/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Assisted a veteran with VSO at the Department & DAV, Went over the numbers on our contact information at the Post. 
 POST 6604  7/26/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   12   2   $20.00   $396.72   $416.72   Two members of VFW Post 6604 called all the members on our current roster, unpaid members, and personal references over a five (5) day period from. Immediate results were (1) new member and re-signed a person who was un-paid for years. Encouraged those coming due to maybe go life member. We also forwarded all the needs that were listed to the Chaplain, Surgeon, and PSO. 
 POST 6604  7/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   12   2   $0.00   $199.20   $199.20   VFW Post 6604 Adjutant and another member met with Sacramento Sheriffs Department's Alternative Sentencing Program (ASP) Officers and one ASP person worked for four (4) hours with oversight by one of our members. 
 POST 6604  7/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   16   12   1   $0.00   $396.72   $396.72   VFW Post 6604 Adjutant supervised the work of two (2) people in the Sacramento Sheriff Department and Court's Alternative Sentencing Program at the Folsom Veterans Hall and City of Folsom Property. 
 POST 6604  7/28/2024   Youth Development      4   12   1   $0.00   $100.44   $100.44   One member of VFW Post 6604 provided oversight and provided an opportunity for eight (8) AFJROTC Cadets to do community service time, which is required as part of their training. 
 POST 6604  8/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   12   12   1   $25.00   $297.96   $322.96   VFW Post Adjutant assisted the Sacramento County Sheriffs Department with people assigned to their Alternative Sentencing Program (ASP). Over the last week they worked and needed oversight for 3 people doing 12 hours of community service. 
 POST 6604  8/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   12   1   $20.00   $100.44   $120.44   Assisted the local Marine Corps Recruiting station with a location and logistics to hold training. VFW member was here the whole time and answered questions for them. There were 28 recruiters at the training. 
 POST 6604  8/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Assisted an older VFW member's family in getting in touch with our PSO who should be able to get them to a VSO. 
 POST 6604  8/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   15   1   $100.00   $26.79   $126.79   Commander of VFW Post 6604, on the request of the Post Chaplain, provided financial assistance. 
 POST 6604  8/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   20   1   $0.00   $27.49   $27.49   Did a wellness check on one of our VFW members who is going through some family issues. Encouraged him to seek some professional advice and support during the process. 
 POST 6604  8/23/2024   Community Service      1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Assisted a widow of a Korean War Veteran in properly disposing of his military items and assisted her with some personal issues pertaining to his death. 
 POST 6604  8/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   30   1   $0.00   $28.89   $28.89   Commander visited one of our 99 year old veterans in the Care Facility, We had been notified by his daughter that he had fallen. Thanked him for the visit and family appreciated meeting him there to talk.  
 POST 6604  8/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   24   1   $20.00   $200.88   $220.88   VFW Post 6604 Adjutant provided oversight for three Alternatives Sentencings Program people for the Sacramento County Court and Sheriffs Department. Total hours for the three people during the last week was eight (8) hours. 
 POST 6604  8/29/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   45   1   $200.00   $55.68   $255.68   VFW Post 6604 member delivered food to Mather Veterans Village for their Pantry. 
 POST 6604  9/1/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   45   1   $0.00   $55.68   $55.68   One member of VFW Post 6604 visited a member who is at the Mather Hospital with serious issues. Last time they were in over six months, we will continue to contact and visit. 
 POST 6604  9/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   40   2   $350.00   $104.36   $454.36   Two members of VFW Post 6604 delivered $350 worth of food to the Mather Veterans Village food pantry. 
 POST 6604  9/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   12   1   $0.00   $149.82   $149.82   One member of VFW Post 6604 supervised the work of one Alternative Sentencing Person for six hours to fulfill their Court ordered Community Service Hours. 
 POST 6604  9/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   70   2   $0.00   $157.94   $157.94   Honor Guard Detail at Dixon with two VFW Post 6604 Members participating. 
 POST 6604  9/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   70   3   $0.00   $232.01   $232.01   Honor Guard Detail at Dixon with three (3) VFW Post 6604 members participating. 
 POST 6604  9/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   12   12   1   $50.00   $297.96   $347.96   One VFW Post 6604 member provided oversight for four Alternative Sentencing People for the Sacramento County Sheriffs Department and Court. Three (3) people did a total of 12 hours. 
 POST 6604  9/21/2024   Community Service   Other   8   0   25   $850.00   $4,938.00   $5,788.00   Folsom Community Service Day --- members of the Folsom Community signed up to support various activities around the city including support to the VFW Post 6604's landscaping project. Our hillside was in need of proper landscaping and new plants. The old shrubs were removed and new plants and irrigation were installed. 
 POST 6604  9/21/2024   Community Service   Other   8   0   100   $10,000.00   $19,752.00   $29,752.00   The VFW Post 6604 hosted the Rolling Hills Blue Star Moms a veterans support organization operating out of the Veteran's hall at 1300 Forrest St Folsom CA as they orchestrated a drive to send care packages to troops deployed all over the world. Members of the community and members of VFW Post 6604 filled several hundred care packages. 
 POST 6604  9/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   45   2   $50.00   $105.06   $155.06   Visited two VFW members at Mather Veterans Hospital and brought them some things to give them comfort.  
 POST 6604  10/2/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   12   2   $1,200.00   $51.06   $1,251.06   One member of Post 6604 donated $1,000 towards Aryan Karthikeyan's Eagle project at the Folsom Police D-9 Kennels. He had made a presentation at our post, which we donated $200. 
 POST 6604  10/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   14   65   1   $0.00   $354.76   $354.76   One VFW member provided fourteen hours of oversight for the Sacramento Sheriffs Department and Court system for three people in the Alternative Sentencing Program (ASP). From 9/24/2024 through 10/4/2024  
 POST 6604  10/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   41   1   $0.00   $30.43   $30.43   Worked with Eldorado Village retirement village in a veterans recognition program.  
 POST 6604  10/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   42   2   $0.00   $55.26   $55.26   Made a wellness visit on one of our local veterans who has just finished chemo and is don't feeling well. Encouraged him and brought him some books to read.  
 POST 6604  10/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Met with a citizen to help link military awards with military documents from WW I & WWII. Family appreciated this because there was no one else who would. Went to VA and they said they couldn't help them.  
 POST 6604  10/9/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   50   1   $0.00   $56.38   $56.38   One member of VFW Post 6604 participated in an honor guard detail at Mt. Vernon. 
 POST 6604  10/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Assisted a person who's veteran wife passed away with VA phone numbers to find out about veterans loans when selling home. 
 POST 6604  10/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   10   55   2   $2,280.00   $501.50   $2,781.50   VFW Post 6604 finished the final payment of the total $5,580.00 walk-in freezer repair, at the Mather Veterans Village. We will continue with the assistance at their food closet as funds come in. 
 POST 6604  10/14/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Assisted with contacts number, a veteran in finding a VSO to help with DMV issue and his delayed claim.  
 POST 6604  10/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   12   1   $0.00   $223.89   $223.89   Nine (9) house of oversight for the Sacramento County Sheriffs Department and Court for one Alternative Sentencing person for the last week. 
 POST 6604  10/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   24   2   $0.00   $200.88   $200.88   Working with Sacramento Environmental Department with Commissary availability at the Folsom Veterans Hall. This is a program that provided needed commissaries for small businesses is our area. Such as food trucks, farmers market vendors, Etc. 
 POST 6604  10/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Assisted a veteran in making contact with VA and a VSO to help with their paperwork for benefits. Retired military 10 years ago and is just now seeking benefits. 
 POST 6604  10/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   VFW Post 6604 House Chair checked up on one of our members who we haven't seen in a while. He is doing well just not feeling like getting out. 
 POST 6604  10/22/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   VFW Post 6604 Commander met with two families and scouts who would like to submit Eagle Projects at the Folsom Veterans Hall. They will be putting together there proposals and presenting at future meetings. 
 POST 6604  10/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Assisted the Northern California Woodturners in an event at the Folsom Veterans Hall. This event drew over 50 members and made contact with two veterans. Encouraged them to join American Legion Post 362. 
 POST 6604  10/27/2024   Youth Development      4   24   1   $20.00   $102.12   $122.12   One VFW Post member assisted the AFROTC Cadets in a work detail at a community Sunday breakfast. 
 POST 6604  10/29/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   85   2   $0.00   $110.66   $110.66   Two members of VFW Post 6604 participated in the MCL Honor Guard/Firing Detail at Folsom Cemetery on Forrest St. 
 POST 6604  10/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   24   1   $0.00   $28.05   $28.05   Assisted a family in getting information to a VFW member who has been put into hospice. The family wants to make him and life member before he passed. We meet to discuss the option of Legacy Life Membership. 
 POST 6604  10/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   VFW Post Adjutant assisted a family of a deceased member who pasted on October 26th. 
 POST 6604  10/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   45   4   $200.00   $401.34   $601.34   Held a community Halloween Event at the Folsom Veterans Hall. 
 POST 6604  10/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   45   1   $0.00   $105.06   $105.06   Oversight of two people for a total of 4hrs for the Sacramento County Sheriffs Departments Alternative Sentencing Program (ASP). 
 POST 6604  11/1/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   45   1   $0.00   $55.68   $55.68   Did a Buddy Poppy Drive at the Folsom Moose Lodge in Folsom - 2009. Collected $215 from their members. 
 POST 6604  11/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   48   1   $45.00   $154.86   $199.86   One member of VFW Post 6604 assisted the Sacramento Sheriffs Department in supervision of one Alternative Sentencing Person for six hours during the last week. 
 POST 6604  11/2/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   One member of VFW Post 6604 made calls to perspective members, who were were given information on, and some members who have let there membership expire. Received one new member out of their efforts. 
 POST 6604  11/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   60   1   $0.00   $33.09   $33.09   One member of VFW Post 6604 participated in an Honor Guard for an American Legion Member at a Church in El Dorado Hills. 
 POST 6604  11/5/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Worked with a local Attorney in distributing buddy poppies to his neighborhood. Raised $80 from them. 
 POST 6604  11/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Assisted a veteran and their neighbor in getting in contact with VSO. Also, gave them information on the Veterans Assistance Expo on Monday, November 12, 2024 from 11:00 am to 1 pm. 
 POST 6604  11/7/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   65   1   $0.00   $107.86   $107.86   One VFW Member maned a membership table at the Sierra College Veterans Day. Made five good contacts and have signed up one member from that event. Great event and will try to get more involved next year was the recommendation from the person who made it. 
 POST 6604  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   24   10   $0.00   $1,484.76   $1,484.76   Held a Buddy Poppy Drive in from of the Folsom Lowe's, collected $1,028 for our Relief Fund and Mather Veterans Village food bank. 
 POST 6604  11/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   8   24   1   $0.00   $200.88   $200.88   One member of VFW Post 6604 assisted the Marine Corps Recruiters during there day training at the Folsom Veterans Hall. The member was there the whole eight ours to assist with logistics, food, and questions. There were 35 Marines and instructors in attendance. 
 POST 6604  11/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   48   1   $0.00   $105.48   $105.48   One member of VFW Post 6604 assisted the Sacramento County Sheriffs Departments Alternative Sentencing Program (ASP) with oversight and work detail of one person for a total of 4 hours for the week. 
 POST 6604  11/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   2   $0.00   $201.02   $201.02   Two members of VFW Post 6604 assisted the Rolling Hills Blue Star Moms with a packaging event. There were 35 BSMS involved. 
 POST 6604  11/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Assisted a recently retired Air Force Veteran in setting up his VA.GOV account and assisted with his membership in American Legion Post 362. 
 POST 6604  11/20/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   4   50   1   $320.00   $105.76   $425.76   VFW Post 6604 Teacher of the Year (9-12) was Elizabeth Platt who will be awarded $300 and a certificate. Was forwarded to District. 
 POST 6604  11/20/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   8   100   2   $3,800.00   $409.04   $4,209.04   Selected the Voice of Democracy Winners for 2024-25. First place winner sent to district before the deadline. Awards for winners is 1st Place 1,500, 2nd Place 1,250, and 3rd Place 1,000. Will be giving medals, certificates, and a small reception. 
 POST 6604  11/20/2024   Community Service   Safety Recognition   4   25   1   $320.00   $102.26   $422.26   VFW Post 6604 selected Michael Grueneberg as the Law Enforcement person of the year. He will be awarded $300, medal, and certificate. He was forwarded to District as required. 
 POST 6604  11/20/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   4   25   1   $320.00   $102.26   $422.26   VFW Post 6604 selected Michael Grueneberg as the Law Enforcement person of the year for our post. He will receive $300, medal, and certificate. He as forwarded to District as required. 
 POST 6604  11/20/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   4   50   1   $320.00   $105.76   $425.76   VFW Post 6604 Teacher of the Year (9-12) was Elizabeth Platt who will be awarded $300 and a certificate. Was forwarded to District. 
 POST 6604  11/20/2024         1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Assisted a veterans family with making arrangements in disposing of equipment they were issued by VA. Very difficult and an issue that comes up often. 
 POST 6604  11/20/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   6   80   2   $650.00   $307.48   $957.48   VFW Post 6604 selected the Patriot Pen winners for 2024-25 and forwarded the winner to District before the deadline. 1st place winner will receive $300, 2nd Place $200, and 3rd Place $100. They will also receive medals and certificates.  
 POST 6604  11/23/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Assisted two families in proper disposal of American Flags and one California Flag. 
 POST 6604  11/24/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   45   1   $0.00   $105.06   $105.06   One member of VFW Post maned a Buddy Poppy table at a Christmas Tree lot. 
 POST 6604  11/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   24   1   $20.00   $52.74   $72.74   One member of VFW Post 6604 assisted the Charlotte Parkhurst Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution with their Christmas planning. They will also be decorating the Folsom Veterans Hall's Christmas Tree in December. 
 POST 6604  11/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   65   1   $0.00   $58.48   $58.48   One of our members made contact with one of our members who's Daughter lost there baby during their late term pregnancy. They are also affiliated with the Marine Corps League Post 940 who is taking the lead on this. 
 POST 6604  11/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Post 6604 Adjutant met with a group of VFW Post 6604 members who don't zoom (which we provide at all meetings) and don't drive at night. We are making arrangements to have them picked up and dropped off on meeting nights. 
 POST 6604  11/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Met with a VFW member who has been in the hospital for heart failure. Encouraged him and his wife to keep us informed and we are available to drive if need be. 
 POST 6604  12/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   2   $20.00   $102.26   $122.26   Two members of Post 6604 assisted Team RWB (Red, White, and Blue) with wreaths across America preparation and storage of wreaths in conjunction with the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). 
 POST 6604  12/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   3   $200.00   $299.78   $499.78   VFW Post 6604 assisted and donated funds for the Rolling Hills Blue Star Moms stocking stuffing event. There were three of our members, 12 Blue Star Moms, and 30 kids from various organizations helping. Stockings are destined for our troops. 
 POST 6604  12/2/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   45   1   $0.00   $55.68   $55.68   One member of VFW Post 6604 assisted the American Legion Post 362 with transportation and proper retirement of over 100 American Flags we have collected over the last three (3) months.  
 POST 6604  12/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   The VFW Post 6604 Adjutant oversaw the work of one Sheriffs Department Alternative Sentencing Program person. 
 POST 6604  12/3/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   40   2   $30.00   $104.36   $134.36   Two members of VFW Post 6604 participated in the Marine Corps League (MCL) Honor Guard/Firing Detail at Mt. Vernon Memorial Park.  
 POST 6604  12/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Made wellness checks, by phone, on six of our members who we haven't had any contact with lately. 
 POST 6604  12/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Worked with a family who needs to dispose of clothing from a veteran family member who passed recently. Could not help with medical stuff but could with clothing distribution to proper locations.  
 POST 6604  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Post Chaplain did a wellness check on one of our members who was just released from the hospital.  
 POST 6604  12/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   24   1   $0.00   $28.05   $28.05   chaplain met with one of our local Veterans who's mom died on Tuesday in a house fire. We are helping with family support and a place to hold the funeral and reception. 
 POST 6604  12/6/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   40   1   $0.00   $203.12   $203.12   Post 6604 is doing a three week Buddy Poppy Drive at Northwood Christmas Tree Farm 8660 Madison Ave, Fair Oaks, CA. Have collected about $800 so far and will continue until Christmas. All funds are going to purchase food for Mather Veterans Village food bank.  
 POST 6604  12/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   80   3   $25.00   $159.34   $184.34   Three members of VFW Post 6604 participated with the Marine Corps League Honor Guard/Firing Detail at the December 7th Pearl Harbor ceremony in Sacramento. Put on by the Gold Country Submarine Base. 
 POST 6604  12/8/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   VFW Post 6604 Chaplain met with a veteran who was having some family issues. Just spent time listening. 
 POST 6604  12/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   12   4   $125.00   $297.96   $422.96   VFW Post 6604 in conjunction with the Rolling Hills Blue Star Moms, American Legion, and Marine Corp League in collecting gifts, donations, and providing a community party with games and activities. We had about 60 people come through from 4 to 7pm with a Sugar Cookie Competition at 5:30pm. 
 POST 6604  12/11/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    2   60   3   $600.00   $156.54   $756.54   Provided 15 trees along with  Auxiliary for Mather Veterans Village.  
 POST 6604  12/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   One member of VFW Post 6604 assisted Rolling Hills Blue Star Moms with girl scout cookie distribution to veterans. 
 POST 6604  12/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   1   $50.00   $77.57   $127.57   One member of VFW Post 6604 assisted the Sac Fire Department with their annual Christmas Party. We provided the location, supplies, and clean-up. 
 POST 6604  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   4   $125.00   $398.54   $523.54   Assisted the Daughters of the American Revolution with Wreaths Across America (WAA). An event was held at the Folsom Veterans Hall and four members assisted with delivery, storage, and placement of 800 wreaths and 36 people helped with placement at two cemeteries.  
 POST 6604  12/14/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   60   2   $20.00   $107.16   $127.16   Participated in a Marine Corps League Honor Guard/Firing Detail at a church in Shingle Springs for a veteran's service.  
 POST 6604  12/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Assisted a veteran in finding a VSO to assist with their claim.  
 POST 6604  12/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88    Chaplain assisted a family in donating 25 old hearing aids to the Rotary of Folsom.  
 POST 6604  12/16/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   40   2   $20.00   $104.36   $124.36   Two members of VFW Post 6604 assisted a local veteran who needed transportation to the Marine Corps League Holiday Party at the Folsom Veterans Hall.  
 POST 6604  12/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   12   100   1   $0.00   $310.28   $310.28   Adjutant assisted the Sacramento Sheriffs Department with oversight of three Alternative Sentencing People for a total of 12 hours during the last week.  
 POST 6604  12/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   12   2   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Served papers on a veteran as requested. Papers were served on 12-16-2024 at 10:05am.  
 POST 6604  12/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Chaplain met with three veterans at the Folsom Veterans Hall to talk about life issues. All three are going through similar family issues.  
 POST 6604  12/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Assisted the Citrus Heights Veterans Wall initiative with contacts, presentations, and calling. 
 POST 6604  12/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   25   1   $25.00   $52.88   $77.88   Assisted a veterans with some minor financial needs before the holidays.  
 POST 6604  12/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   12   2   $250.00   $100.44   $350.44   Assisted a veteran with Christmas expenses for her and three children.  
 POST 6604  12/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   VFW Post 6604 Adjutant called a number of veterans who didn't show for the business meeting. Found one of them to have some health problems and will forward to the Chaplain for ride to the Mather VA when needed.  
 POST 6604  12/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   12   1   $50.00   $100.44   $150.44   Donated and assisted Rolling Hills Blue Star Moms and Marine Corps League Post 940 with fundraiser to send car packages to serving military personnel. 
 POST 6604  12/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   120   6   $100.00   $609.36   $709.36   Six members of VFW Post 6604 moved one of our veterans into her new home. Purchased food for everyone and it was a good example of supporting each other. 
 POST 6604  12/23/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   25   1   $25.00   $52.88   $77.88   Provided turkeys and decorations for two veterans families. Turkeys were donated and decorations were purchased by Post.  
 POST 6604  1/3/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   2   $0.00   $105.06   $105.06   Two members of VFW Post 6604 participated in an Honor Guard/Firing Detail at Mt. Vernon Mortuary. 
 POST 6604  1/4/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Assisted a citizen with proper retirement of three American flags.  
 POST 6604  1/5/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   VFW Member met with an Eagle Project family to provide input on assisting them at the Folsom Veterans Hall in completing there requirements of a project.  
 POST 6604  1/6/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Did a wellness check on one of our veterans who lost their brother over the holidays. Passed on to the Chaplain for follow up. 
 POST 6604  1/6/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   12   1   $25.00   $51.06   $76.06   VFW Post 6604 Adjutant processed two local businesses with their health permits for the Sacramento County Environmental Health Department. Because our Post is a designated Commissary for Sacramento County our post Adjutant is required to verify health issues for businesses using our facility. Currently there are 18. 
 POST 6604  1/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   1   $100.00   $26.37   $126.37   Post Chaplain assisted a veterans family financially to assist with a minor issue. These seem to be minor but can actually make the difference in a family from frustration to getting their feet on the ground. 
 POST 6604  1/9/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   100   2   $25.00   $112.76   $137.76   Two members of VFW Post 6604 participated in an Honor Guard/Firing Detail for a veteran at Dixon Veterans Cemetery.. 
 POST 6604  1/11/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   50   3   $0.00   $303.28   $303.28   Three members of VFW Post 6604 assisted a veterans move her family from an apartment to a home. She is a member of the Marine Corps League Post 940. 
 POST 6604  1/13/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Post House Chair assisted a family in retiring of their fathers American flags properly.  
 POST 6604  1/13/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   12   12   1   $20.00   $297.96   $317.96   VFW Post 6604 Adjutant oversaw the work of three Sacramento County Sheriffs Department Alternative Sentencing People for a total of 12 hours during the first two weeks in January. 
 POST 6604  1/15/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   40   1   $0.00   $54.98   $54.98   One member of Post 6604 provided assistance to three members to get them to the VFW Meeting. Many of our members no longer drive at night or care to use our zoom option.  
 POST 6604  1/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   2   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Assisted a family that needed to remove old items from a veterans property.  
 POST 6604  1/17/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Assisted five veterans in making appointments with a Department VSO.  
 POST 6604  1/18/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   25   2   $20.00   $102.26   $122.26   Held a membership drive at a local farmers market. Signed up two new members and one transfer member to be voted on an processed. 
 POST 6604  1/18/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   50   1   $20.00   $81.07   $101.07   Participated in the Marine Corps League Honor Huard/Firing Detail at a church in El Dorado Hills.  
 POST 6604  1/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   12   1   $170.00   $26.37   $196.37   Assisted a Veteran with some incidental bills that his family didn't realize they were past due.  
 POST 6604  1/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   20   1   $10.00   $52.18   $62.18   Post Service Officer assisted three families with contacts at the VA and CalVet.  
 POST 6604  1/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Adjutant made wellness calls on ten members that we haven't seen in a while. Found two people who have moved into assisted living. Forwarded information to the Post Chaplain.  
 POST 6604  1/22/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   VFW Post 6604 Adjutant assisted a family in proper retirement and folding for American flags.  
 POST 6604  1/22/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   12   1   $0.00   $75.75   $75.75   Assisted the Sacramento County Environmental Department with health permits for three businesses. This is required because the Folsom Veterans Hall is designated a County Commissary.. Post Adjutant is certified to complete these health permits.  
 POST 6604  1/23/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Adjutant met with a Veteran to assist them in setting up a CCW class.  
 POST 6604  1/24/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Adjutant met with an 82 year old Korean veteran who doesn't have any way to verify his Korean Service. Set him up with a VSO to help him with name change and updating his DD214.  
 POST 6604  1/26/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   4   24   1   $50.00   $102.12   $152.12    Adjutant assisted in the oversight of 12 AFJROTC Cadets in their volunteer activity.  
 POST 6604  1/26/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Adjutant assisted the American Legion with their Oratorical Competition.  
 POST 6604  1/27/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Met with a veteran who needed to talk about passing of a family member. Forwarded his contact information to the Chaplain.  
 POST 6604  1/28/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   25   1   $0.00   $77.57   $77.57   VFW Post members did a phone membership drive at the Post. We contacted by phone and email expired and expiring members. Signed up two new members from contacts and renewed six expired people three from over two years.  
 POST 6604  1/30/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Adjutant assisted a family with proper disposal of a box of American Flags.  
 POST 6604  1/30/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   15   1   $0.00   $26.79   $26.79   Commander and Events manager set up a meeting opportunity with a new local social group.  
 POST 6604  1/30/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Quartermaster met with an Professional Veterans Business organization to help with establishing a meeting at the Folsom Veterans Hall. This is also a membership opportunity.  
 POST 6604  1/31/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Adjutant met with a member who we haven't been in contact with for 1`5 years. He is 82 years old and only has a phone number, which we didn't have. Helped him set up an appointment with a VSO.  
 POST 6604  1/31/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Adjutant met with a member who we haven't been in contact with for 1`5 years. He is 82 years old and only has a phone number, which we didn't have. Helped him set up an appointment with a VSO.  
 POST 6604  2/1/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Working with Folsom Lions Club on their veterans support in our community. 
 POST 6604  2/3/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Chaplain contacted one of our members to do a wellness check. We haven't seen him for a few months. We found he has had the flu and is doing much better now.  
 POST 6604  2/3/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   24   2   $0.00   $151.50   $151.50   Members  did a calling membership drive and renewed five members who had expired. It was a good event.  
 POST 6604  2/4/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   12   3   $60.00   $297.96   $357.96   Commander, Adjutant, and six members participated in the American Legion Post 362 National Commanders Luncheon. We provided the location, logistics, and assisted with set-up and Clean-up. Also, paid for staff to have canteen open.  
 POST 6604  2/5/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support    2   25   3   $0.00   $151.64   $151.64   Participated, help organize, and paid for the use of the Folsom Veterans Hall for the first Professional Veterans Business Organization. Held the first meeting with 30 people and one new member was signed up with Post 6604. The goal is a monthly meeting. This has been in the works for about three months spear headed by our Post Quartermaster.  
 POST 6604  2/5/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   3   40   1   $300.00   $79.67   $379.67   VFW Post 6604 Operation Patriots Pantry (OPP) purchased and delivered $300 worth of food to the Mather Veterans Village for their food bank. This is our 2024-25 ongoing program that we have currently spent $8,000+ on. 
 POST 6604  2/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   VFW Chaplain made a wellness contact with one of our members who just had surgery. 
 POST 6604  2/7/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   50   2   $25.00   $105.76   $130.76   Two members of VFW Post 6604 participated in an Honor Guard/Firing Detail with the Marine Corps League. 
 POST 6604  2/8/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   25   2   $0.00   $151.64   $151.64   Two members of VFW Post 6604 held a membership drive at a local farmers market. One new member was added and one person renewed from a past Member-at-large status. 
 POST 6604  2/10/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   24   1   $0.00   $102.12   $102.12   VFW Member assisted the Sacramento County Sheriffs Department Alternative Sentencing Program by oversight of two people for four hours. 
 POST 6604  2/11/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   VFW Post 6604 Adjutant assisted a veterans family over the phone. Walked them through the National Archive Site. Their goal is to get their grandfathers DD214. 
 POST 6604  2/13/2025         2   75   2   $0.00   $109.26   $109.26   Two members of VFW Post 6604 assisted a veteran who slipped and fell. He needed assistance getting home. He is doing well at this time. He is having a number of issues. 
 POST 6604  2/14/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   12   4   $200.00   $199.20   $399.20   VFW Post held a community Valentines Event. We had two veterans from the community at the event and they are potential members. If not we will forward to American Legion Post 362. 
 POST 6604  2/15/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   25   3   $0.00   $151.64   $151.64   Three members of VFW Post 6604 did a phone membership drive to get people who have expired to get their membership money in. We have reached 104.68% and our goal is 110%. We will continue with this for the rest of the year. 
 POST 6604  2/16/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   30   1   $0.00   $28.89   $28.89   VFW Post 6604 Adjutant held a Chapel service at Park Folsom Retirement Community. There were four veterans in attendance. Always, appreciate some one who has served sharing with them. This is one of a number of locations we help with. 
 POST 6604  2/17/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   12   1   $0.00   $100.44   $100.44   Assisted the Sacramento Sheriffs Department in supervising two Alternative Sentencing People during their work duties for four hours. 
 POST 6604  2/17/2025   Legislative Advocacy   State   4   60   1   $25.00   $107.16   $132.16   One member of VFW Post 6604, Josh Baker, participated in testifying at a state sub-committee meeting with Department Sr Vice Commander Kuta about the taxation of veterans retirement. 
 POST 6604  2/18/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Collected six American Flags from local thrift stores to be properly disposed of on Flag Day. 
 POST 6604  2/19/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Assisted a veteran who is being put up in a hotel by the VA. Forwarded him to Road Homes in Sacramento. He is not in our area but Sacramento. We are the only ones he called and answered the phone. 
 POST 6604  2/20/2025   Legislative Advocacy   State   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Did calling to State Legislators to support AB46, exempting State Tax on veterans disability income. 
 POST 6604  2/21/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   45   1   $0.00   $105.06   $105.06   The VFW Post 6604 Adjutant provided oversight for two Alternative Sentencing Program (ASP) People who are working off community service time through the Sacramento County Sheriffs Department. They worked a total of 4 hours. 
 POST 6604  2/21/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Met with a Korean War Veteran to assist him in getting in contact with a VSO and where he can go to get his DD214 updated to a DD215 to show Korean Service 
 POST 6604  2/22/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Disposed of six flags turned in by local citizens. They will be properly disposed of on Flag Day. 
 POST 6604  2/22/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   45   2   $0.00   $105.06   $105.06   Two members of VFW Post 6604 participated in an Honor Guard/Firing Detail at a local Cemetery for a fallen veteran. This is one of the best way to honor our veterans and their families. 
 POST 6604  2/23/2025   Youth Development   JROTC   4   55   3   $100.00   $303.98   $403.98   Assisted with oversight and technical support for AFJROTC Cadets during a community breakfast. They were the support staff and part of their training requirements. 8 Cadets were working and 3 VFW Post 6604 members were their. 
 POST 6604  2/24/2025   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Assisted a veterans family in finding an electric scooter for their father. 
 POST 6604  2/24/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   12   1   $0.00   $75.75   $75.75   VFW Post 6604 Adjutant assisted the Charlotte Parkhurst Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution with their monthly meeting. He stayed there the whole 3 hrs. 
 POST 6604  2/24/2025   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   25   2   $0.00   $102.26   $102.26   Two members of VFW Post 6604 did a phone membership drive to get annual members to re-new. We were very successful and are currently at 104.94%. 
 POST 6604  2/25/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   A member of VFW Post 6604 assisted the NorCal Wood Turners with their monthly meeting. There were over 60 people in attendance along with the zoom participants. A great way to get the Veterans noticed. 
 POST 6604  2/25/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   12   1   $0.00   $51.06   $51.06   Met with three business people to assist them in their Environmental Health Certificates, which is required to use the Folsom Veterans Hall as there commissary. 
 POST 6604  2/26/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Met with a widow who needed to get help with some VA paperwork. Set her and her Son up with a VFW DSO to explain and go over what she actually needs. He suddenly passed three days after his filing. 
 POST 6604  2/26/2025   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   12   1   $0.00   $26.37   $26.37   Assisted a veteran who filed a claim in St. Lewis but has moved to our area. Helped him make an appointment with a VSO. He is also in the process of transferring to a local VFW once settled. 
 Post 6604 Total 566 5,149 435 $27,022.28 $50,113.21 $77,135.48
 POST 7143  8/7/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   0   2   $500.00   $49.38   $549.38   Post members voted to donate $500 to VFW member who's daughter was having major surgery and hospital would not cover needed medical supplies to have his child recover at home due to insurance issues.  
 POST 7143  11/10/2024   Community Service   Teacher of the Year   15   0   10   $1,000.00   $3,703.50   $4,703.50   Teacher of the Year, Law Enforcement of the Year and Veterans Day BBQ. Invited community, gave awards to two community members and held a free BBQ.  
 Post 7143 Total 16 0 12 $1,500.00 $3,752.88 $5,252.88
 POST 8254  7/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   3   $0.00   $225.71   $225.71   Post members Assisted the IBCA ( Ione Business Community Association) with their annual fireworks stand.  
 POST 8254  7/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Provided  facilitiy  for the Little League .  
 POST 8254  7/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Provided facility  for Troop 477 
 POST 8254  7/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   1   $0.00   $77.57   $77.57   Assisted the IBCA with their annual fireworks booth  
 POST 8254  7/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Vote and purchase wreaths for Ione-Wreaths Across America campaign 
 POST 8254  7/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   1   $0.00   $77.57   $77.57   Meeting and preparation for; Wreaths Across America with the VFW 
 POST 8254  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Provided  facility for  Pack 477 .  
 POST 8254  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   50   1   $0.00   $105.76   $105.76   Post member assisted Rancho Murieta post execute their 4th of July parade.  
 POST 8254  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   2   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Members assisted the LDS church with annual 4th of July flag raising.  
 POST 8254  7/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Assisted disabled veteran with grocery voucher from local market. 
 POST 8254  7/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   25   1   $0.00   $201.02   $201.02   Provided facility for Kaiser to use 
 POST 8254  7/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   4   $0.00   $102.26   $102.26   Provided facility for IMD to use.  
 POST 8254  7/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   25   1   $0.00   $126.95   $126.95   Provided facility’s to 8254 Aux to prepare for public event  
 POST 8254  7/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Purchase flyers from Staples for Wreaths Across America 
 POST 8254  7/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   1   $0.00   $102.26   $102.26   Hand out flyers for Wreaths Across America 
 POST 8254  7/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Provided facilityfor Troop 477 to use 
 POST 8254  7/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   1   $0.00   $102.26   $102.26   Provided facility for WIC to use. 
 POST 8254  7/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Provided facility for Pack 477 to use 
 POST 8254  7/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   25   1   $0.00   $201.02   $201.02   Provided for Kaiser to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  7/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Provided for Pack 477 to use the facilities,  
 POST 8254  7/27/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   1   $0.00   $77.57   $77.57   Visit downtown Ione businesses to promote Wreaths Across America 
 POST 8254  7/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Social media advertisement for Wreaths Across America 
 POST 8254  8/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Social media advertisement for Wreaths Across America 
 POST 8254  8/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Pack 477 to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  8/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Provided for Little League to use the facilities  
 POST 8254  8/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Social media advertisement for Wreaths Across America 
 POST 8254  8/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   3   60   1   $0.00   $82.47   $82.47   Hospice visit to post member at VA Sacramento 
 POST 8254  8/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Provided for Troop 477 to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  8/7/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   50   10   $0.00   $747.70   $747.70   Honor guard & post members attended Plymouth California's 4th Annual Purple Heart Ceremony. 
 POST 8254  8/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Social media advertisement for Wreaths Across America 
 POST 8254  8/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Utility fee's paid for Pack 477 to use the facilities 
 POST 8254  8/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Social media advertisement for Wreaths Across America 
 POST 8254  8/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Utility fee's paid for Ione Memorial District to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  8/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   1   $0.00   $65.23   $65.23   Social media advertisement for Wreaths Across America 
 POST 8254  8/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   25   1   $254.00   $28.19   $282.19   Assisted disabled veteran with grocery voucher from local market. 
 POST 8254  8/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   25   2   $0.00   $398.54   $398.54   utility fee's paid for Kaiser to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  8/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   25   2   $0.00   $250.40   $250.40   utility fee's paid for WIC to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  8/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   utility fee's paid for Pack 477 to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  8/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   1   $0.00   $77.57   $77.57   Social media advertisement for Wreaths Across America 
 POST 8254  8/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Provided facilitates for pack 477.  
 POST 8254  8/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Provided for Pack 477 to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  8/28/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   25   3   $11.00   $596.06   $607.06   Utility fee's paid for Kaiser to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  8/31/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   50   9   $63.00   $1,340.26   $1,403.26   ** Did all nine members stay the whole 6 hours of thr poppy drive?** Recruiting drive during Labor Day Poppy drive @ Walmart Jackson.  
 POST 8254  9/1/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   50   9   $63.00   $1,340.26   $1,403.26   **Were all 9 members there for the Six ours?** Labor Day Poppy drive @ Jackson Walmart  
 POST 8254  9/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   3   60   1   $10.00   $82.47   $92.47   Post Chaplain visit to post member in ICU 
 POST 8254  9/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $10.00   $28.19   $38.19   utility fee's paid for Troop 477 to the facilities. 
 POST 8254  9/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   1   $0.00   $151.64   $151.64   Wreaths Across America donation collections 
 POST 8254  9/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Purchase popup and banner for Ione Wreaths Across America campaign. 
 POST 8254  9/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   1   $10.00   $102.26   $112.26   utility fee's paid for 1st five play groups to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  9/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Wreaths Across America social media 
 POST 8254  9/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Utility fee's paid for Pack 477 to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  9/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Wreaths Across America social media 
 POST 8254  9/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Wreaths Across America social media 
 POST 8254  9/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   1   $4.00   $77.57   $81.57   utility fee's paid for Little League to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  9/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Wreaths Across America social media 
 POST 8254  9/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   utility fee's paid for Troop 477 to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  9/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   1   $4.00   $102.26   $106.26   Utility fee's paid for 1st five play dates to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  9/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   25   10   $35.00   $497.30   $532.30   9/11 ceremony in conjunction with the Ione community & Ione Fire Dept. 
 POST 8254  9/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   3   $11.00   $77.57   $88.57   Ione Memorial District to use the facilities for monthly meeting.  
 POST 8254  9/12/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   50   5   $35.00   $377.35   $412.35   Honor Guard present for funeral of post member Ezio Nurisio 
 POST 8254  9/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Wreaths Across America social media 
 POST 8254  9/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Wreaths Across America social media 
 POST 8254  9/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $0.00   $28.19   $28.19   Wreaths Across America social media 
 POST 8254  9/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88    Troop 477 to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  9/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   1   $4.00   $102.26   $106.26   Utility fee's paid for 1st five play dates to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  9/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   3   $12.00   $151.64   $163.64   Members attended Zoom meeting for wreaths across America  
 POST 8254  9/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Wreaths Across America social media 
 POST 8254  9/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Wreaths Across America social media 
 POST 8254  9/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Utility fee's paid for Pack 477 to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  9/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   1   $4.00   $102.26   $106.26   Utility fee's paid for WIC to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  9/20/2024   Community Service   POW/MIA   1   25   5   $25.00   $126.95   $151.95   POW/MIA day Recognition Day ceremony held at the post. 
 POST 8254  9/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Assisted disabled veteran replace flag on his personal flagpole. 
 POST 8254  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   40   1   $6.00   $54.98   $60.98   Assisted Daughters of the American revolution with Bells across America ceremony 
 POST 8254  9/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   9   $486.00   $670.13   $1,156.13   Post members attended Ione P.D.'s Annual dinner fundraiser. 
 POST 8254  9/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Assisted disabled veteran move couch to garage. 
 POST 8254  9/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   1   50   1   $68.00   $31.69   $99.69   Assisted disabled veteran w/ a gas fill up of $60 to make Dr appt's this week. 
 POST 8254  9/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   1   $0.00   $77.57   $77.57   Wreaths Across America, ordered materials for this campaign 
 POST 8254  9/25/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   25   9   $36.00   $447.92   $483.92   Membership drive at bingo night with special guests, the public. Also 125th anniversary celebration.  
 POST 8254  9/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   2   $8.00   $299.78   $307.78   utility fee's paid for Kaiser to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  9/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   50   1   $8.00   $31.69   $39.69   Assisted disabled veteran replace broken rope on their flagpole 
 POST 8254  9/25/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   50   1   $8.00   $31.69   $39.69   Assisted disabled veteran with replacing broken rope on their flagpole. 
 POST 8254  9/25/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   2   $8.00   $299.78   $307.78   Utility fee's paid for 1st five playdates to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  9/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   25   5   $20.00   $620.75   $640.75   Utility fee's paid for 8254 Aux to have a meeting. 
 POST 8254  9/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Provided for Pack 477 to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  9/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   25   5   $20.00   $620.75   $640.75   Utility fee's paid for 8254 Aux to have a meeting. 
 POST 8254  9/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   2   $20.00   $201.02   $221.02   Provided 8254 aux to hold a pancake breakfast for post members.  
 POST 8254  9/30/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   25   1   $4.00   $126.95   $130.95   Retention letters written, printed, & mailed to this year's expiring members.  
 POST 8254  10/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   1   $4.00   $77.57   $81.57   Troop 477 to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  10/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   1   $0.00   $151.64   $151.64   Wreaths Across America and National Night Out with Ione Police Department at Perry Earl Park, Ione CA 95640 
 POST 8254  10/1/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   25   8   $32.00   $991.10   $1,023.10   Membership drive @ Ione PD annual National night out.  
 POST 8254  10/2/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   1   25   5   $20.00   $126.95   $146.95   Honor Guard funeral ceremony Ione cemetery. U.S. Army veteran  
 POST 8254  10/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   1   $4.00   $102.26   $106.26   Provided for 1st five play dates to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  10/3/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Provided for Pack 477 to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  10/6/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   4   70   2   $20.00   $207.32   $227.32   Honor Guard detail to Roseville Cal for funeral upon District request.  
 POST 8254  10/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   1   $4.00   $77.57   $81.57   Provided for Little League to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  10/9/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   2   $8.00   $201.02   $209.02   Provided for 1st five play dates to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  10/10/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   6   $24.00   $151.64   $175.64   Utility fee's paid for the Ione Memorial District to use the facilities for their monthly meeting. 
 POST 8254  10/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   3   $12.00   $151.64   $163.64   Post members attended Ione's city council meeting to receive the cities proclamation to hold Wreaths Across America on Dec 14, 2024. 
 POST 8254  10/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Utility fee's paid for the BSA troop 477 to use the hall. 
 POST 8254  10/16/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   1   $4.00   $102.26   $106.26   Utility fee's paid for 1st five play dates to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  10/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Utility fee's paid for BSA Pack 477 to us the facilities. 
 POST 8254  10/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   1   $4.00   $102.26   $106.26   Utility fee's paid for WIC to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  10/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   2   $8.00   $299.78   $307.78   Utility fee's paid for Kaiser to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  10/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   2   $8.00   $201.02   $209.02   Utility fee's paid for 1st Five playdates to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  10/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   2   $8.00   $299.78   $307.78   Utility fee's paid for Kaiser to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  10/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88   Assisted disabled veteran replacing sprinkler control valve at his residence 
 POST 8254  10/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Utility fee's paid for pack 477 to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  10/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Utility fee's paid for BSA Pack 477 to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  10/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   1   $4.00   $77.57   $81.57   Post Commander was a judge in Ione's 1st annual Halloween of lights parade down main St. 
 POST 8254  10/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   168   25   1   $4.00   $4,151.42   $4,155.42   Commander Rick Boughner takes 24hr care of Veterans dog, while the veteran fights an aggressive form of meningitis, which has him confined to a hospital bed 24 hrs a day. The disease has currently taken the veterans eyes sight. Commander Boughner also visits his house 3 days a week to keep up its appearances. 
 POST 8254  10/26/2024   Community Service   Other   5   60   4   $34.00   $502.20   $536.20   Post members attended District 17 meeting at Post 10165 
 POST 8254  10/28/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   5   25   1   $4.00   $126.95   $130.95   Retention emails written, & sent to members in need of them. 
 POST 8254  10/29/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   5   25   1   $4.00   $126.95   $130.95   Retention letters written, printed, & mailed to members in need of them.  
 POST 8254  10/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   1   $4.00   $102.26   $106.26   utility fee's paid for 1st five playdates to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  10/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   8   $32.00   $793.58   $825.58   utility fee's paid for 8254 aux's bingo night at the post 
 POST 8254  11/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   3   $12.00   $151.64   $163.64   utility fees paid for MCL Det 1080 to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  11/2/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   25   2   $8.00   $102.26   $110.26   Utility fees paid to have the Post IT guy update Post website. 
 POST 8254  11/3/2024   Veterans Assistance      4   81   1   $12.00   $110.10   $122.10   Commander Rick Boughner spent 4 hours bedside with blind veteran fighting meningitis @ UC Davis. 
 POST 8254  11/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   8   81   1   $12.00   $208.86   $220.86   Commander Rick Boughner stayed at veteran's bedside awaiting his brain biopsy, which was eventually cancelled due to health issues with the veteran. 
 POST 8254  11/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88   Commander Rick Boughner attended the Boy Scouts Troop 477's Court of Honor. Also discussed Wreaths Across America and the BSA's role.  
 POST 8254  11/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88   For troop 477 to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  11/5/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   168   25   1   $4.00   $4,151.42   $4,155.42   Commander Rick Boughner takes 24 hr. care of Post member's dog, while veteran fights an aggressive form of meningitis, which has confined him to a hospital bed 24 hrs a day. Veteran has lost his eyesight to this disease. Commander Boughner also visits the veterans home 3 days a week to keep up appearances. 
 POST 8254  11/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   2   $0.00   $201.02   $201.02    1st Five PlayDates to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  11/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Utility fee's paid for Pack 477 to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  11/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   25   4   $16.00   $596.06   $612.06   Recruiting drive @ Walmart Jackson Cal. 
 POST 8254  11/9/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   25   4   $16.00   $596.06   $612.06   Recruiting drive @ Walmart Jackson Cal 
 POST 8254  11/10/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   3   50   4   $32.00   $303.28   $335.28   Honor Guard ceremony @ IVMP clay shoot in Comanche Cal 
 POST 8254  11/10/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   25   4   $16.00   $596.06   $612.06   Veterans Day Poppy Drive @ Walmart, Jackson, Cal 
 POST 8254  11/12/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   168   25   1   $4.00   $4,151.42   $4,155.42   Commander Rick Boughner takes 24 hr. care of a veteran's dog, while veteran fights an aggressive form of meningitis, which has confined the veteran to a hospital bed. The veteran has lost sight in both eyes from the disease. Commander Boughner visits the veterans house 3x a week to keep up appearances. 
 POST 8254  11/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   1   $4.00   $151.64   $155.64   utility fee's paid for Kaiser to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  11/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   11   $44.00   $1,089.86   $1,133.86   Utility fee's paid for Aux 8254 to hold dinner & a meeting. 
 POST 8254  11/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   1   $4.00   $102.26   $106.26   Utility fee's paid for 1st five playdates to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  11/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   6   $24.00   $151.64   $175.64   Utility fee's paid for Ione Memorial District to hold monthly meeting. 
 POST 8254  11/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88   Utility fee's paid for BSA Pack 477 to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  11/15/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   25   2   $73.00   $52.88   $125.88   Veteran assistance with 13 gallons of fuel @ 4.99 a gallon for generator. 
 POST 8254  11/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   50   1   $8.00   $81.07   $89.07   Commander Rick Boughner attended a VA sanctioned suicide prevention class, with the Amador County VSO, members of law enforcement & other govt agencies. 
 POST 8254  11/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   168   25   1   $4.00   $4,151.42   $4,155.42   Commander Rick Boughner takes 24 hr. care of veteran's dog, while veteran is in hospital fighting an aggressive form of meningitis, which has confined veteran to a hospital bed 24 hrs. a day. Veteran has lost his eyesight due to the disease. Commander Boughner also visits veterans home 3 times a week to keep up appearances. 
 POST 8254  11/20/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   6   64   2   $18.00   $305.24   $323.24   Commander Rick Boughner & Jr Vice Brian Miser visited UC Davis and post member who is confined to hospital fighting an aggressive form of meningitis. 
 POST 8254  11/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   1   $4.00   $102.26   $106.26   Utility fee's paid for 1st Five play dates to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   2   $8.00   $102.26   $110.26   Commander Rick Boughner & Jr Vice Brian Miser attended the Ione Business Community Association monthly meeting. 
 POST 8254  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Utility fee's paid for BSA Pack 477 to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   1   $4.00   $102.26   $106.26   Utility fee's paid for WIC to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   50   1   $8.00   $56.38   $64.38   Comrade Brady spoke to BSA Pack & Troop 78 of Jackson Cal. on Americanism. 
 POST 8254  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   50   1   $8.00   $56.38   $64.38   Comrade Brady spoke to BSA Pack & Troop 78 of Jackson Cal. on Americanism. 
 POST 8254  11/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   1   $4.00   $102.26   $106.26   Utility fee's paid for WIC to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  11/30/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   50   1   $8.00   $81.07   $89.07   Commander Rick Boughner attended Jackson California's Xmas tree lighting. 
 POST 8254  12/2/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   2   $8.00   $201.02   $209.02   Commander Rick Boughner & Jr Vice Cmdr Brian Miser assisted the Ione cemetery & The Ione Fire Dept hanging Xmas lights on the large tree at the cemetery. 
 POST 8254  12/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   168   25   1   $12.00   $4,151.42   $4,163.42   **need to split** Commander Rick Boughner takes 24 hr care of a veteran's dog & house, while the veteran is hospital bedridden with an aggressive form of meningitis. Veteran has lost his eyesight due to the disease.  
 POST 8254  12/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88   Provided for 1st five playdates to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  12/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   5   $20.00   $497.30   $517.30   Provided for Little League to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  12/5/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Provided for BSA Pack 477 to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  12/6/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   9   $36.00   $892.34   $928.34   The Post took part in Ione's hometown Xmas & scavenger hunt celebration. 
 POST 8254  12/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   168   25   1   $4.00   $4,151.42   $4,155.42   **need to split**Commander Rick Boughner looks after hospitalized veterans' dog 24 hrs a day while veteran is hospitalized with an aggressive form of meningitis.  
 POST 8254  12/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   1   $4.00   $151.64   $155.64   Provided  for 1st 5 playdates to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  12/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   25   1   $4.00   $201.02   $205.02   Provided for Kaiser to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  12/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Provided for BSA Pack 477 to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  12/12/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   4   $32.00   $102.26   $134.26   provided  for IMD to hold monthly meeting.  
 POST 8254  12/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   10   $40.00   $744.20   $784.20   Held 1st annual Wreaths Across America in 2 Ione Cemeteries.  
 POST 8254  12/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   25   1   $0.00   $201.02   $201.02   Wreaths Across America event preparation 
 POST 8254  12/17/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Provided BSA Troop 477 to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  12/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   1   $4.00   $151.64   $155.64   Provided for 1st five playdates to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  12/18/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   25   1   $0.00   $201.02   $201.02   Wreaths Across America event preparation 
 POST 8254  12/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   168   25   1   $4.00   $4,151.42   $4,155.42   **Need to Split** Commander Rick Boughner looks after hospitalized veterans' dog 24 hrs a day while veteran is hospitalized with an aggressive form of meningitis.  
 POST 8254  12/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   25   1   $4.00   $201.02   $205.02   Provided for WIC to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  12/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88   Provided for BSA Troop 477 to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  12/19/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   25   1   $0.00   $201.02   $201.02   Wreaths Across America event preparation  
 POST 8254  12/20/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   25   1   $0.00   $201.02   $201.02   Wreaths Across America event preparation 
 POST 8254  12/21/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   25   1   $0.00   $201.02   $201.02   Wreaths Across America event 
 POST 8254  12/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   25   1   $0.00   $201.02   $201.02   Wreaths Across America event teardown 
 POST 8254  12/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   25   1   $0.00   $201.02   $201.02   Wreaths Across America donors and volunteer certifications preparation 
 POST 8254  12/24/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   168   25   1   $4.00   $4,151.42   $4,155.42   **needs split**Commander Rick Boughner looks after a post members dog, while the veteran is fighting an aggressive form of meningitis.  
 POST 8254  12/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Other   168   25   1   $4.00   $4,151.42   $4,155.42   **needs split**Commander Rick Boughner looks after a post members dog, while the veteran is fighting an aggressive form of meningitis.  
 POST 8254  1/2/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88   Provided for BSA cub scout pack 477 to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  1/6/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88   Provided for Little League to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  1/7/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88   facility provided  BSA Tropp 477 to hold Troop meeting.  
 POST 8254  1/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   168   25   1   $4.00   $4,151.42   $4,155.42   **need to split** Commander Rick Boughner looks after a post members dog, while the veteran is fighting an aggressive form of meningitis.  
 POST 8254  1/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   50   1   $8.00   $81.07   $89.07   **need to split**Commander Rick Boughner delivered certs of appreciation to the Rancheria Band of the Miwuk Indians, for their participation in Wreaths Across America 2024.  
 POST 8254  1/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   1   $0.00   $151.64   $151.64   Provided for 1st five playdates to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  1/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   25   2   $100.00   $250.40   $350.40   Hosted community dinner  
 POST 8254  1/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Commander Rick Boughner delivered certs of appreciation to the Ione Cemetery, for their participation in Wreaths Across America 2024.  
 POST 8254  1/8/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Commander Rick Boughner delivered certs of appreciation to the Ione Rotary, for their participation in Wreaths Across America 2024. 
 POST 8254  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88   Provided for BSA Pack 477 to hold a Pack meeting.  
 POST 8254  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   50   1   $8.00   $56.38   $64.38   Commander Rick Boughner delivered certs of appreciation to the Publisher of the Ledger Dispatch newspaper, for their participation in Wreaths Across America 2024.  
 POST 8254  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $4.00   $28.19   $32.19   Commander Rick Boughner awarded members and leaders of BSA Pack 477 with Wreaths Across America certificates of appreciation for their part in the WAA ceremony on December 14th, 2024. 
 POST 8254  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   50   1   $8.00   $56.38   $64.38   Commander Rick Boughner delivered certs of appreciation to the Ione Fire Department, for their participation in Wreaths Across America 2024.  
 POST 8254  1/9/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   5   $0.00   $126.95   $126.95   Provided for the Ione Memorial District board to hold their monthly meeting.  
 POST 8254  1/9/2025   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   1   25   2   $8.00   $52.88   $60.88   Buddy check done on an ill post member by Commander Rick Boughner & Jr Vice Cmdr Brian Miser  
 POST 8254  1/14/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   168   25   1   $4.00   $4,151.42   $4,155.42   **needs split**Commander Rick Boughner takes care of a veteran's dog 24 hrs a day as veteran fights an aggressive form of meningitis,  
 POST 8254  1/15/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   1   $4.00   $151.64   $155.64   Provided for 1st five playdates to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  1/16/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   1   $4.00   $151.64   $155.64   Provided paid for WIC to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  1/16/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Provided for BSA Cub Scout Pack 477 to hold meeting.  
 POST 8254  1/18/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   25   2   $8.00   $102.26   $110.26   Quartermaster Jerry Brady & Jr Vice Commander Brian Miser assisted a community member replacing her damaged flagpole & flag after our last storms. 
 POST 8254  1/19/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88   Provided BSA Troop 477 to use the facilities for a committee meeting  
 POST 8254  1/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   168   25   1   $4.00   $4,151.42   $4,155.42   **need to split**Commander Rick Boughner looks after post members dog who is fighting an aggressive form of Meningitis.  
 POST 8254  1/21/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   25   1   $0.00   $52.88   $52.88   Provided for BSA Troop 477 to hold Troop meeting.  
 POST 8254  1/22/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   1   $4.00   $151.64   $155.64   Provided for first five play dates to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  1/23/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   25   4   $16.00   $201.02   $217.02   Facility provided for BSA Pack 477 to hold Pack meeting.  
 POST 8254  1/23/2025   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   4   25   4   $16.00   $398.54   $414.54   Set up & break down of flag retirement ceremony, hosted by the VFW, performed by BSA Pack 477  
 POST 8254  1/26/2025   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   25   5   $20.00   $620.75   $640.75   Honor Guard ceremony for local US Army veteran, 
 POST 8254  1/29/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   2   $0.00   $299.78   $299.78   Provided First five play dates to use the facilities.  
 POST 8254  2/3/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   1   $4.00   $77.57   $81.57   Provided facility  Little League to hold monthly meeting.  
 POST 8254  2/4/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88   Provided facility  for BSA Troop 477 to hold Troop meeting.  
 POST 8254  2/4/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88   Post Commander Rick Boughner handed out, on behalf of wreaths across America, certificates of appreciation, for Troop 477's assistance with the 2024 WAA ceremony.  
 POST 8254  2/4/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   168   25   1   $4.00   $4,151.42   $4,155.42   **need to split**Commander Rick Boughner looks after post members dog while he fights an aggressive form of meningitis.  
 POST 8254  2/5/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   1   $4.00   $151.64   $155.64   Utility fee's paid for First five playdates to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  2/6/2025   Youth Development   Scouting    2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88   Provided for Pack 477 to hold Pack meeting.  
 POST 8254  2/6/2025   Youth Development   Scouting    2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88   Provided for BSA Pack 477 to hold Pack meeting.  
 POST 8254  2/7/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   2   25   1   $10.50   $52.88   $63.38   Assisted veteran by repairing his repairing his unusable kitchen sink. 
 POST 8254  2/11/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   168   25   1   $4.00   $4,151.42   $4,155.42   **need to split** Commander Rick Boughner looks after post members dog while he fights an aggressive form of meningitis.  
 POST 8254  2/13/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   25   1   $4.00   $52.88   $56.88   Utility fee's paid for BSA Pack 477 to hold meeting. 
 POST 8254  2/13/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   4   $16.00   $201.02   $217.02   Utility fee's paid for Ione Memorial District to hold meeting. 
 POST 8254  2/15/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   42   1   $17.14   $154.02   $171.16   Post Chaplain attended the district meeting in Lincoln California. 
 POST 8254  2/15/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   84   2   $35.28   $308.04   $343.32   Post Commander & Post Adjutant attended the District 17 meeting in Lincoln, California. 
 POST 8254  2/16/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   22   10   $92.40   $990.68   $1,083.08   Post members attended Marine Corps League Det # 1080's Iwo Jima / Leversedge observance ceremony in Volcano California. 
 POST 8254  2/18/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   168   25   1   $4.00   $4,151.42   $4,155.42   Commander Rick Boughner looks after post members dog as veteran fights an aggressive form of meningitis. 
 POST 8254  2/18/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   2   25   1   $10.50   $52.88   $63.38   Utility fee's paid for Troop 477 to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  2/19/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   1   $10.50   $151.64   $162.14   Utility fee's paid for first five playdates to use the faciliities. 
 POST 8254  2/20/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   1   $10.50   $151.64   $162.14   Utility fee's paid for WIC to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  2/20/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   1   25   6   $63.00   $151.64   $214.64   Utility fee's paid for DAV118 to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  2/20/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   25   25   1   $10.50   $620.75   $631.25   Utility fee's paid for BSA Pack 477 to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  2/23/2025   Youth Development   Other   3   25   1   $10.50   $77.57   $88.07   Utility fee's paid for Little League to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  2/23/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   25   1   $10.50   $28.19   $38.69   Buddy check performed by post chaplain, for a sick post member. 
 POST 8254  2/25/2025   Veterans Assistance   Other   168   25   1   $10.50   $4,151.42   $4,161.92   Commander Rick Boughner looks after hospitalized veterans' dog 24 hrs a day while veteran is hospitalized with an aggressive form of meningitis. 
 POST 8254  2/25/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   25   1   $10.50   $52.88   $63.38   Wreaths Across America 2025 build up 
 POST 8254  2/26/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   25   10   $105.00   $991.10   $1,096.10   Utility fee's paid for Aux to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  2/26/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   25   1   $10.50   $201.02   $211.52   Utility fee's paid for Kaiser to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  2/26/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   1   $10.50   $151.64   $162.14   Utility fee's paid for first five play dates to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  2/27/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   1   $10.50   $151.64   $162.14   Utility fee's paid for WIC to use the facilities. 
 POST 8254  2/27/2025   Youth Development   Scouting   3   25   1   $10.50   $77.57   $88.07   Utility fee's paid for BSA Pack 477 to use the facilities. 
 Post 8254 Total 3,391 6,514 449 $2,873.32 $103,560.64 $106,433.96
 POST 8985  7/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Helped a veteran with the VA forms to get Aid and Assistance. 
 POST 8985  7/9/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   2   10   1   $0.00   $50.78   $50.78   Worked with a veteran to complete VA form for Power of Attorney,, Intent to file and Aid and Attendance. Explain that his daughter my qualify as his caregiver and should apply as such. 
 POST 8985  9/3/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   5   2   $0.00   $198.22   $198.22   Membership Drive at Boy Scout Fundraiser. one Life Member signed up. 
 POST 8985  9/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   1   0   1   $300.00   $24.69   $324.69   Post donated $300.00 to Cootie Pup Tent 69 for their hospital fund in memory of Glenn Wilson. 
 POST 8985  9/17/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   0   1   $300.00   $24.69   $324.69   Post donated $300.00 to sponsored Scout Troop. 
 POST 8985  9/17/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   0   1   $300.00   $24.69   $324.69   Post donated $300.00 to sponsored Scout Troop. 
 POST 8985  11/3/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   Post advertised Scout Troop's Fried Rice Breakfast fund raiser. 
 POST 8985  11/8/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   16   1   3   $0.00   $1,185.26   $1,185.26   Membership drive during Buddy Poppy. distribution on November 8th and 9th. Passed out flyers and applications. two possibles.  
 POST 8985  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   26   75   6   $0.00   $3,862.14   $3,862.14   Post Buddy Poppy drive 8-9 NOV 24 with Post Auxiliary at Oto's Market in Sacramento, CA.  Six members served a total of 26 hours. Aux hours and miles reported separately.  
 POST 8985  11/23/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   4   2   2   $0.00   $197.80   $197.80   Membership recruiting booth at Boy Scout. Fundraiser. Passed out information and applications. 
 POST 8985  2/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   0   0   7   $400.00   $17.28   $417.28   Post donated $400 to the Sacramento County Veterans Stand Down. 
 POST 8985  2/8/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   0   0   7   $400.00   $17.28   $417.28   Post donated $400 to the Placer Countr Veterans Stand Down. 
 Post 8985 Total 58 93 34 $1,700.00 $5,726.29 $7,426.29
 POST 9241  7/4/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   0   2   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Regional Community Fourth of July Event in Garden Valley; Auxiliary table and VFW recruitment and information 
 POST 9241  7/4/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   0   2   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Fourth of July Booth at local Community Event in Garden Valley in collaboration with the VFW Auxiliary 
 POST 9241  7/5/2024   Community Service   Other   8   0   5   $250.00   $987.60   $1,237.60   Food Bank 
 POST 9241  7/5/2024   Community Service   Other   6   0   5   $200.00   $740.70   $940.70   Monthly Food Bank, First Friday 
 POST 9241  7/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   6   0   9   $0.00   $1,333.26   $1,333.26   VFW Park and Garden work day; Intent is to build a community among the VFW members 
 POST 9241  8/2/2024   Community Service      6   0   5   $200.00   $740.70   $940.70   Monthly Food Bank, First Friday 
 POST 9241  8/3/2024   Community Service   Other   8   0   5   $250.00   $987.60   $1,237.60   Food Bank 
 POST 9241  8/21/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   0   5   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Presentation at the Local Rotary meeting 
 POST 9241  8/21/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   2   0   5   $0.00   $246.90   $246.90   Rotary Presentation 
 POST 9241  9/6/2024   Community Service   Other   6   0   5   $200.00   $740.70   $940.70   Monthly Food Bank, First Friday 
 POST 9241  9/22/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   0   8   $0.00   $1,185.12   $1,185.12   Founder's Day Community event: Recruitment and Honor Guard 
 POST 9241  9/22/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   2   0   6   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Founders day, celebration and commemoration of the town of Georgetown; VFW members lead the parade 
 POST 9241  9/22/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   0   8   $0.00   $1,185.12   $1,185.12   Distribute Buddy Poppies in collaboration with the VFW Auxiliary at local celebration of the founding of Georgetown 
 POST 9241  9/22/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   6   0   8   $0.00   $1,185.12   $1,185.12   Founder's Day celebration in collaboration with the VFW Auxiliary  
 POST 9241  10/4/2024   Community Service   Other   6   0   6   $200.00   $888.84   $1,088.84   Monthly Food Bank, First Friday 
 POST 9241  10/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   0   5   $0.00   $987.60   $987.60   Food Bank, First Friday  
 POST 9241  10/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   QPR Suicide Prevention Training and Workshop 
 POST 9241  10/13/2024   Community Service   Flag Etiquette   2   0   2   $0.00   $98.76   $98.76   Community Event: Youth Expo in Garden Valley; Flag raising and volunteer  
 POST 9241  10/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   10   0   2   $0.00   $493.80   $493.80   Auxiliary sponsored Halloween Ball, VFW supported the event, volunteering to set it up and to clean up  
 POST 9241  10/27/2024   Youth Development   Other   6   0   0   $100.00   $0.00   $100.00   Movie Day: youth development and training to support VFW operations: Popcorn machine, soda sales, hot dog distribution 
 POST 9241  10/31/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   6   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   Halloween Hot Dog give away for Veterans and the community; Over 1000 hot dogs we given away; Donated by local store, Marvals  
 POST 9241  11/1/2024   Community Service      6   0   6   $200.00   $888.84   $1,088.84   Monthly Food Bank, First Friday 
 POST 9241  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   6   0   6   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   VFW Lead an Honor Guard; Flag Ceremony; Provided Free meals for Vets at the VFW 
 POST 9241  11/22/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   6   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   Native Sons collaboration to provide FREE Thanksgiving Dinner to local Seniors; Multiple Day preparation serving and clean up. split PJ 
 POST 9241  11/23/2024   Youth Development   Other   4   0   2   $0.00   $197.52   $197.52   Students from the Community assisted the native Sons and VFW with the Thanksgiving Dinner for Seniors  
 POST 9241  11/23/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   6   $0.00   $888.84   $888.84   Native Sons collaboration to provide FREE Thanksgiving Dinner to local Seniors; Multiple Day preparation, serving, and clean up. split PJ  
 POST 9241  11/26/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   8   0   3   $0.00   $592.56   $592.56   VFW prepared a Thanksgiving Buffet for veterans and their guests 
 POST 9241  11/26/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   0   5   $0.00   $740.70   $740.70   Free Turkeys provided in collaboration with the El Dorado Food Bank  
 POST 9241  11/27/2024   Youth Development   Other   6   0   3   $0.00   $444.42   $444.42   Lawn Chair matinee and Popcorn Soda; Students participated and helped plan the community matinee, free admission 
 Post 9241 Total 166 0 139 $1,600.00 $19,653.24 $21,253.24
 POST 10125  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   4   16   $200.00   $2,370.80   $2,570.80   Participated in the 4th of July parade in Rancho Cordova. 
 POST 10125  7/8/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Cub Scout Meeting  
 POST 10125  7/9/2024   Youth Development   Scouting   2   2   1   $0.00   $49.66   $49.66   Scout meeting  
 POST 10125  7/10/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   11   172   1   $0.00   $295.67   $295.67   Worked as a Sail-Guide with the Palo Alto VA Medical Center/Paralyzed Veterans of America, and a local sailing organization. Helped to accomplish a complicated four-hour sailing voyage in the San Francisco Bay. Eight paralyzed Veterans were served.  
 POST 10125  7/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   9   81   9   $0.00   $2,011.23   $2,011.23   This was for the Mather Capitol Air Show where we ran a Novelty booth. 
 POST 10125  7/14/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   56   8   $2,287.51   $1,588.00   $3,875.51   2nd day of the Capitol Air Show that we manned a novelty Booth. 
 POST 10125  7/14/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   8   25   2   $0.00   $398.54   $398.54   We received 3 application for membership during the Capitol Air Show. 
 POST 10125  7/16/2024   Youth Development   Scouting>  2   0   2   $100.00   $98.76   $198.76   Prior to the Post meeting we present Scout of the year for the Post Kianna Nakoka. 
 POST 10125  7/19/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   10   2   $94.99   $100.16   $195.15   We had veteran who was home board and need assistance with groceries. 
 POST 10125  7/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support (Women Veterans, Homeless, Iraq/Afghanistan)   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Member served as outreach/logistician for which takes veterans out sailing in the San Francisco Bay to provide Veteran comradery and stress relief. works with Northern California VA Recreation Therapists and also counselors at Northern California VetCenters. As outreach/logistician multiple emails, phone calls, and texts were exchanged with Veterans to make sure that all of the available spaces were filled. A total of 15 veterans along with their companions, one AD member was on board, and there were six women veterans on board. 
 POST 10125  7/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   2   0   2   $145.87   $98.76   $244.63   We had a veteran from out of town who was seen at Mather and was going to Martinez VA in the morning for further testing but did not have enough money for a place to stay. Post paid for her hotel stay for 1 night per commanders approval. 
 POST 10125  7/29/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   1   $0.00   $24.69   $24.69   While at National convention, members packed seeds (cucumber, cabbage, broccoli), these seeds will be distributed to school and communities that wish to start gardens.  
 POST 10125  7/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   National Home   1   0   1   $15.00   $24.69   $39.69   Donated to the National Home during National convention.  
 POST 10125  7/31/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   16   0   3   $0.00   $1,185.12   $1,185.12   We have members at the Post who volunteer at Mather VA Hospital. 
 POST 10125  7/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   87   361   3   $1,788.00   $6,494.63   $8,282.63   Collected and delivered furniture and household goods to former homeless veterans in the Sacramento area for month of July. 
 POST 10125  8/25/2024   Veterans Assistance      8   176   2   $10.00   $419.68   $429.68   Member served as sail guides and outreach/logistician for which takes veterans out sailing in the San Francisco Bay to provide Veteran comradery and stress relief. works with Northern California recreation therapists and counselors at Northern California VetCenters to find Veterans in need. As outreach/logistician, multiple emails, phone calls, and texts were exchanged with Veterans to ensure all available spaces on the boat were filled. As sail guides, calls were made to answer questions and get to know the Veterans. On sail day, two members drove down, picked up sandwiches, greeted Veterans, and escorted them to the boat. During the sail, each of the Veterans was engaged with. Two Veterans were given a ride home to Mather Village after the sail. $10 was spent on water and ginger chew candies to share with Vets. A total of 20 veterans were on board, four were women veterans including Melissa who is wheelchair-bound and survived an IED in Afghanistan.  
 POST 10125  8/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   140   651   4   $1,788.00   $13,917.54   $15,705.54   Collected and delivered furniture and household goods to former homeless veterans in the Sacramento area for month of August. 
 POST 10125  8/30/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   16   0   3   $0.00   $1,185.12   $1,185.12   We have members at the Post who volunteer at Mather VA Hospital. 
 POST 10125  9/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   44   0   6   $0.00   $6,518.16   $6,518.16   9/11 Remembering the fallen Event at Rancho Cordova City Hall 
 POST 10125  9/12/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   3   15   4   $0.00   $298.38   $298.38    9/11 Remembering the fallen Event at Rancho Cordova City Hall  
 POST 10125  9/13/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   50   10   $0.00   $994.60   $994.60   Day One of 9/11 Buddy Poppy efforts. 4 locations in Rancho Cordova CA, two 4 hour shifts per location, 2 people per 4-hour shift plus 2 runners on 8 hour shifts and preparation time Total donations are net of expenses. Donations $792 
 POST 10125  9/13/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   34   20   4   $0.00   $3,360.64   $3,360.64   9/11 Remembering the fallen Event at Rancho Cordova City Hall  
 POST 10125  9/14/2024         30   20   4   $0.00   $2,965.60   $2,965.60   9/11 Remembering the fallen Event at Rancho Cordova City Hall 
 POST 10125  9/14/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   4   50   10   $0.00   $994.60   $994.60   Day Two of 9/11 Buddy Poppy efforts. 4 locations in Rancho Cordova CA, two 4 hour shifts per location, 2 people per 4-hour shift plus 2 runners on 8 hour shifts and preparation time Total donations are net of expenses.  
 POST 10125  9/15/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   12   0   3   $88.00   $888.84   $976.84   9/11 Remembering the fallen Event at Rancho Cordova City Hall 
 POST 10125  9/21/2024   Veterans Assistance      6   0   2   $300.00   $296.28   $596.28   Member served as outreach/logistician for which takes veterans out sailing in the San Francisco Bay to provide Veteran comradery and stress relief. works with Northern California VA recreation therapists and counselors at Northern California VetCenters. Fifteen Veterans sailed, two were women. Additionally, while serving as the logistician, the VFW member discovered that an Iraq/Afghanistan Veteran could not attend due to terminal cancer and cancer treatments. A few days before starting chemo this Veteran and two of his brothers were treated to a sail by our two VFW members with a personal charter on 9/21. The three brothers drove themselves to the marina. The dollars spent/donated is calculated by what the brothers would have been asked to pay if the charter was split by all attendees, (a $1k charter was split between 2 VFW members and the skipper). It was a very poignant day. 
 POST 10125  9/30/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   5   0   3   $0.00   $370.35   $370.35   We have VFW Post members who volunteer at Mather VA Hospital.  
 POST 10125  9/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   202   790   3   $1,788.00   $15,072.74   $16,860.74   Collected and delivered furniture and household goods to former homeless veterans in the Sacramento area for month of September. This included 5 new veterans.  
 POST 10125  10/30/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   8   0   1   $50.00   $197.52   $247.52   Consolidated hours for 2 volunteers (one member, one member's spouse) x 8 hours each for Patriot's Pen awareness and outreach  
 POST 10125  10/31/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   8   0   1   $50.00   $197.52   $247.52   Consolidated hours for 2 volunteers (one member, one member's spouse) x 8 hours each for VOD awareness and outreach  
 POST 10125  10/31/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   16   5   3   $0.00   $1,185.82   $1,185.82   Post members work the information Desk at VA Mather every week. 
 POST 10125  10/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   153   786   3   $1,810.00   $11,442.75   $13,252.75   Collected and delivered furniture and household goods to former homeless veterans in the Sacramento area for month of October. This included 3 new veterans. 
 POST 10125  11/2/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   5   40   11   $50.00   $1,363.55   $1,413.55   Volunteer judging session for Patriot's Pen 2024-2025 to determine Post finalists, notify contestants and print/mail award certificates. 8 Post members and 3 auxiliary. 
 POST 10125  11/2/2024   Youth Development   Voice of Democracy   4   0   6   $50.00   $592.56   $642.56   Volunteer judging session for Voice of Democracy 2024-2025 to determine Post finalists, notify contestants and print/mail award certificates. 3 Post members and 3 auxiliary. 
 POST 10125  11/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   12   25   3   $100.00   $892.34   $992.34   Veterans Day Buddy Poppy (preparation) Day 1 of 3 
 POST 10125  11/7/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   10   50   10   $1,204.00   $2,476.00   $3,680.00   Day 2 of Veterans Day Buddy Poppy efforts. 4 locations in Rancho Cordova CA, two 4 hour shifts per location, 2 people per 4-hour shift plus 2 runners on 8 hour shifts and preparation time Total donations are net of expenses. 
 POST 10125  11/9/2024   Community Service   Buddy Poppy Drive   8   10   5   $0.00   $989.00   $989.00   Veterans Day Buddy Poppy efforts. 4 locations in Rancho Cordova CA, two 4 hour shifts per location, 2 people per 4-hour shift plus 2 runners on 8 hour shifts and preparation time Total donations are net of expenses.  
 POST 10125  11/14/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   We have submitted to district 17 a Law Enforcement and Fire Fighter candidate for Post 10125. 
 POST 10125  11/30/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   16   0   3   $0.00   $1,185.12   $1,185.12   We continue support Mather VA Hospital with members from our Post every week.  
 POST 10125  11/30/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   241   896   3   $1,342.00   $17,976.31   $19,318.31   Collected and delivered furniture and household goods to former homeless veterans in the Sacramento area for month of November. This included 4 new veterans. 
 POST 10125  12/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism    4   30   5   $89.00   $498.00   $587.00   The annual lighting of our Cordova Community Christmas Tree is a public event inspiring community unity, showcasing Rancho Cordova community life, promoting local business and providing a community branding experience.  
 POST 10125  12/13/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   284   4   $0.00   $138.52   $138.52   We placed wreaths at the graves of veterans at Sacramento Valley Cemetery in Dixon, CA as part of Wreaths Across America program. We did this with our Boy Scout Troop 363. 
 POST 10125  12/31/2024   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   140   586   4   $1,520.00   $13,908.44   $15,428.44   Collected and delivered furniture and household goods to former homeless veterans in the Sacramento area for month of December. This included 4 new veterans. 
 POST 10125  12/31/2024   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   20   4   $0.00   $397.84   $397.84   We have members of our post that weekly volunteer at Mather VA hospital.  
 POST 10125  1/10/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Members go every week for 4 hours to help veterans from the information Desk. split PJ 
 POST 10125  1/17/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Members go every week for 4 hours to help veterans from the information Desk. split PJ 
 POST 10125  1/24/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Members go every week for 4 hours to help veterans from the information Desk. split PJ 
 POST 10125  1/31/2025   Veterans Assistance   Military & Veterans Support   62   469   2   $1,205.00   $3,127.22   $4,332.22   Collected and delivered furniture and household goods to former homeless veterans in the Sacramento area for month of January. This included 4 new veterans. 4 high school students helped collecting and delivering furniture. 
 POST 10125  1/31/2025   Community Service   VA Volunteer Services (hospital/clinic)   4   0   3   $0.00   $296.28   $296.28   Members go every week for 4 hours to help veterans from the information Desk. split PJ 
 Post 10125 Total 1,377 5,686 192 $16,075.37 $119,925.29 $136,000.66
 POST 10165  7/3/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   8   20   5   $0.00   $990.40   $990.40   Five of our VFW Post 10165 members visited fellow member Joe Young at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Roseville on various separate dates and trips. Joe suffered a major heart attack a few days earlier and has yet to regain consciousness. Several of the Post Officers and members visited and brought comfort items to his family. Joe is off his breathing tube but is still in a coma. Outcome unknown at this time. 
 POST 10165  7/30/2024   Youth Development   Patriot's Pen   4   0   1   $0.00   $86.42   $86.42   Updated PP and VOD brochures with VFW Post info on mailing labels. Will pass out to local schools. 
 POST 10165  8/6/2024   Veterans Assistance      1   5   1   $300.00   $25.39   $325.39   Post SO Craig Lorenzi helped veteran Robert Moore with rent. 
 POST 10165  9/14/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   10   6   8   $1,000.00   $1,976.04   $2,976.04   Assisted with planning, set up, operations and take down of Stand Down Operations - 2 days  
 POST 10165  9/15/2024   Community Service   Stand Down Participation   10   6   8   $0.00   $1,976.04   $1,976.04   Assisted with planning, set up, operations and take down of Stand Down Operations - 2 days  
 POST 10165  10/17/2024   Veterans Assistance   Claims & Benefits assistance   1   5   1   $0.00   $25.39   $25.39   Post SO Craig Lorenzi helped veteran Robert Guterrierz with his benefits and enrolled in our Post 
 POST 10165  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   6   8   $0.00   $790.92   $790.92   Member was awarded EDC Veteran of the year, CDR, QM and Rifle Team were present. Veteran's Day Ceremony and Bugler. 
 POST 10165  11/11/2024   Community Service   Honor Guard   5   25   8   $0.00   $991.10   $991.10   Participated in the Honor Guard, Bugle and our member Veronica Salter received Veteran of the Year award for El dorado county  
 POST 10165  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   6   8   $0.00   $790.92   $790.92   Member was awarded EDC Veteran of the year, CDR, QM and Rifle Team were present. Veteran's Day Ceremony and Bugler. 
 POST 10165  12/3/2024   Community Service   Public Servant Recognition (LE/FF/EMT)   6   25   3   $1,957.77   $447.92   $2,405.69   Still serving dinner recognizing LE veterans in our community. 
 POST 10165  12/7/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   25   3   $0.00   $225.71   $225.71   Pearl Harbor memorial ceremony  
 POST 10165  12/8/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   25   6   $0.00   $892.34   $892.34   Held community veteran breakfast at the VFW hall. Homeless veterans breakfast paid for. $892.34 in groceries.  
 POST 10165  1/11/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   1   0   8   $500.00   $197.52   $697.52   Sponsored a table for 8 members at the Placerville Boys & Girls Club "Hero's Night" for $500.00  
 POST 10165  1/12/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   35   7   $100.00   $869.05   $969.05   7 members of VFW Post 10165 volunteered at 10165's monthly "Breakfast with the Vet's" and honored WWII Veteran and Post Member Salvatore Gigante for his 100th Birthday. Several Post Members were present along with the community. We served 127 meals.  
 POST 10165  1/14/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   6   1   $0.00   $50.22   $50.22   Worked at the Placerville Veteran's Hall Victory Garden with Placerville Garden Club members enhancing the landscaping at the Victory Garden  
 POST 10165  1/18/2025   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   5   25   7   $0.00   $867.65   $867.65   Post 10165 along with other Veteran's group participated in the annual clean-up day at the Placerville Veteran's Memorial Building. Scrubbed, cleaned and organized every area in the lower part of the building.  
 Post 10165 Total 75 220 83 $3,857.77 $11,203.03 $15,060.80
 POST 11294  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   8   15   7   $100.00   $1,384.74   $1,484.74   4th of July celebration with the American Legion, booth with veterans' assistance and membership opportunities.  
 POST 11294  8/31/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   6   10   4   $0.00   $593.96   $593.96   Heritage festival for the Foresthill community, we assisted with Chamber of Commerce’s  
 POST 11294  10/1/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   10   2   $0.00   $198.92   $198.92   National night out event with the American legion  
 POST 11294  10/21/2024   Veterans Assistance   Unmet Needs/Relief   4   4   3   $0.00   $296.84   $296.84   Helped local veteran with log splitting and preparation for winter. 
 POST 11294  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   6   15   5   $300.00   $742.80   $1,042.80   Veterans Day bbq for the community 
 Post 11294 Total 28 54 21 $400.00 $3,217.26 $3,617.26
 POST 12215  7/4/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   3   0   11   $0.00   $814.77   $814.77   Rancho Murieta Annual Fourth of July Parade 
 POST 12215  7/13/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   3   126   2   $0.00   $165.78   $165.78   Power Point presentation to Medical Staff at Travis AFB regarding our Service Dog Program - Rescue a Hero. 
 POST 12215  7/15/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   4   0   4   $0.00   $395.04   $395.04   Setup/takedown tables, chairs and equipment for Rancho Murieta Women's Club Blood Drive.  
 POST 12215  7/24/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   2   50   2   $0.00   $105.76   $105.76   Service Dog training at Blue Collar K-9 in Jackson, CA (Rescue a Hero Post Program) 
 POST 12215  11/11/2024   Community Service   Citizenship/Americanism   2   0   16   $0.00   $790.08   $790.08   Program for Veterans Day in conjunction with VFW Auxiliary at Rancho Murieta Association Offices. Recruitment, Presentation with Slides, and News Reporter coverage and story for weekly newspaper.. split 
 POST 12215  11/11/2024   Community Service   Membership Drive at a Community Event   2   0   1   $0.00   $49.38   $49.38   Program for Veterans Day in conjunction with VFW Auxiliary at Rancho Murieta Association Offices. Recruitment, Presentation with Slides, and News Reporter coverage and story for weekly newspaper.  split  
 POST 12215  12/4/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   54   1   $200.00   $106.32   $306.32   Service Dog Training  
 POST 12215  12/6/2024   Veterans Assistance   VFW Mental Wellness   4   38   2   $750.00   $202.84   $952.84   Presentation at Mather VA about Rescue dog training for Mental wellness for veterans.  
 District 17 Total 7,296 29,427 2,612 $88,621.90 $474,918.58 $563,540.48
 Department Total 33,337 207,575 25,170 $718,556.83 $3,205,245.08 $3,923,801.91